

每次来宾夕法尼亚大学校园总是那么让人高兴。其实我来这里看过好多场篮球比赛了。我儿子是PALESTRA的篮球队队员。对,他是篮球队的。不过教练给他的上场时间不够多,当然这个我们可以之后再好好谈。而且我对艾伦教练在这方面的“提高”还是满意的。真的,确实满意。我希望球队能在将来取得成功。不过,老实说:我有点紧张。我并不习惯在这么大场合的毕业典礼上讲话。这场面有点吓人。这场景我很难挥洒自如。让我穿上军装把我抛到火车车顶。画外音说“无人能敌”。又或是叫我演马尔科姆·艾克斯 (美国黑人领袖),或者外号「飓风」的拳击手鲁宾·卡特。或者《训练日》里的阿洛佐。我都可以!但是毕业典礼演讲?这是个很严肃的场合,完全不同的玩法。这里实打实地有成千上万人坐着。也许有人会说,你是电影明星,上百万人一直(在影院)看着你讲话。这话也没错。从某种角度说,这确实没错。但是(要知道)我本人可不在电影院,看着观众看着我,我想这话语法没错吧。要知道当观众咳嗽、左右挪动或者摸出他们的iPhone,给男朋友发短信,或者抓背挠痒,反正不管他们在影院做什么,我其实都看不到。但是从这里,我能看到你们每个人。这让我不知所措。所以在我讲完之前,请别拿出iPhone跟男朋友发短信。不过如果你要挠挠后背,没问题,我可以理解。




曼德拉说过:“如果安于现状,生活就没有激情,尤其对于那些有能力过更精彩的人生的人来说。”我肯定在你们过去的经历中,无论是在学校,申请大学,挑选专业,还是在你们决定人生中要做些什么时,总会有人提醒你们要记着给自己“留后路”。记得给自己“留后路”,亲爱的。但我对此不理解。要“留后路”,如果我会跌倒失败,我不想留什么后路,除了留下我的信念,我想要“向前倒”。这样,至少我能看见我会栽在什么问题上。向前倒。我的意思就是:Reggie Jackson在他的职业生涯中曾被2600次三振出局。棒球历史上的最高纪录。但你不会听到这些三振出局的事。人们只记得他的全垒打。向前倒。爱迪生曾经有1000次试验失败。你知道么?我以前并不知道。而第1001次试验他发明了电灯泡。向前倒。每次失败都意味着你离成功靠近了一步。你必须去冒险。我想你们以前一定也听过这些。


像帕瓦罗蒂。他在那里唱啊唱,我感觉自己在变得越来越渺小。(我听到)评委说:“谢谢,非常感谢。我们会给你消息的。”然后我出台了,带着我的乐谱。我选的是Temptations组合的《Just My Imagination》。我把乐谱递给伴奏者。她看了看乐谱,看了看我,又看看指挥...我就那样开始唱了。(下面评委)他们一言不发。所以我以为一定是我表现得越来越好了。正当我开始全身投入的时候,他们说:“谢谢,非常感谢,华盛顿先生,谢谢。”我想我肯定是得不到那份工作了,谁知道他们叫我去参加下一回合的试演。试演的下一回合是表演。我想,虽然我歌唱得不好,但我会表演啊。他们把我跟刚才那家伙安排在一组,然而我仍然对音乐厅全然不知。音乐厅很大,所以发声要注意让厅里每个人都能听见,包括坐在最后排的。而我的表演方式更像是现实生活中的自然流露。当时我的表演是跟旁边那人说话,我并不知道该怎么说我的台词,我的台词是“把杯子递给我”他的台词是:“好,我会把杯子给你,亲爱的,我的杯子会被递给你的。”然后我说,“好,那么,我要把杯子还给你吗?”“是呀,你要把它还给我,因为那是我的杯子,要还给我的。”我没能得到那份工作。但重要的是:我没有放弃。我没有“往后倒”。我从那里出来就开始准备下一次试演,再下一次,然后再下一次的试演。我不断祈祷、祈祷,但是我还是不断失败、失败、失败。但这并不要紧。你知道为什么吗?古话说得好:“在理发店外徘徊时间长了,迟早有人会帮你剪发。”你会等到你的机会。而我确实也等到了机会。去年我在百老汇演了一部名叫《Fences》的音乐剧。刚才有人提到了,我还因此获得了Tony奖(音乐剧的大奖)。当然在这出戏里,我并不需要唱歌。还有最关键的是:这部音乐剧是在The Court剧院上演的。也就是30年前我第一次试演失败的那家剧院。所以我要说的就是(我会加快速度)。今天在座的所有毕业生,你们都有了成功必需的培训和天赋。然而你们有接受失败的勇气吗?

