
s03e01 The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation


sass:vt. 对…出言不逊,说无礼的话

effusive:adj. 流出的,感情奔放的

luau:n. (常伴有文娱节目的)夏威夷式宴会

toga:n. (古罗马)宽外袍,罗马主题

plummeting:adj. 骤然下降,像铅球那样急速垂直下降般 obnoxious:adj. 可憎的,不愉快的

dictator:n. 独裁者

Dickensian:adj. 如同狄更斯笔下的人物那样自私、消沉 repentance:n. 悔改

Mush:int. 走!,前进!

trouper:n. 演员,老练演员

buoy:n. 救生圈 vt. 使浮起;鼓舞,激励

trajectory:n. 轨道

detour:n. 绕路,迂回

blunder:n. 大错

scathing:adj. 严厉的,尖刻的

doozy:n. 非常好或非常糟糕的东西

heathen:n. 异教徒

turtleneck:n. 高领

tumbleweeds:n. 风滚草

red-eye:n. 通宵航班

demon:n. 魔鬼


post hoc ergo propter hoc:[拉丁语]发生于其后者必然是其结果(指一种普通的逻辑上的谬误,即后此谬误) Vulcan:瓦肯人(from the Star Trek),相信大家都不陌生了,Spock那群人,耳朵尖尖,听力好,有如葫芦娃里二娃的顺风耳(字幕组真是油菜)

cosmological constant:宇宙常数,含宇宙常数项的场方程是R_uv-1/2*R*g_uv+L*g_uv=κ*T_uv,其中L代表宇宙常数,其物理意义是宇宙真空场。L*g_uv为宇宙常数项。R_uv为里契张量,代表空间的弯曲状况。T_uv为能量-动量张量,代表物质分布和运动状况。g_uv为度规,κ为系数,可由低速的牛顿理论来确定。"_"后字母为下标。爱因斯坦的由场方程解出宇宙是膨胀的,但他认为应该是平直的,于是加入了宇宙常数项,但后来被证明是错误的,于是他本人将该常数项拿掉,并称这是他―一生犯的最大的错误‖。

Dark Energy:暗物质。继续上面的解释,今天物理学家们又重新引入宇宙常数项,但含义有所不同,表示暗物质项,而非为了得到平直的结论。


acetal:n. [化]乙缩醛

resin:n. 树脂

cyanoacrylates:n. [化]氰基丙烯酸酯黏合剂

monomers:n. [化]单体

polymerize:vt. [化](使)聚合,(使)成同式异量

Four for Texas:电影《德州四杰》(1963)

Yellow Rose of Texas:民歌―德克萨斯黄玫瑰‖,自南北战争起于民间传唱

Texas Chainsaw Massacre:电影《德州电锯杀人狂》系列


cheese sandwich

Lone Star beer:孤星啤酒

diet Y-Hoo=diet coke


Howard: Sheldon, you remember the first few weeks we were looking for magnetic monopoles and not finding anything and you were acting like an obnoxious, giant dictator?

Raj: I thought we were going to be gentle with him.

Howard: That's why I added the "tator."


Sheldon: You tampered with my experiment?

Howard: We had to.

Raj: It was the only way to keep you from being such a huge Dickensian. You see that? I add the "ensian."


Sheldon: Wolowitz has informed me of your grand deception. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Leonard: Yes, I feel terrible about it. I will never forgive myself, I don't expect you to, either, and I would really appreciate it if you would leave me with Penny for a session of self-criticism and repentance. Leonard可爱的道歉

Leonard: So write another e-mail. Set the record straight. It's no big deal.

Sheldon: You're right, Leonard. It's not a big deal. All you did was lie to me, destroy my dream

and humiliate me in front of the whole university...That, FYI, was sarcasm.... I, in fact, believe it is a big deal.


Raj: I like the new look.

Howard: Thanks. I call it "the Clooney."

Raj: I call it "the Mario and Luigi," but whatever.


Sheldon: All right, I've had enough. Attention, everyone. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. As many of you in the physics department might know, my career trajectory has taken a minor detour.

Kripke: Off a cliff.

Sheldon: My credibility may have been damaged.

Kripke: Completely wrecked.

Sheldon: But I would like to remind you that in science, there's no such thing as failure. There once was a man who referred to his prediction of a cosmological constant as the single "biggest

blunder" of his career. That man's name was-- surprise, surprise-- Albert Einstein.

Kripke: Yeah, but research into Dark Energy proved that Einstein's cosmological constant was actually right all along, so you're still-- surprise,surprise-- a loser.

讨厌的Kripke,大舌头Kripke,超级大混球Barry Kripke

Leonard: All right. New plan. Howard, you and Raj go to Texas. I'll stay here with Penny in her apartment. Penny: Well, you're not gonna go with them?

Leonard: Well, you know, I gave you the snowflake and we were kissing and... Oh, come on, I don't want to go to Texas!

Howard: Oh, right, and I do? My people already crossed a desert once. We're done.


Mrs. Cooper: By His hand we are all...

Sheldon: fed.

Mrs. Cooper: Give us, Lord, our daily...

Sheldon: bread.

Mrs. Cooper: Please know that we are truly...

Sheldon: grateful.

Mrs. Cooper: For every cup and every...

Sheldon: plateful.

Mrs. Cooper: Amen.


Leonard: Will you please take that stupid hat off?

Howard: No, I want to blend in.

Raj: To what? Toy Story?

Howard扮Toy Story里的Woody

Sheldon: Thanks to you, my career is over and I will spend the rest of my life here in Texas trying to teach evolution to creationists.

Mrs. Cooper: You watch your mouth, Shelly. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

Sheldon: Evolution isn't an opinion, it's fact.

Mrs. Cooper: And that is your opinion.

Sheldon (to fellows): I forgive you. Let's go home.

Mrs. Cooper: Don't tell me prayer doesn't work.



hoot and a half:形容非常高兴,在加拿大东北的Cape Breton布雷顿角较为常用

first-come, first-serve:先到先得

catch a break:走好运

get a hankering for:渴望,想要


本集软广告有Amazon Kindle电子书阅读器、Pepsi Coke

Howard在s02e13就提到想留一个George Clooney那样的胡子,如今,果然 Penny高中时被Valerie Mobacher(这个名字有什么寓意吗)抢去了拉拉队长的头衔 :D

s03e02 The Jiminy Conjecture


obliquely:adv. 斜地;斜向地

a floppy disk:格式化软盘

albeit:conj. [古语]尽管,即使

euphemism:n. 婉言,委婉的说法

repulsed:adj. 被击退的

fine wine:顶级红酒

fine dining:美食,特指在高档次餐厅用餐

shiksa:n. [贬义]非犹太姑娘

ambient :adj. 周围的,包围着的

chirp:vi. (鸟、虫等)唧唧地叫

corrugated:adj. 缩成皱纹的

wager:n. v. 打赌

contentious:adj. 好争吵的

Voila:int. <法>那就是, 瞧(表示事情成功或满意之感叹词用语)

fiasco:n. 惨败

Yiddish:n. 意第绪语(犹太人语言)

entomology:n. 昆虫学

catatonic:adj. 紧张性精神症的

arachnid:n. 属于蜘蛛类的节肢动物

dung beetle:n. [动物]金龟子科,甲虫,蜣螂

two-bit:adj. 贱价的,俗气的,微不足道的

ornithologist:n. 鸟类学家

tramp:n. [俚语]荡妇


ethyl alcohol:n. 乙醇,酒精

reuptake:n. (神经细胞对化学物质的)再吸收

neurotransmitters:n. 神经传递素

gamma-aminobutyric acid:n. γ-氨基丁酸,用于肝昏迷及脑代谢障碍。还可抗精神不安,对高血压也有改善作用

snowy tree cricket:雪白树蟋,在国内称为玉竹蛉,学名Oecanthus fultoni,15秒为一个间隔,计算这种蟋蟀鸣叫的次数,所得的次数加上40就能算出当前的温度(华氏)

Amos Dolbear:Amos Emerson Dolbear (1837 – 1910) (剧中好像称他为为emilie dolbear -_-||| )美国物理学家和发明家,1897年发表了一篇名叫《The Cricket as a Thermometer》的文章。在其中,他总结出温度和蟋蟀鸣叫次数之间关系的Dolbear定律(WIKI link: /wiki/Dolbear%27s_Law) Dymo:达美标签机


"Why are you hitting yourself?":美国30年代在小孩间流行的游戏,好像是大孩子欺负小孩子用的(ET同学可以考证一下哈)


scrambled eggs:炒鸡蛋

salami:n. [意大利语]蒜味香肠

Peppermint schnapps:薄荷杜松子酒


Howard: No,no,not this time. I know insects,my friend. I spent many childhood years capturing

them with nets, putting them in glass jars, sticking pins through them, mounting them on corrugated cardboard with Dymo labels underneath,identifying the genus and species....In Latin.


Howard: What's the matter,you chicken?

Sheldon: I've always found that an inappropriate slur. Chickens are not,by nature, at all timid. In

fact,when I was young, my neighbor's chicken got loose and chased me up the big elm tree in front of our house.

Raj: Chickens can't climb trees.

Sheldon: Thank God.


Howard: You're such a girl. They're just bugs.

Raj: Yeah,well, I don't like bugs,okay? They freak me out.

