


PENNY: So what do you guys do for fun around here?

SHELDON: Today we tried masturbating for money.

LENOD: Make yourself at home.

PENNY: Holy smokes.

SHELDON: LEONARD cannot process corn.

PENNY: On top of everything else, I’m all gross from moving.

LENOD: I’m not going to engage in hypothetical here. That’s not to say that if a carnal relationship were to develop.

H: it’s before he became a creepy computer voice.

S: Leonard has a lady over.

S: Technically, that would be coitus interrupts.

S:You think with your penis.

H:He’s kind of a nerd.

S: it’s just a privilege to watch your mind at work.

I don’t know what your odds are in the world as a whole.


Basic words:

Epinephrine 肾上腺

Puffy 肿胀

(拓展词 puff 得意、泡芙、膨胀)

Swell极好的,一流的,n.浪涛 v.肿胀,鼓起,增长

Carbohydrate 碳水化合物

Pathology 病理学

Swoosh 嗖嗖声

Rife 普遍的,流行的,充斥的

Predicate n.谓语 v.断言,断定,肯定

Fulcrum 支点

Cereal 谷类食物,麦片

Swirling n. 打旋,旋动

Vortex 旋风

Entropy 熵

Transvestite 异性装扮癖者(transsexual)

Snore 打呼噜

Thorough 仔细的,彻头彻尾的

Intoxicating 陶醉的

S: you do understand that out efforts here will in no way increase the odds of you having sexual congress with this woman.

L: men do things for women without expecting sex.

S: those would be men who just had sex.

S: great Caesar’s ghost, look at this place.

S: if you have time to lean, you have time to clean.

L: a well-known folk cure for insomnia is breaking in your neighbor’s apartment and clean

P: you sick geeky bastards.

S: you might want to see an otolaryngologist. A throat doctor.

P: What kind of doctor removes shoes from asses?

S: Depending on the depth. That’s either a proctologist. Or a general surgeon.


Basic words:

Slash vt.

vt. & 挥砍; 鞭打; 割破 vi.

Don't slash your horse in that cruel way.


The scissors slashed his finger open.



Price slashed!


The shop plans to slash fur prices after Spring Festival. 该店计划在春节之后把皮货降价。

vt. 严厉地批评[谴责]

He slashed the Administration for its policies.


Prehensile adj. 能掌握的



n. 香料, 调味品;趣味, 情趣, 风味

vt. 加香料于

Have you spiced this cake?



His stories are spiced with humour.




vt. (心灵学用语)心灵运输(物体、人)



n. 倾向;习性

He has a propensity for drinking too much alcohol. 他有酗酒的倾向。

Geek n.做滑稽表演的人



vi. 短距离疾跑

He had to sprint to catch the bus.


n. 短距离的全速奔跑

He put on a sprint to catch the bus.




n. (捕猎野兽用的)陷阱

The wolf was caught in a pitfall.


意想不到的困难; 易犯的错误

Several pitfalls remain in the way of an agreement.




vt. 收集; 编辑, 编制

It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary. 编辑一部好词典需要数年的艰苦工作。


vt. 使烦恼,使痛苦

The child's misery tore my heart.


vi. 飞奔



vi. 出汗;流汗

People considered it as an honor to pay strength and perspire for it. 大家把为大桥出的一点力,流的一点汗,当作光荣和幸福。


perspiratory adj. 汗液可通过的;可随汗液排出的

adj. 排汗的;引起排汗的



n. 〈意〉烤面条加干酪沙司

H: love is not a sprint. It’s a marathon. A relentless pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms or hit you with the pepper spray.

L: I’m going to be more realistic and go after someone my own speed.

H: when it comes to sexual harassment law, I’m bit of a self taught expert.

H: So how’d it go with Leslie?

L: Oh, we tried kissing, but the earth didn’t move.

I mean, any more than the 383miles that it was going to move anyway.

H: I think Mrs. Titman’s got her eye on you. I’ve been there. You’re in for a treat.

S: I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with penny as the Hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlights searching for a circuit breaker.

L: how do I look?

S: could you be more specific?

L: can you tell I’m perspiring a little?

S: no, the dark crescent shaped patterns under your arms conceal it nicely.



《生活大爆炸》Sheldon经典语录 总有一部美剧适合你。


看美剧,我们学到了英语;学美剧,我们看到了生活。 (@考研资料共享 辛苦搜集整理 更多学习资料请关注@考研资料共享 文章来自沪江英语) 《生活大爆炸》Sheldon经典语录:我个性向来坚持不懈

1.Penny has a lot of money tied up in promiscuity futures. 佩妮的钱基本都是靠滥交来的。

2.What sight is better than your little boy embarrassing a Nobel laureate? 有什么景色能与你儿子让诺贝尔奖得主颜面扫地相媲美呢?

3.Are you trying to suggest that my emotional problems are no different than those of a stupid person?


