

PART 1  OPEN QUESTIONS 开放式问题(TRACY备注:并非一个人的问题,每个人问了其中一两个,问过你PARTNER的问题很可能立刻问你,What do you think of it?所以要倾听考官和你PARTNER的对话。)


BEC-2 模拟考试TRACY反馈

1.  避免托腮讲话,可以一手拿纸,一手拿笔。

2.  不要在考官给出的试题纸上做笔记,自带纸笔。

3.  没有任何的必要紧张,说话清晰比说得快但是考官听起来费力要好得多。

4.  多数考官根本不会看你,而是低头看自己的笔记(让考官面对考生笑一天还不累死他/她?)。

5.  你自己愿意低头看着笔记讲还是抬头看着考官讲都无所谓。


1.  把话说完整

2.  尽量回答考官提问,而不是回避没有准备的问题。

3.  请避免小的语法错误,如:

a)       I came (to) here by bus today.

b)      I prefer to bus.


1.       太急于抄题,而忽略了思考。考官多数会允许你看着题目讲,即使不允许,你首先可以要求再看一眼,其次:思考比抄写重要得多。解决办法:请尽量在平时练习中脱稿。

2.       观点不足,有的同学40秒结束战斗。请记住:被打断比时间不够要强得多得多。解决知道:自己编写一些题目练习,可以和PARTNER 互相出题给对方。

3.       不敢多说。有的同学英语比较好,但是说完PROMPTS就结束了。而想要得到最高级别的分数,能否给出更多观点就是一个评价尺度。

4.       中式英语。只有1%的同学能够完全引用听力磁带中的几个句子,10%的同学能够完整引用老师上课和书上的句子,其余的同学全部用自己的英文表达。解决办法:你能背诵至少100句原句吗?50句?背诵,然后用一模一样的句子表达出来,就是高分!

5.       发音问题,例如:presentation, present the products, morale, think,不模仿磁带就不是学英文。


1.  提问的水平是决定是否给你1等的关键,如果你说Which factor will you give more weight to? 或者Do you give equal weight to these two factors? 英语好人尽量要问出有质量的问题。

2.  考官问:Who will start the talk first? 你可以说:I will. 或者说I will go.

3.  考官问:Which topic have you chosen? 你可以说:I have chosen B. 然后直接开始陈述,不要再等考官问你are you ready to start?

4.  提问的步骤:

a)         听对方说出一个完整的意思就可以不听了,如对方说:When we offer incentives to staff, we should consider their current performance.

b)        你可以在纸上记录 incentives, current, performance, 然后利用任何一个单词造个句子:

                        i.              Personally, do you work hard for incentives?

                      ii.              Will you also consider past performance?

                    iii.              How do you measure their performances?

                     iv.              如果你实在没有听懂对方说什么,请你不要只是问:Which factor will you give more weight to? 而是多说一点:

1.         I understand you just mentioned several factors. My question is, personally, do you give equal weight to these factors?

c)         如果对方听不懂你的问题,请你不要再把问题重复一遍,而是换个方式来问,或者加上手势,或者把问题的关键点在问之前就写在纸上,给你PARTNER迅速看一眼。


1.  审题不细致,看了一个自己熟悉的小点就拼命说,而忽略了整个题目,审查题目最重要。

2.  过分追求把观点记录下来,忽略了交流和思考。很多观点是一边讨论一边想出来的。

3.  不要卑鄙地念一遍题目,然后问对方:Do you have any ideas?  应该是自己有观点,问对方:What do you think then?


1.  请用10分钟模仿听力磁带,听一句,暂停模仿一句。

2.  10分钟对自己讲话(尽量用书上的表达方式),例如:听力磁带当中有这样一段:Actually it’s a bit heavy for me. I don’t really eat meat. Given the choice, I’d prefer salads. 那么你可以根据这段变成自己的话:Now I have two American visitors. I would ask them what food they prefer, because many foreigners find Chinese food very heavy. They may prefer salads sometimes.

3.  背诵原句,向着100句的方向努力吧。

4.  互相给对方出题目,出什么题目都可以,例如:Do you want to share an office with others? Should we organize a party each month?

5.  自己编写一些题目。




1.   如何招聘

a)          列出需要招聘的岗位和工作职责;

b)         最好先进行内部竞聘,这是鼓励员工在公司内部长期发展的一个有效手段;

c)          内部没有合适的候选人可以开展外部招聘或者猎头服务

d)         在报纸或互联网上刊登招聘广告

e)          进行面试,确定人选

2.   你如何看待内部招聘?

a)          机会首先留给已经为公司发展做出贡献的人,可以鼓励员工在公司内部长期发展;

b)         当招聘岗位较少的时候,内部招聘可以降低招聘成本,不必打招聘广告;

c)          内部招聘上岗的人熟悉公司操作,更加适应工作;

d)         内部招聘也有一些缺点,例如因为有一定的感情因素而可能不够客观严格;竞聘不成功的候选人可能情绪受到影响等等。人力资源工作要尽量关注到这些细节。

