
I’m from China. 我来自中国。

I’m from Canada. 我来自加拿大。

Nice to meet you. 认识你很高兴。

This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。

He’s in Class Four. 他在四班。

She’s in Class Five. 她在五班。

Who’s the man over there? 那边的那个男的是谁?

Who’s the girl with Mr. Jones? 和琼斯老师在一块的那个女孩是谁?

He is a visiting student in Li Ming’s school. 他是李明学校的一个访问生。 Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们的学校。

Let me show you around. 让我带你参观一下。

We have lessons here. 我们在这里上课。

Our teachers plan their lessons here. 我们的老师在这里备课。

We play sports and have fun there. 我们在那里做运动和玩耍。

We get books there. 我们在那里借书。

We have our science classes there. 我们在那里上科学课。

Let’s play a guessing game. 让我们做一个猜谜游戏。

You go first. 你先来。

Can you guess? 你能猜出来吗?

You can write with it. 你可以用它写字。

Now it’s your turn. 现在轮到你了。

It’s on the wall. 它在墙上。

May I have a book? 可以给我一本书吗?

May I borrow two pencils? 我可以错两支铅笔吗?

I don’t have any crayons. 我没有蜡笔。

I can go and buy some at the store. 我可以去商店买一些。

I can get some for you. 我可以给你买一些。

See you later. 回头见。

I have some new friends this year. 我今年有一些新朋友。

What about your new school? 你的新学校怎么样呢?

I need to buy some things for my classes. 我上课需要买一些东西。 Here is my list. 这里是我的购物单。

Can I buy all of these things at the store? 我能买到清单上所有的这些东西吗? Can Danny buy all the things on his list? 丹尼能买到他清单上所有的东西吗? shopping list 购物清单

to-do list 要做的事情清单

gift list 礼物清单

word list 单词表

Can I get a new one? 我可以买件新的吗?

What colour do you want? 你想要什么颜色?

What can you wear with it? 你可以穿什么与它相配呢?

I can wear my favourite blouse with it. 我可以穿我最喜爱的衬衫与它相配。 You really like blue. 你真地喜欢蓝色。

My favourite colour is pink. 我最喜欢的颜色是粉色。

Do you want to paint with me? 你想跟我一块画画吗?

Here is some red paint. 这里有一些颜料。

How about blue? 蓝色怎么样?

Is yellow your favourite colour? 黄色是你最喜爱的颜色吗?

I can mix blue and yellow to make green. 我可以把蓝色和黄色混合成绿色。

How many colours do you see? 你看见了几种颜色?

I come out after the rain. 我在雨后出来。

Whose coat is this? 这是谁的大衣?

It’s too big for me. 对我来说它太大了。

Whose gloves are these? 这些是谁的手套?

Maybe they’re Lynn’s gloves. 也许它们是琳的手套。

Whose shorts are these? 这是谁的短裤?

Are they your shorts? 它是你的短裤吗?

They’re just right for me! 它们对我来说正好!

Danny is ready for school. 丹尼准备去上学。

He says goodbye to his mum. 他跟他的妈妈说再见。

It’s cold today. 今天天气很冷。

You can’t wear a T-shirt and shorts. 你不能穿T恤和短裤。

I look nice in this green T-shirt. 我穿这件绿色的T恤很漂亮。

You may catch a cold. 你可能会感冒。

Danny goes back and puts on a jacket. 丹尼回去穿上了一件夹克。

Your jacket doesn’t go well with your shorts. 你的夹克和你的短裤不相配。

I don’t like to wear pants. 我不喜欢穿裤子。

Don’t forget your umbrella. 不要忘记了你的雨伞。

It’s in my schoolbag. 它在我的书包里。

Li Ming writes a report about clothes around the world. 李明写了一篇关于世界各地服装的报告。

Their clothes are so colourful. 他们的服装是那样的丰富多彩。

In some places, men wear skirts. 在有些地方,男人穿裤子。

How do they look? 他们看起来怎么样?

This woman looks beautiful in her sari. 这位妇女穿着她的莎丽看起来很漂亮。

A sari is a traditional dress from India. 莎丽是来自印度的传统连衣裙。

Some people wear uniforms for work. 有些人穿工作制服。

These women look so pretty in black and white. 这些妇女穿着黑白色的衣服看起来是那么漂亮。

Many students wear school uniforms. 许多学生穿校服。

Their uniforms look nice. 他们的制服看起来很漂亮。

Our school uniforms are blue and white. 我们的校服是蓝白相间的颜色。

Do you have uniforms? 你们有校服吗?

What colours are they? 它们是什么颜色?

Let’s go shopping. 让我们去购物吧!

Let’s meet at the shopping centre at 1:00 p.m. this Saturday. 让我们这个星期六下午一点在购物中心见面。

You can come with your mum. 你可以和你的妈妈一起来。

I want to buy a pair of shoes and a pink blouse for school. 我想为上学买一双鞋和一件粉色的衬衣。

What do you want to buy? 你想买什么呢?