我要说的第二个要点是:如果你没有失败过,说明你都没有好好尝试过。我再说一遍。如果你没有失败过,说明你都没有好好尝试过。我太太跟我说过这句经典的话:“要得到你从未拥有过的东西,你必须做你从来没有做过的事。”励志演讲者Les Brown对此打过一个比方。想象你快要去世了,围绕着在你临终的床沿的,是代表你未了心愿的幽魂。那些你没有付诸行动的想法的幽魂,那些属于你却从没被启用的天赋的幽魂,而它们都围在你的床沿。生气、失望、沮丧。“我

们来见你,因为你原本可以给予我们生命。”它们说。 “而现在,我们不得不跟你一起进入坟墓。”所以今天我要问你们:在你离开这个世界的时候,会有多少这样的幽魂围在你的床沿?你们在教育上投入了很多。人们也在你身上投入了很多。而且让我告诉你,这个世界从来没像现在那么需要你的才华。我两天前刚从非洲回来,所以我现在是在时差影响下“乱说”。我刚从南非回来。那是一个美丽的国家。但那里有些地方仍然非常贫穷,需要帮助。而且非洲只是冰山一角。中东需要你们。日本需要你们(刚发生海啸当时)。阿拉巴马州和田纳西州需要你们。路易斯安那州需要你们。费城需要你们。整个世界...这个世界需要很多,需要你们的帮助。我们真的需要,需要你们,在座各位年轻人。我不代表其他和我一样坐在上面的人,但是我知道自己已经老了,头发都有点白了。我们需要你们,在座的年轻人,所以请记住:出去闯吧。你要投入自己的一切,不论是你的时间还是才华,你的祈祷还是财富。因为你要记住:灵车后面不会有搬家卡车(装那些幽魂)。 我再说一遍。灵车后面不会有搬家卡车。你不可能把它们一起带走。埃及人试过,带走的后来都被盗了!所以问题是:你要怎么利用你拥有的东西?我不是在说你拥有多少。你们在座的有人学读商科,有人会成为神学家,护士或是社会学家,你们有些人有钱,有些人拥有耐心,有些人有善心,有些人心中充满爱,有些人拥有历经艰苦而带来的财富,不论你拥有的是什么,你的天赋是什么,你打算怎么利用它们呢?

好了,现在我要讲关于失败的最后一点:有时候失败是找到方向的最好方法。生活不会是一条直线。我最初是FordhamM大学医科的预科生。我学过一门课程叫“心脏形态学”的课,我到现在还不知道该怎么读“心脏形态学”我不会读,也不会说,我肯定自己这门课会挂。后来我就决定读法律预科,再后来是新闻学。不知道应该专注于什么学科,我的成绩绩点进入了它自己的轨道,一路向下。有一个学期我的GPA只有1.8。学校很体面地建议我考虑休学一段时间。 我当时20岁,我的人生到了最低谷。有一天,我清楚记得那一天:19xx年3月27日。我在母亲的美容店里帮忙。我母亲在Mount Vernon开了一家美容店。来了一位应该是当时全镇最年长之一的老妇人。之前我跟她没有来往。我当时在看着镜子。每次我看镜子,都可以看到她在我后面。她正瞪眼看着我。她就那样看着我,每次我看着她,她就那样怪怪地看着我。最后,她把头上的风筒挪开,跟我说了一


