




有一棵 大树,春天倚着它幻想,夏天倚着它繁茂,秋天倚着它成熟,冬天倚着它沉思,这棵大树就是妈妈。十月怀胎,您的伟大,凝结了我的血肉 ;含辛茹苦,您的伟大, 塑造了我的灵魂 。悲伤时 ,您是慰藉;沮丧时 ,您是希望 ;软弱时,您是力量。在您的这个节日里,我要说:妈妈,感谢您!我爱您!

妈妈是一个平凡的人,但在我的心中,她是一个最好的妈妈。她开朗 乐观,总是把欢笑带给我们;她勤劳朴实,家里总是井井有条;她心地善良,总是设身处地为别人着想;她热爱工作,年年被评为先进;她勇敢坚韧,困难面前从不 皱眉头。今天,您的儿子站在演讲台上,想对您说,那个曾经捣蛋的小男孩如今已是一个懂事的少年了。您用那伟大的母爱,托起我稚嫩的翅膀。您孜孜不倦的教 诲、无微不至的关怀已溶入我的血液里,你的爱涌入我的心窝里。我终于知道这个世界上还有那么一样东西,比松柏之绿更加坚韧长青,那就是您的爱,您深沉的母 爱。

我们在当地是一个很幸福的家庭。这个家并不是很富有,您和爸爸都是上班族,爷爷奶奶是地地道道、普普通通的农民。但这个家团结、和 睦、勤劳、善良。爸爸也并不是爷爷奶奶亲生的,是他们带养的唯一孩子。您和爸爸每周都带着我下乡,给他们送生活用品、送米送油、送菜送药,爷爷奶奶的晚年 生活胜过了无数有子有女的老人。去年,爷爷不幸重病住院,您和爸爸两人日夜在医院轮流护理,搽洗身子,接屎接尿,医生和护士都以为你们是爷爷的亲生儿女。 那段时间里,我看到你们憔悴了许多,脸色苍白,眼睛浮肿,爸爸血压升高也病倒了,您默默地挺着,没日没夜,支撑着这个家。您告诉我:越是艰难,一家人越要 团结,互相理解,无论多大的坎儿总能迈过去。两个多月后,爷爷去世了。人世间总是有那么多的巧合,爷爷葬礼的那天,正是我十二岁的生日。您对我说:"十二 岁,是蒙古少年的成年节,你也应该懂事了,你要传承爷爷勤劳朴实、光明磊落、乐于助人的美德,做一个对社会有用的人。"第二天,您又带着我,把爷爷积攒下 的几万元遗产捐献给了村上的学校和五保老人。我知道,我们家买放房还欠了贷款,您和爸爸平常也是比较节省,一件衣服、一双鞋子,你们穿了又穿,舍不得换新 的。这样一掷千金,你们怎么那么心甘情愿呢?从您殷切的目光中,妈妈,我看到了您的期望,子女要继承长辈的美德而不是金钱,我也深深体会到了您那颗火热的 心,不光只为我燃烧,也在为更多的人燃烧。

平时,您非常注重对我的教育,学英语、练纲琴、打乒乓球、游泳,您总是默默地陪伴在我身边。钢 琴弹得更流畅了,游泳像条灵活的小泥鳅了,抽球有点儿王厉勤的把势了,大家夸我懂礼貌了,您笑得很甜美,仿佛是世界上最幸福的妈妈。而近年来,我自以为青 春期冲动了,对您大嗓门,瞪眼睛,让您流泪,让那个快乐的妈妈沉闷、发呆,无所适从。上周星期一,由于我的傲慢、无知、随意,在同学中造成了不好的影响, 老师把您请到了学校。天气是那么寒冷,几个小时里,您一直站着,和老师一起教育我,没有责骂,只是苦口婆心,耐心劝说。泪水一次次滑过您的面颊,我辜负了 您的期望,刺痛了您的心,我为自己的无知感到深深自责。后来,您又把几个同学喊来,语重心长地说:"你们是几年的同学,要珍惜彼此相识的缘分和友谊,要做 勤学上进,互相帮助的朋友。"我们惭愧地低下了头,悔恨的泪水夺眶而出,我们的手又紧紧握在了一起。 今天,在这美好的的节日里,妈妈,我 想把全部的祝福揉进您的心田:一片绿叶饱含它对根的情谊 ,一首颂歌浓缩我对您的敬爱,愿您心中的花朵盛开如云,让芬芳伴您

走过悠悠岁月。最后,我想引用一首诗来结束我今天的演讲:孩儿的成长,是母亲再生的希 望;孩儿的失败,是母亲酸楚的泪水;孩儿的成功,是母亲幸福的微笑。同学们,为了母亲的微笑,为了明天的收获,我们一起努力吧!



























