
托福口语万用段子不完全总结 by水墨清浅

以下几个万用段子并未涵盖黄金口语八十题的所有题目,有的段子在细节上也不很完善,但是相信版友们完全能够发扬这种疯狂发散思维的精神编出更多的个性化万用段子为自己所用,在托福口语实战中以不变应万变。 提供几个编万用段子的思路:

1、 主题发散归类:比如the character of a good parent / friend / teacher,都是谈一个人的性格特点,想一下这三类人的共性是什么,比如说他们都能给自己提供帮助,那么就可以写某个人(可以是家长、朋友或老师)非常supportive,再写出具体事例。在这种从一个点辐射出多条线的情况中,编出的段子不要过于specific(比如如果说teacher的应该有培养合格公民的意识,那么这个段子就不能用于描述friend),否则就失去了万用性。

2、 普遍联系归类:空闲时做的事/和朋友做的事/最难忘的一件事/你的culture中的celebration等等,都是讲某件事。与第一种情况相反,这中情况是从一条线中抽出多条线,有点像树形结构,编出的段子最好多包涵细节,一般来说把这件事说得越详细就能涵盖更多的题目,比如我下面的第一个段子。

1、Beijing Capital Museum bears a complete collection of ancient Chinese paintings and jade ornaments, and just looking at the display is a feast for the eyes because these artifacts are so delicate that I could hardly believe they were made 700 years ago. Also, their ingenious design impressed me with lively demonstration of animate objects. Appreciating these items and

discussing their role in art history with my friends is really an enjoyment which puts me out of fast-paced and noisy modern life, enjoying our ancestors’ creation.

Yet it was not easy for me to plan a museum survey because I am not an Art History major, and carrying out such a survey is a challenge for me. So I started out with reading several hundreds of pages of materials and making detailed notes, and finally come up with a topic related to jade ornaments in ancient China. With this in mind it was much easier for me to study the items on display in Beijing Capital Museum.

1)最重要的一个决定 (挤出考试前的复习时间去看博物馆的展览)

2)空闲时做的事 (喜欢逛博物馆)



5)你通常喜欢去什么park或者public area (博物馆)


10)Describe an interesting book/最有用的一本书(讲述博物馆的故事)

11)描述一次challenging experience, 以及如何解决这个challenge (一次博物馆调查)

12)Describe a special opportunity given to you (免费参观博物馆的机会)

13) Some good news and why(博物馆免费开放了,展出的东西都很美,满足了我这个博物馆控)

14)what do u miss most when away from home?(家附近的博物馆)

15)what do u do to relax yourself?(去博物馆放松身心)


17)学生放假应该做些什么?(去博物馆)/ Favorite time of a year(放暑假可以去博物馆)

18) favorite room(博物馆的一个展厅)

2、The most marvelous software or application is 3DMax and Photoshop – both are computer graphic softwares. By operating the two softwares I can easily draw a digital 2D picture or build up lifelike 3D models. Using the softwares can be a lot of fun, because I can create a world of fantasy, and even whatever piece of art as I wish if I become professional enough. This work requires a great deal of effort and learning, and I have to be patient enough to consistently modify and improve my works. And this is one of my dreams – to become a computer graphic designer just as those professionals in Pixar and create a fantastic world which reminds viewers of fairy tales. In a word, these softwares enable me to realize my fantasy.

1) An important skill for you (使用3D建模软件)

2) 最想从事的职业(建模师)

3) 你的目標是什麼, 要敘述它的重要性以及會影響你什麼(用电脑技术创造一个virtual world)



6)喜欢看的电影(3D animation film)

3、Luna is a linguistic professor at City University of Hong Kong. She is extremely conscientious and open-minded; she would focus on any problem we encounter in the class, and no matter how abstract the answer is she would explain it in details until we all understand. Luna is also open-minded, which is quite rare among university professors I have met, as she encourages us to raise questions and even doubt the authority of various linguistic theories. Her character impressed me and I admire her whole-heartedly because I learned not only linguistic knowledge but also how to carry out research in her lectures.

1) 对你影响最深刻的人 (这位老师)

2) 一个你敬佩的人的好性格(这位老师的一丝不苟、鼓励讨论等)

3) Characteristics of friends (一丝不苟、能包容别人,像这位老师一样)

4) a good teacher (同2)

5) The characteristics of a good parent (一丝不苟和open-mindedness)

4、I would never forget the first time when I take part in a local New Year celebration. It featured the performance Kun Qu, a traditional opera, and we have the custom of holding a big performance like this on the New Year’s Eve. I was small at that time and may not have understand all the good wishes the performance carry with it, but the beauty of Kun Qu opera deeply

impressed me with its delicate costumes and moving stories. And there’s a special meaning in the performance: we end the year by appreciating the ancient art, returning to our cultural tradition after a year’s exhaustive work.

1) 印象深刻的celebration或者moment (新年昆曲表演)

2) 一个参加过的memorial活动之类的 (新年昆曲表演)

3) An enjoyable event in your childhood (新年昆曲表演)

4)describes a social or politics celebration events in your culture(新年昆曲表演)

5、I bought an original sound track collection CD when a CD store nearby held a promotion. It includes all the original

soundtracks and background music of a well-known computer game, and they are all of traditional Chinese style which is my favorite. Besides its packaging is beautifully designed, and just appreciating the design is an enjoyment. Listening to the

collection reminds me of the moving stories in the pc game, and appreciating the melody is a good relaxation after exhaustive work and study.

Music is considered as a universal language, which can be understood and appreciated by all the human beings regardless of their nationalities. Also, melodies could heal our wounds and cheer us up, and learning to appreciate music of all origins would enhance our understanding of different cultures.

1) describe an object that is very important to you(音乐集CD)

4)空闲时做的事 (听音乐)


3)Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?

6、Of course I prefer working/ chatting with friends/ reading/ eating/ staying in my own studio. There’s a desktop computer, a bookshelf, a desk and a bed in the room, and I can easily finish most of the things I want to do in this relaxed, friendly

environment, without the interference of restaurant waitress/ colleagues. Also I can fully relax myself by taking a power nap, or making a cup of tea and chatting with friends, showing them my collection of CDs and appreciating touchy melodies. Even eating in my studio is a lot of fun, as I could cook food in kitchen and eat here surrounded by my music collections or faced with computer so that I can surf the internet while dining.

1) 和朋友在饭店、咖啡厅还是在家(在家,可以完全放松)

2) 在办公室还是在家工作(在家比较放松自由,而不是被限制)

3) Favorite time of the year(暑假在家的时候,在自己的studio里)

4) 你是喜欢自己在家里吃还是去外面餐馆吃?为什么?(在自己的studio里)

7、I think it is a great help for new comers to stay with senior students or freshmen, as this arrangement would create much more opportunity to communication with others and obtain help when needed. For example, my roommate Anne helped me a lot when I took part in a speech contest not long after I was enrolled in my university. I was obviously very nervous because I don’t know how to prepare in an unfamiliar environment, and was depressed. Anne discovered my low mood and wrote me a letter in which she encouraged me to do my best and offered several pieces of advices about preparation. The letter was so comforting that I for the first time in my life felt the warmth of friend in an estranged place, and I would not forget Anne perhaps for the rest of my life.