让我用这最后一点来结束。其实校长前面也已经提到。这跟电影《费城故事》有关。她一定偷看了我的稿子。很多年前,我出演了《费城故事》这部电影。有些场景就是在这个校园拍摄的。《费城故事》是在19xx年上映。那时候你们很多人可能都还在裹尿布,包括有些教授。瞧,我把自己都说笑了。但那确实是部好电影。你们可以到Netflix上租来看看,那是部好电影。而且你每租一次,我可以赚23美分。楼上的家长们,请到Netflix租这部电影看吧。还要告诉你们的朋友哦!说的是一个男人的故事,由汤姆·汉克斯扮演。他由于感染了艾滋病被他的律所开除。他想把律所告上法庭,但没有人愿意做他律师,直到我扮演的一个害怕同性恋的,只会做交通事故案件的律师,接手了这个案子。从某这意义上说,如果你看过这部影片,你就会明白我今天所说的一切。你会看到,我所说的冒险精神,以及要敢于失败。因为去冒险不仅是为了谋生,它更是能帮助你发现什么是你知道的和什么是你不知道的。 它意味着去接受任何人和任何想法。在影片中,我扮演的角色开始慢慢尝试冒险,从小事开始,他很慢,很慢地开始克服自己的恐惧。最终他的内心会洋溢着爱。今天把你们送出校园的日子,我想没有比这更合适的信息了。不仅要愿意冒险,还要对生活敞开胸怀。接受新的看法、新的观点。愿意在全国最好的大学之一做毕业演讲。即使自己害怕得已经僵硬。它




President Gutmann, Provost Price, Board Chair Cohen, fellow honorees, beautiful honorees, and today’s graduates:

I’m honored and grateful for the invitation today. It's always been great to be on the Penn campus. I've been here before a lot of times for basketball games. My son played at the Palestra, played on the basketball team. Yeah, that's right, play on the basketball team. Coach didn't give him enough playing time, but we'll talk about that later. No, I’m really pleased with the progress that Coach Allen has made. No I did, I really am. And I hope them the best success in the future.

Still, I’ll be honest with you: I’m a little nervous. I am not used to speaking at a graduation of this magnitude. It is a little overwhelming. It's out of my comfort zone. You dress me up in army fatigues. Throw me on top of a moving train. Someone said "Unstoppable". Or ask me to play Malcolm X, Rubin Hurricane Carter, Alonzo from Training Day: I can do that. But a commencement speech? It’s a very serious affair. It's a very different ballgame. There’s literally thousands and thousands of people here. And for those who say—you're a movie star, millions of people watch you speak all the time…That's true. Yes, that’s technically true. But I’m not actually in the theater—watching them watching me. I think that makes sense. I mean I'm not there when they cough… or fidget around… or pull out their iPhone and text their boyfriend… or scratch their behinds. Whatever they are known to be doing in a movie theater. But from up here: I can see every single one of you. And that makes me uncomfortable. So please, don’t pull out your iPhone and don't text your boyfriend until after I’m done. But if you need to scratch your behinds, I understand. Go ahead. I was thinking about the speech, what should I say. I figured the best way to keep your attention, would be to talk about some really juicy Hollywood stuff. Like I thought about, me and Russell Crowe getting into some arguments on the set of American Gangster…but no. You’re a group of high-minded intellectuals. You’re not interested in that. Oh, maybe not. I thought about that “private” moment. I had backstage with Angelina Jolie in the dressing room at the Oscars? But I say no. I don’t think so. This

is an Ivy League school. Angelina Jolie half-naked in her dressing room…? Who wants to hear about that? No one, no one, no one, no one, this is Penn. That stuff would never go over well here. Maybe at Drexel—but not over here. I’m in trouble now. I was back to square one—and feeling the pressure. So now you're probably thinking. If it was gonna be this difficult, this much pressure. Why’d I even accept today’s invitation? In the first place? Well, you know my son goes here. That’s No.1. That’s a good reason. And I always like to check to see how my money’s being spent. And I’m sure there's some parents out there who can relate to what I'm talking about! There everybody upstairs. And there were some other good reasons for me to show up. Sure, I got an Academy Award, but I never had something called “Magic Meatballs” after waiting in line for half an hour at a food truck. Yes, I talked face-to-face with President Obama, but I never talked face-to-face with a guy named “Kweeder”, who sings bad songs at Smokes on a Tuesday night. I've never been a buis, I've never been a himos. Yes, I've played a detective battling demons, but I’ve never been to a school in my life. Where the squirrel population has gone bananas, breaking into the dorm rooms and taking over campus. I think I saw some carrying books on the way to class! So I had to be here. I had to come… even though I was afraid I might make a fool of myself. In fact… if you really want to know the truth: I had to come… exactly because, I had to come exactly because I might make a fool of myself. What am I talking about? Here it is: I’ve found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Nothing. Nelson Mandela said: “There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living.” I’m sure in your experiences—in school, in applying to college… in picking your major in deciding what you want to do with life people have told you to make sure you have something to “fall back on.” make sure you have something to “fall back on” honey. But I've never understood that concept, having something to fall back on. If I'm going to fall, I don't want to fall back on anything, except my faith. I want to fall… forward. At least I figure that way I'll see what I'm about to hit. Fall forward. Here's what I mean: Reggie Jackson struck out twenty-six-hundred times in his career the most in the history of baseball. But you don't hear about the strikeouts. People remember the