3.   你如何看待猎头服务?

a)          通常来说,企业只有在招聘难得的高级人才,专业人才的时候才会用到猎头服务;

b)         猎头服务相对价格较高,但是人才无价,必要的时候企业可以求助猎头服务。

4.   如何使新员工尽快适应工作?

a)          公司应该有一套完整的[新员工培训手册],包括公司的文化,公司的产品和服务规范等等;

b)         可以指定一个具体的负责人来对新员工进行培训,这样可以及时解答新员工的疑问;

c)          允许新员工在工作中学习并成长,因为在实践中学习是最有效率的。

5.   如何确保老员工得到有效的培训

a)          企业应当有固定的培训经费;

b)         关于培训内容,一定要征求员工的意见,选择员工认为最实用的项目进行培训;

c)          关于培训时间,尽量不要占用员工的业余时间,否则容易使员工产生逆反心理;安排日程尽量选择在业务的淡季,避免影响日常工作。

6.   如何选择外部培训机构

a)          选择知名的培训机构,声誉往往是质量的保证;

b)         选择价格合理的培训机构,或者培养长期合作关系以获得更优惠的价格;

c)          征求员工的意见很重要,我们可以把几家公司的培训内容,课程安排等提供给员工,由大家来共同讨论,做出明智的选择。

7.   如何对员工进行绩效评估?

a)          要设计一个公平公开的评估系统,对于销售市场等可以按照实际工作业绩进行考评,而对于人力资源,行政等职位则要考虑到很多综合因素,如:上级评价,特殊成就,其他员工对其工作的满意程度等等;

b)         绩效评估要和工资和奖金挂钩,以调动员工的积极性;

c)          绩效评估尽可能要以客观事实和工作成果为依据,以保证员工认可其公平性。

8.   解雇员工都有哪些注意事项?

a)          因为公司裁员而解雇员工要根据劳动法给予补偿;

b)         因为员工过错而解雇员工要有确凿的证据;

c)          解雇员工是个谨慎的决定,在某些时候,解雇员工比招聘一个员工更为昂贵,所以,招聘到合适的员工是避免解雇的第一步。

9.   什么样的员工可以获得升职?

a)          有突出的工作业绩;在公司运做中结果说明一切,所以业绩是第一要素;

b)         有良好的工作态度和公司忠诚度,这样的员工可以在公司长期发展。


a)          创造比较轻松的面试氛围,让求职者放松地展现自己的能力;

b)         利用小组讨论,现场技能测试等多种方式,尽可能从各个角度上观察求职者的表现;

c)          安排尽可能多的人员面试求职者,综合大家的意见,避免某个面试官因主观好恶影响招聘。


a)          能尽快适应工作的求职者最受欢迎,他们要么有足够的专业经验,要么表现出了非常强的快速学习能力;

b)         求职者对于所应聘的行业和职位有着长远的职业发展计划,这样的员工比较稳定。

c)          具有团队合作精神的人。


a)          医疗保险,养老保险,年假是必要的福利待遇;

b)         某些福利如奖励性旅游,奖励性现金,公司车,生日礼物等都能够激励员工;

c)          员工希望灵活的福利,如休假可以累积或者折合现金等。


a)          有竞争性的工资和福利;

b)         员工可以获得升职的机会,可以在公司有长远的发展;

c)          舒适的办公条件,公平公开的公司文化



a)          着装规范完全取决于公司的性质,服务性质的公司诸如商店,饭店适合统一着装;

b)         幕后工作的人通常不必统一着装,但是要遵守一定的着装规范,例如穿着正装,不能过分暴露等等。



1.   如何挑选工作

a)          挑选感兴趣的行业和职责

b)         有竞争力的工资和福利

c)          长远的职业发展机会

2.   如何准备面试

3.   如果进行面试

4.   如何尽快适应新工作

5.   如何获得升职

6.   喜欢什么样的老板

7.   喜欢什么样的同事

8.   喜欢什么样的办公环境


1.   如何选择办公地址

2.   如何选择零售店地址

3.   哪些设备是办公所必须的

4.   怎么样满足员工对办公环境的需求

5.   如何减少办公对环境所造成的污染

6.   怎么样购买新设备

7.   怎么样解决SHARE办公设备所带来的问题

8.   公司车是否必要



1.   新公司选择什么样的行业进入

2.   如果增加新的经营范围



1.   市场调查的重要性

2.   如何进行市场调查

3.   如何保住现有市场

4.   如何开拓新市场

5.   如何打广告

6.   如何进行政府公关

7.   如何利用媒体的软广告

8.   如何维护与媒体的关系

9.   如何处理市场危机







1.   如何建立并稳定销售队伍

2.   如何培训销售人员

3.   如何招聘到最好的销售代表

4.   如果设立提成奖励模式

5.   如何寻找并 管理,如何培训经销商

6.   如何建立销售模式

7.   如果开拓销售渠道

8.   销售经理的职责

9.   如何处理恶性竞争



1.   公关与市场工作有什么区别

2.   公关应具备什么样的素质

3.   如何做好公关工作


1.   如果维护客户关系

2.   如何接待客户

3.   如果给客户送礼物

4.   过年过节日是否应该给顾客送礼物

5.   如何维护客户关系

6.   如果避免老客户被竞争对手拉走

7.   如何争取新客户

8.   如何鼓励客户对产品和服务提出意见

9.   倾听顾客意见的重要性


1.   进行商务谈判要注意什么

2.   部门内部多长时间开一次会议合适?

