

------------By Anna

Distinguished teacher

My fellow students, Good morning!

It is my honor to stand here. Today my topic is that the benefits of exercise to the young and old .As we all know ,there is a proverb written by Chairman Mao that is “Civilize your mind brutalize your body ”.Thus ,it can be seen do exercise is good for your body. My dear friends .You are feeling strong and well .Your eyes are bright ; Your face is clean ;Your feel happy and ready for anything ;You enjoy your work and life ;You are in good health.

Exercise is one of the forms to keep our body in good health. Exercise trains the muscles and makes them stronger .

Just as exercise strenghthens the heart and lung ,bones and muscles , it may also power up the brain .A succession of scientific studies implies that physical activity has a positive effect on mental functioning .

In older people ,an exercise program appears important for brain maintenance. Young brain prower through exercise .According to the proposals of some exercise ,the regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information .Cnosequently, the brains of people who exercise may be better equipped to tackle

mental challenges.

Let us take part in exercise .The earlier, the better!









我们的大课间活动就是一次很好的运动,它有苦有乐,好玩、有趣,锻炼了我们的身体,丰富了我们的课余生活,让我们更加快乐健康地成长,而且还培养了我们的合作精神。只有运动才会健康,只有健康我们才会更加快乐。就让快乐的种子永远播撒在我们的心中,就让自己时时刻刻生活在运动之中!在运动中,我们体验成功的喜悦;在运动中,我们磨炼了坚强的意志;在运动中,我们阐述了团结的内涵;在运动中,我们懂得了友谊的真谛。运动传递健康,健康成就快乐!让“我运动,我健康,我快乐,我成长”的口号伴随我们走过一生吧!同学们,在最后几天的时间里让我们加倍努力,使这次的大课间表演取得圆满成功吧。 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家。
