西方人认为最地道的英语自我介绍 文档


1、I am /My name is ...

I am Diana Montego.

My first name (名) is Diana.

My last name (姓) is Montego.

I am single.

西方人的习惯:first name + last name 名在前,姓在后。与中国人的习惯相反。 He is Mr. Green.

She is Mrs. Green.

They are married.


I'm .

My first name .

My last name .

I single (married).

be 动词的使用

2、I am from ...

America/ the United States (美国)





I am from America/ the United States.

I am from China.

We are from China.

3、否定 not

I am not Diana Montego.

I am not single.

I am not from America.

am, are, is 后加not 表示“不是”




I am Lee.

I am single. I am not married.

I am from China. I am not from America. 作业:介绍一下朋友。

She is Lily Chen.

Her first name is Lily.

Her last name is Chen.

She is married. She is not single.

She is from Shanghai. She is not from Beijing.


I am /My name is ... I am from ...

first name, last name 的意思 Be 动词的用法



Larry跟李华一起去麦当劳吃早饭。今天我们要学两个常用语: full ride和chill out. LL: Hey Lihua, I'm so happy I got to meet your sister Lijia this weekend. She's such a talented musician, it's no wonder she got a full ride to Julliard.

LH: 李佳上周末在DC玩得开心极了,可惜她要回纽约去上学,不能天天跟我在一起。哎,你刚才说,"She got a full ride to Julliard?― 她没告诉我她每天坐校车上学啊!

LL: Lihua. A full ride is another name for an all-expenses-paid scholarship.

LH: 没错,李佳曾经获得全国小提琴少年组第二名,所以就因此拿到了朱丽亚音乐学院的奖学金,可我还是不懂,奖学金跟搭车有什么关系呢?

LL: A full ride means that all expenses are paid for her education at Julliard. A full ride covers everything from tuition to room and board.

LH: 哦,我终于明白了,full ride跟坐车一点关系都没有,而是指全额奖学金。学校同意负担李佳的学费、食宿和交通。Is that a full ride scholarship?

LL: Yes. A full ride scholarship is awarded to extraordinary students who are very intelligent and talented, and Julliard honored Lijia with a full ride scholarship because she has an exceptional academic record and she is a superb violin player.

LH: 不过,李佳告诉我说,她必需保持优异成绩,才能继续拿全额奖学金,不然,奖学金就会被取消。

LL: Yes, with full ride scholarships, the student is usually required to maintain a high grade point average, like 3.5 or above.

LH: 你是说,拿全额奖学金的学生平均成绩一定要保持在3.5以上,那要是掉到3.0以下怎么办呢?

LL: If the student didn't have a 3.5 grade point average or above, the college might suspend the full ride scholarship, and the student would be required to pay for that semester's tuition and living costs.

LH: 如果成绩不够好,就要自己出学费?不行,我得赶紧告诉李佳加倍努力,朱丽亚音乐学院的学费那么贵,自己出可出不起。She cannot afford to lose her full ride scholarship.

LL: Oh, Lihua, don't worry. We both know Lijia is very hard working, and she enjoys what she's studying. She shouldn't have a problem keeping her full ride scholarship.

LH: 我毕竟是姐姐,有义务督促她努力学习,千万不能丢掉奖学金。

LL: You're such a good example Li Hua, because you got a full ride scholarship for your PhD program, right?

LH: 多亏有这份全额奖学金,我才能继续念书呢。今年六月论文答辩一过,我就正式毕业了。Once I receive my PhD degree, my full ride will end. 我得抓紧时间,赶紧找到工作。


LL: Lihua, I know the economy is pretty bad right now, but I don't think you should rush to find a job. You've been working so hard on your PhD. - I think you deserve take some time off and just chill out.

LH: 给自己放假?现在就业市场这么不好,失业的人比新就业的人还多,我可不敢掉以轻心!再说了,现在天气越来越暖和,How can I chill out if it's hot outside? 大热天,怎么能凉快呢!

LL: No, Lihua, chill out means to relax. It has nothing to do with the temperature outside.

LH: 我明白了。你的意思是说,我毕业以后应该好好放松一下自己。你觉得这样能行吗?

LL: Of course I think it's a good idea to chill out. A lot of students take some time off after graduation to unwind. Some even travel for the entire summer and go backpacking through Europe.

LH: 有人用整整一个夏天去旅行,太过瘾了。不过,我恐怕走到半路,我就口袋空空了。Larry, 你说我该怎样去chill out呢?

LL: I think we could both chill out for a week and drive down to Virginia Beach to lounge on the sand and swim in the ocean with some friends.

LH: 不用写论文,不用准备面试,沉浸在阳光和海水中,还有温暖的沙滩,太美了。 LL: My uncle lives nearby, we could all stay at his house for a few nights.

LH: Oh Larry, chilling out sounds like so much fun! 从海边回来,我还可以到纽约去找李佳,chill out some more!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是full ride, 意思是全额奖学金。另一个是chill out,意思是放松放松。



1. Do you have any pet peeve?


所谓的 pet peeve 就是个人生活习惯上的一些小毛病, 例如有些人不喜欢别人碰他的电脑,pet peeve 与 bad habit不同。通常 pet peeve 都是比较无伤大雅的小毛病, 几乎每个人都有属于他自己的 pet peeve,所以就有老美说过, "Everybody has his pet peeve." 当然 pet peeve 也常常成为老美彼此开玩笑的话题。 "Friends" 有一集就是两边人马在比快问快答, 而其中有一类的问题就是 pet peeves,蛮有意思的。

如果是这个坏习惯大到会影响别人, 像是在公共场所老是讲话很大声, 这就不是 pet peeve, 而要用 annoying 来形容. 常听老美抱怨, "Don’t you think he is annoying?" (你不觉得他很烦吗?)

2. Maybe I’m going out on a limb, but I think we still have to invest it.

或许这么做有点冒险, 但我想我们还是要投资它。

一般人想到冒险, 直觉的反应就是, "It’s risky" 或是 "It’s dangerous." 但是囗语上老美喜欢说, "I’m going out on a limb." 来表示这件事需要冒险。这个 limb 原意是指树枝, 想象当你爬树时爬到小树枝上去了,你是不是不知小树枝什么时候会断掉? 这种不确定的危机感,就是为什么老美要用 "go out on a limb." 来表示冒险的原因了。例如你来到一个清澈的河边, 你很想下去游泳, 但四周又没有救生员, 这时你就可以说, "Maybe I’m going out on a limb, but I think I am gonna try it." (我知道这么做有点冒险, 但我还是要试试看。)

3. I don’t have skeleton in my closet.


每次竞选, 一定会看到候选人争相证明自己的过去是清白的, 没有什么不可告人的秘密。这句话在英文里要怎么讲呢? 当然最简单的说法就是, "I don’t have any secret in the past." 但是这样的说法不如俚语的用法 "I don’t have skeleton in my closet" 来得传神。在这里 skeleton 是指骷髅, 而 closet 是指衣柜的意思, 各位不难想象, 一个人把骷髅藏在自己的衣柜里做什么? 一定是有不可告人的秘密. 例如你在高中时考试作弊被抓到, 还被记了一个大过, 但你长大之后这件事再也没有人提过, 所以你也不想别人知道。这件考试作弊就变成你的 skeleton in the closet。

4. Are you sure you are going to set us up?


在英文里制造机会可不是 make a chance 喔! 虽然这是大家最自然会想到的说法。正确的说法应该用 set up 这个片语, 例如 set you up 就是帮你制造机会的意思。另外, 老美也很喜欢用 fix up 和 hook up 来表示撮合某人。例如你有一个妹妹长得还可以, 你想把她介绍给你同学, 你就可以跟你同学说, "Do you like my sister? I can fix you up." (你喜欢我妹妹吗? 我可以撮合你们。)

5. Probably. It’s still up in the air.


不知道各位有没有这样的经验, 你问他我们今天见面要做什么, 他说我也不知道, 到时再看看吧。其实这种情形中外皆然, 各位不必惊讶。到时候再看看也是老美常说的一句话, 简单的讲法就是, "I haven’t decided yet." "I haven’t made my mind yet." 或是 "We’ll see." 就可以了, 不然的话你也可以小小地卖弄一下英文, "It’s up in the air."

另外 "It’s up in the air." 比较俏皮的翻法就是: "八字还没一撇呢!" 例如别人问你, "Are you dating Jennifer now?" (你跟 Jennifer 开始在约会了吗?) 你就可以答, "It’s up in the air." (八字还没一撇呢!)

6. Okay. Just checking.


在囗语中我们常会讲, 没什么, 我只是随囗问问而已。这个随囗问问在英文里当然你可以讲, "Just asking." 但事实上呢? 大多数的老美都会说, "Just checking." Check 当动词用一般指 "检查", 例如你想进来时可能忘了关门, 你就可以说, "Go check if the door is still open." (检查看看门是不是还开着。) 但是老美说, "Just checking." 时, 这个 check 要翻译成 "随囗问问" 会比较通顺一些. 这句话老美用得很多, 非常值得把它记下来。

另外有一种情形, 比如我们说了一些无关痛痒的小事, 别人也没听楚, 当他再问你刚才说了些什么事, 也许你不想再覆述一遍。这时你可以说, "Just a though."; "Just an idea." 意思就是我只是随囗说说而已。不然的话也可以说, "Never mind." (没什么大不了的, 不用操心。)

7. Do we need to hit a shower first?


Hit 是一个老美很喜欢用, 但老中很不会用的动词, hit 指的是去开始做某件事。囗语中老美喜欢讲, "Let’s hit it.". 例如摇滚乐团的主唱常会看看吉他手, 键盘手, 贝斯手准备好了没, 如果大家都准备好了的话, 他就会大喊一声, "Let’s hit it." 这就代表 "Let’s go." 。

类似的用法还有hit the bed(睡觉), hit the road(上路), 都是蛮值得学的用法.

8. That’s OK.


大家相信吗? "That’s OK." 和 "OK." 指的是完全不同的意思。 如果别人问你要不要先洗个澡啊? 你答, "That’s OK." 就是不要的意思, 答 "OK." 却是要的意思。 记得有一次老美来我家作客, 我问他, "Do you need something to drink?" 他说 "That’s OK." 我想 "OK." 就是好的意思啊, 当然赶紧把茶水奉上, 老美一脸莫名其妙的表情。要记住, 当别人说, "That’s OK." 就表示 "I’m fine." 我很好, 你不用操心的意思, 言下之意就是你不用麻烦了, 我会照顾我自己。所以要记住, "That’s OK." 其实有没关系, 无所谓的味道在里面. 所以如果你要明确的拒绝的话, 可以这么说, "That’s OK. I don’t need anything to drink."

9. Just right place, right time.


大多数的人想到幸运, 都会直觉反应 lucky,但其实 lucky 有很多种表示法。比如你问老美怎么追到这么一个如花似玉的女朋友, 他回答, "Just right place, right time." 是不是立刻联想到了中文里的, "天时地利人和" 这句话? 没想到英语里就这么简单, "Right place, right time." 就解决了。(或许应该再加上 right girl?)

10. Same here.


大家看到中文 "我也是" 的时候, 百分之九十九的人 "me too." 会立刻脱囗而出,甚至有些人还会说, "So do I." 老美是会说, "me too." 和 "So do I." ,但好像太平常了一点。

比较酷一点的讲法应该是, "same here." 它完完全全就等于 "me too." 例如上网聊天最后大家常会说, "All right. I have to go to bed now." (好吧, 我该去睡觉了。) 这时对方就可以回答, "same here." 表示我也该睡觉了。或是像老美在彼此自我介绍时, 通常一个会先说, "Nice to meet you." 另外一个人就会说, "me too." 但我也听过老美说, "same here." 所以这个 "same here." 是完完全全等于 "me too." 的. 另外 ditto 这个用法也流行过好一阵子。它的意思是, "同上" 当然也就等于 "me too" 的意思啦。 例如最有名的例子, 在《第六感生死恋 (Ghost)》 里, Demi Moore 和 Patrick Swayze 的对话, "I love you." "Ditto."

彻底报销/疲惫不堪 怎么说?

李华早上起床,发现昨天晚上下了整整一夜的雪,足足有两英尺深,看来今天是出不去了。今天我们要学两个常用语:total和zapped of energy.

(Knock on Li Hua's door, Li Hua opens it)

LH: Larry! 这么大的雪你怎么跑来了,路上一定特别难走吧?

LL: Li hua, you are right. When I left my apartment, I didn't think the road conditions were that bad, but the roads really are treacherous. I couldn't see where I was going!

LH: 啊?你是开车过来的?那你身上哪来的这么多雪呢?

LL: I just walked five blocks to your house because I got in a wreck. My car is totaled.

LH: Your car is totaled? 什么是totaled? 是不是开到一半陷在雪里了?我帮你去一起把车推出来吧!

LL: No, Lihua, when you say something is "totaled", it means that it is demolished beyond repair.

LH: Oh no Larry! 你说你的车已经撞得没办法修了,彻底报销了?怎么会呢?How did you total your car?

LL: I turned onto your street and I hit a patch of black ice. I lost control of my car and it went sliding at full speed into a telephone pole. The entire front end is totaled.

LH: 哦,原来你是因为开到冰上,车子失去了控制,结果撞到电线杆子上,车前面全都撞烂了。你当时一定吓坏了吧?

LL: You're right. I am really shaken up right now. Totaling my car is probably the scariest experience I have ever had.

LH: 好在撞烂的是你的车,而不是你的人。你好象除了受了点儿惊吓以外,毛发未伤嘛!

LL: You're right. Although my car is totaled, what's most important is that I'M not totaled.

LH: 没错,我们教授Johnson上次出了个小车祸,胳膊就骨折了,更不要说大车祸了,太可怕了。

LL: Yeah, I feel really lucky. People usually get badly injured when they total their cars. My knee feels a little funny, but other than that, I think the airbags did their job.

LH: 别多说了,快进来,赶紧叫拖车公司来把你的车拖走!



LL: Thanks for your help Li Hua, the towing company will be here soon to pick up my car.

LH: 不客气,只要你人没事我就高兴了。一会儿要不要出堆雪人、打雪仗。或许可以帮你转移一下注意力。

LL: Oh Lihua, I don't think I can. This is such a stressful situation. I feel totally zapped of energy.

LH: You are zapped of energy? 你是说精力旺盛?浑身上下有使不完的劲?那好,我们现在就走。

LL: No, Lihua, when I say I am zapped of energy, I mean that my energy level is very low and I am feeling tired.

LH: 哦,你说的zapped of energy意思是精疲力竭,一点力气都没有了。我能理解,你不仅出了车祸,把车子撞了个稀巴烂,而且走五条街到我这儿来,一定累死了。No wonder you're zapped of energy.

LL: Yeah, plus there is already about two feet of snow on the ground. Walking through that much snow can really zap the energy right out of you.

LH: I know you feel zapped. 你既然这么疲惫,不如躺在沙发上休息一会儿吧。我去给你泡杯茶,好不好?

LL: Yes, I would love that. Plus my knee still hurts a little, I think I should rest it for a while.

LH: 好,那你赶快躺下,你早上有没有吃东西,要不要我给你做个三明治填填肚子? LL: Oh, Lihua, you're the best! Yes, even if you don't mind, I'd love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You know, I cannot believe how zapped I feel. I can barely keep my eyes open!

LH: 等等,我去给你拿个枕头和毯子来,让你在沙发上好好休息一下,再喝杯茶,吃点东西,补充补充能量。

LL: (Yawn) Thank you so much Lihua! I will certainly do the same for you next time you feel zapped of energy.

今天李华学了两个常用语,一个是total, 意思是彻底报销。另一个是zapped of energy意思是疲惫不堪。

开始做一件事情/仔细考虑 怎么说?

Larry和李华一起坐地铁回家。今天我们要学两个常用语:get the ball rolling和mull it over.

LH: Larry, 这两天天气真好,我看,过不了多久树就要发芽了。我真巴不得春天马上就到。

LL: Me too. I can't wait until we can walk outside comfortably and not have to wear a jacket. Spring is my favorite time of the year. It's a time for new beginnings!

LH: 说起new beginning新开端,我今天遇到Jeff了。他告诉我说,这个春天他计划多认识一些女孩子,找个固定的女朋友。

LL: Good for Jeff. It's always nice to have a steady girlfriend. So what is he doing to get the ball rolling? Has he made plans for the weekend?

LH: 他说星期五约好了跟朋友一起去看电影,星期六要和好久不见的大学同学一起喝咖啡。

LL: Well, it sounds like Jeff has already gotten the ball rolling with a new social agenda. Now what about his goal of getting a steady girlfriend?

LH: Larry, 你刚才两次说到get the ball rolling, 是什么意思啊?我猜肯定不能按字面理解为让球滚起来吧?

LL: Oh, by get the ball rolling, I just mean what has Jeff done to start or to initiate his plan. When you get the ball rolling, you do something which starts an activity. LH: 噢,get the ball rolling就是开始做一件事情,开始把计划付诸行动。 LL: Exactly, Lihua. It's like in a sport the game usually doesn't start until the ball starts rolling

LH: 我明白了。Jeff 找女朋友的计划,确实已经落实到了行动上。Jeff has gotten the ball rolling.

LL: Oh yeah, so tell me, if you don't mind, how has he gotten the ball rolling?

LH: 他已经加入了一个网上交友俱乐部,而且还问我认不认识什么合适的女孩子,可以帮他介绍呢!



LH: 我前天接到一份聘书,就是我上个月申请的那份工作,那家公司希望雇佣我,可我却很犹豫,不知道是不是要接受。

LL: So how long do you have to make your decision?

LH: 我跟人家说下星期一给他们答复。

LL: Well that still gives you some time to mull it over.

LH: 你说mull it over是什么意思?

LL: Mull it over just means to think about something or to consider something deeply. Like for this decision about your job, you still have the whole weekend to mull it over before making the decision.

LH: 哦,你说的mull it over就是仔细考虑的意思。

LL: Yeah, a lot of people suggest that the best way to make a decision is to mull it over. One expression often used is "Why don't you mull it over and decide in the morning."

LH: 啊?建议别人睡一觉,仔细琢磨琢磨,早上再做决定。那这一夜还睡得着吗?我也在想啊,可是越想越拿不定主意。

LL: It sounds like you're being really hard on yourself and taking the decision really seriously. Maybe you should try and loosen up and forget about it for a while.

LH: 好主意。我今天吃完饭就去打乒乓球,分散一下注意力。不过,Larry, 一味逃避也不是法子;我迟早还是要做决定啊。

LL: When you mull it over, it might help to go over the positives of the new position and compare it with the positives of the job you have now.

LH: 新工作不仅有福利,工资高,而且也比现在的工作更有意思,唯一不好的地方是上班太远,坐地铁单程就要花一个小时。

LL: Hmm... Sounds like there are both positives and negatives to the new job. I can see why you are having trouble deciding. But look at it this way, neither job is perfect and the decision isn't for life.

LH: 你说的一点没错,工作又不是一辈子的事,以后真觉得不适合还可以再换。 LL: So why don't you just forget about it tonight, and mull it over during the weekend?

LH: 好,就听你的,我们今天晚上什么都不想了,去看电影,周末再做决定。 今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是get the ball rolling, 意思是开始做一件事情。另一个是mull it over意思是仔细考虑。 得心应手/做主的人太多反而耽误事 怎么说?

Larry和李华一起吃中饭。今天我们要学两个常用语:in one's element和too many cooks in the kitchen.

LL: Lihua, Isn't this weather gorgeous?

LH: 是啊,两个月前还是冰天雪地的,怎么好象一眨眼就进入夏天了似的。

LL: This year the weather has been really strange. First, it snowed a lot. And now it's really warm. Maybe it's global warming.

LH: 不管是什么原因,只要阳光明媚,我就有一副好心情。坐在这里,感觉整个人都是暖洋洋的。

LL: Do you remember the other day when we were talking about Jeff?

LH: 记得啊,上次我见到Jeff, 他好象正在忙着找女朋友,还说什么这是他今年要实现的目标。

LL: I saw him at a dance party the other night, and he looked like he was totally in his element. He was talking to one girl after another.

LH: 这么说,他已经开始把计划落实在行动上了?不过Larry, what do you mean when you say he was "in his element"?

LL: "In one's element," basically means that someone is in a very suitable

environment and doing something that comes very naturally. Like I could say that you are in your element when you're teaching Chinese.

LH: 哦,我明白了,in one's element, 就是说做什么事情很自如,得心应手。那我也可以说,You are in your element when you're playing video games.

LL: You got it. Jeff looked totally cool and in his element the other night.

LH: 这么说,Jeff在舞会上非常自如,而且十分擅长跟女孩子搭讪。哎,我怎么记得他以前好象特别腼腆。你跟他打招呼了吗?

LL: Of course. He told me that he's become much more social and outgoing during the past year and he's always going out to bars and parties.

LH: 这么说,Jeff 找女朋友的目标用不了多久就能实现了。


LL: Hey, I almost forgot. I have great news. My brother George is finally getting married and we are invited.

LH: George终于要结婚了!真是太好了。婚礼在哪里举行?

LL: I think it's going to be in Orlando. That's where my brother's girlfriend's family is from.

LH: 是佛罗里达的奥兰多吗?我正好没去过迪斯尼。这下好了,可以借着去参加婚礼的机会,到迪斯尼去好好玩玩。 婚礼具体在哪家宾馆,办定了吗?

LL: I'm not sure. My brother and his girlfriend want to have the wedding on a beach. But the bride's family wants to have it at a resort. Seems to me like there are too many cooks in the kitchen.

LH: 你是说George和他未婚妻想在沙滩上举行婚礼,可新娘的家里人却希望能在渡假村里办。可这跟什么厨房、厨子有什么关系呢?

LL: No, you're misunderstanding the phrase "too many cooks in the kitchen." It's a metaphor, meaning that the help or involvement of too many people can do more harm that good.

LH: 哦,我明白了,too many cooks in the kitchen,厨房里大厨太多反而会误事。你是说,在选择婚礼地点的问题上,出主意的人太多,结果反而很难决定。 LL: Exactly. There are too many people involved in deciding the location of the wedding and so it's like having too many cook in the kitchen.

LH: 那去年我们班里几个同学商量春假一起出去玩,可是有人要往北走,有人要往南走,谁都说服不了谁,在这种情况下,我就可以说There were too many cooks in the kitchen. 对吗?

LL: You got it. Having too many cooks in the kitchen sometimes can do more harm than good because sometimes too many people working on the same thing can ruin it.

LH: 你们公司去年那个项目做砸了不就是因为指手划脚的人太多吗?

LL: Absolutely. The project failed because there were too many cooks in the kitchen.

LH: 在George婚礼的事情,真希望―厨房里那些大厨们‖都出去,让George和他女朋友两个人自己决定。

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是in one's element, 意思是做某件事情得心应手、非常自如。另一个是too many cooks in the kitchen,厨房里大厨太多,意思是做主的人太多反而会耽误事。

强心针/即兴 怎么说?

李华正在帮Larry为面试做准备。今天我们要学两个常用语:shot in the arm和off the cuff.

LH: Larry, 明天早上求职面试,你现在心里是不是特别激动?

LL: Actually, I'm pretty nervous about this job interview. I really want to work at this company, so I need to make a good impression.

LH: 别紧张,你一定没问题。再说了,不录用你是他们的损失,象你这么出色的人才,想要你的公司多的是。

LL: Thanks Lihua. That encouragement is a real shot in the arm for me. LH: A shot in the arm?

LL: You can say that something is a shot in the arm if it gives you a lot more confidence and energy.

LH: 哦,就是中文里说的强心针。你是说我刚才鼓励你的话大大地增强了你的信心吗?

LL: Right. For example, I could say that Joe was thinking of dropping out of his economics class because it was so hard. But when he got an A on the midterm, it was a real shot in the arm and he decided not to quit.

LH: 就是说,期中考试得了A,极大增强了Joe对自己修完经济学这门课程的信心。 LL: Exactly. You know, Lihua, my career hasn't been going well lately, but I think this job could give it a real shot in the arm.

LH: 你现在的工作确实没什么发展潜力,换个新工作一定会对你今后的事业发展有好处。对了,我还没问你,你明天准备面试的那家公司是做什么的?

LL: Well Lihua, it's a small company that sells Chia Pets.

LH: 什么?是一家卖草头娃娃的零售商?

LL: Yeah, but it hasn't been doing well lately. I hope that with my business

experience and passion for Chia Pets, I could give this company a real shot in the arm.

LH: 你当真啊???嗨,不管怎么说,我支持你去追求自己的梦想。

LL: Thanks, Lihua. Did you know that Chia Pets cost about $15 each? If

everybody went out and bought one, it would give the economy a real shot in the arm.

LH: 好,为支持你,只要你得到这份工作,我保证一定去买一个草头娃娃。 ******

LH: 言归正传,Larry, 你有没有想好他们可能会问你哪些问题呢?

LL: Well, just a little. But it would probably be good to practice a little bit. LH: 那好,我假装考官,我们来模拟一下怎么样?

LL: Sounds good! It's important for me to prepare beforehand, because I'm not good at speaking off the cuff.

LH: Speaking off the cuff? 这是什么意思啊?

LL: You can say that someone speaks off the cuff when he talks spontaneously without any preparation.

LH: 噢,就是在没有事先准备的情况下即兴发言。

LL: Right. For example, some politicians can speak very well when they have a speech prepared, but don't do well when they have to respond to questions off the cuff.

LH: 我明白了,你还记得上个周末我们一起去看电影,我穿了一件白色大衣,看上去圆滚滚的吗?你还说我象个大白兔奶糖。

LL: Oh come on Lihua, it was just an off-the-cuff remark! You know I didn't mean it.

LH: 我一点都没生气,反而觉得很好笑。Your off-the-cuff jokes are so funny. 对了,我以前听人说过 "off-hand," Off-hand跟off-the-cuff是同一个意思吗?

LL: It's very similar. An off-hand comment is something you didn't think about or consider very seriously before you said it.

LH: 忘记告诉你了Larry, 你带着这副厚厚的黑边眼镜活像一只眼镜猴。 LL: What? No I don't. I look very smart, like a scholar.

LH: 别生气啊,It was just an "off-hand" joke. 我是随便开玩笑的。

LL: Alright Lihua, I understand your point. I won't make any more off-hand jokes about your fashion sense. Now can we please get back to practicing for my interview?

LH: 那好,面试现在正式开始。 Larry, 你想加入我们公司来卖草头娃娃吗? LL: Of course. I really love Chia Pets.

LH: 这我信,看你留的发型,就知道你是个草头娃娃的忠实爱好者。

LL: Another off-hand joke, Lihua?

LH: 哈哈哈.....对不起,你的发型跟草头娃娃实在是太象了。

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是shot in the arm, 意思是强心针。另一个是off the cuff, 或是off-hand, 意思是即兴的。

风马牛不相及的两件事/精打细算的人 怎么说? 开春了,李华和Larry正在商量种花种菜。今天我们要学两个常用语:apples to oranges和penny pincher.

LH: Larry, 终于等到春天了,你说,咱们该种点什么花呢?是玫瑰还是杜鹃? LL: No way, those are too much work. Let's plant a cactus so that we only have to water it once every couple weeks.

LH: 什么?就为省事,你居然要种仙人掌?这也太雷人了吧,那还不如一懒到底,堆几块石头,弄个日本枯山水花园算了。

LL: Oh come on, Lihua. A cactus garden is completely different from a rock garden. You're comparing apples to oranges.

LH: Apples and oranges? 你不是说要种仙人掌吗?怎么又提到苹果和桔子呢? LL: Actually, when you say that someone is comparing apples to oranges, it means he is trying to compare two very different things that aren't the same at all.

LH: 哦,我明白了,to compare apples to oranges意思就是把两件完全不同的东西拿来相提并论。你是在说,仙人掌花园和日本枯山水花园压根儿就是两回事。 LL: Right. Or say your favorite actor is a movie comedian, and my favorite actor only performs in Shakespeare theatre. Comparing the two would be like comparing apples to oranges.

LH: 就是说,虽然俩人都是演员,可一个是演喜剧电影的,另一个是演莎氏比亚大戏的,两人没有可比性。

LL: Exactly!

LH: 可是Larry, 你别忘了,我今天早上把电话借给你用,所以你欠我一个人情,一定要听我的,种玫瑰,不种仙人掌。

LL: What? Borrowing your phone was just a small favor, but this garden is going to be a big project. You're comparing apples to oranges.

LH: Larry, 你不是最喜欢草头娃娃吗?种花也是一样啊,浇水、上肥,乐在其中,你就当是在养宠物好了!

LL: Lihua, you're comparing apples to oranges! Plants and pets are totally different things.

LH: 我承认,动物和植物确实有很大差别,可起码有一点是共同的。 LL: Really? What's that?



LH: Larry, 要不这样吧,种什么,咱俩一人挑一半。怎么样?

LL: That sounds good. I'm going to plant some tomatoes, carrots and blueberries so that this summer I don't have to buy expensive fruits and vegetables at the store. LH: 对啊,我们可以种菜。没想到,你还挺会过日子的。

LL: Well you know, Lihua, in this bad economy we all have to be penny pinchers. LH: Penny pinchers? 是什么意思啊?

LL: Penny-pinching is being very careful not to waste money. It means that you manage to each penny very carefully.

LH: 哦,penny-pinching就是精打细算,一分钱掰成两半花的意思。可是Larry, 这种说法是名词、动词还是形容词呢?

