
名著阅读 第一篇《安徒生童话》



(一)独特的艺术风格:即诗意的美和喜剧性的幽默。前者为主导风格,多体现在歌颂性的童话中,后者多体现在讽刺性的童话中。?? (二)安徒生童话的三个时期:





1、 《海的女儿》

海王国有一个美丽而善良的美人鱼。美人鱼爱上了陆地上英俊的王子,为了追求爱情幸福,不惜忍受巨大痛苦,脱去鱼形,换来人形 。但王子最后却和人间的女子结了婚 。巫婆告诉美人鱼,只要杀死王子,并使王子的血流到自己腿上,美人鱼就可回到海里,重新过着无忧无虑的生活。可她却为了王子的幸福,自己投入海中,化为泡沫。


2、 《丑小鸭》


启示:人只要有梦想,困难就不再是困难。 3、《冰雪女皇》





启示:每个人的生命都只有一次,应该好好珍惜眼前的一切,幸福其实就在我们身边,关键是我们有没有把握住,能否感受得到。 5、《夜莺》


启示:夜莺的行为让我们体会到了善良与温馨的可贵。 6、《雪人》


启示:无论爱是多么的短暂,没有爱的生活算不上真正的生活。 7、《豌豆上的公主》


启示:我们不能凭外表去判断一个人。 8、《瓶脖子》





启示:只要心存善念,乐于助人,终究会得到别人的帮助。 10、《园丁与主人》





启示:在善与恶的斗争中,只要有勇气和毅力,善良的一方一定会成为最后的胜利者。 12、《小猪倌》


启示:应该学会真诚待人,更不能骄傲自大,要分清楚什么是重要的,什么是不重要的。 13、《笨蛋杰克》











启示:要帮助那些需要帮助的人,帮助那些比自己弱小的人。 17、《屎壳郎》


启示:大人物的上面还有更大的人物。 18、《红舞鞋》








第一个故事 镜子和碎片

注意!我们这就开始讲故事。故事听到头,我们就会比现在知道更多的 事情。我们讲的是一个邪恶的地精.他是一个很坏的家伙,事实上他就是一 个妖魔。

有一天他心情很好,制造了一面镜子,这面镜子有一个特点,凡是好的 美的东西往里一照,就会消失得无影无踪;凡是不好的丑恶的东西放在它面 前,看上去就会更加不堪入目。在那面镜子里,美丽如画的风景好比煮栏的 菠菜,最美最俏的人立时变得丑陋不堪或头足倒置,面孔完全变了形,让人 无法认得出来,要是有人脸上有个雀斑,你看吧,它准会扩大开来,布满整 个鼻子和嘴巴。

要是一个人心里出现虔诚善良的念头,镜于里照到的却是一副怪相,足 以让妖魔对自己巧妙的发明捧腹大笑好一阵子。

妖魔开了一个地精学校,所有进过这所学校的人到处宣传,声称出现了 一个奇迹,说现在人们终于能看到世界和人类的本来面目了。他们拿着镜子 到处乱跑,到后来竟找不到没有被镜子歪曲过的一片土地和一个人。

如今他们只好飞到天堂去捉弄天使了。他们带着镜子越飞越高。镜子也 随着越笑越龇牙咧嘴。事实上,他们都快要拿不住它。他们飞得更高,几乎 快接近太阳了,这时镜子笑得浑身发抖,令人毛骨悚然,竟从他们手中飞了 出去,跌到地上,摔成了成千上万块碎片。

这下它做出了比以前更不像话的事。因为某些碎片不比沙粒更大,它们 满世界飞来飞去,—旦进入人的眼睛,便在里边落脚,于是人们看出来的东 西全变得奇形怪状。这种眼睛不看别的,专看事物坏的一面,因为任何细小 的颊粒都具有整面镜子相同的魔力。有的镜子碎片甚至进入人的心脏,后果 更是令人可怕,那颗心就此变成一团冰块。

有的碎片还很大,可以用来镶嵌窗格,可你要透过这些窗格去看自己的 朋友,立刻就会上当。有些碎片被制成眼镜片,谁戴上这样的眼镜谁就倒楣 。你本来想看得清楚一点,能正确公正判断事物,那根本办不到,它们只会 造成极大的混乱。妖魔肚子都笑痛了,整个事情很合他的胃口,逗得他开心 极了。不过还有些小小的碎片飞到天上去了,现在就让我们听听它们的下落。

第二个故事 小男孩和小女孩



在一座大城市里,房屋鳞次栉比,人口密密麻麻,哪儿允许人人都有一 个小花园?大多数人在泥盆里种上几朵花就心满意足。这里要说到两个穷苦 的孩子,他们总算有一个比花盆稍微大一点的小小花园。他们并不是兄妹, 但他们的父母住的两间小屋紧紧挨在一起,两家的屋顶几乎是相连的。两家 的小屋各有一扇相对的小窗,从一扇小窗只要一步跨过两家小屋间的檐槽, 便能钻进另一扇小窗。

他们两家外面都有一个很大的木头箱子,他们在里边种了一些盆栽的香 草,供自家使用。另外还各种了一株玫瑰。玫瑰还长得相当不错。两家不约 而同想到一个办法,把箱子横放在檐槽上。这样一来,两口箱子差不多都一 头顶住一扇窗子,看上去跟两个花坛一模一样。植物的卷须垂在箱子上,玫 瑰长出长长的枝条,盘在窗子上,又相互交错,真像一个绿叶和花朵的凯旋 拱门。因为两口箱子放得那么高,两个孩子都知道不能随便爬上去。只在得 到允许的储况下,才爬到玫瑰树下,坐在各自的小板凳上,一起开开心心地 玩个痛快。

一到冬天这种乐趣便没有了。窗子经常结冰,他们便把铜板放在炉子上 加热,然后放在结冰的窗扇上,让它化出一个滴溜滚圆的洞孔来。于是一家 一扇窗子的洞孔里便各有一只美丽温柔的眼睛在张望,不用问那是小男孩和 小女孩在互相偷看。男孩叫凯依,女孩叫杰尔达。

夏天他们只要跨一步使能到对方身边;但在冬天他们很先下许多级楼梯 ,然后又登上许多级楼梯,才能见面。





个儿最大的一个,从不安安静静歇在地上,总是飞啊飞啊,飞到乌云般的蜂 群中去。冬天夜里它总是飞过城市的街道,在家家户户的窗户上张望,于是 这些窗子上便结成了各种各样形状稀奇古怪的冰,就像花朵一样。”





晚上小凯依在自己的房间里,衣服才脱了一半,他爬到窗子边的一张椅 子上,在那个小孔里朝外张望。一些雪花正在飘飘而下,其中最大的一片落



在一只花箱的角落里。就在他仔细打量时,那片雪花越变越大,最后变成了 一个十足的太太,穿着一件最最精致的白纱衣服,那衣服仿佛用无数像星星 一样闪烁的水晶缝制而成。她又白净又漂亮,不过整个儿是一块冰,一块闪 光耀眼的冰。但她是活的,她的眼睛像两颗明亮的星一样放射光芒,只是眼 睛里没有一点安宁与和平。

她对着窗子又是点头又是招手。小男孩很害怕,从椅子上跳了下来。于 是她像一只大鸟一样,在窗子外面飞了过去。

第二天下了一场严霜,接着解冻了,春天终于到来。阳光明媚,绿芽在 泥土里探头张望,燕子衔泥筑巢,家家户户的窗户敞开了。两个孩子又高高 坐在屋顶上的小花园里,那小花园离地足足有好几层楼高。

那个夏天玫瑰开得格外好看。小女孩背熟了一首赞美诗,诗中提到玫瑰 ,使她联想到小花园里的玫瑰。于是她就对小男孩唱起了这首赞美诗,小男 孩也跟着一起唱了起来。



两个小家伙手拉着手,亲吻玫瑰,抬头仰望上帝的灿烂阳光,喃喃自语着 ,好像圣婴耶酥就在那里。夏天有多么美丽,贴近这些可爱的玫瑰树有多么 快活,这些玫瑰树好像有永远开不完的花!

凯依和杰尔达坐在树下看着画有鸟兽的画册。这时教堂的钟正好敲了五 下。凯依突然大叫道:


小女孩伸出双臂抱住他的脖子,他眨了眨眼睛.小女孩仔细瞧了瞧,说 眼睛里并没有什么东西。


魔镜打碎时飞出来的碎屑。你们还记得吗,那是一块恶毒的魔镜,它能使伟 大美好的东西看上去渺小丑陋,能使丑恶讨厌的东西格外讨厌、丑恶,同时 使每样东西中的一个个缺点一下子暴露无遗。可伶的凯依心里也进去了一粒 碎屑。很快他的心会变成一团冰块。暂时它还不碍事,不过它已经潜伏在他 的心里了。

“你干吗哭鼻子?”他问,“这只会让你变得难看。呸,我又没有出什么 毛病!”他忽然又大声叫道,“那朵玫瑰被虫啃了,你看,你看!还有那一 朵也蔫了!一句话,这些玫瑰真够难看的,就跟种它们的木箱一样丑!”


































































第三个故事 会魔术的女人和她的花园

凯依一去不回,杰尔达到底是怎么想的? 他在哪儿?谁也不知道,谁也











“我要穿上我的红色新鞋,”一天早晨她说,“凯依还没有看见过这双 鞋,我要穿上它们到河边去打听他的消息!”

