


我演讲的题目是: 为 了 孩 子





倒在雪地上,我们爬起来接着走,总把希望和目标寄托在下一个网吧。在一家网吧的门前,一个孩子的背影让圆圆妈妈眼睛一亮: "圆圆!圆圆--"她一个箭步扑了过去,不小心一脚踏空,整个人从五六级台阶上滚了下来。圆圆的妈妈挣扎着坐了起来,仔细看了看孩子,却发现并不是圆圆,失望地摇了摇头,大滴大滴的眼泪从脸上滚落下来?.….

在除夕之夜此起彼伏的鞭炮声中,圆圆的妈妈再也控制不住了,一下子坐在雪地里,大声哭喊着: "我的孩子呀,你跑哪儿去了……"那一瞬间,我第一次感受到了什么叫无助。我只能默默地扶起她,又奔向下一家网吧,第十五家、第十六家……直到凌晨4点多钟,我才回到家。当妈妈把热腾腾的饺子端上来的时候,我已经在那里睡着了。



多少个不眠之夜啊, 《江城晚报》的记者深入到各个角落的黑心网吧,用偷拍机进行暗访,让他们的经营大白天下。有一次暗访,记者被网吧老板盯上了,黑心网吧的大铁门一关,他们也就被关在了里面。几个"小平头"在他们身边晃来晃去,监视着他们的一举一动。有的记者敲击键盘的手都不由自主抖了起来。可最终他们努力使自己平静下来,继续暗中寻找网吧违规的证据。还有一次,当记者暗访走出网吧时,从网吧里出来几个高大的人,紧紧地跟在他们身后,一跟就是好远,直到记者靠近夜巡警车,那些人才不得不离开……

恐吓电话也打到了记者的手机里: "我早盯上你了。你们再上我网吧来,我就打折你们的腿!"面对威胁,他们没有畏惧!因为在他们的背后,有报社的支持,有千千万万个圆圆的妈妈的期待。他们怎敢有半点的犹豫和彷徨,他们怎敢有一丝的胆怯和退让?短短两个月内,他们接连对70余家黑心网吧进行了曝光,将暗访进行到底! 面对无数沉迷网吧的圆圆,面对无数泪流满面的母亲,老一辈新闻工作者穆青的话语再一次回荡在我们的耳畔--勿忘人民!为了千百个孩子,为了千百个母亲,为了千百个家庭, 《江城晚报》的记者又与公安、文化等部门联手出击,开展了打击违规网吧的专项行动。他们提供了上百家网吧违规的线索和证据,合力查处了100多家网,巴。与此同时,100余家网吧纷纷打出了遵纪守法的绿色名片。越来越多的圆圆回来了,回到了学校,回到了课堂,回到了妈妈的怀抱。一时间,百

姓为之欢呼,人民为之叫好! '







Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: Information home page > recreational originality > draft of outstanding reporter speech is handpick draft of speech of 7 outstanding reporters is handpick 7 on October 30, 2012 14:31:00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: Time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, VI design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you. Needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost. Release offer a reward instantly >> reporter part will be about to come on November 8, as outstanding reporter the delegate undertakes making a speech, so fundamental situation, reporter part reporter performs lecture notes to must prepare to fall well certainly, colleagues of collective expression reporter are right the true love of news career. Recommend the following 7 reporters part is excellent reporter speech stalks of grain, consult for reporters. Each leader that draft of outstanding reporter speech respects reporter part, colleagues: Be honoured to be in this special day very much, in so special hour, I can gain so precious speech opportunity. Allow me to express the most enthusiastic congratulation to all reporter colleagues here please above all, because today is the festival of ourselves. Reach care and all circles friend that support our newspaper to express the truest gratitude to all leaders, reader, because your encouragement lashs,be the motivation of the travel before we are ceaseless. The reporter is a divine profession, the reporter is a glorious appellation. We are proud, because we are reporters. Our bear is worn historical mission, bearing the weight of the great trust of the times. Begin from recent paper, newspapering has strong social sense of responsibility and historical mission feeling. Be in early 1849, marx is in in the light of “ Xin Laiyin signs up for “ on trial court, point out truly with respect to Ceng Ming: “The press presses his for the mission, the defend that is a society person, it is the information that nowhere is absent, be the people spirit that maintains him freedom enthusiasticly 1000 breathe out 10 thousand answering mouthpiece. “ chose a reporter, mean you to must assume a society to expand the historical duty of observer, registrar and watcher. We are touched, because we are reporters. We promote social healthy atmosphere, we praise the heat difficulty of all circles of society of our attention of; of motherland the land of country, ordinary common people, we hold with when all is entered, we are in the times pulse; of development innovation attentively; of angle truth, justice we are in with the pen ceaselessly record, thinking. Terrestrial the real situation experiences in knowledge, social holiday is disclosed in condemn both in speech and writing evil. We are painstaking, because we are reporters. Endure the hardships of an arduous journey, rushing about all day is our life characteristic, work overtime, all night until dawn is us regular the job. When a sea of fire is approached, we want head on and be duped pluvial indulge in wilful persecution when, we should wrap around ahead no matter how wave; is hard, without giving thought to how dangerous, want to have the place of news only, we shrink back without reason. We are happy, because we are reporters. See so much person rushs about for the hope, advocate for justice, think for order, for love joyous song, we are happy to see;