home runs. Fall forward. Thomas Edison conducted 1,000 failed experiments. Did you know that? I didn't know that. Because #1,001 was the light bulb. Fall forward. Every failed experiment is one step closer to success. You've got to take risks. And I'm sure you've probably heard that before. But I want to talk to you about why it’s so important. I’ve got three reasons—and then you can pick up your iPhones. First… you will fail at some point in your life. Accept it. You will lose. You will embarrass yourself. You will suck at something. There is no doubt about it. That’s probably not a traditional message for a graduation ceremony. But, hey I’m telling you—embrace it. Because it’s inevitable. And I should know: In the acting business, you fail all the time. Early on in my career, I auditioned for a part in a Broadway musical. A perfect role for me, I thought except for the fact that I can’t sing. So I'm in the wings, about to go on stage but the guy in front of me, he is singing like... like... like Pavarotti just go on and on and on and on. And I am just shrinking getting smaller and smaller... so I said thank you, thank you very much, you'll be here from us. So I come out with my sheet music and it was “Just My Imagination” by the Temptations, that’s what I came up with. So I hand it to the accompanist, and she looks at it and looks at me and looks at the director... so I start to sing and so they're not saying anything. I think I must be getting better, so I start getting into it. They said "thank you, thank you very much, Mr. Washington, thank you." So I assume I didn't get the job. But the next part of audition they call me back. The next part of the audition is the acting part of audition. I figure, I can’t sing, but I know I can act. So they paired me with this guy and again I didn't know about musical theatre. And musical theatre is big, so they can reach everyone all the way in the back of the stadium and I was more from a realistc naturlistic kind of acting way. You know you actually talk to the person next to you. So I don't know what my line was, my line was "hand me the cup" his line was,"Well, I will hand you the cup, my dear, my cup will be there to be handed to you." I said, OK, well, should I give you the cup back? Oh yeah, you should give it back to me, because you know that is my cup. And that it should be given back to me. I didn't get the job. But here's the thing: I didn’t quit. I didn't fall back. I walked out of there to prepare for the next audition, and the next audition, and the next audition. I prayed and I prayed, and I

prayed but I continued to fail, fail and fail. But it didn’t matter. Because you know what? There is an old saying: you hang around a barbershop long enough, sooner or later you are gonna get a haircut. You will catch a break. And I did catch a break. Last year I did a play called Fences on Broadway someone talked about it and I won a Tony Award. And I didn’t have to sing, by the way. And here’s the kicker—it was at the Court Theater, it's the same theater that I failed that first audition 30 years prior. The point is, and I will pick up the page. The point is, every graduate here today has the training and the talent to succeed. But do you have the guts to fail? Here's my second point about failure: If you don't fail… you’re not even trying. I'll say it again. If you don't fail… you're not even trying. My wife told me this great expression: “To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.” Les Brown, a motivational speaker, made an analogy about this. Imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential. The ghosts of the ideas you never acted on. The ghosts of the talents you didn't use. And they're standing around your bed. Angry. Disappointed. And upset. “We came to you because you could have brought us to life,” they say. “And now we have to go to the grave together.” So I ask you today: How many ghosts are gonna be around your bed when your time comes? You have invested a lot in your education. And people have invested in you. And let me tell you, the world needs your talents more than it does ever. I just got back from Africa two days ago.So I am rambling on because I am jetlegged. I just got back from South Africa. It's a beautiful country, but there are places there with terrible poverty that needs help. And Africa is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Middle East needs your help.

Japan needs your help.

Alabama needes your help and Tennessee needs your help.

Louisiana needs your help.

Philadelphia needs your help.

the world...