I can see with my eyes. 我可以用我的眼睛看。

I can smell with my nose. 我可以用我的鼻子闻。

I can talk with my mouth. 我可以用我的嘴说话。

I can walk with my legs. 我可以用我的腿走路。

We can be friends. 我们可以做朋友。

Can you do my homework for me? 你可以给我做作业吗?

I can make noodles for you. 我可以给你做面包。

I’m listening to an English song. 我正在听一首英文歌曲。

How can you feel a colour? 你怎样感受一种颜色?

That’s a good question. 那是一个好的问题。

We use many colours for our feelings. 我们有许多颜色来表达我们的情感。

Blue can mean “sad”. 蓝色可以表示悲伤。

Green can mean “sick”. 绿色可以表示不舒服。

Yellow can mean “scared”. 黄色可以表示恐惧。

Red can mean “angry”. 红色可以表示愤怒。

Don’t be scared. 不要害怕。

Don’t be angry. 不要生气。

I don’t feel well. 我感觉不舒服。

I am sick. 我生病了。

What does this word mean? 这个单词是什么意思?

What’s the meaning of this word? 这个单词是什么意思?

How tall is he? 他多高?

How tall is she? 她有多高?

How do you feel today? 你今天感觉怎么样?

What’s wrong? 怎么了?

Are you hurt? 你受伤了吗?

Are you tired? 你累吗?

I feel sad. 我感觉很难过。

I feel happy. 我感觉很快乐。

My mum wants me to eat just one donut a day. 我妈妈一天就想要我吃一个面包圈。 Don’t be sad. 不要难过。

How do you feel? 你感觉怎么样?

Are you OK? 你还好吗?

Let’s go and see a doctor. 让我们去看医生吧。

I feel sick. 我感觉不舒服。

I have a stomachache. 我肚子疼。

You’d better go and see a doctor. 你最好去看医生。

What’s the matter? 你出什么事了?

I have a headache. 我头疼。

I feel very cold. 我感觉非常冷。

Let me see. 让我看看。

You have a cold. 你感冒了。

Take this medicine. 吃这种药。

Stay home and have a good rest. 呆在家里好好休息。

He is good-looking. 他很帅气。

He looks cool! 他很酷!

She looks cute! 她看起来很可爱。

She is twelve years old. 她十二岁了。

She has short blond hair. 她留着短的金黄色的头发。

He has three black hairs. 他长着三根黑色的头发。

He looks funny. 他看起来很可笑。

I am almost twelve years old. 我快要十二岁了。

We all look different. 我们看起来都不一样。

Time for breakfast! 到吃早饭的时间了!

What’s for breakfast? 早饭吃什么?

What would you like? 你们吃什么呢?

Can I have a salad? 我可以吃色拉吗?

I didn’t make a salad. 我没有做色拉。

I would like some bread and a glass of juice for breakfast. 我早餐想要吃一些面包和一杯果汁。

I want to put sugar on my cereal. 我想把糖放在麦片粥的上面。

I just want a cup of tea. 我只想喝一杯茶。

I have to go to the supermarket. 我必须去超市。

Do you want to come with me? 你想跟我一块来吗?

It’s full of delicious food. 它里面满是好吃的食物。

What do you want to buy? 你想买什么?

Can you get it for me? 你能给我把它拿过来吗?

I can write it down. 我可以把它写下来。

Do we have everything on this list? 我们买了清单上所有的东西吗?

Li Ming takes Jack to the morning market. 李明带杰克去了早市。

Many people buy fruit and vegetables here. 许多人在这里买水果和蔬菜。

Potatoes are my favourite. 土豆是我的最爱。

They are not so big in Canada. 在加拿大它们没有那么大。

I like to eat cabbage in soup. 我喜欢把卷心菜做成汤吃。

We eat cabbage in salads. 我们把卷心菜做成色拉吃。

How about the pears? 梨怎么样?

The pears don’t look good. 这些梨看起来不好。

Let’s buy some apples. 让我们买一些苹果。

Are you ready to order? 你们准备好点餐了吗?

How much are the noodles? 面条多少钱?

Fourteen yuan for beef or chicken noodles. 牛肉或鸡肉面条十四元。

We also have dumplings and rice. 我们还有水饺和米饭。

Rice with fish or chicken is twelve yuan. 鱼肉或鸡肉饭12元。

How much for the dumplings? 水饺多少钱?

Would you like something to drink? 你们想要点喝的东西吗?

No problem. 没问题。

Here is some money. 这里有一些钱。

Can I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?

Juice and coke are in the fridges. 果汁和可乐在冰箱里。 What would your mum like? 你妈妈想要什么?

Your dad and I are away for three days. 你爸爸和我要离开三天。 Don’t watch too much TV. 不要看太多的电视。

You can order takeout. 你可以叫外卖。

Danny’s parents are away for a week. 丹尼的父母要离开一周。