is mixed everyday lots and lots of be familiar with or stranger communication, communication life, communication is happy, we are communication and happy; gives the weak in order to show loving care for, let faint person strong, go before the person that let pessimism, we are assist and happy; sunshine is brighter and brighter, the shadow is less and less, the society is more and more transparent, the system is more and more democratic, , we are happy to develop. Suffer from people’s suffering, of happy people happy, sober and active at sensible world, cultivated the cropland at common people feeling mu. We forever passion is like fire, go enjoying a profession to bring our joy in indefatigable effort. On November 8, this is bearing the weight of the festival of reporter profession glory and dream, regard a newspaper office as the reporter, I and my colleague is in proud with pride while, more the pressure that feels a shoulder to go up. We are determined not the great trust of government of county of disappoint county Party committee and people, the history since bear and times gift our duty. We will “ develop even if build smooth overall situation “ ideal root establish at the bosom, reflect at going. Establish the news consciousness that serves development of overall situation, attention, use idea on the manuscript, use energy in interview on, use true interest on innovation, reflect effort on newspaper. The heart that the pen that uses us goes to depicting the beautiful scenery; that builds smooth development to use us goes feeling the pulse that builds smooth advancement. We will more devoted to post, insist to direct correctly, transmit the sound of party and government, pay close attention to common people sufferings. We will love hillock to respect property more, with political sensitivity of height and news sense of responsibility, go collecting good draft, write good draft. We do sureness of ground of cautious and conscientious good own job, with party of actual travel tendercy and people, to leaders of all levels, give in a satisfactory exam paper to wide readership. The everybody that draft of speech of reporter part reporter respects is led, work in the same place, dear friends: Everybody good evening! I am the reporter Xx of Xx TV station, special today honor is in eleventh during reporter part is coming, on behalf of 10 beautiful outstanding reporter speaks here. Allow me to express a blessing to all reporter colleagues here please above all, mix to the care at the same time support us friend of all leaders of wide report career, all circles serves the most cordial gratitude, the encouragement because of you and lashing is the motivation that we advance ceaselessly. Everybody has his dream, because like water of erudite CCTV name mouth all beneficial, because like sagacious Bai Yan to loosen, like biting Italian reporter farad to surprise, , my aspire should become the journalist like them Spring 2009, I what just stride university school gate, the bosom is being put in those days dream, walked into Xx wide report. This choice, let far the parents in Changsha only then makings not as good as, they daydream the daughter that also did not think of oneself can be in the Xx take root of the Yao that leaves their a thousand li, stand fast persistently on the post that dare not believe oneself daughter can work hard in this all the time more. Clutch points to calculate, today is I come the 490th day of Xx, after-thought these more than 400 day and night, a girl, leave one’s native place without the friend, the language is illogical, resemble the float that feels without a home to return to completely, along with wind adrift. Fortunately, in the care of leader and colleague the help falls, I suit slowly, blend in a reporter this cavalcade, blend in this city. Be illogical because of the language from be interviewed for the first time, with the person that be interviewed the awkwardness of look at each other in speechless despair, the shame when the interlocution; that freelies neatly to now is rescripted by the requirement from first time manuscript arrives now the write for a magazine of handy... this all the way, bestrewed too much twist and chaste tree thorn, condensed too much miserable with sweat. I remember clearly this

