
Everyone knows the poem of Tang dynasty , the verse of Song dynasty and the novel in Ming and Qing dynasy.Some of them are well-know in the world.Today I will show you a very famous novel.It is Romans of the Three Kingdoms.

The story – part historical, part legend and part mythical – romanticises and dramatises the lives of feudal lords and their retainers, who tried to replace the dwindling Han dynasty or restore it. While the novel follows hundreds of characters, the focus is mainly on the three power blocs that emerged from the remnants of the Han dynasty, and would eventually form the three states of Wei, Shu , and Eastern Wu. The novel deals with the plots, personal and military battles, intrigues, and struggles of these states to achieve dominance for almost 100 years.

Among many characters,I like Mr zhuge best.He is a very smart person.So lets visit this book with him.

One day,Liu bei knew that there was a good man named zhugeliang could heip him a lot.So he went to zhuge’s home,but he didn’t at home.A few days later he went to his home again.That day was snowing heavily,but there was only his brother at home.He took a trip with his friends.At the third time,Mr zhuge was sleeping,so they waited for 4 hours.At last,he moned by Liubei,so he wanted to return him by using his whole life.

When zhugeliang is a prime minister,he did very well of his job.Then

let me show you another story.

During the period of the Three Kingdoms of China, ZhuGeLiang, the prime-minister of Shu tried to conquer the northern country of Wei. During a battle, SiMaYi, the general of the Wei's troops tried to kill ZhuGeLiang by bringing 150 thousand troops on a battle against the Shu's territory of Xi City, or East city. After ZhuGeLiang and his troops heard about it, his troops became frightened and thought they were all doomed, since they only had 5000soldiers, and half was out carrying food for the army. But ZhuGeLiang told them to not panic and made out a plan against SiMaYi.

Firstly, he told the troops to open the gates of the city, secondly, he told some of his soldier to pretend they are normal civilians, cleaning up the dirt in front of the city. Lastly, he ordered his troops to not make a sound. When SiMaYi arrived to the city, ZhuGeLiang went high up to the top of the city wall and started playing the Chinese instrument of gu-zhen. SiMaYi thought this was weird, and thought it would be dangerous to go in the city, because he thoughy there might be some troop waiting to attack them in the city, and it was a trick of ZhuGeLiang.

So he left the city and then later on, when he came back to the city again, the civilians told him about how he was tricked by ZhuGeLiang. He felt regret for not attacking the city.

Why this book canbe classic?When this publiced,many people use the

tricks in this book to face troubles in their daily life or business and lots of novels were written based on this book.









孟德是一位智者,发檄文诸侯同破仲颖,迎献帝挟天子令诸侯,火烧乌巢大败袁绍,此乃孟德之三胜,长坂坡刘备假摔阿斗,实为刁买人心;诸葛亮三气周瑜、柴桑吊孝,实为抢夺荆州,炫耀才能,反倒不如仲达,误使关羽败走麦城,引来夷陵之败,六出祁山耗尽国力,这就是百姓期待的“人和”吧。 想到这问大家一个问题,庞统是怎么死的?(落凤坡中箭)我想大多数人会这样去回答。可我却认为是刘备故意让他去死的?尽管失去贤才,却能找到理由攻打西川。刘备还曾说过:“吾是天下群雄如草芥一般”,而曹操却被人们无奈地骂作“曹贼”,挟天子令诸侯只不过是一种奇策,“宁可我负天下人,休教天下人负我”只不过是一种“霸气”。孟德曾言:“龙能大能小,能升能隐;大则兴云吐雾,小则隐介藏形;升则飞腾于宇宙之间,隐则潜伏于波涛之内。方今春深,龙乘时变化,犹人得志而纵横四海。龙之为物,可比世之英雄。”孟德亦言:“夫英雄者,胸怀大志,腹有良谋,有包藏宇宙之机,吞吐天地之志者也”以孟德之雄才可称作国家之栋梁,可遭到的是群雄的嫉妒。反倒是枭雄成为了仁君。天下间又有几人懂得孟德之志,可惜恶来战死,可惜奉孝病故。 就我个人一些的看法,三国中有三段精彩之处:十胜十败,一语鼓三军;煮酒论英雄,“巧借闻雷来掩饰,随机应变信如神”;舌战群儒,“不积跬步,无以至千里。不积小流,无以成江海”。这正是王者之道,正如我们学习一般,有着不同的成才之道,或许是“胸怀大志,腹有良谋”之人选择的“霸道”,或许是“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”之人选择的“仁道”。也许正如孟德所说“今天下英雄,惟使君与操耳!”,只有这两种人是心系天下之人,是成大事之人。始皇“执敲扑而鞭笞天下”,终使“山东豪俊遂并起而亡秦族矣”,“然而成败异变,功业相反,何也”?“仁义不施而攻守之势异也”。当然,人各有志,不可强求。“亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也;亲小人,远贤臣,此后汉所