3.   如何与客户开会

4.   如何确保会议的高效率

5.   开会前要做什么准备工作

6.   开大型会议要注意什么

7.   开商品展示订货会要注意什么

8.   如何确定是否参加异地的商品交易会

9.   如何在商品交易会达到最理想的效果




1.   售后服务的重要性

2.   如何作好售后服务

3.   遇到投诉怎么处理


1.   和外国以及外国人有关系的

2.   到外国开拓市场

3.   外国顾客来到公司

4.   与外国人一起同事

5.   如果在国外举办商品介绍会


1.   如果选择供应商

2.   采购的步骤

3.   采购人员应该具备的素质

4.   如何采购办公设备

5.   采购原材料注意事项

6.   你如何看待网络采购和邮购


1.      管理者的责任

2.      管理者的素质

3.      如何做一名出色的部门经理

4.      如何招聘管理者

5.      什么样的管理培训有作用

6.      怎么样提高公司的管理水平

7.      如何处理频繁迟到的员工

8.      如何应对员工的抱怨

9.      如果处理性骚扰问题

10.    如何合理应对加班工作

11.    如果确保工作的高效率

12.    如何管理好自己的时间

13.    如何确保与顾客交流的有效率

14.    如何处理与其他员工的矛盾

15.    如何面对不同意见

16.    如何鼓励员工节约成本

17.    如何应付性别歧视

18.    如何应对过重的工作量

19.    如何加强部门之间的合作

20.    财务管理要注意哪些事项

21.    出差管理都包括哪些内容

22.    如果确保出差的高效率

23.    出差前都要做什么样的准备工作


1.     如果增加员工之间的沟通

2.     如何鼓励员工与上级沟通

3.     如何增进与顾客的良好沟通



1.     如何帮助调动到异地的员工尽快适应工作

2.     如何有效合理调动员工

environmental report

1.          如何在办公中保护环境

2.          如何在生产中保护环境

3.          如何增强员工的环境意识

health and safety

1.          如何减少工伤

2.          如何增强员工的安全意识

business expenses

1.          如何降低管理成本

2.          如何减低运输成本

3.          如何降低生产成本

4.          如何降低市场成本

5.          如何降低销售成本

6.          如何降低服务成本


1.          如何设计包装

a)      It’s easy to use and carry.

b)      It looks attractive.

c)      It is environmentally friendly.

d)      It is less expensive.

2.          如何降低包装成本

3.          如何在包装环境保护环境


1.          如何管理一个项目

                 i.          有好的团队,尤其是团队经理

                ii.          明确的日程和时间观念

2.          如何确定项目经理和项目小组的人选

                 i.          具有专业知识和技能

                ii.          具有良好的沟通能力

3.          如何面对小组内部意见不一致

                 i.          项目经理进行协调

                ii.          加强沟通

               iii.          进一步分析矛盾,知道达成共识


Preparation for Part One (Interview)

In the first part of the test, the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference.


1. Introduction of people concerned

2. Marksheets required

3. Topics and Questions

Questions about candidates’ names and hometowns

What’s your name?

How to spell your name?

How do you spell your family name/surname/last name?

Where are you from?

Would you say it’s a good place to live in? (why)

Do you like living in … ? (why)

Where would you rather live, … or …? (why)

Do you think it would be better to live in … or …? (why)

Do you come from a large family or a small one?

Can you tell me a bit about … in your family?

Questions about candidates’ identity --- work or study

Do you work or are you a student?

What do you do?

What do you study?

What’s your major?

What do you like most about your job?

What do you like most about your studies?

Preparation for Part Two (Mini Presentations)

The second part of the test is a “mini-presentation”. In this part, the candidates are given a choice of topic and about one minute to prepare a piece of extended speech. After each candidate has spoken, their partner will be invited to ask a question about what has been said.


1. A choice of 3 topics

2. Preparation for one minute

3. Give a one-minute presentation

4. Partner’s question after presentation


Preparation for Part Three

(Collaborative Task and Discussion)

The third part of the test is a two-way conversation (three-way in a three candidate format) between candidates. The interlocutor gives candidates a topic to discuss. The candidates are asked to speak together for about three minutes. The interlocutor will support the conversation if appropriate and then ask further questions related to the main theme.


1. 30 seconds task reading and thinking

2. 3 minutes discussing

3. No writing

Appendix: Model Answers to Part Two

Task Sheet 1

A: What is important when selecting applicants for a job or employees for promotion?