LL: It can be any of those. I could call someone a penny pincher. Or, for another

example, I could say that Todd really had to pinch every penny after his boss lowered his salary.

LH: 那好,我举双手赞成你种菜。这样你就可以省下很多钱,带我去吃法国大餐了。

LL: Uh...actually, Lihua, that reminds me of another phrase. Penny wise, pound foolish.

LH: Penny wise, pound foolish? 这里所说的Pound是英镑吗?

LL: That's right. Penny wise, pound foolish means that you are careful to save little bits of money, but then waste large amounts of money.

LH: 噢,就是说在小钱上精打细算,在大钱上大手大脚。小气鬼,你不会是转弯抹角地拒绝带我去吃法国大餐吧?

LL: Well, if I saved a little bit of money growing my own vegetables, but then wasted a lot more money on expensive dinner dates, I would be penny wise, pound foolish. LH: 你不会觉得把钱花在女朋友身上是浪费吧?

LL: Uh ... I mean ... of course not! It's just that I'm pinching every penny so that I can buy you a really great birthday present!

LH: 生日礼物?我猜,一定是浪漫的―仙人掌花园‖。

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是apples to oranges, 意思是在风马牛不相及的两件事。另一个是penny pincher, 意思是精打细算的人。

适合做某事/努力的成果 怎么说?

开春了,李华和Larry在后院种花种菜。今天我们要学两个常用语:cut out for和fruit.

LH: Larry, 我说的没错吧,种地就是好,既能回归自然,又能有所收获。 LL: Uh ... I'm not sure about that. My back hurts from digging all these holes, and I think some ants have crawled into my pants.

LH: 腰疼?不要紧的,过两天习惯就好了。而且,就算真有蚂蚁爬到你的裤子里也没有关系,蚂蚁不咬人,等一会儿,它自己就爬出来了。

LL: Thanks for the encouragement, Lihua, but I just don't think I'm cut out for gardening.

LH: Cut out? 我们这才开始育苗,离修枝还远着呢!

LL: Actually, Lihua, when you say that you're not cut out for something, it means that you aren't suited for it.

LH: 哦,我明白了, cut out for something,就是适合做某件事情。那你是说自己不适合种地喽?

LL: Right. I'm more cut out for indoor activities, like watching TV in my air conditioned apartment..

LH: Larry, 别泄气,你也不能因为腰疼那么一小会儿,就彻底排斥室外活动啊。 LL: Well you know, I'm just not cut out for outdoor activities in the spring. There is so much pollen that my allergies get really bad.

LH: (Sneeze, sneeze again)哎,这倒是真的。不过,我们还是不能因噎废食,快来帮我参考一下,这些花苗怎么摆更好看。

LL: You can decide where to put them, Lihua. You know that I'm terrible at art, so I don't think I'm cut out to be a landscape artist.

LH: 不会景观设计没关系,我可以教你!记不记得,当年的麻婆豆腐还是你这个老外教我做的呢!

LL: Oh right, but I don't think I'm cut out to be a cook either. That mapo doufu was terrible!

LH: 别忘了,熟能生巧,practice makes perfect. 我刚拿到驾照的时候开车简直就是二把刀,可如今呢,早就是行家了。

LL: To be honest, Lihua, I'm not sure you're cut out for driving. We get really lost every time you drive the car.

LH:Larry, 那不是迷路,我那是故意带你转一圈,欣赏沿途的美景。说到美景,咱们还是赶紧种花吧!



LH: 好,Larry, 大功告成。

LL: Yeah ... sure ... I hope we can sell some of those tomatoes to pay for a masseuse for my back!

LH: 什么?你要把这些西红柿通通卖掉,用赚来的钱去做按摩?要我说,你快别抱怨了,还是好好欣赏一下我们工作的成果吧。

LL: You're right, Lihua. I have to say, it is nice to look at this beautiful garden and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

LH: Fruits? 果实,那可要等上两个月,才能吃到嘴里呢!看来不是装的,你还真对园艺一窍不通。

LL: Actually, Lihua, the fruits of your labor are the reward you receive from your hard work.

LH: 哦,the fruits of my labor就是指我的劳动成果,并不一定是吃到嘴里的果实。是啊,忙了大半天,总算可以停下来,欣赏一下这么美丽的园子了。

LL: Exactly! Or if I studied really hard for a test, I could say that the perfect score I received would be the fruits of my labor.

LH: 我以前好象也听别人这么用过fruit这个词。

LL: Well, you can also say that something "bears fruit," meaning that it produces good results. For instance, I just started working out last week, I will have to wait a few months for all my efforts to bear fruit.

LH: 我看也是,你刚才就挖了两个树坑,就累得喘嘘嘘的,好象跑了马拉松似的,太缺练了!

LL: Well, Lihua, you will be able to enjoy the fruit of all my labor this summer when we go to the beach and I can show off my muscles.

LH: 好啊,就怕你一直待在屋里,猛然脱下上衣,一身雪白的肌肉会刺得我睁不开眼睛。

LL: Very funny. Now come on, let's go out to a restaurant. I may not be cut out for gardening, but I'm definitely cut out for eating!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是cut out for, 意思是适合做某事。另一个是fruit, 意思是努力的成果。

有限的时间有许多事要做/打发时间 怎么说?

Larry跟李华约好,下班后一起在餐馆吃饭,李华先到了一步。今天我们要学两个常用语:have a full plate和to kill time.

LH: (远远地) Hey, Larry! 我在这儿呢!

LL: Hi Lihua. Phew! It's so good to finally sit down and relax.

LH: 你怎么累成这副样子?没不舒服吧?

LL: I'm just a bit tired...I've got quite a full plate at work right now; it's been a very stressful couple of weeks.

LH: A full plate? 什么?你在办公室已经吃了满满一盘子饭菜?不是说好跟我一起吃饭的吗?

LL: Oh, I don't mean a real plate of food, Li Hua, it's just a figure of speech. Saying you have a full plate at work means that you are very busy, it doesn't actually have anything to do with food.

LH: 哦,我明白了,说自己have a full plate意思就是在有限的时间里有许许多多的事情要做。

LL: That's right. That's exactly how I would describe my situation at the office right now.

LH: 那我期末考试前没日没夜地复习功课,也可以说I had a full plate?

LL: Yea, that would be a perfect example. Everyone feels like they have a lot on their plate when finals come around. Or, last fall when my friend Steve was working two part-time jobs while going to school - I could say he really had a full plate back then. LH: 好,我明白了,说了这么半天a full plate, 我肚子已经咕咕叫了。服务员来了,你想好点什么了吗?

LL: You bet I am! I've had such a full plate at work, I didn't even have time to eat lunch today!

LH: 什么?你居然忙得连午饭都没顾得上吃,早知道这样,我们应该去吃自助餐才对!



LL: (Sounding satisfied) Ah! That was a superb bacon-cheeseburger. Now if only I didn't have to worry about going back to work tomorrow morning....

LH: 不想去上班?你开什么玩笑?我敢担保,象你这种闲不住的人,如果没工作,整天待在家里,一定会无聊得发疯。

LL: Lihua, You don't know how lazy I can be. Killing time is one of the things I do best...

LH: Killing time? 什么是kill time?

LL: Killing time is just another way of saying "wasting time." Of course I wouldn't actually kill anything!

LH: 哦,killing time就是中文里说的打发时间。

LL: That's right. And I am an expert at killing time.

LH: 这一点我可以作证。你每天把大把的时间都用来打电子游戏,浪费时间的能力确实已经达到了―专家‖的水平。

LL: Very funny...So I like to kill time with my Playstation on the weekends, there's nothing wrong with that. And besides, I'm not the only one who knows how to kill time...I always see you playing those online games with your friends.

LH: 这倒是真的,上网玩游戏确实是消磨时间的好办法,可以让我放松。Well, I guess I am good at killing time too.

LL: Now if I didn't have such a full plate at work, we could have more time to kill together.

LH: (哈哈),要不这样吧,你明天下班来图书馆陪我看书,我准备考试,你消磨时间。

LL: Well...I think I'd rather go shoe shopping before staring at the walls in some library...

LH: Shoe shopping? 对啊,好主意,我们去逛鞋店。

LL: Uhh...Let's just say I'd much rather kill some time at home rather than spending a few hours at the library or the shoe store.

LH: 想反悔,没那么容易,既然你主动提醒我,那就一定要陪我去逛街。 LL: (Reluctantly) OK,,,Can I at least listen to my mp3 player while you try on the shoes. Listening to music is a very relaxing way to kill time.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是have a full plate, 意思是在有限的时间里有好多事情要做。另一个是to kill time, 意思是打发时间,消磨时光。

一大笔钱/肯定会 怎么说?

Larry星期五提前下班,去学校接李华。今天我们要学两个常用语:a pretty penny和sure-fire.

LL: (Bike bells ring) Hi, Li Hua, I'm right over here!

LH: Larry, 你怎么骑着自行车就跑来了,不是说好开你的新车来接我吗? LL: I never said "new car", I said "new ride". What, you don't like it?

LH: 我的妈呀,这就是你的new ride,新车吗?

LL: Yea, I just bought it yesterday...it cost me quite a pretty penny, too.

LH: A pretty penny? 一美分?这么新的车,不会只要一美分吧?哪有这种便宜事,是不是哪个女孩子送你的?

LL: No, Lihua, I didn't pay just a penny for the bike. "A pretty penny" is a phrase that means a large amount of money - this was an expensive bike!

LH: 真有趣,原来a pretty penny意思是一大笔钱。

LL: That's right. I'll have you know that this is a state-of-the-art brand-name bicycle. I also bought this bike bell, two helmets and a seat for you to sit on in the back. All together it really did cost a pretty penny!

LH: 你既然舍得花a pretty penny买一辆自行车,干嘛不索性再加点钱买辆汽车呢?

LL: A car is way more expensive! After you buy a car, you have to pay for gas, pay for insurance, and not to mention upkeep...it all adds up to be quite a pretty penny - and way more money than I can afford.

LH: 那好,既然你没买汽车,一定省下不少钱,带我到那家新开的日本寿司店,好好打打牙祭如何?

LL: I thought we are trying to save money to go on vacation together? If you want to go somewhere exotic, airfare alone will cost a pretty penny.

LH: 别这么小气好不好。我们都好久没出去吃了,一次寿司肯定不会把你吃穷的。

LL: All right, all right. Hop on. Let's go get some sushi tonight!



LL: Hey, Li Hua, can you hold the door open for me? I want to bring the bike inside. LH: 你把车锁在店门口不就行了吗?干嘛一定要推到店里来?

LL: Leave an expensive new bike outside? No way! That's a sure-fire way to get your bike stolen.

LH: Sure-fire是什么意思啊?

LL: Sure-fire means "absolutely," or "beyond doubt." You use it to express that you are sure about something or that something will surely happen. And leaving my brand new bike outside is a sure-fire way to getting it stolen.

LH: 我明白了,sure-fire是肯定的意思。你是担心自己这么贵买的车,如果放在外面的话,一定会丢。

LL: Don't forget. I spent a pretty penny on this bike. But hey, at least I'm willing to spend a pretty penny at this sushi restaurant, too. Eating sushi is definitely a sure-fire way to spend a lot of money.

LH: 寿司虽然贵,可是it's also a sure-fire way to get me happy!

LL: Alright, let's look at these menus. (Sign) How can food be so expensive if it's not even cooked?

LH: Larry, 做寿司可不简单,要经过严格的培训呢!

LL: Oh, so that's why sushi costs such a pretty penny?

LH: 没错。不仅包寿司需要功夫,做寿司用的材料也要特别新鲜才行,否则的话...

LL: I know, otherwise it's a sure-fire way to get sick! I guess that's why people are willing to spend a pretty penny on sushi.

LH: 就是啊,否则吃了不新鲜的寿司八成会拉肚子。Larry, 你看,这家店有绿茶冰激凌,我们点一个吧?

LL: Didn't you just have ice cream last night? You know, Li Hua, eating ice cream all the time is a sure-fire way to put on weight.

LH: 不就是吃点冰激凌吗?如果撑得走不动了,坐你的自行车回家就是了。 LL: Yea, and once my bike breaks from the extra weight, it will cost a pretty penny to get it fixed again...

LH: 要不我来骑,你坐后面歇着?

LL: You know what, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Are you sure you know how to ride a bike with someone sitting on the back?

LH: 没试过,不过肯定没问题。

LL: ... Well, it's a good thing I spent a pretty penny on these helmets.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是a pretty penny, 意思是一大笔钱。另一个是sure-fire, 意思是肯定会。



Can you change your personality significantly? For example, if you are shy, can you turn yourself into an extrovert who never gets stage fright when speaking in public? 你能彻底改变自己的性格么?比如,从一个害羞之人变成一个在公众面前登台演讲从不怯场的外向之人。

It’s certainly not easy, but experts say it is possible.


First of all, you will never stay the same person. The Wall Street Journal reports several research studies conducted over the past few years show a person’s

personality naturally changes over time in response to life events such as entering a committed relationship or advancing in your career.


From the ages of 20 to 65, people report increases in positive traits. Most people tend to become more agreeable, more responsible, more emotionally stable. Their personalities improve as they mature.


When researchers talk about ―personality‖, they mean a ―characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving that is consistent over time and across situations,‖ says Christopher Soto, a research psychologist at Colby College in Maine, US. Soto told The Wall Street Journal that personality is about 50 percent innate and 50 percent learned.


Psychologists usually use the Big Five personality model. According to this model, the human personality can be divided into five broad categories or domains — openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism and extroversion.


Some personality types are more successful than others. Soto says people who are more conscientious tend to do better in the workplace and school. People who score high on agreeableness and low on neuroticism tend to have more satisfying and stable relationships. Extroverts do better in social and entrepreneurial occupations.


Time is key


According to Soto, even small changes in a person’s personality can produce important effects on relationships, career, health and happiness. But change takes time.


―You start by changing the behavior and then, if you can maintain that new behavior over time, it gets encoded,‖ Soto says.


逊色很多/大吃一惊 怎么说?

李华和Larry在夏威夷渡假。今天我们要学两个常用语: pale in comparison和blown away。

LH: Larry, 我简直不能相信今天是我们在夏威夷的最后一天了!真舍不得走。 L: I know! I feel like we just got here, and now we already have to think about going back home.

LH: 所以我们得珍惜这最后一天,咱们来点刺激的,空中跳伞怎么样?

L: Sky diving? Wow, that would be really crazy! All of our other activities would pale in comparison with sky diving.

LH: Pale in comparison? 什么意思?

L: You can say that something pales in comparison when it is much smaller or less significant than something else.

LH: 哦,pale in comparison就是远远不如,逊色很多。你是说,和空中跳伞相比,我们在夏威夷玩儿的其它东西就逊色多了,简直太没劲了。

L: Exactly! Or for another example, I could say that John decided to accept a new job at a different company because his old salary paled in comparison with the one he was offered.

LH: 你是说, John跳槽到一家新公司,因为人家给他的薪水比原来公司的高得太多了。

L: Right! But I don't know about sky diving Lihua. It sounds really dangerous.

LH: 不用害怕! 你就是走在大马路上,也可能摔跟头啊!难道你因为担心这个就不出门走路了?

L: True, but I think the danger of walking down the street pales in comparison to the danger of sky diving.

LH: 好吧。那咱们去坐直升机好了,可以鸟瞰美丽的夏威夷!

L: I agree. I think the natural scenery back home pales in comparison with the incredible natural scenery here.

LH: 那当然了! 不过,虽然夏威夷景色怡人,但物价也比其它地方贵。咱们坐直升机肯定得花好多钱。

L: You're right. The prices of things back home really pale in comparison with the prices in Hawaii.

LH: 但是咱们都来了,不去肯定会遗憾的!

L: I think you're right. Let's do it!


LH: Larry, 怎么样?这趟直升机之旅很棒吧?

L: Yeah, that was great!I was really blown away by how beautiful the natural scenery was.

LH: Blown away? 被风吹走?你没被吹走啊。

L: Actually Lihua, when you say that you were blown away by something, that means that you were really amazed.

LH: 哦,原来be blown away就是感到震惊的意思。你是说,咱们在空中看到的美景彻底让你瞠目结舌。

L: Right! Here is another example. When I went to the Sichuan restaurant, I knew that the food would be a little spicy. But I was really blown away by just how spicy it was!

LH: 哦,虽然你本来就知道四川菜辣,但直到真把川菜吃到嘴里后,才发现它们可比你想象的辣多了。对了,Larry, 那天咱们去钓鱼,我的垂钓技术有没有让你blown away, 对我刮目相看呢?

L: Lihua, I'm sorry to say that I was not blown away by your fishing skills. Just catching one big fish on your first try is beginner's luck.

LH: 抓到鱼是我运气好?才不是呢!对了,我还听人说过"blow their mind"这也是一个意思么?

L: Exactly. For example, I had seen pictures of the Grand Canyon in books. But when I finally went there, seeing it in person really blew my mind.

LH: 大峡谷的美景的确会让人叹为观止! 对了,上次我做的麻婆豆腐也让你惊艳了吧!

L: Absolutely! When I tasted your mapo tofu for the first time, it completely blew my mind. I couldn't believe how delicious it was.

LH: 你还挺会说话。对了,我们下午得早点出发去机场,别遇到堵车。

L: I know! I was blown away by how crowded the airport was when we landed. LH: 不过比起纽约的交通,这里就算不错了。

L: Oh sure, the lines at the airport here pale in comparison to big US cities. LH: 说到纽约,马上就要回去了,又得上班了,真烦人。

L: Lihua, I have just one rule for going on vacation: never mention work!

今天李华学了两个常用语。个是pale in comparison, 表示不能比,逊色很多。另一个是blown away, 意思是大吃一惊。

正合某人口味/绝不可能 怎么说?

李华和Larry到夏威夷渡假,假期结束后,坐飞机回家。今天我们要学两个常用语: right up one's alley和out of the question。

LH: Larry, 我这次玩儿的真高兴! 躺在沙滩上,懒洋洋地晒太阳,这种日子我永远也过不厌。

L: Yeah, I had a great time too. I love relaxing vacations on the beach, and eating fresh seafood every night for dinner makes it even better.

LH: 不过Larry, 虽然夏威夷的风光很美,但我也喜欢去一些有人文特色的地方,比如逛逛博物馆,看看历史风情。

L: Well then, for our next vacation we can go to Paris! It sounds right up your alley. LH: Paris sounds right up my alley? 你这话是什么意思啊?

L: You can say that something is right up your alley if it is perfectly suited to you.

LH: 哦,right up one's alley, 就是指正合某人的口味。 你是说,巴黎是艺术、文化、还有历史之都,所以去巴黎旅行一定特别符合我的兴趣。

L: Right! Here is another example. Roger loves to argue all the time, so I think a career as a lawyer would be right up his alley.

LH: 可不,对于那些喜欢争辩的人来说,当律师最适合,如果做顾客服务,得天天跟人吵架。对了,Larry, 咱们这趟班机上会播什么电影啊?我爱看喜剧。

L: They're going to play the new Jim Carrey movie, so I think that should be right up your alley.

LH: 要播Jim Carey的喜剧,太好了,正合我意!

L: I'm not really interested in watching a movie right now. I think reading a book might be more up my alley.

LH: 你想看书?那我就自己看电影吧!对了,待会儿空姐过来你帮我拿副耳机。 L: Sure, but you know you have to pay for them.

LH: 耳机还要钱? 下次旅游,我不坐飞机了!

L: Well then, it sounds like the train might be right up your alley.


LH: Larry, 我觉得好难受啊,飞机的座椅怎么这么窄,坐得真不舒服! 唉,航空公司的服务越来越差了!

L: You're right, the airlines have really been reducing the quality of service to save money.

LH: 是啊。现在飞机上的吃的和饮料都要钱,托运行李也要钱,不知道以后会不会连随身行李都要交钱。

L: That would have sounded crazy a few years ago, but today it's not out of the question.

LH: Out of the question? 这是什么意思?

L: When you think that something is totally impossible, you can say that it is out of the question.

LH: 哦,out of the question, 就是绝不可能。 你是说,放在几年前,没人会想到随身行李也可能收钱,可是现在,这已经不是不可能的事儿了。

L: That's exactly right, how about the time my friend Amy asked to borrow my new car. But since she got in three accidents in the past month, I told her it was out of the question.

LH: 哦,因为Amy开车老出事,所以你绝不会把自己的车借给她开。

L: Exactly.

LH: 这倒让我想起来,你什么时候把你那辆破车扔了,换辆新车开开啊?你那旧车说不定那天在路上开着一半就散架了。

L: Well, I just spent all my money on this Hawaii vacation, so buying a new car is out of the question for right now.

LH: 这样的话,你不如骑车上班。省钱,还能锻练身体。

L: I don't think so. My office is really far away, so biking there every day is out of the question.

LH: 哦,对啊,你公司离家太远了,骑车要累死了。你想过换工作么?找个离家近的。

L: I have, but the company I work at now is pretty good.

LH: 可是,如果能找一个又好又离家近的工作,不是更好么?

L: Well I guess you're right. It's not totally out of the question.

LH: 啊,不知不觉,已经飞过一大半的旅程了。你说这趟飞机能准点抵达,而且不弄丢乘客的行李么?

L: Now that, Lihua, is totally out of the question!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是 right up one's alley, 表示正合某人的口味。另一个是out of the question, 意思是绝不可能。

要好朋友/承担责任 怎么说?

Larry跟李华开车去朋友家参加派对。今天我们要学两个常用语:BFF和Take the wheel.

LL: Lihua, we got a really good deal on these gifts for the party. I know my BFF very well, and I'm certain that this type of wine and this kind of cheese are his favorites. LH: 太好了。BFF一定是你朋友名字的缩写吧。他全名叫什么?

LL: No, Lihua. BFF is not my friend's name. BFF is an acronym. Do you know what an acronym is?

LH: Acronym不就是首写字母的缩写吗?我经常说FYI,意思是for your information. 没错吧?

LL: Well, Lihua, for your information, BFF is an acronym that stands for "Best friend forever."

LH: 我明白了,BFF不是你朋友的名字,而是"Best friend forever"的缩写,用中文说,就是一辈子最铁的哥们。

LL: Exactly. We're BFF's because we went to elementary school together and have been friends for almost 20 years. It's common for young Americans to refer to that kind of long-time friend as a "BFF."

LH: Larry,你太让我失望了,我还以为我是你的BFF呢!I didn't even know you had another BFF! BFF能有好几个吗?

LL: Of course you can have more than one BFF, Lihua. But our relationship is

different because you're my girlfriend, which can be turned into an acronym too, the word "girlfriend" can be shortened to "GF."

LH: 我是你的女朋友,girlfriend, 简称GF;那你是我的男朋友,boyfriend, 就是BF喽?

LL: That's right, Lihua. I'm your BF. You're my GF. And we're going to my BFF's party.

LH: 慢点,你说得我都快糊涂了。我是你的女朋友,GF;你是我的男朋友,BF; 我们一起去你最铁的哥们家,他是你的BFF.

LL: You're a quick learner, GF!

LH: Thanks, BF!

LL: So, Lihua, do you have a BFF, best friend forever?

LH: 有啊。她的名字叫郭小倩,我们俩的妈妈就是BFF。我们同一年出生,一起长大,经常在一起玩,自然也就成了BFF。

LL: Where does your BFF, Guo Xiaoqian, live now?

LH: 小倩现在也在美国,是一家公关公司的部门经理。

LH: Well, after you meet my BFF tonight at his party, I look forward to meeting Guo, your BFF.


LL: Well, Lihua, we're almost at the party. You know I've realized that I'm the one who ends up driving when we go out together. When are you going to get behind the wheel?

LH: 站到车轮子后面,那不是很危险吗?你要轧到我,那我怎么办?

LL: No, Lihua, that's not what I mean. "Get behind the wheel" means to get behind the car's steering wheel and drive. I think you should practice driving more often since you just recently got your driver's license.

LH: 哦,你说的get behind the wheel意思是开车。是啊,新考下来驾照,每次开车我都是一手冷汗,恐怕是得多练练。

LL: Exactly. And that reminds me of another similar phrase, which is "take the wheel."

LH: "Get behind the wheel"和"take the wheel"不是一个意思吗?

LL: No. Those two phrases are completely different. You already know that "get behind the wheel" means "to drive." But the phrase "take the wheel" means "to start taking responsibility for something."

LH: 我还是不懂,方向盘跟承担责任有什么关系呢?

LL: I'll give you an example for "take the wheel." A few of my co-workers were laid off this week, so until we can afford to hire more employees, I have to "take the wheel" on finishing the work they left behind.

LH: 最近我们学校也有好几个老教授退休,所以剩下的老师只好接管了他们带的博士生的论文。这也是take the wheel吧?

LL: That's right. "Take the wheel" is just another way to say someone is expected to take responsibility.

LH: 我还记得小时候,父母经常加班,不在家,我只好take the wheel,照顾妹妹,还要给我们俩人煮饭吃。

LL: I didn't know you could cook! I wish you would "take the wheel" on making dinner for me every once in a while!

LH: 给你煮饭吃?可以考虑考虑。不过条件是,吃完饭你也要take the wheel请我出去看电影才行!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是BFF, 一辈子最要好的朋友。另一个是take the wheel,意思是承担起责任来。 输得很惨/打败别人 怎么说?

Larry跟李华一起去参加派对。今天我们要学两个常用语:crash and burn和wipe the floor with.

LL: This is a pretty cool party, don't you think? The music is really good, everyone here is really friendly and it gives me the chance to show off this great new Britney Spears shirt I bought.

LH: 你这件布兰妮.斯皮尔斯的衬衫确实挺抢眼的。我好象很久没来过这么热闹的派对了。

LL: You know what I love to do at parties? I like to just look at all the people and see how they interact. See that short bald guy walking over to talk to that beautiful woman? I bet he's going to crash and burn.

LH: 什么人?crash and burn? 撞车起火? 你快去救他。我马上去找灭火器。 LL: No, wait! I didn't mean that literally. When you say that someone is going to crash and burn, it means that they are going to fail, usually in a very spectacular or embarrassing way.

LH: 哎,你怎么不早说,害我这么紧张。我明白了,你是说那个小个子秃顶男人上前去跟那个漂亮美眉搭讪一定是自讨没趣,会很丢脸。那可不一定,Larry, 你这是以貌取人。

LL: That's true, but there's no way he would crash and burn if he had a great-looking shirt like me.

LH: 你快别臭美了。对了,明天你上课不是有一个很重要的期末展示要做吗?今天是不是应该早点回去准备啊?

LL: Yeah, I do have a presentation tomorrow, so I have to go home early to

prepare. If I forget what I'm supposed to say in front of the entire class tomorrow, I'm going to really crash and burn.

LH: 所以还是早点回去准备,才不会crash and burn。不过,今天你还没唱卡拉OK呢,要不要唱一首再走呢?

LL: Not tonight. I've been sick recently and I would probably lose my voice and start coughing. And I definitely don't want to get up on stage and crash and burn with all these people watching.

LH: 没想到你今天居然这么羞涩。那起码咱们得跳一会儿舞再走,你也看看我最近学的一些最火爆的动作。

LL: Haven't you seen my shirt? I practice my dance moves to Britney Spears songs every night. If you think you're going to dance better than me, I'm afraid you're going to crash and burn.

LH: 你以为穿着布兰昵的衬衫就能在舞池里称王称霸吗?别说那么多了,是骡子是马,拉出来遛遛就知道了。Let' go!


LL: Wow Li Hua, I had no idea you were such a great dancer! You really wiped the floor with me.

LH: Wipe the floor with you? 用你擦地板?我可不敢,万一把你的布兰妮的新衬衫弄脏了,你肯定得跟我急。

LL: Actually, when you say that you wipe the floor with someone, it means that you did something much better than them, or beat them in a competition.

LH: 哦,原来你是承认自己甘拜下风啊。其实你跳得也不错啊。我只是觉得,disco早就过时了。

LL: Trust me, disco dancing will never go out of style. You know, I'm really happy we came to this party. Today I was sad because my favorite professional baseball team, the Washington Nationals, lost to their biggest rivals.

LH: 华盛顿的棒球队输了?怎么会,他们今年不是很厉害吗?

LL: I thought we would wipe the floor with them, but we ended up crashing and burning.

LH: I am so sorry. 不过你要有信心,他们明天肯定赢!啊,时间不早了,我们该走了,你回去再准备一下你的期末展示,免得明天crash and burn.

LL: That's right, I want to give the best presentation and really wipe the floor with all the other students.

LH: 你知道吗?最近我表妹菲菲考大学。没想到,现在中国考大学竞争还这么激烈。You have to get the best grades and really wipe the floor with the other students,这样才能被名牌大学录取,否则就会crash and burn.

LL: It can be that way in America too, which is why I should probably get back and start preparing for my presentation. I don't want the other students to wipe the floor with me when our grades are announced.

LH: Larry 你看,刚才那个小个子秃顶男人逗得那个漂亮美眉笑弯了腰,It doesn't look like he crashed and burned after all. Haha....

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是crash and burn, 意思是输得很惨。另一个是wipe the floor with,意思是比别人强,打败别人。

露底牌/不动声色 怎么说?

李华陪Larry一起去看房子。今天我们要学两个常用语:tip your hand和poker face.

LH: Larry, 这间公寓简直太理想了。两个卧室,一个大厨房,后面居然还有个小院子。我看就是它吧!

LL: Yeah, I know. And best of all, the second bedroom will be a great place for me to keep my collection of Chia pets.