year June 5 that late night, the Xx that I am doing that evening justice class is special program. Broadcasting the following day to drive, I work overtime before dawn at 2 o’clock. Be about to finish in the film when, abrupt, computer dead machine terrible is, the program was not saved, authority is clear, this is meant in front all jobs wasted... soon the following day the program will be affected, that one night I cry loudly to the making room that does not have one person for nothing -- people often says the reporter is meant with bustle and sweat photograph companion, but I think toughly from beginning to end reporter this profession is wonderful. When because you are in,understanding others, also be in inspect and abound oneself, a lot of moment, the object that you interview, it is the power that your act vigorously takes. This summer, be in and Director Chen, yang Ge takes educational special subject together piece when, miserable family encounters Xiaohuang Xin. Zhang Xianliang’s full of sap father Zhang Shenggang, the tuition that confronts a son is painful without the aphonia of assured source, zhang Man is a mother or be him future hard of kink miserable, these let me shake. I interviewed during this as a child funeral father, of domestic poverty outstanding student Zhang Shaoliang. He is taken an examination of with good achievement of 618 minutes this year attended Wuhan college. One day I get accidentally his short message, short message content is such: Xx, come to Wuhan a month, undergraduate work is very wonderful, these should thank you. A few short word, let me feel what never had had is contented. Actually I should thank them, it is they gave me infinite courage and power, it is they let me realize the responsibility that regards a reporter as bear and mission. Besides these, still have do not lower his head to Azrael dawn of leukaemia girl Li Yi, the Xx that returns group of promising weak force to run actively justice labour... what they let me experience life in the life that bustle is wonderful. Have good fortune very much, can become one of big family of Xx wide report, live in this big family, let my times feeling glory, wide report elder gave our new personality to make model, their persistence to TV, to newspapering meticulous, establish for us removed surveyor’s pole, can say to be in Xx every inches of land, every corner left the sweat of person of Xx wide report. Economic job session, wonderful and bright press, special subject of deep and strong series, blow Xx develops quickly build up date. Especially big in big calamity, where to have danger feeling, where to have the figure of reporter of our a gleam of, the character with their vivid picture with figure played Xx unity is strength, of rush to deal with an emergency of fight a flood most ictus. Establish provincial and wholesome town, our reporter moves back and forth in every streets and lanes, every basic unit, an another act vigorously that urge a person is entered achieve defend a story, a supervisory an official call to arms of another penetrated, their sweat with youth and fervent passion are pouring a green with this the most beautiful city. Today is reporter part, be bearing the weight of the festival of reporter profession glory and dream, regard a TV station as the reporter, I and my colleague is extremely proud with pride, the responsibility that also feels at the same time is major. In the following job, we will insist actively to direct correctly, transmit the sound of party and government, innovation thinking, the pen that uses us goes depicting the beautiful scenery that Xx develops, the heart that the each quarter; that develops change with Xx of our camera lens record uses us goes feeling the pulse with ongoing Xx. With travel tendercy party and people, to leaders of all levels, give in a satisfactory exam paper to xx10000 people. Thank! Each leader that draft of outstanding reporter speech respects reporter part, teacher, dear travels together, everybody is good! I am to come from calm on the west the reporter of daily, very glad today to can get together with the person of the same trades of whole town media. Be in a moment ago, listened attentively to a few person of the same trades’ splendid speech, in 5 years