Sheldon: Interesting. You're afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic....It was a joke. I made it to lessen your discomfort. You're welcome.



okay-dokay:又作okey-dokey, okay-doke, okey-doke, okee-doke, etc, 意同ok, 多用于对他人要求的正面回应

take the edge off:熟悉,熟识; 减弱

give me a freakin' break:给我打消这个奇想,少来这套

you can (cannot) hold your liquor:你酒量大(小)

AKA = also known as

take it to the bank:我向你保证


外卖更换通知:从本集起,Mumbai Palace将取代Tandoori Palace成为nerds外卖特许供应商,特此通告


Howard 13岁学过功夫

Raj来自New Delhi

s03e03 The Gothowitz Deviation


conjugal:adj. 结婚的,夫妻之间的

extenuating:adj. 使减轻的, 情有可原的

abysmal:adj. 深不可测的,无底的

homunculus:n. 矮人, 侏儒, Perfectly formed miniature human being

limbless:adj. 无肢的

obnoxious:adj. 不愉快的,讨厌的

cemetery:n. 公墓,墓地

nostril:n. 鼻孔

tweak:vt. 对…稍作调整

fanny pack:腰包

squirt:v. 喷出,溅迸

intrigue:v. 密谋,激起...的兴趣

incongruous:adj. 不协调的,不一致的,荒唐的

hepatitis:n. 肝炎

stencil:n. 模版

amorous:adj. 多情的,表示爱情的 defined by Leonard) (

olfactory:adj. 嗅觉的

jasmine:n. 茉莉

honeysuckle:n. 金银花



There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.:在这天地间有许多事情是人类哲学所不能解释的,出自莎翁《哈姆雷特》第一幕第五个场景。Horatio是哈姆雷特大学里的密友。

Kiss Army:重金属乐队Kiss的粉丝团

"don't ask, don't tell":19xx年鲍威尔制定,克林顿签署,联邦法案通过的在美军内部应对同性恋问题的政策


John Grisham:约翰·格里森姆,美国知名畅销作家,写过多部法律悬疑小说,包括The Pelican Brief(鹈鹕案件,1992),the Client(终极证人,1993)。

Thorndike:Edward Lee Thorndike桑代克,美国心理学家,动物心理学的开创者,心理学联结主义的建立者和教育心理学体系的创始人。他提出了一系列学习的定律,包括练习律和效果律等。

B. F. Skinner:斯金纳,美国心理学家,新行为主义的主要代表。他引入了操作条件性刺激(operant conditioning techniques)。他还写了著名的小说《桃源二村》。

Kermit the frog:柯米特青蛙,布偶电视明星,19xx年首次登上银幕,好莱坞星光大道上也有它的星星



french toast:法式吐司(蘸鸡蛋牛奶后轻炸的面包片)

syrup: 糖浆

cinnamon sugar:桂皮混和糖

light beer:低度啤酒

vodka and cranberry juice:伏特加小红莓汁

chex mix

Blackened salmon:熏鲑鱼


Leonard: You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Sheldon: You can catch even more flies with manure.


Sheldon: You know, using positive reinforcemt techniques, I could train that behavior out of her in a week. Leonard: No.

Sheldon: If you let me use negative reinforcement, I can get it done before we go to bed.

Leonard: You're not squirting her in the face with water.

Sheldon: No, of course not. We're talking very mild electric shocks. No tissue damage whatsoever. 恐怖怪博士小谢

Penny: Oh, sorry guys. (higpitched, singsongy) That girl is freaky.

Sheldon: Come again?

Penny: (normal register): Freaky.

Sheldon: (slightly lower register): Freaky?

Penny: (low register): Ah, freaky.

Sheldon: (very low register) have a chocolate.

Penny: (very low register): Thank you.


Howard: Okay, wait. How about this? We say there were four goth girls. The two girls in the club have two friends.

Raj: I like it, I like it. Did they smell good despite their goth-like nature?

Howard: What's that got to do with the story?

Raj: Engaging my olfactory sense helps make it real for me.

Howard: Fine, they smelled good.

Raj: Oh, they did. Like jasmine and honeysuckle.

Howard: Whatever.

Raj: And then they held hands and did a sexy, demonic hokey pokey for us.


Howard: So, we go back to their place. And then the six of us end up in a hot tub.

Raj: But we just got tattoos. Wouldn't we be concerned about bacterial infection?

Howard: True. Okay. Forget the hot tub. The point is, we each had a ménage with sexy goth girls. Raj: Wow. What a great night.

Howard: Yeah.


Howard: Hey, want to try a country bar tomorrow night?

Raj: Maybe we'll get lucky with some sexy cowgirls.

Howard: Coould happen.

Raj: ...I wonder how they smell.



catch more flies with honey than with vinegar:用劝说和奉承比敌意和对抗更能赢得人心 stumble onto:偶然遇见,碰巧发现


开头Penny唱的是Shania Twain的Man! I Feel Like A Woman!

douban link: /subject/1419488/

g link: /music/album?id=Be065d60d67a7da70 再就是Howard妈妈现在给Howard量体温改在口腔啦


s03e04 The Pirate Solution


bleak:adj. 惨淡凄凉的,萧瑟的

Titan:n. 土卫六


barb:n. 尖刻、刻薄的言语

protagonist:n. 主演,主角

annihilation:n. 湮灭

agonizing:adj. 苦恼的,痛苦难忍的

chauffeur:vt.为…开车 n. 司机

synchronize:v. 使同时,同时发生

spectrum:n. 光谱



matinee:n. 日场演出

rollerblad:v. 滑旱冰



trans-neptunian objects:(TNOs)外海王星天体,指太阳系中所在位置或运行轨道超出海王星轨道范围的

天体。海王星外的太阳系由内而外可再区分柯伊伯带(Kuiper belt)及奥尔特云(Oort cloud)区带。 Proxima Centauri:比邻星,位于半人马座(Centaurus),是半人马座α三合星的第三颗星,是距离太阳最近的一颗恒星(4.22光年)。

GeV=Giga-electron volts:[物理]十亿电子伏特


cranberry jelly:蔓越莓果冻

cranberry sauce:蔓越莓酱

tur-briska-fil: Turkey stuffed with a brisket stuffed with gefilte fish.火鸡包鸡脯鱼丸

chicken maharaja mac:印度鸡肉巨无霸

Elbow macaroni with ground hamburger and tomato sauce:曲管通心粉配牛肉酱和番茄酱(Sheldon的午餐)


scrambled eggs and salami:炒鸡蛋和蒜味香肠


cream cheese:奶油芝士



Penny: So, what are you guys doing?

Howard: Celebrating Columbus Day.

Leonard: We're watching Goonies, Gremlins and Young Sherlock Holmes. They're all written by Chris Columbus.

Penny: Okay. What do you watch on thanksgiving?

Sheldon: The parade.


Leonard: What do you mean he's getting deported?

Sheldon: I believe it means that the U.S. Government is going to expel him from the country. He could then either return to his native India, emigrate to another country that he's willing to accept him, or wander the high seas as a stateless pirate... Personally, I'd choose pirate.

Howard: Penny, would you mind stepping outside so we can speak to him?

Penny: Fine. But the man really needs to work on his girl issues.

Sheldon: Another reason to consider life of piracy. Even today, I understand, that's an all-male profession. Sheldon的海盗方案

Sheldon: And you've continued to take the university's money under false pretenses? Highly unethical for an astrophysicist. Although practically mandatory for a pirate.


Howard: What do you mean you didn't get the job? How could you not get it?

Raj: You know... He's British, I'm Indian. Ever since Gandhi, they haven't liked us very much.


Howard: I'm really going to miss you.

Raj: Will you come visit me in India?

Howard: Gee, that's, like, a 17-hour flight. How about I meet you halfway?

Raj: Halfway is 600 miles off the coast of Japan.

Howard: Tell you what, we'll Skype.


Raj: You want me to work with you?

Sheldon: For me. You're going to have to listen more careful when you're on the job.

Raj: Ok, uh, please don't take this the wrong way, but I'd rather swim buck-naked across the Ganges with

a paper cut on my nipple and die a slow, agonizing death from a viral infection than work with you. Raj的毒誓

Raj: I've reconsider your offer to let me work with you.

Sheldon: For me.

Raj: Yes, "for you". I do, however, have a few conditions. First, at all times, I am to be treated as a

colleague and an equal. Second, my contributions shall be noted in all published material. And third, you are never allowed to lecture me on Hinduism or my Indian culture.

Sheldon: I'm impressed, Raj. Those are very cogent and reasonable conditions.

Raj: Thank you.

Sheldon: I reject them all.

Raj: Then you leave me no choice. I accept the job.


Raj: What do you want, Sheldon?

Sheldon: I looked over the board, and it turns out you were right.

Raj: So you were wrong.

Sheldon: I didn't say that.

Raj: That's the only logical inference.

Sheldon: Nevertheless, I didn't say it.



take a stab:试试看

pull strings:在幕后拉线(秘密操纵,利用关系,暗中牵线帮忙)

Yikes:呀! a term used to show shock or extreme surprise

let's buckle down and work:开工吧

third wheel:电灯泡

I've got squat:我什么也没得到(我便便了)



"don't feed the gremlins after midnight." "don't get the gremlins wet."语出19xx年美国电影Gremlins》,养小魔怪的三条法则,第三条是"no bright light"

Chris Columbus担任编剧的三部电影

Goonies七宝奇谋(1985), Gremlins小魔怪(1984) and Young Sherlock Holmes少年福尔摩斯(1984) Ra有个兄弟叫Sanjay在AT&T做客服,人称Dave


s03e05 The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary


phantom:n. 幻影,幽灵

warlord:n. 军阀,暴君

mystic:adj. 神秘的,秘密宗教仪式的

necromancer:n. 巫师

wraith:n. 鬼,幽灵

eidetic memory:[wiki] or photographic memory, is the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme accuracy and in abundant volume.

ensign:n. 海军少尉

cadet:n. 军官学校学生,实习生

arduous:adj. 费力的,辛勤的,险峻的

maelstrom:n. 大漩涡,灾祸

Antares:n.心宿二,大火,天蝎座白星[亦作 Alpha Scorpii]

serpent:n. 大蛇或毒蛇

ecstatic:n. 狂喜

frenzy:n. 狂暴,狂怒


dryad:n. 森林的精灵 Dryad[希腊、罗马神话] 德律阿得斯 (树神,又称护树神女)

Shabbos:n. (犹太教)安息日

aneurysm:n. 动脉瘤

lava:n. 熔岩,火山岩

skirmish:n. v. 遭遇战


nymph:n. 女神,蛹,美丽的少女



Morty:语出[Where's my shorty, Morty?]不是很明白这个笑点,难道是指宋飞传里宋飞的父亲Morty Seinfeld?

Space Mountain:太空飞车,40英寸(约102厘米)以上乘坐

Bert and Ernie:出自美国1969开播的儿童节目Sesame Street(芝麻街)

Betty and Veronica:19xx年开始创作发行的美国漫画,讲述高中女生Betty和Veronica与男友三角恋的俗套故事(不知道为什么会出现在Stuart的店里)。

Wil Wheaton:Richard William Wheaton III (1972- )以出演1987-19xx年的Star Trek: The Next Generation(星际旅行:下一代)中Wesley Crusher 一角而出名

Khan Noonien Singh: 即Khan,Star Trek里的人物, 小谢说的那句"He tasks me.He tasks me and I shall have him."出自19xx年的Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan(星际旅行2:可汗之怒)。"round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round perdition's flames"也出自Khan之口。

body fat:体脂肪,以下是从松鼠会摘来的对照表


Essential fat__10–12%___2–4%





Obese_______42%+____ 38%+


red Icees


Leonard: Oh,damn it. Can I have a napkin?