那时天还蒙蒙亮,她吻吻自己的老奶奶,趁她还在睡觉,穿上了红鞋, 独自走出城门到河边去。

“你是不是真的把我从小一起玩的朋友带走了?你要是把他还给我,我就 把我的红鞋给你。”

水波好像古里古怪地点了点头,于是她脱下红鞋,那是她最最珍贵的东 西。她把两只鞋都抛到了河里,但抛得不远,水波马上又把它们送了回来。 似乎大河不愿意接受她最最珍贵的东西,因为它并没有夺走小凯依,也无法 拿他来做交易。杰达尔却不这么想。她以为自己把鞋搞得不够远,于是她爬 上了一条躺在芦苇丛中的船,从船尾走到船头,又把鞋扔了出去。那条船没 有系牢,有人在上面一走动,船便从岸边漂了出去,她还没有来得及上岸, 船又漂入了急流,飞快地顺流而下。

杰尔达非常害怕,没命地哭,可是除了麻雀,谁也听不见。而麻雀却无 法把她送回岸去。不过它们全都沿着河岸飞,一边飞一边唱,好像在安慰她 ,“有我们在这儿,有我们在这儿I”小船随着急流一路漂去。杰尔达光穿着 袜子坐在船上,她的红鞋正在船后漂浮,船驶得太快啦,只见红鞋越漂越远。

河的两边景色如画,有美丽的鲜花和古树,也有放牧牛羊的草场,就是 看不见一个人影。


作起来,她坐直了身子,一连好几个小时.观望着两旁美丽的绿色河岸。不 久她来到了一个很大的樱桃园,里边有一幢小房子,那房子有古里古怪的红 窗子蓝窗子,还有铺茅草的屋顶,门外站着两个木头士兵,一有过往的船只 ,他们就举臂行礼。

杰尔达大声呼唤他们,以为他们是真正的士兵,他们当然不会回答。她 来到了他们身边,急流把船冲向岸边。























耍点小魔术消遣消遣,再说她实在很想把小杰尔达留在自己的身边。所以她 走进花园,把弯柄拐杖伸向一株株玫瑰树。树上盛开着鲜艳夺目的玫瑰,经
















“怎么回事?”杰尔达叫道,“这儿竟没有一朵玫瑰!”她在花圃里胞来 跑去,找了又找,果然一朵也找不到。于是她一屁股坐在地上哭了起来,滚 滚的热泪恰巧掉在玫瑰花沉下去的地方,由于眼泪湿润了泥土,一棵玫瑰树 马上冒了出来,还跟沉入泥土前一样,盛开着朵朵千姿百态的花。杰尔达拥 抱玫瑰树,亲吻玫瑰花,想起了家中美丽的玫瑰,也想起了小凯依。



“他没有死,”玫瑰回答道,“我们刚才不是在地下吗?这下你就明白 啦。所有死人都在地下,凯依却不在地下!”

“谢谢你们!”杰尔达说,她走到另一种花前,眼睛盯着花萼里边看, 问道,“你们知道小凯依在哪儿吗?”

可是太阳底下的每朵花都只管梦想着自己的故事或童话。杰尔达听它们 讲了许许多多故事和童话,就是谁也不知道凯依的事情。



们的哭声,请听祭司们的召唤声!印度寡妇穿着火红的长袍站在火葬堆上,摇 曳不定的火焰包围了她和她死去的丈夫;但是印度妇女想的却是一个活人— —她的儿子,他的眼睛闪射比火焰更加明亮的光芒、他眼睛中的火比就要把 她身体烧为灰烬的火焰更为贴近她的心。这种心中的火焰会在火葬堆的火焰 里熄灭吗?“




“一条窄窄的山路上方有一座古老的城堡。古老的红墙上爬满了粗壮的 长春藤,密密层层地甚至一直爬到阳台上。阳台上站着一个美丽的姑娘,枝 头上哪一朵玫瑰也没有她长得艳丽,风中飘下的哪一朵苹果花也没有她轻盈 。她那华丽的长袍窸窣作响,有多么清脆悦耳!她说:‘他还没有来吗?’”






“有一块长长的木板吊在两棵树之间,那是一个秋千,两个漂亮的小姑 娘正在荡秋千,穿着长长的像雪一样白的衣衫,那衣衫和帽子上的丝绸飘带 都在风中飞舞。比她们大的哥哥也站在秋千上,他的双臂环抱着两根绳子, 不让自己掉下来,因为他一手拿着一个碗,一手拿着一根陶瓷的吹管,他正 在吹肥皂泡。秋千荡起来,飞舞的肥皂泡变幻着奇光异彩。最后一个肥皂泡 还挂在吹管的嘴上,在风中飘动,秋千还在上下翻飞。有一只小黑狗,身子 跟肥皂泡一样轻,用后腿直立着,也想跳到秋千上去。秋千还在翻飞,小狗 扑通摔了下来,汪汪乱叫,十分生气。大家笑它,肥皂泡一个个破了。一块 飞翔的木板上一个飞舞的肥皂泡,那就是我的歌!”

“你讲的故事非常美丽,我也很相信。不过你讲得很伤心,而且根本没 有提到凯依。还是让我们听听风信子怎么说。”

“有三个漂亮的姐妹,身体晶莹透明,非常娇弱,头一个穿一件红袍, 第二个穿一件蓝袍,第三个穿一件白袍,她们在寂静的湖边,手拉手在皎洁 的月光下跳着舞。她们不是什么精灵,她们是地下的女儿。林中不断散发着 浓郁的芬芳吸引住她们,三个姑娘走进树林里不见了。芬芳越来越浓郁,转 眼间只见三口棺材,三个漂亮的姑娘便躺在里边,从树丛中滑出来,滑过湖 面而去。萤火虫飞在它们周围,像一支支小小的蜡烛闪闪发光。跳舞的姑娘 睡着了,还是死了?花的芬芳说脸们死了,晚祷的钟声正在为她们敲响。”


,使我不由自主想起几个死去的姑娘。天哪!这么说来小凯依真的死啦?那 些玫瑰到地下去过,他们都说他没有死。”

“丁!当!”风铃子的铃敲了起来,“我们并不是在为小凯依敲丧钟, 我们不认识他,我们只是唱我们自己的歌,我们也只知道这一首歌!”


“你是一个明亮的小太阳!”杰尔达说,“告诉我,你知道不知道我该 到什么地方去找我的小伙伴?”

毛莨花亮得讨人喜欢,它又看了杰尔达一服。它会唱一支什么歌呢?啊 ,它的歌也跟凯依没有什么关系。

“春天的头一天,明亮的太阳暖洋洋地照在一个小小的农家院子里。阳 光在邻居的白墙上滑行下来,紧靠着这堵墙。长出了头一批黄花,在温暖的 阳光下像金子一般闪亮。老奶奶出来坐在椅子上,她的孙女,一个漂亮的穷 苦姑娘,在人家家里当佣人,这会儿正抽空回家来看看。她吻了老奶奶,在 这个祝福的吻里有着金子,那是心中的金子。金子般的嘴,金子般的心,跟 那个金子般的充满阳光的早晨!瞧,那就是我小小的故事!”毛莨花说。






























第四个故事 王子和公主











“什么?你真的这么想?”小姑娘叫了起来,欢天喜地抱住乌鸦亲吻, 差点没把它挤死。

“别急,别急!”乌鸦说,“我认为那可能是小凯依!不过这时他肯定 光想着公主,把你忘了。”


“是的。你听着,”乌鸦说,“我发现讲你的语言很因难。要是你懂乌 鸦的语言,我就能讲得更清楚了。”


“那没有关系,”乌鸦说,“虽然我说人话说得很糟糕,但是我尽量把 故事讲清楚就是了。”


“我们现在居住的王国里,有一个非常聪明的公主。她读过世界上所有 的报纸,然后又把它们忘个精光,她这样做很聪明。几天前她坐在宝座上, 哼起了一首歌,开头有一句‘为什么我到现在还不结婚’。她这样一唱,人 们就说宫里一向很沉闷,这下要热闹了。


丈夫,在别人跟他说话时他必须对答如流,而不只是一言不发站着做出一日 傲慢的样子.因为那是最令她讨厌的。然后她下令敲鼓,把所有宫廷的侍女 都召来。她们听到公主宣布的话,都非常高兴。


你保证,我讲的字字句句都是实话,”乌鸦说,“我有一个心上人,让人驯 养了,可以在宫里自由自在跳来跳去,就是它把这一切告诉了我!”


“所有的报纸马上发布这条消息,还加上一颗颗心和一个个公主名字缩 写组成的花边,里边还引用了公主的话,主要意思说:凡是外貌端正的年轻 男子都可以自由前来王宫与公主谈话,只要谁让大家看出来他能无拘无束对 答如流超群出众,公主便愿意愿他结婚!


说话一样真切。人们蜂拥而来,难免争先恐后挤成一团。不过头一天和第二 天都毫无结果。在大街上他们一个个都能说会道;但当他们经过王宫大门,








































“我要不是一只乌鸦,尽管我已经订婚,我也会自己去得到公主的。据 说他讲得很好,跟我说起乌鸦语言来一样流利。那是我那个驯养在宫里的心 上人说的。他又勇敢又讨人喜欢,他原来根本不是为了求婚来的,只是想看 看公主究竟有多聪明。他对公主很有好感,公主对他也有很好的印象。” “对,我敢肯定那是凯依!”杰尔达说,“他很聪明,能做心算,还会



上人商量商量。它可能会给我们出出主意。不过我跟你说,像你这样的小姑 娘,他们是决不会让你进去的!”





你向它求了不知多少次情。这里有个小小的面包卷,那是它从厨房里叼来的 ,那里有的是面包,而你肚子一定饿了!你不可能进宫去.你瞧,你光着脚丫 子,穿银色衣服的警卫和穿金色衣服的侍从不会让你进去的。不过你别哭, 反正你还是可以进去的。我的心上人知道后面有部小楼梯通到卧室,它知道 哪儿可以弄到钥匙!”

于是他们走进了花园.那儿有一条长长的上面枝叶交叠的林间小径。当 王宫里灯火熄灭时,乌鸦带领小杰尔达走到一扇半开半闭的后门前。

啊!杰尔达又着急又不安,心跳得多么厉害!她似乎觉得自己正要做一 件错事,其实她的一切希望不过想证实一下究竟他是不是小凯依。是的,那 一定是他,她清清楚楚记得他那对聪明的眼睛和长头发,当初他们一起坐在 玫瑰下,他那笑容如今还历历在目。他一定很高兴见到她,听她说她如何路 途遥遥来找他,听她说他没有回家,家里所有的人有多么伤心。哦,她是多 么快活,同时却又是多么担心啊!

