

The story for "Anna Karenina" apparently came out of an episode in which Leo Tolstoy arrived at a railway station shortly after a young woman had committed suicide. She had been the mistress of a neighboring landowner, and the incident stuck in his mind

As Tolstoy biographer Henri Troyat writes, "A dreadful lesson was brought home to him He tried to imagine the existence of this poor woman who had given all for love, only to meet with such a trite, ugly death." Then, Troyat says, "Her image haunted him for a long time, but not specifically as material for a book."

When Tolstoy finally started the story of "Anna Karenina," his wife reported in a letter to her sister, "Yesterday Leo suddenly started to write a novel on contemporary life. The subject is the unfaithful wife and all the ensuing tragedy."

So, Tolstoy creates the character of Anna Karenina, a young woman who finds herself in a loveless marriage with Karenin. It might not have seemed so intolerable if she had not met and fallen in love with Count Vronsky.

As a comparison to Anna''s tragic affair, we hear about the relationship between Kitty and Levin, a conjugal love match. Levin is first rejected by Kitty, since she has her heart set on Count Vronsky. Since Vronsky''s affections are already taken by Anna Karenina, Kitty''s heart is broken and she eventually turns back to Levin for love and marriage.

In the character of Anna, Tolstoy creates a woman who is perhaps most unhappily destined for tragedy. Anna falls in love with Count Vronsky, only to find that her passions are uncontrollable. She might have continued the relationship in secret, but she defies the "rules," and is forced to pay the ultimate price She loses all contact with her son; and she is shunned from proper society. In the "Notes," Neville Jason writes, "Thus the forces of society gradually bear down upon Anna with the same insensibility and inexorable momentum as the iron monster, which finally crushes the life out of her body on the railway line.






简介: 《安娜·卡列尼娜》是俄国作家列夫·托尔斯泰于1874年-1877年间创作的小说,被广泛认为是写实主义小说的经典代表《安娜·卡列尼娜》是俄国著名作家列夫·托尔斯泰的代表作品。本书通过女主人公安娜的追求爱情悲剧,和列文在农村面临危机而进行的改革与探索这两条线索,描绘了俄国从莫斯科到外省乡村广阔而丰富多彩的图景,先后描写了150多个人物,是一部社会百科全书式的作品。是俄国文学史上最伟大的文豪之一,他在文学方面的成就受到举世瞩目的认同。 前三分之一写的是安娜的婚变,刻画得很细致,铺垫也不错。小说一上场就提到了有人卧轨自杀,为安娜最后的结局埋下了伏笔,写得不错,看得也起劲,于是,整个第一部分就在快乐的阅读中度过了。 中间三分之一写的是安娜的后悔,写得絮絮叨叨的,一边看的时候,一边就在想,安娜既然都对人生那么无望了,怎么还没死呀,于是,整个第二部分就在漫长的等待中度过了。 最后三分之一写的是安娜的死亡,可惜呀可惜,怎么好不容易盼星星盼月亮,终于盼到了安娜的死亡,怎么小说还有那么多呀,真是对托尔斯泰说废话


