
dota里面有很多有意思的角色配音,当然大家最喜欢的估计就是屠夫的大招说的fresh meat,因为只有他的大招全屏有声音!很震撼!下面把有说话配音的总结一下撒!希望大家


蛇发女妖:i stand ready 我准备好了 ,time is short, mortal 普通人,你的时间不多

地精修补匠:i'm all geared up 我武装好了,yeah, runs on whatever it takes 对啊,yeah, runs on 2;20, 2;21 whatever it takes 对啊,它将运行2分20秒,

或者2分21秒,不管他运行 多少了!

炼金术士:care for a cocktail? 想要马尾酒吗? ,don't rush me 不要催我 死亡先知:You call to me? 你在呼唤我?,If that is your wish. 如果那是你的意愿。

why have i been summoned~为什么我被召唤

must obey 必须服从 可是这句我每次听成

Masturba 就是手淫。。-_- 所以连起来就是 为什么我被召唤~~~~为了手淫。。

地狱领主:I am the Darkness! 我就是黑暗!As you order! 随时候命

兽王:i hear the call of the wild 我听见大自然的呼唤了,what lies before

me 我前面有什么

for the lichking!

speak fool(说吧 白痴)

No one orders me around!

the lichking has given me the true power!

影魔:You`re `ere I live 你来了,我便得到了生命,Fire away. 你可以退下了 。。。I

must safeguard the land。。。

。。。(打嗝)He didi,no he did!。。。

。。。(电话)hello(某人的名字),what?you just recevided the DH‘s message?

I don't have his number。。。

黑市商人:My life for Nazul! Ner ''耐奥祖万岁

地穴刺客:Make your choice!给你一次机会,The time is now! 是时候了!

德鲁伊:I''m awake, I''m awake! 我醒来了~我 Our time is short! 我们时间紧迫 (同


敌法师:We must act! 我们必须行动了!是 At last ,we shall have revenge.最后我们


your blood is mine run for your life

we should have revenge At last,in my hand!-- 胜利在我手中

屠夫:Us hear and obey!* 我们听从命令,What we do?* 让我们做什么?,另有DOTA唯一的全图吼声: fresh meat!好新鲜的肉。(多点几次会说一大堆,其中有一句好像


死灵法师:The shadows beckon! 影子在召唤!,The restless dead await! 无尽的死亡


暗夜魔王:The night beckons! 夜在召唤!(唉,就这时候猖狂)What is it now? 现在呢? I'll do what a must!”还有一句:“Stay out of my way!” Wake up,it's time

to die.

巫妖:Direct me!请指示,So be it! 正是如此!

秀逗魔导师:Do you require aid, human?需要帮助吗,人类? Help me, help you. 帮助

我就是帮助你 What a good idea. 真是个好主意

哥布林工程师:Oh my baby!哦,我的孩子。

光之守卫:Well? 什么? What is it now? 现在该怎么样? fast 就是驾的意思。 It's a

baby world.

剑圣:I am yours! 我属于你!I hear(这个单词他说的是嗨噜) and obey!* 我听从命令! taste my blade. for the burning blade! I obey the six vengance!

I am yours! 我属于你!

Ohh! 噢!

Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人!

What task is there?有什么任务?

I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语??把r音发成鲁等)

Hai! 日语,嗨咿!

Excellent choice! 完美的选择!

撼地神牛: how now 。 May my ancestors watch over me!也许我的主要在看着我!

“I dreamed of this.” -- 我梦到过这些

May my ancestors watch over me!也许我的主要在看着我!

