
1305 欧阳弟弟 131050172 #4

Report on the number of people visiting the company website in the last three months.


The aim of this report is to show the click rate of our company website and analyze the reason of it which will help us to propose a marketing strategy for the next month.


Over the last three months, the number of web visitor has been keeping the steady increasing. There are two reasons for the increase. First of all, we launched the newsletter for subscriber. By doing this can our company website get more exposed to them.

Secondly in May a competition was held. It was so popular that the number of visiting website hit a new record.

With regard to costs, banners have cost 3200 euros per month but very few people were drawn to the website.

On the other hand, the newsletter costs us nothing but we must pay attention to the time cost for making and delivering them.


In order to increase this number, it is recommended that in addition to keep carrying the measures above, we can send e-mails attached with the linking of our company website. What is more, since it is a win-win age, I suggest that the friendly linking be taken into our consideration.


第二篇:商务英语 Business News Report

New media has hold on kids

Digital devices are playing an increasing role in children's development after school, according to a survey released on Wednesday.


A boy plays with a tablet while waiting for his parents at a sales office in Guangzhou,

South China's Guangdong province. Provided to China Daily

In the survey, conducted in March and April, more than 5,000 students from 50 primary schools and youth centers in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, were asked about their new media habits.

"In an era of mass information, children are now living in an environment of diversified media. They have easy access to emerging media devices such as iPads and cell phones," said Zhang Haibo, of the Guangzhou working committee of China Young Pioneers, a youth organization for Chinese children ages 6 to 14.

According to the survey, up to 90% of children regularly use entertainment applications such as Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds on iPads and cell phones. 82% of respondents log onto the Internet daily, and 84% have used QQ, a popular Chinese instant messenger. More than half of respondents have used micro blogs on Sina Weibo and Tencent.

"I like to go online to learn because the things you find there have a fun way of teaching," said Lin Qiucheng, an 8-year-old student at Nanwu Primary School.

Li Juan, the mother of a 4-year-old daughter, said it is hard for parents to avoid using new media applications in front of children.

#Biz News Report Edited by Jim Wu

"We know it's not good for children to use digital gadgets. But they easily learn how to use them. That makes me sad because my daughter doesn't have many friends in such a lonely society," she said.

Liu Xuemei, a teacher at Nanwu Primary School, said that instead of barring children from digital media, parents should give children more guidance in using them safely.

"Parents and teachers should show children the right way to use the iPad. They shouldn't just be passive recipients," he said.

To better provide entertainment facilities for children, local authorities started setting up youth centers in residential communities, said Yang Jundong, director of the Guangzhou Children's Palace.

"The youth centers in residential communities enable children to better enjoy specially designed public education and entertainment," Yang said.

Some 30 new experimental centers will be built this year, according to Yang.

【My View】

Compared with traditional media such as newspapers and television, digital media can easily harm children because they cannot judge whether or not the things they encounter there are appropriate for them.

But it is not wise to bar children from digital media, because actually they are surrounded by digital products. Instead, parents should give them more guidance to help them form a habit of using new media appropriately.

#Biz News Report Edited by Jim Wu

Food safety dilemma

There are many TV programs on Chinese cuisines, but few are like A Bite of China. The latest seven-part high-definition documentary offers insights into the geographical, historical and cultural dimensions of what Chinese eat.



However, a series of food safety incidents has damaged the country’s reputation for fine cuisine. Experts say that an insufficiency of institutional food safety supervision is harming the public’s faith in food.


Figures from the Ministry of Agriculture show China consumes over 2 million tons of food every day from over 400,000 food manufacturers, and 3.23 million related businesses.


To tackle complicated problems concerning food safety, the State Council Food Safety Commission chaired by Vice-Premier Li Keqiang was set up in 2010.

为了解决复杂的食品安全问题,20xx年我国设立了国务院食品安全委员会,由#Biz News Report Edited by Jim Wu


However, under the current framework of food safety supervision, more than a dozen departments are involved with six bureaus and ministries directly responsible for stages from farm to table.


Luo Yunbo, dean of the food sciences college at China Agricultural University (CAU), says the more agencies involved, the less likely the problem will be solved efficiently. 中国农业大学食品科学院院长罗云波表示,参与监管的机构越多,就越难有效地解决问题。

“There is no clear cut division of responsibility for food safety,” said Luo. “That makes effective supervision a problem. It is very common for officials to pass the buck. Meanwhile, the problems don’t go away.”


Zhu Yi, associate professor at CAU, suggests a single government agency should tackle the problem: “It is a trend in food safety supervision to have a sole administration, such as in the UK and Canada, so that problems can be fixed swiftly.” 来自中国农业大学的朱毅副教授建议设立单独的政府监管机构,这才能解决问题。他表示:“在英国和加拿大等国家,在食品安全监管方面实行独立管理已成为一种趋势,这样一来相关问题便可以得到快速解决。”

According to Zhu, in Germany, every food inspector is required to carry out over 800 checks on food manufacturers. “But our inspectors often don’t have such a workload,” said Zhu.


【My View】

It is so embarrassed that while we are proud of our Chinese food culture, more and more food safety incidents occurs in our country. From this news, we can see that government did making its efforts to solve these complicated food safety problems.

But the point is, too many government agencies involved, which will affects the efficiency of solving problems. In my opinion, we should set clear cut division of responsibility for different agencies. Or, officials will pass the buck to each other and the problems still don’t go away.

#Biz News Report Edited by Jim Wu