



很多评论家说这是一部巨著,是拉丁美洲百年历程的一部缩影 。巨著?当仁不让,缩影?我不太了解拉美的历史,除了某些发展史可以类比,更多的不带那么悲怆吧?前50页--几乎实在翻来覆去的折腾中读下来的,布恩迪亚家族那类似得不能再类似得名字折腾得我晕头转向,50页几乎花去我整整一天的时间,很多时候看半页就得回味一下这个人是谁,更多时候只得翻看前面才能分辨。然而那紧凑得让人窒息的故事情节又容不得有你在情绪上有半点怠慢。

读到三分之一带点魔幻味道的情节虽然是吊足了我的胃口,但是我又开始迟疑这个“百年孤独”,百年可以想见、孤独在什么地方?在这吵吵嚷嚷颇是不平凡的一家谁的身上体现?读到奥雷里亚诺开始策动战争,我心想大抵接下来的故事情节会和《Gone with the wind》相类似,靠着战争背景完成这部名著。但是越读到后面我越对自己世俗的看待加西亚马尔克斯的态度感到鄙夷。对我而言这本书的思想境界远远不是《Gone with the wind》能够企及的,喜欢《Gone with the wind》的勿喷口水、我也很喜欢白瑞德,但个人欣赏口味不同我也只是从自己的喜好出发。况且玛格丽特·米切尔也没有因此就问鼎诺贝尔,如果不是早亡可能她下一部会比这部好吧! (注:英语很差,之所以用《Gone with the wind》是觉得《飘》景观翻译得很惊艳了,但还是不能具备这个名字的意境美)。言归正传,对于加西亚马尔克斯 1





再从它的结构来看,这是一个建立在过去、现在和将来重复循环的象征框架中的现代神话。时间的轮回重复,这个家族每一代成员名字的类似,命运的类似都使小说隐含了无数大大小小的循环怪圈,能够脱离这个怪圈的人要么和这个家无关,要么早死、要么在众目睽睽之下升天,最显著的就是雷梅黛丝,两代雷梅黛丝对于这个家族来说都是游离于家族之外的局外人, 2

他们注定不属于这个家族家族.布恩迪亚家族循环往复悲怆命运也不会将领于她们之上。而其他的家族成员无非是孤独的坚守着这一生,这个家族中第一代何塞·阿卡迪奥·布恩迪亚后半生在小屋里制作小金鱼,这个过程日复一日、年复一年地被重复着。第6代奥雷良诺上校晚年不停地缝制裹尸布,第4代奥雷良诺第二反复地修理门窗,雷梅苔丝每天都花许多时间洗澡,等等,这些人的行为都与制作小金鱼相似,每人都处在过去、现在与将来的重复之中,各自的行为又互成对照,互成循环,构成了一系列大大小小的循环怪圈。小说中的人物姓名与秉性也是循环往复的。布恩迪亚家族中的男性,始终是阿卡迪亚与奥雷良诺的重复或相加,秉性也依次延续,其中隐含的也是时间上的轮回重复。小说中家族里活得最长久的乌苏拉,阅尽了布恩迪亚家族的盛衰演变,特别是在她失明之后依旧能够如看得见一般,无非是因为,在她眼里,一切都无非是过去的重复,她惊呼时间在打圈圈,因而她以后永远沉湎于对过去的回忆之中。她的这种始终如一的对过去的追怀,也是一种时间的重复与轮回。即便是从家族之前第一个乱伦产物“猪尾巴”的人到最后一个乱伦产物“猪尾巴”被蚂蚁吃掉的女婴也不过是循环到了起点。 深层次的原因我解释不好,可是我在百度上搜到的一篇是这样叙述的“如果说历史是一个大循环圈的话,那么,某一时期的现实社会则是依附于大循环圈中的小圈。似乎是冥冥之中的神秘力量决定的,布恩迪亚家族的结局,一开始就在吉卜赛人墨尔基阿德斯的羊皮密码中预示了,因此,无论这个家族中的成员如何苦苦挣扎,终究逃脱不了衰亡的命运。一百年的兴盛衰败史,更是一百年的时间打圈圈的历史。这冥冥之中的神秘力量是什么呢?从作品的具体描述中可以看到,那就是文明程度的低下,政治上的麻木不仁,经济上的贫困落后,思想观念上的保守陈腐。远离科学与文明,自然是使马贡多人百年依旧的内在驱动力。远离科学与文明,自然是使马贡多人百年依旧的内在驱动力。马贡多社会政治的昏聩,是使马贡多陷于轮回重复的第二重内驱力。经济上的贫困是使马贡多停滞不前的第三重内驱力。 面对种种落后与愚昧的现实,马贡多人不是面向过去,追怀昔时的宁静与淡泊,就是关在小屋里,重复循环着一件事,他们没有能力、也没有自觉的行动走向未来。这种保守封闭的思想观念是是使马贡多陷于重复轮回的第四重内驱力。” 3




在我看来,布雷地亚家族在用孤独来对抗时间,他们每一代的生活,姓名,性格都惊人的相似。时间对他们来说仿佛不存在,或者说,时间都在转圈圈。可是,时间并不是我们想忽视它就不存在,相反,它无所不在。所以, 4






在人类走向深渊的那一天,我们最后的子孙在最后一刻会明白: 一切会随风而逝,无影无踪,而我们只是“没有意义”的代名词


这也是一部极具现实批判意义的小说。作者把时间写的很混乱,让读者从一个个的片段里找寻故事的连接点。书的一开头就连用两个很多年,把读 5







Book Review of the《One Hundred Years of Solitude》

For this month,I have been reading a famous book which is written by García Márquez,a famed Colombian writer who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1982 because of his great and positive influence on the Latin

American literature circle.This book is called 《One Hundred Years of Solitude》which is in the style of magic realism,a writing skill combines the reality and fantasy.This book is so precious and worth-reading that people put it at the same position as the 《Don Quixote de la Mancha》(堂吉柯德)and regard the two as the best Spanish books in the whole history.