Sheldon: I'm sorry, no.

Leonard: But you have a whole bunch of 'em.

Sheldon: Yes,I've moved to a four-napkin system. Lap,hands,face and personal emergency. If you like,starting tomorrow, I'll add a guest napkin, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for you today. 四张餐巾纸体系

Raj: Hey,Sheldon,guess what I heard today?

Sheldon: I'd imagine you heard any number of things today.

Raj: When you arrived at work, you undoubtedly heard, "Hello,Raj." "How are you,Raj?" Given that you're wearing a new sweater-vest, you may have heard, "New sweater-vest?" And possibly, though far less likely,"Nice sweater-vest."

Raj: Why don't I just tell you what I heard today.

Sheldon: That would probably save us some time.


Sheldon: Wil Wheaton currently ranks sixth on my all-time enemies list--right between director Joel Schumacher, who nearly destroyed the Batman movie franchise, and Billy Sparks, who lived down the street from me and put dog poop on the handles of my bicycle.


Raj: Sheldon,it's your play. Sheldon.

Sheldon: My Enchanted Troll bludgeons your Screaming Harpy with a Cursed Mace. Game.

Raj: Sorry,boys. Say hi to your mother when she picks you up. Or I could just tell her later tonight! We pwned them, dude! Up top!


Howard: So, Penny tells me you're working as a waitress to put yourself through grad school. That's pretty great. What are you studying?

The girl: Microbiology.

Howard: Oh,cool. So you could study me.

The girl: I don't understand.

Howard: Microbiology is the study of tiny living things.

The girl: I know, I'm studying it.

Howard: And I said you could study me 'cause I'm a tiny living thing... It's a joke.

The girl: Are you sure?


Sheldon: I came here to defeat Wil Wheaton, the man who destroyed my dreams. But I can't defeat Wil Wheaton, the man who loved his Mee-Maw.



choke on that:噎死你/气死你

I have a bone to pick with you:我得跟你说道说道了

pinky swear:拉钩儿上吊一百年不许变

The heart wants what the heart wants:跟着感觉走,语出Woody Allen19xx年的一次采访(9同学可以考证一下)

stumble upon:偶尔发现

Game,set and match.:比赛结束,胜(最早是网球用语)

We pwned them.:我们击败对手了。pwn一词是Warcraft开发人员一次误拼own一词而流传开的。



3%的body fat



ps:网上说他们玩的游戏mystic warriors of ka-ah是仿照The Wrath of Khar虚构出来的(剧组会开发这个周边吧),我也没找到相关资料,也就没有翻译各种牌的名字,只是翻了些偏词

s03e06 The Cornhusker Vortex


Cornhusker:n. 美国内布拉斯加州居民之绰号(意为剥玉米皮的乡巴佬)

outflank:vt. 侧翼包抄,迂回,战胜

come-hither:adj. 诱惑人的, 吸引人的


copulate:v. 交配

ditch:v. 抛弃,把…舍弃于困境中

felony:n. 重罪

rambling:adj. 杂乱无章的,漫无边际的

pharmaceutical:adj. 药物的(医药的)

scooter:n. 轻便摩托车,小孩滑板车

ubiquitous:adj. 到处都有的

peewee:n. 小朋友,矮小的人或东西

camouflage:v. 伪装,欺瞒


racoon:n. 浣熊

canine:n. adj. 狗或其他犬科动物,犬牙

yardage:n. 码数;[美国英语]把橄榄球向前推进的距离 staleness:n. 陈腐,不新鲜

starch:n. 淀粉

mimesis:n. 模仿,拟态

indigenous:adj. 土著的,本土的,国产的

fauna:n. 动物群

saber-toothed cat:n. 剑齿虎

Pilates:n. 普拉提

douche:n. 脑残(该词慎用)



Franklin stove:富兰克林壁炉式取暖炉(铸铁壁炉) bifocals:远近视两用眼镜,双焦镜片

flexible urinary catheter:活动导尿管,是富兰克林为弟弟的治疗发明的

The Dogs of War:最早出现于莎翁的《尤里乌斯凯撒》,此后也出现于19xx年的小说《The Dogs of War》,Pink Floyd的歌,19xx年的一部电影,一集Star Trek以及同名游戏、漫画。

Patang fighting kite:在印度,尤其在印度风筝最流行的古吉拉特,人们把风筝叫做Patang

Vespa:n. 伟士牌小型摩托车(一种意大利制低座摩托车)

sacks:成功在争球线后抱摔四分卫 football nom for when a quarterback is taced behind the line of scrimmage [from Sheldon]; 而对于Howard妈来讲,是指一家卖工作服的商店

Scrimmage:并列争球或争球线 The line of scrimmage is the imaginary transverse line separating the offense from the defense [from Sheldon]

La Brea Tar Pits:洛杉矶化石博物馆(拉布雷亚沥青坑),挖出过剑齿虎、古象等许多史前生物(简直就是冰河世纪)

Marie Callender's:19xx年创办的美国西部连锁饭店,拥有139家分店,主营美式烹调,以派出名 插播广告/famous_pies/pie_menu.php


Cylon toast:赛昂土司(就是印有赛昂头像的土司-_-|||)

chicken-fried meats:似鸡非鸡炸肉排 ie. frying meat that isn't chicken as if it were chicken (德州特产)


Penny: Hey,guys. What cha doin'? Going out to discover electricity?

Sheldon: If you're referring to the work of Benjamin Franklin, he did not "discover electricity," he merely used a kite to determine that lightning "consists" of electricity. also invented the Franklin stove, bifocals and the flexie urinary catheter.


Raj: Sheldon,I don't suppose there's any chance you could give me my kite back?

Sheldon: I'm sorry,Raj,but the rules of aerial warfare dictate that the fallen kite go to the victor. And

without rules, the competition has no meaning. And without meaning, the following would be an empty gesture. I have your kite. I have your kite.


Howard: Sheldon knows football?

Leonard: Apparently.

Howard: I mean,Quidditch,sure. But football?


Leonard: So you could teach me?

Sheldon: Football or chicken-fried meats?

Leonard: Football. I'm going to Penny's on Saturday to watch a game with her friends and I don't want to look like an idiot. I want to blend in.

Sheldon: If you want to blend in with Penny's friends, I'd think looking like an idiot would be the perfect camouflage.


Howard: Hey,at least I can talk to women without being drunk.

Raj: Excuse me, I have selecve mutism, a regnized medical disorder. You're just a douche.

Howard: No. You know what? Maybe that's what this whole thing's about. You're not mad at me, you're mad at yourself.

Raj: No,I'm mad at you. I hate myself, but I'm mad at you.

选择性缄默 vs Douche

Penny's friend A: Oh,where's the flag? That's intentional grounding.

Penny's friend B: Totally.

Leonard: That completely was a forward pass, which they threw intentionally incomplete to avoid loss of

yardage or to conserve time. I can't believe they're not being penalized with the loss of a down and by having to move the line of scrimmage back to the spot of the foul.


Sheldon: You shouldn't keep your bread in the refrigerator. Staleness is caused by crystallization of the starch molecules, which occurs faster at cool temperatures.

Penny: On Earth, we say "thank you."



pull a hammy:大腿拉伤

pimp out:装饰,改装

grind on:纠结,坚定地、无情地向前移动

Nudge,nudge,wink,wink.:俚语,影射房事,语出英剧Monty Python's Flying Circus


Howard体重80磅 (约36公斤,gee)

Sheldon12岁开始读大学 (gee again)

s03e07 The Guitarist Amplification


cyclotron:n. 粒子回旋加速器

Platonic:adj. 柏拉图式的

euphemism:n. 婉言,委婉的说法


bunk bed:n. 带梯子的双层床

spat:n. 口角,争执

alchemy:n. 炼金术

concession stand:n. 小卖部

synonyms:n. 同义词

fast:vi. n. 斋戒

transgression:n. 违反,逸出,越轨

plethora:n. 过量,过剩

tardiness:n. 缓慢,迟延


Large Hadron Collider:大型强子对撞机,就是位于瑞士日内瓦的LHC,是目前全球最大的粒子加速器,建造在位于瑞士日内瓦的目前世界上最大的物理实验室:欧洲粒子物理实验室CERN,它将有助于完善粒子与力的标准模型,有助于人类对宇宙的进一步认识

helium-argon laser:氦氩激光器,核泵浦激光器的一种,利用小型核裂变反应所释放出的能量来激励工作物质产生激光

Lollapalooza:Lollapalooza音乐节是一个每年八月在芝加哥的Grant Park举行的音乐节,其门票收入都会贡献给Parkway Foundation用来改善芝加哥的公共设施

Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan:阿拉伯炼金术士,通常也称为吉伯(Geber),是阿拉伯历史上第一位也是最杰出的炼金术士,同时还奠定了化学实验的基础

Niels Bohr:尼尔斯·亨里克·戴维·玻尔,丹麦物理学家,他提出的原子理论奠定了原子科学的基础 Colorado Boulevard:科罗拉多大道,南加州一条东西贯穿的主干线,穿过Pasadena

Go, go, Power Rangers,go!:出自《恐龙战队》,美国的一档科幻连续剧

Time Bandits:科幻片《时间劫匪》,英国导演特里·吉列姆早起的成名作,拍摄于19xx年

"If you like it,you shoulda put a ring on it.":Beyonce《Single Lady (put a ring on it)》里的歌词 Sheldon:Sheldon这个名字的意思是―紧邻海岸的农场‖

Richard Feynman:理查德·费曼的《费曼物理学讲义》以及列夫·朗道、阿尔卡迪·栗弗席兹合著的\N《理


Franklin Mint:一家专门制作成套收藏(collectible)品的公司,产品种类包括模型,玩偶,古币,图书,刀具,桌面游戏等等


snow cone:刨冰




Sheldon: Leonard, when that woman moved in three years ago, I told you not to talk to her, and now look, we're going to be late for the movies.


Sheldon: Stop it,both of you! All this fighting, I might as well be back with my parents! "Damn it, George, I told you if you didn't quit drinkin' I'd leave you!" "Well, I guess that makes you a liar. 'Cause I'm drunk as hell and you're still here!" "Stop yelling! You're making Sheldon cry!" "I'll tell you what's making Sheldon cry! That I let you name him Sheldon!"


Sheldon: I have a few questions. First,I notice that you offer soup and a half-sandwich?

