

英语:In the long road of life, has a lot of difficulties and obstacles, there are many hardships and frustrations would block their own pace, so that they can not move forward and never give up anything if you will be conquered.

Ancient saying goes: steed leap, not 10 steps; 10 angry horse riding, and the credit in dismay. Wedge and the homes of, dead wood is not folded; perseverance, stone can be Lou.

Unconsciously, the sudden appearance of a sea of eyes, the distance a lonely island, in the quiet of the island, only the birds singing, goats Ben Xiang, trees grow, the fragrant flowers in the reveal . Gradually, the rough to the sea, there has been a leaf boat paddle with a strong wind overturned his boat, and only one who drifted into this deserted island.

The helm, the person is listening to pen writer Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" in the hero - Robinson.

He was a quiet island in this tough life, there has been a voice kept reverberating in my mind with: "drop the idea, so what is the meaning of life? No one will rescue you." But insisted that the belief is Express defeated the idea. Robinson persisted, will eliminate the difficulties one by one and finally got the opportunity to return to civilized society.

In fact, we should do encounter ups and downs, it should be to overcome, never give up, so that xing XU make their own to become stronger and more daring. Never give up, persevere, in order to obtain a bright success.

Believe me, insisted in the end, struggle in the end, if so, victory will belong to you. Because, persist in the end, the struggle of the Magic Gourd life, he will help you through life's 汉语:在漫长的人生道路上,有着很多的困难险阻,也有许多磨难与坎坷会阻挡自己的脚步,使自己不能前进,如果永不放弃任何事物都会被你自己征服。 古人云:骐骥一跃,不能十步;怒马十驾,功在不舍。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。



他一个人在这僻静小岛上顽强生活,有一种声音一直在脑海里不停地回荡着:“放弃吧,这样生活着有什么意义?不会有人来救你的。”但坚持的信念很快打败了这种想法。鲁滨逊坚持着,将面临的困难一个个消灭,最后终于得到了回到文明社会的机会。 其实,我们也应该这样,遇到坎坷,应该去克服,永不放弃,这样,兴许会使自己变得更坚强更勇敢。永不放弃,坚持不懈,这样才能获得光明获得成功。 相信我吧,坚持到底,奋斗到底,只要如此,胜利才会属于你的。因为,坚持到底,奋斗一生的宝葫芦,他会帮助你走过一生的



Hope in Hopelessness

——After Reading Robinson Crusoe

I read Robinson Crusoe when still in primary school. And I am sure none of us is unfamiliar with it. Because time and time again we were lectured by teachers and parents of the fortitude and courage of the hero in this novel——Robinson.

The above indicates that Robinson Crusoe is a popular reading even for kids. The chinese version is just like a attactive story we need to be told before going to bed and so does the original one. It was told in concise and clear english which serves as a striking feature of this work. I deem this feature indispensible for daily life and mental activity of a generic person are what this book mainly focus on. It destined to be improper to depict this casual stuff in obsecure and formal wordings.

The unique way of narration and expression contributes to making Robinson Crusoe an exotic flower in literature sea: “T” runs through the whole. First person conbined with life-oriented language makes it real and believable to the readers. We are even melt with the condition where he stands. As if we are Robinsin who was deserted in the isolated island and struggled against loneliness and desperation while waiting for the dawn of salvation. Take the following as an example:

I had great reason to consider it as a determination of Heaven that in this desolate place and in this desolate manner I should end my life. The tears would run plentifully down my face when I made this reflections, and sometimes I would expostulate with myself, why Providence should thus completely ruin his creatures, and render them so absolutely miserable, so without help abandoned, so entirely despressed, this it could hardly be rational to to thankful for such a life.

This part shows Robinson’s endless complaint and curse for being desolated in such a place. Thanks to the first person and apt,designated depict of the inside, we are going to feel the regert and hatred for being fooled by God, and we are going to muster up a sign again and again, and we are going to contemplate, how is the twist of fate? Is there anyone more unfortunate than Robinson?

All of our reaction proved the novel’s success——bring the reader the sense a reality

and participation.

What’s more, if there is only an “I” telling a daily life experience, I assure you of a dull daybook. But the details and wonderful plots fasten reader heartstring most. Especially the up-and-down hope of being rescued:

One day, when Robinson was repeating the pale life, suddenly he saw a ship-shaped thing appeared on the horizon. He was much of a bliss and resorted to all eye-catching stuff to make himself seen. He waved, shouted, brandished, even flung into the sea to swim there…As we are lighten up but the sparse dawn and thinking he survive eventually, the ship turned smaller and smaller, and final reduced to a hardly visible spot. Our heart slump through the floor with Robinson. Owning a missing chance once is more miserable than having no chance. It cheers you up in the air but suddenly hit you onto ground.

Similar plots and turning points appear every now and then in the book thus making it exciting but real as a normal life.

Besides, a clear clue and structure also keeps us in track of Robinson.

Apart from these, what we get from it also include mental inspiration.

There can be little doubt that the most significant force sustains the hero’s struggle is the reflection on the religion. The course he strenuously strives for the better survival environment can’t be gone through w The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

By Book Report

Daniel Defoe

Aviation Industry Press, 2007,286 pp, ¥14.8

ISBN 978-7-80183-886-5

Daniel Defoe is an adventure fiction writer, and his writing embodies the spirit of adventure, which presents the tremendous power of human being and their wits and courage. The story happened in the middle of 17th century, and in this period of time, the development of bourgeoisie stimulate many people to search for wealth. Robinson, the shape he is a representative of the emerging capitalist class, an idealized hero. In the story, Robinson’s adventurous spirit goes through the whole story, and as a reader, I am deeply inspired by his self-reliant, courageous, heroic, and resourceful life experience.

