
1. A novel is a mirror walking along a main road. ---Stendhal

一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。 ---司汤达

2. Art is a lie that tells the truth. ---Picasso

美术是揭示真理的谎言。 ---毕加索

3. The unexamined life is not worth living. ---Socrates

浑浑噩噩的生活不值得过。 ---苏格拉底

4. Living without an aim is like sailing without compass.

---Joho Ruskin

生活没有目标犹如航海没有罗盘。 ----罗斯金

5. There is no such thing as a great talent without great will-power.


没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。 ---巴尔扎克

6. Time is the great healer of hurts, sorrows and disappointments. When

one door closes another will open if we don’t lose heart. ---W. A. Peterson


扇门关闭时,另一扇门将向我们打开。 ---彼得逊

7. Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them.

---C. Weizmann

奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命努力。 ---魏茨曼

8. The darkest hour is that before the down. ---Fuller

黎明前是最黑暗的时刻。 ----富勒

9. Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.

---Richard Nixon

命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。 ----尼克松

10. You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.

---Norman Douglas

从一个国家的广告可以看出这个国家的理想。 ---道格拉斯

11. If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground.


如果你怀疑自己,那么你的立足点确实不稳固了。 ---易卜生

12. All human wisdom is summed up in two words—wait and hope.

--- Alexander Dumas Pere

人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个词—等待和希望。 ---大仲马

13. Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him. ---P. Chesterfield 匆匆忙忙往往表明力不从心。 ---切斯特菲尔德

14. Undertake not what you can’t perform, but be careful to keep your promise. ---G. Washington 不要承担自己无法履行的事,但要注意言而有信。 ---华盛顿

15. To travel hopefully is a better thing than to travel; and the true success is to labor. ---Robert Louis Stevenson



16. Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone with you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. ---Mark Twain 不要放弃你的幻想,当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。 ---马克·吐温

17. It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.

---W. G. McAdoo

在争论中是无法击败无知者的。 ---麦卡杜

18. Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. ---Friedrich Schiller 只有有耐心圆满完成工作的人,才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。


19. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. ---J. Barrymore 只要一个人还有所追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 ---巴里·穆尔

20. If there were less sympathy in the world, there would be less trouble in the world. ---Oscar Wilde 如果世界上少一些同情,世界上就会少一些麻烦。---奥斯卡·王尔德

21. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. ---Bernard Shaw 明白事理的人使自己适应世界,不明事理的人想使世界适应自己。


22. Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

---Marie Curie

生活中没有什么恐怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。 ---居里夫人

23. To live is to function. That is all there is in living. ---Holmes 活着就要发挥作用,这就是生命的全部内容。 ---霍姆斯

24. Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation. ---C. Nepos 要选择行动的一生,而不是炫耀的一生。 ---内波斯

25. When the fight begins within himself, a man’s worth something.

---R. Browning

当一个人内心开始斗争时,他就有了价值。 ---布朗宁

26. We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves. ---M. L. Becker 随着年龄的增长,我们并不变得更好也不变得更坏,而是变得更像我们自己。 ---贝克尔

27. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. ---Strong 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。 ---斯特朗

28. At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment. ---B. Franklin



29. To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning. ---J. W. Gardner 对聪明的人来说,每一天的时间都是要精打细算的。 ---加德纳

30. Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life. ---Goethe 天才形成于平静中,性格来自于生活的激流。 ---歌德

31. We can’t all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. ---W. Roger 我们不可能都成为英雄,总有人在英雄走过的时候坐在路边鼓掌。


32. Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two. ---A. Lowell 生活是一张白纸,每个人都在上面写上自己的一两句话。 ---罗威尔

33. On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind. ---A. Hamilton 地球上唯一伟大的是人,人身上唯一伟大的是心灵。 ---哈密尔顿

34. The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.

---V. Huge

生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。 ---雨果

35. None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew. ---Erasmus 只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活或自由。


36. Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be forwards.



37. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you like it. ---I. Berlin 生活有百分之十在于你如何塑造它,有百分之九十在于你如何对待他。 ---柏林

38. He who has never hoped can never despair. ---Bernard Shaw 从来没有抱什么希望的人也永远不会失望。 ---萧伯纳

39. It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious about? ---H. D. Thoreau 光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的,要看你为什么而勤劳。 ---梭罗

40. The crash of the whole solar and stellar systems could only kill you once. ---Carlyle 即使整个太阳系和星系崩溃,你也只死一次。 ---卡莱尔

40. The great use of life is to spend it for something the over lasts it.

---W. James

生命的最大用处是将它用于比生命更长的事物上。 ---詹姆斯

41. To feel that one has a place in life solves half the problem of content.

---G. Woodberry



42. Have no fear of perfection—you’ll never reach it. ---S. Dali 不要为十全十美担心—你永远做不到十全十美。 ---达里

43. One may overcome a thousand men in battle, but he who conquers

himself is the greatest victor. ---Nehru

44. 一个人能在战场上制胜千军,但只有战胜自己才是最伟大的胜利者。 ---尼赫鲁

45. The sum of behavior is to retain a man’s own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others. ---F. Bacon 人的行为准则是,维护自己的尊严,不妨碍他人的自由。 ---培根

46. It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.

---A. E. Stevenson

为原则而斗争容易,按原则的要求活着难。 ---史蒂文森

47. There is no such things as darkness; only a failure to see.


没有黑暗这种东西,只有看不见而已。 ---马格里奇

48. Time is a bird for ever on the wing. ---T. W. Robertson 时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。 ---罗伯逊

49. Patience! The windmill never strays in search of the wind. 马格里奇


---Andy. J. Sklivis

耐心等待!风车从不跑去找风。 ---斯克利维斯

50. Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice.

---L. Blum

品德可能仅仅在于有勇气做出抉择。 ---布鲁斯

51.The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.

---A. M. Lindbergh

生活中最使人筋疲力尽的事是弄虚作假。 ---林德伯格

52. Bigotry may be roughly defined as the anger of men who have no opinions. ---C. K. Chesterton 可以给偏执下一个定义:没有观点的人的愤怒。 ---切斯特顿

53. You know what charm is: A way of getting the answer “yes” without having asked any clear question. ---A. Camus 你知道什么是魅力:一种无需任何明确提问就能得到认同的方式。


54. Optimist: A man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.

--- W. Winchell

乐观主义者:被狮子逼上了树,但仍能欣赏风景的人。 ---温切尔

55. It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do.

---Winston Churchill

不能爱哪行干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。 ---丘吉尔

56. Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important. ---T. S. Eliot



57. In education we are striving not to teach youth to make a living, but to make a life. ---W. A. White 教育不是为了教育青年人谋生,而是教会他们创造生活。 ---怀特

58. Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. ---C. G. Jung 任何形式的瘾都是不好的,不管上瘾的酒精、吗啡还是唯心主义。


59. A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. ---J. Burroughs 一个人可以失败多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。 ---巴勒斯

60. You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of success.

---Charles Chaplin

人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。 ---卓别林

61. It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. ---Seneca 并不是因为事情难我们不敢做,而是因为我们不敢做事情才难。


62. All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend. ---Voltaire 人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个还朋友。 ---伏尔泰

63. The worst bankrupt is the person who has his enthusiasm.

---H. W. Arnold

最惨的破产就是丧失自己的热情。 ---阿诺德

64. Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They are just braver five minutes longer. ---Ronald Reagan



65. Tell a man he is brave, and you help him to become so.

---Thomas Carlyle

告诉一个人他很勇敢,就会把他变得勇敢。 --托马斯·卡莱尔

66. I wonder how anyone can have the face to condemn others when he reflects upon his own thoughts. ---W. S. Maugham 我真奇怪一个人在对自己的思想进行核对后怎么还有脸去谴责别人。


67. It seldom happens that any felicity comes so pure as not to be tempered and allayed by some mixture of sorrow. ---Cervantes



68. Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them.