when touch; with persistence what I pay for news career for everybody to be engaged in newspapering in me hard, I think all the time, how to become the outstanding journalist of a new era. In student times, the reporter is freedom, individual character, perky pronoun, be engaged in collecting in me arrange the job, become a journalist truly, after walking 5 years on the region that covers in news, I to the reporter this profession had personal experience, I just discover, this profession falls in her all and bright appearance, the realest intention, will generalize with a the commonnest term, namely “ responsibility “ . Then, I remembered a word, the reporter is “ social conscience “ . This word also is the title that I make a speech today. The reporter is a very special profession, it is the noble profession in people heart, keep watch below brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy morality and justice, be in ceaseless before the force that justice reveals in travel. The reporter is the person that social 瞭 looks, it is the participator of the times. The reporter is a very common profession, like other and all profession, the process that does a reporter is a process that be an upright person. But more important is, the reporter is social conscience. This is occupational requirement not only, it is a kind of great expectations that people expresses newspapering more. The happiness that presents this world with clean eye, pinch, struggle, dirty and dark. The reporter is responsibility, it is great trust, it is fair, it is justice, test of this one profession is worn our conscience, love and social sense of responsibility. I say even: The reporter is youth does not have regret, the reporter is to be very happy with it, the reporter is the life of agitate, the reporter is boiling warm blood, the reporter is the career that we always keep ceasing on the road! Our news elder, be like Mr Zou Tao act vigorously, Mr Fan Changjiang, their news work is not the sodorous character of lyric comment certainly, just its devoted to history of fact, record, establish this to put the professional drive that take and moral conscience, offerred text version of simple and actual be handed down from ancient times to us, read the means of their news, discover “ responsibility “ 2 words founding the lifetime at them. Because,be responsible, so they just have courage, ability not brutal, ability shows Wei because have,the esteem masses, service people, crackajack moral character that dare speak true and wisdom; also are “ responsibility “ , they just meet end lifetime tells us these posterity: “Our news serves for who! “ newspapering, it is the main component of party and national enterprise, newspapering is done well, support or oppose of relation popular feeling, relation career is promoted decline, of relation party be in office position. Arrive from traditional media newspaper, broadcast, TV burgeoning media Internet, mobile phone, transmission agency is ceaseless rich, development, change, but the reporter’s bounden duty did not change from beginning to end however. However, as in recent years the development of market economy, because a few journalists get a society the temptation of all sorts of interests and pressure, “Social conscience “ and “ sense of justice “ this bowstring stretchs tight so not closely on the thought. Some people are before money and material, do not have sense of justice almost but character, easily ill-natured truth, confuse right and wrong, sell the soul. These phenomena, have to say the distress that is journalism! Because be put in these undesirable ethoses and style in newspapering team,be, the social conscience that enhances a journalist and sense of justice more appear special particularly important, pressing. Current, our country reforms development to enter crucial period, our country faces outstanding range the grim challenge that complex variation brings domestic international economic situation, this is to us the party is in office the test of ability, also be right news battlefront can develop the service overall situation, test that defends stable and significant action. The current period that technical height develops travels in information, news propaganda work works in party and country the position in

overall situation and action are more and more outstanding, the force of the unified thought that news media assumes, agglomeration, task that strengthens spirit of confidence, hearten is heavier and heavier, taller and taller to integrated quality requirement of the journalist. The more such, the strategic sense that enhances news team construction is more outstanding, begin deep “ 3 study are taught “ mobile necessity and importance are more outstanding also. I ever had read an article, call my China disposition. The article says, china is Shi Shuli word of the Song Dynasty of appearance, Tang poetry, tall Zong Xiaozu. Nevertheless, china also is name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant of summerly Jie abundant, Zhao Gaoqin Chinese juniper. Chinese disposition is tenacious, chinese culture, be those who be full of dignity is tenacious, although had been arrived to resist feebly by malfeasant damage,be outside disgrace, still hold his head high gamely however the butcher’s knife that faces aggressor to be stained with blood, the belief that surely win is full of in the heart. The article says, just think has Li Chengdong, Qin Gui only, and the China that does not have Wen Tianxiang and Shikefa, in that way China, exist possibly still, be still necessary to exist. Be here today bring up again this article, because I think of,be, what is a reporter, it is a journalist’s due spirit and character. It is in big earthquake of plain of short of Wenshui River, we have too much journalist to disregard an individual to comfort, on the remains that comes over strongly in aftershock, stand fast working station, report nitty-gritty to the outside for a short while, let us always understand the safety changes in temperature of people of plain of short of Wenshui River. They use the pen in the hand and camera, promote face disaster one act act the true of be deeply moved. However, shanxi mine also has the reporter of true and false that queues up to get heal to expend hard to be full of the team in the reporter in. I am thinking, if one gets say sth definitive so as to prevent further discussion only cost, take black sales commission, and did not abandon individual safety, communicate the nitty-gritty, reporter team that mirrors people sufferings, exist possibly still, be still necessary to exist. Come 5 when be engaged in a reporter years, I remember a such words from beginning to end, “The wording and purpose of what one writes has the rights and wrongs, the wording and purpose of what one writes has praise or blame faithful evil, the wording and purpose of what one writes has belongings myriad, life of somebody of the wording and purpose of what one writes closes a day “ . On the reporter’s post, we need to have a strong social sense of responsibility. In my the wording and purpose of what one writes, had reported in culture a movement in martial arts is like tree of clip of a day of free 10 years, clean sanitation, the; of old person of Wei Zhi industry that cultivates green with life closes elementary school persistence to dedicate on the west at deaf-mute blind child young preceptress Mr. Yang Min that teachs a career especially, witnessed county of Min of first phase project of the project that bring Tao first outside the aspirations with emigrant change, right the black brickkiln that in interviewing, encounters has written down such contaminative industry when to close the manuscript that stop, as calm on the west a reporter of daily, can with 3 million decide the reporter that people pulse beats together on the west, I had favour to witness the brilliant success that place develops to obtain flourishingly in recent years on the west surely, also favour makes bridge, make tie, the masses beat that goes up for this square hot earth and breathe out... I used note collection to leave this old and young town each bits of change of occurrent move, experiencing attentively “ harmony is decided on the west “ each when place achieve goes out moving movement. Had not held a rising sun in the palm when dawn, our hasty footstep, had rushed about the region that covering is duped starlight of all over the sky of night sky shakedown, our tired form, the duty field that still moves back and forth in jackknife of editor machine, monitor a strong pen, it is the