Penny: Yes.

Sheldon: Where exactly does the half-sandwich come from? Are you giving me half of someone else's sandwich, or do I have to wait for someone else in the restaurant to order the other half?

Penny: No, no, Sheldon, they just make a half-sandwich.

Sheldon: You can't make a half-sandwich. If it's not half of a whole sandwich, it's just a small sandwich. Penny: Okay, fine, it's soup and a small sandwich. Is that what you want?

Sheldon: Of course not. I'll have my usual.


Penny: I hear you don't like my stuffed animals, my driving or my punctuality.

Leonard: What? Who would tell you something like that? (turn to Sheldon) Why would you tell her something like that?


Penny: All right,what's going on?

Leonard: It's a little hard to explain. He does this thing where he pretends he's in an alternate dimension that occupies the same physical space we're in, but he can't perceive us.

Sheldon: Don't flatter yourself. I'm just ignoring you.



have (quite) the edge:更胜一筹

hold your horses:耐心点儿

below the belt:不正当的(原指拳击中击打腰带以下部位)





s03e08 The Adhesive Duck Deficiency


azimuth:n. 地平经度,方位角

humerus:n. 肱骨

glenoid socket:n. 肩臼

impasse:n. 僵局,困境

damsel:n. 少女,姑娘

cactus:n. 仙人掌

yon:adj. 那边的

menopause:n. 经绝期

tie-dyed t-shirt:n. 扎染的T恤,迷幻风格

concussion:n. 脑震荡

inexplicably:adv. 难以理解地

diabetes:n. 糖尿病

migraines:n. 偏头痛

mole:n. 色素痣

lesion:n. 皮肤损伤


34. 48 degrees north, 118.31 west, azimuth 168. 22 degrees relative to magnetic north with an elevation of 49.93:根据谷歌地球,位于美国加州Santa Clarita郊区山上某条沟里


Stardate 63345.3:星历是《星际迷航》系列中用来在各个星系间协调的通用历法,有一套复杂的计算方法

Leonid meteor shower:狮子座流星雨,大约33年一次,最近一次是20xx年11月17日,也就是故事发生的时间

Rama IV:aka. King Mongkut (18 October 1804-1 October 1868), 泰文名

??????????????????????????????? ????????????????????, 1851至1868统治暹罗, 提倡西化, 被称为暹罗科技之父. Sheldon说他分割暹罗给殖民者, 大概说的是1854年港督Bowring与暹罗代表签署的

"Bowring条约", 条约将暹罗关税主权拱手让出, 在进行社会和经济改革的同时, 为英国等殖民入侵打开了大门. 另外, Rama IV的儿子娶了日后对泰国历史产生深远影响的英国女子Anna, 于是有了周润发的电影《安娜与国王》


Grateful Dead:―感恩而死‖是美国六七十年代的一支摇滚乐队,第一支在吸毒后即兴表演的乐队


Perseus and Medusa:珀尔修斯和美杜莎。希腊神话,美杜莎的头上长满毒蛇、凡人与之对视便会石化,被珀尔修斯所杀。

Orpheus and Eurydice:希腊神话,奥菲士试图救回死去的恋人欧律狄刻,却因离开地狱时回头张望而失败。

Up above the world so high, like little diamonds in the sky:《小星星》的歌词

Doodle Jump:iPhone上最受欢迎的游戏之一




assorted appetizers plate:什锦小吃

golden treasure:金宝贝(这两个是Sheldon在Siam Palace点的)

pickled herring:腌鲱鱼


pudding cup:布丁

slim jim:一种在美国很受欢迎的肉干类小吃

Otter Pops:一种类似于棒棒冰的食品,蓝色的是覆盆子口味的



Sheldon: Hello.

Penny: I slipped in the shower, and I think I dislocated my shoulder.

Sheldon: Not surprising. You have no safety mat or adhesive stickers to allow for purchase on a surface with a low coefficient of static friction.

Penny: (confused as always) What?

Sheldon: Tubs are slippery.

Penny: I know. I slipped.

Sheldon: I have a series of whimsical duck stickers on the bottom of my tub.

Penny: Yeah,okay,whatever. Will you just turn the water off and help me up?

Sheldon: They're holding umbrellas.

Penny: What?

Sheldon: The ducks in my tub. They're whimsical because ducks have neither a need for, nor the ability to use, umbrellas.

Penny: Oh,my god. I gotta go to the emergency room.

Sheldon: Well,assuming you're correct that your right humerus is no longer seated in the glenoid socket, I would certainly think so.


Howard: So,when do the meteors get here?

Raj: The meteors don't get here. The earth is moving into their path.

Leonard: I can feel it. I can feel the earth moving. It's moving too fast. Raj,slow it down.

Raj: (after a while of staring at the sky) Okay,how's that?

Leonard: Better. Thanks.


Sheldon: Now,where is the switch to adjust the passenger side mirror?

Penny: It's right there.

Sheldon: Where is the passenger side mirror?

Penny: In a parking lot in hollywood.


Sheldon: There, there... Everything is going to be fine... Sheldon's here...


Sheldon: Now remember,you were given powerful pain medication and a muscle relaxer, so,uh,don't operate heavy machinery. Try not to choke on your own drool.

Penny: Wait. You have to help me get into bed. (snickering) Sheldon has to get me into bed. Bet you never thought i'd say that.

Sheldon: Yes. The charm of your drug-addled candor knows no bounds.



t-minus: 倒计时几分几秒

hard up:经济困难,饥渴

knows no bounds:to have no limit, 该用法稍显正式

a fairly labored metaphor:蹩脚比喻


据Sheldon Lee Cooper说,他曾经在网站发恶评让一家松饼店关门



Howard大爆料,在叔叔Murray的葬礼上失身给自己的远房表妹Jeanie,从此对腌鲱鱼有阴影 Penny右臀上有一个汉字刺青,不是―汤‖就是―勇‖,但我相信Sheldon:D

s03e09 The Vengeance Formulation


snail:n. 蜗牛

homie:adj. 宅的; n. 宅男

homette:n. 宅女

catchy:adj. 拉风

saggy:adj. 松懈的,下垂的

wrapped up:v. 掩饰, 伪装

caramel:n. 焦糖,糖色

propagation:n. 增殖,繁殖

riot:n. 非常有趣的人(或事物)

nozzle:n. 喷嘴

villains:n. 坏人,恶根

autopsy:n. 验尸


whoopee cushion:n. 放屁坐垫

flatulent:adj. 肠胃气胀的

little weasel:n. 胆小鬼

smack:n. 打击

quirky:adj. 狡诈的

dish soap:n. 洗洁精


foamy:adj. 全是泡沫的,起泡沫的,泡沫的

janitor:n. 守卫,门警

plasma:n. 等离子体

malevolent:adj. 有恶意的,恶毒的

spiral:n. 背摔


NPR:National Public Radio美国国家公共电台,成立于19xx年,节目以新闻及综述为主,是美国国内收听率最高的广播电台,由于提供深入、透彻、公正的新闻报导,所以NPR在美国广播界处于主流地位 Total Recall:《全面回忆》或《宇宙威龙》,19xx年施瓦辛格、莎朗斯通主演的科幻惊悚片


Munchkin:来自《绿野仙踪》里的小矮人种族,有一幕是三个Munchkin男孩唱We Represent the Lollipop Guild来欢迎多萝西来到Munchkinland

Arkham Asylum:蝙蝠侠中的阿克汉姆精神病院


Scarlett Johansson:斯嘉丽·约翰逊,曾担任《迷失东京》《戴珍珠耳环的女孩》的主演

Wonder Woman:神奇女侠,DC漫画公司19xx年发行的漫画,先后多次改编为影视作品,并在19xx年重新发行漫画

Lex Luthor:曾经是超人的朋友,聪明绝顶的科学家及精明的商人,后来不断向自己证明他比超人更加优秀


人的声音一般经由空气传递。当空气的成份由78% 氮和21% 氧改变为80% 的氦气和20% 的氧气,密度变为正常空气的三分之一,此成份改变导致声音传播的速度快了接近三倍, 所以吸入氦气的人说话的声音会变高频率. 这个有趣的现像, 使得吸入氦气的人说话尖声细气


hydrogen peroxide:过氧化氢

saturated potassium iodide:饱和碘化钾





Howard的曲子取自The Four Tops的一首歌《Bernadette》(链接如下),词是自己编的



Mountain Dew


Sheldon: I have something to announce,but out of respect for convention, I will wait for you to finish your current conversation. What are you talking about?

Leonard: The cultural paradigm in which people have sex after three dates.

Sheldon: I see. Now, are we talking "date," the social interaction, or "date," the dried fruit?


Howard: Hey,just because you settled doesn't mean I have to.

Leonard: Excuse me,I'm sitting here.

Penny: Hey,I did not settle for Leonard. I mean,obviously,he isn't the kind of guy I usually go out with... you know,physically.

Leonard: Again,I'm right here.

Penny: My point is,I do not judge a book by its cover. I am interested in the person underneath. Leonard: I am here,right? (turn to Sheldon) You see me.

Sheldon: ......?


Leonard: All right, he got you. You can get him back.

Sheldon: I refuse to sink to his level.