---Dion Boucicault

人们在谈论着怎么消磨时间,而时间在不声不响地销蚀着人们的生命。 ---戴恩·布什科

69. A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. ---George Moore 人们总是走遍世界寻找自己需要的东西,最后到家缺乏发现它就在家里。 ---乔治·穆尔

70. Man must look just as ridiculous to the crab when it sees him walk

forward. ---G. C. Lichtenberg 人类在螃蟹看来一定也是很好笑的,因为人类居然是向前走的。


71. It is the nature of folly to see the faults of others and forget his own.


愚蠢的人之所以愚蠢在于他们只看到别人的缺点而对自己的视而不见。 ---西塞罗

72. If you don’t think about the future, you can not have one.


如果你不考虑未来,那么你就不能拥有未来。 ---高尔斯华绥

73.I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. ---Lincoln 我走的很慢,但是我从来不后退。 ---林肯

74. To fill the hour—that is happiness. ---Emerson 让时间过得充实些,那才是幸福。 ---爱默生

75. Health is better than wealth ---Ray 健康胜过财富。 ---雷伊

76. Happiness lies, first of all, in health. ---Curtis 幸福首先在于健康。 ---寇蒂斯

77. A man needs a purpose for real health. ---Anderson 有目标的人才能真正健康。 ---安德森

78. A light heart lives long. ---Shakespeare 豁达者长寿 ---莎士比亚

79. A healthy mind is in a healthy body. ---Juvenal 健康的思想寓于健康的身体之中。 ---朱文诺尔

80. That sort of defeats are only stepping—stones. ---Reid 那种失败只不过是前进的脚踏石。 ---里德

81. Success grows out of struggle to overcome difficulties. ---Smiles 成功来源于克服困难的斗争。 ---斯迈尔斯

82. I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated. ---Napoleon 我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。 ---拿破仑

83. The ceaseless dripping of water will hollow out a stone. ---Ovidius 水滴石穿。 ---奥维德

84. Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom. ---Euripides 伴随成功的是闻名遐迩。 ---欧里皮德斯

85. Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life. ---Edison 有所成就就是人生唯一的真正的乐趣。 ---爱迪生

86. You never know what you can do till you try. ---Marryat 除非你亲自尝试一下,否则你永远不知道你能够做什么。---马里亚特

87. Where there is no hope, there can be no endeavor. ---Johnson 哪里没有希望,哪里就不可能有努力。 ---约翰逊

88. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. ---Caroline 艰难之路,惟勇者行。 ---卡罗琳

89. To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield. ---Tennyson 要奋斗,要探索,要有所发现,但不要屈服。 ---丁尼生

90. Patience is better, but its fruit is sweet. ---Rousseau 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 ---卢梭

91. Man errs so long as he strives. ---Goethe 人只要奋斗就会犯错误。 ---歌德

92. Genius only means hard-working all one’s life. ---Mendeleyev 天才只意味着终生不懈的努力 ---门捷列耶夫

93. If winter comes, can spring be far behind. ---Shelley 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? ---雪莱

94. Just when Man thinks he can do everything, he finds himself helpless in the clutch of some unknown. ---J. B. Priestley 正当人类认为自己无所不能时,却发现自己受制于某种不可知的力量。 ---普利斯特莱

95. Only can’t think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.

---Virginia Woolf



96. Tomorrow I will live, the fool does say. Today itself is too late; the wise lived yesterday. ---Marrial 明天我就真正生活,愚人这样说。其实今日就已经太晚了,贤人已从昨天开始生活了。 ---马利尔

97. For every evil under the sun, there is remedy or there is no one. If

there is one, try to find it; if there is not, never mind it.

---Caren Hazlitt


如果没有,不要在意。 ---凯伦·赫兹里特

98. The world is like a mirror; from at it and it frowns at you; smile and it

smiles too. ---H. L. Samuel


你。 ---塞缪尔

99. Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond

your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may, alight upon you. ---N. Hawthorne


时,它也许会飘落在你的身上。 ---霍桑

100.Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of overcoming

of it. ---Helen Keller

虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的。 ---海伦·凯勒
