











































析《傲慢与偏见》中达西的性格及人物形象 透过《傲慢与偏见》看现代社会爱情观 广告折射出的中西文化差异及广告翻译策略 对“细密画”的背叛亦或拯救?——从《我的名字叫红》看文明冲突下的阵痛 从合作原则的角度分析广告语的修辞特点 中美家庭教育文化对比及其根源分析 从服饰的变化看待中美文化的差异 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38 分析奥利弗退斯特悲剧生活的原因 The Reasons Why Robert Cohn is Despised by All in The Sun Also Rises 分析《呼啸山庄》的哥特式特征 《看不见的人》的象征意义 从“看上去很美”和“Little Miss Sunshine”两部影片浅析中美儿童教育观念的差异 大学英语与高中英语教学的过渡与衔接 从功能对等理论角度浅析有关“狗”的汉语四字格成语的英译及方法 论电影《芝加哥》中的格雷马斯叙事模式 论中美礼貌用语差异 如何设计中学英语课堂中的提问 《虹》的生态女性主义解读 从婚礼仪式浅谈中西方文化的冲突和交融 中国人和美国人特征的比较 The Application of Task-based Approach to Improving Speaking Ability in Middle School 英文电影片名汉译研究 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 浅析《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》的写作风格 从归化和异化的角度看张谷若《德伯家的苔丝》的翻译 The Application of Cooperative Learning in High School English Teaching 高中英语写作前口语活动设计与实施建议 《最蓝的眼睛》中美国黑人小女孩所承受的三重歧视 The Narrative Strategies of O. Henry’s Short Stories 唯美主义与心理失衡的关系——以《道连葛雷的画像》中人物分析为例 “冰山理论”在海明威小说创作中的运用研究 肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用分析 外语学习中的个体差异 从萧伯纳《卖花女》中的伊莉莎分析女性主义 《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻观对当代中国的现实意义 商务英语交流中委婉语的语用功能研究 谈商务英语中的缩略语现象 目的论视角下的《边城》的英译研究 《厄舍古屋之倒塌》的主题及其象征意义的分析 从苔丝的悲剧到托马斯?哈代的宿命论 从心理学角度看哈克贝利.费恩的性格

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 与苦难嬉戏——透析《查尔斯兰姆散文集》 图式理论在高中英语阅读中的运用 《双城记》中的象征手法分析 从模因论角度研究中文新闻标题中的流行语 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述 中英称谓语的文化差异及其翻译 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 从《简爱》看夏洛蒂?勃朗特的女性意识 《了不起的盖茨比》中两个女主人公的道德沦丧的探析 论爱伦?坡小说《莫格街谋杀案》中悬疑的设置 英语语言中的性别歧视 浅析中西方文化差异对广告翻译的影响 追寻荆棘的女人——浅析《荆棘鸟》中梅吉的形象 任务型教学法在初中英语口语教学中的应用研究 《吉姆老爷》中吉姆的性格分析 谈呼啸山庄的复仇主题 由《呼啸山庄》的爱与恨讨论艾米丽?勃朗特的写作心理 论《简?爱》中伯莎?梅森的疯癫 《紫色》所体现的“黑人性” Functional Equivalence in Chapter Title Translation of A Dream of Red Mansions 名词化隐喻在外贸函电中的功能分析 《还乡》中游苔莎的悲剧命运分析 由《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利写作特色 任务型教学在高中英语写作教学中的应用 从寂寞到超然—索尔?贝娄的《赫索格》中书信体的内心独白 论英文电影片名翻译方法的应用 英汉颜色词隐喻的认知比较与研究 英语广告的语言特点 论《呼啸山庄》中的意象 《永别了,武器》的存在主义解读 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 失败的逃亡—从《麦田守望者》中主人公的逃亡看个人意识对社会的超越 梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车广告语言特点分析 英雄精神的回归—浅析《雨王汉德森》的主题 主位推进模式在语篇翻译中的应用 图式理论在英语阅读教学中的应用研究 A Brief Study of the Causes of Emily’s Tragedy in A Rose for Emily 论乔治?艾略特《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中的婚姻观及其原因 狄金森、席慕蓉爱情诗中隐喻现象对比研究 浅析《理智与情感》中简奥斯汀的婚姻观 论《西游记》中文化因素的翻译策略——以詹纳尔和余国藩的英译本为例 《一件小事》三种英译本对比研究 尤金·奥尼尔戏剧中的父亲形象

87 商标翻译的本土化研究

88 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

89 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

90 论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质

91 从《印度之行》看东西方文化冲突

92 Feminist Thoughts of Theodore Dreiser——A Case Study of Sister Carrie

93 The Comparison of Table Manners between China and Western Countries

94 简?奥斯汀《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中女性角色的地位分析

95 Sino-American Business Negotiations:An Intercultural Communication Perspective 96 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan

97 Vocabulary Teaching Based on Pragmatic Approach

98 Contrariety of William Blake--Image Analysis of Songs of Innocence and of Experience 99 Advertising Language: A Mirror of American Value

100 《红字》中海斯特性格分析

101 论法律英语的语言特征及其翻译

102 汉语亲属称谓语的文化内涵及翻译方法

103 从警察与赞美诗中分析欧亨利的写作风格

104 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

105 论初中英语教学中的情景创设

106 Listening in Interpretation

107 解析《拉帕西尼之女》中贝雅特丽丝

108 On the Racial Discrimination in America in Beloved

109 《麦田里的守望者》中主人公的性格分析

110 新课标指导下的中学英语语法教学

111 《远离尘嚣》中女主角的情感变迁研究

112 对美国总统就职演说的修辞分析

113 消极浪漫主义和积极浪漫主义——华兹华斯和雪莱的比较研究

114 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

115 谈电影片名汉译的不忠

116 文化意识与语言教学

117 A Research on the Translation of the Chinese Dish Names

118 从美国妇女社会地位的提升看英语歧视性词汇的变化

119 浅析广告英语中修辞的魅力

120 浅析约翰?多斯?帕索斯“《美国》三部曲”的叙事艺术—以《北纬四十二度》为例 121 论奥康纳短篇小说的创作特色

122 《了不起的盖茨比》中象征主义的研究

123 从功能翻译理论视角看《破产姐妹》的字幕翻译

124 浅析中学生英语学习中的情感因数

125 任务型英语教学的理论与实践探讨

126 从翻译审美分析食品品牌名称翻译的原则及策略

127 汉英禁忌语的对比研究

128 浅析英语广播新闻的语言特色

129 论叶芝诗歌中的女性面具

130 A Brief Study of Chinglish in C-E Translation

131 跨文化意识在初中英语教材中的渗透

132 论英语演讲开场的决定性因素和相关策略

133 译者主体性观照下的中文菜名英译

134 A Study on the Factors Motivating Students’ Speaking in English Class of Junior Middle School

135 The Transcultural Differences in the Translation of Commercial Advertisements

136 中西方文化差异对代沟的不同影响研究

137 试析美国个人隐私文化的现象及根源

138 Effects of Globalization on Translation–An Analysis of Domestication and Foreignization 139 《白鲸》的生态解读

140 从《狼改变美国》看人的狼性生存法则

141 论凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德的《园会集》中的细节描写

142 论流行网络词汇的汉英翻译

143 和谐与冲突:弗罗斯特和陶渊明田园诗的比较研究

144 论索尔?北娄《赫索格》中现代人的焦虑

145 中学生学习英语的焦虑感及对策

146 《那个读伏尔泰的人》英译汉中定语从句的翻译策略

147 论《爱玛》中简?奥斯丁的女性主义观

148 浅析《瑞普?凡?温克尔》中的浪漫主义

149 从《警察与赞美诗》看欧亨利式结尾

150 The Background Information and the Symbols Which Reflect the Emotional Keynote of Wuthering Heights

151 从《少年派的奇幻漂流记》论人性与兽性

152 从时代背景看《唐璜》中个人主义到人道主义的升华

153 黑色孤岛上的灰色母亲—从黑人女性主义角度解读《宠儿》中的母女关系

154 女性的赞歌—《愤怒的葡萄》中乔德妈和罗撒香两位女性的坚强性格分析

155 从《狼图腾》和《野性的呼唤》中狼的意象比较中西方生态意识

156 英文商业广告中的常用修辞格--以《商业周刊》为例

157 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

158 从功能对等理论谈中国小吃名英译

159 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述

160 分析《要说出全部真理,但不能直说》中的标记用法

161 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉的悲剧根源

162 解读托尼?莫瑞森《最蓝的眼睛》中的成长主题

163 A Comparative and Contrastive Study of Family Education in China and America

164 A Comparison of Chinese and Western Taboos of Social Communication

165 网络语料库对英语词汇学习的辅助作用初探

166 《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观和中国后婚姻观的比较研究

167 英语新词的发展研究

168 中西面子观的比较研究

169 A Comparative Study of Coincidental Plots in Jane Eyre and Tess of the d’Urbervilles 170 目的论关照下的归化与异化

171 性别与语言风格

172 安妮?赖斯小说《夜访吸血鬼》的新哥特世界

173 The Application of Symbolism in The Great Gatsby

174 中美电影文化营销的比较研究

175 伯莎梅森形象分析

176 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

177 女性主义翻译理论在《傲慢与偏见》翻译中的体现

178 高中英语写作前口语活动设计与实施建议

179 模糊限制语在求职中的应用研究

180 从许渊冲“三美论”评析《声声慢》三个译本

181 中国文化元素在功夫熊猫中的体现及其翻译

182 The Use of Body Language in Teaching

183 莎士比亚电影和爱情阻力:以《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为例

184 会计英语缩略词特点及翻译研究

185 《嘉莉妹妹》中女主人公的服饰所反映的女性意识

186 An Analysis of Sexism in English Advertisements

187 《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义

188 论旅游广告的显影性

189 《人性的污点》中主要人物的悲剧命运与社会原因的分析

190 《宠儿》中塞斯的性格分析

191 英语阅读理解中的若干信息处理手段

192 论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格

193 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的主要人物性格

194 从功能对等角度看商务英语合同的翻译

195 《法国中尉的女人》中对维多利亚时代的批判

196 从歧义和语用角度分析幽默

197 清教主义和超验主义观照下霍桑的救赎观——以《红字》为例

198 詹姆士?费?库伯《最后的莫希干人》中的殖民主义

199 A Comparative Study of Courtesy Language between English and Chinese

200 A Comparative Study on the Celebrations of Traditional Chinese and Western Festivals



The great expectation of Pip and Magwitch