gun of one lever justice, lash filthy, also the true emblazon a group of camera lens, condense terrestrial every phenomenon, pay close attention to heat, also heart department common people is in good health we abound all previous practice to write in recording changes with respect to your beautiful writing we are in bosom of heavy model ego is magnanimous in witnessing development be in charge of big public opinion of world of screen of stand firm footing having for people to Dang Zhongcheng direct because,very little earth does not let mission, because,we go up in the road forever duty, we must be in when I write down the spot clearly so that took an examination of 2004 to take a newspaper office, my father writes down 4 words that People’s Daily chief editor Mr Fan Jingyi has said on the notebook that sends me, send each person of the same trades that be present to encourage today, raise the ability; that holds overall situation to maintain; of exuberant unabated passion to train the state of mind of fame and gain of not seek fame and wealth: Exercise the style of writing of handy. My speech was over, thank everybody. Speech of reporter part reporter stalks of grain November 8 is our country eleventh this year reporter part. Take the opportunity, we hope again journalist people can use the social responsibility that should take on, casting with respect to oneself good profession figure. Plan of benefit of general of American well-known journalist has said: “If a country is a boat that sails on the sea, the keep a lookout that journalist is bow person, he should observe everything on the offing of stretch to the horizon, examine maritime accident wind and cloud and decharge key, issue warning in time. “ Mu Qing of our country well-known journalist also mentions a reporter to want to assume case “ iron shoulder carries morality and justice, clever pen writes an article “ wait for social responsibility. Journalist is the drive person of social democracy, civilization, progress. The reporter is the profession that is full of glory and responsibility, also be the profession that is full of challenge and hardships. Be in piece see the press backside that is like common, having a journalist respect course of study, consecratory, conscience and affectionate; to be in a group of groups are video and harmonic inside sound, the hardships that soaking a reporter, sweat, danger and sacrifice. Be in current China, we scrupulously abide by professional morality in journalist of affirmative great majority while, also should see the social responsibility that the reporter forgot him to should be assumed, him alone the follow sb’s lead of all sorts of desires. Say normally, as “ the watcher of social justice and conscience “ , the reporter must scrupulously abide by his “ reportorial fact, disclose the fact “ professional requirement, but current and true “ resist poor, defend so that live doleful “ journalist is decreasing! A few media and its news practitioner are all sorts of purposes, buy profession personal integrity at disregarding, with “ the king that does not have crown “ pose as, do greatly “ paid do not hear “ and “ media tries “ , appeared reporter again and again “ offside “ the dispute such as intervening economy, appeared n/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine “ paper defect steamed stuffed bun “ , gold of make things difficult for others replaces person disappear calamity, “ reporter “ queue up to get to accident colliery “ heal is expended “ wait for folly! Reporter profession figure because this is big caustic! Current, good luck period and contradictory protruding appear the strategy that our country is in economy and social progress period, multiform interest conflicts, all sorts of ethos agitate, the society does not stabilize an element to increase, the reporter is done “ paid do not hear “ and “ media tries “ , the right of know the inside story that violated a citizen badly to be enjoyed lawfully respectively independent jurisdiction that enjoys lawfully with the court, cause the social contradiction become acute of certain level. Sincere like well-known journalist Guo Chao person place says, reporter “ the wording and purpose of what one writes has belongings myriad, life of somebody of the

