
1If you are willing to let me get to know you then I would peel layers of the wall of your heart.如果你愿意让我去了解你 那么我会一层一层的剥开你的心墙。

Can not tell the joy or bitter. Without looking, big step into the future. N years after the good will get together again. We always face the brave adhere to.说不出是喜悦,还是苦涩。头也不回,大步迈向未来。说好N年后,一定会再相聚。我们始终面对勇敢坚持。

Just because I try not to talk about it...does not mean I’m over it, that I feel better or that I’m ever going to be okay. 只是因为我不想谈这些。。。不表示我已经没事了。。我只是稍稍振作了一点,或者说我就快要好了。

The dream is always running in front of me, and strive to pursue them for the synchronization of the moment, this is the miracle of life moving.梦想总是跑在我的前面,努力追寻它们,为了那一瞬间的同步,这就是动人的生命奇迹。

nothing in this world no wounds people can really heal yourself,only yourself.这个世界上没有不带伤的人,真正能治愈自己的,只有自己。——《你要去相信,没有到不了的明天》

I did not temper,but not easily loses his temper.I'm not love youjust put in the heart just.我不是没脾气,只是不轻易发脾气。我不是不爱你,只是放在心里而已-。

Your future will always be the outcome of the decisions you make in the present. Your life is in your hands! ——你的未来总是取决于你现在做出的每一个决定,命运掌握在你自己手中!

In ancient times, we do not SMS, chat, do not travel on the sea, not stuck in traffic. If I want you, crosses two mountain, walk five miles, to hold your hand.在古代,我们不短信,不网聊,不漂洋过海,不被堵在路上。如果我想你,就翻过两座山,走五里路,去牵你的手。

I do not like to let others see my tears, I would rather let people think I'm happy heartless, they were reluctant to make themselves look poor wronged.我从不喜欢让别人看见我的眼泪,我宁可让别人觉得我快乐得没心没肺,也不愿意让自己看起来委屈可怜。

If you really love a person,you will find that,eventually you want,just Ta can be happy.Even if,not with you.如果你真正的爱上了一个人,你会发现,最终你想要的,只是Ta能快乐。哪怕,不是与你-。

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本文出自 百度淘宝网,转载请保留版权。



1.Someone that you don’t even know exists may love you. 有一个你甚至都不知道ta存在的人,也许正在爱着你。

2. Being able to wait is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say she loves you but not everyone can wait for you. 真正的爱情需要等待,谁都可以说爱你,但不是人人都能等你。

3. Time peremptory bald, time flies into ruins. 时光俨然催人老,时光荏苒成蹉跎。

4.In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.爱情的方程式:一加一等于一切,二减一等于零。有你,我拥有全世界;没你,我一无所有。

5. The longest day has an end.


6. Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart. If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind。


7. Remember, if you are headed in the wrong direction, God allows your turns!


8.Sometimes the person you really need is the one you didn’t think you wanted.


9. Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good.

每段青春都会苍 老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。

10. Love is not finding someone to live with. It's finding someone you can't live without.


11. Sometimes I want to disappear and see if anyone would miss me.


12. We will all have times of insecurity in life, when there is nothing to do but bravely face the feelings of doubt. 生命中总有那么一段时光,充满不安,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。

13. Sometimes you have to stand alone just to make sure you still can. 有时候,你不得不独自面对,只为了证明你可以。

14. Two men chasing a woman,the first used feeling shallow quit;Two women,chasing a man with the first giving up feeling. 两个男人追一个女人,用情浅的那个先放弃;两个女人追一个男人,用情深的那个先放弃。

15. Don’t base your life on other people’s expectation. 别把满足他人的期望,奉为你生活的根本目标。