We all know that chapter 39 is the turning point of the whole novel. Pip knows that his sponsor is not Miss Havisham, but the escaped prisoner Magwitch, who is saved by Pip. This truth makes Pip’s great expectation shattered. From the context, we can see that “the great expectation” is a kind of ambition from both Pip and Magwitch. It is such an ambition that hold up the life of both two people and bring a lot of change to their character. And the ambition is also the indication of one’s life.

First, let’s see Pip’s ambition. Although the text don’t illustrate it clearly, we can infer from several details. At the beginning of the text, Pip states that “I had a taste for reading, and read regularly so many hours a day.” This state can fully demonstrate that Pip has a strong eager to learn knowledge, which means that he wants to become a real gentleman in the upper class. And when Pip is told that his benefactor is Magwitch, rather than Miss Havisham. He is shocked, disappointed as well as heart-broken. He repeats “Estella, Estella”, which tells us that his intention to become a gentleman was because of Estella, he wants to be able to match with her. From the above, we can conclude that Pip’s ambition is to be a gentleman and get access to Estella.

The great expectation describes not only Pip’s ambition, but also other people’s ambition, including that blacksmith Joe’s, Pip’s friend Herbert

and his benefactor Magwitch’s.

Let’s take Magwitch’s ambition in the text for example. I think his is rather complicated than Pip’s. There are two mainly ambitions: one is that he wants to repay Pip for saving his life, another is that he wants to show his greatness for making a little boy into a gentleman in upper class, which is also a kind of dissatisfaction to the society. Just as he mentioned in the text, “ I tell it, fur you to know as that there hunted dunghill dog wot you kept life in, got his head so high that he could make a gentleman”. The society treat him as a nasty dog and he is looked down upon those people in the upper class. But he has an ability to turn a village boy into a gentleman, and he thinks himself is nobler and greater than those people. He uses his action to satirize them.

The ambition in people’s heart is like a guiding light in their way. As one’s ambition changes, people’s behavior may change accordingly and unconsciously. Pip studies hard in order to get access to Estella. But at the same time, bad characters like selfishness and mammonism arises from him. In the front part of the text, when Pip sees Magwitch, he pays attention to his clothing first and emphasizes his substantially dress, but roughly. Suppose if Magwitch is not well-dressed and looks like poor just as the first time they meet, will Pip accept him and let him in? When Pip recognized Magwitch, his astonishment is more than his pleasance and he supposes there will be no connection between them. Why Pip

becomes so indifferent? It is because of the “different circumstances” he mentioned in the text. The circumstances that he is an upper class member now and he cannot have any connection with underclass people, let alone an escaped prisoner. Between social class and old relationship, he chooses social class. We can say that it is money that tempts him and makes him indifferent, or the money distorts his ambition, which misleads his behavior.

To conclude, I think Pip is more misfortunate than any other people. It is not because he is an orphan or he lost his money in the end, it is because he is treated as a tool by other people, unknowingly. He is treated as a money machine by his sister when he is little, and he is played by Estella as a tool to please Miss Havisham. Later, although being endowed with a large fortune, Pip is indeed an example who is made by Magwitch to manifest his greatness and to revenge to the world. Pip’s great expectation is made by Miss Havisham, Estella, Magwitch and himself, and ruined by them.
