
A Tale of Two cities

“A Tale of Two cities” is one of the most important works of Dickens. The tale was based on the French Revolution in 1789, it described the story about Manette’s family and Defarge’s family.

At the beginning of reading this book, I found it horrible and boring. But gradually, I couldn’t put down the book. In the end , I was moved by the book.

Of all the characters in the story, my favourite is Sydney Carton. Sydney Carton, who was a lazy man and didn’t care for others. Really? In fact, he was an excellent and hard-working lawyer. He loved Lucie Manette all the time. But she hadn’t ever taken to him. When Carton heard the news that Lucie’s husband Charles Darnay would be killed in prison, he made a great decision: replace Darnay with himself.

Sydney Carton, who sacrifice himself, for what? A person he loved and her happiness? That is —— “love”.

I understand something from Carton: Love maybe a kind of power and dependence in our heart. Most importantly, after helping people we love, we will be very satisfied and feel very happy. I believe one thing: Carton’s world will come true in the future.

After reading this book, I have new recognition of love. Trust me,

you will learn something important in this book. Why not open “A Tale of Two cities” now?




在这矛盾、冗乱的时代下,狄更斯成功塑造了西德尼.卡顿——“他富有才华,情感高尚,却没有施展才华流露情感的机会,不能有所作为,也无力谋取自己的幸福。他深知自己的症结所在,却听天由命,任凭自己年复一年的虚度光阴,消耗殆尽”。 西德尼.卡顿的存在是一场幸福的悲剧,他孤独,他忧郁,他用冷漠的外表面对世间百态,他用“若无其事”杜绝身边的名与利,他爱上了露西,却不愿去追求,他的善良让他担心露西会因他堕落,当他最终他向露西表达了爱情,令人动容。

“为了你,为了你所爱的任何人,我愿意作任何事情。倘若我的生涯中有值得牺牲的可能和机会,我甘愿为你和你所爱的人们而牺牲。”----------西德尼.卡顿 我以为,这样的爱是广义的,如梦幻般伟大而纯净,催人泪下,它默默承受着煎熬,“孤独”面对着酷刑,它也许忧伤但充满幸福,它可能凄美但并不单薄,在无形中,放出动人光彩,成为经典。卡顿如同黑暗里的精灵,像是“星星之火”点燃真爱,