The story of Robinson Crusoe can be divided into three parts: Robinson’s youth and the time up to his shipwreck; his twenty-eight years on an uninhabited island; his lie and adventures after being rescued from the island.

In the first part, Robinson wishes to pursue his livelihood by going to sea.

Although his father wants him to live a peaceful life, his thoughts are entirely bent upon seeing the world, and he should never settle to anything with enough resolution to go through with it. He is not restless and alive and never satisfied, and finally he escapes. As a son, he can just stay at home, inheriting his father’s wealth and living a comfortable life. However, he doesn’t. He tries his best to venture, no matter what ventures there will be, and he pursues his dreams without hesitating to escape from dangers. It inspires me in my struggles, when I am satisfied with my current situation, I feel ashamed comparing to Robinson’s chase. Robinson offers me a kind of mental strength which motivates me to forge ahead. Without being afraid of hardship, he goes forward bravely, satisfying his curiosity and achieving his dream.

The critical part of the story should be the second part. Here I get to know how he accomplishes his survival and even establishes his "kingdom"; how he moves from a frantic state of discontent to one of resignation and contentment; how he meets Friday and, finally, how he leaves the island. Before reading this novel,I have never got a concept of living in an isolated island, sometimes I even think that it’s not very difficult to live. When reading it, I was not inspired by Robinson’s spirit, but also the challenging way of living. He builds house for himself, considering all possible shortcomings with his logical mind; he trains goats for milk and meat; he grows corns to make bread; he dries the grapes; etc. He never shrinks, even when he himself lives in the island. He is so confident and determined that he finds ways to make a good living. Robinson did it, and in a perfect way. What he has done, represents the characters of a true hero, true man. I feel unprecedented admiration for him, and I am deeply encouraged that we human beings can achieve what we want to if we have persistence and confidence. The most impressive part to me lies in his chase of knowledge, he finds a Bible to read, which comfort him in mind and makes him still feel thankful to god under such circumstances. If it was me, I can’t read books there, and I feel guilty that I have a good chance to read books but I never relish. Besides, he is not contented with his life, and he always seeks for new challenges, which may ruin what he has in present. It is really very hard for common people to be, it is not easy to find a shelter in an island, and most people would be thankful to their being living. However, he never stops his steps of venturing, even when he meets the savage, he rescues Friday, to the most important, he never feel regretful of escaping from his warm family. His continued pioneering spirit motives readers to be inspired, and motives me to struggle for my life. For me, I realized that life is full of amazements, and we have to move forward all the time, in order to refresh our spirit. It is important that whatever we come across, we should have a calm mind, and try every means to overcome difficulties.

The third part of the novel traces Robinson’s securing of wealth through the honesty and loyalty of friends, his return to England, travels through the continent and a last trip to his island to see how those he left there fared. Even sometimes there seems everything miserable, however, when there is a will, there is a way, never lose confidence, and there is a bright future. Robinson has been away for 28 years that it becomes totally a harsh place for him to exist, because his intelligence and calmness, he possesses a large fortune. It tells that a capable person is the most powerful weapon

of living.

The writer shapes a very successful character by using plain language and natural description. The story inspires me a lot in following my dreams, and gives me courage in overcoming difficulties on the way of exploring.

I was deeply attracted by the spirit embodied in the story. In each period of Robinson’s life, he performs the way of searching and persisting, which makes me excited and encouraged, and the truth is, I will persist in everything necessary. And I believe that I can follow Robinson’s example, and finally soar my dreams without a sense of regret.


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《鲁宾逊漂流记》一开始他与同伴们一起出航去南美洲探险时,遇上狂风暴雨,船沉没了,他只是孤身一人被冲上了无人小岛,一个人在这座荒无人烟、远离大陆的孤岛上,孤独的生活了二十多年,最后获救终于步入到文明社会的祖国——英国! 在这种恶劣而又艰苦的生存环境下,能够坚持这样漫长的时间,我们想象一下,鲁宾逊要克服多大的困难,要有多大的生存勇气、意志力与毅力呀!没有房子,鲁宾逊走遍这座荒岛,最终在山坡上寻觅一块适合他的生存空间,有水源、有遮蔽强烈阳光的树荫、还考虑了放野兽的区域,用木头和剩下的破船帆搭建了一座简陋的帐篷;想到粮食问题,没有吃的东西。他就冥思苦想,想到去打猎,于是,他拿着枪,到森林里打猎,到海边打渔,把捕到的山羊养起来,后来在他的喂养下有了一批山羊,他可以吃到羊肉,喝到新鲜的羊奶;鲁宾逊还把留在破船上的剩余粮食留下的麦子,撒在自己的围墙里,他用这点麦种反复种收,不断循环利用,到了第四年,终于吃上自己辛辛苦苦种出来的粮食。不仅如此,他还想尽手段对付这帮高大威猛的野人,鲁宾逊以自己的知识,采取了多种自救的方法,结果使自己在荒无人烟的孤岛上生存下来,这是多么巨大的勇气与智慧,让人敬佩呀!



《鲁宾逊漂流记》使我读到的见解是,人生不可能顺顺利利,一帆风顺,他总是会难为你,一波三折。当我们遇上不利环境时候,就得学会面对现实,在绝望中找到希望,知足安命,增强与困难做斗争的决心与信心。“不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹!” 正如鲁宾逊所说的那样:“我已学会多看看自己生活中的光明面,少看看生活中的黑暗面;多想想自己所得到的享受,少想想所缺乏的东西。这种态度使我内心感到由衷安慰!”