众神之王:Move it! 行动! Watch this! 看这招! my brothers called me ,the kind of

the dwarf

月之骑士:As the Godess wills! 按照女神的意愿! Fear the night!(感的最响那句怎么也听不清, 好像是我在什么什么的路上) Goddess,light my path! Moon shines upon the guilty, and innocent alike. godness like

my pick


魅惑魔女:Is there trouble? 有麻烦吗? What is nature''s call? 大自然在召唤什么? 魅惑魔女的 I am gay(我是玻璃,汗) I am not a dryad that i looking like


受折魔的灵魂:The calm, before the storm. 暴风雨前的宁静 The time is now. 就是

现在(这斯很 激动,声音一直在抖)

血魔:fire away.快离开。 Right away! 马上! The enemy's blood U WHERE I

WHER E !!! I am lit.我被点燃啦~~

巫医:Da be good choice, man!* 正确的选择How may I serve?我要怎样服务?

复仇电魂:for the lich king.为了巫妖王。

隐形刺客:deliciens 美味的

赏金猎人:moxi moxi(听不懂)I can。什么什么我可以。 I'll give you my wistom. 火枪:ya ha ma ta re gei呵呵,正确的是you have a taregit你得有一个目标 fire!"开火!"good evening"下午好 some one on the house 来个人去房子山!(去


Do you have a target? Shoot the goal!

混沌骑士:PERFECET完全的 do u wanna hear a joke?"

圣骑士:future is ours.未来是我们的(倒底还是先知)

黑暗游侠:I am here, as always. 我在这儿,一直都在 Show me a taget. my bow is

ready,and my tournament.

幻影刺客:I am wasting time here.我是在这浪费时间。

沉默术士:Your magic is mine!你的魔法是我的。 Hurry up!Time is magic! watch and


I'm a magic man, I got magic ~hands. time is mana.时间就是魔法.

I smell magic. Leave it to me.交给我吧

So Clever!

暗影萨满:I hear you ,man. I feel you ,man. (两个不一样) Don't worry,be happy. 地穴刺客:“My might cannot be matched!”-- (我的力量无可匹敌) I serve only the Frozen Throne. My nerube~~我的地穴~~查不到,自己猜的. Indubitably.


冰mm:“shhh~ I'm trying thinking.” --(嘘~~~我正在思考)

白牛:“Mother earth guide me.” --(大地之母引领着我) "return to the earth"


赏金猎人:“I will do what I can.” --(我将尽我所能)

小娜伽: My song is yours.

虚空假面的:"Strength and honor!."

全能骑士的:"I stand for the light. Light,give me path. Light,give me strength. For my father the king." I should be honour to my father and my kindom..

隐刺的:"Shadow's call! You can. Ouch! Don't touch me!." cunning plan!

斧王:I come from darkness,son of bitch!我来自地狱,你这婊子养的

TB :You dear speaker to me ! 你竟然敢跟我说话! 我是瞎的不是聋的 I am blind not


Are there demons nearby

痛苦女王:don't be shy不要害羞.I don't usually do this.我不是经常这样做的。(好像总在杀了人 后听到这句话) QoP是个酒吧的应召女,不信的话你总点女王,

她会说:"so naughty!""u wanna buy me a drink?"

电棍: Everyone turly lives,but not everyone turly dies

Darkness guide me!

For the lich king.

As the shaddow well

Tremble before the scourge.来自天灾的战栗(蛮贴切的~~) The dead shall serve. 月女之祭祀: Perpare for the moon strike leading the way"带路 warrior of the

night asumble

术士: Storm Earth and Fire ,Heed my call !(Thundering)


兽王:what lies before me 那是怎么的谎言啊 Flush them out.把他们冲走~~

熊猫:I put it in your town.我把它放到了你的小镇.("它"多半指酒)

Now,you in danger!现在你处于危险之中!

For Panda Empire!为了熊猫帝国!

that was in my palm 都在我的掌握之中

龙骑:"Lousy pay, constant danger."


Well, atleast I get to hob nob with royalty."

好吧.. 至少我还有那什么忠诚..

冥界亚龙:As you wish~~说得很优雅,我很喜欢.

Where shall I strike?

It is insane...

虚空假面:How can this old woman help?

My strength is yours.

If it must be done,I will try ?
