
《笑面人》读后感 《笑面人》是雨果的代表作之一,与《克伦威尔》、《莎士比亚论》同称为雨果的“英国三部曲”。小说以英国17世纪不彻底的资产阶级革命后黑暗的社会现实为背景,是一部历史题材的传奇性小说。

格温普兰的一生自开始即是悲剧,在低沉又迟缓的交响乐的布衬和满是恶意的催命意味下,一个人用当时微小的心愿做出了后来回首纵观十分了不起的事情。而这个当时几乎是顺手裹来的女婴,给了他一段飘浮着梦幻泡泡的朴实爱情。穷有穷开心,而在金钱、权势、美色和自己认为“有”的爱情面前,谁也要向前倾倒。--正因为这符合人的常性,所以悲剧变得自然了。自然的悲剧,究其所以,很大的程度是各人的欲念恶意汇聚,终于反转成各人不得不亲尝的苦果。哭了笑了,爱了离散了,最后心灰意冷,最后各人也都绽出人性的光华,是表面的悲剧,而内在却也有大喜和“得到”的意味。人人哀恸,却也最终都平静了下来。 人生无非如此。一齐手拉手,跳完一曲圆舞曲,而后可有换了舞伴重新再来?


“虽然大家都认为他是个怪物,可是蒂却认为他是天上的神仙。”蒂说:“长得丑,这算得了什么?做坏事才叫丑。格温普兰只做好事。所以他最漂亮。” 作品歌颂了真正的爱情,歌颂了普通大众善良的心。对那些丑恶的上层社会,极力批判 这个社会一直在高速运转着,速度快得让人忘了其实人与人之间的感情是最主要的。每个人都为自己的目的而活着。对外界都是那么冷酷。 停下脚步吧,在你大步往前走的同时你却失去了很多。停下脚步吧,路边的风景可能比终点的要美,要美得多。 在这个沉默的年代,用我们的善良唤醒沉睡的感情。让我们象奥嫫一样久久嗷叫。我想奥嫫是在呼唤黎明,呼唤一个温暖的黎明。



Read" The Laughing Man" have feeling

宜兴市实验中学 九(13)班 施云鹏

This winter, I read Hugo in 1869 in the novel" the laughing man". Hugo by Gwen Pollan their tragedy reflects the two opposing class contradiction. Hugo draws on a wealth of historical literature vividly lists that British inequality social outlook, to expose the hypocrisy and ugliness of the ruling class. In the novel, the author fully standing in sympathy for poor people stand for the defense of the bottom, depicting people's sufferings. Smiling Gwen plunge in Lords of princes and dukes of the accused speak in excitement emotion, it is the climax of the book, on such an unequal society is extremely most incisive depictions: people lived a miserable life, innocent people were condemned, eight year-old girl began to prostitution, coal miners take coal filling, the fisherman is eating bark root, baby sleeping in the ground dug out of the earth hole. In addition to poverty, unemployment, famine, disease, we see the pressure in people's heads and the police, law, religion, arrest, torture, secret prisons, etc. Experienced in Su Si on Gwen Pollan said:" silence is poor only friend. They can only say one word: ‘ is '. Acknowledge and agree that they are all right. Said to the judge ‘ is '. Said to the king, ‘ is '. Lords if happy, will give us a few sticks, I'll be they played, it is their privilege, they even put our broken bones, on their dignity and have no damage." He also pointed out that:" you are to live in such a country: a three years off the tree, to Ann quietly being hanged" Laughing Man". ... ... The Bishop's court if the decision you make heretical crime, should be burned alive." On the other hand, the ruling class to enjoy privileges, squander recklessly, hard press people sweat for their profligate. The Queen's husband's annuity a sudden increase of one hundred thousand. As the increase of exorbitant tax levies. Hugo put the smile face Gwen a tragic story, is arranged in such an environment.

Gwen Pollan speech in parliament to the society, is a powerful indictment, in fact Gwen Pollan and two of his relatives, Su Si and pedicle of the tragic experience itself, is a powerful indictment. Rulers of the hands and destroy their happiness, even in Su Si hold fast to his" silence is poor only friend of the creed, he also cannot escape this only invisible hand, terrible. This kind of poor people, their fate is the British and numerous working people’s common destiny. Hugo in the novel use of his at the most romantic contrast manipulation, vividly portrays the main character image.

Gwen Pollan’s face is ugly, but his heart is very beautiful. When he is abandoned, alone with the battle to save time, he also thought of another child, take another person's destiny; he later became jazz, forget the sufferings of the people, to the Lords, finally reluctantly abandoned glory, splendour, wealth and rank, returned to his family. Therefore,"

although everyone believes that he is a monster, but was that he was the angel heaven." Pedicle said:" ugly, this what? Evil is ugly. Gwen Pollan done. He is the most beautiful." Pedicle himself, was a blind man, who has never seen the sun", but her eyes can not see, but full of light". She can see eye to see things, it was Gwen Pollan’s inner beauty. She loved Gwen Copeland, Gwen Pollan as her sun. This is a beautiful virgin. Su Si is a kind and wise old man, in spite of his poverty, take two an orphan, raised them; his intellect is amazing, in his shine with the wisdom of working people. However he was in life, to a traditional code of conduct, the evil persecution, he had to resign oneself to adversity. In three of them between the deep feelings, they were very close, mutual affinity and love each other, who cannot leave, who also few who. The true love between them, strengthened the ending of the novel the tragic atmosphere.

They contrast with the queen Anne, Joseph Anna, David - Lee - Moai Jazz this batch of people. Their tyrannical, tyrannically abuse one's power, lead a life of luxury and debauchery, moral corruption, in order to satisfy their own desires, what things are done. A few examples see: Queen Anne's hatred of Joseph Anna, to see her marry Gwen Pollan of this malformation is a great pleasure, a bit also regardless of sisterhood. Joseph Anna and David - Lee - Moai two people are reluctant to get married, because the respective dissolute life has many advantages. Joseph Anna even lured Gwen Pollan, want to search for fallen fun, this behavior only from her slutty shameless abnormal psychology can be explained. This Maoruo angel, like a woman, when she finally knows that Gwen is her real husband, but immediately put him away, he said she hated him. The novel feature of romanticism is also reflected in the writers of the arrangement of the plot: the whole story is made up of many upset events linking" Laughing Man"

A. The novel begins, a lonely and helpless child to abandon in the desolate coast, waiting for his death, but he escaped from the predicament. The beginning of fascinated readers. Especially the second of the fourth volume, Joseph from Anna to Gwen Copeland unsettling, sea drift to the gourd secret, Gwen Pollan suddenly changed to crown Charlie jazz, Su Si saw the prison carrying a coffin thought Gwen Pollan has been executed, Joseph Anna and Wen a chance meet, Gwen Kaplan in Parliament accused the ruler of evil, he is looking for not trying to jump into the river when saw the almost and Su Si follow like a shadow dog Omo, and so on, it can be said to be the waves after another, amidst the winds of change, and Gwen Pollan 's image in which a series of plot development also appears more and more distinct. This is another feature of this novel.

I think this is a very good books, it is worth a read.

——《The Laughing Man》