Raj: You can't sink. With all that helium in you, you're lucky you don't float away.



struck out:三振出局

scrap the bottom of the barrel:滥竽充数

fiddle with:摆弄,玩弄

make a boo-boo:失误

hat tip to:脱帽致敬


美国杰出的犹太谐星有Seinfeld(宋飞传)、Lisa Kudrow(老友记Phoebe)、Woody Allen、Ben Stiller (拜见岳父)、Larry King(CNN脱口秀)、Sarah Silverman(Monk、宋飞传)、Adam Sandler(美利坚向英雄致敬)、Jack Black(橘子郡男孩).......【欢迎补充】


Howard最喜欢的2位女星Megan Fox(变形金刚)和Katee Sackhoff(太空堡垒卡拉狄加) s03e10 The Athens Recurrence


womenfolk:n. 妇女,由指男性主导社会中的女性群体

Gals:n. 姑娘,年轻女子

voltage:n. 电压,伏特数

yeast:n. 酵母

gut:vt. 取出内脏

rudimentary:adj. 基本的,初步的


hanker:v. 渴望

aperture:n. 孔,缝隙


Aharonov-Bohm quantum interference effect:阿哈伦诺夫-博姆量子干涉效应(A-B效应),即电磁场标量势φ和矢量势A对于带电粒子量子状态的量子干涉现象的影响。19xx年这两位科学家对电子束的量子干涉现象进行讨论,指出量子力学认为矢量势和标量势没有实质意义的看法不正确,因为两相干电子束通过电磁势场会产生量子干涉现象。

phase shift:相位偏移,对于一个波来说,相位(phase)是指在一个波的循环中的位置,如果用X(t)=A*sin(2πft+θ),那么2πft+θ就是该时刻的相位,θ就是相位偏移

electric potential:电势,即电场中,某点电荷的电势能跟它所带的电荷量之比,电势是从能量角度上描述电场的物理量,而电场强度则是从力的角度描述电场

tunnel junction:隧道结,一种利用量子隧穿效应搭建的结构,可用来设定电压



spinning electron:自旋电子,自旋是电子的基本性质之一,即电子内禀运动或电子内禀运动量子数的简称。 spinning galaxy:自转星系,星系中除了恒星围绕星系核心公转的运动之外,还存在星系的自转问题,与暗物质有关。

KoKo the gorilla:可可是旧金山动物园的一只大猩猩,能听懂大约2000个单词,还会上网


electron beam:电子束,又称电子注,在真空汇集成束,可采用静电场聚焦,磁场聚焦等方法。电子显微镜和电视机就是利用电子束形成影像的


lima bean:青豆,利马豆

lamb stew:炖羊肉,Howard妈用Le Sueur peas作配料(Le Sueur是明尼苏达州的一个地名)

Fig Newtons:无花果牛顿饼干是纳贝斯克Nabisco旗下的一个品牌,经营无花果酱夹心的曲奇饼fig roll。Newton是19世纪末费城面包师为了在麻省Newton地区推销用他的方法批量生产的fig roll时想到的营销手段。p.s.真的长得很像驴打滚


Howard: I told my girlfriend Bernadette she could join us for dinner.

Leonard: Sure. The more, the merrier.

Sheldon: Wa - no, that's a false equivalency. More does not equal merry. If there were 2,000 people in this apartment right now, would we be celebrating? No, we'd be suffocating.


Penny: Hey, Sheldon, can I talk to you for a second?

Sheldon: It's not about shoes, is it? I don't think I could go through that again.

Penny: It's not about shoes.

Sheldon: Then speak.

Penny: Um, actually, can we do it in private?

Sheldon: All right. (turn to Raj) Go away. I agree, it's rude, but she asked for privacy.

Raj: (of course speechless)


Sheldon: All right, let us begin. Where's your notebook?

Penny: Um, I don't have one.

Sheldon: How are you going to take notes without a notebook?

Penny: I have to take notes?

Sheldon: How else are you gonna study for the tests?

Penny: There's gonna be a test?

Sheldon: Test-sss. (give Penny a notebook) Here. It's college-ruled. I hope that's not too intimidating. Penny: (being insulted again) Thank you.


Sheldon: It's a warm summer evening, circa 600 BC. You've finished your shopping at the local market, or agora......and you look up at the night sky. There you notice some of the stars seem to move, so you name them "planetes," or "wanderer."


Sheldon: Now, if "ma" equals "mg," what does that imply?

Penny: I don't know.

Sheldon: How can you not know? I just told you. Have you suffered a recent blow to the head? Penny: Hey! You don't have to be so mean!

Sheldon: I'm sorry. (sweetly) Have you suffered a recent blow to the head?

Penny: No, you just suck at teaching. Really?

Sheldon: Of those two explanations, which one seems the most likely?


Leonard: (to Bernadette) Glad you enjoyed it. Most people aren't that interested in what I do.

Penny: (clearing throat) Actually, that's not true, Leonard. In fact, recently I've been thinking that given the parameters of your experiment, the transport of electrons through the aperture of the nanofabricated metal rings is qualitatively no different than the experiment already conducted in the Netherlands. Their observed phase shift in the diffusing electrons inside the metal ring already conclusively demonstrated the electric analogue of the Aharonov-Bohm quantum interference effect.




fo'shizzle:for sure,that is correct表示同意,常后跟nizzle(指黑人nigga),Howard为了押韵于是造了nerdizzle这个词,另外,Fo' Shizzle my Nizzle的用法来自说唱歌手Snoop Doggy Dogg的一首歌 street cred:街头信誉,街头风格

light up:照亮,呈现高兴的情绪

play innocent with:装无辜

Ignorance is bliss:无知是福

rip off:宰客

get a bone to pick with:找...算账

come off:看上去显得...




Howard妈称呼Howard小屁脸"tushy face

s03e11 The Maternal Congruence


congestive:adj. 充血的

succumb:vi. 屈从


manger:n. 马槽

reindeer:n. 驯鹿

solstice:n. 至,winter solstice冬至

baffling:adj. 令人困惑的

latent:adj. 潜在的

loathsome:adj. 令人憎恶的,令人呕吐的

Yikes:int. 呀(表惊讶)

lousy:adj. 讨厌的

surrogate:adj. 代理的,替代的

buzz:n. 受某种刺激后产生的兴奋

buttock:n. 半边臀部

hungover:adj. 宿醉的

intoxicated:adj. 喝醉的


Grinch:金凯瑞20xx年电影《圣诞怪杰》(How the Grinch Stole Christmas)中的人物,心胸狭隘,心脏只有正常人的四分之一大

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:HCM or HOCM,肥厚型心肌病

Bose condensate:或Bose-Einstein condensate(BEC)玻色-爱因斯坦冷凝物,20xx年诺贝尔物理学奖获奖研究

limbic system:大脑边缘系统,由边缘叶和相关的皮质及皮质下结构组成,边缘系统有两个神经组织,即杏仁核与海马,前者关系情绪的表现,后者与记忆有关

Jungian crisis:荣格心理危机,由瑞士心理学家荣格Carl Jung提出,随着年龄的增长,人对失去的东西会越发悲哀


Del Taco:19xx年成立的风靡北美的墨西哥风味快餐连锁店




Leonard: We didn't have a tree when I was growing up.

Penny: Really? Why not?

Leonard: Mmm, in my family, holidays weren't so much celebrated as studied for their anthropological and psychological implications on human society.

Penny: Oh, sounds festive. Did you at least give presents?

Leonard: Mmm, in a way. We presented papers. And then broke off into focus groups and critiqued each other.


Penny: What is it?

Sheldon: You're kidding, right? It's a bust of Sir Isaac Newton.

Penny: Oh, sure, sure. Very Christmasy.

Sheldon: Wait, excuse me, but it's much more "Christmasy" than anything you've put on the tree. Leonard: Here we go.

Sheldon: December 25, 1642, Julian calendar, Sir Isaac Newton is born. Jesus, on the other hand, was actually born in the summer. His birthday was moved to coincide with a traditional pagan holiday that celebrated the winter solstice with lit fires and slaughtered goats. Which, frankly, sounds like more fun than 12 hours of church with my mother followed by a fruitcake.

Leonard: Merry Newton-mas, everyone.


Sheldon: If I can interject again. Leonard comes from a remarkably high-achieving family, who have all chosen high-achieving partners. He probably feels that it's doubtful that his mother will be overly

impressed with his dating a woman whose most significant achievement is memorizing the Cheesecake Factory menu.

Penny: Hey, it's a big menu. There's two pages just for desserts.

Leonard: I know. And those specials... They change every day.

Penny: Okay, you know what? It's lame when I say it. It's just ridiculous when you pile on.

Leonard: Okay. Sorry.


Leonard: What do you want, Sheldon?

Sheldon: What I want is to be departing Starship Enterprise in a one-man shuttle craft headed to the planetoid I rule known as Sheldon Alpha Five.


Beverly: And I want you to take very good care of this young woman.

Penny: Oh, thank you, Beverly.

Beverly: You're welcome. She doesn't have much in the way of career prospects. Don't make her responsible for her own orgasms as well.



what a buzzkill that was:多令人扫兴啊

root for:支持

talk some sense into you:讲讲理

pile on:夸张,添油加醋

make a fuss:大惊小怪,小题大做



Leonard的弟弟订婚了,女方是新泽西州最年轻的上诉法院法官和两届奥运会铜牌获得者 Leonard妈离婚了,据说是因为他爸和大学餐厅的女招待出轨


s03e12 The Psychic Vortex


Namaste:n. (印度)合十礼

broncos:n. 北美洲野马

saddle:vi. 装马鞍

hoot:n. 叫嚣,猫头鹰叫声

mixer:n. 联谊

strut:v. 趾高气扬地走,支撑

stifled:adj. 窒息的,憋闷的

hexagon:n. 六边形

skeletonize:v. 使成骸骨,吃掉

rodent:n. 啮齿动物

phony:n. 骗子

chintzy:adj. 吝啬的

copulate:vi. 交配

gynecologist:n. 妇科医生

monogamous:n. 一夫一妻的

abduct:vt. 诱拐,绑走

gullible:adj. 易受骗的,轻信的

probing:adj. 好探索的,尖锐的

puny:adj. 微小的,不足取的

lint:n. 线头

ignition:n. 点火,起火

voodoo:n. 巫术,巫毒教



Glendale Galleria:加州Glendale一处三层大型shopping mall,为洛杉矶地区第二大


zoot suit:20世纪四五十年代在美国黑人、墨西哥裔意大利裔美国人等中间流行的一种服饰,西裤肥大,上装夸张

The zoot suit riots:二战期间洛杉矶地区发生的一系列骚乱的统称,主要发生在当地征兵部门和墨西哥裔美国人之间,并一度造成当地与墨西哥人社区之间的紧张气氛

Flatland:1884年一位英国牧师Edwin A. Abbott(1838-1926)所撰写的一本小册子,小说里构造了一个全新的世界──二维世界,整个小说分成两个部分,前一部分系统地描述这个二维世界,第二部分二维世界中的主人公拜访了一维世界同时又接触了三维世界,整个世界大乱

Stan Lee:美国漫画大师,创造出蜘蛛侠、神奇四侠、X战警、绿巨人、钢铁侠等角色


The dog...koira

The roof...katto

Grapes...ryp leet

Come in...Sis n




root beer float:漂浮沙士

shirley temple:与秀兰邓波同名,因此是大人让小孩初次体验鸡尾酒常用的无酒精混合饮品,也称Grenadine Lemonade


Raj: Come on,Sheldon,the world is filled with people doing things outside. Let's go outside. Outside is good.

Sheldon: If outside is so good,why has mankind spent thousands of years trying to perfect inside? Raj: I don't know,it's a marketing scheme.


