

建筑师(architects)在西方社会的地位从历史上到今天一直是比较高的,属于”professionals”(这个词在地道英文里有时是特指像lawyers, doctors, accountants, architects这样高收入的专业人士)。有些architects甚至已经成了文化明星,地位已经跟摇滚巨星差不多了(They have even attained the status of cultural heroes or superstars with their own followers.)。

关于建筑,有两个单词大家经常弄混:即building和architecture。Building指的是一栋一栋的房子,而architecture一般 作不可数名词,很少用复数,除非指很多不同种类的建筑风格,它其实指的是一个城市或者地区建筑的总称,而不是某一个单独的复数。

关于城市,也有两个词经常被用混:即city和urban,其实urban不是“城市”,而是形容词“城市的”,如果要用urban表示城市,就一定要说the urban area。

Brainstorming Techniques

Buildings →Location                        Cities→ Location

                →History                                   → History

                →Users/Visitors                          → People

                →Exterior                                  → Food

                →Interior                                  → Cityscape

                →Atmosphere                            → Entertainment

                →Service                                   → Movies

                →My own feeling/Other               → Music

“rounding off” remarks               → Sports

                                                 → My own feeling/Other            

                                                     “rounding off” remarks



Our neighborhood has a community swimming pool. Lots of people go there during hot summer days. Some of them just go to the pool to cool off. Others go there to exercise, which is really nice because swimming is one of the best all-around exercise and it’s a great way to keep our bodies in shape.

But frankly, not all the people there can swim well. Yes, there are folks who can swim like fish but I would say most swimmers there are just beginners who can only splash water around and are totally afraid of going under water. Some of them even have a hard time doing the doggy-paddle.

On any hot day in summer, the pool buzzes with kids. And sometimes there’re instructors giving swimming lessons to them. Enjoying the sun and getting paid is a pretty good deal, huh?

And…I don’t have a girlfriend (for girls: boyfriend). So who knows? Maybe this pool’ll give me a chance.

Words Power

1. Neighborhood/ community 社区

Sophie is well-known in the local community.

2. Hang out 放松,休闲

3. Exercise/ work out 健身

Andrew works out in the gym two or three times a week.

4. Frankly 坦白地说

5. Absolute beginners 完全的初学者

6. Splash water around 溅起水花

7. Doggy-paddle 狗刨

8. Instructor 教练

9. Lifeguard 救生员

10. Swim trunks 男士游泳裤

11. Swimsuit/ bathing suit(Ame)/ bikini

12. Crowded 拥挤的

13. Warm-up exercises 热身运动

Warm-up exercise are important before a run so as not to strain any muscles.

14. Breast-stroke 蛙泳

15. Back-stroke 仰泳

16. Butterfly-stroke  蝶泳

17. Freestyle  自由泳

18. Swim lengths 来回游

19. Swim like a fish 游泳好,识水性

20. Swim like a brick 彻底不会游泳

The shallow end 浅水区

21. All-around 全面的

Eleanor’s an all-around sportswoman.

原文来自 必克英语http://bbs.spiiker.com/topic-12321.html
