
雅思口语卡片题中有一类被称为“地点与建筑”题,所谓地点是指像 “a city” “a country” “a place you’d like to go to”这样的题目,回答的时候更多的是从相对概括的角度去说这个地方的位置,历史,人文以及衣食住行等方面。而建筑题目像 “ a library” “a museum” “a concert hall”等则需要考生对建筑的外在结构和内在设施进行更多的描述。

相信大家在回答地点题时,问题都不大。但关于建筑题,很多同学很容易把描述过程变成 there be 句型的大集合。比如说“一个房间”, 有的同学醉心于用there be 描述房间里面的各种摆设,殊不知因为内容过于乏味,考官已经“神游四海”了。在这里,介绍大家一个好方法可以让这种比较“鸡肋”的话题马上充满趣味。“1+1”原则会帮助大家生产出更出色的表达。所谓的“1+1”原则是指,每描述建筑的某个特点,就在后面加上相关的背景故事(原因,带来的感觉等),让描述与叙述相结合,这样可以有效的避免答案的枯燥感。


A roomI’m glad to say something about my bedroom. It’s a medium-sized room with one large French window that overlooks the fountain in the communal garden. Standing beside the window and watching children playing around the fountain is a kind of fun in my everyday life. 通过“每天我都喜欢站在窗边,看着孩子们围着喷泉玩耍”这句话,很好的传达了一种形象感,这就是窗带来的生活感受。I had the room decorated when I moved in. I chose light blue paint to make it light and increase the feeling of space. What’s more, it’s also my favorite color that represents the ocean and the sky. Whenever I stay in the room, I feel quite relaxed and cozy. 既然说房间的颜色,就不要只说颜色,要把颜色后面的故事一并讲出来,如上面提到“淡蓝色是我最喜欢的颜色,它代表着天空和海洋,每次在这种颜色的房间休息,我都能感觉放松而且惬意“。这样的答案才能让考官产生共鸣。I like a feeling of space so there’s no unnecessary furniture—just a sofa, a small wardrobe, a bookshelf and a computer desk. I also have two wicker trunks that I use for storage purposes but they also provide extra seating when I have lots of visitors. And on the wall, there is an Indian scene with lots of people and an elephant, preparing for a long journey. I love it because it makes me think of traveling. It’s probably my favorite possession. Just because of this picture, I really made a journey to India last autumn. All what I experienced there was so exciting and unforgettable. 通过说墙上的一副装饰画,引出一个背景故事,内容真实而有趣。





1. 个人基本信息(身份,名字,年龄)

2. 外貌

3. 性格

4. 相关的故事或经历

例子:An old man

An old man I’d like to talk about is my next door neighbor who is at his 60s. I don’t know exactly about his real name, but because he likes smiling, we call him “Mr. Smile”. 本部分完成了基本信息的描述,让考官很清晰的了解这个人的背景,他才有兴趣继续听下去。

Mr. Smile is a man of medium build with short, silver hair and healthy complexion. What’s special about him is that he has a pair of pretty big ears which make him look very funny. 本段完成对描述能力的展示。尽量少用big, small 等稀松平常的词汇,那只会让考官怀疑你的词汇量和语言能力,真正好的描述是要找出人物外表的“特点”,以此达到“传神”的目的,这也是语言的较高境界。

As an easy-going and optimistic old man, Mr. Smile usually impresses others a lot by his hearty laughter. To some young people, his words are always motivating as well as convincing. 本部分是对性格的展现。另外,同学们习惯使用的 “kind” “nice” “happy”等词和一些单纯的并列句真的已经太“俗”了。请参考上文的用词和句式。

Mr. Smile used to study in Japan for 7 years. He came back to China when he was 26. Because of the living in Tokyo, he is really good at cooking Japanese food, especially sushi. I was invited to share his cooking before, and I was shocked by his sushi that was so fresh and delicate. I even doubt the authentic flavor can win some restaurant chefs’.