与其说这首感人肺腑的手语歌感人不如说这首歌的由来与内涵更催人泪下,激人奋进。有一个天生失语的小女孩,爸爸在她很小的时候就去世了。她和妈妈相依为命。 妈妈每天很早出去工作,很晚才回来。每到日落时分,小女孩就开始站在家门口,充满期待地望着门前的那条路,等妈妈回家。妈妈回来的时候是她一天中最快乐的 时刻,因为妈妈每天都要给她带一块年糕回家。在她们贫穷的家里,一块小小的年糕都是无上的美味了啊!有一天,下着很大的雨,已经过了晚饭时间了,妈妈却还 没有回来。小女孩站在家门口望啊望啊,总也等不到那熟悉的身影。天,越来越黑,雨,越下越大,小女孩决定顺着妈妈每天回来的路自己去找妈妈。她走啊走啊, 走了很远,终于在路边看见了倒在地上的妈妈。她使劲摇着她的身体,妈妈却没有回答她。她以为妈妈太累,睡着了。



Distinguished faculty members and administrators,

Members of the Class of 2013,

Ladies and gentlemen





It’s a great privilege to be here today with all of you, especially the members of the Class of 2013 and your families and friends. You should be very proud. This is a day for memories, a day to savor. A day, also, to join in honoring those who two weeks ago responded so courageously in the face of tragedy—including Northeastern students and staff who provided critical care and support to victims of the attack.


It’s an honor for me to stand before you today just at the moment when you are leaving this great University and about to step into your life, the script of which is yet to be written. Throughout my years in the academy, I’ve loved commencements because they embody those rare moments in our modern culture when ritual, tradition and a bit of pageantry brighten our lives.


But I’m sure many of you are more than a little concerned about what the future will bring, and I just want to say to you today that not only is your future uncertain, but the overwhelming likelihood is that it’s far more uncertain than you think. And you know what, that’s a good thing.

A recent study by a group of psychologists in the journal Science found that people are extremely poor at predicting their futures. The study showed that, for example, a typical 20-year-old woman’s predictions for life changes in the next decade of her life were not nearly as radical as the typical 30-year-old woman’s recollection of how much she had changed in her 20s. In other words, 20-year-olds had little idea of just how much they would change over the next ten years. This sort of discrepancy persisted among respondents all the way into their 60s.


This study’s findings are essentially the story of my life. In fact, even before I was born, given the obstacles my parents faced, I would never have predicted that I would, in fact, be born. My father spent his childhood in North Korea and, at the age of 17, escaped across the border into South Korea, leaving his parents, his brothers and sisters, his entire extended family -- everything he had ever known – behind. He had no money. Still, he managed to enroll in the Seoul National University Dental School and became a dentist. He told me stories about how he had so little money he often could only afford to buy lunch from the illegal noodle vendors on the street. Once when he was eating his contraband pasta next to the vendor, police came and chased after the vendors and their customers. But while he ran, my father kept eating his noodles because he knew he wouldn’t be able to afford another bowl for some time.


My mother was born in China near Shanghai among a small community of Korean expatriates. After returning to Korea, on a day she will never forget, her mother -- my grandmother -- went outside to hang the laundry and never returned, probably either kidnapped or killed by North Korean soldiers. With the war closing in around her, at the age of 15, my mother became a refugee and literally walked, with her younger brother on her back, for 200 miles to escape the fighting. Luckily, she was able to resume her schooling in a tent in the southern city of Masan. She was a good student and with great luck she received a scholarship from a secret women’s society in the United States and was able to enroll as a freshman at Scarritt College in Nashville, Tennessee.



Through almost unthinkably divergent and unlikely paths, my parents ended up meeting in New York City at a Christmas party that gathered together the few hundred Korean students who were living in the United States at that time. They fell in love, married in New York, where my older brother was born, then returned to Korea.