一会儿他们走上了楼梯。一口小小的碗橱里点着一盏灯。屋子中央站着 那只驯养了的乌鸦,它扭头东张西望一阵,这才眼睛看着杰尔达。杰尔达按 照老奶奶教的那样行了个屈膝礼。









思想带出去游历一番。那是一件好事情,因为他们在床上就更安全一些。不 过你千万记住,将来你荣华富贵的时候.要有一颗感恩图报的心I”



子又在他们身旁闪过去,快得杰尔达都无法看清贵人和贵妇人。接下来的房 间一个比一个华丽。最后他们到了那间要去的卧室。卧室的天花板像是一裸 巨大的棕榈树,树叶都是贵重的水晶制成的。房间中央有一个粗重的金杆, 挂着两张形状像百合花的床,一张是白色的.里边躺着公主,另一张是红色 的,杰尔达走过去寻找小凯依。她掰开一片红色的花瓣,看到了一个棕色的 脖子。啊,那是凯依。她大声呼喊他的名字,把灯举到他面前。那些马背上 的“梦”又闪回到房间里来。他醒了掉过头来.可他不是小凯依。

王子只有脖子上的茸毛跟凯依相像,不过他也很年轻很漂亮。这时公主 也在白色的百合花床上探头张望,问发生了什么事。杰尔达哭哭啼啼告诉她 一切,还说了两只乌鸦帮她的忙,


他们称赞了乌鸦,说他们一点也不生气,不过下次可不能再做这种事情 了。尽管这样,它们还是应该得到奖赏。

“你们愿意自由自在飞出去呢,”公主问,“还是愿意做宫廷乌鸦,有 一个固定的位子,享有吃宫廷厨房剩饭剩菜的权利?”

两只乌鸦都深深地鞠躬,请求得到一个固定的位子,因为它们考虑到了 自己的老年。它们在表明自己的意思时还说:“上了年纪不用为了吃饭操心 ,总是好的。”

于是王子下了床让杰尔达睡上去,除了这一点,他还真不知道怎么办才 好。杰尔达交叠着小手想道:“这些人,这些动物,个个都是那么善良!” 她闭起了服睛.幸福地睡着了。所有的“梦”又重新飞了进来,这会儿它们 看上去都像天使,还拉着一架小雪橇,上面坐着正在点头的小凯依。但这一 切不过是个梦罢了,她一醒来,梦也就消失了。

第二天人家给她全身穿上丝绸和天鹅绒的衣服,人家还要他留在宫里快 快活活过日子。她却只求给她一辆马拉的小车和一双小皮靴,这样她就又可 以到外面去寻找凯依了。




亮。准备出发的时候.一辆纯金做的马车驶到了门前。马车前有马夫,后有 脚夫,左右两旁还有身穿皇家金色制服的侍从骑马护卫。王子和公丰亲自扶 她上马车,祝她一路平安。

那只树林里的乌鸦这时已经结了婚,它送了杰尔达三英里,一直坐在杰 尔达的旁边,因为它受不了背对着马坐着。那只宫里驯养的乌鸦站在大门口 扑扇着翅膀告别杰尔达,它不跟他们一起同行,因为它头痛,很难受,自从 她获得固定位子以后,它也实在吃得太多了。车厢里贮存了许多糖块,坐位 底下还有水果和姜饼。


马车走了三英里,乌鸦也跟她告别,这比宫门口的告别更加难受。乌鸦飞上 一棵树,久久扑扇着黑翅膀,一直到马车在耀眼的阳光下消失为止。

第五个故事 小小的强盗姑娘

他们驶进了一座十分黑暗的森林,马车却依然像一团火焰闪闪发光。它 照在一些强盗的眼睛里,强盗们再也克制不住诱感。

“金子!金子!”他们大叫大嚷冲上前来,抓住马匹,打死侍从、马夫 和脚夫.还把小杰尔达从马车上拖下来。

“她很肥很嫩,是吃核桃肉长大的.”老强盗婆说。她明明是女的,却 长着又粗又长的胡子,浓密的眉毛垂落下来差点盖住眼睛。“可以做一道好 莱,就像肥肥的小羊羔,吃在嘴里别提有多嫩!”


“哎哟!”强盗婆就在此刻大叫一声。原来她的亲生小女儿爬到她背上 ,在她耳朵上咬了一口。那个孩子野得厉害,淘气得出奇。

“你这讨人厌的捣蛋鬼!”妈妈说。这一打岔,强盗婆把准备宰杰尔达 的事给忘了。

“该让她跟我一起玩I”强盗小姑娘说,“她该把暖手筒和漂亮的衣服给 我.跟我睡一张床!”

她又在妈妈的耳朵上咬了一口,强盗婆蹦得老高,转了一圈又一圈。所 有的强盗都哈哈大声说:“瞧她背着小崽子跳得多欢!”


目的决不罢休,因为她给宠坏了,又任性又固执。她和杰尔达坐进马车,驰 过满地的荆刺和满地的树桩,进入了森林深处。强盗小姑娘跟杰尔达一样大



小,身体却结实得多,宽宽的肩膀,黑黑的皮肤。眼睛也很黑,但看上去却 很忧郁。她伸出双臂,一把抱住小杰尔达的腰说:


“不是!”小杰尔达说,于是她把自己的遭遇以及如何喜欢凯依等等一 五一十全告诉了强盗小姑娘。



!”她擦干了杰尔达的眼泪,把杰尔达的双手放进漂亮的暖手筒,那暖手筒又 柔软又暖和。

马车停了下来,停在强盗城堡的院子里。那城堡从屋顶到地基都碎的碎 ,裂的裂。乌鸦和渡鸦从墙洞里飞出来。一只只看上去能活活吞下一个人去 的大恶狗蹦得半天高,不过它们都不咬不叫,强盗们不许它们又咬又叫。

在一间又大又破、被烟熏火燎得黑乎乎的房间里,石板地的中央,燃烧 着一堆熊熊大火。浓烟袅袅,一直升到天花板,在那里自己设法寻找出路。 一大罐汤正在火上沸腾,烤肉铁签上正烤着野兔和家免。


了,就走到那个角落里去,那儿有干草和地毯。”在她们头顶上方,有许多 木桩和木杆,上面栖息看几百只鸽子,看样子都已经入睡,两个女孩子走近 去,它们这才活动起来。

“它们都是我的,所有这一切!”强盗小姑娘说。她抓住身边的一只鸽 子,捏着腿摇了几摇,摇得鸽子拼命地扑扇翅膀。


蹲着的全是树林中的混蛋,”她继续说下去,指指墙高处钉着一些横杆的墙 洞,“我说,那两个家伙是一对坏蛋,要是你不把它们关好,它们马上就飞 走。这儿是我的心肝宝贝‘巴巴’。”她使劲拉住一头驯鹿的角,把它拖出 来。那驯鹿脖子上戴着一个闪亮的铜圈,也用绳子拴住,“它也得好好看管 ,要不也会逃跑。每天下午我用尖刀给它脖子搔痒,它很害伯这一手。”

小姑娘从墙缝里抽出一把长刀,在驯鹿的脖子上滑来滑去。可怜的驯鹿 又是踢脚又是尥蹶子,强盗小姑娘只是哈哈大笑,拖着杰尔达跟她一起倒在 床上。






杰尔达又重新讲了一遍,斑鸠在笼子里咕咕地叫,别的鸽子都在睡觉。 强盗小姑娘一只手搂住杰尔达的脖子,另一只手拿着刀子,大声打起鼾来, 但是杰尔达根本没法合眼,不知道自已将来是死是活。强盗们坐在火堆周围 喝酒唱歌,强盗婆醉得厉害,翻了一个筋斗又一个筋斗。杰尔达看在眼里感 到毛骨悚然。


的小雪橇,他坐在白雪皇后的雪橇里。我们呆在窠里,雪橇穿过了森林。她 在我们的孩子身上吹了一口气,孩子们便全都死了,只剩下我们俩,咕!咕!”

“你们在上面说些什么?”杰尔达大声说.“白雪皇后把雪橇赶到哪里 去了?你们还知道些什么?”

“问也不用问,她准是到终年冰天雪地的拉普兰去了。不信你去问问让 绳子拴住的驯鹿!”


儿,你可以在亮晶晶的大山谷里跳来蹦去。白雪皇后的夏宫就在那里,不过 她的城堡还要朝北极方向过去好多路,在斯匹次卑尔根岛上。”


“睡觉老实点,听见没有!”强盗小姑娘说,“要不我的刀子会捅进你 的身体!”

第二天早晨杰尔达把斑鸠的话告诉强盗小姑娘,那小姑娘一本正经地点 点头说:

“反正都一样!反正都一样!”于是她又对驯鹿说。“你知道拉普兰在 哪儿吗?”

“有谁比我更清楚呢?”驯鹿说,眼睛都发亮了,“我在那儿出生,我 在那儿长大。过去我常在白雪皑皑的平原上跳跳蹦蹦。”


,只有妈妈留下来看家。不要急,等到将近中午时,她在大瓶子里喝上几口 ,酒劲上来她就要打盹。到时候,我会设法帮你忙的!”

她说着从床上跳起身来,朝妈妈冲去,一把搂住妈妈的脖子,拉扯着她 的胡子说:“我亲爱的母山羊,早上好!”她的妈妈便拧她的鼻子,一直拧 到发青发紫,不过那完全是出于母爱。然后她母亲果然在大瓶子里喝了几口 ,管自躺下来打起了瞌睡。强盗小姑娘走到驯鹿身边说:“我最最开心的事



便是用尖刀多给你搔搔痒,因为你的样子实在太滑稽了,不过我现在要松掉 你的绳子,放你出去,让你跑到拉普兰去。你得好好使唤你的四条腿,把这 个小姑娘带到白雪皇后的宫殿去,那里有她从小一起玩的小朋友。我看她说 的话你都听见了,她说话的声音够响的,而你又老是在偷听!”

驯鹿高兴得跳了起来。强盗小姑娘把杰尔达扶到驯鹿背上,小心翼翼把 她系得牢牢的,甚至还给她一个垫子,垫在屁股下面。


留下了,它太让人喜欢!反正不会冻着你。这里有副妈妈的连指手套,长得 够你戴到臂弯里。戴上它们!这下你的手看上去跟我妈妈的手一样了!”



!这里还有两个面包和一块火腿,都拿去,免得挨饿。”她把这些东西也系 在驯鹿背上。然后把门打开,把所有的大恶狗都锁了起来,再用刀子割断绳 索,对驯鹿说,“你跑吧!好好照顾这个小姑娘!”