I believe it is very important for employers to observe the applicants’ or employees’ interpersonal skills when they make their selection. We cannot just witness the academy award performance of the applicants or employees. We need to ask questions regarding the applicant’s interpersonal relationships with people in other social and civic situations. Most jobs are not performed in isolation and the need to interact is often essential. In fact, most failures in the workplace are not due to lack of technical ability, but rather to shortcomings in interpersonal competence. An individual may be a highly skilled worker. However, if he or she cannot work well with other employees, chances for success are slim. This is especially true in today’s world with increasing emphasis being placed on the use of team.


B: What is important when choosing a new supplier?

I think reputation is an important element we have to consider when we choose a new supplier. The supplier we are going to cooperate with should be an established partner who can provide the specialist expertise and applications our business needs. He can back-up his service and his partners' applications with a flexible range of products.

If our supplier enjoys a high reputation, he will guarantee his services, preferably through a service level agreement that sets out availability, performance levels and response times. And will have the financial stability to guarantee the future of his service.


Generally speaking if our business is growing, we need to look for scalability. A suppler with high reputation has the capability to offer services that can grow as our business expands - without costly reconfiguration or upgrades.


C:What’s important when aiming to improve production quality?

We should attach great importance to R&D when we aim to improve production quality.

Any far-sighted entrepreneur will have to acknowledge that in today’s competitive market,  a business can only survive by improving production quality. We therefore should recognize the importance of innovation and development and set up a research and development department in our company, staffed with experienced researchers and engineers trained to develop the latest technology in the industry.
With all this modern technology, we will be able to increase productivity, maximize production output and enhance the quality of our products. Thus, we will able to undertake complex production process and ensure that the products’ quality meets our clients’ expectations.

In our move to be more globally competitive, we should strive to achieve internationally recognized quality standards through R&D.

Task Sheet 2

A: What's important when preparing for a job interview?

The interview itself is an exercise in two-way communication between the recruiter and you. Therefore the first important step when preparing for a job interview is to study the job advertisement. You should read the job description carefully and understand the content.

Your next step is to find out all you can about the company. Information may be available from the business pages in various newspapers, trade publications and company annual reports, as well as the University College library. As a bare minimum you should know what products the company produces or the services it provides and where it is located.

As far as dress is concerned, be neatly and conservatively dressed. Your manner and attitude should reflect the type of person you are or would like to be. Recruiters are generally quite good at detecting the person who "puts on an act", so just be yourself!

B: What's important when deciding whether to attend a conference?

When you decide to attend a conference you must first check the quality of the speaker. That is to say the speakers invited to deliver speeches during the conference should be qualified. If the conference organizers select the right keynote speakers they will have an excellent way to begin their conferences and create excitement for their attendees. Qualified speakers can help a lot to set the tone of the conference on a high level.

From the audience’s points of view, qualified speakers are good at defining what the message of the event will be and creating excitement for the remainder of the conference topics. Well-known speakers also can draw attendees and boost attendance. Even the portion of the audience who might not hold the same interests as the majority still will be interested in what the speaker has to say.

A conference equipped with wisely selected speakers must be an excellent one.


C: What's important when developing new products?

In my opinion market research should be the first consideration when we develop new products. Our customers’ tastes and requirements have to be taken into account if our new products are not to be left unsold. That is to say our new products need to be available in the right quantity, at the right place, at the right price and at the right time. When developing new products, we should ask ourselves: “what do customers need which they do not already have?” and “in what form would they prefer the goods (or services) which they are persistently missing?”. We need to approach these problems sensitively by conducting market research. In fact a business can only survive if it is able to anticipate the needs of consumers and continue to do so.

Task Sheet 3


A: What's important when selecting a job to apply for?

B: What's important when choosing a magazine to buy regularly?

C: What's important when choosing a business book to study from?

Task Sheet 4


A: What's important when giving a presentation?


We should first pay attention to the types of our audiences. Generally speaking our audiences can be divided into several types during the presentation. Some audiences are experts in the sub-area we are talking about, some are experts in the general area, and others know little or nothing. Therefore when we give the presentation, Most audiences should be addressed in layers. That is to say we must decide who is most important to us. For example, we can pitch the body to experts, but make the forecast and summary accessible to all. Thus we can ensure everyone during the presentation is satisfied to get what they want and they will all regard our presentation fruitful and effective.

B: What's important when choosing a business course to attend?

Considering the type of the course and deciding which type suits you is very important when you choose a business course to attend. You should first consider the type, namely the session format when choosing sessions to attend. Conferences typically offer a variety of session formats--such as presentations, workshops, demonstrations, and progressions that each require or invite different levels of attendee participation. Therefore, you should first examine the types of sessions at the conference, and choose ones that suit your preferences and needs.

Deciding the appropriate type in advance can help you find out what prerequisite knowledge you need for each session, and you can do your homework ahead of time, if necessary. You will get more out of a session if you have the knowledge base expected, rather than trying to catch up during the session itself.

C: What's important when choosing a language course?

