


由于支队召开严打推进会议我为参加的事情,在此我向大家也给自己作一个检讨。 通过这件事,我感到这虽然是一件偶然发生的事情,但同时也是长期以来对自己放松要求,工作作风涣散的结果。经过几天的反思,我认为这不仅是对自己所犯错误的认识,还是一次让自己觉醒的关键。 首先经过这些天我认识到开会迟到本身就是不重视公司规定的表现,我这种行为在公司能造成及其坏的影响,破坏公司的形象。同事之间本应该互相学习,互相促进,而我的这种表现,却是给同事们带了一个坏头,不利于公司发展。如果拜访客户也这样,客户也会认为这是一个没有规章制度的公司,不但影响公司形象,也会影响自己的前途。 再次抛除诸如家住的太远、容易堵车等一切所谓的客观原因,我认为这只能说明我的工作态度还不够认真,对工作的责任心不够,没有把自己的工作做好,在自己的思想中仍旧有着得过且过,混日子的应付思想,这种不良思想只能说明我自由散漫,只顾自己,置公司规定的原则于不顾,自私自利。我对我个人犯下的这个错误感到后悔与遗憾。明知道八点开会,家里离得远就应该提前出门,把所有能阻碍自己准时到达公司的情况都考虑到,这样才不会迟到,但是自己还是慢吞吞的,把个人

困难凌驾于公司规章制度上,这是很不应该的,我应该以此为戒,努力做到不再犯这种错误。 此外,我也看到了这件事的恶劣影响,如果在各个会议或工作上,大家都像我一样自由散漫,漫不经心,那怎么能及时把工作做好呢。同时,如果在我们这个集体中形成了这种无组织,纪律观念,为所欲为的不良风气,我们工作的提高将无从谈起。因此,这件事的后果是严重的。 当然犯下这种错误也是自己平时不严要求,对公司的文化宗旨等没有很好的理解。同时也谢谢领导能给我这次改过的机会 ,我将按照公司规定对自己严格要求。首先上班不迟到,准时到达;其次认真学习公司企业文化,严格按照公司制度开展工作。最后,希望广大员工以我做反面教材,检查自己,在以后的工作中不会在出现类似的错误



Dear Amanda:

First, please accept my deep regret for the absent from the English class yesterday. I have recognized my fault for this absent and swear to attend all the English class in the rest of semester.

If the regret has been accepted, please allow me a chance to explain the reason why I was absent. Last weekend a terrible fact came to me that my love told me not to contact with each other any longer. The one who used to be my boyfriend and we had been in love for approximate one year since graduated from high school. He was the person who I once wished to keep company with for my rest live. The time when l heard the words squeezed from his mouth, the backbone that support my faith for life crashed down and was destroyed immediately. At once, the meaning of love seemed to fade away, all the beautiful memories we used to enjoy came to me and hovered in my mind. Beyond all my exception, I did not say any word to beg his love. And with a slight goodbye I hang up the phone, but then tears filled my eyes out of control. At that time, I was like a kite who broke away from her string and was doomed to sway in the sky then die in the wind. Without the accompaniment of my best friend, I could have not image what stupid things would I do in the next few days. Everything seems to go better in the following days, but I have got a bad cold owing to my over-sadness. Now, I have a fever of 38℃ and need to have some medicines every day.

This fact has tormented me for 5 days, and now I decide to escape from this nightmare as quickly as I can. I know, maybe this story won’t impress you so much, my dear teacher, to forgive my absent. But I ensure that there won’t be such things again. At last, I want to share some of my own English learning experiences with you and look forward to your advisements.

Firstly, my main idea of learning English is that in this world there is no shortcut to English learning. For English is a language which needs us to pick up with constant practicing and use it as possible as we can. Secondly, English learning needs us to attach much interest into it. Hence, my out-of-class time is usually spent on watching American dramas or listening to English songs. Gossip Girl and Lady Gaga are my favourite. At last, English learning needs us to broaden our horizon. One thing I always keep in my mind is that things we learn from textbooks are only the tip of the iceberg especially considering English learning. Cite a sentence of Steve jobs, stay hungry and stay foolish. I think we should always stay hungry for knowledge and be modest enough to our life.
