
2013外研社杯全国英语演讲大赛视频观后感及笔记 这是一个大学里学院组织的比赛,拍摄设施和角度都有欠缺,但透过清晰度不是很高的镜头还是可以感受到参赛者的自信和热情。即便他们的演讲水平有上下之分,但又有着相同的,不容忽视的特点:勇敢,自信,沉着。关于勇敢,那位大四学长说,站到这里的人就是胜利者。我觉得是因为他们有勇气克服自己的紧张,突破自己,迈出别人不敢迈的一步。然后是自信,台下练了很久,主题的选择,语调的练习,节奏的把握,到了台上,能把这些都顾上的只有自信了。自信让整个演讲都有了值得你听下去的理由。最后是沉着,出现失误是预料不到但逃避不了的局面,有一位忘了稿,3秒钟的停顿后她继续了下去。临危不乱,沉着冷静很重要。 勇敢,自信,沉着,除了这些,我想英语演讲还要做到思维开放,除了赛前的准备,生活中也要多关注一些热点问题,问到要有想法,抽到要有话说。还有就是发音的问题了,例如一个选手th的发音总错,口音重等等。当然,能勇敢的站上去就是胜利者了。



Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. The title of my speech today is "When Socrates Meets Confucius".

Socrates once said. I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.

Surprisingly Confucius also said something similar, Say yes if you know. Say no if you don't know.(知之为知之,不知为不知) Do you know what?

Confucius said: "This is so, understand about it, finish class. Socrates said: "This is so? How do you see? Come talk to us. Confucius and Socrates have the same point and there are also different.When Socrates Meets Confucius will happen what? Socrates said: Hi!Confucius. How are you?

Confucius said: Hi! I am fine.

Socrates said: recently, I heard about you teaching students how to do it.I think you're right.

Confucius had a student saw a child fell into the water to save a child jumped off. The child's father is very grateful to him, send him a cow. When cattle are expensive. People say he was greedy. Confucius praised him saying: You do allow more people to save, save getting something formula as it should be.

Socrates said:. I tell you that virtue is not given by money, but that from virtue comes money.

Confucius said: I do not need you to teach me.I disagree with your views on love.

One day Socrates, Plato asked the teacher what is love.

Socrates told him to go once a wheat field, or go back. On the way to pick a best wheat, but can only pick one. Plato went with confidence. Who would have thought he still did not come back for a long time, finally, he sadly appeared in front of the teacher, telling empty - handed reasons: "It's hard to see a seemingly good, but maybe it is not the best, a last resort, since only You can pick one, had to give up, and then see if there is a better, to the discovery has come to an end, it found the hands of a wheat did not. "Then, Socrates told him:" That's love. Love is an ideal, and it is easy to miss. "

Confucius said: Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.(己所不欲勿施于人)

As life through wheat fields and woods, just go once, you cannot go back, to find their own best wheat, trees and flowers, you must have extreme courage and considerable effort.

Injustice and wealth to me as a cloud.(不义且富贵 于我如浮云) Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule.

Thank you!