撒腿飞奔,越过树丛,越过矮树林,越过大森林,越过沼泽,越过大平原, 拼命地鲍。狼群在嚷叫,渡鸦在呱呱乱叫。“嘶!嘶!”那是天空发出的声 音.好像天空也冻得脸色通红。

“嗨,那正是我亲爱的老朋友,北极光!”驯鹿说,“瞧它有多么明亮 。”说着它跑得更快了,日夜不停地跑。


第六个故事 拉普兰女人和芬兰女人

他们在一幢模样很可怜的小房子门前停了下来。房子的屋顶几乎触到地 面,它的门十分低矮,那家人进进出出都得趴在地上爬。房子里除了一个拉 普兰老妇人谁都不在家。她正在一盏鲸油灯的火苗上煎鱼。驯鹿把杰尔达的 遭遇全都讲给她听,不过它先讲了自己的遭遇,因为它认为这重要得多,而 杰尔达冻得麻木了,根本没法开口。


长好长的路要走呢!你们还得走一百英里进入芬兰,白雪皇后夏天住在那里 ,天天晚上燃起蓝色的灯光。让我在鳕鱼干上写几句话(因为我没有纸),把 你们介绍给一个芬兰女人,她住在那里,她会给你们出些好主意,比我提供 更多消息。”










































,马上叫了起来。但驯鹿不敢停下来。它一口气跑到了长满红色浆果的大片 灌木林,才把杰尔达放下来,还吻了吻她的嘴。这时大颗大颗亮晶晶的眼泪 从它脸上流下来。接着它又拼命地跑回芬兰女人那儿去。可怜的杰尔达脚上 没鞋,手上没戴手套,站在芬兰可怕的冰天雪地中。

她迎着密集的雪片拼命朝前奔去。这些雪片并非从天上落下来的,因为 天上非常晴朗,北极光熠熠生辉;它们是贴着地面刮过来的,而且越是逼近 ,雪片越大。杰尔达清楚记得透过放大镜,雪片看上去有多大有多精巧,可 是这些雪片不仅大得多,而且非常可怕,因为它们是有生命的。他们是白雪 皇后的前哨,形状非常稀奇古怪.有的像丑陋的刺猬,有的像群蛇纠结成团 ,却都伸出了脑袋,有的像头发倒竖的小孩。他们全都是晶亮的、有生命的 白色雪花。

这时杰尔达反复念着祈祷文。天气那么寒冷,她看得见自己呼出来的气 像一团烟雾从嘴里冒出来。这团烟雾越来越浓,到后来变成了小天使的形状 ,当他们触到地面时就越变越大。他们都头戴盔,手执矛盾。他们的数目也 越来越多,当杰尔达念完祷告.她周围简直有了一个大兵团。他们用长矛劈 刺可怕的雪花,雪花粉碎成无数碎片,杰尔达在他们中间勇往直前,非常安 全。小天使们纷纷抚摸她的手,她的脚,因此她不觉得怎么冷了,只一个劲 地轻快地朝白雪皇后的宫殿走去。

现在我们得回头讲讲小凯依的情形。他根本没有想到过小杰尔达,更想 不到此刻她就站在白雪皇后的宫殿外面。

第七个故事 白雪皇后宫殿里发生的事情

白雪皇后的宫殿墙是纷纷扬扬的雪花砌成的,门窗却由刺骨的寒风做成 。宫里一百多个房间也都像是大雪堆集而成,最大的房间伸展开去有好几英 里。它们全让强烈的北极光照得非常明亮,显得那样大,那样空,那样冰冷 和那样耀眼。那儿从来谈不到有什么欢乐,那儿甚至从来没有开过一个小小 的舞会好让风暴吹起喇叭,好让北极熊后腿站立起来跳跳舞,表演一下优美 的舞姿;更不用说嘴巴里可以鼓舌,脚掌可以打拍子的节日晚会,也更不用 说白狐太太的茶话会了。白雪皇后所有的房间空空荡荡,寒气逼人,沉闷无 声。北极光清清楚楚闪耀着光辉,你可以正确辨别它们什么时候最亮最高, 什么时候最暗最低。在那空旷得没有边际的白雪大厅中央有一个结了冰的湖 。湖里的冰裂成千百块碎片,每一块大小形状却完全一模一样,很像是一件 工艺品。白雪皇后在家的时候,坐在湖的中央,还说,她就坐在智慧的镜子 上,那是全世界一面最好的镜子。






































杰尔达吻了凯依的双颊,那儿就像开出了两朵玫瑰,杰尔达又吻了他的 眼睛,它们就像杰尔达的眼睛一样炯炯发光了。杰尔达吻了他的手脚,它们 就变得强壮有力了。白雪皇后这时很可能会回来,那就随她便吧,因为他的 自由已经用亮晶晶的冰字写在了地上。

他们手拉着手走出巨大的冰宫。他们谈到了他们的奶奶,谈到了屋顶上 的玫瑰,他们所到之处风和日丽。等到他们到达那一大片长满红色浆果的灌 木林,驯鹿已经在那里等侯,它还带来一头母驯鹿,母鹿鼓鼓的乳房里装满 了奶。两个孩子喝过温暖新鲜的鹿奶后,还吻了吻它的嘴。它们带凯依和杰 尔达先去看芬兰女人。他们在她那热气腾腾的房间里把身子暖得热乎乎的. 还详细打听了回家的路径。然后他们又去看拉普兰女人,她为他们缝制了新 衣服,还为他们准备好了雪橇。

驯鹿和母驯鹿在他们身旁一路蹦蹦跳跳,把他们送到拉普兰的边境。那 儿最早的绿芽已经冒出泥土探头张望,两个小小的旅行者就在那儿跟拉普兰 女人和两头驯鹿告别。他们都齐声说了“再见!”

新孵的小鸟开始鸣啭,森林里绽满了绿色的嫩芽。忽然从树林里跑出一 匹美丽的骏马来,杰尔达立刻认出它就是驾金马车的那匹马。骑在马上的小 姑娘头戴一顶闪闪发亮的红帽子,腰挂好几把手枪。那就是强盗小姑娘。她 在家里呆腻了,所以想先往北走,看看世界上还有没有适合她的其他地方。 她和杰尔达一下子认出了对方,那个高兴劲就别提啦!

“长途跋涉找来的就是你这个可爱的家伙吗?”她对小凯依说。“我真想 知道你值不值得有人为你一直走到天涯海角!”




“乌鸦死了!”她回答道,“它那驯养在宫里的心上人成了寡妇,走来走 去腿上总系着一段黑线,它伤心极啦,可再伤心也没有一点用!你倒是说说 你的情况,你是怎么设法找到凯依的!”



是她路过他们的城市,一定去拜访他们。于是她骑着马奔向茫茫的世界,而 杰尔达和凯依手拉着手继续赶路。越往前走,春天越是美丽,鲜花盛开,一 片青翠。教堂的钟敲起来,他们认出了教堂的尖塔和他们居住的城市。他们 进城一路走到奶奶的门口,爬上楼梯,走进房间,那里所有的东西看上去还
















The Snow Queen

In Seven Stories


Hans Christian Andersen


Story the First,

Which Describes a Looking-Glass and the Broken Fragments.

YOU must attend to the commencement of this story, for when we get to the end we shall know more than we do now about a very wicked hobgoblin; he was one of the very worst, for he was a real demon. One day, when he was in a merry mood, he made a looking-glass which had the power of making everything good or beautiful that was reflected in it almost shrink to nothing, while everything that was worthless and bad looked increased in size and worse than ever. The most lovely landscapes appeared like boiled spinach, and the people became hideous, and looked as if they stood on their heads and had no bodies. Their countenances were so distorted that no one could recognize them, and even one freckle on the face appeared to spread over the whole of the nose and mouth. The demon said this was very amusing. When a good or pious thought passed through the mind of any one it was misrepresented in the glass; and then how the demon laughed at his cunning invention. All who went to the demon?s school—for he kept a school—talked



everywhere of the wonders they had seen, and declared that people could now, for the first time, see what the world and mankind were really like. They carried the glass about everywhere, till at last there was not a land nor a people who had not been looked at through this distorted mirror. They wanted even to fly with it up to heaven to see the angels, but the higher they flew the more slippery the glass became, and they could scarcely hold it, till at last it slipped from their hands, fell to the earth, and was broken into millions of pieces. But now the looking-glass caused more unhappiness than ever, for some of the fragments were not so large as a grain of sand, and they flew about the world into every country. When one of these tiny atoms flew into a person?s eye, it stuck there unknown to him, and from that moment he saw everything through a distorted medium, or could see only the worst side of what he looked at, for even the smallest fragment retained the same power which had belonged to the whole mirror. Some few persons even got a fragment of the looking-glass in their hearts, and this was very terrible, for their hearts became cold like a lump of ice. A few of the pieces were so large that they could be used as window-panes; it would have been a sad thing to look at our friends through them. Other pieces were made into spectacles; this was dreadful for those who wore them, for they could see nothing either rightly or justly. At all this the wicked demon laughed till his sides shook—it tickled him so to see the mischief he had done. There were still a number of these little fragments of glass floating about in the air, and now you shall hear what happened with one of them.

Second Story:

A Little Boy and a Little Girl

N a large town, full of houses and people, there is not room for everybody to have even a little garden, therefore they are obliged to be satisfied with a few flowers in flower-pots. In one of these large towns lived two poor children who had a garden something larger and better than a few flower-pots. They were not brother and sister, but they loved each other almost as much as if they had been. Their parents lived opposite to each other in two garrets, where the roofs of neighboring houses projected out towards each other and the water-pipe ran between them. In each house was a little window, so that any one could step across the gutter from one window to the other. The parents of these children had each a large wooden box in which they cultivated kitchen herbs for their own use, and a little rose-bush in each box, which grew splendidly. Now after a while the parents decided to place these two boxes across the water-pipe, so that they reached from one window to the other and looked like two banks of flowers. Sweet-peas drooped over the boxes, and the rose-bushes shot forth long branches, which were trained round the windows and clustered together almost like a triumphal arch of leaves and flowers. The boxes were very high, and the children knew they must not climb upon them, without permission, but they were often, however, allowed to step out together and sit upon their little stools under the rose-bushes, or play quietly. In winter all this pleasure came to an end, for the windows were sometimes quite frozen over. But then they would warm copper pennies on the stove, and hold the warm pennies against thefrozen pane; there would be very soon a little round hole through which they could peep, and the soft



bright eyes of the little boy and girl would beam through the hole at each window as they looked at each other. Their names were Kay and Gerda. In summer they could be together with one jump from the window, but in winter they had to go up and down the long staircase, and out through the snow before they could meet.

