

Monkey Makes Three Attempts to Borrow the Plantain Fan

The Tang Priest and his three disciples, Monkey (Wukong), Pig and Friar Sand, were heading towards the Western Heaven. Gradually they began to feel hotter and hotter in the warm air. It was very strange, because it was autumn. Later they learnt that the Fiery Mountains were just ahead of them. The mountains had a circumference of 800 li, on which not a blade of grass could grow. A young man selling cakes told them that it was not possible to cross the mountains without a special plantain fan which could only be borrowed from Princess Iron Fan. After having made arrangements for his master, Monkey left for the Plantain Cave to see Princess Iron Fan. The princess was the wife of the Bull Demon King and the Red Boy's mother. Some time ago, Red Boy had tried to eat the Tang Priest and Monkey had subdued him. Hence Princess Iron Fan hated Monkey and refused to lend the fan to him. Instead she blew Monkey right out of sight with a single wave of her plantain fan. Bodhisattva Lingji heard about this and gave Monkey a Wind-Fixing Pill. Monkey came to borrow the magic fan for the second time. With the Wind-Fixing Pill in his mouth, Monkey could not be moved no matter how hard the princess waved the fan. The princess hurried back to the cave and had the doors closed tightly. However, Monkey turned himself into an insect and got into the princess‘ belly when she was drinking tea. The princess could not stand the pain, so that she agreed to lend the fan to Monkey, but she actually gave him a false one. The third time Monkey came for the fan he decided to turn himself into the Bull Demon King. He got the fan. Upon hearing of this trickery, the Bull Demon King came hurriedly chasing after Monkey. They engaged in a fierce struggle. Soon Pig and Friar Sand came to Monkey's help and forced the Bull Demon King to show his true colors. With the plantain fan, Monkey put out the fire. The master and his three disciples continued their journey to the West to fetch scriptures.






初一(4)班 朱一木

在《西游记》三借芭蕉扇这个故事中,悟空几次借扇均未成功,虽然几次都拿到了扇子,但是总因为几个小疏忽,导致与成功擦肩而过。 第一次借扇时,悟空与罗刹女杀的难舍难分,由于罗刹女的武力不高,占了下风悟空就轻敌了,疏忽了罗刹女的宝贝—芭蕉扇。在危机时刻,罗刹女拿出芭蕉扇用了吃奶的力气连扇了好几下,悟空被扇出了几千里地,罗刹女得胜回府。正如《三国演义》中诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡一样,蜀国丞相诸葛亮疏忽了先主刘备的遗言“马谡言过其实,不可大用。”让马谡去守军事要地-街亭,果然,被杀的落花流水,结果蜀国从此一蹶不振。

第二次借扇时,悟空忘了辨别扇子的真假,第三次也同样因为疏忽,被牛魔王骗取了扇子,最终还是借助天兵天将之力,拿到了扇子。 在社会中,一个疏忽,可以让一个人走上犯罪之路;一个疏忽可能让医生把手术刀放在病人的腹中;一个疏忽,就可能让得100分卷子最后得了99.5分。


