





少了一个微笑。由此可见微笑的重要性。态度对于服务行业来说至关重要,服务态度决定服务质量,而服务质量的好坏直接影响着企业的利益。 微笑服务实际上是企业员工竭诚为顾客服务的一种态度,如果企业的所有员工都能够具备这种态度,那么它为企业所创造的价值将是惊人的。




微笑愉悦心灵,恰到好处的微笑既是一种含蓄,也是一种表达,既是一种单纯,也是一种丰富,既是出于礼貌,更是发自内心。 微笑服务,从我做起,让美丽的微笑越过人与人之间的栅栏,伴随着杨馨前进的步伐,一起奔向辉煌的明天!







微笑是通往胜利的桥梁,是工作中一项投资最少,收益最大,事半功倍的方法。 “希尔顿饭店服务员脸上的微笑永远是属于旅客的阳光。”在这条经营方针指引下,希尔顿饭店在不到90年的时间里从一家饭店扩展到210 多家,遍布世界五大洲的各大城市。





smiling service

Today, did you smile to the customers?

Everyone can smile in the world. But do you always smile in your work and your life? Do something with Smile for your customers make them feel your heart. Smiling, it doesn't cost anything, but you can get many unexpected results.

Smile, is from the person's nature, exposed your sincere in heart. It enriches those who receive, and it will not make the giver become poor, it produced in a flash, but give a person stay eternal memory. It makes distance closer between the people’s heart and heart

Smile is the bridge to victory, is a least investment, but largest income , is the method of twice the result with half the effort.

“The smile on waiter’s face will always be the sun for the passengers in Hilton Hotel ” because of this business policy , in less than 90 years of time The Hilton Hotel extended to 210 hotels from only one at first, and it throughout the five continents of the world's.

Smile is a kind of strength, it can reflect the customer is supreme, let a guest feel at home.

Smile, it is a kind of light, a kind of attraction, a kind of engine. It makes the stranger feel warm, make friends feel comfort, make the family happy, make oneself are full of confidence.

If there is not smile in life, meals will be swill, tea will be bitter, the relationship between people will prick up thick shields, and the heart will be in no place. Therefore, as a hotel employee we should bear in mind that the smile, and make it better for customer service. And if so, not only do we bring the much more benefits to the hotel, and also will give advertising effect to the restaurant, at the same time, it will bring many repeat business for the hotel. The first-class products must have the first-class service , first-class service to have the first-class smile.

I hope we can service with truly smile in the later work, and use it well in our work! And everyday please ask yourself :’Today, did you smile to the customers?