wording and purpose of what one writes closes a day, the wording and purpose of what one writes has dispute Qu Zhi, the wording and purpose of what one writes has praise or blame faithful evil “ . Have the meaningless sacrifice that causes people life and its belongings possibly carelessly a bit. Accordingly when reporter write for a magazine, shen Zhi wants when compose monitors kind of report especially careful! Accomplish as far as possible “ passion views the world, reason keeps news “ . Can go up in the world media peak that undertakes before long before Xinhua News Agency, national chairman Hu Jintao points out, media wants cogent assume social responsibility, stimulative news news travels truely, well and truly, in the round, objectively. “Today’s news, the history that will be tomorrow “ ! Should cogent take on the social responsibility that has medium, the journalist such as our journalist is about to learn what when carrying out Hu Jintao’s secretary-general to survey People’s Daily company, publish seriously “ 6.2 “ speech, respect news discipline and oneself law, raise; of ability of public opinion guiding to hold to “ learn frequently, hold concurrently listen, bend forward row “ principle, firm establish overall situation consciousness, responsibility consciousness and position consciousness to wait, “Do not go up only, not only book, only solid “ . Be in current “ on the west strong I am weak “ in pattern of international public opinion, the position that our journalist should assume a propagandist party self-consciously more, promote condition of company of social healthy atmosphere, understand popular wishes, guide mood of public of social heat, dredge, do well public opinion is supervised, international of farther promotion media transmits ability to wait for social responsibility, with responsibility casting with respect to figure. In eleventh during reporter part comes, we review the good convention of the newspapering of the party, expect farther aggrandizement profession superintends unit of various news management, news media strengthens an industry to control oneself further, we every journalist scrupulouslies abide by professional morality, with oneself real operation polishs “ journalist “ appellation. We are expecting concerned branch can be proper to the journalist at the same time interview rights and interests to give safeguard stoutly. Each leader that draft of outstanding reporter speech respects reporter part, work in the same placing: Everybody is good! Be honoured to be in very much reporter part in this special day, in so special hour, I can be represented new the comrades that add battle line of group company news make a speech here. Allow me to express the most enthusiastic congratulation to all journalists here please above all, because today is the reporter holiday holiday of ourselves. Express the truest gratitude to all leaders, because your encouragement lashs,be the motivation of the travel before we are ceaseless. Newspapering is a divine and glorious cause, it is the career that be worth our persistence lifetime and pursues, it is to let our Yong Baoqing spring the career of vigor. We are proud, because we are journalists. Our bear is worn historical mission, bearing the weight of the great trust of the times. We are the mouthpiece of group company, always recounting the development direction of group company to 30 much workers, recording the brilliant course of group company. So, we not only it is a journalist, it is the observer that group company grows, registrar and watcher more. We are happy, because we are journalists. Our nib flows drip a paragraph when go out paragraph of touching story, our camera lens leaves the picture of a piece of Zhang Xiyue of the record, be in pouring out group company to cross the favour ** that exhibits worker life to bring even more to us health. We are painstaking, because we are journalists. Endure the hardships of an arduous journey, rushing about all day is our life characteristic, work overtime, all night until dawn is us regular the job. When rainbow twinkles, when the pace; that we are recording group company to develop below candle power should add

