


睡觉、不会有忧愁烦恼、不会伤心、不会痛苦、不会有七情六欲、 更不会死。总之,他们的一切行为都会为我们所不理解,甚至在你读书看那些故事时,会产生某种奇怪的情绪,让你去不断遐想天国的魅力。而在读古希腊神话时,你不仅会随着那惊心动魄颇具离奇的情节而心情此起彼伏,更会产生对人生、人性以及社会

伦理道德的思考。比如,故事“伊阿宋取金羊毛”它不仅体现了 希腊故事中对人的形象的塑造更体现了人性的伟大和人的力量的强悍,肯定了人的价值和力量;而且在希腊神话中又有一个矛盾的现象,就是他们一方面承认人的力量,另一方面又否定人的主观能动性,肯定或者说是强化“神”的力量,宣扬命运,宣扬宿命的不可抗拒性,也就是说,希腊神话在强调辩证唯物主义的同时又在宣扬唯心论,使自己的故事在接近现实世界事实的同时又在某种程度上穿上了“神秘”的礼服。

总之,作为不同的国度,希腊神话和中国神话确实存在着很大的差别,而这些故事的不同,也就体现了随着地理位置的不同、思想方式的不同、国家制度的不同以及经济基础的不同而产生的对事物的不同的认识角度和思考方式,也就是说社会意识的不同主要是由当时两国的不同社会形态和社会存在 的不同造成的。而究其原因,细分其理论,也无非是这样:

希腊神话本身就是源于古老的爱琴文明,作为欧洲最早的文学形式,它大约产生于公元前8世纪以前,起初,它是以原始人民口头相传形式传承的,直到西元前7世纪才由大诗人荷马统整记录于《史诗》中。而且希腊神话包括了神的故事和英雄传说两个部分,诸神的故事是由于原始时期,人们对自然现象,对人的生死和别的一些事情难以解释,所以他们就不断幻想、不断的沉思,而在他们的想象中,宇宙万物也便就全都有了生命,就产生了宙斯(众神之王)、赫拉(天后、妇女们的保护神)、雅典娜(智慧、胜利、女神)、阿波罗(宙斯和勒托之子, 在诗和艺术中变现为光明、青春和音乐之神)、普罗米修斯(创造人类的先知)等等带有英雄色彩的形象。

而英雄传说则源于对祖先的崇拜,而传说中的人物都是神和人的后代,他们往往体力过人、英勇非凡,是那 种半神半人的英雄,而情节的设置也就是神对其设置的种种无法实现或是很难实现的阻碍,让其饱经经困苦和磨难,但往往在这些过程中,又会有诸神进行的帮助和鼓励,且结果往往是美好的,他们总会胜利。

而这些故事和人物的塑造,也正是在其当时社会基础的情况上产生和发展起来的,也就是说一定的社会存在决定一定的社会意识,当时这些故事和人物的产生也就体现了人们对自我力量和意识的肯定,体现了人类征服自然的豪迈气概和顽强意识,也就在后世的流传中成为当时人们集体力量和智慧的 化身。




外国语学院 11级 外语一班

杨晓勤 201116010126

The Golden Touch

midas,son of the great goddess of ida,by a hero whosename is not remembered ,was a pleasureloving king of macedonian bromium,where he ruled over the brigians and planted his famous rose gardens.

one day,the old hero silenus,dionysus\'\' former teacher,happened to straggle from the main body of the dionysian army as it marched out of thrace into boeotia,and was found sleeping and drunken in the rose

gardens.the gardeners tied him and ledhim before midas,to whom he told wonderful tales of a big continent lying beyond the ocean\'\'s stream ——altogether

separatefrom the united mass of europe,asia,or africa——where gigantic,happy,and longlived people lived in splendid cities,enjoying a wonderful law system.midas,delighted with silenus\'\' fictions,entertained him for five days and nights,and then ordered a guide to lead him to dionysus\'\'


dionysus,who had been worrying about silenus,sent toask how midas wished to be rewarded.he replied without hesitation:‘please turn all i touch into gold.\'\' however,not onlystones,flowers,and the furnishings of his house turned to gold but,when he sat down to table,so did the food he ate and the water he drank .midas soon begged to be freed from his wish,because he was fast dying of hunger and thirst.highlyamused ,dionysus told him to visit the source of the river

pactolus and there wash himself.he obeyed,and was at oncefreed from the golden touch,but the sands of the river pactolusare bright with gold to this day.

“Money is not anyhing , although money can buy something that you want to on the reality words, it can’t buy something that it is live in your heart . In fact that it is spirit .

It’s important for us to known the reality world. In the reality world ,everyone live a life that they want to .to the world ,you maybe one person ,but to one person ,you maybe the world , so it is unnecessary for us to gain too much money. In my opinion ,

money could buy cars and house , but it can’t buy happiness and satisfaction . I will

appreciate it if everyone can be calm about money .

Money is root of evil . if you want to be a person who you want to be ,you must learn how to keep calm about earning money .we can take into consider in other way .no pains ,no gains ,if you were not pains something that you are able to do it

best ,while you gain something that you have been dreaming of and wanting it . The

happiness come suddenly ,you must surprise about it . Everything is coming suddenly , it is good thing .I guess you may not cherish it .cease to struggle and you cease to live .if you try your best to do work that you have to fulfill .

You can learn too much by

process ,though this you will build character that others can not build .For example ,calm , firm and persistent ,confidence and so on .You should live a life that it is full of happiness.

In the world ,dream most deep

place ,only then the smile is not tried . In the reality world ,everyone want get something that you want .they can’t satisfy forever .they don’t help each other . Sometimes ,they deny who is do it better than him/her . Oh my god ,I don’t want to live in this world, if I could leave the earth and live in the Mars .I wish we can live in a peace and friendly world .