LH: 你心里只有你那些草头娃娃!不过话说过来了,这是你办公室附近唯一的一家高档公寓楼,你也没有别的选择。

LL: Shhh! Don't let the landlord hear that I don't have any other options. I don't want to tip my hand when we negotiate over the price. LH: Tip? 难道租房子还要给房东小费吗?

LL: No no, tip my hand. When you tip your hand, it means that you give someone else secret information.

LH: 我明白了,tip your hand是露底牌的意思。你是怕房东知道你没有其它选择,在租金上就会狮子大开口。所以你不愿意tip your hand,让他知道你的底细。

LL: Exactly. You can remember it by thinking about playing cards. If you tip your hand forward so that other people can see your cards, you give the other players an advantage.

LH: 对啊,打牌的时候一定要拿好自己的牌,让别人看见了你的牌,还能不输?哦,怪不得我老输。一定是你偷看我的牌。

LL: Say, what are you going to get me for a house-warming present? Maybe that new Barack Obama Chia pet that just came out?

LH: 你别想套我的话,暖房的礼物要给你个惊喜,我绝对不会提前tip my hand. LL: Fair enough.But just in case you were wondering what I want, I'll tip my hand a little bit and tell you that I love Chia pets, and I also love Barack Obama.

LH: 我就知道你看中了新上市的奥巴马草头娃娃。说正经的,这公寓唯一的问题就是租金太贵。你老板最近会给你涨工资吗?

LL: Well I asked my boss for a big raise last week, but so far she hasn't said whether she will accept my offer. I bet if I threaten to quit she will be forced to tip her hand.

LH: 你可千万要三思而行。你要是真丢了饭碗,就别想住进这样的“豪华”公寓了!


LL: OK, Lihua. It's time to try to negotiate over the price with the landlord. We don't want to tip our hand, so remember to put on your poker face.

LH: Poker? 谈价钱跟打#9@k牌有什么关系?

LL: No, it's an expression. When you put on your poker face, it means that you don't show any emotion.

LH: 我明白了,poker face就是中文里说的不动声色。你是担心如果表现得太积极,房东就会提高租金,但是如果不动声色,房东就没办法揣摩你的心理,反而会提供一些优惠把你留住。

LL: That's exactly right. It's like when you play poker.You don't want the other players to know if you have good or bad cards by acting happy or sad, so you put on your poker face.

LH: 换句话说,如果你不put on your poke face, 你就会tip your hand. LL: That's right. My boss has a really good poker face. When I asked for that raise, she didn't show any reaction. Now I don't know if she is going to accept it or not.

LH: 那poke face跟straight face是不是一个意思呢?

LL: They're similar, but keeping a straight face usually refers only to not laughing when you think something is funny. It doesn't usually apply to other emotions.

LH: 我知道了,straight face是说故意绷着不笑。哦对了,我已经去过草头娃娃专卖店,奥巴马草头娃娃已经脱销了。

LL: Oh no! That's terrible news! My life is over!

LH: Haha, gotcha! 逗你的! I told you I can really keep a straight face. LL: Oh Lihua, please don't joke about something as important as Chia pets. But you did keep a straight face. You didn't smile at all, even though you were making a joke.

LH: 我可是专业水平的!怎么样,要不要我替你跟房东砍价啊?

LL: Sounds good to me. It's pretty clear that you have a much better poker face than I do.

LH: 忘了告诉你,我的砍价费是每小时一百美元。

LL: What? You won't do it just to be a good friend?

LH: Haha, got you again! 又上当了。

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是tip your hand意思是露底牌。另一个是poke face,意思是不动声色。 孤注一掷/气死了 怎么说?

李华在咖啡馆跟Larry见面。今天我们要学两个常用语: don't put all your eggs in one basket和seeing red.

LL: How's it going Li hua?

LH: 还可以,我这两天正琢磨着毕业以后找工作的事情。

LL: Have you had any luck so far?

LH: 我找到了两个比较合适的,我觉得自己能够胜任,而且起薪也不错。 LL: That's great Li Hua, but don't put all your eggs in one basket.

LH: 鸡蛋?我看中的工作跟养鸡一点关系都没有。

LL: Haha, no Li Hua, "don't put all your eggs in one basket" is a saying in English. It means don't put all of your hopes on one thing, or in other words, have a backup plan if things don't turn out the way you imagine.

LH: 噢,我明白了,别把所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里,就是中文里说的别孤注一掷,别在一棵树上吊死。你是说我最好应该多申请几个。你放心,我会尽可能多寄一些申请表,我一定不会put all my eggs in one basket.

LL: That's a very good idea.

LH: Larry, 你这两天忙什么呢?

LL: Well, Li Hua, I have been thinking of moving, so I have been looking at the classifieds for a new place. I am looking all over town and compiling a list, that way I will have a back up if my first choice falls through. I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket.

LH: 好主意。我的租约也快到期了。到时候你要帮我,多找几个合适的公寓,看看哪里有空的,按你的话说,I cannot put all my eggs in one basket.

LL: Exactly. Now what shall we do tonight?

LH: 我们可以去看今天上映的那部新片。不过,也有可能买不到票,所有我们要做两手准备。We don't want to put all our eggs in one basket.

LL: That is a good point, Li Hua. Do you have any ideas of other things to do to avoid putting all our eggs in one basket?

LH: 电影院旁边就有个保龄球馆,万一买不到电影票,我们就去打保龄球。 ******


LH: 真倒霉,被我不幸言中,电影票还真卖光了。

LL: That's OK, Li Hua, now I can awe you with my bowling skills. Here I go. (Sound of gutter balls)

LH: 哈!上来就是一个落沟球,演砸了吧。

LL: (Sign) Oh Boy, I am seeing red about having bowled so poorly.

LH: 眼前都是红色?你别吓唬我。

LL: No, Li Hua, seeing red means I'm really mad about something.

LH: 噢,seeing red是特别生气的意思。那我们没买到电影票,你有没有seeing red? LL: Well, no Li Hua, I was a little annoyed but I was not quite seeing red. Seeing red means that you are really angry.

LH: 那两个月前,我的手提电脑被偷,我就可以说I was seeing red.

LL: Yes, Li Hua, that's exactly right, if somebody stole my laptop, I would certainly be seeing red.

LH: 对了,昨天早上我在餐厅里把番茄酱洒了一身。I was really seeing red. LL: Was it because you were angry or because the sauce is literally red? LH: 你还开我玩笑!我昨天穿了件新衬衣,真心疼死我了。

LL: I've done that in the past. It is pretty bad.

冷若冰霜/逐渐接受 怎么说?

李华来公司找Larry,两人一起去吃午饭。今天我们要学两个常用语: icy和warmed up to.

LH: Larry, 今天上班忙吗?

LL: Well it has been alright all morning, but I am kind of nervous about this presentation I have to make this afternoon.

LH: 不就是做个演示吗,又不是第一次,你有什么好紧张的?

LL: The client who I am presenting to is somewhat icy towards me.

LH: Icy? 你是说那个客户对你特别冷淡?

LL: Yes, she is very cold and icy to me. I hope that I can impress her with my presentation.

LH: 别担心,有些人生性冷淡,可能并不是针对你。上学期跟我一起做项目的一个男生就特别icy.

LL: And...in what ways is he icy?

LH: 他从来不笑,就连他在脸谱网页上的照片都是一脸苦相,好象别人欠了他的钱。别人跟他说话,他就瞪着别人,没有一丝表情。

LL: That guy sounds like an icy character. How did you deal with having to work with him?

LH: 还好我们是一组人,不光我们两个。大家分配好工作,他用了一个周末,就把自己份内的事情做好了。

LL: That's good. He may have been icy, but he sure was efficient.

LH: 一个学期下来,他脸上总算有了笑容,but for a long time he was very icy towards us.

LL: Hopefully my presentation will get through to today's client.

LH: 肯定没问题。我发现,有些人对人冷淡,其实是因为他们自己不擅长社交。 LL: I hope you're right. The last thing I want to do is offend one of our clients. LH: 你唯一能做的就是做好份内工作,对客户格外客气。这样,即使她对人冷淡,可能还是会对你有个好印象。

LL: Thanks, Li Hua, that is great advice. I am going to go now, wish me luck. LH: 加油!



LH: 你今天下午的展示做得顺利吗?

LL: It went really well! I was nervous that the client would be icy towards me, but she seemed to really enjoy the presentation. I think she really warmed up to me. LH: Warmed up to you? 你是说那个客户已经对你不再冷淡,开始喜欢你了吗? LL: Yes, that is exactly right.

LH: 你觉得她逐渐对你热情起来,是因为你今天下午的表现吗?

LL: I don't know Li Hua. I hope so. I think it went really well. She really seemed to be enjoying it by the end. At first she seemed very icy, but when I was done she had warmed up and was smiling.

LH: 太好了!我就说过吧,她冷淡不是针对你。就象我们项目小组的那个男生,经过一个学期的合作,熟了以后就从冷淡变得热情了。

LL: Often when someone seems icy, it just takes a little time for them to warm up to you.

LH: 没错。那个客户对你的表现很满意,是不是说订单有戏了?

LL: I hope so. That would definitely make the executives warm up to the idea of me being on the team.

LH: 是啊,没准老板一高兴,还会给你涨工资呢!

LL: It's possible. Say, Li Hua, have you seen this show called "The Street"? LH: 我特别喜欢看。What do you think?

LL: Well at first I didn't really like it, but after watching it a few times, I have warmed up to it.

LH: 这么说,不仅可以warm up to一个人,还可以warm up to一件事情喽?

LL: Yes Li Hua, because I gradually came to like the show, I warmed up to it. This is just like how the icy client warmed up to my presentation.

LH: 我明白了。那你开始的时候为什么会觉得这个剧没意思呢?

LL: When I first started watching it, I found the characters to be a little bit annoying, especially that one icy man. Over time, though, I have warmed up to them.

LH: 我同意,戏里面的一些角色是不太招人喜欢,可以剧本写得很棒,扣人心弦。 LL: The plots of the episodes are what caused me to warm up to the show. LH: 你看,快八点了,今天是星期三,正好要播出一集新的。

LL: Let's watch it then!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是 icy, 意思是冷若冰霜。另一个是warm up to, 意思是逐渐开始接受和喜欢。

无聊/落伍 怎么说?

LH: Larry, 晚上你想干什么?

LL: I'm not sure Li Hua, did you have anything in mind?

LH: 我想去看新上映的喜剧片,讲好几个俄亥俄单身女子的那个。

LL: That movie? It looks like a total snoozefest! There's no way you'll get me in there!

LH: Snoozefest? 我猜snoozefest是无聊的意思吧?

LL: Yes, Li Hua, snooze is another word for sleep, and fest means party. So a snoozefest is something that's so boring it puts everyone to sleep.

LH: 我可不觉得这个电影无聊。要不你说,看什么电影?

LL: I would like to see that new action movie about a spy in Russia.

LH: 啊?你想看那个俄罗斯间谍片?光看介绍就知道,绝对是俗套的snoozefest! LL: I don't think it sounds like a snoozefest to me. I find action movies to be very exciting.

LH: 看起来,我们两人对电影的品味完全不同。

LL: Yes, that sounds exactly right. So how are your classes going?

LH: 别提了,我刚完成的那篇文章枯燥极了。It is a total snoozefest. 题目是七十年代加拿大的经济和不列颠哥伦比亚省的捕鱼业。

LL: (Yawn) You're putting me to sleep just explaining it.

LH: 你还没去上过课呢!那位老先生讲起课来循循善诱,徐徐道来,经常说着说着就跑题了。It truly is a snoozefest.

LL: How do you deal with it?

LH: 一个字:coffee.

LL: That seems like a good plan. The other day I had a meeting at work that was also a total snoozefest. It took all of my energy to stay awake.

LH: 言归正传,咱们晚上到底看什么电影?赶快决定吧。

LL: Well, I guess we can see the movie you want to see.

LH: Thank you. 你怎么会改变主意的?

LL: I need to catch up on my sleep.



LH: Larry, 你觉得那个电影怎么样?特别好看吧!

LL: Great? I don't Li Hua, I thought that movie was really passé .

LH: Passé. Passé 是什么意思?

LL: Passé Pass-AY, is a word borrowed from French that means lame or uncool when used in English.

LH: 什么?你居然会觉得这么好的电影没劲?Your taste in movies is so Passé 不说这个了,现在时间还早,咱们干点什么?

LL: We could go out to a club and go dancing.

LH: 好啊,去哪里跳舞?

LL: The one on 9th street is cheap.

LH: 你说九街上那间舞厅?But that place is so passé 那里的音乐都是老掉牙的。 LL: Yes, I'll admit it is a little passé.

LH: 咱们去市中心新开的那个舞厅怎么样?听说里面特别棒,It's not passé at all. LL: I heard it's pretty cool, but it's kind of far away.

LH: 这倒是真的。那我们还是去九街上的那间吧。

LL: That sounds good to me. Say, did you ever finish that book I loaned you? LH: 刚看完。

LL: What did you think of it?

LH: 还可以。我觉得it was a little passé作者在书里并没有提出什么新论点,都是别人提过的。

LL: Really? I did not think it was passé at all. I thought that the author made some interesting points.

LH: 书里只有个别片段让我感兴趣,但是总的来说,I thought it was a snoozefest. LL: Well I for one liked it. Did I tell you that a new restaurant opened down the street from my job?

LH: 你们公司附近又开新餐馆了?How is it?

LL: I haven't been yet, but I read a review of it. It said the decorations are somewhat passé but the food is supposed to be delicious.

LH: 真的?什么风味的?

LL: I think it is a Moroccan restaurant.

LH: 我们下次去吃吃看。

LL: Sure, I think that sounds like a great idea Li hua.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是snoozefest, 意思是无聊得只会让人睡觉。另一个是passé, 意思是落伍的,过时的。

处理完了/临时解决 怎么说?

李华跟Larry一起去吃晚饭。今天我们要学两个常用语: squared away和temporary fix.

LH: Larry, 怎么样,今天上班忙不忙?

LL: Oh it was a bit stressful. I had a relatively large report due that I was too busy to start until the last minute, but it looks like I got it all squared away.

LH: Squared away? 你是说虽然等到最后一分钟,但还是赶出来了?

LL: Yes, Li Hua, squared away means I took care of it, or finished the job. LH: 太好了,那你现在可以好好放松一下了?

LL: Yeah. Now I just feel relieved to have gotten the report squared away. LH: 那份报告是关于什么的?

LL: It was just about the logistics of a new advertising campaign that ships out next week. It wasn't too hard, just tedious, but now it is all squared away. LH: 我明白你的感受,处理掉手头的一件大事,肯定是如释重负。

LL: Exactly. It's hard to relax with a report hanging over your head.

LH: 没错。我经济选修课的期中论文上星期交,老师规定要写二十页,而且还要进行很多复杂的数据分析。

LL: How did it turn out?

LH: 我在学校电脑房里整整泡了两天,I finally got it all squared away. 总算是搞定了,竟然还提前了一天。

LL: That's excellent.

LH: 可我一点也不敢放松,这篇论文写完了,可还有另外三篇等着我呢! LL: Well, at least you got one squared away.

LH: 那倒也是。你完成了这份报告,是不是可以喘口气了?

LL: Well now that I've got that report all squared away, I'm pretty much in the clear. I guess I will wait until they give me a new assignment.

LH: 真羡慕你,可惜我还有三篇论文要写,不然我们周末可以去秋游。

LL: I wouldn't worry too much Li Hua, I'm sure you'll get all of your papers squared away in no time.

LH: I know, I just wish that they were already squared away and I didn't have to deal with them. 好,酒足饭饱,我又得去泡图书馆了。


李华 Larry第二天下午一起去喝咖啡。

LL: How'd the paper writing go?

LH: 别提了,论文倒是写完了一篇,可是电脑房里的打印机坏了,我又没带USB, 所以只好把文章寄到我自己的电子信箱里。

LL: That's a good temporary fix.

LH: A temporary what?

LL: Temporary Fix it means a good short term solution for a problem. In this case, emailing the paper to yourself is a good fix until you can print the paper.

LH: 噢,temporary fix就是临时解决办法。我一看打印机坏了,差点儿没得心脏病,还好灵机一动,把论文寄给了自己。

LL: It's good that you found that temporary fix then!

LH: 可不是吗,要不然,我还真是不知道要怎么办了。

LL: The other day at work we had to come up with a temporary fix because our usual print-shop was closed for vacation, and the one we hired instead completely botched the job.

LH: 怎么回事?不会是把你们的广告印刷品都印坏了吧?

LL: Well the whole thing came out backwards and none of the words went with the pictures, plus we had a client coming in only an hour afterwards.

LH: 那你们最后是怎么办的?

LL: Ultimately we just cut the words out of each picture and switched them with scissors and glue. It held together through the meeting. It didn't look perfect but at least it was a temporary fix.

LH: 客户有没有看出什么破绽?

LL: I think we made an alright impression on the client. I'm not sure that they noticed that anything was wrong.

LH: That's great.

LL: Yeah, what about you, how did your paper turn out?

LH: 最后我还是在导师的办公室里把论文印出来的。

LL: So your temporary fix was successful.

LH: 没错,我现在只剩一篇论文就万事大吉了!

LL: Well, you're almost there.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是squared away 意思是处理完了。另一个是temporary fix意思是临时的解决办法。



LL: (Tired sounding) Hello?

LH: Larry, 你怎么还在家里,不是说好六点钟到我这儿来吃饭吗?

LL: What? What time is it?

LH: 现在已经快七点了!

LL: Oh man, I'm sorry Li Hua. I fell asleep when I got home from work. I was comatose.

LH: Coma what? 你昏迷了吗?没出什么事儿吧?

LL: No, I was just exaggerating, but it was like I was in a coma. I've been asleep for 2 hours.

LH: 你这两天是不是又因为赶项目熬夜了?

LL: It wasn't that bad. I just didn't sleep that well last night. My neighbor's dog was barking all night about something. I was out of it all day, and when I got home, I just passed out, comatose.

LH: 我前天晚上在图书馆查资料,实在太累,趴在桌上就睡着了,I was totally

comatose for an hour. 最后还是图书馆的工作人员把我叫醒的,因为人家要关门了。 LL: I remember the college library being a fine place to take a nap.

LH: 是啊,图书馆里的椅子都特别舒服,而且又安静,最合适睡觉。

LL: So what we are doing tonight? What is the plan? I feel refreshed after two hours of comatose.

LH: 我本来计划你过来以后一起吃点儿东西,然后出去看个电影的。

LL: Well it might be a little late to go out to a movie since I was comatose and slept for so long. But I've got a better idea.

LH: 快说,什么好主意?

LL: The movie Top Mission is coming out on DVD today. How about I stop by the rental store to borrow one and bring it over to your place to watch after dinner? LH: 确实是好主意。不过Larry,我怎么没听说这部电影呢?讲什么的?

LL: It's about an undercover agent.

LH: 又是间谍片!You'll put me in a coma.

LL: OK....Well how about I just come by and we'll worry about our plans after we eat, I'm starving.

LH: 好吧,那你马上过来,我去把菜热一下。




LH: Larry, 你不是说马上过来吗?怎么这么长时间?

LL: I'm sorry Li Hua, the roads were mobbed.

LH: Mobbed? 我不懂,难道路上有人聚众闹事吗?

LL: Not the Mafia Li Hua, mobbed means extremely crowded.

LH: 哦,mobbed是拥挤的意思。这么说,今天路上车特别多喽?

LL: Was there ever, it took me 15 minutes just to get two blocks forward. LH: 中文里这叫车水马龙,水泄不通。

LL: Yeah, it was a total mob-scene.

LH: 我最受不了堵车了。一堵车我就心急如焚的。I'm glad I'm not driving right now if it is mobbed.

LL: Knowing you, I don't think you would do too well out there tonight.

LH: 今天下午我去图书馆借书,现在正赶上期中考试,图书馆里人山人海,不知道的,还以为有人发免费午餐呢!

LL: I'll bet the library was mobbed. Was there anywhere to sit?

LH: 座位早被占光了,很多学生索性坐在地上看书。

LL: That sure sounds like it sure was mobbed. Did you get what you were looking for at least?.

LH: 真是万幸,我要借的书,书架上只剩下一本了,就被我抢到了手。

LL: Good for you. Now that I've fought through the mobbed streets to get here, what's for dinner?

LH: 我按照新食谱做了酸辣汤,还有你最爱吃的花菜和烤鸡。

LL: Sounds great Lihua. After all that sitting in traffic, I'm famished.

LH: 如果换了我,先是comatose for two hours, 然后又braved the mobbed streets, 我也一定肚子饿得咕咕叫了。快吃吧!

LL: Thanks Li Hua. This looks absolutely great.



Larry周末去找李华。今天我们要学两个常用语:the cat is out of the bag和kick the bucket.

LL: Hi Li Hua, how's it going?

LH: 挺好的,总算又考完了一门。你怎么样?

LL: I'm doing pretty well. There's something I've been meaning to ask you... LH: 你先别说,让我猜猜,你要带我出去渡假?

LL: What?How'd you know?! Who let the cat out of the bag?

LH: What? 什么叫"let the cat out of the bag?"

LL: Who told you?

LH: 哈哈,当然是你妹妹Susie.

LL: I can't believe she told you!

LH: Well. I guess she let the cat out of the bag.

LL: Did she ever! I can't believe she let the cat out of the bag!

LH: 你还不了解Susie吗,她肚子里什么事情也藏不住。

LL: I see that now.

LH: 你以后有什么要保密的事,千万不能告诉她。

LL: I guess Susie is not a good candidate for being a spy.

LH: 她要当间谍,第一天就把自己先出卖了!

LL: Oh well, so the cat is out of the bag, I want to take you on a vacation. LH: 好啊!带我去渡假我当然愿意,可总得有点儿理由吧?

LL: Well, that project just finished and my boss offered me a few weeks off to relax since we all worked so many hours on it. Plus I just got a bonus for the work. LH: 又放假,又发奖金。这可真是双喜临门。

LL: It's pretty good. I'm just glad that now I have some time to relax.

LH: 那你有没有想好去哪里呢?

LL: I was thinking that we could go down to Miami, you know, just relax by the beach. I think it would be a pretty good way to get away from it all for a little bit. LH: 迈阿密的阳光,我来了!

LL: It's a shame you weren't surprised though, now I know not to tell someone who might let the cat out of the bag next time.


李华第二天见到Larry. Larry看上去情绪十分低落。

LH: Larry, 你怎么了,脸色这么难看,发生什么事情了吗?

LL: My second grade teacher apparently just kicked the bucket.

LH: 你小学二年级老师kicked the bucket? 她的脚没受伤吧?

LL: No, kicked the bucket means she died.

LH: 哦,原来kick the bucket是去世的意思。对不起,你一定很难过吧?

LL: Well, She always had some health problems. To be honest, I'm surprised she lived to be as old as she did. She was probably in her 60s when I had her. LH: 不管怎么说,自己以前的老师去世,心里一定还是很不好受。

LL: Yeah, it is a little sad, and a little strange. I hadn't thought of her in years. LH: 那你是怎么听说她去世的消息呢?

LL: Someone from my hometown posted it on my facebook wall.

LH: 没想到,脸谱网还能起到发讣告的作用。

LL: Yeah, it is kind of weird that someone would use facebook as an obituary. Usually people like to write about having kids online. But this is the first time I heard about someone kicking the bucket.

LH: 不说这些不高兴的事了。Larry, 晚上要不一起去看电影?

LL: OK. Anything in particular?

LH: 我随便,听你的。

LL: I guess I'd like to see a comedy or something light.

LH: So you don't think about your teacher having kicked the bucket?

LL: Well I guess, but also just because I feel like seeing a comedy.

LH: 对了,Larry, 要不要听个小秘密?

LL: A secret? Of course.

LH: Jenny和Mark订婚了。

LL: WOW! That's great news!

LH: 别嚷别嚷。他们还没有正式宣布呢。You have to promise you won't let the cat out of the bag!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是the cat is out of the bag, 意思是泄露秘密。另一个是kick the bucket意思是去世。

玩火/合乎口味 怎么说?

Larry正在帮李华填税表。今天我们要学两个常用语:playing with fire和do it for me. LH: Jeez, Larry. 美国报税怎么这么麻烦。要我说,定个25%什么的,所有人的收入都按这个税率交,那多简单。

LL: But Lihua, if it were so simple, all those accountants wouldn't have jobs. Wouldn't that be terrible?

LH: 我可管不了那么多。对了,Larry, 你说,如果我把猫算做抚养对象来抵税的话,税务局会不会发现?

LL: Mr. Cuddles is very smart for a cat, but I don't think he counts as a child. Even though you might not get caught, it would still be playing with fire.

LH: Playing with fire? 玩火,我报税不老实,跟玩火有关系吗?

LL: Actually, Li Hua, when you say someone is playing with fire, it means that she is doing something risky.

LH: 哦,我明白了。 Playing with fire不是说真去玩火,而是指做某些危险的事情。 LL: Bingo. For example, say I noticed that you've been putting on weight lately. I could suggest you try to lose some weight, but if I know anything about women, that would definitely be playing with fire.

LH: 算你聪明。劝女孩子减肥,那你可是引火烧身。不过,Larry, 报税实在太无聊了。不如别报了,咱们去看电影吧。

LL: But Lihua, the deadline is coming up soon! If we wait until the last minute to send it in, we'll really be playing with fire.

LH: 这倒也是。如果报税过了最后期限,那可是自找麻烦。有了,不如我们花点钱,在网上找家报税公司,让他们去做吧!

LL: I don't know, Lihua. Lots of those Web sites don't seem trustworthy. If you gave them a lot of your personal information, you would really be playing with fire. LH: 有道理。如果个人信息在网上被骇客偷走,那才真是玩火呢。看来,还是要求你帮忙。

LL: No problem. That's what I'm here for.

LH: 你说,如果把我的婚姻状况填成已婚,能不能少交点税?

LL: Lihua, you are definitely playing with fire.



LH: 啊... 终于填完了。我现在最大的愿望就是搬到Cayman Island去,每天都是明媚的阳光和温暖的沙滩,而且不用交税。

LL: Yeah, but what about Mr. Cuddles? I think he would be really hot, and he would get lots of sand in his fur.

LH: 那不行。我们家Cuddles可不能受半点委屈。要不,我把他寄养在你家吧? LL: I don't think so, Lihua. Cats don't do it for me.

LH: Cats don't do what for you, Larry? 我们家Mr. Cuddles能做不少把戏呢!不信你试试看!

LL: Actually, when you say that something doesn't do it for you, it means you don't really like it.

LH: 哦,我知道了,说一件事情do not do it for me, 就是说不合我的口味,我不喜欢。

LL: Exactly! Or for example, do you know how lots of men think Angelina Jolie is really beautiful?

LH: Larry, 你最好小心!如果你是哪个女明星的粉丝的话,最好不要说出来,否则的话....

LL: Actually, what I was going to say is that although lots of men think Angelina Jolie is really beautiful, she doesn't really do it for me.

LH: 哦,原来Angelina Jolie不是你喜欢的类型。She is not your type.

LL: You got it. But now that we're finished with your taxes, let's go out and have some fun. Do you want to go out to a restaurant for dinner?

LH: 好啊。还去上个月去过的那家墨西哥餐馆怎么样?我太喜欢吃墨西哥菜了! LL: Yeah...it wasn't too bad, but to be honest, it didn't really do it for me. Let's go somewhere that we both really love.

LH: It didn't do it for you? 你竟然觉得一般?好吧,今天听你的,谁让你帮我报税呢! LL: Hmm ... Say, you know what restaurant really did it for me? The Italian restaurant downtown we went to last week.

LH: 慢着慢着,那次吃完意大利菜,你不是闹肚子来着吗?I think going there might be playing with fire. 你再去不是―玩火‖吗?

LL: Yeah, it made me sick later, but the food was so delicious it was worth it. 今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是playing with fire, 意思是做危险的事情,玩火。另一个是do it for me意思是合乎我的口味和爱好。


李华要回中国过春节, Larry送她去机场。今天我们要学两个常用语:No Skin Off My Back和in Somebody's Shoes.

LH: Larry, 我们得抓紧时间,赶快把箱子装上车,不然就要误机了。

LL: My gosh, Li Hua, your bags are so heavy! Why do you need to bring all this stuff back to China?

LH: 我们家亲戚朋友多。每个人都得送礼物,箱子能不重嘛!再者说了,反正有你帮我提。

LL: Well, they're definitely heavy. But since I needed to get some exercise anyway, it's no skin off my back.

LH: 什么?提提箱子腰就受伤了,你也太娇气了吧?

LL: Actually, Li Hua, when you say that something is "no skin off your back," that means it doesn't bother you, or it isn't a problem for you.

LH: 哦,我明白了。 No skin off your back意思就是不算什么,没什么大不了的。你说你反正需要健身,所以提几件重一点的行李,对你来说不是问题。

LL: Right! Or if you complained that the plane tickets are really expensive, I might say that your parents are paying for them, so it' no skin off your back.

LH: 哎,你怎么知道这次是我父母买的机票? So It's really no skin off my back. 好了,Larry, 再不走我们真要晚了。

LL: That' alright. I don' have to fly anywhere today, so if we're late to the airport it' no skin off my back.

LH: 好啊,Larry, 不过你听好,如果你故意磨蹭,害我误了班机,我保证,There will be skin off your back. 我一定绕不了你。

LL: Relax, Li Hua, I'm just kidding. The car is loaded and ready to go. Do you have your passport and tickets?