“See there are the white bees swarming,” said Kay?s old grandmother one day when it was snowing.

“Have they a queen bee?” asked the little boy, for he knew that the real bees had a queen.

“To be sure they have,” said the grandmother. “She is flying there where the swarm is thickest. She is the largest of them all, and never remains on the earth, but flies up to the dark clouds. Often at midnight she flies through the streets of the town, and looks in at the windows, then the ice freezes on the panes into wonderful shapes, that look like flowers and castles.”

“Yes, I have seen them,” said both the children, and they knew it must be true.

“Can the Snow Queen come in here?” asked the little girl.

“Only let her come,” said the boy, “I?ll set her on the stove and then she?ll melt.”

Then the grandmother smoothed his hair and told him some more tales. One evening, when little Kay was at home, half undressed, he climbed on a chair by the window and peeped out through the little hole. A few flakes of snow were falling, and one of them, rather larger than the rest, alighted on the edge of one of the flower boxes. This snow-flake grew larger and larger, till at last it became the figure of a woman, dressed in garments of white gauze, which looked like millions of starry snow-flakes linked together. She was fair and beautiful, but made of ice—shining and glittering ice. Still she was alive and her eyes sparkled like bright stars, but there was neither peace nor rest in their glance. She nodded towards the window and waved her hand. The little boy was frightened and sprang from the chair; at the same moment it seemed as if a large bird flew by the window. On the following day there was a clear frost, and very soon came the spring. The sun shone; the young green leaves burst forth; the swallows built their nests; windows were opened, and the children sat once more in the garden on the roof, high above all the other rooms. How beautiful the roses blossomed this summer. The little girl had learnt a hymn in which roses were spoken of, and then she thought of their own roses, and she sang the hymn to the little boy, and he sang too:—

“Roses bloom and cease to be,

But we shall the Christ-child see.”

Then the little ones held each other by the hand, and kissed the roses, and looked at the bright sunshine, and spoke to it as if the Christ-child were there. Those were splendid summer days. How beautiful and fresh it was out among the rose-bushes, which seemed as if they would never leave off blooming. One day Kay and Gerda sat looking at a book full of pictures of animals and birds, and then just as the clock in the church tower struck twelve, Kay said, “Oh, something has struck



my heart!” and soon after, “There is something in my eye.”The little girl put her arm round his neck, and looked into his eye, but she could see nothing.

“I think it is gone,” he said. But it was not gone; it was one of those bits of the looking-glass—that magic mirror, of which we have spoken—the ugly glass which made everything great and good appear small and ugly, while all that was wicked and bad became more visible, and every little fault could be plainly seen. Poor little Kay had also received a small grain in his heart, which very quickly turned to a lump of ice. He felt no more pain, but the glass was there still. “Why do you cry?” said he at last; “it makes you look ugly. There is nothing the matter with me now. Oh, see!” he cried suddenly, “that rose is worm-eaten, and this one is quite crooked. After all they are ugly roses, just like the box in which they stand,” and then he kicked the boxes with his foot, and pulled off the two roses.

“Kay, what are you doing?” cried the little girl; and then, when he saw how frightened she was, he tore off another rose, and jumped through his own window away from little Gerda.

When she afterwards brought out the picture book, he said, “It was only fit for babies in long clothes,” and when grandmother told any stories, he would interrupt her with “but;” or, when he could manage it, he would get behind her chair, put on a pair of spectacles, and imitate her very cleverly, to make people laugh. By-and-by he began to mimic the speech and gait of persons in the street. All that was peculiar or disagreeable in a person he would imitate directly, and people said, “That boy will be very clever; he has a remarkable genius.” But it was the piece of glass in his eye, and the coldness in his heart, that made him act like this. He would even tease little Gerda, who loved him with all her heart. His games, too, were quite different; they were not so childish. One winter?s day, when it snowed, he brought out a burning-glass, then he held out the tail of his blue coat, and let the snow-flakes fall upon it. “Look in this glass, Gerda,” said he; and she saw how every flake of snow was magnified, and looked like a beautiful flower or a glittering star. “Is it not clever?” said Kay, “and much more interesting than looking at real flowers. There is not a single fault in it, and the snow-flakes are quite perfect till they begin to melt.”

Soon after Kay made his appearance in large thick gloves, and with his sledge at his back. He called up stairs to Gerda, “I?ve got to leave to go into the great square, where the other boys play and ride.” And away he went.

In the great square, the boldest among the boys would often tie their sledges to the country people?s carts, and go with them a good way. This was capital. But while they were all amusing themselves, and Kay with them, a great sledge came by; it was painted white, and in it sat some one wrapped in a rough white fur, and wearing a white cap. The sledge drove twice round the square, and Kay fastened his own little sledge to it, so that when it went away, he followed with it. It went faster and faster right through the next street, and then the person who drove turned round and nodded pleasantly to Kay, just as if they were acquainted with each other, but whenever Kay wished to loosen his little sledge the driver nodded again, so Kay sat still, and they drove out through the town gate. Then the snow began to fall so heavily that the little boy could not see a hand?s breadth before him, but still they drove on; then he suddenly loosened the cord so that the



large sled might go on without him, but it was of no use, his little carriage held fast, and away they went like the wind. Then he called out loudly, but nobody heard him, while the snow beat upon him, and the sledge flew onwards. Every now and then it gave a jump as if it were going over hedges and ditches. The boy was frightened, and tried to say a prayer, but he could remember nothing but the multiplication table.The snow-flakes became larger and larger, till they appeared like great white chickens. All at once they sprang on one side, the great sledge stopped, and the person who had driven it rose up. The fur and the cap, which were made entirely of snow, fell off, and he saw a lady, tall and white, it was the Snow Queen.

“We have driven well,” said she, “but why do you tremble? here, creep into my warm fur.” Then she seated him beside her in the sledge, and as she wrapped the fur round him he felt as if he were sinking into a snow drift.

“Are you still cold,” she asked, as she kissed him on the forehead. The kiss was colder than ice; it went quite through to his heart, which was already almost a lump of ice; he felt as if he were going to die, but only for a moment; he soon seemed quite well again, and did not notice the cold around him.

“My sledge! don?t forget my sledge,” was his first thought, and then he looked and saw that it was bound fast to one of the white chickens, which flew behind him with the sledge at its back. The Snow Queen kissed little Kay again, and by this time he had forgotten little Gerda, his grandmother, and all at home.

“Now you must have no more kisses,” she said, “or I should kiss you to death.”

Kay looked at her, and saw that she was so beautiful, he could not imagine a more lovely and intelligent face; she did not now seem to be made of ice, as when he had seen her through his window, and she had nodded to him. In his eyes she was perfect, and she did not feel at all afraid. He told her he could do mental arithmetic, as far as fractions, and that he knew the number of square miles and the number of inhabitants in the country. And she always smiled so that he thought he did not know enough yet, and she looked round the vast expanse as she flew higher and higher with him upon a black cloud, while the storm blew and howled as if it were singing old songs. They flew over woods and lakes, over sea and land; below them roared the wild wind; the wolves howled and the snow crackled; over them flew the black screaming crows, and above all shone the moon, clear and bright,—and so Kay passed through the long winter?s night, and by day he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen.

Third Story:

The Flower Garden of the Woman Who Could Conjure

UT how fared little Gerda during Kay?s absence? What had become of him, no one knew, nor



could any one give the slightest information, excepting the boys, who said that he had tied his sledge to another very large one, which had driven through the street, and out at the town gate. Nobody knew where it went; many tears were shed for him, and little Gerda wept bitterly for a long time. She said she knew he must be dead; that he was drowned in the river which flowed close by the school. Oh, indeed those long winter days were very dreary. But at last spring came, with warm sunshine. “Kay is dead and gone,” said little Gerda.

“I don?t believe it,” said the sunshine.

“He is dead and gone,” she said to the sparrows. “We don?t believe it,” they replied; and at last little Gerda began to doubt it herself. “I will put on my new red shoes,” she said one morning, “those that Kay has never seen, and then I will go down to the river, and ask for him.” It was quite early when she kissed her old grandmother, who was still asleep; then she put on her red shoes, and went quite alone out of the town gates toward the river. “Is it true that you have taken my little playmate away from me?” said she to the river. “I will give you my red shoes if you will give him back to me.” And it seemed as if the waves nodded to her in a strange manner. Then she took off her red shoes, which she liked better than anything else, and threw them both into the river, but they fell near the bank, and the little waves carried them back to the land, just as if the river would not take from her what she loved best, because they could not give her back little Kay. But she thought the shoes had not been thrown out far enough. Then she crept into a boat that lay among the reeds, and threw the shoes again from the farther end of the boat into the water, but it was not fastened. And her movement sent it gliding away from the land. When she saw this she hastened to reach the end of the boat, but before she could so it was more than a yard from the bank, and drifting away faster than ever. Then little Gerda was very much frightened, and began to cry, but no one heard her except the sparrows, and they could not carry her to land, but they flew along by the shore, and sang, as if to comfort her, “Here we are! Here we are!” The boat floated with the stream; little Gerda sat quite still with only her stockings on her feet; the red shoes floated after her, but she could not reach them because the boat kept so much in advance. The banks on each side of the river were very pretty. There were beautiful flowers, old trees, sloping fields, in which cows and sheep were grazing, but not a man to be seen. Perhaps the river will carry me to little Kay, thought Gerda, and then she became more cheerful, and raised her head, and looked at the beautiful green banks; and so the boat sailed on for hours. At length she came to a large cherry orchard, in which stood a small red house with strange red and blue windows. It had also a thatched roof, and outside were two wooden soldiers, that presented arms to her as she sailed past. Gerda called out to them, for she thought they were alive, but of course they did not answer; and as the boat drifted nearer to the shore, she saw what they really were. Then Gerda called still louder, and there came a very old woman out of the house, leaning on a crutch. She wore a large hat to shade her from the sun, and on it were painted all sorts of pretty flowers. “You poor little child,” said the old woman, “how did you manage to come all this distance into the wide world on such a rapid rolling stream?” And then the old woman walked in the water, seized the boat with her crutch, drew it to land, and lifted Gerda out. And Gerda was glad to feel herself on dry ground, although she was rather afraid of the strange old woman. “Come and tell me who you are,” said she, “and how came you here.”