up to a reunion, the local; that we are accompanying loneliness to move toward news happening but no matter how hard, without giving thought to how dangerous, want to have the place of news only, we won’t shrink back. We are happy, because we are journalists. More or less hope artificially and rush about, advocate for justice, think for order, for love. . . Speech of reporter part reporter stalks of grain “ reporter conscience and media responsibility “ this year on November 8, it is part of the 12nd reporter of new China. To reporter and news media, this is an extraordinary time. Ferial in, people pays close attention to news, this day of news pays close attention to a reporter. Besides flower and applause, deserve attention most should be: How does news drive progress one this year -- this is the whole society expectation to news career, also be the place of reporter conscience and media responsibility. Be in our country, reporter and news media are called the information mouthpiece of party and people by figure ground all the time, it is the bridge of party and people of governmental communication connection and ligament. New period, the social consequence of news media more in ceaseless promotion, party and government, people is having to news media and reporter newer, taller expect and ask. Expecting this one “ information “ clearer -- act fact says, honestly reportorial fact; expects this one “ mouthpiece “ phonate more accurate -- can truly thorough masses, listen attentively to people’s heartbeat, defend conscience, guardianship justice. Accordingly, we should say, in this extraordinary time, reporter and news media want to celebrate joyously, more want self-communion: Because,do not want go too far, and forget why to set out at the outset. Accordingly, in such day, review and reiterate tradition of a few news and professional personal integrity not only very necessary, and can invite a reporter “ go up in the road “ pace is more steady. (One) true the life that is news. This is the common sense of journalism, be news media more “ bottom line “ . So somebody plaints: “A true sentence can be heavier than the heft of whole world. “ but nowadays, when we browse news everyday, the news of a few pass away the sham as the genuine always calls a person “ thorn is born in the eye “ : A few reporter of a few media covers style of work not solid, scene of not thorough news collects first-hand data; for so called “ grab effectiveness for a given period of time “ , and interview with the phone, mail is interviewed finish sth, also do not undertake; of card of fact of scientific and rigorous centrosphere, each other to earning fact to attract eyeball is mixed do sth unconventional or unorthodox, even gossip ground incorrectly relay an erroneous information, “ reasonable imagination “ ... their little imagine, only real talent touchs popular feeling chord, left true, news lost its existence value. (2) we console constantly others “ sunshine wants in the heart some “ ability harvests happiness quite. As reporter and news media ever can review oneself: How many sun is there on our body? How many healthy atmosphere and sunshine do we bring a society everyday? Pulitzer says: The journalist is the person that the 瞭 of this large ship looks at the society, it should keep watch at any time affection of danger of environment, clew. Without doubt, this is the reporter’s duty, also be the basis seat that news media develops news public opinion to supervise. But, what what want vigilance is, because touch constantly,reporter and news media do not want of the society “ dark corner “ big sunshine that forgets him back. In recent years, media of a few news gets economic interest drive, disregard “ social benefit the first “ principle, suffer in order to serve numerous for the name, traffic bloody force and vulgar taste to the reader. Open the space of a whole page of individual newspaper, see everywhere all commits murder incendiary, steal chicken to feel dog, propagate sex and violence... vulgar taste is full of in a few TV programs, exhaust “ 3 common “ what one is particularly good at... what need points out is, news is to suffer numerous a window that leads to the world. The

today’s people perception to objective world and understanding, come from place of all sorts of contemporary transmission method to build the world of compose greatly. The objective world that news media place presents and social incident how, deciding people directly how cognitive world and the meaning that how unscramble incident. And the journalist that becomes us and news media will be actual in of 1% “ dark corner “ with the layout of 90% , period of time to suffer numerous appear when, do we bring suffer numerous will be what kind of “ window world “ ? Dark just can show below sunshine its are dark only, left sunshine, can be immersed in pitch-dark, make a person confused, let social masses lose direction-sense. News ethics asks the report must reflect objective reality in the round, and a few reporter and ground of news media have one’s view of the important overshadowed by the trivial exposed social the seamy side to be immersed in apparently one-sided and true “ set pattern “ . (3) safeguard fairness, defend justice is the social expectation to reporter and news media. However, if want to accomplish this, premise holds to neutral position namely. This is about to beg reporter and news media cannot thematic go ahead of the rest, cannot subjective assume, more cannot “ production news “ ... nowadays, one when often hear gets numerous opinion is: “Media is acclaimed “ . What is hype? I think, hype is media gets drive of some kind of interest, abandoned neutral position, begin interpose and the development that control news event, thereby “ production news “ . No matter be Luo Yufeng, still be miscarriage month, its have a few to be in without fine media rear add fuel to the fire. Hold to indifferent, this also is reminding: You are a reporter, you are in charge of reporting a fact only, reveal the truth, law tries the duty that is a judge, reporter and news media absolutely cannot exceed one’s duties and meddle in others’ affairs. “Media tries “ the legitimate rights and interests that damages party not only, influence judicatory independence, and construction of law of socialism of concept of law of can profanatory socialism, block up. Respect judicatory only, ability safeguards the earnest sex that public opinion supervises. (4) finally, reporter and news media must abide by law, cannot exceed law, no matter be,interview authority and reportorial authority to must wander at legal standard in. Those who be worth vigilance is, in recent years, media encroachs citizen privacy right and the case that reputation counterpoises to often appear. We should be clear: When a citizen inobservant traffic regulation enters red light when, he is to be in violate compasses; and if a reporter does not do any privacy to handle the ground to let this traffic violate to its compasses person go up in public media “ publicly expose “ when, this is one kind breaks the law more, its are affected badly exceed a citizen to violate traffic regulation even. We say, guo Degang embezzlement is communal greenbelt is admittedly wrong, but “ dog young team “ encroach one kind is break into ground interviews why pair of burgher houses? ... recursive reporter conscience, brave carries media responsibility, this is reporter part nots allow evasive pressing reality. Speech of reporter part reporter stalks of grain “ reporter, what be “ what is the reporter? Someone says, the reporter is a decent job, it is kind of right, it is the king that does not have crown, it is one side mirror of the society, etc. What is the reporter? Become a journalist 12 years, I am seeking an exact solution hard all the time. What is the reporter? I think, the reporter means care. My at hand is just publish “ news person “ , there is piece of special picture on cover, the little girl that I what shock, brows locks up the hair closely am adopting an insensible move bears down on news of 110 cover a car. Little girl calls Liu Fang, come from Chongqing, ability is 11 years old, fall from housetop carelessly, cause skull inside tremendous haematoma, can claim her puerile life at any time. This year on August 4, liu Mingwen is holding the daughter of insensible move in the arms to drive auroral hospital to cure from Pu courtyard, but the hospital