LH: 机票和护照都在我随身背的包里。我都检查过好几遍了,你不会觉得我傻到连机票和护照都不带的程度吧?

LL: Of course not. But I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong, so if I give you a quick reminder it's no skin off your back.

LH: 说真的,Larry, 你看,雪好象越下越大了,飞机能按时起飞吗?

LL: I hope so. Let's go!



LH: Larry, 雪越下越大了,能见度也很差,前面车都看不清楚了。

LL: I know. Do you think it's worth it to go all the way to the airport? The flights are probably canceled.

LH: 真的吗?可是我现在归心似箭,航班真要推迟,那我一定气死了。

LL: I know how you feel. If I were in your shoes, I would feel the same way. LH: 你想穿我的鞋?我的脚可比你小多了。

LL: Actually Li Hua, when you say that you're in another person's shoes, that means you are facing the same situation as he is. But we only say if I WERE in your shoes, but never if I AM in your shoes.

LH: 我明白了,说in somebody's shoes意思就是―如果换成我‖。你是说,你很理解我的心情,如果换成你,飞机临时推迟,你也一定会特别失望,没错吧?

LL: Exactly! But you know Lihua, you have to put yourself in the airlines' shoes. Even though all the passengers want to fly, the airlines have to think about the passengers' safety.

LH: 说的也是。如果从航空公司的立场出发,乘客的安全才是第一位的,我坐在飞机上,也不愿意提心吊胆的。

LL: Don't worry Li Hua, if they cancel your flight they will probably give you a free ticket somewhere else, so it won't really be any skin off your back.

LH: 不说这些了,听天由命吧。Larry, 我走的这段时间,你有什么计划吗? LL: You know, go out to wild parties, meet lots of girls. That kind of thing.

LH: Larry, if I were in your shoes, 如果我是你,我就不开这种玩笑。你就不怕我当真,也象你说的那样,到处去派对,最后没准连男朋友也一起换了。

LL: Oh Li Hua, you know I'm kidding. It's just a joke, so it's no skin off your back. Hey look, we're almost at the airport!

LH: 太好了,我得赶紧去把行李托运了!

LL: If I were in your shoes I wouldn't check the luggage. I would just carry all of it on the plane to save time.

LH: 好主意!我过完春节从北京回来你能来接我吗?

LL: Sure, but next time you have to tip me for carrying your bags.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是no skin off my back, 意思是没什么大不了的。另一个是in somebody's shoes, 意思是如果处于某人的地位,或是境地。 悬而未决/夸夸其谈 怎么说?

李华刚刚看了她最喜欢的电影演员乔治.克鲁尼演的电影Up in the Air. 今天我们要学两个常用语:up in the air和full of hot air.

LL: Hey Li Hua, I heard you went to see that new movie Up in the Air. How'd you like it?

LH: 好看极了,情节特别曲折,让你始终猜不到结局。

LL: Maybe that's why it's called Up in the Air?

LH: 你说为什么叫up in the air? 我原来以为,就是因为电影里讲的故事跟坐飞机有关,在天上飞来飞去,所以叫up in the air的。

LL: Well, that's one reason it's calledUp in the Air.. But the phrase "up in the air" also has another meaning.

LH: 真的吗?快告诉我,up in the air还有什么其它意思。

LL: Well, people use the expression "it's up in the air" all the time, and they are not talking about people flying.

LH: 不是在天上飞?那让我想想,说什么事情it's up in the air在空中悬着,是指一件事情悬而未决吗?

LL: Right! Like last Sunday, my friend Greg was watching the Super Bowl and I asked him who was going to win, and he said, "I don't know yet. it's still 'up in the air.'"

LH: 是啊,这届超级杯比赛太激烈了,难怪Greg说it's still up in the air鹿死谁手,还很难说。

LL: Exactly... Greg was using "up in the air" to mean that the game was still undecided and it wasn't clear who was going to win.

LH: 我明白了。那上星期我烤蛋糕烤到一半,你问我怎么样了,我因为是第一次做,不知道烤出来会不会好吃,就可以说I don't know, it's up in the air.

LL: You got it. You can say it's up in the air because you don't know whether the cake will taste good or not. This is how "up in the air" is used most of the time. It's used to show when something is still undecided.

LH: 怎么样,Larry, 今天晚上有什么计划吗?

LL: I don't know. It's still up in the air.


MC: Larry取信回来,Li Hua正坐在沙发上看电视。

LL: Hey Li Hua, what are you watching?

LH: 电视上正转播一个关于西部野火防范问题的听证会。这个国会议员还真能说,已经足足讲了十几分钟了。

LL: Oh, I know this congressman. He's full of hot air.

LH: Full of hot air? 那是什么意思?

LL: I mean he's talking a lot without saying anything of value or meaning.

LH: 哦,我明白了,说一个人full of hot air,就是说这个人只会夸夸其谈,但是言之无物。

LL: Yup. "Full of hot air" is also used to describe someone who is exaggerating, talking only to hear their own voice, or talking about something they don't really understand.

LH: 哦,就是说大话,说空话,甚至对自己并不熟悉的事情也能滔滔不绝的意思。如果这么说,这个国会议员还真是full of hot air。

LL: Politicians in particular are often accused of being "full of hot air". They often talk just for the sake of talking.

LH: 那Larry, 有没有人说你也是full of hot air呢?

LL: I don't go on and on about subjects that I don't know a lot about, so no... But if you want, I can pretend to be "full of hot air".

LH: 真的吗,你能装出夸夸其谈的样子?那我可一定得看看。

LL: First tell me what topic you want me to be "full of hot air" on.

LH: 选题?这容易,就说眼下的经济形势吧!

LL: OK. Piece of cake! Unemployment is too high and it needs to be fixed but we need to increase consumption and lower interest rates. At the same time, exports are soaring and that's creating inflationary issues that are spilling over into the futures markets and affecting the bull market on Wall Street. We also need to worry about the CPI and the real estate market....

LH: WOW! 你还真是full of hot air! 说了一大堆的经济术语,我完全没有听懂。 LL: Yeah. That's called being "full of hot air".

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是up in the air, 意思是尚无定论,悬而未决。另一个是full of hot air,意思是夸夸其谈。


毫无价值/漫无边际 怎么说?

Larry跟李华在星巴克咖啡馆见面。今天我们要学两个常用语:for the birds和way out in left field.

LL: Hey, Li Hua, it's good to see you. It's been a while since we last talked. How are you doing?

LH: 还可以,不过这天气真让人受不了。都二月底了,还没完没了地下雪,今年冬天实在是太漫长了。

LL: Yeah, this winter has been crazy. I don't think we've ever gotten so much snow. And the last three winters before this one were so mild. We hardly got any snow at all.

LH: 就是!我记得去年二月底有几天六十多度,咱俩穿着T恤衫在外面打网球。太爽了。我刚听天气预报说,又要下雪。

LL: Aigh...this weather's really for the birds.

LH: The weather is for the birds? 这是什么意思啊?

LL: Oh, I just mean that it is undesirable..."for the birds" is an idiom we use to mean that something is undesirable, for the birds.

LH: 我还是不明白,为什么不喜欢的东西要说for the birds呢?

LL: Well, it comes from the fact that birds usually eat seeds, and seeds are considered worthless and undesirable.

LH: 所以,毫无价值的,不喜欢的东西就可以说是for the birds。那如果是我不喜欢的天气,我就可以说It's for the birds.

LL: Exactly...but you could also say it for things other than the weather. For

example, say I don't like the chicken sandwich I made for lunch...I could say that the chicken sandwich is for the birds.

LH: 你看,外面的天阴冷阴冷的,I definitely think it's for the birds.

LL: I hear you, Lihua. Hey, how about we go and grab some lunch?

LH: 好,我们去麦当劳。

LL: No, McDonalds is for the birds.

LH: 怎么可能!麦当劳的薯条是最好吃的。Burger King is for the birds!



LH: Larry, 你这两天怎么样?

LL: I've been good. Just trying to forget about what happened at work yesterday. It's been really frustrating.

LH: 发生什么事情了吗?

LL: Well, it's my boss. He keeps on giving me assignments and telling me to do things and then not giving me any time to complete the assignments. I'm getting so tired of it. I need a break. Maybe I'll take tomorrow off.

LH: 一定是因为你太能干了。中文里说,能者多劳。正因为你效率高,做事让老板放心,所以他才愿意把工作交给你。如果你觉得压力太大的话,应该直接跟他讲。 LL: How would I do that, Lihua. He's so busy. It's like he never has time for me, and he's always busy with other people.

LH: 那你不如跟他约个时间,好好坐下来谈,而且越快越好。

LL: I think you're right, Li Hua. Thanks for your help. You give such good advice. Sometimes other people's advice can be way out in left field.

LH: Way out in left field? 这是什么意思?

LL: Oh, "way out in left field" is an American idiom. It's used to describe an idea that's really strange or completely out of touch with reality. Like I could say your idea of taking showers seven times a day is "way out in left field."

LH: 哦,说一件事情way out in left field意思就是太不靠谱,不着边际。那这种说法,way out in left field可以用来形容人吗?

LL: Sure you can, Li Hua. The expression "way out in left field" isn't only limited to describing ideas, you can also use it to describe people.

LH: 太有意思了。你能给我举个例子吗?

LL: Say, for example, a journalist is always coming up with crazy story ideas, You could just say that that journalist is way out in left field.

LH: 那你说Larry, 为什么要用way out in left field来形容一个人或一件事不靠谱呢?

LL: Well, "way out in left field" actually comes from baseball. In baseball, left field is away from the action, so that's why it's used to describe people, plans, or ideas that seem distant and strange or out of touch with reality.

LH: 那你下次再拉我去蹦极、跳伞、赛车什么的,我就告诉你,you are way out in left field.

天李华学了两个常用语。一个是for the birds, 意思是毫无价值的,没人喜欢的。另一个是way out in left field,意思是离谱的,不着边际的。

强心剂/即兴 怎么说?

李华正在帮Larry为面试做准备。今天我们要学两个常用语:shot in the arm和off the cuff.

LH: Larry, 明天早上求职面试,你现在心里是不是特别激动?

LL: Actually, I'm pretty nervous about this job interview. I really want to work at this company, so I need to make a good impression.

LH: 别紧张,你一定没问题。再说了,不录用你是他们的损失,象你这么出色的人才,想要你的公司多的是。

LL: Thanks Lihua. That encouragement is a real shot in the arm for me. LH: A shot in the arm?

LL: You can say that something is a shot in the arm if it gives you a lot more confidence and energy.

LH: 哦,就是中文里说的强心针。你是说我刚才鼓励你的话大大地增强了你的信心吗?

LL: Right. For example, I could say that Joe was thinking of dropping out of his economics class because it was so hard. But when he got an A on the midterm, it was a real shot in the arm and he decided not to quit.

LH: 就是说,期中考试得了A,极大增强了Joe对自己修完经济学这门课程的信心。 LL: Exactly. You know, Lihua, my career hasn't been going well lately, but I think this job could give it a real shot in the arm.

LH: 你现在的工作确实没什么发展潜力,换个新工作一定会对你今后的事业发展有好处。对了,我还没问你,你明天准备面试的那家公司是做什么的? LL: Well Lihua, it's a small company that sells Chia Pets.

LH: 什么?是一家卖草头娃娃的零售商?

LL: Yeah, but it hasn't been doing well lately. I hope that with my business

experience and passion for Chia Pets, I could give this company a real shot in the arm.

LH: 你当真啊???嗨,不管怎么说,我支持你去追求自己的梦想。

LL: Thanks, Lihua. Did you know that Chia Pets cost about $15 each? If

everybody went out and bought one, it would give the economy a real shot in the arm.

LH: 好,为支持你,只要你得到这份工作,我保证一定去买一个草头娃娃。 ******

LH: 言归正传,Larry, 你有没有想好他们可能会问你哪些问题呢?

LL: Well, just a little. But it would probably be good to practice a little bit. LH: 那好,我假装考官,我们来模拟一下怎么样?

LL: Sounds good! It's important for me to prepare beforehand, because I'm not good at speaking off the cuff.

LH: Speaking off the cuff? 这是什么意思啊?

LL: You can say that someone speaks off the cuff when he talks spontaneously without any preparation.

LH: 噢,就是在没有事先准备的情况下即兴发言。

LL: Right. For example, some politicians can speak very well when they have a speech prepared, but don't do well when they have to respond to questions off the cuff.

LH: 我明白了,你还记得上个周末我们一起去看电影,我穿了一件白色大衣,看上去圆滚滚的吗?你还说我象个大白兔奶糖。

LL: Oh come on Lihua, it was just an off-the-cuff remark! You know I didn't mean it.

LH: 我一点都没生气,反而觉得很好笑。Your off-the-cuff jokes are so funny. 对了,我以前听人说过 "off-hand," Off-hand跟off-the-cuff是同一个意思吗?

LL: It's very similar. An off-hand comment is something you didn't think about or consider very seriously before you said it.

LH: 忘记告诉你了Larry, 你带着这副厚厚的黑边眼镜活像一只眼镜猴。 LL: What? No I don't. I look very smart, like a scholar.

LH: 别生气啊,It was just an "off-hand" joke. 我是随便开玩笑的。

LL: Alright Lihua, I understand your point. I won't make any more off-hand jokes about your fashion sense. Now can we please get back to practicing for my interview?

LH: 那好,面试现在正式开始。 Larry, 你想加入我们公司来卖草头娃娃吗? LL: Of course. I really love Chia Pets.

LH: 这我信,看你留的发型,就知道你是个草头娃娃的忠实爱好者。

LL: Another off-hand joke, Lihua?

LH: 哈哈哈.....对不起,你的发型跟草头娃娃实在是太象了。

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是shot in the arm, 意思是强心针。另一个是off the cuff, 或是off-hand, 意思是即兴的。

格格不入/尝试 怎么说?

李华和Larry因为暴风雪,都不用去上班,俩人商量该干点什么。今天我们要学两个常用语:fish out of water和have a crack at something.

LH: Larry, 下大雪真是太好了,堆雪人、打雪仗比上班好玩多了。

LL: Yeah it's really nice that we don't have to go to work or class. But I am a little worried that I might freeze to death in the snow!

LH: 冻死在雪里?你也太夸张了吧。下雪天儿其实 一点儿都不冷,多穿两件衣服就行了。

LL: Lihua, I'm from the southern United States, where it never snows. I feel like a fish out of water in all this snowy weather.

LH: 你说什么?感觉自己象是a fish out of water? 这是什么意思呢?

LL: When you are in a strange environment, or feel like you are out of place, you can say that you feel like a fish out of water.

LH: 哦,a fish out of water感觉好象离开水的鱼一样不自在,跟周围陌生的环境格格不入。

LL: Exactly! For example, Roger grew up living in the city, so he felt like a fish out of water when his girlfriend took him on a camping trip.

LH: 我刚从中国到美国来读书的时候,那才叫不适应呢!

LL: Right! I bet when you came to America for the first time and were in a totally new environment, you felt like a fish out of water.

LH: 绝对的!不过,我很快就认识了很多象你这样的好朋友, 没过多久就适应了。So I don't feel like a fish out of water anymore.

LL: That's great, Lihua! You know, I felt that way too when I visited New York. I grew up in a small town, so I really felt like a fish out of water in the big city. LH: 不提过去那些事儿了,快穿上衣服,我们出去玩雪!

LL: Ok, Lihua. If I freeze to death, will you tell my parents that I love them? LH: 好了,Larry, 别闹了。在雪地里玩儿一会儿是死不了人的!


LH: Larry, 你想先玩什么?是堆雪人还是滑雪橇?

LL: I've got a great idea! Let's build an army of snowmen. We will make a snow version of the Terra Cotta Warriors!

LH: 兵马俑?Larry, 你知道兵马俑一共有多少个吗?我们还没堆完,雪就化光了。 LL: Come on, we'll never know for sure unless we try! Let's have a crack at it. LH: Have a crack at it? 这是什么意思啊?

LL: When you try to do something that is not very likely to succeed, you can say that you "have a crack at it." Crack is spelled c-r-a-c-k.

LH: 你是说,明知不太可能用雪堆出兵马俑来,你还是想试试看, to have a crack at it?

LL: Right! Or for example, even though I knew it was unlikely that I would win American Idol, I decided to have a crack at it anyway and try out for it.

LH: 慢着慢着,你去参加美国偶像的选秀了?我怎么不知道。Larry, 我了解你唱歌的水平,你当选美国偶像的机会,恐怕还不如我们用雪堆出个兵马俑来的机会大呢! LL: Don't worry, even though I might not have a great voice, I can make up for it with my hot dance moves.

LH: 你的热舞?那就更可怕了。不过言归正传,Larry, 我以前听人说过"take a stab at something"这跟have a crack at something是一个意思吗?

LL: Yes. They mean the same thing.

LH: 那你能不能给我举个不会让我做恶梦的例子?

LL: Sure. My math teacher gave the class a really hard problem to do. Even

though he knew we probably wouldn't be able to do it, he told us to take a stab at it anyway.

LH: 这位数学老师真够损的,明知学生做不出来,还要他们去试。那我可以说,明知教你跳舞是浪费时间,可我还是决定要take a stab at it?

LL: Very funny. Now come on, let's start making these snowmen!

LH: Larry, 你还是自己堆吧,我要去那边山坡上滑雪了。

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是fish out of water, 意思是在陌生的环境里觉得格格不入,不自在。另一个是have a crack at something, 或是 take a stab at something, 意思是明明知道可能不会成功,可还是要去尝试一下。

风马牛不相及/精打细算 怎么说?

开春了,李华和Larry正在商量种花种菜。今天我们要学两个常用语:apples to oranges和penny pincher.

LH: Larry, 终于等到春天了,你说,咱们该种点什么花呢?是玫瑰还是杜鹃?

LL: No way, those are too much work. Let's plant a cactus so that we only have to water it once every couple weeks.

LH: 什么?就为省事,你居然要种仙人掌?这也太雷人了吧,那还不如一懒到底,堆几块石头,弄个日本枯山水花园算了。

LL: Oh come on, Lihua. A cactus garden is completely different from a rock garden. You're comparing apples to oranges.

LH: Apples and oranges? 你不是说要种仙人掌吗?怎么又提到苹果和桔子呢? LL: Actually, when you say that someone is comparing apples to oranges, it

means he is trying to compare two very different things that aren't the same at all. LH: 哦,我明白了,to compare apples to oranges意思就是把两件完全不同的东西拿来相提并论。你是在说,仙人掌花园和日本枯山水花园压根儿就是两回事。 LL: Right. Or say your favorite actor is a movie comedian, and my favorite actor only performs in Shakespeare theatre. Comparing the two would be like comparing apples to oranges.

LH: 就是说,虽然俩人都是演员,可一个是演喜剧电影的,另一个是演莎氏比亚大戏的,两人没有可比性。

LL: Exactly!

LH: 可是Larry, 你别忘了,我今天早上把电话借给你用,所以你欠我一个人情,一定要听我的,种玫瑰,不种仙人掌。

LL: What? Borrowing your phone was just a small favor, but this garden is going to be a big project. You're comparing apples to oranges.

LH: Larry, 你不是最喜欢草头娃娃吗?种花也是一样啊,浇水、上肥,乐在其中,你就当是在养宠物好了!

LL: Lihua, you're comparing apples to oranges! Plants and pets are totally different things.

LH: 我承认,动物和植物确实有很大差别,可起码有一点是共同的。

LL: Really? What's that?



LH: Larry, 要不这样吧,种什么,咱俩一人挑一半。怎么样?

LL: That sounds good. I'm going to plant some tomatoes, carrots and blueberries so that this summer I don't have to buy expensive fruits and vegetables at the store.

LH: 对啊,我们可以种菜。没想到,你还挺会过日子的。

LL: Well you know, Lihua, in this bad economy we all have to be penny pinchers. LH: Penny pinchers? 是什么意思啊?

LL: Penny-pinching is being very careful not to waste money. It means that you manage to each penny very carefully.

LH: 哦,penny-pinching就是精打细算,一分钱掰成两半花的意思。可是Larry, 这种说法是名词、动词还是形容词呢?

LL: It can be any of those. I could call someone a penny pincher. Or, for another example, I could say that Todd really had to pinch every penny after his boss lowered his salary.

LH: 那好,我举双手赞成你种菜。这样你就可以省下很多钱,带我去吃法国大餐了。 LL: Uh...actually, Lihua, that reminds me of another phrase. Penny wise, pound foolish.

LH: Penny wise, pound foolish? 这里所说的Pound是英镑吗?

LL: That's right. Penny wise, pound foolish means that you are careful to save little bits of money, but then waste large amounts of money.

LH: 噢,就是说在小钱上精打细算,在大钱上大手大脚。小气鬼,你不会是转弯抹角地拒绝带我去吃法国大餐吧?

LL: Well, if I saved a little bit of money growing my own vegetables, but then wasted a lot more money on expensive dinner dates, I would be penny wise, pound foolish.

LH: 你不会觉得把钱花在女朋友身上是浪费吧?

LL: Uh ... I mean ... of course not! It's just that I'm pinching every penny so that I can buy you a really great birthday present!

LH: 生日礼物?我猜,一定是浪漫的―仙人掌花园‖。

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是apples to oranges, 意思是在风马牛不相及的两件事。另一个是penny pincher, 意思是精打细算的人。

一大笔钱/肯定会 怎么说?

Larry星期五提前下班,去学校接李华。今天我们要学两个常用语:a pretty penny和sure-fire.

LL: (Bike bells ring) Hi, Li Hua, I'm right over here!

LH: Larry, 你怎么骑着自行车就跑来了,不是说好开你的新车来接我吗? LL: I never said "new car", I said "new ride". What, you don't like it? LH: 我的妈呀,这就是你的new ride,新车吗?

LL: Yea, I just bought it yesterday...it cost me quite a pretty penny, too. LH: A pretty penny? 一美分?这么新的车,不会只要一美分吧?哪有这种便宜事,是不是哪个女孩子送你的?

LL: No, Lihua, I didn't pay just a penny for the bike. "A pretty penny" is a phrase that means a large amount of money - this was an expensive bike!

LH: 真有趣,原来a pretty penny意思是一大笔钱。

LL: That's right. I'll have you know that this is a state-of-the-art

brand-name bicycle. I also bought this bike bell, two helmets and a seat for you to sit on in the back. All together it really did cost a pretty penny! LH: 你既然舍得花a pretty penny买一辆自行车,干嘛不索性再加点钱买辆汽车呢?

LL: A car is way more expensive! After you buy a car, you have to pay for gas, pay for insurance, and not to mention upkeep...it all adds up to be quite a pretty penny - and way more money than I can afford.

LH: 那好,既然你没买汽车,一定省下不少钱,带我到那家新开的日本寿司店,好好打打牙祭如何?

LL: I thought we are trying to save money to go on vacation together? If you want to go somewhere exotic, airfare alone will cost a pretty penny. LH: 别这么小气好不好。我们都好久没出去吃了,一次寿司肯定不会把你吃穷的。 LL: All right, all right. Hop on. Let's go get some sushi tonight!



LL: Hey, Li Hua, can you hold the door open for me? I want to bring the bike inside.

LH: 你把车锁在店门口不就行了吗?干嘛一定要推到店里来?

LL: Leave an expensive new bike outside? No way! That's a sure-fire way to get your bike stolen.

LH: Sure-fire是什么意思啊?

LL: Sure-fire means "absolutely," or "beyond doubt." You use it to

express that you are sure about something or that something will surely happen. And leaving my brand new bike outside is a sure-fire way to getting it stolen.

LH: 我明白了,sure-fire是肯定的意思。你是担心自己这么贵买的车,如果放在外面的话,一定会丢。

LL: Don't forget. I spent a pretty penny on this bike. But hey, at least I'm willing to spend a pretty penny at this sushi restaurant, too. Eating sushi is definitely a sure-fire way to spend a lot of money.

LH: 寿司虽然贵,可是it's also a sure-fire way to get me happy!

LL: Alright, let's look at these menus. (Sign) How can food be so expensive if it's not even cooked?

LH: Larry, 做寿司可不简单,要经过严格的培训呢!

LL: Oh, so that's why sushi costs such a pretty penny?

LH: 没错。不仅包寿司需要功夫,做寿司用的材料也要特别新鲜才行,否则的话...

LL: I know, otherwise it's a sure-fire way to get sick! I guess that's why people are willing to spend a pretty penny on sushi.

LH: 就是啊,否则吃了不新鲜的寿司八成会拉肚子。Larry, 你看,这家店有绿茶冰激凌,我们点一个吧?

LL: Didn't you just have ice cream last night? You know, Li Hua, eating ice cream all the time is a sure-fire way to put on weight.

LH: 不就是吃点冰激凌吗?如果撑得走不动了,坐你的自行车回家就是了。 LL: Yea, and once my bike breaks from the extra weight, it will cost a pretty penny to get it fixed again...

LH: 要不我来骑,你坐后面歇着?

LL: You know what, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Are you sure you know how to ride a bike with someone sitting on the back?

LH: 没试过,不过肯定没问题。

LL: ... Well, it's a good thing I spent a pretty penny on these helmets. 今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是a pretty penny, 意思是一大笔钱。另一个是sure-fire, 意思是肯定会。

徒劳寻觅/承担后果 怎么说?

李华跟Larry去参加Larry公司举办的野餐会,结果迷路了。今天我们要学两个常用语:wild goose chase和face the music.

LH: Larry, 你能肯定我们没走错吗?按理说早该到了啊?

LL: I'm just following the directions my boss gave me - although, we should have been there a half hour ago. Let me turn around...again.

LH: 你就该听我的,在刚才那个加油站停下来问问路。

LL: We already asked for directions three times...I don't know why he wanted to have the party so far out of the city. It looks like this is nothing but a wild goose chase.

LH: A wild goose chase? 追野鹅?我们找路还来不及呢,哪还有时间去追野鹅?

LL: Oh, that's just a phrase people say when they are looking for something they will never find. And I don't think we are going to find this picnic ground.

LH: 哦,原来a wild goose chase,意思是徒劳无功的寻找,白费劲。你老板不是告诉你路了吗?

LL: Maybe he gave me the wrong directions? Or maybe I wrote them down

incorrectly. I don't know, but I don't think he would send me on a wild goose chase on purpose.

LH: 那上星期我们转了半天也没有找到你表弟足球比赛的赛场,也可以说是a wild goose chase了?

LL: Yep, that was a wild goose chase too. No one told me that the game was canceled! I was looking for hours...

LH: 这么说,你上上个周末说要带我去一片新听别人介绍的沙滩,结果怎么也找不到,也是a wild goose chase!

LL: Lihua, you have such a good memory. Yes, we've been on many wild goose chases together. But, keep in mind that you have taken me on a wild goose chase or two in the past as well.

LH: 我也带你做过这种无用功吗?我怎么不记得?

LL: Like last Wednesday when you sent me to get sushi from a restaurant that was still under construction.

LH: Oh, yea...

LL: Or the time we went to three different subway stations looking for your friend when she was actually waiting at the airport...

LH:Oh, right...

LL: Or, the time when..

LH: 好了好了,我承认,咱俩找路的本事都不怎么样!不过这次可既不是你的责任,也不是我的责任。

LL: That's right. Today, I'm going to blame the wild goose chase on my boss giving me the wrong directions.



LH: Larry, 我看今天没希望了,如果你不到,老板会不会一气之下,炒你的鱿鱼?

LL: We were supposed to be celebrating his birthday today at the picnic...If I don't show up at this party, he won't be happy when he sees me in the office. I guess I have no choice but to go face the music at work on Monday.

LH: face the music?难道说你老板生气的时候喜欢听音乐吗?

LL: No quite. To have to face the music means having to accept the negative consequences of something you have done.

LH: 哦,to face the music就是为自己的所作所为承担后果,你是说星期一只好硬着头皮去见老板喽?

LL: That is unfortunately the case. I have no choice but to see him on Monday, so I guess I will have to face the music.

LH: 哎,我更惨,为了跟你来野餐, 我把复习的时间都搭进去了,明天考试,I will have to face the music when I take the exam.

LL: What? Oh, no! I didn't know you had a test on Monday. I would hate for you to have to face the music because of my boss' mistake.

LH: 怎么样?够哥们吧?为了陪你,我连功课都不顾了。

LL: Oh, we are definitely ending this wild goose chase immediately. Maybe you will have some time to study if we head home now.

LH: Larry, 你看, 快没油了,得赶紧找个加油站。

LL: Find a gas station out here in the countryside? I don't know...sounds like another wild goose chase to me.

LH: 再偏僻的地方也得有加油站啊,我们还是快找吧,一旦真没油了,我们就必须得face the music and walk home,走回家了。

LL: (Sign) I'll face the music anyway once I get my gas bill at the end of the month. All these wild goose chases sure waste a lot of gas!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是wild goose chase, 意思是徒劳无功地寻觅。另一个是face the music, 意思是承担后果。

大相径庭/避免 怎么说

李华和Larry开车去机场准备坐飞机去夏威夷渡假。今天我们要学两个常用语:a far cry和steer clear.

LH: Boy, Larry, 这次假期真是让我望眼欲穿。前段时间每时每刻都在忙,你好长时间没有带我出去玩了,你简直是失职...

LL: What do you mean? Last month we went to the movies. That was fun, wasn't it?