Then Gerda told her everything, while the old woman shook her head, and said, “Hem-hem;” and



when she had finished, Gerda asked if she had not seen little Kay, and the old woman told her he had not passed by that way, but he very likely would come. So she told Gerda not to be sorrowful, but to taste the cherries and look at the flowers; they were better than any picture-book, for each of them could tell a story. Then she took Gerda by the hand and led her into the little house, and the old woman closed the door. The windows were very high, and as the panes were red, blue, and yellow, the daylight shone through them in all sorts of singular colors. On the table stood beautiful cherries, and Gerda had permission to eat as many as she would. While she was eating them the old woman combed out her long flaxen ringlets with a golden comb, and the glossy curls hung down on each side of the little round pleasant face, which looked fresh and blooming as a rose. “I have long been wishing for a dear little maiden like you,” said the old woman, “and now you must stay with me, and see how happily we shall live together.” And while she went on combing little Gerda?s hair, she thought less and less about her adopted brother Kay, for the old woman could conjure, although she was not a wicked witch; she conjured only a little for her own amusement, and now, because she wanted to keep Gerda. Therefore she went into the garden, and stretched out her crutch towards all the rose-trees, beautiful though they were; and they immediately sunk into the dark earth, so that no one could tell where they had once stood. The old woman was afraid that if little Gerda saw roses she would think of those at home, and then remember little Kay, and run away. Then she took Gerda into the flower-garden. How fragrant and beautiful it was! Every flower that could be thought of for every season of the year was here in full bloom; no picture-book could have more beautiful colors. Gerda jumped for joy, and played till the sun went down behind the tall cherry-trees; then she slept in an elegant bed with red silk pillows, embroidered with colored violets; and then she dreamed as pleasantly as a queen on her wedding day. The next day, and for many days after, Gerda played with the flowers in the warm sunshine. She knew every flower, and yet, although there were so many of them, it seemed as if one were missing, but which it was she could not tell. One day, however, as she sat looking at the old woman?s hat with the painted flowers on it, she saw that the prettiest of them all was a rose. The old woman had forgotten to take it from her hat when she made all the roses sink into the earth. But it is difficult to keep the thoughts together in everything; one little mistake upsets all our arrangements.

“What, are there no roses here?” cried Gerda; and she ran out into the garden, and examined all the beds, and searched and searched. There was not one to be found. Then she sat down and wept, and her tears fell just on the place where one of the rose-trees had sunk down. The warm tears moistened the earth, and the rose-tree sprouted up at once, as blooming as when it had sunk; and Gerda embraced it and kissed the roses, and thought of the beautiful roses at home, and, with them, of little Kay.

“Oh, how I have been detained!” said the little maiden, “I wanted to seek for little Kay. Do you know where he is?” she asked the roses; “do you think he is dead?”

And the roses answered, “No, he is not dead. We have been in the ground where all the dead lie; but Kay is not there.”

“Thank you,” said little Gerda, and then she went to the other flowers, and looked into their little



cups, and asked, “Do you know where little Kay is?” But each flower, as it stood in the sunshine, dreamed only of its own little fairy tale of history. Not one knew anything of Kay. Gerda heard many stories from the flowers, as she asked them one after another about him.

And what, said the tiger-lily? “Hark, do you hear the drum?— ?turn, turn,?—there are only two notes, always, ?turn, turn.? Listen to the women?s song of mourning! Hear the cry of the priest! In her long red robe stands the Hindoo widow by the funeral pile. The flames rise around her as she places herself on the dead body of her husband; but the Hindoo woman is thinking of the living one in that circle; of him, her son, who lighted those flames. Those shining eyes trouble her heart more painfully than the flames which will soon consume her body to ashes. Can the fire of the heart be extinguished in the flames of the funeral pile?”

“I don?t understand that at all,” said little Gerda.

“That is my story,” said the tiger-lily.

What, says the convolvulus? “Near yonder narrow road stands an old knight?s castle; thick ivy creeps over the old ruined walls, leaf over leaf, even to the balcony, in which stands a beautiful maiden. She bends over the balustrades, and looks up the road. No rose on its stem is fresher than she; no apple-blossom, wafted by the wind, floats more lightly than she moves. Her rich silk rustles as she bends over and exclaims, ?Will he not come??

“Is it Kay you mean?” asked Gerda.

“I am only speaking of a story of my dream,” replied the flower.

What, said the little snow-drop? “Between two trees a rope is hanging; there is a piece of board upon it; it is a swing. Two pretty little girls, in dresses white as snow, and with long green ribbons fluttering from their hats, are sitting upon it swinging. Their brother who is taller than they are, stands in the swing; he has one arm round the rope, to steady himself; in one hand he holds a little bowl, and in the other a clay pipe; he is blowing bubbles. As the swing goes on, the bubbles fly upward, reflecting the most beautiful varying colors. The last still hangs from the bowl of the pipe, and sways in the wind. On goes the swing; and then a little black dog comes running up. He is almost as light as the bubble, and he raises himself on his hind legs, and wants to be taken into the swing; but it does not stop, and the dog falls; then he barks and gets angry. The children stoop towards him, and the bubble bursts. A swinging plank, a light sparkling foam picture,—that is my story.”

“It may be all very pretty what you are telling me,” said little Gerda, “but you speak so mournfully, and you do not mention little Kay at all.”

What do the hyacinths say? “There were three beautiful sisters, fair and delicate. The dress of one was red, of the second blue, and of the third pure white. Hand in hand they danced in the bright moonlight, by the calm lake; but they were human beings, not fairy elves. The sweet fragrance attracted them, and they disappeared in the wood; here the fragrance became stronger. Three



coffins, in which lay the three beautiful maidens, glided from the thickest part of the forest across the lake. The fire-flies flew lightly over them, like little floating torches. Do the dancing maidens sleep, or are they dead? The scent of the flower says that they are corpses. The evening bell tolls their knell.”

“You make me quite sorrowful,” said little Gerda; “your perfume is so strong, you make me think of the dead maidens. Ah! is little Kay really dead then? The roses have been in the earth, and they say no.”

“Cling, clang,” tolled the hyacinth bells. “We are not tolling for little Kay; we do not know him. We sing our song, the only one we know.”

Then Gerda went to the buttercups that were glittering amongst the bright green leaves.

“You are little bright suns,” said Gerda; “tell me if you know where I can find my play-fellow.” And the buttercups sparkled gayly, and looked again at Gerda. What song could the buttercups sing? It was not about Kay.

“The bright warm sun shone on a little court, on the first warm day of spring. His bright beams rested on the white walls of the neighboring house; and close by bloomed the first yellow flower of the season, glittering like gold in the sun?s warm ray. An old woman sat in her arm chair at the house door, and her granddaughter, a poor and pretty servant-maid came to see her for a short visit. When she kissed her grandmother there was gold everywhere: the gold of the heart in that holy kiss; it was a golden morning; there was gold in the beaming sunlight, gold in the leaves of the lowly flower, and on the lips of the maiden. There, that is my story,” said the buttercup.

“My poor old grandmother!” sighed Gerda; “she is longing to see me, and grieving for me as she did for little Kay; but I shall soon go home now, and take little Kay with me. It is no use asking the flowers; they know only their own songs, and can give me no information.”

And then she tucked up her little dress, that she might run faster, but the narcissus caught her by the leg as she was jumping over it; so she stopped and looked at the tall yellow flower, and said, “Perhaps you may know something.”

Then she stooped down quite close to the flower, and listened; and what did he say?

“I can see myself, I can see myself,” said the narcissus. “Oh, how sweet is my perfume! Up in a little room with a bow window, stands a little dancing girl, half undressed; she stands sometimes on one leg, and sometimes on both, and looks as if she would tread the whole world under her feet. She is nothing but a delusion. She is pouring water out of a tea-pot on a piece of stuff which she holds in her hand; it is her bodice. ?Cleanliness is a good thing,? she says. Her white dress hangs on a peg; it has also been washed in the tea-pot, and dried on the roof. She puts it on, and ties a saffron-colored handkerchief round her neck, which makes the dress look whiter. See how she stretches out her legs, as if she were showing off on a stem. I can see myself, I can see myself.”



“What do I care for all that,” said Gerda, “you need not tell me such stuff.” And then she ran to the other end of the garden. The door was fastened, but she pressed against the rusty latch, and it gave way. The door sprang open, and little Gerda ran out with bare feet into the wide world. She looked back three times, but no one seemed to be following her. At last she could run no longer, so she sat down to rest on a great stone, and when she looked round she saw that the summer was over, and autumn very far advanced. She had known nothing of this in the beautiful garden, where the sun shone and the flowers grew all the year round.

“Oh, how I have wasted my time?” said little Gerda; “it is autumn. I must not rest any longer,” and she rose up to go on. But her little feet were wounded and sore, and everything around her looked so cold and bleak. The long willow-leaves were quite yellow. The dew-drops fell like water, leaf after leaf dropped from the trees, the sloe-thorn alone still bore fruit, but the sloes were sour, and set the teeth on edge. Oh, how dark and weary the whole world appeared!

Fourth Story:

The Prince and Princess

ERDA was obliged to rest again, and just opposite the place where she sat, she saw a great crow come hopping across the snow toward her. He stood looking at her for some time, and then he wagged his head and said, “Caw, caw; good-day, good-day.” He pronounced the words as plainly as he could, because he meant to be kind to the little girl; and then he asked her where she was going all alone in the wide world.

The word alone Gerda understood very well, and knew how much it expressed. So then she told the crow the whole story of her life and adventures, and asked him if he had seen little Kay.

The crow nodded his head very gravely, and said, “Perhaps I have—it may be.”

“No! Do you think you have?” cried little Gerda, and she kissed the crow, and hugged him almost to death with joy.

“Gently, gently,” said the crow. “I believe I know. I think it may be little Kay; but he has certainly forgotten you by this time for the princess.”

“Does he live with a princess?” asked Gerda.

“Yes, listen,” replied the crow, “but it is so difficult to speak your language. If you understand the crows? language1 then I can explain it better. Do you?”

“No, I have never learnt it,” said Gerda, “but my grandmother understands it, and used to speak it to me. I wish I had learnt it.”

