药 读后感


人文学院 对外汉语111 曾诗婷 1112300019

鲁迅,对我来说是一个深奥的、充满内涵的、读不完的词,又是一个高大的、雄伟的身影。在网上看过这样一句话:“以前看不懂鲁迅,现在再看满眼泪花。”我对此表示深有同感。鲁迅先生在《娜拉走后怎样》中写到:“群众,尤其是中国的——永远是戏剧的看客。牺牲上场,如果显得慷慨,他们就看了悲壮剧;如果显得觳觫,他们就看了滑稽剧。” 而《药》中也体现出这一点。


以《药》为例说明鲁迅小说表现的深切与格式的特别。小说的开头就奠定了一个黑暗的半夜的沉寂、恐怖、阴森的环境。老栓去买人血馒头时,有个人问他“这给谁治病的呀?”暗示了这是一个“吃人的封建社会”,他们都认为吃人血馒头可以治病显示当时群众的愚昧无知。“他的精神,现在只在一个包上,仿佛抱着一个十世单传的婴儿”小说的字里行间无一不透露出国人的愚昧,同时也显示出老栓害怕“不孝有三,无后为大”的封建道德观念。在鲁迅先生的小说里都存在着一种“吃/被吃”的模式,“华家”愚昧的农民,吃着启蒙者的血浸的馒头,但华小栓吃完“却完全忘了什么味”象征着这种“吃/被吃”的意味。(同样在《阿Q正传》中的主角阿Q在“被吃”的同时也在“吃”别人,虽然他是经常被别人欺负,但是他见到他认为比他弱的人时他依然会奚落和嘲笑别人一番。)鲁迅先生把群众的愚昧淋漓尽致地表现了出来,“吃了么?好了么?老栓,就是运气了你!你运气,要不是我信息灵。??”康大叔的愚昧自己竟浑然不知,还自认为伟大,牺牲者的血变成了他们的祛病良药,然而他们不觉得有任何问题。夏瑜的大伯夏三爷为了保住自己去告官还把赏金自落腰包,这“吃人”的社会,亲情薄于纸,令人不惊打一个寒战,鲁迅先生的文笔就是如此的锋利、刺骨。他讲革命道理,人们“感到气愤”;他挨牢头打,人们幸灾乐祸;他说阿义“可怜”,人们说他“疯了”,他被杀害,人们去看热闹。夏瑜的妈妈去拜祭他时面上“现出些羞愧的颜色”,“但终于硬着头皮,走到左边的一坐坟前”,去给儿子上坟,她感到羞愧,因为她认为儿子的光荣就义,英勇牺牲是有损祖颜的事。连他母亲都得不到理解。启蒙者得不到人们的支持,同时也暗射革命失败的原因。革命者牺牲得如此惨烈,群众却如此愚昧落后,两者间强烈的落差形成 不真实的荒诞感,这是值得人深思的。鲁迅的小说指出问题但不去给一个所谓的正确的答案,令人沉思,这正是小说表现的深切。





This is a narration of the experience of a man who had been involved in multi-level marketing(传销) and finally made out. I bet you are familiar with this phrase. If you haven’t personally experienced this hoax, someone around you might have, a friend, a neighbor or people from your hometown.

Luckily for me, I haven’t been stuck in that situation, but I have learnt victims of this trick both in my real life and on the TVs, some of whom do have close relationship with me. Things described in the book seem rather ridiculous, yet they are undeniably true considering the particular situation that they are in.

The common features for the victims of multi-level marketing are, first of all, they are desperate to become rich immediately and secondly, they are less likely to think independently, and also they’ve trusted someone that they are not supposed to. For outsiders like us, imagining earning a huge amount of money without much efforts must be impossible. However, there do exists people who believe this kind of babble. It’s strange and incredible that lies become believable once you’re told a thousand times and then you live in a world where truth and falsehood are hardly distinguishable. And you cease to think for yourself and let others tell you what to do and how to think. There is a very weird phenomenon about the victims: usually, they are provided with the worst accommodation which couldn’t satisfy their basic physical needs, but they strongly hold the conviction that they will one day become a millionaire after all the sufferings.

One thing that we learnt when we were young is that there is no free lunch in the world. You have to pay for what you want. When we are confronted with numerous lies and promised irresistible temptations, we have to stay calm and think for ourselves: do we deserve all these for what we have done? Is there any possibility that we’ve trusted someone who actually isn’t worthy of our trust?

In order to keep away from multi-level marketing, we should first extend our knowledge from not only books but also our life experiences. Money is of course a necessity for life. But it should be earned in a proper way. Otherwise it might drive us to do something unreasonable, something way from our initial purpose.

Everyone desires to be rich, but the desperation deprives us of our

reasonableness and even our conscience. Finally, we find ourselves diverge from our intention.

In all, there are no short-cuts in many things we intend to achieve, for example, you have to practice a lot before you can perform perfectly on a stage, you ought to put your heart into your study if you determine to get a high score, you definitely need to work hard if you want a promotion. Many people regard themselves as smart guys, and their ticket to success is through gambling or taking chances. But the fact is that you are no special and just the same as the rest of the ordinary people. You shouldn’t depend too much on your luck as much as you don’t want bad things happen to you and, actually, they appear with the same odds.

Nothing is as simple as it seems.