wants fee of 10 thousand yuan of operations. The person that this Chongqing works was crying to adopt the daughter, there are 300 moneys only in his pocket. But when the spot should arriving after I hear the news, father daughter two already went by the bus, if do not pursue the girl, mean those who be like the life like the flower to die of old age. News 110 when interviewing Che Fei to sail Hongge is pressed down, just father daughter two recover. All the way, I and courtyard of city traditional Chinese medical science are contacted, the hospital opens green channel, had an operation successfully. Standing grain city, tarry a young life, after the article appears in the newspaper that day afternoon 3 when much, shou Jiangang of vice secretary of municipal Party committee held a person in the palm to deliver 1000 yuan of individual contribute money, this is the brushstroke contribute money that Liu Fang gets. I am being touched by thick love, know Liu Fang can be saved. Very fast, all operation expenses prepare neat. Acknowledgment press photographer is in I am casual a calm case this picture, I am fathomming this piece of photograph constantly, mind can upsurge a kind of ineffable sensation. The society that for me simple act can get is responded to, for us this city gives a Chongqing the girl’s love, spit life bud afresh for blasted flower. What is the reporter? I think, the reporter implies a kind of responsibility. Knife of this have one’s head shaved in my hand, before 3 years within an inch of ended the life of a girl. A day of November 2002, this Guangxi girl that experiences emotional setback makes a telephone call, say I want to commit suicide, the razor blade that cuts wrist is ready. I all the time channel arrives late night, finally, this girl gave me bit, laughing to say, I want bravely subsist. Went 3 years, this hides knife of have one’s head shaved in the drawer of my office all the time, it reminds me constantly, I am a reporter, I to social there is no shirking the responsibility. What is the reporter? The reporter is meant pay. Belt of a mobile phone is on the edge, 24 hours debut, answer paroxysmal news at any time, no matter still be in the unit in the home, no matter if note,be a world of ice and snow or rainstorm, no matter be days still warms in midnight,warm by the nest in, this is all news the working status of 110 reporters. For this fine the famous brand column of the newspaper office that begin day, we are worn in effort all the time. 3 wives that fall already were used to a meal cold be heated up again and do not see me come home, accompany her to shop to be able to make her happy on several days even. My baby is very little still, in July 2002, I take over news when 110 jobs, she is only in mom abdomen be pregnant with 5 months. I remember darling be born when 56 months, begin to show to news the ring music of 110 mobile phones is particularly sensitive, no matter be in,be to cry be troubled by, want news only 110 mobile phones ring, on bub horse static come down, serious ground is listening, wag one’s head, a pair of appearance that be intoxicated. I do not get my to solve, still be wife hit the mark with a single comment, darling is in abdomen when listen to be used to this kind of music, night at least ten, ring of this mobile phone became the prenatal education with first baby. What is the reporter? We are seeking the solution hard all the time, but do not give the answer that gives to be cut truly really. Because, the road of our reporter still is in outspread, the reporter’s connotation still is in rich, still remain we continue hard. “I come undisguisedly to this world / one step by step, one step by step / falter / with the distance between graveyard it is life. “ this is a paragraph of line that my student times writes. I think, life of a certain number of the turn one’s head after year are itinerary, I saw a lot of landscapes, I did a few good things, my feel no regret the appellation at the reporter, so, I am contented, I am happy, I do not have regret.