“It does not matter,” answered the crow; “I will explain as well as I can, although it will be very



badly done;” and he told her what he had heard. “In this kingdom where we now are,” said he, “there lives a princess, who is so wonderfully clever that she has read all the newspapers in the world, and forgotten them too, although she is so clever. A short time ago, as she was sitting on her throne, which people say is not such an agreeable seat as is often supposed, she began to sing a song which commences in these words:

‘Why should I not be married??

‘Why not indeed?? said she, and so she determined to marry if she could find a husband who knew what to say when he was spoken to, and not one who could only look grand, for that was so tiresome. Then she assembled all her court ladies together at the beat of the drum, and when they heard of her intentions they were very much pleased. ?We are so glad to hear it,? said they, ?we were talking about it ourselves the other day.? You may believe that every word I tell you is true,” said the crow, “for I have a tame sweetheart who goes freely about the palace, and she told me all this.”

Of course his sweetheart was a crow, for “birds of a feather flock together,” and one crow always chooses another crow.

“Newspapers were published immediately, with a border of hearts, and the initials of the princess among them. They gave notice that every young man who was handsome was free to visit the castle and speak with the princess; and those who could reply loud enough to be heard when spoken to, were to make themselves quite at home at the palace; but the one who spoke best would be chosen as a husband for the princess. Yes, yes, you may believe me, it is all as true as I sit here,” said the crow. “The people came in crowds. There was a great deal of crushing and running about, but no one succeeded either on the first or second day. They could all speak very well while they were outside in the streets, but when they entered the palace gates, and saw the guards in silver uniforms, and the footmen in their golden livery on the staircase, and the great halls lighted up, they became quite confused. And when they stood before the throne on which the princess sat, they could do nothing but repeat the last words she had said; and she had no particular wish to hear her own words over again. It was just as if they had all taken something to make them sleepy while they were in the palace, for they did not recover themselves nor speak till they got back again into the street. There was quite a long line of them reaching from the town-gate to the palace. I went myself to see them,” said the crow. “They were hungry and thirsty, for at the palace they did not get even a glass of water. Some of the wisest had taken a few slices of bread and butter with them, but they did not share it with their neighbors; they thought if they went in to the princess looking hungry, there would be a better chance for themselves.”

“But Kay! tell me about little Kay!” said Gerda, “was he amongst the crowd?”

“Stop a bit, we are just coming to him. It was on the third day, there came marching cheerfully along to the palace a little personage, without horses or carriage, his eyes sparkling like yours; he had beautiful long hair, but his clothes were very poor.”

“That was Kay!” said Gerda joyfully. “Oh, then I have found him;” and she clapped her hands.



“He had a little knapsack on his back,” added the crow.

“No, it must have been his sledge,” said Gerda; “for he went away with it.”

“It may have been so,” said the crow; “I did not look at it very closely. But I know from my tame sweetheart that he passed through the palace gates, saw the guards in their silver uniform, and the servants in their liveries of gold on the stairs, but he was not in the least embarrassed. ?It must be very tiresome to stand on the stairs,? he said. ?I prefer to go in.? The rooms were blazing with light. Councillors and ambassadors walked about with bare feet, carrying golden vessels; it was enough to make any one feel serious. His boots creaked loudly as he walked, and yet he was not at all uneasy.”

“It must be Kay,” said Gerda, “I know he had new boots on, I have heard them creak in grandmother?s room.”

“They really did creak,” said the crow, “yet he went boldly up to the princess herself, who was sitting on a pearl as large as a spinning wheel, and all the ladies of the court were present with their maids, and all the cavaliers with their servants; and each of the maids had another maid to wait upon her, and the cavaliers? servants had their own servants, as well as a page each. They all stood in circles round the princess, and the nearer they stood to the door, the prouder they looked. The servants? pages, who always wore slippers, could hardly be looked at, they held themselves up so proudly by the door.”

“It must be quite awful,” said little Gerda, “but did Kay win the princess?”

“If I had not been a crow,” said he, “I would have married her myself, although I am engaged. He spoke just as well as I do, when I speak the crows? language, so I heard from my tame sweetheart. He was quite free and agreeable and said he had not come to woo the princess, but to hear her wisdom; and he was as pleased with her as she was with him.”

“Oh, certainly that was Kay,” said Gerda, “he was so clever; he could work mental arithmetic and fractions. Oh, will you take me to the palace?”

“It is very easy to ask that,” replied the crow, “but how are we to manage it? However, I will speak about it to my tame sweetheart, and ask her advice; for I must tell you it will be very difficult to gain permission for a little girl like you to enter the palace.”

“Oh, yes; but I shall gain permission easily,” said Gerda, “for when Kay hears that I am here, he will come out and fetch me in immediately.”

“Wait for me here by the palings,” said the crow, wagging his head as he flew away.

It was late in the evening before the crow returned. “Caw, caw,” he said, “she sends you greeting, and here is a little roll which she took from the kitchen for you; there is plenty of bread there, and



she thinks you must be hungry. It is not possible for you to enter the palace by the front entrance. The guards in silver uniform and the servants in gold livery would not allow it. But do not cry, we will manage to get you in; my sweetheart knows a little back-staircase that leads to the sleeping apartments, and she knows where to find the key.”

Then they went into the garden through the great avenue, where the leaves were falling one after another, and they could see the light in the palace being put out in the same manner. And the crow led little Gerda to the back door, which stood ajar. Oh! how little Gerda?s heart beat with anxiety and longing; it was just as if she were going to do something wrong, and yet she only wanted to know where little Kay was. “It must be he,” she thought, “with those clear eyes, and that long hair.” She could fancy she saw him smiling at her, as he used to at home, when they sat among the roses. He would certainly be glad to see her, and to hear what a long distance she had come for his sake, and to know how sorry they had been at home because he did not come back. Oh what joy and yet fear she felt! They were now on the stairs, and in a small closet at the top a lamp was burning. In the middle of the floor stood the tame crow, turning her head from side to side, and gazing at Gerda, who curtseyed as her grandmother had taught her to do.

“My betrothed has spoken so very highly of you, my little lady,” said the tame crow, “your life-history, Vita, as it may be called, is very touching. If you will take the lamp I will walk before you. We will go straight along this way, then we shall meet no one.”

“It seems to me as if somebody were behind us,” said Gerda, as something rushed by her like a shadow on the wall, and then horses with flying manes and thin legs, hunters, ladies and gentlemen on horseback, glided by her, like shadows on the wall.

“They are only dreams,” said the crow, “they are coming to fetch the thoughts of the great people out hunting.”

“All the better, for we shall be able to look at them in their beds more safely. I hope that when you rise to honor and favor, you will show a grateful heart.”

“You may be quite sure of that,” said the crow from the forest.

They now came into the first hall, the walls of which were hung with rose-colored satin, embroidered with artificial flowers. Here the dreams again flitted by them but so quickly that Gerda could not distinguish the royal persons. Each hall appeared more splendid than the last, it was enought to bewilder any one. At length they reached a bedroom. The ceiling was like a great palm-tree, with glass leaves of the most costly crystal, and over the centre of the floor two beds, each resembling a lily, hung from a stem of gold. One, in which the princess lay, was white, the other was red; and in this Gerda had to seek for little Kay. She pushed one of the red leaves aside, and saw a little brown neck. Oh, that must be Kay! She called his name out quite loud, and held the lamp over him. The dreams rushed back into the room on horseback. He woke, and turned his head round, it was not little Kay! The prince was only like him in the neck, still he was young and pretty. Then the princess peeped out of her white-lily bed, and asked what was the matter. Then little Gerda wept and told her story, and all that the crows had done to help her.



“You poor child,” said the prince and princess; then they praised the crows, and said they were not angry for what they had done, but that it must not happen again, and this time they should be rewarded.

“Would you like to have your freedom?” asked the princess, “or would you prefer to be raised to the position of court crows, with all that is left in the kitchen for yourselves?”

Then both the crows bowed, and begged to have a fixed appointment, for they thought of their old age, and said it would be so comfortable to feel that they had provision for their old days, as they called it. And then the prince got out of his bed, and gave it up to Gerda,—he could do no more; and she lay down. She folded her little hands, and thought, “How good everyone is to me, men and animals too;” then she closed her eyes and fell into a sweet sleep. All the dreams came flying back again to her, and they looked like angels, and one of them drew a little sledge, on which sat Kay, and nodded to her. But all this was only a dream, and vanished as soon as she awoke.

The following day she was dressed from head to foot in silk and velvet, and they invited her to stay at the palace for a few days, and enjoy herself, but she only begged for a pair of boots, and a little carriage, and a horse to draw it, so that she might go into the wide world to seek for Kay. And she obtained, not only boots, but also a muff, and she was neatly dressed; and when she was ready to go, there, at the door, she found a coach made of pure gold, with the coat-of-arms of the prince and princess shining upon it like a star, and the coachman, footman, and outriders all wearing golden crowns on their heads. The prince and princess themselves helped her into the coach, and wished her success. The forest crow, who was now married, accompanied her for the first three miles; he sat by Gerda?s side, as he could not bear riding backwards. The tame crow stood in the door-way flapping her wings. She could not go with them, because she had been suffering from headache ever since the new appointment, no doubt from eating too much. The coach was well stored with sweet cakes, and under the seat were fruit and gingerbread nuts. “Farewell, farewell,” cried the prince and princess, and little Gerda wept, and the crow wept; and then, after a few miles, the crow also said “Farewell,” and this was the saddest parting. However, he flew to a tree, and stood flapping his black wings as long as he could see the coach, which glittered in the bright sunshine.

Fifth Story:

Little Robber-Girl

HE coach drove on through a thick forest, where it lighted up the way like a torch, and dazzled the eyes of some robbers, who could not bear to let it pass them unmolested.

“It is gold! it is gold!” cried they, rushing forward, and seizing the horses. Then they struck the little jockeys, the coachman, and the footman dead, and pulled little Gerda out of the carriage.



“She is fat and pretty, and she has been fed with the kernels of nuts,” said the old robber-woman, who had a long beard and eyebrows that hung over her eyes. “She is as good as a little lamb; how nice she will taste!” and as she said this, she drew forth a shining knife, that glittered horribly. “Oh!” screamed the old woman the same moment; for her own daughter, who held her back, had bitten her in the ear. She was a wild and naughty girl, and the mother called her an ugly thing, and had not time to kill Gerda.