Length of course is one of the most important considerations in choosing a language course.
When we attend a language course, assimilating new information, repetition and reinforcement are imperative for us. Therefore we need much more time and opportunities to think out questions or do tasks. A course at appropriate length also can give us opportunities to reinforce or correct our own errors and work out solutions. 
Another reason for a language course to have an appropriate length is that if the course is too short we cannot have enough time to digest all the knowledge we’ve learned. Just as an athlete must rest to let their muscles grow and their skill level increase, so must a language student rest, contemplate and digest new information so that a solid base will form on which to build further learning. Thus we can have a fresh and eager mind to acquire more information.


Task Sheet 5


A: What's important when deciding which type of company you would like to work for?


B: What's important when choosing a magazine to advertise a product or service in?

When you choose a magazine to advertise your products or services in, you should first ensure that the readers of the magazine are your target audience. Always ask yourself such a question: who and where are the people you want your advertisement to reach? You should take time to carefully define your audience and select the right magazine which will have stronger appeal to your target audience than others. Narrowing down your audience will help you make wise and cost-efficient choices during the selection. For example, if you are a provider of a pet product you should choose magazines for pet owners to advertise in. In addition, you can also look for special ad placements, such as placing an ad in a special, one-time feature section on pet ownership published by the local newspaper.

Only in this way can you make your advertisement effective and your investment a reword one.

C: What's important when planning business trips?

The most important thing you will have to do when planning business trips is to fully understand your purpose or target of your trips. You have to know what you are doing, what is your business doing, what is your company doing, what's its ambitions, what's its hopes, its aspirations and you have to have a very, very clear idea about that. If you don't know that you shouldn't be going anywhere.

You should set targets for the trip. If you have staff or you yourself are going, you should have a clear set of targets that you wish to achieve. You should always ask yourself how many successful meetings you want to achieve during the trip; when you want to conclude a business deal and how to clarify certain positions about your markets.

In this way you will make your trip the most rewarding one.

Task Sheet 6

A: What's important when choosing a conference center?


B: What's important when choosing a business journal?

From my point of view choosing a business journal means choosing the right editors. Business journals often attract their readers by hiring famous editors to write comments or columns for them. With specialty topics in business, these editors can develop smart, sophisticated, timely business journalism on a daily and weekly basis. They will be able to help the journal’s reporters to define their beats, outline and execute coverage that meets or exceeds the best standards in the business. Furthermore famous editors are themselves professionals in business field who have extensive knowledge or experience in business and demonstrated ability to develop strong beat.

Backed up by famous editors the business journal will definitely have a large circulation and cover a variety of business domains, which will suit the needs of every businessman.

C: What's important when choosing a business training course?

We should first gain the information about the speakers to see if he or she is qualified to instruct the course.

As instructors during the course, speakers should be able to transfer knowledge on a wide variety of business domains. The strength of an instructor-led course comes primarily from the instructor in front of the students, since it is the instructor's ability to transfer knowledge that can really deliver the value of the class. Therefore we should make sure they are experts or professionals in business domains before we choose the course. Besides, we should look for certified speakers with profound teaching experience. Not all the specialists can make themselves clear in the training course. The speakers should be able to communicate with their students during the course and  help them to progress.

Task Sheet 7

A: What's important when choosing the location for a new factory?

From my point of view, we should first find out whether there is a transport connection near the target area before we decide the location. It is obvious that nowadays transport plays a very important role in a business’s operation. The world of business needs a transport system if it is to function effectively. On the one hand, raw materials have to be bought to our new factory for processing. Very often those materials need to be imported from other areas. The resources of our factory can be made available to us so long as there are the necessary means of transport.

On the other hand, during the production process transport is important. The work flow will be designed to ensure that the materials being processed travel the shortest possible distance along the factory floor.

Therefore our new factory should locate at a transport connection. It might be a railway connection, a seaport or an airport.

B: What's important when choosing a training video?

C: What's important when planning a business trip?

 (See task sheet 5 c)


Sheet 8

A: What's important when deciding whether to apply for a new post?

B: What's important when organizing an in-house training course?

The content of the course is very important when we organize an in-house training course. We must choose the appropriate content to suit the need of the participants. Even a perfectly conceived training program can fail if we cannot convince the participants that the content of the course is systemically selected. Participants must believe that the training course has value and will help them achieve their personal and professional goals.  The credibility of the course may depend on the content that can let the participants know the objectives programs and medias of the course before the course begins. Therefore, we as organizers of the training course must first ensure that the content of the course is what our participants want.

C: what’s important when recruiting senior staff?

Hiring an established recruitment agency to work for you is very important when you recruit senior staff. Recruitment agency is a kind of organization that can seek the most qualified senior staff available for a specific position. In your recruitment efforts you can use a recruitment agency to locate experienced senior staff. Most recruitment agencies normally develop a close relationship with their clients. They will acquire an intimate knowledge of your organization, your corporate culture, your structure and the position to be filled in your company. The recruitment agency’s representatives often visit their client’s offices and interview the company’s management. This enables them to gain a clear understanding of your company’s goals and the job qualifications required. After obtaining some information they can contact and interview potential candidates, check references, and refer the best-qualified person to you for your selection decision, which will make your recruitment process far more effective and efficient.