4.It’s not suspicious that I’m fixating – it’s consistent with my personality. 我锲而不舍没什么奇怪的-我个性向来坚持不懈。

5.I tried to scare an Indian with a snake. Come on Cooper, you're better than this!


6.Well, if it’s any help, I’ve read all the great moral philosophers, including Dr. Seuss.


7.Okay, so the topic at hand is sexual fidelity. Probably won’t be relying on Seuss here. Although One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish might be surprisingly applicable.


8.I’ve prepared a number of topics that should appeal to the advanced and

novice conversationalist.


9.New topic: "Women, delightfully mysterious or bat crap crazy?"


10.Point of order. As you’re in distress, it would be customary for me to offer you a hot beverage. But, I’m a guest in your home, so it would be customary for you to offer me a beverage. How do you want to proceed, vis a vis beverages? 按照程序。因为你不开心,按照惯例我该给你倒杯热饮。但我是你的客人,按照惯例你该给我倒杯饮料。你想要怎么来面对面互倒饮料呀?


1.Your gal pals, Penny and Bernadette, went out shopping for some wedding nonsense without Amy. An action they took with no thought or regard to how it would affect me, the future of string theory or my Lego fun time.


2.I am a man of science, not someone’s snuggle bunny.


3.There’s a bird outside the window, and he won’t go away. That is the hell that is going on.


4.It’s called ornithophobia, and someday it will be recognized as a true disability, and then the landlord will be required by law to put a giant net over the building. Which is unfortunate because I have a fear of nets.


5.Hummingbirds are the vampires of the flower world.


6.Trust me. If I had a death ray, I wouldn’t be living here. I would be in my lair enjoying the money the people of Earth gave me for not using my death ray. 相信我,如果我有“死光”,我就不会住在这了。我会坐在用不完的钱堆上,都是人们送来贿赂我求我别用“死光”的。

7.A., Comic books employ storytelling through sequential art, a medium that

dates back seventeen thousand years to the cave paintings at Lascaux, and B., You play the harp. Like that’s cool.


8.Am I okay? Leonard, I’m on a lifelong trajectory that includes a Nobel prize and cities named after me. All four wisdom teeth fit comfortably in my mouth without need of extraction, and my bowel movements run like a German train schedule.


9.Cluck, cluck, cluck, what are we, ladies at a quilting bee? Or are we men playing a fantasy card game set in a magical frontier town?


10.I’m in the Matrix, Leonard. I see everything.



1.This is a form indemnifying me for your use of Leonard’s bedroom. Sign here, indicating that I tried to stop you and did so using a stern facial expression. 要想使用“莱纳德的卧室”需要先签署这张我的免责表。在这里签字,说明我试图阻止过你并摆出过严厉的面部表情。

2.Please note it is past 10 pm. Per our roommate agreement, kindly refrain from raucous laughter, clinking of glasses and celebratory gunfire.


3.Penny could have been inspecting Raj’s anal region for parasites. Oh boy, that’s a true blue friend.


4.Leonard, is it awkward for you knowing that one of your dear friends had sexual intercourse with the woman you used to love, in the very place you lay your head?


5.I’ve decided my rank will be captain. If it’s good enough for Kirk, Crunch, and Kangaroo, it’s good enough for me.


6.For the record, I do have genitals. They’re functional and aesthetically pleasing.


7.When I rise to power, those people will be sterilized.


8.I miss the old days when your romantic partners could be returned to the video store.


9.I dislike the sound of the harp. Its overuse in classic television sitcoms always makes me think I’m going to experience a flashback from my past.


10.Oh, I’m not buying anything. They’re having a lecture: “HO Gauge Railroading: Half the Size of O Gauge But Twice the Fun.” Very controversial. 我什么都不打算买。它们那儿要办一个讲座:“HO轨距的铁路发展:O轨距一半的尺寸却能带来双倍的欢乐。”非常有争议性的题目。


1.You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy.


2.And what a civilization is the Greeks'. They gave us science, democracy and little cubes of charred meat that taste like sweat.


3.In the South, pre-adolescent children are forced through a process called Cotillion, which indoctrinates them with all the social graces and dance skills needed to function in eighteenth century Vienna.


4.It’s hard to say no to Yoo-hoo. The name literally beckons.


5.Ah, memory impairment. The free prize at the bottom of every vodka bottle. 啊哈,记忆障碍。干完每瓶伏特加之后都会免费得到这个奖赏。

6.But wait, there’s more! I’ve also invented two new chess pieces, the Serpent and the Old Woman!


7.I must say, ever since you started regular intercourse, your mind has lost its keen edge. You should reflect on that.


8.I knew I should have given my Pope the jet pack.


9.Do I really need to connect the dots for you? The backwash into this glass has every pathogen that calls your mouth home sweet home. Not to mention the visitors who arrive on the dancing tongue of your sub-tropical girlfriend.


10.Oh, Amy, I’ve never been touched like this before! My hands are magic! 艾米,以前从没有人这么摸过我,我的手简直是神来之手啊!