“She shall play with me,” said the little robber-girl; “she shall give me her muff and her pretty dress, and sleep with me in my bed.” And then she bit her mother again, and made her spring in the air, and jump about; and all the robbers laughed, and said, “See how she is dancing with her young cub.”

“I will have a ride in the coach,” said the little robber-girl; and she would have her own way; for she was so self-willed and obstinate.

She and Gerda seated themselves in the coach, and drove away, over stumps and stones, into the depths of the forest. The little robber-girl was about the same size as Gerda, but stronger; she had broader shoulders and a darker skin; her eyes were quite black, and she had a mournful look. She clasped little Gerda round the waist, and said,—

“They shall not kill you as long as you don?t make us vexed with you. I suppose you are a princess.”

“No,” said Gerda; and then she told her all her history, and how fond she was of little Kay.

The robber-girl looked earnestly at her, nodded her head slightly, and said, “They sha?nt kill you, even if I do get angry with you; for I will do it myself.” And then she wiped Gerda?s eyes, and stuck her own hands in the beautiful muff which was so soft and warm.

The coach stopped in the courtyard of a robber?s castle, the walls of which were cracked from top to bottom. Ravens and crows flew in and out of the holes and crevices, while great bulldogs, either of which looked as if it could swallow a man, were jumping about; but they were not allowed to bark. In the large and smoky hall a bright fire was burning on the stone floor. There was no chimney; so the smoke went up to the ceiling, and found a way out for itself. Soup was boiling in a large cauldron, and hares and rabbits were roasting on the spit.

“You shall sleep with me and all my little animals to-night,” said the robber-girl, after they had had something to eat and drink. So she took Gerda to a corner of the hall, where some straw and carpets were laid down. Above them, on laths and perches, were more than a hundred pigeons, who all seemed to be asleep, although they moved slightly when the two little girls came near them. “These all belong to me,” said the robber-girl; and she seized the nearest to her, held it by the feet, and shook it till it flapped its wings. “Kiss it,” cried she, flapping it in Gerda?s face. “There sit the wood-pigeons,” continued she, pointing to a number of laths and a cage which had been fixed into the walls, near one of the openings. “Both rascals would fly away directly, if they were not closely locked up. And here is my old sweetheart ?Ba;?” and she dragged out a reindeer



by the horn; he wore a bright copper ring round his neck, and was tied up. “We are obliged to hold him tight too, or else he would run away from us also. I tickle his neck every evening with my sharp knife, which frightens him very much.” And then the robber-girl drew a long knife from a chink in the wall, and let it slide gently over the reindeer?s neck. The poor animal began to kick, and the little robber-girl laughed, and pulled down Gerda into bed with her.

“Will you have that knife with you while you are asleep?” asked Gerda, looking at it in great fright.

“I always sleep with the knife by me,” said the robber-girl. “No one knows what may happen. But now tell me again all about little Kay, and why you went out into the world.”

Then Gerda repeated her story over again, while the wood-pigeons in the cage over her cooed, and the other pigeons slept. The little robber-girl put one arm across Gerda?s neck, and held the knife in the other, and was soon fast asleep and snoring. But Gerda could not close her eyes at all; she knew not whether she was to live or die. The robbers sat round the fire, singing and drinking, and the old woman stumbled about. It was a terrible sight for a little girl to witness.

Then the wood-pigeons said, “Coo, coo; we have seen little Kay. A white fowl carried his sledge, and he sat in the carriage of the Snow Queen, which drove through the wood while we were lying in our nest. She blew upon us, and all the young ones died excepting us two. Coo, coo.”

“What are you saying up there?” cried Gerda. “Where was the Snow Queen going? Do you know anything about it?”

“She was most likely travelling to Lapland, where there is always snow and ice. Ask the reindeer that is fastened up there with a rope.”

“Yes, there is always snow and ice,” said the reindeer; “and it is a glorious place; you can leap and run about freely on the sparkling ice plains. The Snow Queen has her summer tent there, but her strong castle is at the North Pole, on an island called Spitzbergen.”

“Oh, Kay, little Kay!” sighed Gerda.

“Lie still,” said the robber-girl, “or I shall run my knife into your body.”

In the morning Gerda told her all that the wood-pigeons had said; and the little robber-girl looked quite serious, and nodded her head, and said, “That is all talk, that is all talk. Do you know where Lapland is?” she asked the reindeer.

“Who should know better than I do?” said the animal, while his eyes sparkled. “I was born and brought up there, and used to run about the snow-covered plains.”

“Now listen,” said the robber-girl; “all our men are gone away,— only mother is here, and here she will stay; but at noon she always drinks out of a great bottle, and afterwards sleeps for a little



while; and then, I?ll do something for you.” Then she jumped out of bed, clasped her mother round the neck, and pulled her by the beard, crying, “My own little nanny goat, good morning.” Then her mother filliped her nose till it was quite red; yet she did it all for love.

When the mother had drunk out of the bottle, and was gone to sleep, the little robber-maiden went to the reindeer, and said, “I should like very much to tickle your neck a few times more with my knife, for it makes you look so funny; but never mind,—I will untie your cord, and set you free, so that you may run away to Lapland; but you must make good use of your legs, and carry this little maiden to the castle of the Snow Queen, where her play-fellow is. You have heard what she told me, for she spoke loud enough, and you were listening.”

Then the reindeer jumped for joy; and the little robber-girl lifted Gerda on his back, and had the forethought to tie her on, and even to give her her own little cushion to sit on.

“Here are your fur boots for you,” said she; “for it will be very cold; but I must keep the muff; it is so pretty. However, you shall not be frozen for the want of it; here are my mother?s large warm mittens; they will reach up to your elbows. Let me put them on. There, now your hands look just like my mother?s.”

But Gerda wept for joy.

“I don?t like to see you fret,” said the little robber-girl; “you ought to look quite happy now; and here are two loaves and a ham, so that you need not starve.” These were fastened on the reindeer, and then the little robber-maiden opened the door, coaxed in all the great dogs, and then cut the string with which the reindeer was fastened, with her sharp knife, and said, “Now run, but mind you take good care of the little girl.” And then Gerda stretched out her hand, with the great mitten on it, towards the little robber-girl, and said, “Farewell,” and away flew the reindeer, over stumps and stones, through the great forest, over marshes and plains, as quickly as he could. The wolves howled, and the ravens screamed; while up in the sky quivered red lights like flames of fire. “There are my old northern lights,” said the reindeer; “see how they flash.” And he ran on day and night still faster and faster, but the loaves and the ham were all eaten by the time they reached Lapland.

Sixth Story:

The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman

HEY stopped at a little hut; it was very mean looking; the roof sloped nearly down to the ground, and the door was so low that the family had to creep in on their hands and knees, when they went in and out. There was no one at home but an old Lapland woman, who was cooking fish by the light of a train-oil lamp. The reindeer told her all about Gerda?s story, after having first told his own, which seemed to him the most important, but Gerda was so pinched with the cold that she



could not speak. “Oh, you poor things,” said the Lapland woman, “you have a long way to go yet. You must travel more than a hundred miles farther, to Finland. The Snow Queen lives there now, and she burns Bengal lights every evening. I will write a few words on a dried stock-fish, for I have no paper, and you can take it from me to the Finland woman who lives there; she can give you better information than I can.” So when Gerda was warmed, and had taken something to eat and drink, the woman wrote a few words on the dried fish, and told Gerda to take great care of it. Then she tied her again on the reindeer, and he set off at full speed. Flash, flash, went the beautiful blue northern lights in the air the whole night long. And at length they reached Finland, and knocked at the chimney of the Finland woman?s hut, for it had no door above the ground. They crept in, but it was so terribly hot inside that that woman wore scarcely any clothes; she was small and very dirty looking. She loosened little Gerda?s dress, and took off the fur boots and the mittens,or Gerda would have been unable to bear the heat; and then she placed a piece of ice on the reindeer?s head, and read what was written on the dried fish. After she had read it three times, she knew it by heart, so she popped the fish into the soup saucepan, as she knew it was good to eat, and she never wasted anything. The reindeer told his own story first, and then little Gerda?s, and the Finlander twinkled with her clever eyes, but she said nothing. “You are so clever,” said the reindeer; “I know you can tie all the winds of the world with a piece of twine. If a sailor unties one knot, he has a fair wind; when he unties the second, it blows hard; but if the third and fourth are loosened, then comes a storm, which will root up whole forests. Cannot you give this little maiden something which will make her as strong as twelve men, to overcome the Snow Queen?”

“The Power of twelve men!” said the Finland woman; “that would be of very little use.” But she went to a shelf and took down and unrolled a large skin, on which were inscribed wonderful characters, and she read till the perspiration ran down from her forehead. But the reindeer begged so hard for little Gerda, and Gerda looked at the Finland woman with such beseeching tearful eyes, that her own eyes began to twinkle again; so she drew the reindeer into a corner, and whispered to him while she laid a fresh piece of ice on his head, “Little Kay is really with the Snow Queen, but he finds everything there so much to his taste and his liking, that he believes it is the finest place in the world; but this is because he has a piece of broken glass in his heart, and a little piece of glass in his eye. These must be taken out, or he will never be a human being again, and the Snow Queen will retain her power over him.”

“But can you not give little Gerda something to help her to conquer this power?”

“I can give her no greater power than she has already,” said the woman; “don?t you see how strong that is? How men and animals are obliged to serve her, and how well she has got through the world, barefooted as she is. She cannot receive any power from me greater than she now has, which consists in her own purity and innocence of heart. If she cannot herself obtain access to the Snow Queen, and remove the glass fragments from little Kay, we can do nothing to help her. Two miles from here the Snow Queen?s garden begins; you can carry the little girl so far, and set her down by the large bush which stands in the snow, covered with red berries. Do not stay gossiping, but come back here as quickly as you can.” Then the Finland woman lifted little Gerda upon the reindeer, and he ran away with her as quickly as he could.



“Oh, I have forgotten my boots and my mittens,” cried little Gerda, as soon as she felt the cutting cold, but the reindeer dared not stop, so he ran on till he reached the bush with the red berries; here he set Gerda down, and he kissed her, and the great bright tears trickled over the animal?s cheeks; then he left her and ran back as fast as he could.