A: What's important when attending an interview?

Appearance is very important to an applicant when he or she attends an interview.

If you are an applicant remember two important things: first dress smart. Don't underestimate the power of your professional appearance. This is the first time the interviewer will see you and, like it or not, what you wear could affect your chances of proceeding to the next round of interviews.

Second, make the best first impression. The interview begins as soon as you arrive at the company. Keep in mind that you may be evaluated just as much in the waiting area as in the interview itself. Make sure you are friendly to the receptionist, office assistant, or anyone else who may greet you before and after the interview. Usually executives will consider their administrative assistant's opinion of job candidates an important part of the selection process for positions at all levels. If you are discourteous to a receptionist or anyone else at the company, it will negatively impact your chances of getting the job.

B: what’s important when planning market research?

I think we should first work out the appropriate types of questions when we plan market research. For example, one of the ways of carrying out market research is to send questionnaires through the post to a variety of people we think might be interested in our product or service. Distance is no problem because there is a standard postal charge, and the people receiving the questionnaire can take their time to answer it.

Personal interviews are an alternative method of conducting market research. These can be carefully designed so that set procedures are carried out. The interviewer approaches a person in the street, or in their home or office, and asks a series of set questions. The answers to the questions are carefully recorded.

C: what’s important when predicting profits?

You should establish a monitor system in the first place to detect any possible cashflow gap which will occur during your production and operation. This system can calculate the balance between your income and expenditure on a daily base. And should there be any sign of cashflow problems the system will warn your staff to do something about it before hand.

In order to achieve the accuracy you must set up a report system which demands every manager report the current financial status of his or her departments. The information will be collected everyday for you to take consideration.


Task sheet 10


A: what’s important when deciding whether to obtain a further qualification?

B: what’s important when placing a newspaper advertisement?

C: what’s important when considering whether to invest in technology?


Task sheet 11


A: What’s important when planning a presentation?

When you are planning a presentation, you should first find out some information about your audience. To be effective, your talk must be delivered at a level that is appropriate for your audience. You must analyze the background and expectations of the audience to deliver the take-away message in the most effective manner. This may mean modifying the take-away message, if the concepts involved are beyond the level of your audience.
Knowing your audience, you can begin to decide how much background material is needed to deliver your take-away message effectively. Your audience will influence your choice of vocabulary (technical jargon) and may even influence how you dress!


B: What’s important when aiming to improve customer service?

Weshould carry outcustomer satisfaction surveys. The purpose of the customer satisfaction surveys is to provide our company with the information necessary to evaluate performance and customer needs. The data also helps determine required updates/upgrades purchases of new equipment, which is critical to our efforts to track and improve customer satisfaction.

Furthermore we can find out from customers how they rate the services and support provided by us. We can document where customers are satisfied along with where they are dissatisfied and to identify where applicable what causes this disappointment in the customer experience.

Finally we can use this data to help prioritize the service areas in need of improvement in the future.

C: What’s important when managing a project?

To manage projects involves heavy workload and requires much of the company’s energy and human resource. However by using teamwork we can make this complicated work become simple and easy. First when we set up a project-oriented teamwork all members of the projects are united and work in a teamwork spirit. That means they work more systemically and coordinate more with each other. As leaders we won’t worry about the time we will have to waste on the coordinating procedures anymore. Second by using teamwork we can create a sound and effective communication with the project and monitor the communication between members as well as the communication between boss and subordinates. Third in a team everyone tries to help others in their work and a lot of problems can be solved quickly after they occur. The managers can thus save the energy and time for trouble-shooting.

Task sheet 12

A: What’s important when motivating staff?

I think financial benefits play a very important role in staff motivation. As managers we should treat our employees as valuable members of our team and pay them a salary that reflects their worth. To some extend, money can be the main motivator for staff to do an excellent job. A poor salary will ensure that you lose good staff, and that leads to higher staff turnover.

Therefore we must ensure that financial benefits are available to our staff members in relation to their expected contributions. Furthermore we should consider our staff’s real performance expectations and work processes and then use pay to reinforce what is important, without harming the rest of performance.

B: What’s important when dealing with competition?

Pricing policies

Advertising strategies

Customer service

A wide range of goods or services

C: What’s important when planning health and safety training?

Task Sheet 13

A: What’s important when choosing new office equipment?

There are three important points you should consider when you choose new office equipment.

First, discounts. Aggressive discounting is rampant in the office equipment dealer channel. Even if you are buying only one piece of furniture, you can still expect to receive about a 30 percent discount off the suggested retail price. As the volume of your purchase increases, the discount should continue to increase to nearly half the original list price

Second, be careful where you shop. If you've never heard of the vendor before and if they offer prices that sound too good to be true, be on your guard. Take steps to verify that the company is legitimate, that the quality of the goods they sell meets your requirements, and that they are indeed authorized to sell the products they offer.

