
一. 故事的梗概



书中的赫斯特伍德是一个悲情人物,放弃了家庭,放弃了体面的工作,放弃了名誉和地位以及家财万贯,他居然偷了保险柜的钱带着嘉莉逃走了。更可悲的是,他成了一个穷人却不肯承认。他并没有摆脱过去奢华生活留给他的体面的自尊,以至于放不下架子为生计而工作,在身无分文的时候,在向女人伸手要钱的时候,甚至在冰冷的雪地里乞讨的时候,还在用奢华的回忆填补一个男人的自尊。剥离了阶级地位,剥离了华丽的服饰,剥离了尊严,赤裸裸的求生欲望体现的悲凉真真切切,最终他用乞讨来的一毛五分钱结束了自己的生命 因为它真实的反应了当时社会底层民众的疾苦生活,赫斯特伍德只是美国大街上无数个乞讨者之一,那个时候无数饥饿的流浪汉在乞讨,在呻吟,在风雪交加的夜晚等待住宿,等待食物。 阿姆斯,这个人物没有多少故事,却很重要。他有更高的智慧,超越了杜德艾,超越了赫斯特伍德,更重要的是他超越了嘉莉并且没有被她的曼妙的脸蛋和迷人的身材迷住。嘉莉在那里达到了她智慧的顶端,她再也没能力攀到更高,故事也就这样结局了。她拥有了她梦想的一切,钱财、美丽的服饰、尊贵的地位、无数人的追捧和最奢华的房屋,她已经成了一个红人,然而直到了终点,她迷失了。


嘉莉满怀希望的打开命运的门,又满怀信心地穿过它去开另一扇门,她为了过上好的生活,不惜让自己的道德疾速地滑坡,她不断被包养,同时,也在不断地利用着包养她的人。可以说她是踩着两个男人的肩膀踏上了镶着金边的殿堂,事实上的确如此,只不过她不是故意的。首先她是一个喜欢漂亮衣服、爱慕虚荣的小女孩,她内心永不安分,致命的是她非常美丽,这两点使得男 人在贫穷和浮华之间为她搭起了阶梯,而她就在良心和梦想之间彷徨着爬了过去。她用青春作赌注,赌来的仍旧是满满的孤单。她爱过那个给予她物质享受的杜洛埃吗?怎么可能!她和杜洛埃同居只不过是因为他给她的钱超过了她辛苦赚来的周薪四块!可她就是恶毒的吗?当然不是,她本善良,只是善良经不住虚荣的诱惑,为了物质的丰盈,出卖良知,她也在所不惜,这是社会背景造成的,不如此,她的出路就涉茫得近乎于无。她爱过那个为了她身败名裂的前经理赫斯渥吗?绝对没有!她用色作了一笔肮脏的交易。本来,她渴慕幸福的婚姻,只是那个为了她携款私奔的赫斯渥并不是真心地爱她,在他们中间,爱是遥远的,飘涉的。杜洛埃走了,赫斯渥死了,嘉莉的心却依旧没有空,她还在追求,追求些什么,她自己甚至都不甚明了。





第二篇:Book review of sister carrie嘉莉妹妹读后感

Our Life Goal

---Book Review of Sister Carrie

“Sitting in the rocking chair, Carrie dreams her future”---this is the deep impression the novel Sister Carrie gives me, sending me into a mournful and thoughtful state.

Though Carrie, the heroine, was born in a working family of a flour mill, she yearns for the luxurious life in a big city. Ambitious as a girl like her, she goes to Chicago with a surge of being rich. Having difficulty in making a living and a strong desire to be wealthy, she, selling her virginity, cohabitates with salesman Drouet and later, to be richer, with hotel manager Hurstwood. Becoming a star on Broadway and living a so-called upper-class life, however, at the end, in the loneliness and desolation, she feels that life is empty and cannot find the true meaning of life.

Carrie is the embodiment of the typical Americans who are morally adrift in the brutal, unprincipled and materialistic world. Losing themselves in the world of benefit-first, market-directed economy, most Americans at that period run after fortune and fame all their lives, considering little about their moral ones. The current situation in China is the same. Students study for the sake of plump wallets, doctors work for the purpose of “red envelope” given by the helpless patients, and more similar to Carrie, young ladies, in order to live a sumptuous life, dream of marrying handsome and rich men or even become the other women of wealthy men.

Such a phenomenon reflects the prevalence of mammonism in our material society. Do their pursuits of fortune make sense? I don’t think so. Like Carrie, when these worldly people get what they want at last, most of them come to realize that their lives are empty. As far as I am concerned, what the author manages to tell us is the virtue of life. Chasing after high-quality and high-standard life is of no blame, but it should not be the ultimate goal of life. One ought to live a meaningful life, with a confidant or confidante, with a happy family and his or her responsibilities and obligation. Totally different from this spiritual-and-material life, the hotel manager

Hurstwood only lives in the corporeal world. Neither has he had a family nor taken up his job. What he simply owns are a house and a woman and what he has done is only showing off his fortune.

All in all, after ruminating on the book, I have a clearer mind of my life, of what one’s life should be, and I am determined to cling to my belief.