LH: 拜托,Larry, 带我去看变形金刚就能过关了吗?看两场电影,跟去夏威夷渡假相比,简直就是天壤之别。

LL: I guess you're right. Watching a movie is definitely a far cry from taking a vacation in Hawaii.

LH: A far cry? 这就要哭啊?我是在跟你开玩笑呢!

LL: Actually, Lihua, when you say that something is a far cry from something else, it means that those two things are totally different. LH: 哦,我明白了,说一件事情是a far cry from另外一件事情,就是说二者大相径庭。这么说,你也承认,看电影远远比不上去夏威夷好玩喽?

LL: Exactly. But I have to say, I'm really excited for this vacation too. I've heard that Hawaii is really beautiful.

LH: 咱们攒钱去夏威夷是绝对正确的,虽说贵了点,可是物有所值,比随便找个小沙滩晒太阳强多了。

LL: I agree. The small and crowded beaches near my house are definitely a far cry from the huge, beautiful beaches in Hawaii.

LH: 那当然了,别忘了,光是从旧金山到夏威夷,就要坐六个小时的飞机呢!对了,你不会为了给我个惊喜,订的是头等舱吧?

LL: Are you kidding? I don't even have enough money to buy peanuts. I'm still a far cry from being able to afford first class tickets.

LH: 哎,经济舱也凑合了。哈,我知道,那你一定是把钱都花在了五星级的酒店上...

LL: Well ... the place we're staying might be a far cry from a luxury, five-star hotel.

LH: 不是五星的?那也没关系,四星我也将就了... 要不,最少也得是个三星吧?

LL: Don't worry, Lihua, we have a really nice tent to camp out on the beach! LH:Larry, 你最好是在开玩笑,要我露宿沙滩,那我现在就买张机票回家去。 LL: Don't worry, I'm just kidding. We have a good hotel.

LH: 哈!我说说罢了,你还当真了。You are still a far cry from being a comedian. 你离喜剧演员的标准还差得远呢!



LH: 夏威夷,我来了!Larry, 我们直奔海滩怎么样?

LL: Yeah, Hawaii is going to be great! I can't wait to get to the beach and spend all day sleeping in the sand.

LH: Larry, 我警告你,来夏威夷可不是为了睡觉,我们每天的行程可都是排得满满的。

LL: Well, Lihua, I think the main purpose of vacation is to relax. Let's steer clear of all those tiring activities.

LH: Steer clear? 难道说夏威夷也堵车,所以开车一定要小心吗?

LL: Actually, to steer clear of something means you should avoid it. For example, whenever I travel, I steer clear of the food people sell on the street because I don't want to get sick.

LH: 没错,出门在外千万不能乱吃东西,否则食物中毒,整个假期就全泡汤了。对了,Larry, 我们的旅馆在市中心还是郊区?

LL: I always steer clear of the crowded and noisy cities when I go on vacation. Our hotel is in a very secluded and quiet area.

LH: Sounds great. 我们坐出租车去吗?

LL: We should probably steer clear of taxis during our vacation because they are so expensive. Let's take the bus.

LH: 可是Larry, 我带了四个大皮箱呢...

LL: Well Lihua, you know that I always try to steer clear of doing anything to upset you. We can take a cab this ONE time.

LH: 算你聪明,作为奖励,在我们的日程正式开始之前,我批准你在沙滩上睡一小觉,不过记住,只有十分钟。

LL: A ten minute nap? Well that's a far cry from a fair deal, but I guess I'll take it. What is the first activity we're doing?

LH: 冲浪!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是a far cry from something, 意思是大相径庭。另一个是steer clear, 意思是避免。


李华和Larry在夏威夷渡假。今天我们要学两个常用语: pale in comparison和blown away。

LH: Larry, 我简直不能相信今天是我们在夏威夷的最后一天了!真舍不得走。

L: I know! I feel like we just got here, and now we already have to think about going back home.

LH: 所以我们得珍惜这最后一天,咱们来点刺激的,空中跳伞怎么样?

L: Sky diving? Wow, that would be really crazy! All of our other activities would pale in comparison with sky diving.

LH: Pale in comparison? 什么意思?

L: You can say that something pales in comparison when it is much smaller or less significant than something else.

LH: 哦,pale in comparison就是远远不如,逊色很多。你是说,和空中跳伞相比,我们在夏威夷玩儿的其它东西就逊色多了,简直太没劲了。

L: Exactly! Or for another example, I could say that John decided to accept a new job at a different company because his old salary paled in comparison with the one he was offered.

LH: 你是说, John跳槽到一家新公司,因为人家给他的薪水比原来公司的高得太多了。 L: Right! But I don't know about sky diving Lihua. It sounds really dangerous.

LH: 不用害怕! 你就是走在大马路上,也可能摔跟头啊!难道你因为担心这个就不出门走路了?

L: True, but I think the danger of walking down the street pales in comparison to the danger of sky diving.

LH: 好吧。那咱们去坐直升机好了,可以鸟瞰美丽的夏威夷!

L: I agree. I think the natural scenery back home pales in comparison with the incredible natural scenery here.

LH: 那当然了! 不过,虽然夏威夷景色怡人,但物价也比其它地方贵。咱们坐直升机肯定得花好多钱。

L: You're right. The prices of things back home really pale in comparison with the prices in Hawaii.

LH: 但是咱们都来了,不去肯定会遗憾的!

L: I think you're right. Let's do it!


LH: Larry, 怎么样?这趟直升机之旅很棒吧?

L: Yeah, that was great!I was really blown away by how beautiful the natural scenery was.

LH: Blown away? 被风吹走?你没被吹走啊。

L: Actually Lihua, when you say that you were blown away by something, that means that you were really amazed.

LH: 哦,原来be blown away就是感到震惊的意思。你是说,咱们在空中看到的美景彻底让你瞠目结舌。

L: Right! Here is another example. When I went to the Sichuan restaurant, I knew that the food would be a little spicy. But I was really blown away by just how spicy it was!

LH: 哦,虽然你本来就知道四川菜辣,但直到真把川菜吃到嘴里后,才发现它们可比你想象的辣多了。对了,Larry, 那天咱们去钓鱼,我的垂钓技术有没有让你blown away, 对我刮目相看呢?

L: Lihua, I'm sorry to say that I was not blown away by your fishing skills. Just catching one big fish on your first try is beginner's luck.

LH: 抓到鱼是我运气好?才不是呢!对了,我还听人说过"blow their mind"这也是一个意思么?

L: Exactly. For example, I had seen pictures of the Grand Canyon in books. But when I finally went there, seeing it in person really blew my mind.

LH: 大峡谷的美景的确会让人叹为观止! 对了,上次我做的麻婆豆腐也让你惊艳了吧! L: Absolutely! When I tasted your mapo tofu for the first time, it completely blew my mind. I couldn't believe how delicious it was.

LH: 你还挺会说话。对了,我们下午得早点出发去机场,别遇到堵车。

L: I know! I was blown away by how crowded the airport was when we landed. LH: 不过比起纽约的交通,这里就算不错了。

L: Oh sure, the lines at the airport here pale in comparison to big US cities.

LH: 说到纽约,马上就要回去了,又得上班了,真烦人。

L: Lihua, I have just one rule for going on vacation: never mention work!

今天李华学了两个常用语。个是pale in comparison, 表示不能比,逊色很多。另一个是blown away, 意思是大吃一惊。


Larry陪李华去买电脑。今天我们要学两个常用语:do the trick和a grain of salt. LH: Larry, 你觉得我应该买PC还是苹果?

LL: Well, I'm not a computer expert, but I think Macs are a lot more user friendly.

LH: 我也老听人说苹果机怎么怎么好,可是我从没用过苹果,而且PC价格也比较便宜。 LL: Well, they are both really good computers. I think either one would do the trick. LH: Do the trick? Larry, 我买电脑是查资料,学论文用的,可不是为了玩游戏。

LL: Actually Lihua, when you say that something does the trick, that means that it will be successful, or good enough.

LH: 哦,do the trick就是足以达到预期效果的意思。你是说不论PC还是苹果,都够我用的了。

LL: Right! Here's another example. Joe doesn't need to live in a big house. Since he lives by himself, a small apartment will do the trick.

LH: 我明白。这句话意思是,Joe反正是一个人过,有个小公寓就够了,用不着住大房子。那 Larry, 你说我们去哪家店买电脑呢?

LL: Well we could go to a big computer store, but the Internet will do the trick too. You can order your computer online.

LH: 上网定购?不好,不好,要不,咱们上苹果专卖店去转转,我去玩玩苹果机,你也可以看看是不是买个iPhone.

LL: That's OK. I don't need a lot of fancy features on my phone. My simple old cell phone still does the trick.

LH: 老实说,你那手机再不换,就要变成古董了。你上星期不是说不好用了吗?

LL: Actually, just the battery broke. But I went to the store and got a new battery, which did the trick.

LH: 所以你就换了块电池准备接着用?我真服了你,省钱固然没错,可也不能太落伍呀!现在的新手机上什么功能都有,你就不想要?

LL: Who needs all this technology? When I want to be entertained, reading a book always does the trick.

LH: 对了,苹果公司新推出的iPad, 就有读电子书的功能,要不你买个iPad吧! LL: As far as I'm concerned, Lihua, old-fashioned paper books still do the trick. ******


LH: 嗨Larry! 你觉得这台电脑怎么样?我需要的功能上面都有,价钱也还可以,只要2000块。

LL: Two thousand dollars? That sounds pretty expensive to me. Are you sure it's worth it to buy such an expensive computer?

LH: 当然值了,你没听刚才那个店员说么,这是他最喜欢的一款电脑,强力推荐。

LL: Well, the salesperson always wants you to buy the most expensive item, so I would take what he says with a grain of salt.

LH: A grain of salt? 加撮盐?你什么意思啊?

LL: When you slightly doubt something you are told, you can say that you take it with a grain of salt.

LH: 哦,with a grain of salt意思就是有所保留,半信半疑。你是说店员总想把贵的商品推销给顾客,所以他的话不能全信?

LL: Right. Here is another example. Emily always exaggerates about her talents, so when she told me she is fluent in Japanese, I took it with a grain of salt.

LH: 没错,Emily总喜欢夸大其词,所以她的话不能全信。

LL: So Lihua, what are the features that make this computer so good?

LH: 产品介绍上说,这款电脑的电池可以连续用15个小时,是市场上其他电脑的两倍。 LL: You know, companies often make exaggerated claims about their products, so I would take that with a grain of salt.

LH: 可是我朋友Tammy买的就是这个牌子的电脑,说特别好。

LL: But Lihua, Tammy only uses computer to check emails. I would take her opinion on computers with a grain of salt.

LH: 可你也不是高科技专家啊,就看你那只老古董的手机就知道了。

LL: That's true. I don't know much about technology, so I would take all my advice with a grain of salt.

LH: 别担心,你对手机、电脑这类高科技产品的建议,我总是反着听的,只要是你说不买的东西,买了一定没错。

LL: Haha… very funny….

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是 do the trick, 意思是足以达到预期效果。另一个是 a grain of salt, 意思是有所保留。


李华和Larry要去健身房锻练身体。今天我们要学两个常用语:a slim chance和set in stone.

LH: Larry, 咱们好久没去健身房了,今天总算是行动起来了,怎么样,高兴吗?

L: I'm excited about getting in shape, but not about paying gym membership fees. Why can't we just run outside on the street?

LH: 这你就不懂了!健身房的会员费有一个好处,就是能迫使你坚持锻练。你想啊,你总不愿意白交钱吧!

L: Well I guess that is true. For most people, there is a slim chance they will continue to exercise without some kind of motivation.

LH: A slim chance? 这是什么意思?

L: When you don't think that something is likely to occur, you can say that there is only a slim chance of it happening.

LH: 哦,就是希望不大的意思。你是说,如果没有外力推动,大部分人都不大可能自觉地坚持锻练。

L: Right. For another example, I decided not to bring an umbrella today because there is only a slim chance it will rain.

LH: 意思是今天下雨的可能性不大,所以你没带伞。Larry, 等到了健身房,我打算先去跑步机上慢跑半个小时,希望锻练的人不多,没把跑步机都占了。

L: Most people don't go to the gym right now, so there's only a slim chance it will be crowded.

LH: 那倒是。对了,你说如果你想用的运动器材都被别人占了,健身房会不会退你一些钱?

L: No way! The gym is always trying to get more of your money, so there's a fat chance of that happening.

LH: 什么? 你说a fat chance? 这是不是和a slim chance相反,表示很有可能? L: Actually, it's used the same way. It is a sarcastic way of saying that something is very unlikely.

LH: 哦,是在说反话啊,还是表示希望不大,不太可能。

L: Right. For example, my friend John is very unreliable. He said he would help me move this weekend, but there's a fat chance that he actually comes.

LH: 哦,John这个人说话不靠谱,所以他不太可能来帮你搬家。对了Larry, 你说健身房会不会给咱们免费提供健身教练啊?

L: Fat chance of that, Lihua. The gym charges you extra for everything!

LH: Larry, 你今天气儿怎么这么不顺! 希望咱们明天来锻练时你能高兴点儿!

L: Fat chance of that, Lihua. I'm sure my muscles will be so sore tomorrow I won't even be able to walk!


LH: Larry, 我要去找跑步机了,你打算干什么?举杠铃么?

L: Hmmm … First I'm going to find a McDonalds. I need to eat something to get some energy for my workout!

LH: 吃麦当劳?Larry,你别开玩笑了!吃一堆垃圾食品,你不就白锻练了么?想有好身材就得控制饮食!

L: Sure, but there are some exceptions to that rule, right? It's not set in stone. LH: Set in stone? 这是什么意思?

L: You can say that something is set in stone if it is impossible to change.

LH: 噢,就像中文里说的―板上钉钉‖,表示绝对不变。你是说,虽然要保持身材通常得注意饮食,但这也不是绝对的,也有例外。

L: Right. Here's another example. I asked my boss if she could give me a raise, but she said that because the company wasn't doing well, my salary was set in stone for this year.

LH: 我明白了,你是说,因为公司效益不好,所以你的工资今年都不会变,涨工资没戏了。

L: Right. So Lihua, what do you think of this gym?

LH: 还可以吧,不过有些设备有点陈旧,有的员工态度也不太好。

L: Well if you don't like it, we can always change to another gym. Our decision to come here isn't set in stone.

LH: 我们先试试这家吧。对了,咱们的会员资格也可以升级吧?从普通会员变成高级会员?

L: Sure! The membership isn't set in stone. I'm sure you can upgrade it without much trouble.

LH: 太好了! Larry, 我们制定一个健身计划,每个礼拜一三五都来锻练,怎么样? L: That sounds good, but it won't be set in stone. Sometimes I will have to miss a workout if I have to work late.

LH: Larry,你就别拿加班当借口了!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是a slim chance, 表示不太可能。另一个是set in stone, 意思是板上钉钉,绝不改变。


李华和Larry在讨论晚饭吃什么。他们会用到两个常用语:turn a new leaf和take baby steps.

Larry: I'm starving, Lihua! What should we eat for dinner today?

LH: 晚饭?只要不吃你的最爱 – 汉堡包和薯条 – 就行!

Larry: What are you talking about? I wasn't planning on eating fast food!

LH: 我才不信呢。不是汉堡包,那一定是炸鸡!

Larry: Nope. Lihua, I know I used to eat a lot of unhealthy fast food in the past, but now I've turned a new leaf – I'm never going to eat fast food again!

LH: You turned a leaf? 什么意思?

Larry: To turn a new leaf means to start over fresh – to totally get rid of bad habits and start over new again.

LH: 哦,to turn a new leaf,就是甩掉坏习惯,从头开始,

Larry: Right. Lately, my bad eating habits have been making me feel just awful. So, I decided to turn a new leaf and start eating only fresh, healthy foods – starting today.

LH: 你说,因为你一直吃垃圾食品,感觉身体状态很差,所以你要痛改前非,从今天开始吃健康食品!太好了, Larry!

Larry: Lihua, I have been gaining a little weight lately… But, that will all change now that I turned a new leaf and started living a healthy lifestyle!

LH: 哈,你要从头开始,过健康生活! Larry, 你真能做到么?

Larry: No problem, Lihua! When I make a decision, I stay with it!

LH: 是么?我昨天刚买了一大袋你最喜欢的薯片,既然你已经走上了健康生活之路。这些薯片,就由我替你消灭吧!

Larry: Ah? You mean, you bought some Lays Double – Cheese and Sour Cream Potato Chips?

LH: 对啊,就是你最喜欢吃的,双层奶酪加酸奶油口味! 好可惜啊,早知道你turned a new leaf, 我就不浪费钱了。

Larry: Well, wait a minute, Lihua. We can't just let your money go to waste. Maybe I can just eat a little bit now to hold me over until we have dinner…

LH: 什么?你想在吃饭前先来些薯片垫垫底?你刚才还说从今天起再也不吃垃圾食品了呢!

Larry: Oh, Lihua! But I can't just turn a whole new leaf all at once – that would be too difficult. Maybe I can just take baby steps towards my goal.

LH: 你是说,你不可能一下子把生活方式全改变,所以得take baby steps。我猜,这就是慢慢来,循序渐进,对么?

Larry: Yes! I could make slow progress towards my goal. You know, like taking small baby steps.

LH: 可你的―慢慢来‖是指多慢?不会要10年吧!

Larry: Lihua, if I take baby steps, even though the whole process will take a lot more time, it will be a lot less difficult. It's like getting into a swimming pool. First, you have to put your foot in to see if the water is cold. Then, put both legs in. Then, slowly…

LH: 这也太慢了!直接跳进游泳池,多痛快!

Larry: I don't know how to swim!

LH: 行啦,Larry! 我看你不用慢慢来,拖拖拉拉地更难受!

Larry: With that bag of chips calling my name over there, I'm already in pain, Lihua! I gotta have some!

LH: 啊?Larry, 你的健康生活呢?这么快就放弃啦?


Larry: Give me that bag! I promise I'll only eat a little bit! I'm making baby steps towards my goal of eating healthy!

LH: 哼,给你给你!

Larry: Thank you very much! Man, I haven't had these in so long – hey, wait a minute. These are…dried banana chips?

LH: 没错,这些是干香蕉片! Larry, I've turned a new leaf in my live as well.

Larry: Huh? What leaf?

LH: 我以前总是纵容你,给你买垃圾食品,现在,我也要从新来过。我发誓:以后再也不给你买这些不健康的吃的了。咱们就一起努力吧!

今天李华学了两个常用语,一个是to turn a new leaf,意思是―从新开始,痛改前非‖。另一个是take baby steps,意思是―慢慢来,循序渐进‖。


李华和Larry一起去逛农贸市场。今天我们要学两个常用语:to eat one's words和like night and day。

LH: Larry, 我特别喜欢逛农贸市场。这些蔬菜水果都是咱们这儿的农民自己种的,又新鲜又营养。

L: I guess that's true, but they're expensive too. I think we should just wait for our plants at home to produce fruit.

LH: 咱们种的那些菜?嗯….Larry, 说实话,你第一次种菜,真的能有收获吗?

L: You just watch Lihua. When we are eating tomatoes from our garden in a few weeks, you're going to have to eat your words.

LH: 啊?Eat my words? Larry, 怎么能这样,你吃西红柿,却让我吃words?

L: Actually, when someone eats her words, that means she has to accept that she was wrong about something.

LH: 哦,to eat my words就是认错。你是说,等你种的西红柿结出又大又甜的果实来,我就不得不承认自己小看了你种菜的本领!

L: Right! Here is another example. I told my friend Steve that he would never become a famous actor, but I had to eat my words when he won an Oscar.

LH: 什么?你的朋友Steve赢了奥斯卡奖?! 快把他介绍给我!

L: Unfortunately that's just an example sentence.

LH: 啊?是你胡说的啊! 算了,咱们还是买点水果吧,我看也不会特别贵。

L: Trust me, Lihua, you're going to eat your words when you see how expensive the prices are. Say, do you have cash in your wallet?

LH: 现金?没有,我就带了张信用卡。

L: Lihua, I doubt these small farmers brought credit card machines with them. LH: 不会吧,现在大家都用信用卡。 你放心吧,这些卖菜的肯定收信用卡。

L: Well, you're going to eat your words when you try to buy something with a credit card.

LH: 好啦, Larry,既然今天你这么自信,干脆你来挑苹果吧。如果不甜,唯你是问! L: Lihua, I am an expert at picking out the most delicious fruit at the market. And if they're not good, I will eat my words.

LH: 哈,这你不必担心,如果苹果不甜,你不用承认自己看走眼,you don't have to eat your words. I'll make you eat the apples! 只要你把自己挑的酸苹果都吃掉就行了! ******

LH: Larry, 你快看这个大南瓜! 肯定比超市卖的好吃!

L: I don't know … it looks about the same. The only difference is that it costs twice as much.

LH: Larry,你相信我,晚上你一吃就知道我说得没错了。

L: Well, for twice as much money, it better be like night and day.

LH: 吃南瓜要像白天和黑夜?你说什么呢?

L: When you say that two things are like night and day, that means they are completely different, or that one is far better than the other.

LH: 哦,like night and day就是―天壤之别‖。你是说,这里南瓜比超市的贵那么多,所以它们的味道也必须比超市的南瓜好吃几百倍才对。

L: Right! Here is another example. I was used to working on my old, slow computer, so when I bought a really fast new computer, it was like night and day.

LH: 对,你的新电脑特别好用,跟原来那台又旧又慢的电脑相比,真的是天壤之别。 L: Exactly! So Lihua, should we get some red potatoes, or the yellow potatoes? LH: 红土豆还是黄土豆?随便啦,土豆还不都一个味儿么?

L: They don't taste similar at all! The difference is like night and day.

LH: 怎么可能有那么大的区别?估计就你一个人能吃出不同来。

L: You know Lihua, there is one nice thing about the farmer's market.

LH: 哦?是什么?

L: The employees at the supermarket aren't very friendly or helpful, but the farmers here are so nice! It's really like night and day.

LH: 那可不! Larry,你开始喜欢农贸市场了吧?你看,东西贵一点,也是值得的! L: Well, I'm not going to eat my words just yet. I'll taste some of the fruit first, and then decide if it's worth the extra money.

LH: Larry, 在吃上你得向我学习。虽然我平时很节俭,但是,一涉及到吃,我花多少钱都不心疼!

L: That's true. Your attitude is like night and day.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是to eat one's words, 意思是认错,认输。另一个是like night and day, 意思是天壤之别。


李华和Larry一起到饭馆吃饭。店里人多,他们只好排队等位。今天我们要学两个常用语:to kick oneself和wiggle room。

LH: Larry, 真希望这家饭馆能快点上菜,我快饿晕了!

L: Yeah, I'm pretty hungry too, and smelling all the delicious food here is only making it worse.

LH: 咱们待会儿也别看菜单了,就跟服务员说,什么菜能上得最快,我们就点什么。 L: Well, I guess we could do that … but if the food is really bad, you're going to be kicking yourself later.

LH: 你说我要kick myself? 踢我自己?别开玩笑了,我连抬腿的劲儿都没有了,怎么还能踢自己。

L: Actually, if you really regret something stupid that you did earlier, you can say that you are kicking yourself.

LH: 哦, 原来to kick oneself不是自己踢自己,而是为自己做的蠢事感到后悔。你是说,要是我不看菜单瞎点,八成得后悔。

L: Right! Here is another example. I spent $1,000 on a new computer, but I was kicking myself a week later when it went on sale for half the price.

LH: 那可不,刚买台电脑,没几天就降价50%,这能不让人后悔么?早知道就多等几天,可以省好多钱呢。好了,咱们还是赶快决定吃什么吧,辣鸡翅怎么样?

L: I really love spicy food, but it always makes my stomach hurt. If I eat it, I know I'm going to be kicking myself later.

LH: 那油炸奶酪?

L: Yeah, those are really tasty too, but they're so fattening! I know I'm going to be kicking myself at the gym tomorrow.

LH: Larry, 你怎么这么多事!这家饭馆挺贵的,应该不会难吃。

L: Yeah, I'm going to be kicking myself if we spend a lot of money on dinner but the food isn't very good.

LH: 可是Larry,我真的饿死了。那张桌子空出来了,我们可以进去了!

L: Great! Let's go and sit down.


LH: 啊,真是酒足饭饱,我吃得太多了,撑死了。咱们干点什么消化消消食儿吧。 L: Hmm … do you want to go see a movie? I think that the new Tom Cruise action movie starts playing at 9 PM.

LH: 好啊,可是现在已经八点一刻了,咱们赶得及么?

L: Well, the theater is only 15 minutes away, so we have some wiggle room. LH: Wiggle room? 那什么意思?

L: When you say that you have some wiggle room, that means that you have some flexibility, or room to spare.

LH: 噢, wiggle room就是回旋余地。你是说电影院离得不远,我们还有一些时间,应该可以赶上九点钟的电影。

L: Right! Here is another example. My apartment lease ends next week, but I have some wiggle room because my landlord said I could stay an extra month if I need to. LH: 我明白了。房东允许你再多住一个月,所以你就不必赶紧搬家,还有时间可以慢慢找房子。 对了,我听说Tom Cruise的这部新片里有好多电脑特技。

L: Yeah, I read that the movie cost more than the movie studio thought it would. By the end, there was no wiggle room in the budget.

LH: 啊?拍这个电影花钱太多,最后预算一分不剩都花啦?那这电影一定好看!不过说实话,我还是想看爱情片,我们下周去好不好。

L: Well … I probably can … but I will have to check my schedule.

LH: 你怎么这么麻烦,到底去不去?

L: Well, I just want to keep a little wiggle room in case an even better action movie comes out next week!

LH: 哼,你干什么都不把话说死,总要留点余地。随便,你不陪我就自己去。好啦,咱们走吧,你说给多少小费啊?15%还是20%?

L: You know, there is some wiggle room. Anything between 15 percent and 20 percent will be fine.

LH: 好吧。对了,你想不想去隔壁的甜品店吃点冰激凌?

L: Even though we have some extra time, we probably shouldn't take the risk. We're going to be kicking ourselves if eating ice cream makes us late to the movie. LH: 我肯定不后悔,冰淇淋比电影诱人多了。走,陪我去吃!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是to kick oneself, 表示感到后悔。另一个是wiggle room, 意思是灵活性,回旋余地。


李华和Larry一起去买自行车。今天我们要学两个常用语:To keep an eye out for sth.和push one's luck.

LH: Larry等你买了自行车,你可以天天骑车上班,又锻练身体又省汽油钱。

L: Yeah, I think biking will be a lot of fun. And when it rains or snows, I'll have the perfect excuse to take the day off from work.

LH: 这个嘛……我可没说让你以这个为理由偷懒不上班!

L: Well, Lihua, you know I'm always keeping an eye out for a reason not to go to work. LH: Keeping an eye out? 什么意思?

L: When you are looking for or expecting something, you can say that you are keeping an eye out for it.

LH: 哦,就是特别留意的意思。你是说,你总是特别想找些理由,好不去上班。 L: That's right!

LH: 以后我当了老板,肯定不雇你这种员工! 你再举个例子行吗?

L: Sure. When you're riding your bike on the road, it's important to keep an eye out for cars.

LH: 对,骑车的时候要特别留意周围的交通状况,小心汽车。哎,说到安全,你应该买个骑车时戴的头盔。

L: Of course. When we get to the store, I'll keep an eye out for other things I might need too, like a bell and a light.

LH: 行。那我们去哪家店买呢?

L: I've been keeping an eye out for some good deals, and found a sale at a store near my house.

LH: 好吧,我们就去那儿。对了,Larry, 我听过一种说法叫"keep an eye on something." 这和keep on eye out for something有区别吗?

L: When you keep an eye on something, you pay close attention to it, usually because something negative has happened or will happen.

LH: 我明白了,keep an eye on something通常用在负面情况中。也就是说,因为怕某些不好的事情发生,所以紧盯着,特别注意着。

L: Yes. For example, one of the employees at my company has been coming to work late every day, so the boss is keeping an eye on him.

LH: 是吗?你们公司有个人上班天天迟到,所以老板已经盯上他了。这个人不就是你嘛? L: Of course not! I haven't bought my bike yet.

LH: 买了自行车你也不能这么干啊! 对了,待会儿你要骑车回家么?这天好像要下雨了。 L: Well it's dangerous to ride a bike in the rain, so we'll have to keep an eye on the weather.


LH: Larry, 你这辆新车真好看,待会儿你就骑车回家吧!

L: I'm really excited to ride it. But unfortunately I don't think I can ride it today, because it will probably rain.

LH: 会么?没准不会下的,你骑吧!

L: No, I would really hate riding in the cold rain. I'm not going to push my luck. LH: Push your luck? 什么意思?

L: When you push your luck, you take a big risk in the hope that you will have good luck.

LH: 哦,就是抱着侥幸心里去冒险。你是说,你不想抱着天不下雨的侥幸心理去骑车。 L: Right! Here is another example. Even though everyone knows smoking will likely give them cancer, some people decide to push their luck and smoke anyway.

LH: 可不,抽烟的人都希望自己运气好,不会因为抽烟而得肺癌。把自己的健康寄托在运气上,我可不干这种事。

L: Speaking of risks, I should buy a helmet, too. What do you think of this one? LH: 这个是不错,可是太贵了,不值。

L: I guess I could just not buy a helmet and hope I don't get into an accident, but I don't want to push my luck.

LH: 对,要是真把脑袋撞伤了,可不是闹着玩儿的。

L: Exactly. You know, Lihua, I really appreciate you helping me shop for this bike. I really owe you a favor.