The world needs a lot—and we need it from you, we really do, we need it from

you, young people. I mean I am not speaking for the rest of us up here. I know I am getting a little greyer. we need it from you, the young people. So remember this. So get out there. You gotta give it everything you've got, whether it's your time, your talent, your prayers, or your treasures. Because remember this: You’ll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. I'll say that again. You’ll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. I will say it again you'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. You can't take it with you. The Egyptians tried it and all they got was robbed!

So the question is: So what are you going to do with what you have?

And I'm not talking how much you have.

Some of you are business majors.

Some of you are theologians, nurses, sociologists.

Some of you have money.

Some of you have patience.

Some of you have kindness.

Some of you have love. Some of you have the gift of long-suffering.

Whatever it is, whatever your gift is.-

what are you going to do with what you have?

Alright now, here's my last point about failure:

Sometimes it's the best way to figure out where you're going.

Your life will never be a straight path. I began at Fordham University as a pre-med student. I took a course called “Cardiac Morphogenesis.” I still can't say it. “Cardiac Morphogenesis.” I couldn’t read it. I couldn't say it… and I am sure I couldn't pass it. Then I decided to go into pre-law. Then journalism. With no academic focus, my grades took off in their own direction: down. I was a 1.8 GPA in one semester, and the university very politely suggested it might be better to take some time off. I was 20 years old. I was at my lowest point. And then one day—and I remember the exact day: March 27th, 1975. I was helping my mother in her beauty shop. My mother owned a beauty shop up in Mount Vernon. There was this old woman who was considered one of the eldest in the town. I didn't know her personally. I was looking in the mirror. Everytime I looked into the mirror, I can see it behind me.

She was staring at me. She just kept looking at me. Everytime I looked at her, she kept giving me these strange looks. She finally took the drier off her head and said something to me I’ll never forget: first of all, somebody gives me a piece of paper. She said,“Young boy,”“I have a prophecy: a spiritual prophecy: she said you are going to travel the world and speak to millions of people.” I mind you I'm twenty years old. I've flunk out of school. In fact, like a wise-ass, I’m thinking to myself: Maybe she's got something in that crystal ball about me getting back to school next fall? But maybe she was onto something. Because later that summer, while working as a counselor at a YMCA camp in Connecticut, we put on a talent show for the campers. After the show, another counselor came up to me and asked: “Have you ever thought about acting? You’re good at that.” When I got back to Fordham that fall. I got in. I changed my major once again for the last time. And in the years that followed just as that woman prophesized I have traveled the world and I have spoken to millions of people through my movies. Millions who—up till today I couldn’t see while I was talking to them. And they couldn't see me, because they could only see the movie. They couldn't see the real me.But I see you today. And I'm encouraged by what I see. And I'm strengthened by what I see. And I love what I see. one more page, and I'll shut up. Let me conclude with this one final point. Actually the president kind of brought it up. It has to do with the movie "Philadelphia". She stole my material. Many years ago, I did this movie called "Philadelphia". We filmed some of the scenes right here on campus. Philadelphia came out in 1993, when most of you were probably still in diapers. Some of the professors, too. I cracked up myself. But it was a good movie. Rent it on Netflix. It's a good movie. I get 23 cents every time you rent it. Parents up there, rent it from Netflix please. Tell your friends, too! It's about a man, played by Tom Hanks, who's fired from his law firm because he has AIDS. He wants to sue the firm, but no one's willing to represent him until a homophobic, ambulance-chasing lawyer—played by yours truly takes on the case. In a way, if you watch the movie, you'll see everything I’m talking about today. You'll see what I mean about taking risks or being willing to fail. Because taking a risk is not just about going for a job. It's also about knowing what you know and what you don't know. It’s about being

open to people and to ideas. In the course of the film, the character I play begins to take small steps. Small risks He very very very slowly begins to overcome his fears, and ultimately his heart becomes flooded with love. And I can't think of a better message as we send you off today. To not only take risks, but to be open to life. To accept new views and to be open to new opinions. To be willing to speak at commencement at one of the best universities in the country. Even though you're scared stiff. While it may be frightening, it will also be rewarding. Because the chances you take…the people you meet…the people you love...the faith that you have—that's what's going to define your life. So… members of the class of 2011: This is your mission: When you leave the friendly confines of Philly: Never be discouraged. Never hold back. And when you fall throughout life and maybe even tonight after a few too many glasses of champagne remember this fall forward.

Congratulations, I love you.

God bless you, I respect you.