In order to know what the book tells and expresses roudly,I firstly read the Chinese version and then to the English version.I feel myself sagacious for I have done this.And before I come to write some of my thoughts,I have to say that this book is so complex that almost everyone called the same names and you can’t predict accurately anyone’s future because he might dies or be insane,or even has a sex with his aunt or his bigger brother’s mistress and then have a baby who will also be called the same name as the baby‘s father all of a sudden.But as you go on reading,because of the fancinating

expression,compact structure and fancy writing skill,you will be addicted to imgining all the characters in your mind and chat with them and then

gradually touch the deepest and softest part of their hearts to feel their eternal solitude.Surely you will feel sory to all of them and understand their crazy actions are all forced by the fearful solitude.

García Márquez makes up a town called Macondo and the protagonists——the Buendías,lives there for more than one hundred years.During this period,the Buendías goes from prosperity to decay and everyone dies with solitude.This family includes seven generations and everyone is willing to

adventure and full of passion,but they don’t like having a heart-to-heart talk and they release pressure only through sex .It is said that this book shows the sruggle and loneliness of Latin America and the Macondo Town is actually a epitome of Latin America.For a long time,people in Latin America constantly started the civil wars and fought with their compatriots and many of them are fooled by ridiculious religion,so that these areas are still poor and

underdeveloped and are like pathetic children abandoned by all other

countries.This is a country’s and history’s solitude.So this book gains a lot of admiration and agreement from the people of Latin America.And we

appreciate García Márquez for he gives us a way to know these people and strikes a chord with people from other underdeveloped country like us.

But actually for me,I can’t force myself to believe this book is a review or reminiscences of the 100-year history of Latin America.I prefer to regard it as an instructive and meaningful book which gives us guidance and warning to avoid being lonely and isolated.

When we probe into this book deeper and wonder why everyone lives so lamentably,we can see that it is not just because of the short of supplies or the lack of status and fame.If so,the book would not be praised but on the contrary it would be criticized to be superficial and na?ve.In fact, García Márquez points that the real solitude is from fate and death.It is just like

everyone called Aurelian in the Buendías are always composed and calm but in the end will all become callous and indifferenced to all other things.People who fight with fate and want to live another lives ,but finally fail look like flying leaves in the windy sky,which can’t control where to stop but move froward by the force of wind.Then you will feel nobody really knows you and your life is setted long time ago by the fate and the only thing you can do is to beobedient to it and try to admit that you can’t do anything,even to change a little.Is is real loneliness.When you feel you are separated from the outside world and your world only has youself,even though you are given plenty of money and luxury,you will not be happy and think you are rich.The solitude from the bottom of your heart will last forever and nothing that comes from material world can influence it.

I have seen many good-educated men work as civil servants,at first they have a lot of goals and they are full of energy to finish their tasks and try to achieve their dreams.But when they realise that the society has its rules and it is just like a game,in which you might win if you stay for a long time in a field to be a qualificated old man.They can’t accept the fact that your future is not gained by the struggle and hard work but your ages and the mood of your superior.When people can’t see their future,it is just like the fate fools them,and they might be depressed and indulge themselves.When people don’t know the way of their life,they will be surrounded bt the solitude.I

think it is why many civil servants think they live meaningless and want to quit.

In the meanwhile I read carefully and try to find the solution to this kind of solitude. And the answer that García Márquez gives is hiding among the

sentences.What I can only find is that the Buendías try to connect with outside world,they try to go through swamp but fail.And then the town doesn’t

contact other towns anymore.I think this is the point that to not be lonely,you should learn and know more knowledge and news.Maybe this is a little bit difficult.In short,if you are knowledgeable and have the desire to learn

more,you will not only get rid of solitude,but also gain respect and friendship.

If the Buendías continued to discover outside world,they would not be blind because of ignorant.So do we.

The real solitude is come from being fatuous.When you feel there is no more fun in the world and you can’t control yourself to be crazy to do ridiculous things,your will feel the solitude arising from the bottom of your heart. You are lack of the reverence for the world,so you look down upon

everything and do things at your will.But you know,the more you appear to be dissolute,the more lonely you will feel for yourself.

So maybe we should be friend with books and magazines.Try to know more about the things you don’t know but you should know or want to know.Try another way of doing one same thing and compare this two’s advantages and disadvantages.Think more often and find the truth.To be a child to wonder why wind blows,why birds fly and why sun rises.Everyday in your life will be a new and interesting day even if you don’t have any

fere.You will sleep and live with knowledge.In the meantime,when you have a husband or wife,the life can’t be more perfect!And if the nation contacts with others and does not close its windows through which it can see the whole world,it will never feel being lost by the world.On the contrary,it will hold its future tightly.

Do you want to get rid of solitude? García Márquez advises that you should be friend with knowledge.Why not try ?