LH: 啊,这样吧,为了表示你对我的感激,给我买个数码相机怎么样?

L: Don't push your luck, Lihua. I was planning to buy you lunch.

LH: 请吃午饭?那也行啊!去哪儿吃?

L: How about McDonalds? Remember that I took you there last weekend, too?

LH: Larry, don't push your luck. 上礼拜就骗我吃麦当劳,这个礼拜还吃?! 今天我一定要宰你一刀,吃牛排吧!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是keep an eye out for sth, 表示特别留意。另一是push one's luck, 意思是抱着侥幸心理冒险。


李华和Larry正在一起看世界杯美国对斯洛文尼亚的比赛。今天我们要学两个常用语:push over和blow it.

LH: Larry, 美国队的第二场比赛就要开始了,我真等不及啦!

L: Yeah, I'm really excited too! Hopefully the U.S. will have good luck again today playing Slovenia.

LH: 对! 美国队上次和英格兰踢的时候就是因为运气好捞到了一个进球! 不过,斯洛文尼亚不是什么强队,美国队这次不靠运气,靠实力,踢赢也不成问题吧?

L: I don't know … Slovenia is playing very well. They're not going to be a push-over. LH: 啊?什么是a push-over?

L: A push-over is someone who is very easy to take advantage of.

LH: 哦,a push-over就是容易控制、好欺负的人。你的意思是,斯洛文尼亚可不是那么容易对付的,是不是?

L: Exactly! Here's another example. Even though Joe always turned in his homework late, he never got in trouble because his teacher was a real push-over.

LH: 嗯, Joe的老师好欺负,所以他不交作业也没事。

L: Exactly. So Lihua, how did you get out of work today to watch the World Cup? LH: 因为我老板喜欢我啊,只要我央求一下,她什么都答应我!

L: Hmm … she sounds like a real push-over. I wish my boss always gave me everything I asked for.

LH: 下次我教你讨上司喜欢的秘诀!对了,看完比赛我还要去公司,你开车送我吧。 L: Well I'm pretty busy this afternoon. Can you take the bus?

LH: 那可不行,大热天的我还得等车,不干不干!

L: Eh … alright, I'll give you a ride. You know that I'm such a push-over. But why didn't you ride your bike today?

LH: 别提了,我的车坏了!我把它拿到修车厂,结果他们开出的修理费简直是天文数字!我可不上当,扭头就走了!

L: Well, I can see you're definitely not a push-over, Lihua.

LH: 那可不!如果别人想占你便宜,你就得自我保护!好了,不说了,比赛要开始了! L: Great, let's watch!



LH: 这比赛真是峰回路转!美国开始的时候0比2落后,结果居然又追回两球,打成平局了!

L: Yeah, but the U.S. should have won!

LH: 就是,最后一个球,美国队明明进了,裁判却吹犯规,误判误判!

L: I know, I can't believe that the referee blew that call.

LH: The referee blew the call? 什么意思?

L: Actually, when you make a really big mistake, you can say that you blew it.

LH: 啊,blow something就是说犯大错误,把事情搞砸。所以你是说,裁判把美国队的进球判成无效,是很严重的误判。

L: Right! Here is another example. Joe wanted to impress Carol on their first date. But he really blew it because she was a vegetarian and he took her to a steak restaurant. LH: 啊?带吃素的人去牛排店,这不是满错了么!对了,Larry, 美国队下一场踢阿尔及利亚,你说胜算有几成?

L: Well, most people think that the U.S. is a better team. We should win as long as we don't make a big mistake and blow it.

LH: 太好了!比赛星期三,咱们一起看!

L: Well I would really like to … but I have a big presentation on Thursday that I will need to prepare for, and I really don't want to blow it.

LH: Larry, 世界杯比做报告重要多了!还是跟我看比赛吧!

L: Well Lihua, my boss isn't a push-over. If I do a bad job, he will get really mad at me. LH: 你老板不好惹?那就算了吧……要不这样,我看比赛,你在家准备报告,如果比赛有什么精彩内容,我就打电话告诉你!

L: Hmmm … that's a great idea! But you better not blow it and get so excited that you forget to call me.

LH: 这我可不敢保证!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是push-over, 表示好欺负,好说话的人。另一是blow it, 意思是犯大错,把事情搞砸。


李华和Larry在看世界杯足球赛,美国队和阿尔及利亚队。我们要学两个常用语:on the edge of your seat和down to the wire.

LH: Larry,今天这场比赛可很重要!美国要是赢了,就进16强,要是输了就得回家了。 L: I know! Who do you think will win? The U.S. or Algeria?

LH: 这可说不好。

L: I agree, it's hard to predict who will win. All I know is that I'm going to be on the edge of my seat the whole game.

LH: 什么?你要坐在椅子边儿上看比赛?这样坐着你一会儿就得累。

L: Actually, when you are really excited or nervous about something, you can say that you are on the edge of your seat.

LH: 哦,on the edge of your seat不是真的坐在椅子的边儿上,而是形容紧张的样子。你是说,这场比赛让你感到特别紧张、兴奋,简直坐也不是站也不是。

L: Right! Or for another example, my friend Eddie loved the new Jack Nicholson suspense movie. He said it kept him on the edge of his seat for two hours.

LH: 对!悬疑电影总是让人的心提在嗓子眼,紧张得不行!哎,Larry, 你不是说你在网上买了一件美国队的球衣么?寄来了没有?

L: I've been waiting on the edge of my seat all week for it to come, but it hasn't arrived yet. I hope it didn't get lost in the mail.

LH: 别急,没准今天球衣就到了。你看别的世界杯比赛了吗?

L: Yeah a few, but for me, none can keep me on the edge of my seat like a U.S. match does.

LH: 这倒是!不过,足球比赛太紧张了!要不我们还是看―美国偶像‖吧,轻松一下。 L: No way! I'm always sitting on the edge of my seat whenever they announce the winner of American Idol.

LH: 你怎么看什么都这么激动!对了,我还真没看出来,你也是美国偶像的粉丝啊! L: Well you never know when you might learn something surprising about me, Lihua. LH: 哈哈,那以后和你说话时我该紧张了,I'll be on the edge of my seat when I talk to you!



LH: 真够悬的!双方一直是0比0,我还以为美国队要被淘汰了呢!谁知美国队居然在最后三分种里进了个球,这下就挺进16强啦!

L: I know! That was so amazing! If I watch a few more games like that, I'm going to have a heart attack!

LH: 心脏病?不至于吧!不过,这场比赛最后几分钟确实挺刺激的。

L: You're right. That game really came down to the wire.

LH: Down to the wire? 这是什么意思?

L: When something comes down to the wire, that means there isn't much time left. LH: 哦,down to the wire就是指到了最后关头。 你是说这场比赛在快结束的时候居然难分胜负。

L: Right. Here's another example. My big report for work is due tomorrow and I still have a lot of work to do, so it's really coming down to the wire today.

LH: 你是说,明天有报告要交,可你还没怎么写呢,所以今天是你完成报告的最后关头了!哎?既然要写报告,干嘛还看世界杯?

L: I'll just say that I know what's important in life. Say, how is your summer job search going?

LH: 还在找呢。我已经快没钱了,如果再找不到工作,我连房租也交不出来了。

L: Gosh, it sounds like it's really coming down to the wire. Have you had any success? LH: 倒是有一份工作,我已经进入最后一轮面试了,公司说今天下午打电话通知我结果。 L: Wow, it sounds like it's coming down to the wire. You must really be on the edge of your seat.

LH: 是啊,已经快5点了,还没来电话,我都要急死了!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是on the edge of your seat, 表示紧张兴奋。另一是down to the wire, 意思是到最后关头。


Larry和李华在公园里散步,今天我们要学两个常用语: on the bright side和no-brainer. LH: Larry, 周末在公园里走走,真舒服啊!

L: Normally I would agree with you Lihua, but when it's 100 degrees out like it is today, I might prefer my air-conditioned apartment.

LH: 天是够热的。不过你知足吧,起码今天公园里人不多,难得这么清静!

L: That's true. It may be hot, but if we look on the bright side, the park isn't crowded at all.

LH: Look on the bright side? 这是什么意思?

L: Lihua, when you look on the bright side, you try to see something good in a bad situation.

LH: 哦,on the bright side就是从好的方面讲。你是说,虽然今天天气很热,但是从好的方面看,正因为天热,人们都不愿意出来,所以公园里才会这么清静。

L: Right! Here is another example. There is supposed to be a big rain storm later today, but looking on the bright side, that will help cool down the weather.


L: You got it!

LH: 对了,Larry,天这么热,你干嘛穿长衣长裤啊?

L: Yeah, I am pretty hot in these clothes. But on the bright side, I won't get a sunburn. LH: 老土! 你不知道世界上有种东西叫防晒霜么?

L: Very funny. Yes I do, but on the bright side, I can save a little money by wearing long clothes instead.

LH: 可是Larry, 你们美国人不是喜欢把皮肤晒得黑黑的么?你干嘛要把自己捂起来呢?

L: Yes, lots of Americans like to get a tan in the summer, but there is a really big downside: skin cancer.

LH: A downside?

L: That's right. If you want to point out something bad about a situation, you can tell people to consider the downside.

LH: 明白了,downside就是―缺点‖,不好的方面。和the bright side正好相反。Larry,你看那只小狗,正在和主人玩儿接飞盘的游戏,真好玩儿!我真希望自己也有条小狗! L: Yeah, dogs are a lot of fun, but there is a big downside: you have to spend lots of time and money taking care of them.

LH: 那倒是,那养只猫咪怎么样?

L: Well, I don't think cats are as much fun to play with as dogs. But on the bright side, they are much more independent.


LH: Larry, 我们今天除了散步还要干点什么呢?玩儿扔飞盘怎么样?

L: Lihua, if I do any running around in the sun today, you're going to have to take me to the hospital with heat stroke.

LH: 这倒也是。这么大热的天,我们还是不要跑跑跳跳的了。

L: Yeah, that's a no-brainer.

LH: A no-brainer? 什么意思啊?

L: When you think something is really obvious, you can say that it's a no-brainer.

LH: 哦,no-brainer就是不用动脑子就知道的事,也就是明摆着的事情。你是说,天气这么热,明摆着,咱们不能跑跑跳跳。

L: Exactly! Here is another example. Some people don't like to buckle their seatbelt in the car, but to me, that's a no brainer.

LH: 是啊,坐车系安全带,这是一定要的啊。就跟在户外要防晒一样。没什么可说的。 L: Yeah, you would have to be really stupid to risk getting skin cancer.

LH: 哎, Larry, 看样子马上就会下雨了,咱们赶快走吧,省得挨浇。

L: Of course, Lihua, that's a no-brainer. We definitely wouldn't want to stay outside in a thunderstorm!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是on the bright side 表示―从好的方面讲‖。另一是no-brainer, 意思是―明摆着的事情‖。


Larry在学校书店,陪李华买新学期要用的书。他们会用到两个常用语: bite your tongue和stoop down to someone's level。

LH: 啊呀,怎么这么多人都选今天来买书!

Larry: Well, classes do start on Monday. Everyone is getting ready for school to start. LH: Larry,刚才我结帐的时候,你听见那个收款员嘲笑我了么?他看我买这本书,说什么:―呦,你还上这门课哪?有什么用啊这种课!‖他怎么能这样呢?! 气得我够呛!

Larry: Yea, I almost said something to him, but I just wanted to get out of there. Sometimes it's just better to bite your tongue and walk away.

LH: Bite your tongue? Larry你咬舌头啦? 疼不疼啊?

Larry: No, Lihua. My tongue is fine. Biting your tongue is a phrase that means you force yourself to keep quiet – Like you have to bite your tongue to keep it from talking. LH: 哦,to bite your tongue意思就是忍着不说话。你是说,你本想说那店员两句,可不想引起争执,所以就忍着没作声。

Larry: That's right, Lihua, and saying something mean back to that rude cashier just wouldn't be worth it. Better to bite my tongue and walk away.

LH: 这倒是。我真希望刚才那个收银员也知道什么时候闭嘴,bite his tongue,不要对客人说这么没礼貌的话。

Larry: He was probably just having a bad day. When someone gets frustrated, it's easier for them to forget to bite their tongue when they should…Like last Friday when my boss asked me to work late…

LH: 啊?老板让你加班,你说什么啦?

Larry: Well I wanted to tell him to get lost, but, of course, I bit my tongue instead. LH: 幸好你忍住了!对老板大发脾气可不是明智之举!

Larry: That sure would be a mistake. Another example of a good time to bite your tongue is when your teacher makes you angry in class.

LH: 没错!有时候我也想顶老师几句,可想想得罪老师的后果,我呀,还是bite my tongue,装哑巴算了!

Larry: That's definitely the smart thing to do. You wouldn't want your teacher to be angry at you!


LH: 每个人在生活中都应该―三思而后言‖,不能想到什么说什么。一想起刚才那个没礼貌的店员,我就来气!

Larry: It's alright, Lihua – there's nothing we can do about it now anyway. We would only be stooping down to his level if we returned the insult.

LH: "Stooping down to his level"―弯腰到他的水平‖?这是什么意思?

Larry: To stoop down to his level would mean to be rude to him just like he was rude to us. Just because he is rude does not mean that we have to act the same way.

LH: 我明白了。stoop down to someone's level意思就是―跟某人一般见识‖。如果别人对你没礼貌,而你也用粗鲁的语言去回敬他,那你就是把自己降低到和他一样的档次了。 Larry: Right. For example, if someone speeds past you while you're driving, it's better to let them go instead of trying to catch up and race them.

LH: 对,别人不守交通规则,咱不能跟他们一般见识,和他们一块儿违章开车。 Larry: Exactly. If they want to be unsafe, let them be unsafe by themselves.

LH: 对了,Larry, 刚才咱们排队的时候,后面一群女生在议论你的新鞋。

Larry: My shoes? What did they say??

LH: 呃….她们在嘲笑你的鞋子老土…不过没关系,我忍了,什么都没说,我不能跟她们一般见识,叽叽喳喳说人坏话,你说对吧?

Larry: My shoes? Out of style? That's so rude. I'm glad you didn't stoop down to their level. If I had heard them, I might not have been able to control myself. Why, I would…… LH: Larry! 你怎么啦?!咱们刚才不是才说么,不要想到什么就说什么!

Larry: You're right. I wouldn't want to stoop down to their level.

LH: 要不,咱们还是给你买双新鞋吧!

Larry: New shoes? What, you don't like these either?

LH: Um, I….

Larry: Yes?

LH: 我想我还是bite my tongue吧!

Larry: It doesn't work if I already know what you are going to say! (Sigh) OK. There's a shoe store. Let's hope the cashier there is having a better day.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是bite your tongue,表示―忍着不说话‖。另一个是stoop down to one's level, 意思是―跟某人一般见识‖。


Larry和李华在看世界杯美国对加纳的比赛。今天我们要学两个常用语:haunt someone和turn the corner.

LH: Larry, 美国今天如果赢了加纳,就进8强啦!我可紧张死了!

L: Me too! But I kind of have a bad feeling, because it was Ghana that eliminated the U.S. from the tournament in 2006.

LH: 啊?20xx年世界杯美国就是被加纳淘汰的?那今天就是美国报仇的时候啦!我觉得,美国队在比赛开始的时候就得设法赶快进球,不要总让别人领先。

L: I agree. If they keep letting the other team score early in the game, eventually it will come back to haunt them.

LH: Haunt them? 什么意思?

L: When a mistake in the past causes you trouble in the present, you can say it comes back to haunt you.

LH: 哦,comes back to haunt you就是说从前犯的错误到如今还在给你带来麻烦。你是说, 如果美国队在比赛开始的时候失球,那就可能输掉比赛,后悔莫及。

L: Exactly. For example, Joe decided not to buy car insurance, but that decision came back to haunt him when he had a major accident.

LH: Joe决定不买汽车保险,结果后来出了大车祸,之前的错误决定就让他陷入了麻烦之中。

L: You're right, now let's have fun and watch the game. Do you have some popcorn and soda?

LH: Larry,这些食品不健康,少吃为妙!

L: That's true, an unhealthy diet can come back to haunt you later if it causes you health problems.

LH: 对啊,吃不健康的东西会影响到你的身体。啊, Larry, 我真希望咱们现在在南非,看世界杯现场!

L: Yeah, it would have been so much fun to go. If the U.S. makes it into the finals, that decision is really going to come back to haunt me.

LH: 对啊,如果美国队进了决赛,你一定会后悔自己没去南非!哎?Larry,你这个电视怎么这么清楚啊?难道你换了新电视机?

L: That's right, I bought it just to watch the U.S. play in the World Cup! Although that decision will come back to haunt me if they lose today.

LH: 是啊,要是美国今天就被淘汰,你这台电视就白买了,你肯定得后悔!看,比赛开始了!

L: Great, let's watch!



LH: 唉,美国队输了!不过,这场比赛打得很激烈,一直打到了加时赛呢!

L: Well I'm pretty disappointed that the U.S. lost, but at least they played well and improved from 2006.

LH: 是啊,20xx年时美国都没能进16强!

L: Yeah, they have been getting better. Hopefully 2014 will be the year that they turn the corner.

LH: Turn the corner? 这是什么意思?

L: When you turn the corner, that means you pass a critical turning point.

LH: 哦,就是出现转机,实现突破。 你是说,希望美国队20xx年世界杯能突破自己,成为强队!

L: Right! Here is another example. Joe spent two years studying Chinese in America, but he never really turned the corner until he went to live in China.

LH: 哦,Joe在美国学了两年中文,一直学得不怎么样,直到去中国留学,他的中文水平才有了突破。哎, Larry, 你买的这个电视真是越看越好!

L: Thanks, Lihua.

LH: 这电视一定很贵。你最近是不是发财了?

L: Yeah, my investment in the stock market wasn't going very well for a long time. But it really turned the corner recently.

LH: 我这学期不知怎么了,两门课成绩都不是很理想,真不知道什么时候才会有转机。 L: Don't worry Lihua, I'm sure that before long you're going to turn the corner and start getting straight A's.

LH: 哪有那么简单!不过,既然美国队已经被淘汰了,我就可以专心学习了!

L: Well, I hope all this time watching soccer instead of studying doesn't come back to haunt you during your final exams.

LH: 没关系,为了四年一次的世界杯,考不好也值!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是haunt someone, 表示以前的错误如今还在对某人产生影响。另一是turn the corner, 意思是出现转机,实现突破。


夏天到了,酷暑难当,李华和Larry一起去游泳。 今天我们要学两个常用语:few and far between和take the plunge.

LH: Larry, 这几天怎么这么热啊! 每天都有快40度!

L: I know! I have my air conditioner turned all the way to full power, and my apartment still feels really hot.

LH: 华盛顿每年夏天都这么热。

L: Even though summers in Washington DC can be hot, summers that are this hot are few and far between.

LH: 你说这么热的夏天是few and far between? 这是什么意思?

L: Something that is few and far between is very rare.

LH: 哦, few and far between就是很少见的意思。你是说,虽然华盛顿的夏天比较热,但像今年这么热的还是很少见的。

L: Right! Here is another example. Hurricane Katrina caused a lot of terrible damage in Louisiana. Luckily, hurricanes that big are few and far between.

LH: 对,像卡特里娜那种威力的飓风也是很少见的。Larry, 你看天气预报了么?不知道什么时候会下雨,能凉快凉快?

L: Not any time soon.. we can have a nice day having fun swimming. I've been so busy lately that my chances to relax have been few and far between.

LH: 是啊,你最近好像特别忙。怎么那么多工作啊?

L: Well there is a promotion opportunity for a great job at my company. Chances like this are few and far between, so I'm working really hard to get it.

LH: 现在经济不好,能有升职的机会的确不容易,你要好好争取!不过今天我们还是在游泳池里好好轻松一下吧! 咱们去哪个泳池?

L: We're not going to the pool. My friend Andy is taking us out to swim in the ocean on his boat!

LH: 啊?你朋友Andy有船?这么有钱的朋友我怎么一个都没有!

L: Well that's true, friends with boats are few and far between, so you have to be careful to maintain the friendship.

LH: Larry, 你不会是因为Andy有钱才跟他当朋友的吧?

L: Of course not! But you know, Lihua, in heat like this, some friends might be more important than others.



LH: Larry, 在游泳之前,我得问问你,这海里到底有没有鲨鱼啊?

L: Hmmm … probably. But to be honest, right now I am more afraid of the sun than I am of any sharks.

LH: 你不在乎,我可在乎! 我不想成为鲨鱼的下午茶!

L: Lihua, I understand that you are a little nervous. But sometimes you just have to take the plunge.

LH: Take the plunge? Plunge,不是往下跳的意思么?你是说,让我不管三七二十一,跳进海里就好了?

L: Right! But you know, you can also say that you "take the plunge" any time you do something risky or scary.

LH: 哦,take the plunge就是冒险一试。你是说,虽然我有些害怕,但还是应该果断地下水?

L: Right! For example, Anthony was really nervous about quitting his job and switching careers, but eventually he decided to take the plunge.

LH: 哦,Anthony在辞职和改行的问题上一直挺犹豫的,但最后他还是决定冒险一试。这么说起来,我也有类似的经历,我来美国留学就是这样的!

L: Exactly! I bet it was a big decision to leave China and come to America, but you decided to take the plunge. Aren't you happy you did?

LH: 哈,那可不好说,如果下面有鲨鱼,我被吃了,那我来美国的决定可就是大错特错了!

L: Trust me, Lihua. The sharks out here are few and far between. And even if there are any around, I don't think sharks like Chinese food.

LH: 哦?你说鲨鱼不爱吃中餐?不如这样吧,Larry,你先跳下去,咱们看看鲨鱼是不是比较爱吃美国饭!

L: Well, let's find out! This sun is so hot that I'm willing to take the plunge. Are you ready, Lihua?

LH: 好吧! 大海,我来啦!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是few and far between, 表示很少见。另一是take the plunge, 意思是冒险尝试。


李华在陪Larry找房子。他们会用到两个常用语:on the same wavelength和ballpark estimate.

LH: Larry,这房子到底在什么地方啊?我走得腿都疼了。

Larry: Believe me, Lihua, I'm tired too. This is the fifth place I've looked at in the last two days. Hopefully, I'll find my new apartment soon.

LH: 啊?两天里你已经看了4个地方,却一个都看不上?是不是你太挑剔了?

Larry: Well…that depends on a lot of different factors, but I'm thinking of a ballpark estimate of around $800 per month.

LH: 你说什么?A ballpark? 球场? 这和房租有什么关系?

Larry: I'm not talking about a literal ballpark, Lihua. A "ballpark" or a "ballpark estimate" is a general estimate or range.

LH: 原来,A ballpark estimate就是大概齐的估算。

Larry: That's right. I don't have an exact number in mind for the amount of rent I want to pay – that will depend on the location and condition of a given apartment – not to mention if the current housemates and I are on the same wavelength in terms of our lifestyles. LH: 所以你刚才说,这个地方的房子大概齐也要一个月800块上下?

Larry: Well, a ballpark of $800 could vary widely, maybe $600 to $1,000, more or less. But something like $10,000 would be way outside of the ballpark.

LH: 明白了,你是说在这片地区,600到1000的房租都有可能。不过要是每月一万的房租就太离谱了,不可能出现在这里。

Larry: You got it, Lihua!

LH: 不过Larry,我们下地铁之后都走了快20分钟了,还没到。我觉得这房子的地理位置也不怎么样,房租大概要比地铁周围的便宜很多吧?

Larry: In this city, everything within a ballpark of 20 minutes away from the subway can still be very expensive. Of course, it gets cheaper once you start getting into the suburbs. LH: 你是说,在地铁站周围走路20分钟能到的房子房租都很高? 不过就算这样,你也别住到The suburbs – 郊区去! 太远了,咱俩见面多不方便!

Larry: Well, that's true, but on the other hand, I would save a lot of money…

LH: Larry, 我知道你是开玩笑的,你可骗不了我! 别忘了,咱们俩可是在同一个wavelength上的!

Larry: I guess I can't fool you anymore…

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是,on the same wavelength,表示―兴趣相投,聊得来‖。另一个是a ballpark estimate, 意思是―大概齐的估算‖。


李华和Larry要去打网球,他们会用到两个常用语:shoo-in和top dog.

Larry: Hey, Lihua, are you ready to go? Where are your tennis shoes?

LH: Sorry, Larry.今天网球不打了。我得温习功课! 我们系里新设立了奖学金,只有成绩最好的学生才拿得到!

Larry: The top student? Don't worry – you're a shoo-in!

LH: Shoe? In? 你说我鞋子怎么了?

Larry: No no no. Not the shoes that you put on your feet. Shoo is spelled s-h-o-o. A "shoo-in" is a guaranteed winner.

LH: 哦! shoo-in就是绝对的赢家,肯定得胜的人。你是说,我不用温习,也肯定能拿到奖学金?

Larry: Yea, exactly. Remember when you tried out for that student dance group last year? I knew you were a shoo-in for the team. You're such a good dancer!

LH: 真的?! 说实话我当时没多少信心! 能入选学生舞蹈团真是出乎我的意料!

Larry: Well, it looks like my prediction was correct – you eventually made the team, right? You should have more confidence in yourself! You were a shoo-in!

LH: Thanks Larry! 你还记得么?你找工作的时候,去面试,特别紧张,可我当时就觉得you were a shoo-in,你肯定能被录取!

Larry: Well, I was hardly a shoo-in for the job. There were a lot of qualified people vying for that position – I was lucky to get it.

LH: 好啦,Larry,不要谦虚啦! 话说回来。这次奖学金竞争激烈,不光要看成绩,还要看课外活动和表现,真难啊!

Larry: Lihua, you're involved with plenty of extracurricular activities. Among your classmates, I'm sure you're a top dog.

LH: Larry! 你怎么说我是狗?

Larry: Not a dog – Top dog. "Top dog" means "the best", you know, "number one." LH: 哦? Top dog是第一名,最棒的人?

Larry: Exactly. For instance, my boss is the top dog at my office. Not only does he have the most experience, but he also has the ability to influence the work of his staff. He's definitely a top dog.

LH: 哦,你说你的老板是办公室里最牛的人,他不仅经验丰富,而且能影响其他的工作人员。不过,Larry,我可对我的同学没有什么影响力……

Larry: Sure you do. I know plenty of your classmates look up to you. Not only are you a hard worker in class, but you also volunteer as a math tutor for middle school students at the community center, and you're a member of the school dance team!

LH: 对啊,我学习努力,还当志愿者给中学生补课,又是舞蹈团成员。经你这么一说,我也感觉着自己怪不错的!

Larry: Haha! But seriously, you are the top dog in your class, and you're definitely a shoo-in for the scholarship. Just show the scholarship committee how great you are!

LH: 对,Larry. 我现在很有信心,虽然我不敢说I'm a shoo-in for this scholarship, 但是我得奖的机会还是蛮大的!

Larry: I'm glad to hear it! But aren't you forgetting one more extracurricular activity you can put on your list?

LH: 啊?什么活动啊?

Larry: Playing tennis with the top dog of the tennis court – me!

LH: 你呀?你才不是网球的top dog,我自己不是打赢过了你好多次嘛

Larry: Oh, I was just letting you win… come on, let's go play!

LH: 对不起啊Larry,这个奖学金的事确实比网球更重要。我准备好了奖学金的申请书以后,一定会跟你打网球。我保证!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是shoo-in,意思是―绝对的赢家‖。另一个是top dog,意思是―优胜者,最棒的人‖。


李华和Larry要去朋友家聚餐,俩人正在包饺子。他们会用到两个常用语:keep your shirt on和to walk all over someone.

LH: Larry! 你那个饺子里放的馅儿太多了! 肯定得破!

Larry: Sorry, Lihua, I'm trying my best here. Look, I've already made half a dozen dumplings – see?

LH: 啊?都快半个小时了,你才包了六个饺子??

Larry: Keep your shirt on! You know I've never made Chinese dumplings before, Lihua. LH: Larry, 你在说什么啊? keep my shirt on?! 我又没脱衣服!

Larry: (Sigh) OK, let's both relax. What I mean is, try to be more patient. "Keep your shirt on" means "be patient."

LH: "Keep your shirt on"是―耐心点儿‖的意思?那好吧,I will try to keep my shirt on. Larry: And I'll try to work more quickly. (Pause) Here – is this how to close the dumpling?

LH: 天啊, Larry, 你这个饺子包得太难看了! 在包饺子的时候,You need to keep your shirt on, too – 你也得有点耐心,慢慢包!

Larry: Why don't you help me? The work will go twice as fast – and you can show me how to properly make a Chinese dumpling.

LH: 好吧,听我说。包饺子最怕饺子皮按不紧,我有个笨办法,就是在皮的四周抹上一圈水,然后再按紧。你看,这样,饺子就不会―张嘴‖啦!

Larry: Hey, not so fast! How did you do that so quickly? Why can't I make dumplings like that?

LH: 熟能生巧啊,慢慢练习,keep your shirt on! 不过,今天没时间让你慢慢练了,咱们得快点包,聚餐快开始了! 哎?刚才让你烧开水,水开了没有?

Larry: Keep your shirt on, Lihua! It should be boiling in a minute.


LH: 啊呀,来电话催了! (接起电话) 喂?… 啊,对不起,还没有做好,就快好了! 我知道! 好好,对不起了啊,恩,好拜拜. (挂电话) 唉! 我朋友着急了!

