死亡诗社读后感 英文版

Dead poet society

The book dead poet society is one of the few books which touches my heart and make me choke for something. I love it so much that when I finished it I had decided to go on it once.

There are so many aspects deserving our commenting. Such as “Why do the school, Welton

Academy, kill the personalities of children” ,“ Is right that educational ways of the teachers or parents to their children like those in that book” and “The faith of John Keating”……All of them are my beloveds,but the words “seize the day and make your life extraordinary” is my favorite. So I will illusion that in the book in the following.

What is ?seize the day??I have thought it was to do the things around me, you should do, before I read it. Then when I finished it I know I?m wrong. Seize the day is to devote yourself to the things that you love to do and learn to how to choose our life. When in the classes of the school?s origin teacher Dr. Hager, in face of the dull course, the students often said “You?ll get used to old Hager”. But in the class of Keating, students are allowed to express their ideas and have the chance to find what they like and chase it.

To be honest, in the class of the teacher, Hager, students have more chance to learn more setting knowledge. By it, students learn to give up to the bad situations and are more able to learn the survival regulations. However, I think it?s not what we need in our school dates. What is more important for us is acquiring the chances to divergent(发散) thinking and cultivate our creativities. In the future,we have plenty of time to infect the smell of adult world, so it is unnecessary for us harry to touch it. So I believe the meaning of ?seize the day? is loving what love and persisting it without regret.

Seize the day, is to have the courage to try what you really want to do and find what you like. Then treasure it. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. 生活不是一场赛跑,而是每一步都应该细细品尝的人生旅程。





我步入丛林/因为我希望生活得有意义/我希望活得深刻/吸取生命中所有的精华/把非生命的一切都击溃/以免当我生命终结/发现自己从没有活过。这是电影《死亡诗社》经典台词中的一段,也是最入我心的一段。来到人世的二十几载,忙忙碌碌,忙忙碌碌,学前班、幼儿园、小学、中学、大学;习题、考试、升学、求学。从未思考过这样的生活是为了什么,只是机械的、按部就班的、一如往常的重复着单调的生活,回望这过往的二十几年,唯有童年的时光还能在脑海里留下斑驳的影子,成为旧时回忆中最为光鲜的一段。在这即将离开校园,步入社会的当口,我在思索如何适应社会谋求自己生存之需的同时也在思考我今后的人生走向,我不希望二十年后的今天再回首时,又是无奈的唏嘘和无力的苍白。 才女张爱玲曾对好的文学作品做过这样的界定,强有力的文学作品不仅能与人以兴奋还应与人以启示,用这个标准来衡量影视作品应该同样凑效,《死亡诗社》这部作品之所以给人以启迪还在于影片自始至终贯穿着两种抗衡力量:被誉之为威尔顿预备学院四大支柱的校训:传统、荣誉、纪律、卓越与反传统学子们内心的呐喊: 嘲弄、恐怖、颓废、排泄的抗衡,威尔顿预备学院 固定、单调、束缚思想的教育模式和新老师John Keating 反传统的教育方法的抗衡,医学、法律、商业、工程,这些足以支撑一生的崇高追求,和关乎生活情趣的诗歌、美丽、浪漫、爱情的抗衡。是做生活的主宰还是做生活的奴隶之间的抗衡。而我以为这种种矛盾的背后也是对人类自身生存状态的深刻探讨,生存还是生活?从俗亦是超脫?这是一个没有界定的问题。芸芸众生用自己的生命轨迹书写着属于自己的那份答案,有的人追求着纯粹的自我,选择远离尘世或是遁入空门,亦如老子亦如宝玉亦如弘一法师,有的人追求世俗享乐,一生为功名利禄牵绊,而更多的人则选择徘徊在世俗与梦想之间坚守着自我的同时也浪迹于尘世。《死亡诗社》的最后一幕很是感人,在离开学校的那一刻,遵循传统的老教授一如往昔的重复着刻板的的教材,将充满灵性的文字语言一一肢解。就如同把一个鲜活的生命推上绞刑架。然而,渴望自由,激情的种子已然扎根于心灵,又怎甘心屈从于传统的、古板的、教条的说教。学生们蹭的从座位上立起,有力的站立在课桌上,眼里满噙着泪水,嘴中念叨着:船长啊,船长!目送着即将离去的老师。影片戛然而止,一切尽在不言中!
