






读了这本书,我获益颇大,它使我明白自身的诸多不足, 它给我提出了更高的要求,要不断学习,不断实践,努力提高自己各方面的素质。



姓名:钟清兰 班级;13级农林创新4班

学号:3135307076 日期:2014、5、25

My Reading About Wuthering Heights

It’s about 5 weeks ago since I began to read the novel Wuthering Heights . It’s a famous novel which wrote by Emily Bronte. Emily Bronte is one of the Bronte Sisters’ and her daily environment infected her very much in her childhood. This famous novel is the representative of the 19th British literature.

Wuthering Heights is a story about a orphan Mr.Heathcliff who was adopted by the master of Moutan Villa, Anxiao . Anxiao’s son XinDelei regarded Mr.Heathcliff as an enemy while Anxiao’s daughter Kathy loved him very much. Because of difference in status and cannot express, Heathcliff always in anger and payed-back after many years。

Wuthering Heights through a tragic love story revealed a distortion to people from social life picture, it started with Heathcliff’s revenge and ended with his self-killing. Actually, there are four parts included in the story. The first part tells about Heathcliff and Kathy be together morning and night in the life of childhood and they resisted to XinDelei. The second stage mainly describes Kathy abandoned Heathcliff because of her vanity and ignorant, she became the hostess of Thrushcross Grange. The third part describes how Heathcliff translated hatred into the action of revenge. The last part tells about the Heathcliff’s death. After his knowing that Hatrington and Katie have fell in love with each other, there was a great changes in human nature thoughts.

This book has long been one of the most popular and highly regarded novels in the history of British literature, seemed to be holding little promise when it was published in 1874, selling very popular and receiving only a few mixed reviews, but today, Wuthering Heights has a secure position in the world of literature. The sentences in this book just like a lyric poem, between the lines full of rich imagination and heated emotion people who read it may be excited by the power of art. In a word, it is a book wealthy of reading.