I was born in Seoul and when I was five, my family moved back to the United States and we eventually settled in Muscatine, Iowa. My father opened his dental practice, and my mother set to work on her PhD in philosophy at the University of Iowa. In the late 60’s, influenced by my mother’s passion for social justice, we watched the civil rights and anti-war movements unfold from our living room in Muscatine. We lived, as you can tell, the classic All-American, Korean family grows up in a small town in Iowa story. We fully embraced our lives in the heartland of this great country.


As you might imagine, there weren’t a lot of Asians in Iowa in the 60’s and 70’s but happily, one of the most popular shows at that time was Kung Fu, the story of a former Shaolin priest, half-Chinese, half-American, who comes to the United States to find his American father. So while we were outsiders in Iowa in a profound sense, at least the bully kids left us alone, because they thought all Asians knew Kung Fu. I played quarterback on the high school football team -- but don’t be too impressed, we had the longest losing streak in the nation by the time I was done with my senior year. Years and years went by without a single victory. It was said that grandfathers of my teammates had contributed to the multi-generational streak.


After high school, I eventually ended up at Brown University, and I remember one particular day vividly. My father picked me up at the airport after I flew back to Muscatine from Providence, and

when we were driving home, he asked me, “So what are you thinking of studying?”


I told him I was excited about philosophy and political science. I thought I could make a difference in the world and I was thinking of going into politics.

My father put on the blinker, pulled off the road, and turned off the car. He turned to me in the back seat. “Look,” he said, “once you finish your medical residency, you can do anything you want.”我说我对哲学和政治学很感兴趣。我认为我可以改变这个世界,我在考虑从政。我父亲打开车子的闪光灯,把车开到路边停下。他转过身来对坐在后座上的我说:“瞧,你只要完成了医生实习期,就可以做任何你想做的事情。”

You see, my father knew all about uncertainty. He knew that it’s impossible to be sure about where you might end up in life. And he worried that his own success might have deprived his children of the opportunity to understand deeply the meaning of running away from the noodle police while, of course, finishing your noodles. He wanted me to have a skill and he wanted me to butt my head up against the joy but also the hard reality of finishing medical school, finishing residency and caring for patients in life-or-death situations.


I’m so grateful to my father.


So far I’ve told you that life is uncertain, but you already knew that. What I really want you to know is that you have abundant tools to face that uncertainty and to lead an extraordinary life, even beyond your wildest dreams.


Roy Baumeister is a psychologist who has devoted his career to studying the qualities in human beings that lead them to achieve what he calls “positive outcomes.” In this fascinating field, researchers have found that two traits are most consistently associated with success: intelligence

and willpower. In Baumeister’s book entitled Willpower, we learn that efforts to permanently increase intelligence have failed, but people can in fact improve their willpower. Baumeister and his colleagues have shown that taking certain actions to improve willpower is the surest way to a more successful life. Moreover, they’ve shown that willpower is like a muscle that can be built with practice, but also that if you don’t actively exercise your willpower, your capacity to do so will atrophy just like your stomach muscles if you stop doing sit-ups. They’ve even learned that because willpower is associated with a certain part of your brain, maintaining glucose levels in your blood to feed that part of your brain is critical for sustaining your willpower!


Looked at from another angle, a group of researchers has shown that, more than talent, practice is what determines mastery over any given skill or ability. Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, popularized an important body of work that showed that the path to mastery required 10,000 hours of practice. Books with titles like “talent is overrated” have been published to make the point.

从另一个角度看,一些研究人员已经证明,与天赋相比,实践才是决定能否掌握任何技能或能力的主要因素。马尔科姆·格拉德威尔在他的《局外人》一书中推广的一项重要研究成果表明,达到精通之路需要10000个小时的练习, 《天赋被高估了》等书的出版就是为了说明这一点。

Now I want you to know that there’s really good news here, especially for Northeastern graduates. By graduating today, you’ve shown your families and the world that you have plenty of IQ points to accomplish anything you set out to achieve. Willpower, discipline and focus -- the essential qualities for success that everyone needs -- are in your hands to develop and build. As Baumeister shows in his book, you can indeed go to the willpower gym and come out mentally buff, ready to take on the world.


Now about the 10,000 hours it takes to achieve mastery. Well, because you’ve studied here at Northeastern, you’ve got a head start. My own estimate is that, through your cooperative education in which you’ve received both classroom knowledge and practical knowledge, you all

deserve at least a couple of thousand hours of discount off the standard 10,000. Good for you and congratulations!


But in addition to thinking about uncertainty and willpower, there’s one more thing I want you to try to will yourself to remember today. I want you to think about how you can use time effectively and for good in this complex world.