Leonard: Come on,Howard,Bernadette,you're both scientists. Help me out here.

Howard: What do you think-- want to jump right in the middle of another couple's argument?

Bernadette: No,thank you.

Howard: Sorry.



what's what:事情之真相

lie through my teeth:故意欺骗


squeeze in:腾出,挤出

au contraire:[法语]正相反

Whatever floats your boat:你想咋地就咋地




s03e13 The Bozeman Reaction


hobo:n. 无业游民,流浪汉

typo:n. 打印错误

audacity:n. 厚颜无耻,大胆

ransack:vt. 洗劫,掠夺

bludgeon:vt. 恫吓,用棍棒打

dead bolt:固定栓

jamb:n. 门框,窗框

infrared:n. 红外线

spasm:n. 痉挛

elude:vt. 逃避,躲避

torment:vt. 折磨,纠缠

lurk:vi. 潜伏,埋伏

loony bin:疯人院

maudlin:adj. 感情脆弱的,伤感的

bracing:adj. 令人振奋的,凉爽的

invigorating:adj. 爽快的,精力充沛的

embodiment:n. 体现,具体化

chamber of commerce:商会


Corleone?s:corleonespizza,一家意大利餐馆,《教父》里的教父就是这个姓,所以指代黑帮 gedanken experiment:假想实验,thought experiment的德语表达

Bochco:去Leonard家调查盗窃案的助手的名字。笑点在于有一个叫Steven Bochco的编剧制作了多部犯罪侦破类剧集,包括Hill Street Blue(1981-1987)、LA Law(1986-1994)、NYPD Blue(1993-2005)。 General Zod:General Dru-Zod,超人永远的敌人

Phantom Zone:超人漫画里一片用作监狱的地区

Higgs Boson Particle:希格斯玻色子,即"God Particle"上帝之子,被认为是物质的质量之源,它是―标准模型‖这一粒子物理学理论中最后一种未被证实的粒子,但是它的存在却是整个―标准模型‖的基石。英国科学家彼得·希格斯Peter Higgs希望在欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)地下隧道深处实施的大规模实验最终能证实一种神秘的、不稳定粒子的存在。

Daniel Boone:18世纪美国拓荒者,是美国早期民族英雄之一 ,他的肖像出现在1934-19xx年美国50美分硬币的背面。北卡的布恩市Boone就是为了纪念他而以他的名字命名的。


General Tso's Chicken:左宗棠鸡

Shrimp in lobster sauce:虾酱糊(P.F.Chang's的菜单写成了Shrimp in mobster sauce)


Penny: I can't believe it. If I hadn't been working the dinner shift,I would've run right into the robbers. Leonard: Hey,there's no reason for you to be scared.

Penny: I'm not scared. (with a bat in hand) I would've gone all Nebraska on their asses.


小谢的咒语I am the master of my own bladder.

Leonard: What do you want?

Sheldon: It's not what I want, it's what evolution wants. Human beings are primates. Primates have evolved to live in groups,both for protection and support.

Leonard: But you don't like other people.

Sheldon: I do tonight.


Sheldon: My new computer came with Windows 7. Windows 7 is much more user-friendly than Windows Vista. I don't like that.

小谢与Windows 7

Howard: Oh,come on. So you were the victim of a crime. That's part of life. When my great-grandfather first came to this country, he put all his hopes and dreams into this little butcher shop he ran on the Lower East Side of New York. You know what happened? Every customer who walked into that butcher shop and asked for a pound of liver,got ripped off. But... those people moved on,and so should you. Howard曾祖父的―辛酸史‖

Sheldon: Greetings. As you know,I'm not comfortable with prolonged good-byes and maudlin displays of emotion, so I prepared this short video. The four of you are three of my closest friends and one treasured acquaintance. Though I cannot state categorically that my life will be diminished by not having you in it, I am comfortable if you choose to believe that. Since you intend to remain in this lawless metropolitan area, statistics suggest that you will succumb to tragic and gruesome ends before we meet again. Live long and prosper.



quench sb?s thirst:解渴



sleep continues to elude me:依然难以入睡

get ripped off:买东西挨宰


Leonard和Sheldon一共丢了TV一台,laptop两只,四个移动硬盘,PS2、PS3、X-Box、X-Box 360、classic Nintendo、Super Nintendo、Nintendo 64、Wii共计八台游戏机。还有各色游戏盘如下:

光晕系列Halo 1,Halo 2,Halo 3, 使命的召唤Call of Duty 1, Call of Duty 2,Call of Duty 3, 摇滚乐团Rock Band,Rock Band 2, 最终幻想Final Fantasy 1 thru 9, 塞尔达传说The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, 超级玛丽Super Mario Brothers,Super Mario Galaxy,Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympics...and 吃豆女士Ms. Pacman.

Howard是Sheldon的treasured acquaintance难得的点头之交

s03e14 The Einstein Approximation


crate:n. 板条箱,篓

alligator:n. 短吻鳄

crocodile:n. 鳄鱼

coalesce:vi. vt. 联合,结合

graphene:n. 石墨烯

peripheral:adj. 外围的

deodorant:n. 除臭剂,香体剂

hexagonal:adj. 六边的,六角形的

coccyx:n. 尾椎,复数形式coccyges

marbles:n. 大理石,弹球

serotonin:n. 血清素,5-羟色胺

norepinephrine:n. 去甲肾上腺素,正肾上腺素

stubborn:adj. 顽固的,难处理的

tumbler:n. 搬钮开关

proton:n. 质子

neutron:n. 中子

lunch pail:n. 午餐桶,午餐饭盒

perched:adj. 栖息的,置于高处的

girder:n. 大梁

pedestrian:adj. 徒步的,缺乏想像力的

epiphany:n. 显现(特指神的显现),顿悟;Epiphany主显节(每年六月一日纪念耶稣显灵的节日) busboy:n. 打扫桌子的餐馆工

dog groomer:狗狗美容师

shih tzu:n. 西施犬,狮子狗

Troglodyte:n. 类人猿,穴居人,老顽固


Captain Hook:Peter Pan的主要敌人,他的右手被Peter Pan切掉后被一只Saltwater Crocodile咸水鳄鱼吃掉,之后他就在右手装了一个钩子(hook)作为假手。

Aye, aye, Captain.:船员回答船长会这么讲,遵命船长

superior colliculus:上丘(四叠体),上丘与眼球的随意运动及视觉或其它刺激引起的眼球与头部运动有关。 Moonlight Roller Rink in Glendale:加州洛杉矶县格伦代尔市一家旱冰场,Yelp链接





Why electrons behave as if they have no mass when traveling through a graphene sheet?




basal ganglia:基底神经节,皮层下一些神经核团的总称,位于大脑两半球的深部,其纤维联系与生理功能都很复杂,对躯体运动有重要的调节作用。

prefrontal cortex:前额皮质,所有皮层中功能最复杂的部位,在思维、逻辑推理、认知、情感、行为计划、工作记忆、药物成瘾等方面发挥着重要功能。


lima bean:青豆,利马豆


Howard点的bacon cheeseburger违背两条犹太习俗:不吃猪肉;不同时食用肉和奶制品

Raj点的Beer-battered fish and chips啤酒鱼和炸薯条

tartar sauce:鞑靼式沙拉酱


Leonard点的招牌大玉米煎饼Factory Burrito Grande配料表:

black bean:豆鼓,黑大豆

pinto bean:黑白斑豆



lettuce shredded not chopped:生菜切碎不是剁碎的


Penny: Whatcha doing?

Sheldon: I'm attempting to view my work as a fleeting peripheral image so as to engage the superior colliculus of my brain.

Penny: Interesting. I usually just have coffee. You've been up all night?

Sheldon: Is it morning?

Penny: Yes.

Sheldon: Then I've been up all night.

Penny: And you're stuck?

Sheldon: Why else would a person try to engage their superior colliculus?

Penny: Oh, sorry, sweetie, I can't help you till I've had my coffee.


Howard: How long has he been stuck?

Leonard: Intellectually about 30 hours.Emotionally about 29 years.

Sheldon: (still stuck in his problem) Unit cell contains two carbon atoms...Interior angle of a hexagon is 120 degrees.

Howard: Have you tried rebooting him?

Leonard: No, I think it's a firmware problem.


(Sheldon grabs some lima beans from Raj's plate)

Raj: Hey, those are my lima beans!

Sheldon: Not lima beans, carbon atoms.

Raj: But if I don't eat my lima beans,I can't have my cookie.

Leonard: (to Raj) Here, you want my peas?

Sheldon: (again) The peas- perfect.They can be electrons.

Howard: (offer his plate to Sheldon) Want my corn?

Sheldon: (staring at him for a while) Don't be ridiculous. What would I do with corn?


Bernadette: Sheldon, when was the last time you got any sleep?

Sheldon: I don't know - two, three days. Not important. I don't need sleep. I need answers. I need to determine where in this swamp of unbalanced formulas squatteth the toad of truth.

Penny: Toad of truth? Is that a physics thing?

Leonard: No, that's a crazy thing.

Bernadette: Okay, Sheldon. What happens to our neuroreceptors when we don't get enough REM sleep? Sheldon: They lose their sensitivity to serotonin and norepinephrine.

Bernadette: Which leads to...?

Sheldon: Impaired cognitive function.

Bernadette: Right, so march in there, brush your teeth and go to bed.

Sheldon: But I don't want to go to bed.

Bernadette: I'm going to count to three. One...

Sheldon: Oh, all right.


Sheldon: I asked myself, what is the most mind-numbing, pedestrian job conceivable, and three answers came to mind: uh, toll booth attendant, Apple Store genius......and what Penny does. Now...since I don't like touching other people's coins, and I refuse to contribute to the devaluation of the word "genius," here I am.


Sheldon: (offer a plate to Leonard) And for you, Factory Burrito Grande-no cheese, no sour cream, no ugly consequences from your lactose intolerance. Bon appetit.

Leonard: Hang on. Black beans, not pinto beans?

Sheldon: Yes.

Leonard: Double guacamole?

Sheldon: Of course.

Leonard: No cilantro?

Sheldon: Nope.

Leonard: Lettuce shredded, not chopped?

Sheldon: Yep.

Leonard: You understand why I'm doing this to you?

Sheldon: I do.

Leonard: That'll be all. (turn to other guys) That was fun. Leonard的复仇


do the splits:劈叉



Bon appetit:祝你有好的食欲

Sheesh:to express disbelief,surprise,annoyance,disgust,etc.