Third, industry standards. The products you are going to buy have to meet or exceed certain industry standards. They must have been subjected to a series of tests for durability.

B: What’s important when entertaining foreign business clients?

Venue for entertainment

Cultural differences

Information about the client

Cost of entertaining them

C: What’s important when aiming to reach new markets?

Market research is our top priority when we aim to reach new markets.

First, Market research enables us to better understand how consumers use a product or service and how they regard the product or service. Market research also determines the types of people most likely to buy our new products-namely our target market.

Second, before reaching new markets, we usually have limited budgets so knowing who is most likely to buy a particular product helps us spend our budget more efficiently. Market research is used after the advertising has run and seeks to determine how well our potential consumers remember the advertising message and how persuasive it was.

Task Sheet 14

A: What’s important when choosing a management training course to attend?

(see task sheet 6 c)

B: What’s important when relocating a business?

I think the quality of the local workforce is very important when we relocate our business. We should relocate a business to the place where the workforce is highly educated. If we choose the location where we can only hire mediocre or poor performers, we cannot be successful long even if we have perfect plans, a sound organizational structure, and finely tuned control system.

Besides, the location we are going to select should provide direct access to our market. It must have a great airport or seaport that goes anywhere and it should be more centrally located.  We won’t worry about flying for long hours to our market.

C: What is important when advertising a new product?

You must first consider the choice of media first. Different types of media have different effects and advantages. Which type of the media to choose is dependent on the purposes you want to achieve.

If you want to advertise your products on a regular basis, you can choose newspaper. The immediacy of a daily newspaper's news will cause readers to pick it up within a predictable time frame. So you so know when readers receive your messages.

If you want to make your advertisement relatively cost-effective, the internet is your best choice. The internet ad costs can be independent of the size of the audience. A Web presence will cost the same regardless of how many viewers your site has.

Task Sheet 16

A: What’s important when choosing people to work in teams?

We must see to it that the team members have a variety of work experience. Usually we build a team in order to manage a systematic project rather than a single one. Therefore we need specialists in many business domains, not professionals in just one field. For example, in order to build a team to develop our new products, we need members with various work background like production, pricing, advertising, purchasing and selling. If we only recruit members from advertising or purchasing department, we cannot accomplish the project at all.

B: What’s important when dealing with a heavy workload?

I think time management is very important when we deal with a heavy workload. We can apply time management skills to decide our work priorities and find out what to spend our time on. When facing a heavy workload we need to know our priorities and deadlines so that we can focus on what we need to do and find out what the key targets to be achieved are, and how achievement will be measured.

Time management skills also explain how to clarify our job with our employees, and concentrate on doing well in the areas he or she considers being most important. By concentrating on the right priorities we can ensure that our employees are always working as effectively as possible when dealing with a heavy workload.

C: What is important when developing new products?

Pricing is the most important consideration when we develop new products.

On the one hand, we should set our price at an appropriate level. We should not set the price too high without the consideration of the affordability of our customers. Unrealistic high price will undermine our customer base and make us loss loyal customers.

On the other hand, we should not attempt to gain business by slashing prices regardless of costs. The price level we set should at least include all the cost and investment and make us gain some margins. Short-term price slashing does not assure a way of gaining financial profits; it can only create a stormier business environment and cutthroat competition. We must avoid hostile price slashing. We must not damage our profession's reputation by sacrificing quality for price.

We should carry out an investigation or market research in the target market to see what price level can be accepted by our potential customers. Only in this way can we develop our new products successfully.


Task Sheet 17


A: What’s important when being interviewed for a job?

The interviewer will always ask you some general and detailed questions about the job you apply. Most of them are about the company which could be your future workplace. During the interview the interviewer will consider your answer and your feedback and make his or her own judgment on your quality and personality according to your answer. If you for example can demonstrate your understanding of what the company is dealing with and your idea of the company’s future development you are very likely to be hired because your answers which contain plenty of information about the company show that you have taken this company and your future with it into serious consideration. Therefore it is important for you to get as much such information as possible.

B: What’s important when exhibiting at trade fair

Your aim of exhibiting your products at the trade fair is to show your customers the high quality of your products through fine demonstration and careful explanation, which will only be achieved by selecting right staff to attend the trade fair. The staff you select should at least have a good understanding of the products you display. They must know the quality function description production packing and other important fields of your products. Besides they must have strong ability of promoting and marketing. These elaborately-selected staff can answer any kind of question produced by the customers about your products and can secure contracts with them skillfully, which will make your display a complete success.

C: What’s important when introducing a reward system for staff?

It is very important for you to ask yourself what you expect from the reward system when you consider the introduction. That is to say you must first make it clear the purpose of the reward system. Will it be used to stimulate your staff’s morale or will it be used to keep your staff working with high efficiency. Without the understanding of these it is difficult for you to place the reward system at the right place. The staff will probably get confused or even annoyed with the system because you fail to explain to them the purpose of it. Besides a system without clear purpose won’t achieve much as you expect it.