Larry: Geez, she seems really rude! You shouldn't let her walk all over you like that. LH: Walk… over me? 什么意思?

Larry: I mean you need to stand up for yourself. To let someone walk all over you means that you are allowing someone to be very rude to you.

LH: 哦,to walk all over someone就是对某人蛮横无理。

Larry: That's right, and you shouldn't let your friend walk all over you like that. LH: 你说得对。不过,这个女生是我师姐,我应该尊重她。她说两句就说两句吧! Larry: Respecting her and letting her walk all over you are two different things. For example, I definitely need to respect my boss when he tells me I did something wrong.

However, if he made me stay late every night at work, that's walking all over me, and I don't have to accept that.

LH: 对,要是老板天天让你加班,就没有道理了,明显是在欺负人,你没必要照做。 Larry: Exactly. Respect between two people should be mutual – regardless of how old they are.

LH: 你说得对! 哎?水开了没有,咱们快点把饺子做好吧!

Larry: Let's take our time. I don't want to hurry just to make your rude friend happy. LH: 她要是再打电话来催我,我一定会让她keep her shirt on – 耐心点! 不过咱们也得加快速度,再包它二十个!

Larry: Keep your shirt on, Lihua! I'll go as fast as I can!

LH: Larry, 包完饺子你还得赶快去趟中国超市!

Larry: The store? For what?

LH: 买腊八蒜啊! 吃饺子哪能没有腊八蒜! 另外,你最好再额外买点小菜,点心什么的……

Larry: I'm beginning to think you are walking all over me, too!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是 Keep your shirt on,意思是―保持耐心‖。另一个是 to walk all over someone 意思是―对某人蛮横无理‖。


Larry在咖啡馆里碰见了李华。他们会用到两个常用语:take someone under your wing和take someone for a ride.

(Sound of caf□door opening – chimes)

Larry: Hey, there you are, Lihua.

LH: (Sounding tired) Oh, hi Larry.

Larry: I haven't seen you since last weekend. What have you been up to? Don't tell me you're having midterms already.

LH: 我连看书的时间都没有! 尽忙着照顾我表妹了。她从中国来美国上高中,初来乍到,什么都不会,所以我这两天一直在帮她安顿。

Larry: I'm sure it's a very tough transition for both of you. But, it's so nice of you to take her under your wing.

LH: "Take her under my wing"? 这是什么意思?

Larry: To take someone under your wing means to give them a great deal of personal guidance and protection while they are learning something of which you have experience.

LH: 我明白了, to take someone under your wing,就是指导、保护和照料某人。我现在就是这样像母鸡带小鸡一样照顾着我表妹呢!

Larry: It takes time to learn how to cope with living in a totally new environment – it's only natural to need a little bit of help at first. As a matter of fact, I can remember a time not so long ago when I took a certain confused girl from China under my own wing… LH: 你说你也曾这样帮助过一个女孩? 你不是在说我吧?Larry, 虽然你给了我很多帮助,但这和我给我表妹的帮助是不同的。我要是不在她身边,她连出门买吃的都不敢! Larry: But Lihua, you couldn't buy groceries on your own either when you first moved here. One time at the grocery store, your bill came to $7.50 and you pulled out a dollar bill, asking me if it was enough!

LH: Haha, 这个我记得。刚到美国时,每次需要跟美国人打交道我都会非常紧张,就算不说英语,还是觉得很恐怖。

Larry: Luckily, I was there to take you under my wing while you got used to living in the United States – just like how you're taking your cousin under your wing now!

LH: 哈,看来我们都是好心人! 最近我在帮我表妹找房子。她以前的房东欺负她是新来的,把房租提高了两倍!我表妹已经傻呼呼地交了一个月的钱!

Larry: Yeah, you have to be really careful. It sounds like that landlord was taking your cousin for a ride.

LH: Taking her for a ride? 开车带她出去?那个房东可没这么好心!

Larry: Um, I mean "taking her for a ride" as in, taking advantage of her situation – playing a trick on her for his own benefit.

LH: 哦! 原来to take someone for a ride还有欺负人,宰人的意思!

Larry: Yea, that's right. For example, when I went to New York City, my cab driver noticed that I had never been to New York before, and so he took a longer route to my hotel in order to run up my bill. This is a classic case of "taking someone for a ride."

LH: 啊?司机看你是第一次来纽约,就带着你绕远路,多收你的车费。这可真差劲,欺负人!

Larry: Unfortunately, some people will take advantage of other people like that.

LH: Larry, 咱们是愿意take others under our wings, 不遗余力地帮助别人,可这个房东和那个出租司机却会take people for a ride, 占别人便宜。所以这两个说法的意思正好相反嘛!

Larry: Yea, you could think of it like that. So, it's a great thing that you are taking your cousin under your wing! Otherwise, it would be easy for people to take her for a ride. LH: 好吧,为了防止她受欺负,我就继续努力吧。

Larry: I'm sure your cousin is a smart girl. Before you know it, she'll be just as capable to live on her own in the United States as you are – and you won't have to worry about people trying to take her for a ride.

LH: (叹气) 不过,在她完全自立前,我可有的忙了,估计不能常和你见面了! Larry: That's OK. Taking someone under your wing is a quite a full-time job!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是to take someone under your wing,意思是―照顾和帮助某人‖。另一个是to take someone for a ride,意思是―占人便宜,欺负人‖。 重复做某事/管理严格

李华正为了完成一项作业而焦头烂额。她和Larry要用到两个常用语:Do something till you're blue in the face和run a tight ship.

Larry: Hey, Lihua, are you ready to go to dinner? I'm starving.

LH: 吃饭?我可没心情吃饭。我没想出这作业要怎么写。我们小组的组长肯定饶不了我! Larry: You've been sitting there for almost four hours! Let's go get something to eat, and then you can come back and think about it some more.

LH: 不行,我发誓,不写出个提纲我就绝食!

Larry: Look, Lihua, if you don't eat anything, you can sit there and think about your project till you're blue in the face and you still won't get any good ideas.

LH: 啊?我的脸变成蓝色?这怎么可能?

Larry: That's just an expression, Lihua. If you do something till you're blue in the face, you're doing something over and over again for a very long time – and making no progress.

LH: 哦,Do something till you're blue in the face,就是说反复做一件事,但一直不成功。你是说我瘪了半天也写不出论文,可还拼命地想。但是,我不管,我非写出来不可! Larry: But, Lihua, I'm starving!

LH: Larry, 别嚷嚷了,就算你一直抱怨到you're blue in the face! 我是不会理你的。 Larry: OK, OK. I get the point. Maybe I can help you. What's the project about?

LH: 这就对了! 这个作业是美国历史课的。我们小组的每个人都要介绍一个美国历史人物,可是别的组员都是美国人,他们的历史知识当然比我丰富啊!

Larry: Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Why don't you ask your group for some help? That would be more productive than sitting here until you're blue in the face. LH: 可是,我们组长凶巴巴的,特别不好说话,还让我们明天都要交一份提纲出来! Larry: Hmm…I think I have an idea, Lihua. Why don't you do your report on George Washington! He was a military leader who ran a very tight ship in the American Revolution.

LH: A tight ship? 一艘很紧的船?乔治华盛顿不是美国第一任总统吗?难道他还在美国独立战争期间当过船长??

Larry: No, he wasn't the captain of a ship; he was the Commander in Chief of the entire army! And he ran a very tight ship with his soldiers – meaning, he was a very strict leader. LH: 原来如此! To run a tight ship就是指纪律严明的领导风格,严格管理。

Larry: That's right. He ran such a tight ship, in fact, that he was able to lead an army of largely untrained soldiers through a very harsh winter during the war.

LH: 率领没受过什么训练的士兵在寒冬作战,这可不简单!

Larry: Well, Lihua, a good leader can run a tight ship no matter how bad the situation is.

LH: Larry, 这倒让想起了我们的组长。她对我们特别严格。

Larry: It certainly sounds like your group leader runs quite a tight ship, but a good leader can command the respect of his soldiers by setting a good example, not yelling. Without that respect, you could yell until you're blue in the face and you still wouldn't be able to lead effectively.

LH: 没错! 严格管理并不等于每天冲手下人大喊大叫。我们这个小组的组长人特别厉害,可说实话没什么威信。我真希望下次分到别的组,不要再待在她的tight ship上。 Larry: I hope so, too. Now, since you have your topic, let's go eat pizza!

LH: Pizza?? 不行! 我在减肥!

Larry: Oh, Lihua, you're so skinny already! You could diet until you're blue in the face and it won't make any difference. Don't be so hard on yourself!

LH: 啊?你说我已经很瘦了,所以再怎么减肥也不会变更瘦?得了! 我现在比在中国时胖了好多,我要看牢自己的嘴,I'm going to run a tight ship,只吃健康食品!

Larry: Not another tight ship! I think I'm getting sea-sick.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是 Do something till you're blue in the face,意思是―重复做某事,但是不成功‖。另一个是run a tight ship,意思是―严格管理‖。


李华在春假开始前考完了期中考,Larry去学校接她。他们会用到两个常用语:take one for the team和fat chance.

Larry: Lihua, how did your tests go?

LH: 考得不错!现在我已经等不及开始春假啦!

Larry: That's great to hear, because I have some awesome plans for us this week! LH: 太好了! 你有什么好主意?

Larry: We're going camping with my high school buddies!

LH: 啊?和你的高中同学出去露营?

Larry: That's right!

LH: 我可不想去。

Larry: What?? Why not?

LH: 你们那些男生在一起就会喝啤酒聊棒球,我也插不上嘴,没意思。

Larry: What's so wrong with that? Besides, Mike and Jason are both bringing their girlfriends – I can't go without you. Can't you just take one for the team?

LH: The team? 什么团队?你在说什么?

Larry: To take one for the team means to make a sacrifice for the good of your group or team.

LH: 哦,to take one for the team就是为了团队的利益牺牲自己的利益。你的高中同学都带女朋友去,如果我能跟你去露营,虽然自己可能觉得没趣儿,但是你会高兴,对不对? Larry: Yes. Here's another example. If you're working on a group project with your classmates, and you agree to do a really tedious part of the project that no one else wants to do, you'd be taking one for the team.

LH: 哦,在团队作业中,如果我自愿完成最无聊的、别人都不愿意做的那个部分,我就是take one for the team – 为了整个团队能完成作业,自己吃亏喽!

Larry: That's right! So are you going to take one for the team by going on the camping trip with me?

LH: 可是Larry, 我不懂棒球,也不喝酒,去了我会闷死的…

Larry: Come on, Lihua…Can't you just take one for the team this once? I'm sure you will have a good time talking to my friends' girlfriends.

LH: Larry, 我还是不去了。

Larry: Fine, Lihua. You're a horrible teammate.

LH: Larry, 你别生气。其实春假我已经有安排了,我要为中国学生会的端午节龙舟赛作准备工作啊。


Larry: The Dragonboat Festival? Isn't that months away?

LH: 没错,是还有好几个月呢,但是我现在就得开始找场地了啊! 对了,我想起来了,你春假也不能闲着,得开车带我四处去联络比赛场地!

Larry: Pfff! Fat Chance!

LH: Fat? Chance?? 你是什么意思?

Larry: No! Fat chance means no chance. Why should I help you out when you won't go camping with me?

LH: 啊?Fat Chance就是没可能?你不帮忙啊! 真差劲!

Larry: Hmm. It seems we both need each other to do something for the other. Are you sure you won't take one for the team and come camping with me and my friends?

LH: Fat Chance! 我坚决不去跟你露营! Larry, 你不是已经答应中国学生会的同学,说好要帮忙的么?怎么能不算话?

Larry: Well, I -

LH: Why don't you take one for the team? 你怎么不牺牲一下?

Larry: Oh, alright. I guess I should stay and help since I already promised. But, will you at least come camping with us sometime this summer?

LH: Fat chance!

Larry: What about next year?

LH: Fat chance!

Larry:…Will you ever stop saying "fat chance"?

LH: Fat chance!

Larry: – OK, Lihua. I get the idea! Man, I should have never taught you this phrase. LH: 哈哈哈! Larry, 你气得胡子都翘起来了! 我跟你开玩笑的! 一直以来,你总是耐心地教我英文,我很感激呢!Thanks for taking one for the team and being patient with me! Larry: Yea yea, whatever. Just remember – you owe me one. There's going to come a day when I will need you to do something you might not want to do to help me out, and I'll expect you to take one for the team, OK?

LH: Fat chance!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是take one for the team,意思是―为了别人牺牲自己的利益‖。另一个是fat chance,意思是―不可能‖。


Larry和李华开车去多伦多渡假,结果在路上遇到了一些问题。他们会用到两个常用语:Dodge a bullet和cheapskate。

LH: Larry, 还要开多长时间才到多伦多啊?

Larry: If we don't make any more stops, we should get there by nightfall.

LH: 啊,天黑的时候才能到?可我已经快饿死了! 咱们停下来找点东西吃吧?

Larry: Actually, we have a free dinner waiting for us at the hotel in Toronto.

LH: 我知道酒店有免费晚餐,可是还要几个小时才能吃到,我坚持不住啦!

Larry: You know me, Lihua, I'm a cheapskate. Sorry.

LH: Cheesecake? 你带了芝士蛋糕? 快给我吃!

Larry: No, not cheesecake… cheapskate. A cheapskate is someone who is very cheap, or doesn't like to spend money.

LH: Cheapskate就是小气鬼。没错,你就是个cheapskate! 要不是你舍不得花钱,我们才不会选多伦多渡假呢,早买张飞机票飞去泰国了!

Larry: Thailand? Don't be ridiculous! Even if I wasn't a cheapskate, you know we can't afford to go that far away for vacation!

LH: 那,就算去不起泰国,咱们停下车吃顿饭总可以吧?

Larry: If we stop for food, we'll waste time, gas, and money. I think we should just wait until we get to Toronto.

LH: Why are you being such a cheapskate?? 咱们刚开始约会的时候,你可是特别喜欢给我买吃的呢!

Larry: Oh, yeah, I remember that… Actually, now that I think about it, I think I might have some of that candy you like in my backpack…something like a white rabbit, right? LH: 大白兔奶糖?哪里?!(Sound of LH shuffling through a bag) 还真有诶! 可这包已经过期了。不过我太饿,将就吃了!

Larry: Phew! Looks like I dodged a bullet there.


LH: (With candy in her mouth) Dodge a bullet? 躲避子弹?你又在说什么我听不懂的话了?

Larry: To dodge a bullet means to narrowly escape a very bad situation. For example, a second ago you were about to get really angry because I wouldn't stop for food, but luckily, I had that bag of Chinese candy to keep you happy!

LH: 哦, to dodge a bullet意思就是 ―逃过一劫‖,躲过了非常糟糕的事情。你说,要不是因为你包里正好有糖,我肯定会因为饿肚子而大发脾气,所以你算是躲过了我的一顿数落。 Larry: That's right.

LH: 可是吃糖吃不饱啊!

Larry: We have a perfectly wonderful – and free – dinner waiting for us in Toronto. Sorry, Lihua, we're not stopping.

(ding! The gasoline light comes on)

Larry: Uh-oh.

LH: Larry, 什么声音?是不是没油啦?你看看!几个小时前我不是让你把油箱加满么! Larry: I heard the gas is a lot cheaper in Toronto, so I didn't want to buy more gas than I needed to… I thought this would be enough for us to reach Toronto!

LH: 啊?你因为觉得加拿大的汽油便宜,就不舍得在美国加油,打算坚持到多伦多再说?你怎么这么小气! Cheapskate!

Larry: I hope we can find a gas station in time… I haven't seen any signs for a gas station for awhile…

LH: 我的老天! 附近没有加油站?那我们岂不是要身陷荒野!

Larry: Don't worry, we always have my cell phone if we need to call for help.

LH: 打电话求救?呃,我刚才一直拿你的手机玩游戏,已经没电了。

Larry: Oh good grief. Luckily, I think I have an extra battery in my backpack. Check the outside pocket.

LH: 啊! 真的,这里有块备用电池! We dodged a bullet! 我们逃过了一劫!

Larry: Speaking of dodging a bullet, it looks like there's a gas station a few miles ahead. We should be able to get there without a problem.

LH: 太好了! 前面有加油站,咱们快去把油箱加满!

Larry: OK, I won't be such a cheapskate this time.

LH: 对!这次别再小气了! 还有,在加油站给我买点吃的来!

Larry: OK, fine. You got it.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是dodge a bullet,意思是―逃过一劫‖。另一个是cheapskate,意思是―小气鬼‖。


春天来了,Larry和李华计划到外面转转,享受春天的美景。他们会用到两个常用语:to catch something和open minded。

Larry: What wonderful spring weather! We should get out and enjoy it, Lihua.

LH: 没错,咱们踏春去!

Larry: There are a lot of music festivals around town these days. Would you be interested in catching an outdoor show somewhere?

LH: Catch a show? "Catch"不是捕捉的意思吗? 怎么可能捕捉一个show呢?

Larry: Not that kind of catch, Lihua. Here, the word "catch" means to go to attend something, like a show.

LH: 哦,catch在这里不是―捕捉‖,而是―参加某项活动‖的意思。 To catch a show就是去看一场表演。

Larry: That's right! We could catch a rock concert.

LH: 啊?摇滚演唱会?太吵了! Let's catch a classical music performance instead. 我们去欣赏一场古典音乐。

Larry: Classical music? With music that boring and weather this nice, I'd surely fall asleep!

LH: 听古典乐你会睡觉?真是没有艺术细胞! 好了,你还有什么主意?

Larry: Well, we could always go catch a movie. There's a new action film that just came out.

LH: Catch a movie? 看电影?可那是在室内啊,可惜了这么好的天气!

Larry: That's OK. We can just enjoy the lovely weather – as we walk to the movie theater.

LH: 可我不是很想看电影….Wait! I know! 我们去运动运动吧,I feel like catching a game of tennis. 去打网球吧!

Larry: Well, you can't "catch" a game of tennis if you are playing it. If you are watching other people play, however, then you can say you are "catching" the game.

LH: 哦,to catch something是强调被动地,不需要费力就可以享受的那种参与。如果自己挥汗如雨地去打网球,就不能用catch, 可如果自己不用动,轻松地坐在一边看网球赛,就可以说catch a game of tennis 了! 这样吧 Larry, 咱们去博物馆看艺术展,怎么样? Larry: Ah, I guess we could go to the museum…

LH: 你好像不太情愿啊!

Larry: Well, it's just that I had my mind set on going to that rock concert for awhile now. ******

LH: 真不明白,那么吵闹的摇滚乐,有什么好听的。

Larry: Come on, Lihua. I think you should be more open-minded when it comes to music.

LH: Open-minded? 什么意思?

Larry: To be open-minded means to be open to new ideas or experiences.

LH: I get it. To be open minded就是宽容,思想开放的意思。这么说起来,Larry, 你就不是个open-minded,思想开放,勇于尝试的人。

Larry: No way! I am very open-minded, Lihua. I've done all sorts of crazy things with you that I wouldn't normally do.


Larry: Well, like playing Mahjong with your friends. Even though I had to learn from scratch, I still kept an open mind and tried to have fun.

LH: 哈哈,你打麻将那次还真是出丑呢!

Larry: And I went camping last year with your friends. And even though it was cold and raining the entire time, I was open-minded and tried to enjoy myself.

LH: 好啦,我承认你是个优秀的男朋友!

Larry: Of course I am! And I'm not close-minded.

LH: Close-minded? 我知道了,一定是open-minded的反义词,就是思想保守的。对不对?

Larry: That's right. You shouldn't be so close-minded to this rock concert thing.

LH: 那好,我们来个妥协。咱们先去看博物馆看艺术展,然后再去听摇滚乐,怎么样?我够open-minded了吧?

Larry: Great! Let's go!

今天李华学了两个常用语,一个是to catch something,意思是―观看观赏‖。另一个是open-minded,意思是―思想开放的,肯接受新鲜事物的‖。


Larry和李华刚看完电影2012,在门口聊起来。李华会学到两个常用语:bucket list和dough。

LH: Larry, 你觉得20xx年真的会是世界末日吗?

LL: I don't know. But the movie does remind me that I have yet to finish my bucket list. LH: Your bucket list? 世界末日前你唯一想做的事情就是买一堆桶子?

LL:No, no. A bucket list is not a list of buckets that I want to buy. It is a list of things I want to do before I die.

LH: Oh… 所以bucket list是指死以前要完成的事情的清单喽?

LL:Exactly. In ancient British language, people used "kick the bucket" to refer to death. Therefore "a bucket list" means a list of things you want to do before you die.

LH: 原来如此。 那它跟wish List很像啊。

LL:Mmm. You can say a bucket list is very similar to a wish list. However, a bucket list is mostly filled with things you want to do before you die, whereas a wish list can be anything you want to do or any object you want to buy for any occasion. But recently, a bucket list has been used for more general wishes as well.

LH: 那你的bucket list里都有哪些东西呢?

LL:I want to swim across the Atlantic Ocean, I also want to go skydiving, and… LH: 哇…你想完成的事情也太难了吧。 Bucket list上一定要是这些高难度的东西吗? 不能简单点, 比如说,结婚?生子?

LL: What you put on your bucket list is totally up to you. However, a bucket list is

usually a list of things that are unordinary that you would not normally do unless you only had a few days left on Earth.

LH: 是这样啊。 那我懂了。 所以我也可以说,visiting the seven wonders of the world is on my bucket list?

LL: Yes, that works. An example of something more simple that could make everyone's bucket list is to make a lot of dough. Although that is more generic… LH: 等等。 怎么会有人死前的愿望是做很多面团呢? 这也太奇怪了吧。

LL: Haha…dough here is not the dough you use to make cookies. Here it means money.

LH: Dough是金钱的意思?

LL:Yup. Dough is derived from bread, a commonly used commodity for trade in ancient times. Therefore dough is the same thing as money.

LH: Wow. I didn't know that. 原来古时候人们把面包当钱用,所以dough又有钱的意思。 那我明白了。

LL: Terrific. Now, can you give me a sentence using the word dough?

LH: 我可以说, Recently I spent all my doughs on movies.

LL: That's good. But dough is a plural noun, so you do not need to add a "s" at the end. You can simply say, recently I spent all my dough on movies.

LH: 喔…原来是这样说的,dough已经是复数形式,所以不用加 S。

LL: Now, how about you, Lihua? What's on your bucket list?

LH: 这个嘛…我最大的愿望是英文说得能跟你一样好。

LL: Really? But I don't think you can ever beat me in English…

LH: 所以这个愿望是在我的bucket list上啊。我有一生的时间可以完成!铁定可以超过你。

LL: I'm glad you have the confidence. What else is on your bucket list?

LH: 在死以前我还要donate all my dough to charity.

LL: You want to donate all your dough? And I want to make lots of it…why don't you just donate to me?

LH: 这怎么可以。 我捐钱出去是为了帮助有需要的人。 况且那是你bucket list上的内容, 还是自己完成吧。

LL: Good. I think you know what a bucket list is now. The movie has sure got us thinking about our big wishes.

今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是bucket list, 表示死前想要完成的事的清单。另一个是dough, 金钱的替代说法。



Larry: OK, so we'll need about two dozen hamburgers, 20 pounds of ribs, a cheese platter, 4 bags of potato chips, potato salad, and….what am I missing?

LH: 还能缺什么啊?你说的这些东西,足够我吃一个礼拜了!我说Larry,你到底要请多少客人啊?

Larry: There should be around 40 people here. It's going to be great. I'm so stoked! LH: Stoked? 什么意思?

Larry: Yeah, stoked, s-t-o-k-e-d, stoked. It means to be really excited about something. LH: Oh, Stoked就是特别兴奋,特别激动的意思。

Larry: That's right. I'm really looking forward to this party. In other words, you could say I'm super stoked! It's going to be so much fun. Aren't you stoked, Lihua?

LH: 怎么说呢?I'm kind of stoked. 我也挺兴奋的,不过Larry, 你请那么多人,等派对结束后,这里肯定乱糟糟的。

Larry: Oh, don't worry about that. You'll help me clean after the party, right? LH: 啊?!还要我帮忙收拾?

Larry: Oh, and I forgot to tell you. I'm stoked about the DJ I hired for the party. LH: 你还请了个DJ混音师?

Larry: Yea, he's an old friend from high school. He told me he's got quite a lot of fans around town these days.

LH: 我看出来了,这场Party人又多,音乐又是吵哄哄的摇滚乐,而我还得负责事后清理战场的工作。现在想起来我都头疼。I can't say that I'm stoked quite yet.

Larry: Still not stoked? OK, what if I told you that my friend Brian will be there? You know, the guy who is in charge of interns at the company you want to work for? LH: 啊?Brian要来?我特想去他们公司实习,你一定帮我介绍!

Larry: No problem. I'll ask him to help you get the internship at his company. LH: Awesome! Now I'm stoked! Larry, 让我们投入战斗吧!


Larry 和李华尽心准备的派对开始了,可是却出了点小状况….

LH: Larry, 牛肉饼烤得怎么样啦?我等着做汉堡包呢!

Larry: Not too bad. They're just cooking a little slower than I thought. I guess my grill is too small. It's OK, though! I'm still stoked for the party!

LH: Larry! 你看看,烧烤架下面根本就没有火!你是不是没有瓦斯啦?

Larry: Oh, no! You're right! What a bummer!

LH: Bummer? 你是说bum,懒鬼吗?

Larry: No. Not bum, bummer! A bummer is bad news, or something that makes you upset – like running out of gas when you need to cook for 40 people!

LH: 哦!A bummer就是坏消息。瓦斯用完,你没法烤肉, 真是个好大的bummer啊。不过你也不用着急,现在只有一个客人,就是你那个高中同学,现在很红的那个DJ.

Larry: Wait a minute. This music is from our DJ? This music is for little kids – I thought the neighbors must be having a birthday party for their five-year-old daughter.

LH: 不是,你听到的就是DJ放的音乐,他说他的专长就是给学校活动造气氛,所以用的都是儿童音乐……

Larry: What a bummer!! Ugh, this party is turning into a disaster! No one's here, I can't cook the food, and the DJ sounds like he's from Sesame Street!

LH: 没关系,只要你朋友Brian能来,我就知足啦!我可得好好表现,争取让他给我实习的机会! I'm really stoked to meet him!

Larry: I don't know, Lihua. No one has showed up! I was so stoked about this party…. now the whole thing is just a big bummer. (Sigh) Maybe I wrote the wrong date on the invitation…(doorbell rings)

Larry: Brian is here.

LH: Oh thank god.

Larry: Hey Brian, how are you?

Brian: Hey, Larry, good to see you again! This must be Lihua. I've heard so much about you!

LH: Oh, really….All good things, I hope.

Larry: Actually, Lihua is looking for an internship this summer. Do you think your company would have an opening for her?

Brian: My company? I didn't tell you, Larry? I left my job a year ago. I'm a grad student now!

LH: 啊啊啊?你一年前就辞职不干啦?现在回学校念书去了?What a bummer!



今天Larry和Li Hua一起去听讲座。上课前聊起了彼此的兴趣。 Li Hua要学习两个常用语:glued to one's seat和at the end of one's rope。

LH: Larry, 老师上次布置的作业你做了吗?第五题怎么写呀?

LL: Number 5…number 5…I didn't do that one either.

LH: 第五题你也不会啊,那怎么交差啊…

(Larry looks around the room and sees Amy)

LL: Hey! We can ask Amy. She probably knows how to do this problem.

LH: Amy? 可你怎么知道她肯定会做呢? 搞不好她也跟我们一样。

LL: But she's always during the lectures. I'm sure she gets good grades because she pays so much attention.

LH: 你说她每次讲座都粘在椅子上?有人恶作剧吗?

LL: No, not literally glued to her seat. To be glued to one's seat means to be so interested and involved with something that one doesn't move at all.

LH: 哦,我明白了,你的意思是说Amy is always glued to her seat, 她上课听得特别专心,一动不动,所以学得一定不错,那我们真地可以去问她!

LL: That's right. That's exactly what I was trying to say, Li Hua.

LH: 那我可不可以说,如果我看到白马王子, I will be glued to my seat? 我一定会深深地被他吸引,无法动弹的…

LL: Mmm…you really dream about meeting Prince Charming all day long, don't you? Usually, the term "to be glued to one's seat" is only used to describe an activity. For

example, you can be glued to your seat when you're playing your favorite video game, or watching a suspenseful movie etc.

LH: 是吗..所以这句话通常是用在形容对某件事情的热情,比如说,Larry is always glued to his seat when he reads children's books! 这样造句对吗?

LL: Yeah that's right. Except did you really have to mention children's books? I just like them because my mom used to read to me all the time.

LH: 哈哈,当然要提到你有多么爱读儿童故事书啊。这是我能想到的Larry唯一的嗜好,要不然你说说看,自己有更热爱的事情吗?

LL: Okay, let me think! There's got to be something that better represents my

intellectual interests…

(Long pause)

LH: 想不出来吧?你还是放弃吧。

LL: Fine. I guess I'm at the end of my rope.

LH: 什么?你说"I'm at the end of my rope"是什么意思啊怎么连绳子都跑出来了?你可别想不开啊。

LL: To be at the end of your rope means to be out of options. It means you're stuck in a bad situation.