据小谢观察,Penny仰卧睡觉(on her back)的时候打呼噜更响 Sheldon怕狗

s03e15 The Large Hadron Collision


zombie:n. 僵尸

farfetched:adj. 牵强的,靠不住的

colloquial:adj. 白话的

asinine:adj. 驴的,愚蠢的

heinousness:n. 极恶,十恶不赦

nuke:v. 加热

old chum:老伙计


gastrointestinal:adj. 胃肠的

ramification:n. 衍生物,后果

thermal:adj. 热的,保温的


scrupulous:adj. 小心谨慎的,一丝不苟的


positional good:地位商品。19xx年,出生于维也纳的英国沃里克大学经济学教授Fred Hirsch弗雷德·赫希(1931-1978)发表了题为Social Limits to Growth《增长的社会限制》的专著,书中提出了增长社会限制论、地位商品等概念。Hirsch将人类消费的个人产品和公共产品分类为物质商品和地位商品。他认为,当人们的衣食住等物质商品得到满足以后,家庭支出中用于地位商品或带有地位商品特性的物品和劳务的比重就要增加。地位商品的特点就是使用时能产生满足感,而这种满足感正来源于其稀缺性。常用来举例的地位商品包括知名团体的成员身份、高档餐厅的预定座位、名气等等。地位商品不能被创造,而只能被重新分配,因此对地位商品的竞争是零和博弈。地位商品的价值很大程度上取决于满足所有者欲望的程度,即positionality。

Large Hadron Collider:LHC大型强子对撞机,于20xx年9月10日正式启动运行,但于9月19日发生事故停机。经过一年多的维修,LHC于20xx年11月20日重新启动,并于11月23日实现第一次对撞。CERN欧洲核子研究中心拥有这一物理研究最前沿的设备。

Matterhorn:马特洪峰,阿尔卑斯最著名的山峰,位于瑞士和意大利边境。剧中提到的马特洪峰时加州迪斯尼乐园和奥兰多迪斯尼世界按1:100的比例仿造的假山,并推出Matterhorn Bobsleds马特洪雪橇过山车的娱乐项目。


Benedict Arnold:本尼迪克特·阿诺德(1741—1801)是美国独立战争革命家和军事家,1779年他向英国方面出卖美军情报,1780年9月阴谋通敌的计划败露后脱逃,后来作为英军的一名准将, 1781年率兵对康涅狄格的新伦敦进行袭击。他被华盛顿判处缺席死刑,名字也被作为―叛徒‖的代名词。


Bath & Body Works, LLC: 19xx年在美国成立的专营沐浴乳的零售连锁店,现已发展到1600多家分店,该公司为Limited Brands公司所有。


rotisserie chicken:烤鸡


Swiss Miss instant cocoa:Swiss Miss牌速溶可可


butterscotch scone:奶油糖果司康饼




Leonard: Hey, what are you and Bernadette doing for your first Valentine's Day?

Howard: Yeah, I am pulling out all the stops. There's a $39.95 lover's special at P.F. Chang's. Egg rolls, dumplings,bottomless wok, and you get your picture taken on the big marble horse out front.

Sheldon: Given that Saint Valentine was a third century Roman priest who was stoned and beheaded, wouldn't a more appropriate celebration of the evening be taking one's steady gal to witness a brutal murder?

Howard: I understand your point, but given a choice, Jews always go with Chinese food.


Sheldon: Hello.

Penny: Hello.

Sheldon: All right, let's dispense with the friendly banter. I believe you know why I'm here.

Penny: Well, I always figured it was to study us, discover our weaknesses, and report back to your alien overlords.


Leonard: Do you want an allergy pill? Cause I have 'em all. Prescription, nonprescription,foreign, domestic, experimental.

Penny: Do any of them work?

Leonard: Not really, I'm just an ecthusiast.


Penny: Here's your soup.

Sheldon: Chicken?

Penny: Yes.

Sheldon: With the little stars?

Penny: Yes.

Sheldon: Heated to 180 degrees?

Penny: Why don't I pour it in your lap and you can tell me?




neener-neener:表示嘲讽,效果类似吐舌头,常用于同辈之间,不过小谢说这是19xx年以前的用法 pull out all the stops:全力以赴,绞尽脑汁

bugs me:让我抓狂

butter me up:奉承我


Raj的情人节模式:Buying a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket, taking it home, standing over the sink and eating it out of the package with my bare hands like an animal.


Leonard和Sheldon的《室友协议》Roommate Agreement:

Friendship Rider in Appendix C: Future Commitments. No. 37:

In the event one friend is ever invited to visit the Large Hadron Collider, now under construction in Switzerland he shall invite the other friend to accompany him.


1. 如果一方赢得MacArthur Grant后应该...

2. 如果一方获得超能力应该...

3. 如果一方被zombie咬到,即使变异也不应被杀害

4. 如果一方被邀请与Bill Gates游泳,则应带上室友

5. Sheldon每天要问候Leonard "How are you"

6. 每天22点以后Sheldon不准进行生物危害演习

7. 不准Sheldon练习Tuvan喉唱


P.S. Sheldon的喉唱真的很厉害

s03e16 The Excelsior Acquisition


sequel:n. 续集

action-packed:adj. 充满激情的,老当益壮的 dermatologist:n. 皮肤科医生

contagious:adj. 会蔓延的,感染性的

albeit:conj. 即使,虽然

artifact:n. 手工艺品,人工制品

hoi polloi:n. 【古希腊语】民众,大众

fandom:n. 运动迷,影迷

Neosporin:n.【商标、药物】新斯波林,新孢子菌素 goofy:adj. 傻瓜的,愚笨的

snide:adj. 卑鄙的,暗讽的

summons:n. 传唤,传票

plead:vt. 为...辩护

vernacular:n. 方言

pro se:【拉丁语】for oneself

dicey:adj. 不确定的,危险的

Imodium:n. 如洛哌丁胺,止泻药

stool:n. 凳子

sociopathic:adj. 反社会的


Stan Lee:原名Stanley Martin Lieber,生于19xx年,19xx年起使用Stan Lee的笔名开始创作漫画作品,由他创作或主创的漫画人物有神奇四侠(Fantastic Four)、绿巨人(Hulk)、钢铁侠(Iron Man)、X战警(X-Men)、奇怪博士(Doctor Strange)、夜魔侠(Daredevil)以及蜘蛛侠(Spider Man)。

Stanley Tucci:意大利裔美国演员,生于19xx年11月11日,出演电视剧《神探阿蒙》(Monk)《急诊室的故事》(ER)等。

quod est necessarium est licitum:【拉丁文】需要即合法

Sixth Amendment:《联邦宪法》第六修正案,是权利法案中规定刑事诉讼的一部分,该修正案规定的权利包括1、被告人有权要求获得陪审团审判;2、被告人应当获得及时、公正的审判;3、有权获得辩护;4、有权获得与诉讼有关的信息并获得和提供有利于自己的证据。

Excelsior:独行侠,后改称Loners,漫画人物,最早出现于惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics)获奖漫画Runaways(vol. 2) #1


Bruce Banner:在变身为绿巨人之前他就是Dr. Bruce Banner

Reed Richards:即《Fantastic Four神奇四侠》其中的一个成员Mr. Fantastic

Sue Storm:即Invisible Girl和Invisible Woman,神奇四侠之一,Reed的妻子

Stephen Strange:即Dr. Strange出自《Strange Tales怪谈故事》

Otto Octavius:蜘蛛侠中一个发疯的博士

Silver Surfer:神奇四侠里的反派

Peter Parker:就是蜘蛛侠了

J. Jonah Jameson, Jr.:《神奇的蜘蛛侠》中他是报社编辑,给蜘蛛侠制造负面舆论,同时又是蜘蛛侠现


Dum Dum Dugan:惊奇漫画虚拟组织S.H.I.E.L.D.的成员

Green Goblin:《神奇的蜘蛛侠》里他是蜘蛛侠的对手

Matt Murdock:全名Matthew Michael "Matt" Murdock,即Daredevil夜魔侠本人是也 Pepper Potts:钢铁侠的爱人

Victor Von Doom:神奇四侠里的反派

Millie the Model:惊奇漫画一部长篇幽默系列漫画(1945-1973)的女主角

Fantastic Four:神奇四侠,Stan Lee与惊奇漫画的第一次合作


Invincible Iron Man:钢铁侠

Happy Hogan:全名Harold "Harry" Hogan,钢铁侠的实验室助手

Curt Connors:又叫作The Lizard,蜘蛛侠的对手

Fin Fang Foom:一条怪龙,在《怪谈故事》和《钢铁侠》中出现过





Howard: Sheldon, why do you have all these unopened paychecks in your desk?

Sheldon: Because most of the things I'm planning to buy haven't been invented yet.

Howard: There-there must be thousands of dollars here. Why don't you put it in the bank? Sheldon: I don't trust banks. I believe that when the robots rise up,ATMs will lead the charge. 起义军领袖ATM机

Sheldon: I call your attention to the events of November 16. Do you remember that date?

Penny: "Darn tootin', I do. If the court will excuse my homespun, corn-fed Nebraskan turn of phrase. "

Sheldon: That's excellent. Go on.

Penny: "The reason that date is, like, so totally fixed in my memory is that I had the privilege to be witness to one of the most heroic acts I've ever seen in, like, ever. "

Sheldon: "And who performed that heroic act?"

Penny: "Why, you did, sir. You. Dr. Sheldon Cooper. And may I add, it is a privilege to know you. " Sheldon: "There's no need for compliments. This court is only interested in the facts. "

Penny: "But it is a fact that it's a privilege to know you. Totally. "


Sheldon: Like a milking stool, my case rests on three legs. I will demonstrate that I was improperly

instructed in driving by a woman whose lack of respect for society borders on the sociopathic. I will argue that the emergency met the legal doctrine of quod est necessarium est licitum...that which is necessary is legal. But first,I will raise a Sixth Amendment issue. I'm unable to confront my accuser,a non-human entity, to wit, a camera. So, to sum up: improper instruction; quod est necessarium est licitum; Sixth Amendment. My milk stool is complete.


Leonard: Hey, where've you been?

Sheldon: I'll tell you where I've been. You boys may have had gelato with Stan Lee and gotten autographed comics, but I saw the inside of his house and got an autographed application for a restraining order.

Howard: Sweet.

Sheldon: Plus, I get to hang out with him again at the hearing. This is going to look great hanging next to my restraining order from Leonard Nimoy.