Task Sheet 18


A: What’s important when entertaining clients?

We must choose appropriate types of activities to entertain different clients. Different clients have different tastes interests and hobbies. In order to make them feel satisfied and comfortable we must choose the activities they prefer and are interested in. For example if you find your client has a taste for art or music then take him or her to a concert. If he or she is a sports fan take him or her to the sports event. Besides we seek to find chances to do business with our clients while entertaining them. Therefore we must first create a sound environment in which we can discuss our business comfortably. Different types of activities can help us create different environments. No place is more suitable than a gulf course where you can possibly sign a contract successfully while enjoying playing games with your clients. And no place is more suitable that a stadium where you can negotiate the import of your sportswear while experiencing the excitement of the match.

B: What’s important when choosing retail premises to rent?

Location plays a very important role when we choose retail premises to rent. In fact the premises we choose will become our store shop or branch in the future. So it should be at least located in the downtown area or near the high-street facilities where we can easily find our customers and promote our goods. A good location itself is a good advertisement and can help us to increase our sales to a large extent. In addition a good location means an easy transportation which can make our goods delivery fast and convenient. We don’t have to worry about any delay caused by isolated location of our shop.

C: What’s important when deciding on packaging for products

The packaging of our products is in fact a kind of advertisement for our products. So when we decide on packaging for products we must first consider if the packaging can reflect the image of our products. It must best represent the quality of our products through its design and layout which can attract our customers to buy our products. The packaging should show the distinctive features of our products so that every customer can have a better understanding of our products after just taking a look at our products.  And we should make sure that the customers can identify our products immediately through the packaging.

Task Sheet 19

A: What’s important when selecting staff for promotion?

The only criterion when we select staff for promotion is his or her performance. Performance demonstrates your employee’s ability to sell products promote products communicate with your clients and deal with crisis. All of these abilities are what you and your company need in many fields of your business. Therefore when you promote an employee who might become the core of the management of your company it is important for you to consider his or her performance. In addition judging an employee by his or her performance in itself is also an universally-recognized rule applied by many companies in promoting their staff.

B: What’s important when considering a career change?

As an employee the opportunities you can get for future promotion from your career is very important and therefore should be your first consideration. For most of us who starts our career our dreams are all about getting promotions, taking more and more responsibilities and finally reaching the top of the management. In order to realize these dreams we employees need a company or an organization that can provide us with plenty of career opportunities and sound environment. In a company where such opportunities are rare it is impossible for you to realize your dream. In addition a lot of your precious time will be wasted. Remember: more opportunities better future.

C: What’s important when planning an advertisement campaign?

To select an appropriate media is the fist and most important step when we plan our advertising campaign. The success of our advertising depends on the effectiveness and the popularity of the media we choose to promote our products. This media must have a lot of audience or listeners and must be very influential. For example it should be a nation-wide or local newspaper with a large circulation. Only to choose this kind of media can we ensure that the greatest possible majority of people can have the access to our advertisement which will directly affect the sales of our products. In addition this kind of media usually has great influence on the public’s opinion. Therefore they can help us to create a positive image of our products to the public.


Task Sheet 20

A: What’s important when choosing transport for a business trip?

There is an old saying in business. That is money matters. So you have to consider the cost that may occur when you select transport for your business trip. It is not wise to choose those transporting tools whose cost is beyond your budget. Expensive transporting tools can inevitably increase your cost even before you do a business, which will take up a large proportion of your budget or even make you fail to meet your targets. You should never allow this kind of cost to ruin your whole business.

B: What’s important when aiming for promotion?

If you want to get promotion it’s important for you to show your employers the high level of your performance. The quality of performance is always used to test the ability of the candidates who will be promoted within the company so you must pay attention to your own performance such as your ability to communicate and co-operate with others; your ability to deal with the current job; your ability to control and manage your staff as well as your ability to handle crisis when they occur. Your employer will be satisfied if you can show him or her such your abilities and then you will get a better chance to be promoted.

C: What’s important when exporting goods services for the first time?

When we export goods or services for the first time we can contact people we know in the business circle. Being newcomers we might not have the established markets or channels for us to export goods or services. We can overcome the difficulty by communicating with our friends or acquaintances that are doing business now and familiar with the situation of the market you want to enter. 



























相信口语是很多人的弱项了,大家最好找个Partner,平时大家都练练考试里的PART3——互相讨论一个商务话题并且reach a same decision~~~,我就把蓝色的那本口语书里的话题看了,知道该说什么,然后PART2的individual speech自己总结一些套话,把真题上的题目都说一遍,如果大家觉得刚开始不会说的话可以大致把想要说的东西写在本子上,然后一句句练习,这样坚持一段时间肯定会有用的。这次估计我的口语还是考得不错的,临走前给我瞄到了分数(3个4.5,1个4,总分5),口语这种东西,跟听力是相连的,听力好了,口语自然会上去的。考试时要注意礼貌和给考官的第一印象哈,基本上口语就这些了。