Back in Iowa, my mother used to read to me the writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. In Dr. King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” he writes about understanding the urgency of the present. He writes about an experience with a white moderate -- an ally of the civil rights movement -- who wrote to him saying that he, Dr. King, was in too great a hurry and that “the lessons of Christ take time to come to earth.” African Americans, the moderate argued, would eventually -- eventually -- be granted their full civil rights.

早在爱荷华州时,我的母亲曾经读马丁·路德·金的著作给我听。金博士在 “寄自伯明翰监狱的信”中写了他对现实紧迫性的理解。他写道与一位白人温和派人士、民权运动盟友的交流,此人写信给他,说他金博士过于性急,“基督的教义传播人世,总要花费时日”。这位温和派人士认为,非裔美国人最终——他是说最终——会获得完全的民权。

Dr. King responded, and I quote: “Such an attitude stems from a tragic misconception of time and a strangely irrational notion that there is something in the flow of time that will inevitably cure all ills. Actually, time itself is neutral. It can be used destructively or constructively. More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than the people of goodwill. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” End quote.


With all the willpower I can muster, I try to bring the sense of urgency in Dr. King’s words to my work today. I do this with an understanding that I still have no idea of what the future may bring.

After all, I had no idea that I would not only get my medical degree but also a PhD in anthropology. I had no idea that I would help found an organization, Partners in Health, with my colleague Paul Farmer and eventually work in 10 countries around the world. I had no idea that my experience at Partners In Health would lead to my taking charge of the World Health Organization’s HIV/AIDS efforts and starting a campaign to treat 3 million people by the year 2005. And with only minimal experience in academic administration, I became President of Dartmouth College. Finally, completely out of the blue, last year President Obama asked me to stand as a candidate to lead the World Bank Group.


Always with some trepidation, I embraced these unexpected opportunities, and now I find myself in one of the most interesting jobs in the world. The World Bank Group is an extraordinary organization, founded in the 1940’s to rebuild Europe after World War II. Over the 66 years of its existence, it has become the premier development institution in the world.


Just two weeks ago, our governing body endorsed a target to end extreme poverty by 2030 -- just 17 years from now. Our Governors, who are made up of the Ministers of Finance and Development of 188 member countries, also endorsed a goal to boost shared prosperity, so that the bottom 40% of income earners in our member states can share in economic growth. Our Governors also emphasized that prosperity must be shared with future generations, which means that we will be leaders in tackling climate change. Climate change has the potential to wipe out many of the development gains of the past decades and plunge people back into poverty.

就在两周前,我们的理事会批准了一个目标 ,即,到20xx年,从现在起在短短17年时间里终结极度贫困。我们的理事会由188个成员国的财政和发展部长组成,他们还通过一个目标,就是促进共享繁荣,使我们成员国里处于收入最底层的40%人口可以分享经济增长的成果。我们的理事会还强调,必须让子孙后代共享繁荣,这就意味着我们将在应对气候变化方面发挥领导作用。气候变化有可能使过去数十年的发展成果毁于一旦,使人民重新陷入贫困。

By setting such bold targets for our organization and setting an expiration date for extreme poverty in the world, our Governors have given us the gift of focus and urgency. We will now use time to drive forward what we hope will be a signal achievement in human history.


In closing, my challenge to you is this: set bold goals, deliberately and consciously build your willpower, and use your time well. You are so fortunate. Northeastern’s co-op program and emphasis on experiential learning make this one of the most innovative educational models in the world today. With co-op options now in more than 70 countries, in all types of organizations, this University has given you an unexcelled preparation for global citizenship. As countries around the world, including the United States, search for ways to overhaul higher education, they’re looking to Northeastern’s example. Through your hard work in these past four years, you’ve acquired something exceptional: the foundations for critical and self-critical thinking, joined to the practical skills to solve tough problems in the real world.


These are extraordinary qualifications. They give you power -- and responsibility.


Like my father on the streets of Seoul -- though in a different way -- you face a world of uncertainty. Don’t fear that uncertainty. Embrace it. Use it. Uncertainty means that nothing is predetermined. Uncertainty means that the future is yours to shape -- with the force of your will, the force of your intellect, and the force of your compassion. Uncertainty is freedom. Take that freedom and run with it. And don’t forget to eat some noodles as you go. You’ll need the glucose.


Thank you very much, and congratulations to the graduating class.


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