
快乐工作 快乐生活






从开始工作的那天起,我一直都在经受着生活的各种考验;接受各种挑战,为自己的理想而努力拼搏,为着生活而奔波;失败着,经历着,磨练着,今天我终于进入了吉利汽车公司,酸甜苦辣,只有经历了,才会明白。只有经历,才会懂得;只有懂得,才会珍惜。有些事,错过了就不能再回来;珍惜眼前的一切,因为这一切来得不容易。 所以我们天要塑造阳光心态,好好的享受每一天,享受过程,结果是什么大家都知道,生命是一个括号,左括号是出生,右括号是死亡,我们要做的事情就是填括号,要争取用精彩的生活,良好的心情吧括号填满。

生命的意义不在美丽的言辞中,不在璀璨的成功里。而在于实实在在的追求中。即使跌倒了,也要怀着坚定的信念站立在天地之间。与其用诗人的眼光看待秋天的萧条,不如用农民的眼光看待秋天的收获。 悲伤的尽头是微笑在闪烁,痛苦的尽头,有幸福在等待,不要想要逃避是为了追逐那个梦而踏上旅程,其实只是想借这个题提醒一下自己:开心工作,快乐生活。我想,这是一种境界吧。当你面对生活中许许多多如意,不如意时,告戒自己,提醒自己,亭前花开花落,窗外云卷云舒,生命中总交织着这样那样的悲喜。当你做什么都有一份坦然,一份淡定时,当你面对什么都有一份从容,一份释然时,你便真的有种禅的洒脱了。宽以待生,宽以待人,其实收益的还是自己。 “阳光心态”并不只是一个微笑也不是一个享受的过程,还有自我信任、学习欣赏别人、懂得在工作中发现乐趣、如何在竞争中保持心境平和、怎样有一个知足的心态??把阳光心态送给亲人、朋友、同事,




Teaching is learning

Lu Jin

Good morning/ afternoon ,everyone.

Today I am glad to be here taking part in the speech contest.The purpose of my coming is to share my understanding on teaching with all the experts present and my fellow teachers rather than display my talent or win a prize. My topic today is Teaching is learning.I’d like to state my viewpoint in the following three aspects.

First of all, learning from other teachers contributes to the improvement of our teaching. When I began my career a few years ago, I was such a green hand that I felt at a loss what to do. I consulted the experieced collegues at my school and they gave me valuable advice. Without their help, I would not have learned how to prepare good lessons and manage class well. I attended their classes and watched how they conducted their lessons. Though their teaching styles may vary, efficency is achieved in every class. After they attended my classes, they not only offered me feasible suggestions, but encouraged me greatly as well. Apart from experienced teachers, I even learn a lot from my peers. Every teacher is unique in his teaching and there is always something in their teaching worth learning. What I learned from them is much more practical than I learned from teaching textbooks.

Secondly, language teaching requires continuous learning for the simple reason that language itself is constantly changing. Language is updated every day. New words and expressions spring up in all sorts of media. Even the grammar of a language is on the way to changing. Our textbooks are adapted each term to keep up with the latest trend. How can an outdated teach the brand new language? On top of this, it is an undeniable fact that there is really something we may not understand fully concerning a certain area of the language we teach. Therefore, to teach well we need to learn well ourselves.

Last but not least, it is required that a qualified language teacher should never stop learning in order to establish a close rapprot with the students. The new curriculum demands that our teaching shoud be students-oriented. A harmonious relationship will undoubtedly lead to better teaching results. If we fall behind the times, how can we have much in common with the students and shorten the gap between us?In this global information age, everyone needs to learn to keep updated and we teachers are no exception. So as a capable teacher, we need to learn something about everything and know everything about something. A learned teacher will never fail to communicate with his or her students well.

From the above, we can draw a conclusion that the process of teaching is also the process of learning. Learning never ends. Let’s live and learn.

Thanks for listening.

Two thousand years ago our ancestors told us a truth in their books, which I learned in my primary school and still could remember clearly today. That is Teaching benefits teachers as well as students. Our greatest educator Tao Xingzhi also said: teaching can promote not only students but also teachers. Seven years has passed since I became a teacher of English. In my daily teaching practice, I have experienced and realized Teaching is learning. I will support my view in the following three points. Firstly, knowledge is changing and updating all the time.

Knowledge is alive just like our human being, especially vocabulary. Let me give you a very simple example, if we say Internet, spaceship and satellite, these high-tech words to a person in Tang or Ming or Qing dynasty, what will happen? I am sure they won’t understand us. And vice versa. So if we don’t want to drop out this fast developing society we must learn every day.

There is an old Chinese saying about teachers: if a teacher wants to give his students a cup of water , he/she should have a bucket of water or more . Now the text book is changing very rapidly. And the contents of the text book are not only up to date but also include many subjects, such as biology, physics, chemistry and so on. A lot of time when I get ready for my new lessons, I have to consult the dictionary or the Internet to find more relevant and useful information. For example, bird-nest, water-cube and Shanghai Expo are appeared in our text books. I do believe through teaching I have learned a lot. In my opinion it is also a great chance to improve ourselves.

Secondly, the growth and development of each student is totally different.

People often say that there are no two the same leaves in this world. So are the students.

The meaning of the existence of teachers is student. If there are no students, of course there are no teachers. So students are the centre of the whole teaching. The diversity, development and uncertainty of each student are great challenges to our teachers. How can a teacher deal with all these challenges well?

In my opinion it is learning. The only choice is to turn the challenges into motivations. And then go on with the reflective pedagogical thinking and life-long learning. If we can do these, in my view, we can make a great progress in our teaching.

The last one, our teaching skills need to be improved in the teaching practice.

Teaching is an art which can never be perfect. It needs skills to make it better and better. Seven years ago, when I first stood here, faced so many students, I really didn’t know how to organize a class well and how to teach my students efficiently. Then I asked experienced English teachers and went to listen to other excellent open classes to learn from others. And at the same time I joined all the teaching and studying activities. What’s more, in my free time I read English teaching methodologies to learn new, advanced and useful teaching skills. Then I could use these skills to guide my daily classroom teaching.

Now personally I think I am more experienced than I used to be. For at least I’ve

known classroom teaching should be task-based and students’-centered .

Teaching is a kind of sustainable and refined job. And when we are teaching, actually we are learning. Learning can make our teaching more perfect. Do you think so ? Thank you!
