公主日记观后感 (2)

公主日记影评 ——《公主日记》也许每个花季里的女孩子都会有个美丽的梦想那就是幻想自己能够成为童话中的公 主和白马王子携手一生。 米娅从一个普通的丑小鸭般的高中生到一个优雅美丽如白天鹅般 高贵的公主,并找到属于自己的白马王子,然后过着幸福的生活。 米娅的世界改变了!为了可以顺利继承这一身份,米娅那位气质非凡,谈吐高贵的奶 奶, 也就是欧洲小国吉诺维亚的女王对米娅开始了全方位的改变。 米娅的不拘小节和王室 的繁杂规矩有了很大的冲突,笑料百出…… 就在她的内心还不能接受这一突然的角色改变时, 她的身份被曝光了。 媒体对米娅开 始了狂轰滥炸, 她宁静的生活被打破了。 因为嫉妒, 米娅的同学更使她陷入很尴尬的境地。 这一切都使米娅重新认识自己,思考自己的人生选择。在父亲日记的帮助下,米娅终于找 回了自信,勇敢的面对生活的选择!最后,她没有辜负奶奶的期望,米娅从形象到言谈举 止到高贵优雅的气质,都做到了公主的角色。 从丑小鸭到白天鹅的蜕变过程,米娅一直在学习的就是礼仪!礼仪是在人际交往中, 以一定的、约定俗成的程序方式来表现的律己敬人的过程,涉及穿着、交往、沟通、情商 等内容。礼仪是塑造形象的重要手段。在社会活动中,交谈讲究礼仪,可以变得文明;举 止讲究礼仪可以变得高雅;穿着讲究礼仪,可以变得大方;行为讲究礼仪,可以变得美 好……只要讲究礼仪,事情都会做的恰到好处。总之一个人讲究礼仪,就可以变得充满魅 力。就像电影的主人公米娅,终于,在吉诺维亚的国庆舞会上宣布米娅成为公主,同时, 也找到了属于她真正的白马王子。




My grandmother has ruled without a man at her side for quite some time, and... I think she rocks at it.

So as the granddaughter of Queen Clarisse and King Rupert...

I ask the members of parliament to think about your daughters,

your nieces, and sisters, and granddaughters,

and ask yourselves:.

would you force them to do what you're trying to make me do?

I believe I will be a great queen.

I understand Genovia to be a land that combines the beauty of the past

with all the best hope of the future,

I feel in my heart and soul that I can rule Genovia. I... I love Genovia.

Do you think that I would

be up here in a wedding dress if I didn't?

I stand here, ready to take my place as your queen. Without a husband.、 坏蛋:

Every time...

Every time this charming young lady opens her mouth,

she demonstrates a contempt for the customs of Genovia.

The law clearly states an unmarried woman cannot be queen.

Fortunately, there is another heir.


No, there is not.

I decline. I refuse to be king.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is Princess Mia who should have the crown.

She's bright, and she is caring.

But more importantly, she has a vision.

One that will take Genovia forward, and if the parliament were astute,

they would name her queen.

Listen to her. She'll lead us into the 21 st century.

And besides, just think how lovely she'll look on our postage stamp.


Lovely on a postage stamp?

You would look lovely on a postage stamp!

Don't you walk away from me, sir!

You have a duty, sir, to Genovia.

He's, uh... he is very distressed.

Your duty, sir, to the country! To me, sir!

To Genovia! For your father! Nicholas!


I move to abolish the marriage law, as it applies to present and future queens of Genovia.

Will anyone second my motion?


Gentlemen, gentlemen. Please.

All those in favor of abolishing the marriage rule, say, "Aye."
