

1、 这本书的作者是美国小说家马克吐温,写作手法幽默诙谐、寓


2、 书中的人物形形色色,不过今天我只介绍三个主要人物。汤姆

是个贪玩、叛逆又顽皮的男孩,总喜欢搞怪、搞恶作剧,是个爱出风头的家伙。不过,他身上也有许多优点:他有计谋、勇敢、聪明,自信、机智、有很强的领导能力。锡德是汤姆同父异母的兄弟,与汤姆相比较他是个安静又听话的孩子。 汤姆的朋友哈克,是个游手好闲、无法无天、来去自由的流浪儿,他具备正义、勇敢的品质,一心向往自由。

3、 故事主要描写了:汤姆与波莉姨妈居住在圣彼得堡的一个小镇


4、 这个故事中的汤姆想通过冒险来改变自己生活的环境,想通过





The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

I have read “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” two times. And I feel the different ways every time. It was written by Mark Twain. It came out in1876. Many people were interested in it. The main character was Tom Sawyer. He was a naughty boy. He loved adventure very much. He lived with his aunt Polly because his parents were dead. His teacher didn’t like him because of his naughtiness. He met a pretty girl when he played in the town. Her name was Becky. They became friends and studied in the same class. But Tom had a mistake. So Becky was angry. Tom also hates boring study and he decided to go to the other side of the river with Joe and Huck. They wanted to be corsairs. They stayed for a few days, and then they came back. They went to school and helped Becky. She was happy. Afterwards, Tom helped Muff Potter because he saw Injun Joe kill the doctor but not Muff Potter. Joe went away but Tom was afraid of him. One day, a lot of students in the school went across the river and played games. Tom and Becky went into a cave. Everyone went back except them. They stayed there for some time. During that time, they found the cave door and came back. Tom and Huck found the money of Joe. Finally, Joe died in the cave.

Tom was a naught boy but I think was also brave and kind. He liked to be free and he liked peace. I believe that the most important thing is their pure friendship, uprightness and honesty. It’s a perfect novel. I hope to read it again.
