

Hello, everyone, I’m very happy to stand here to give a speech. Before I give my speech, I want to tell you a story just like usual. Last year, we always had our classes on the second campus in the main building on the eighth floor. Just like the most of people, I used elevator to get to the eighth floor. One day, I got up late and when I rushed into the main building, it was just 2 minutes left. Which made it worse were the huge crowds of people who were waiting to the elevator down. When the elevator was almost down at the first floor, all the students around me became really ambitious. When I was preparing to take a step, I was suddenly pushed by a shoulder, and before I realized what happened, I saw a tall guy who stood behind me at first, just ignored me and rushed into the elevator. The worst thing was that after I just entered into the elevator, the alarm bell rang. So I had to walk out the elevator and was late for the class. I was so rage at that time that I couldn’t stop thinking about this thing. As a result, I feel really depressed during the whole class. This story didn’t just end. When I had lunch that day, I came across that boy again and heard he said to his friend that he had a very important test in the morning and almost losing it because of late. His word totally changed my mood. As a student in ***, I understood what test means to every student, so I released my anger. After that, I felt really relaxed. Then I learnt that sometimes our stress might caused by our anger and the

antidote to it is toleration, which is the best quality in my opinion. Why? Let me show you the reason.

The first reason is that I think tolerant is basement of a good relationship. In our daily life, there are many good relationships stopped by too frequent quarrels which can be dramatically reduced if we all can be tolerant to others. I don’t mean that you have to bear everything whatever it is. I think the true tolerant is not to bear but to think of things from others’ prospective, and then you will understand what may seem unreasonable. Finally, quarrels can be prevented.

The second reason why I regard tolerant as an important thing is that I think to be tolerant can make ourselves happier and more successful. There is a saying that to forgive others is to forgive yourself. When you take a tolerant attitude to others’ mistake, actually you release a burden to yourself. There is another saying in china that the ocean is made great by admitting all the rivers. The more you can tolerant, the wider the horizon will be and the more successful you will be.

The great man Gandhi had said that the day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent ; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise. Forgive and be tolerant not only to our friends or families, but also to strangers from different races, religions, cultures, and to our earth.








包容是一种幸福,能够包容别人是一种幸福,让别人心存感激更是一种幸福!人生一世,不能使自己在琐事困扰中作茧自缚,更不能在无尽痛苦中度过。 包容是赢得朋友的保证。学会包容他人,就是学会了包容自己。包容他人对自己有意无意的伤害,是让人钦佩的气概;包容他人曾经的过失,是对他人改过自新的最大鼓励;包容他人对自己的敌视、仇恨,是人格至高的袒露。 包容是人生的财富。人生短暂、生命无常,同样是一辈子,有的人在不尽的愤恨和埋怨中挣扎着过;有的人在快乐幸福中沐浴着过。包容别人的过失,包容众生的错误,是人生最大的财富!



包容别人的过错,不是欣赏别人的过错,也不是成就别人去犯错、鼓励别人去犯错,而是允许别人的过错,让别人更好地改过,而不是对他的放纵。包容他人不等于放任其自流,那是不负责任的表现。一味地迁就、去包容,就是溺爱,是害人之举,若有人称此为“包容”,那就是对“包容”的一种玷污和歪曲! 包容确实是一门精深的艺术,只有领略到了其中的滋味,行包容他人之举,真正地拥有那份广阔的心胸,那份坦然,那份自然,才是活出了真正的人生!