Oh, balls.:表示失落失望

Darn tootin':等于yes of course

wound up:上足发条

preside over:主持,负责

cheese him off:使他不开心

Knock yourself out:别客气,随便点

piss him off:烦死他了

get stood up:被人放鸽子


Sheldon因为闯红灯被罚了533刀,驾照也被扣了3分,他还没拿到驾照呢 Stuart邀请Penny和Leonard去他表妹的婚礼,L要假扮成P的表哥

P.S. Raj能发声的T恤很拉风

s03e17 The Precious Fragmentation


ragtag:n. 贱民,乌合之众

beanstalk:n. 豆茎

roughage:n. 粗饲料,粗粮

slime:n. 黏液

engrave:v. 在…上雕刻

seedy:adj. 破烂的

underbelly:n. 黑帮,黑市,原意是腰带之下下腹部,引申为易受攻击的部位 replica:n. 复制品

maritime:adj. 海的,海事的,沿海的

jet ski:n. 摩托艇

prop:n. 道具

brooch:n. 胸针

futile:adj. 无用的,徒劳的


faucet:n. 水龙头

leaky:adj. 漏的

gutter:n. 檐沟

suede:n. 小山羊皮


Alf doll:Alf是1986-19xx年在美国播出的一部同名电视剧中的外星人角色,ALF=Alien Life Form,Alf被设定为出生于1756年的Melmac星(Howard正是希望他爸爸从这个星球回来)


connect-the-dots:AKA. dot to dot or join the dots,按照编号连接一些点从而得到一个完整图形的儿童游戏,可以加强儿童对图形的认识



Rosh Hashanah:犹太教的新年,20xx年9月18日是犹太教5770年的开始,20xx年9月8日是他们5771年的开始


grilled cheese:烤芝士

ketchup:番茄酱,据小谢说,ketchup最早是各种酱的统称,一般是混合草本植物(herbs)和香料(spices)的蘑菇或腌鱼(fish brine),早期的混合物还可能是蓝莓、凤尾鱼(anchovy)、牡蛎(oyster)、四季豆(kidney bean)或者葡萄


Leonard: Why do I always have to carry the heavy stuff?

Sheldon: Well, it's very simple. In our ragtag band of scientists with nothing to lose, I'm the smart one, Wolowitz is the funny one, and Koothrappali is the lovable foreigner who struggles to understand our ways and fails. That leaves you, by default, as the muscle.

Leonard: Oh. One more floor, and I'd be the pulled muscle.


Sheldon: Leonard, what do the two of you talk about after the coitus?

Howard: My guess is, "Hey, four minutes! New record!" That's why I'm the funny one.

Funny one!

Howard: Oh, my God. An Alf doll. When I was 11, my mother got me one to help me sleep after my dad left. I used to pretend that my dad had moved to the planet Melmac, and Alf was going

to bring him back to me. But he never did. Where's my daddy, puppet? Where is he?


Penny: Okay, just to be clear, the first piece of jewelry my boyfriend gives me is a prop from a movie, and I don't even get to keep it?

Howard: If you had gone out with me three years ago, by now, you'd have my great Aunt Ida's brooch that she smuggled out of occupied Belgium in a cat.

Leonard: How am I looking now?



She is a kind, loving, religiously fanatical right-wing Texan with a slightly out-of-scale head and a mild Dr. Pepper addiction.

Sheldon: Waterfalls. Crashing waves. Babbling brooks.

Howard: What are you doing?

Sheldon: Subliminal messaging. I'm going to make you want to pee. Dripping faucets. Leaky gutter.....Peeing.



cut to the chase:切入正题,开门见山

done and done:表示同意,就这么办,类似于consider it done

tear sb. a new one:小心我揍你,表示威胁

play hardball:动真格的,来硬的

tuck into:塞到...里


Raj有个律师表哥Venkatesh Koothrappali


Leonard陪Penny看完了六季Sex and City

s03e22 The Staircase Implementation


deranged:adj. 疯狂的,精神错乱的

radon:n. 氡

daunting:adj. 使人畏缩的,使人气馁的

evacuate:vt. 疏散,排泄


rampant:adj. 猖獗的,狂暴的

azure:n. 天蓝色;碧空(源于波斯语)

tushie:n. 小屁屁

buttocks:n. 臀部

dickey:n. 假衬衫,假两件

syntax:n. 语法,句法,有秩序的排列

combustible:adj. 易燃的

gel:n. 凝胶,胶体


Kirk:James T. Kirk,星际迷航主角,船长

Picard:Jean-Luc Picard,Star Trek:The Next Generation里的船长

Cathedra mea, regulae meae:Latin for "my chair, my rules."

post-apocalyptic world:后启示录世界,就是圣经《启示录》中的预言发生以后的时代,也就是世界末日之后 Firefly:科幻剧集,20xx年上映14集后遭砍

Tovex:AKA Trenchrite, Seismogel, and Seismopac一种水胶炸药

methacrylate:n. 甲基丙烯酸酯,指甲油里有




Sheldon: This seat is ideally located both in relation to the heat source in the winter and a cross breeze in the summer. It also faces the television

at a direct angle allowing me to immerse myself in entertainment or game play without being subjected to conversation. As a result, I've placed it

in a state of eternal dibs.


Leonard: Anyway, I may owe you an apology.

Sheldon: There's doubt?

Leonard: I did agree to the thermostat setting, and I shouldn't have tried to change it.

Sheldon: That's not an apology. Simply an acknowledgement that I was right.

Leonard: Okay, I'm sorry.

Sheldon: There you go.



hoisted by spam filter:被当作垃圾邮件过滤掉了

mani-pedi:n. 美甲(手脚同时),manicure(手指甲), pedicure(脚指甲)



Leonard初恋女友Joyce Kim是朝鲜间谍

【Roommates Agreement条例摘录】

Roommates agree that Friday nights shall be reserved for watching Joss Whedon's brilliant new series Firefly.

Section 9: Miscellany:

The apartment's flag is a gold lion rampant on a field of azure.

Never fly it upside down. Unless the apartment's in distress.

If either of us ever invents time travel, we agree our first stop will be this meeting today in precisely five seconds.

section 8: Visitors, subsection C: females, paragraph 4: coitus:

Roommates shall give each other 12 hours notice of impending coitus.

Leonard is entitled to allocate 50% of the cubic footage of the common areas.


according to the roommate agreement,all ties will be settled by Sheldon.

s03e23 The Lunar Excitation


parabolic:adj. 抛物线的,抛物面的

nitrogen:n. 氮气

brag:n. v. 吹牛,自夸


rodeo:n. 竞技表演,牛仔表演

lousy suggestion:糟糕的建议,差到家了的建议

snort:vi. 轻蔑或愤怒地发出哼声

derision:n. 嘲笑

tomfoolery:n. 愚蠢的举动,无聊

algorithm:n. 算法

whimsy:n. 怪念头,异想天开

bluff:n. vt. 吓唬

haughty:adj. 傲慢的

gullible:adj. 易受骗的,轻信的


equatorial mount:赤道装置,望远镜的一种机架。其中一根转动轴与地球自转轴平行,为极轴,另一转动轴与之垂直,为纬轴。这种装置在跟踪天体的绕日运动时,只需匀速转动极轴。

sea of tranquility:宁静之海,静海(拉丁语:Mare Tranquillitatis),是月球上的一处月海,位于宁静盆地之内。人类首次载人登月任务阿波罗11号就曾经在静海登陆。另外,静海有几个被命名的月湾,爱湾

(Sinus Amoris)、粗糙湾(Sinus Asperitatis)、和谐湾(Sinus Concordiae)、荣誉湾(Sinus Honoris)。 Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung:爱因斯坦19xx年完成的论文《关于辐射的量子理论》,文章总结了量子论的发展,提出受激辐射理论,而这正是激光理论的核心基础。


penicillin的发现:19xx年英国细菌学家亚历山大·弗莱明在研究葡萄球菌时偶然发现有一只细菌培养皿中的培养基发霉了,通过培养繁殖这种霉菌他和助手发现了霉菌中具有强大杀菌能力的物质,取名青霉素。 Pon Farr:Star Trek里Vulcan人七年为一个周期的放纵,Spock是半个Vulcan,所以也遵循这个生理规律。


english muffin:英式松饼

tepid water:温水


Raj: Why don't you ask her to come up?

Leonard: i don't know, it's still a little weird since, you know...

Howard: She dumped you?

Leonard: She didn't dump me. We were just in different places in the relationship.

Sheldon: I fail to see how a relationship can have the qualities of a geographic location.

Howard: Oh,it's very simple. Leonard was living in a little town called "please don't leave me", while penny had just moved to the island of "bye-bye".


Zack: Hey, I want to see this laser thing.

Penny: Oh, but what about the party?

Zack: It's a surprise party, doesn't matter when we get there.

Penny: (Faint)Right.

Leonard: (Leading the way upstairs)Okay, well, yeah, come on up. So,how'd you guys meet?

Zack: My company designs the menus for the cheesecake factory.

Leonard: Your company?

Zack: Well, my dad. But me and my sister are VPs.


Zack: Is that the laser? It's bitchin'.

Sheldon: Yes. In 1917, when Albert Einstein established the theoretic foundation for the laser in his paper "Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung", his fondest hope was that the resultant device be bitchin'. Zack: Well, mission accomplished.


Zack: That's your big experiment? All that for a line on the screen?

leonard: Yeah, but, uh, think about what this represents. The fact that we can do this is the only way of definitively proving that there are man-made objects on the moon, put there by a member of a species that only 60 years before had just invented the airplane.

Zack: What species is that?


Howard: Well, why-why don't you start with a cup of coffee, and you can pon farr Amy Farrah Fowler later. Sheldon: I don't drink coffee.

Howard: All right, you can have a hot chocolate.

Sheldon: As I will not be engaging in this nonsense,my choice of beverage is moot. But for the record, I only drink hot chocolate in months with an "r" in them.

Howard: Why?

Sheldon: What's life without whimsy?




get back on the horse:重新开始



wham,bam,thank you:匆匆完事

hokum:n. 胡扯

mumbo jumbo:n. 胡言乱语,听起来很有道理,其实什么都不是


gloat over:幸灾乐祸


Raj最近迷上了电视剧The Good Wife,他的前任最爱是Grey's Anatomy


Leonard的邻居们开始曝光,首先是楼下的Mrs. Gunderson



小谢潜在女友Amy Farrah Fowler

