









1. 听力部分




5.  A. hot.                                               B. cool.                                      C. rainy.


W: Hot today, isn’t it?

M: Yes, chicken leg is burning. I do prefer a cool day.

Q: How’s the weather today?

    本题的录音内容非常简洁,虽然“chicken leg is burning”会造成一定的干扰,W: Hot today, isn’t it?  M: Yes. 却已经提供了足够的信息,但仍然有37%的学生选择了B答案,显然有许多学生仍然局限于“听懂关键字”的水平。


10.  A. Jack.                                    B. Cathy.                                    C. Joe.


W: Hey, Jack, would you like to have dinner with me at Pizza Hut this evening?

M: I’d love to, Cathy. But I’ve made a plan with Joe for tonight.

Q: Who is going to have pizza this evening?



14. Liu Gang bought her girlfriend a ______ bike.

A. green                                              B. pink                                       C. black

15. Liu Gang is probably a ______.

A. driver                                             B. student                                   C. clerk

16. The best title of this passage is “A kind of ______”.

A. healthy lifestyles                              B. transportation tools                  C. wonderful trips


Bikes have come back into the minds of China’s people -- not as a transportation tool, but as a healthy, modern lifestyle. Liu Gang, a 28-year-old in Xiamen, bought two mountain bikes, including a pink one for his girlfriend. They took a 20 kilometers bike trip to Jimei last weekend. “It was really amazing to ride a bike on the country roads, and we think it’s cool, green and also, it’s good for our health,” he said, “And riding bikes helps us get the fresh air and makes us feel relaxing after sitting in an office five days a week.” Riding bikes is an easy form of exercise; it can protect the environment as well, would you like to join us?

听音部分得分较低的五个小题,其中一半出现在“较长对话或短文”的听音理解题上。以本题为例,虽然第15和16两个小题分别属于听音推断和归纳主旨大意题,但由于听音内容存在非常明显的提示信息,因此难度不大。“…makes us feel relaxing after sitting in an office five days a week.”说明第15小题的正确答案应该是C;“…not as a transportation tool, but as a healthy, modern lifestyle.”说明第16小题的正确答案应该是A。因此,今后我们还是得继续加强语篇的整体听音理解能力的训练。

2. 基础知识与运用



22. – I find it quite hard to understand the passage.

– Yes, ______ there are few new words in it.

   A. because                               B. so                         C. although

第22小题是“基础知识与运用”部分中得分最差的一个小题,考查的是在语境中连词的灵活运用。数据显示,有60%的学生错选了A答案,说明,许多学生对下文“…there are few new words in it.”的句意理解有误,特别是误解了few words所表达的意义。



26. – Oh, no! The door and the window ______!

– Who could have done this? Go in quickly and see if we’ve lost anything.

A. are broken                              B. have broken                          C. will break


例3. 完形填空

If you want to be healthy, chew slowly and carefully and   41   eating when you’re not feeling hungry. And do not eat too much.

41.  A. enjoy                                     B. keep                                      C. stop


3. 阅读理解



虽然第一篇文章命题的意图是定位于入门缓冲的阶段,预估难度不高,但相对于B、C、D三篇短文来说,作答情况反而比较差,原因可能有两个:1. 该篇幽默故事的“包袱”有点绕,理解上确实有点难度,但这是英语幽默故事的一个特点;2. 因为涉及到经济类的话题内容,对学生来说存在客观的难度。所以无论是教学还是命题,在阅读理解语篇的选材上还需要我们做更全面的考虑,即使是幽默故事这样看似最简单的类别。



It’s that stage during the middle of a social gathering where you decide to disappear without telling anyone. Not bothered with social niceties(社交礼节), like the long kiss goodbye, you simply stand up and leave. Considered rude by some and a clever escape by many, this move has been named “the Irish Goodbye”.

Why it is called the Irish goodbye remains a mystery. It is said that a woman coined the term(术语) after her second Irish boyfriend disappeared without a track(足迹).

People try to disappear without being seen in many ways.

Some choose to run into as few people as possible on their way out. A back door is often useful for a quick exit. Some will plan ahead and try not to bring any large jackets/coats/bags with them. Then they will use the excuse as part of their escape. Some are trying to look as casual as possible when they begin their escape. If someone stops them along the way, they will say they are just dashing to the restroom.

57. We learn from this passage that the move of ______ can be called “the Irish goodbye”.

   A. kissing goodbye before going away

   B. saying goodbye to an Irish friend

   C. leaving a party without saying goodbye

58. Many people consider the Irish Goodbye is a clever escape but some think it is ______.

   A. impolite                                B. thrilling                                      C. friendly

59. A back door is often chosen as a quick exit to escape because ______.

   A. the door is larger                     B. there are fewer people           C. it’s near the restroom

60. If we plan ahead to escape from a party, we’ll try not to bring our ______ with us.

   A. close friends                       B. large jackets                  C. secret letters

61. Sometimes people have to ______ when they try the Irish Goodbye.

   A. find some excuse                  B. dash into the restroom         C. wear warm clothes


4. 情景交际运用




A: Hey, Mark! Haven’t seen you for a long time.

B: Hi, Julie! It’s good to see you again. How’s it going?

A: Great. I just come back from a week’s 71.__________ in France.

B: Really? How was it?

A: Fantastic! I wouldn’t come back if I could.

B: But how could you 72.__________ to the people when you were in France?

A: Our tour guide translated every word for us. He can speak Chinese and 73.__________.

B: Did you see much of Paris?

A: Yes. I really 74.__________ the city. It’s quite beautiful and the people are very friendly.

B: What about the traffic in France? 

A: It’s 75.__________to take buses and subways to go everywhere at any time.

B: I don’t have much experience travelling to 76.__________ countries. I hope I can go abroad(出国) with you next time.



Jason is a nice boy. He came to our school this term. He is warm-hearted and always friendly to others. So he 81. ___________________________ his classmates now. Although he is not good at the schoolwork, he never 82.____________________________. With the help of teachers and classmates, he has made some progress this term.

He is an athletic person who is full of energy. Last month, he got two gold medals in 100-meter and 400-meter races in our school 83.______________________________. We were very proud of him and celebrated together.

    根据阅卷组老师的反馈,该大题学生主要的错误是无法根据上下文语境进行恰当的语义推断;另外许多学生不能正确书写get on well with和give up等短语,还有更多的问题是没有使用正确的动词单三形式。

5. 书面表达





(1)spend不会用,多写成spend to do等;patient这个词较多学生不懂词义,有的学生虽然懂,但与之相关的搭配不会用;

(2)有的老师教学生投机取巧的方法,把不会的单词用一句话连起来,例如:I also learn a word “patient”。





(4)句法不通,中式英语多。语法的错误主要是:动名词做主语;because的用法;although和but;not only,but also的用法;




1. 把握复习教学的第一主线:“话题+功能”;


2. 注意教学过程中语言文化背景知识及词汇句式的有效积累。


                                                                                  厦门教育科学研究院 英语科 杨鹏辉