LH: 原来是指你无路可退的意思。你看,我比你自己还要了解你,儿童故事书是你的最爱,还是承认吧。

LL: OK, quit laughing. It's just a little hobby of mine that I read children's books. I doubt your interests are any better. Hmmm let me think…you like to dance, you like to go shopping, you like to…

LH: 哎,不用想了! 不管你怎么想,一定想不到一个跟读儿童故事书一样奇怪的兴趣。You're at the end of your rope Larry!

LL: You're right, I am at the end of my rope. But once again, reading children's books is just a good memory I have from childhood.

LH: 奇怪, 班上好安静喔.

(Larry looks at watch)

LL: Class already started! Hey, what about that question on the homework? We have to turn it in today!

LH: 什么??已经开始上课了? 那我们的功课怎么办呢?

LL: I guess we're at the end of our ropes…

今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是glued to one's seat, 是指一个人非常专注于某件事情,集中精力,一动不动。另一个at the end of one's rope意思是走头无路,没有其它的选择。


今天Larry开车带李华去购物中心。 李华会学到两个常用语:all ears和back seat driver。 LL: (Singing "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars) "Oh, her eyes, her eyes. Make the stars look like they're not shining. Oh her…"

LH: LARRY! 音乐关小声一点!!

(Larry turns the music down)

LL: What was that?

LH: 你音乐不要开那么大声啦,我有件事想问你。

LL: Oh? What is it? I'm all ears.

LH: I'm all ears…你在说什么啊?

LL: I'm all ears means I'm listening attentively. I have all my attention on you now. LH: 是吗? 你终于肯听我说啦。不过all ears是专注地听别人说话的意思。 那我让大家注意听我讲话,就可以说please be all ears. 对吗?

LL: Well, to be all ears is rarely used as a request. You can either say, I am all ears, to indicate you are paying attention, or he or she is all ears to say that another person is paying a lot of attention.

LH: 所以all ears通常是用来形容一个人在仔细听。 比较少当做要求是吗?

LL: Yes, that's right. So what was it that you wanted to say?

LH: 啊!对喔, 差点都忘了。就是啊….今天做实验的时候, 跟我同组一个女生, 一直指挥我们做这个做那个的, 真讨人厌。

LL: Ohh. You have a back seat driver in your group?

LH: Back seat driver…后座上的司机,那是什么呢?

LL: A back seat driver is a person who gives unwanted advice; someone who tries to run things even though they don't have the power or authority to do so.

LH: 对对对! 她就是这种人! 也没有让她做组长,她就对我们指手划脚的,哎怎么办呢?

LL: Well, you should let her know that you don't like it when she orders you around. LH: 我应该清楚地告诉她,不喜欢被她指使来指使去的,对,说的也是。 不是应该在这里左转吗?! Larry!

LL: Whoa! You scared me!! I know where I'm going, Li Hua. You're becoming a back seat driver yourself.

LH: 喔? 原来back seat driver是这样来的啊? 坐在汽车后座的人常常喜欢指挥驾驶开车, 所以 back seat driver, ―后座驾驶‖,这个词就被用来形容喜欢指挥别人的人了,真有趣。How do you like me as a back seat driver, Larry?

LL: I do not like it Li Hua. And don't do it again. You scared me.

LH: 啊…不好意思。不过Larry, 你也满厉害的,一边开车还能一边听我说话,you have all ears.

LL: Li Hua, you cannot say someone "has all ears". You have to say someone "is all ears". So instead of saying "Larry, you have all ears." you should say, "Larry, you are all ears."

LH: 喔? 不能说专心在听的人has all ears, 而要说那个人 is all ears吗?

LL: Yup. Try giving me an example using "all ears!"

LH: 好啊。When my mom said she wanted to talk to me about something important, I was all ears. 这样用对吗?

LL: Yes, that's correct. Can you give me an example of back seat driver now?

LH: 等等。我想先确认一下。 Back seat driver可以这样用吗: My boss is a back seat driver, he always orders us around.

LL: Not really. A back seat driver describes someone who tries to run things even though they don't have the power or authority to do so, or someone whose advice is not wanted. However, your boss would be someone who is authorized to give orders and probably gives out good advice too.

LH: 喔。这么说,back seat driver是形容爱指挥别人但又没有权力的人,所以用在老板身上不适合。

LL: That's right. Hey, you've been all ears!

LH: 哈哈对呀。 啊!我们到购物中心了!

LL: Yup. Let's go shopping! We can practice these phrases another time.

今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是all ears, 表示―洗耳恭听‖。另一个是back seat driver, 也就是―喜欢指挥别人的人‖ 。


LH: Larry, 好无聊啊! 你说干点什么好啊?

Larry: (Distracted) Huh? Uh, yea… that's nice, Lihua.

LH: 什么好好好? Larry! 你又在打电脑游戏啦?哎呀,不要玩儿了! (pulls the plug) Larry: Hey! I was about to clear that level!

LH: 你每天晚上除了玩线上游戏就什么都不干了! 我们就不能出去转转,找点好玩的事情做吗?

Larry: (Sigh) You're right, Lihua. We haven't really done anything new recently. I guess we've been stuck in a rut.

LH: In a rut? 什么意思?

Larry: Being stuck in a rut means to be stuck in a boring routine.

LH: To be stuck in a rut就是生活一成不变。那么,这个rut是什么意思呢?

Larry: A rut is what happens when a wheel rolls over the same place over and over again. Eventually, the wheel will dig a line, or a rut, in the ground.

LH: 我明白了,rut是车轮不断压过同一个地方后留下的印迹。我想,这就比喻一成不变的常规吧。Larry, 我们最近的确有些stuck in a rut,感觉有点平淡无味,你说这是怎么回事呢?

Larry: I'm not sure, Lihua, but we have been together for over a year now. It's relatively normal for couples to find themselves stuck in a rut after being together for awhile.

LH: 啊?你觉得是因为咱们在一起时间不算短了,所以生活就变得平平淡淡了?我觉得根本不是这样,We're stuck in a rot because of that stupid computer game! 都怪你天天打线上游戏,不陪我!

Larry: I'll admit I like to play my games, but you remember what happened last weekend, right?

LH: 上个周末?怎么啦?

Larry: I wanted to take you out for a nice dinner, but you said you were too tired. We ended up staying home and watching TV all night!

LH: 还说请我吃顿好的?Larry, 你每次请我吃饭都是汉堡和薯条,连吃饭内容都一成不变,难怪我们会stuck in a rut!

Larry: Hmm… we need to find some new things to do that we both like. Otherwise, we might be stuck in this rut forever!

LH: 可不是嘛! 咱们好久没有去打网球啦! 不如去打两场吧!

Larry: Aw, you know tennis isn't my cup of tea, Lihua. And besides, it's been so hot out lately…

LH: Your cup of tea? 打网球还要喝茶?你不怕热吗?

Larry: I would drink water, of course! I said "playing tennis is not my cup of tea"…in other words, I don't really enjoy tennis.

LH: 哦,你说playing tennis is not your cup of tea, 意思就是说你不喜欢打网球。那你的cup of tea到底是什么呀?

Larry: I like swimming! How about we start going to the pool? It's always refreshing to take a dip in the pool on a hot day!

LH: 去游泳?可是,游泳不是我的cup of tea。我怕晒黑! Oh, I know! Why don't you take me to the ballet? 我们去看芭蕾舞表演吧!

Larry: The ballet? Uh, that's not my cup of tea, either. I never understood what's going on! It just looks like a bunch of people jumping around on stage, if you ask me. LH: 你这人一点都不浪漫!

Larry: Being romantic was never my cup of tea, Lihua. Remember when I sent you flowers for your birthday?

LH: 记得!我生日你送玫瑰花给我,结果我花粉过敏,打了一天喷嚏!

Larry: Heheh. See? No wonder we're in a rut. I'm horrible at being romantic, and we can never agree on anything new to do. Tell you what – let me think about it some more while I finish this last boss in my video game…

LH: 不行! 你别想溜! Get us out of this rut, Larry! 要不你就别想玩儿电脑了!

Larry: Hmmm….

LH: 什么呀?你在想什么坏主意?

Larry: You want us to do something together, right? Our group could use another warrior…

LH: 你想让我和你一起打线上游戏?我可不会! You know video games are not my cup of tea!

Larry: (Sigh). Well, I guess I'll go make myself a real cup of tea and go stare out the window for fun…

今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语,一个是to be stuck in a rut, 表示枯燥,一成不变。另一个是someone's cup of tea, 意思是某人有兴趣干的事。



1. It's freaking cold today! 今天冷死啦!

2. It's a bit nippy today , you might need a coat.


3. It was so cold that I was shivering.


4. You must be chilly without a coat on.


5. We are having a cold snap.


6. The frigid gusts of wind stung their faces.


7. I'm so cold. Look, I've got goosebumps all over me. 太冷了。瞧,我起了一身鸡皮疙瘩。


JESSICA: Lulu! Too bad you have to fly to Shanghai for your friend's wedding next month. 我本来想约你一起去听演唱会呢!

LL: 嗨,别提了,要结婚的那俩个人,分手啦! Say Bye-Bye啦!

JESSICA: What? Did they break up?

LL: 分手就是 break up? b-r-e-a-k, break. u-p up. 没错,分手啦! 这俩人特神,婚期定了,喜贴发了。结果,上礼拜那个女生给我来电话说,她和那男生分手了! 是不是该说 She broke up with her boyfriend?

JESSICA: Yes. Break up with someone 就是跟某人分手。不过,Lulu, What happened? Why did they break up?

LL: 听说是那个男生劈腿!

JESSICA: What's 劈腿?

LL: 就是…他还跟别的女生好。He has another girlfriend.

JESSICA: Really? He cheated on the girl he was gonna marry?

LL: 等会儿,我知道 cheat 是―欺骗‖,你说的 cheat on her,就是背着她和别人好,―劈腿‖的意思,对不对?

JESSICA: That's right!

LL: 所以啊,你说,都快结婚了,却发现 Her boyfriend cheated on her, 这女生能不跟他一刀两断吗?!

JESSICA: There you go! Cut their ties! If I were her, I would not give that guy another chance either!

LL: Cut their ties? T-i-e-s, ties 就是联系。Cut their ties 就是彻底断绝关系,一刀两断喽?

JESSICA: 没错! Now let's see what you've learned today!

LL: 第一,情侣分手是 break up;

第二,劈腿,对伴侣不忠,是 cheat on someone;

第三,说俩人一刀两断叫 cut their ties!

Donny: Jimmy, sorry I can't make it to your birthday party this weekend. 我明天要去香港。

Jimmy: That's okay, Donny. 说实话,我自己对这个生日派对也没什么兴趣。 Donny: Why? Last time we talked about it, you were really excited.

Jimmy: 还不是因为我女朋友老打击我! 她说,过生日意味着我又老了一岁,还说,我开party大吃大喝会变得更胖。唉,真扫兴!

Donny: Oh, no! Your girlfriend is such a wet blanket! All the bad things she said made you NOT look forward to the party.

Jimmy: wet blanket? w-e-t, wet, 是―潮湿‖的意思,b-l-a-n-k-e-t, blanket, 是―毯子‖。你说我女朋友是个湿糊糊的毯子?

Donny: Actually, a wet blanket 就是让别人扫兴的人或事。

Jimmy: 哦! a wet blanket 说话讨厌,专给别人的好心情泼冷水!

Donny: That's right. There is a similar phrase—party pooper. Pooper is spelled

p-o-o-p-e-r. A party pooper is a person who refuses to go along with everyone else and join the fun.

Jimmy: 哦! Party pooper是在派对上扫大家兴的人! Donny, 要是我去一个party, 结果大家玩儿的游戏我都不参加,还老嚷着要回家,then I'm a party pooper,对不对? Donny:标准的 party pooper! But Jimmy, in real life, you are by no means a party pooper, on the contrary, you're the life of the party!

Jimmy: The life of the party? 我是派对的生命?

Donny: 差不多! The life of the party is the most fun and exciting person at a party, you know, the person who makes the party fun for everyone else.

Jimmy: 哦,the life of the party 就是派对上的开心果! 有这种人在,气氛一定很high! 你别说,我还真是the life of the party! 哈哈!

Donny: Of course you are! So don't let your girlfriend ruin your spirits. Now, let's see what you've learned today!

Jimmy: 第一,让人扫兴的人或事是a wet blanket, 或者a party pooper;

第二,派对的灵魂人物,开心果, 是 the life of the party.


Jessica: 于苗! You look so cute in this red dress!

YM: 真的么?难道你不觉得这件连衣裙有点瘦么?

Jessica: Ah….it's….a little tight. Just a little!

YM: 唉,我去年买这条裙子的时候,穿着还有点肥呢,今年居然紧成这样,看来我这赘肉真是没少长啊!

Jessica: Don't be upset, Yumiao. You may have a little extra meat on your bones, but trust me, you still look good!

YM: extra meat on my bones?骨头上有多余的肉?这在中文里就叫"赘肉"。唉,I really want this "extra meat" gone! 尤其是这腰上的赘肉,真是讨厌的―救生圈‖啊!

Jessica: I know! No one wants that "spare tire". It's our worst enemy!

YM: spare, s-p-a-r-e, spare; tire, t-i-r-e, tire, spare tire 不是指―备用轮胎‖么?原来,中国人把腰上的一圈赘肉比喻成―救生圈‖,美国人则把它比成―spare tire‖备用胎。

Jessica: That's right! We also call the extra fat around your waist line "love handles". YM: 腰上的赘肉还可以叫 love handles? love 爱情;handle, h-a-n-d-l-e, handle 把手。这肥肉也能跟爱情挂上钩吗?

Jessica: Well, think about it. When your boyfriend wraps his arms around you, he can hold on to these like handles?!

YM: 啊?太可怕了。我可不想要 love handles. I'm going to the gym, starting TODAY! Jessica: Well, before you go, tell me what you've learned today!

YM: 第一―赘肉‖在美语里叫 extra meat on the bones; 第二,形容腰上的赘肉,可以说 spare tire; 第三,腰间肥肉的另外一种说法是 love handles.

DONNY: 吴琼,What's up?

WQ: 我表姐要生宝宝了,发动全家给孩子起名儿呢,这不,我翻翻字典,找点灵感。 DONNY: Interesting! 我也来出主意!

WQ: 孩子姓唐,你说叫什么好?

DONNY: 唐?嗯…唐 – 老 – 鸭。

WQ: 啊?!

DONNY: Haha! I'm sorry, Wu Qiong. I know this is a terrible name, but when you mentioned the word "唐‖, the name rolled right off my tongue.

WQ: Rolled right off your tongue? 从舌头上滚下来?我明白了,就是顺口,脱口而出。你一听到―唐‖字,顺口就说出了唐老鸭。 那…如果不顺口,也就是拗口,该怎么说呢? DONNY: You can say it's a tongue twister. Tongue is spelled t-o-n-g-u-e, and twister, t-w-i-s-t-e-r.

WQ: 哦,tongue twister, 就是说起来拗口的东西! This name is a tongue twister 这个名字真难念。

DONNY: 没错! Wu Qiong, you know the luxury car brand "Mercedes-Benz", do you? WQ: Mercedes-Benz? 就是奔驰嘛!

DONNY: Right. The Chinese translation 奔驰 rolls right off the tongue. However, if we call the brand 梅赛德斯?本兹, to me , that's a tongue twister! It's like I'm tripping over my own tongue when I try to say it.

WQ: Trip over your own tongue? 我知道 t-r-i-p, trip 是摔倒的意思,所以 trip over one's own tongue 就是打磕巴,吃螺丝吧?

DONNY: Absolutely!

WQ: DONNY, We need to find a good name for this baby. We don't want people to trip over their own tongues when they say the baby's name!

DONNY: Of course, but first let's see what you've learned today!

WQ: 第一,顺口叫 to roll right off the tongue

第二,拗口的东西则是 a tongue twister

第三,打磕巴,吃螺丝,叫 to trip over one's own tongue。



FF: Jessica, 你过来帮我看看,这个牛奶是不是过期了呀?

Jessica: Let me see…Hmm, I'm not sure. When did you get this?

FF: 两周前吧! 那时候牛奶大减价,我就一口气买了4瓶! 贪便宜, 可是忘了看保质期…

Jessica: Milk normally has a shelf life of a week. Shelf is spelled s-h-e-l-f, 是货架的意思。shelf life 能够放在货架上的日子,也就是保质期!

FF: 原来是这样! 那我都买两个礼拜了,我看这牛奶肯定过期了….

Jessica: I bet you're right. I think this milk is past-date. You'd better throw it away!

FF: Past-date, 这里的date就是盒子上标识的生产日期。past-date 也就是过期了的意思! 真可惜,这可是最好的牛奶,这些牛都是只吃鲜草,听古典音乐长大的! Jessica: That sounds like a top shelf product to me! 高档商品!

FF: Top shelf, 在货架上最高的地方,就是指高档货! 那相对来说,价格便宜的产品又要怎么说呢?

Jessica: It's the opposite of that. We call it a bottom shelf product. Basically less expensive stuff is put on the bottom shelf.

FF:Top shelf product, 高档货,bottom shelf product, 便宜货! 我记住了。 Jessica: 好!那你说说看,What have you learned today?

FF: 今天我们学到的内容包括:

第一,保质期是shelf life;

第二,过了保质期可以用 past-date;

第三,高级货叫做top shelf product, 便宜货叫做bottom shelf product!

攻略 怎么说?


Jessica: Wuqiong, what are you doing on the computer? You've spent hours on the Internet!

WQ: Jessica, 我下个月要去意大利,出门在外,不先看看旅游攻略怎么行? Jessica: 攻略?Are you going to attack Italy?

WQ: 哪有! 旅游攻略就是去过那里的人写的心得体会,总结建议,这在美语里要怎么说呢? travel tips. You are right, Wuqiong, flipping through travel guide books and get some tips from the Internet can be really helpful, especially when it is your first trip to a new place. WQ: Yep! For example, I was just looking for ways to get discount on museum tickets, and some of the tips that people shared online came in really handy!

Jessica: Make good use of the tips. They also help you avoid tourist traps!

WQ: Tourist traps? 哦,就是旅行陷阱吧! 这个最烦人了,Tourist traps are annoying and can spoil the whole trip!

Jessica: So, Wuqiong, how long are you going to stay in Italy?

WQ: 我当然希望可以慢慢走,慢慢看,仔细领略意大利的风景和文化,不过我假期有限,财力也有限,所以只有4天时间。

Jessica: Four days only? So you are going to stay in one city?

WQ: Actually I'm going to tour 4 cities and they are far away from each other. Jessica: I see. This is a whirlwind tour then.

WQ: W-h-i-r-l-w-i-n-d, whirlwind 是旋风的意思,whirlwind tour 就是旋风旅游,也就是一阵风似的在很短的时间内去很多地方走马观花。唉,I can only afford a whirlwind tour right now. I really wish I had more time and money.

Jessica: You will! Italy's not going anywhere. You can always go back someday! WQ: 今天我们学了,旅行攻略是 travel tips, 旅游陷阱是tourist trap, 旋风旅行则是 whirlwind tour.

无语 怎么说?


Jessica; Xiaobei! You look upset. What happened?

Yiru: 别提了!我有个朋友欠钱不还,拖了好长时间了,每次都找各种理由搪塞我!气死我了,以前我还和她理论,现在我简直是…简直是…无语了我! Jessica: I see. You're so tired of your friend's excuses that you are XB: Speechless? 原来这就是无语的意思。

Jessica: Yes. For example, you can say "she was speechless after learning her boyfriend was dating another woman."

XB: 哦,知道男友跟别的女生交往后,她气得说不出话来。

Jessica: Exactly. Basically, you can use "speechless" to mean something so bad or so surprising that you don't know what to say.

XB: I see. 跟你说,我认识一个女生,她特别虚伪,总是假惺惺地称赞别人,转过头来就说人坏话。Every time I see her being so fake, I'm speechless!

Jessica: I bet you also roll your eyes!

XB: Roll my eyes?

Jessica: If you roll your eyes, you're showing that you don't believe someone or you aren't interested in what they're saying.

XB: 哦,就是因为不相信或者不耐烦而翻白眼。这个说法真形象! 就在今天早上,I got an email saying I was selected to win 5 million dollars. It also asked for my bank account.

Jessica: That's fishy! It must be a scam!

XB: 我当然知道这是诈骗邮件了!I rolled my eyes when I read it! 不过你说,要是我哪天我真中了500万…

Jessica: That would blow me away! Meaning I'd be really amazed!

XB: 哦,to blow someone away就是使人大吃一惊,不过,这应该是用在形容什么好事儿的时候吧?

Jessica: Exactly. For example, My new computer ran so fast it blew me away! XB: Or Jessica has so much cash hidden under her bed it blows me away!

Jessica: What? Me? Cash? Now I'm rolling my eyes, Xiaobei!

XB: 我来总结一下今天学的词:因为厌恶或者吃惊而无语,用speechless; 因为不耐烦或不相信而翻白眼是roll one's eyes; 某些好事让人大吃一惊用blow someone away.

食客 怎么说?

FF:Jessica, 今晚跟我去吃饭怎么样?

Jessica: 好啊! 吃什么!

FF: 吃正宗的湖南菜,怎么样?Look, this is the restaurant I'm talking about. Jessica: Hmm, I've never heard of this restaurant. Are you sure its food is authentic? FF: Authentic? 什么意思?

Jessica: Authentic is spelled a-u-t-h-e-n-t-i-c, authentic的意思是―真实的‖,―地道的‖。 For example, authentic Chinese food 就是地道的中餐。

FF: 哦! 那authentic American English就是―地道美语‖,对不对?

Jessica: 没错! 对了, You haven't answered my question yet–why are you so sure that restaurant serves authentic Hunan cuisines?

FF: 因为这是一个特别会吃的朋友推荐的。他可是个老饕,或者叫食客,专门能发现一些不起眼,但是特地道的餐馆。对了,这种食客在美语里要怎么说呢? Jessica: We call those people foodies. F-o-o-d-i-e, foodie refers to someone who loves everything there is to know and learn about food. You can rely on their picks of restaurants.

FF: My friend is totally a foodie! He took me to a small eatery last week, and the food there was terrific!

Jessica: Wow, you must have pigged out!

FF: Pig out?

Jessica: To pig out means to eat a lot until you're really full.

FF: 哦,to pig out就是甩开腮帮子狂吃! Sometimes I like to go to KFC to pig out! Jessica: Watch your waistline, Fangfang!

FF: 哈哈,I will. 不过话说那天我和这个朋友去吃饭,本来打算pig out, 可是我这个人啊,总是眼大肚子小,没吃多少就饱了,唉! 真不争气! 眼大肚子小你懂吧?

Jessica: You mean you have big eyes and a small belly? Are you saying you're good-looking?

FF: 哈哈! No. ―眼大肚子小‖就是 you want to eat a lot, but your belly can't take all the food.

Jessica: I see. There's a similar expression in English: your eyes are bigger than your stomach.

FF: 原来"眼大肚子小"是 eyes are bigger than stomach. Jessica, please make sure I don't eat anything before tonight's dinner. I want to pig out on great Hunan food. Jessica: 哈哈,别光想着吃,还是先说说,今天都学了什么。

FF: 好,今天我们学了:表示地道,用authentic; 会吃的食客,老饕,是foodie; 大吃大喝是to pig out; ―眼大肚子小‖则是eyes are bigger than stomach. 抢手货 怎么说?


JESSICA: Hey 怡茹,how's it going?

YR: Oh, hey JESSICA..我…我好困阿…困死我了…

JESSICA: Didn't you sleep well last night?

YR: Sleep well? 我压根就没睡!!! 我男朋友昨天拉着我陪他去买iPhone 4S, 可现在这最新的iPhone特抢手! 对了,JESSICA,这种大家都想要的抢手货用美语怎么说啊?

JESSICA: You can say it sells like hotcakes. Hotcakes is spelled h-o-t-c-a-k-e-s, hotcakes. If you say something sells like hotcakes, it means it is sold quickly and in large numbers.

YR: 没错! The new iPhone 4S sold like hotcakes! 新的iPhone 4S 绝对是抢手货! JESSICA: There's actually another way of saying it, you can say: the new iPhone 4S is flying off the shelf! Shelf is spelled s-h-e-l-f, shelf, 是货架的意思。Fly off the shelf, 就是说一件东西卖得特别好。

YR: 店员还特别告诉我们,当天晚上他们会进新货,建议我们半夜就去排队,这样就能保证一大早开门的时候买到最新的iPhone了…所以我们大半夜就搬着小椅子守在苹果店门口….

JESSICA: You camped out last night!

YR: Camp out?

JESSICA: Camp, c-a-m-p, 是露营的意思,camp out means that you stay outdoors all night in front of the store! 也可以说是露营!

YR: 哈哈,没错! 我们就好像去露营一样,在苹果店门口呆了整整一夜! 这种事只有我男朋友这种科技发烧友才干得出来!

JESSICA: 看来你男朋友还真是个tech-head! Tech是technology的简称,tech-head 脑袋里全是tech,就是科技发烧友!

YR: Totally! My boyfriend is such a tech-head!

JESSICA: 好,言归正传,说说你今天都学到了什么!

YR: 第一:形容一件东西抢手说something sells like hotcakes, 或者 something is flying off the shelf.

第二:为买东西通宵露营,叫camp out;


大片 怎么说?

YR: JESSICA, 你今天晚上有空么?Let me treat you to a big movie.

JESSICA: 啊?a big movie?

YR: 对啊!我想请你看大片儿!就是最近特火的那部好莱坞电影!

JESSICA: Oh! You're talking about the Hollywood blockbuster that's been on since yesterday. We use the word "blockbuster" to describe films that have big production, widespread popularity and financial success.

YR: 我明白了,大片儿在美语里就是blockbuster. B-l-o-c-k-b-u-s-t-e-r, blockbuster. 就是大制作,大宣传,票房收益又好的电影。

JESSICA: 没错!怡茹, why do you want to go watch this blockbuster? 看电影可不便宜!

YR: 嗨,轻松轻松呗!再说,There are a lot of movie stars in this blockbuster. It must be a good movie!

JESSICA: Well, not all star-studded movies have good stories or acting.

YR: 等等,你刚才说star-studded,这是什么意思?

JESSICA: Star-studded is spelled s-t-a-r-s-t-u-d-d-e-d. It means a great proportion of the actors in a movie are well-known.

YR: 我明白了,star-studded 意思就是众星云集,明星大荟萃。

JESSICA: Yes. For example, you can say, "I want to watch this movie because it has a star-studded cast."

YR: I see. 哎,快过春节了,Quite a few star-studded movies are coming out for the holiday season.

JESSICA: They are all festive to keep up with the holiday spirit.

YR: 贺岁片当然是轻松喜庆啦,谁要在节日看大哭片儿嘛!对了,特别赚人眼泪,让人感动或者难过的哭片,要怎么说呢?

JESSICA: Those movies are called tearjerker. T-e-a-r-j-e-r-k-e-r, tearjerker. A

tearjerker is a sentimental movie or performance that intends to move its audience to tears.

YR:I don't like tearjerkers─I only watch movies that make me laugh!

JESSICA: Good for you! Now let's see what you've learned today!

YR: 大片儿是blockbuster; 众星云集的是 star-studded;催人泪下的哭片则是 tearjerker.

软柿子/欺负人 怎么说?

Donny: 方方,Why do you look so tired?

FF: 别提了,我今天又被同事叫去跑腿儿。。。好累啊!我真不想再当软柿子被人使唤了!我要告诉他们,I don't want to be a…a….

Donny:你不是昨天才帮他们买咖啡吗? 你应该让他们 run their own errands! You should stop being a push-over!

FF: 你上次教我 run errands 是跑腿儿。那 a push-over 被人推来搡去,就是好欺负对不对?

Donny: 没错。a push-over 就是好欺负的人,你刚刚说什么"软狮子" 来着? FF: 不是软狮子,是软柿子,吃的那种柿子。

Donny: Oh, "soft persimmon"? Sounds delicious! In English, you can also call a push-over a cowardly lion. A cowardly lion is someone who is supposed to be brave but lacks courage and acts cowardly.

FF: cowardly lion? 懦弱的狮子? 一个狮子,一个柿子。太有趣了。

Donny: 美国经典电影 "The Wizard of Oz" 里的狮子就叫Cowardly Lion. FF: 原来是这样,那我绝对不要当 cowardly lion.

Donny: (Hahaha…) Yes, you should really stop being a cowardly lion and don't let people push you over.

FF: 是啊! 我要告诉他们,不许再欺负我!不要来烦我!你快告诉我,这两句话英语怎么说?

Donny: You can say "stop bullying me." Bully, B-u-l-l-y意思是欺负。―别烦我‖更容易,我一说你准会,叫 Leave me alone.

FF: 我明天就去告诉他们,Stop bullying me! Leave me alone.

Donny: That's right! Let's see what you've learned today.

FF: 第一,软柿子可以说 push-over,也可以叫 cowardly lion.

第二,欺负人是 bully.

第三,别烦我是 leave me alone.

Jessica: Fangfang, You look different! Did you lose weight?

FF: 才没有呢! 是这件衣服好,穿上显瘦,特修身!

Jessica: 修身养性?也能让人显瘦?

FF: 不是那个修身,是修饰身材. The clothes make me look slim.

Jessica: I see. You can say the clothes are figure flattering. "flattering" is spelled f-l-a-t-t-e-r-i-n-g.

FF: figure是身材,flatter是恭维,两个词放在一起,figure flattering,身材显得更好,也就是修身!

Jessica: Right! For example, A lot of women find black to be a figure flattering color. FF: 对! 黑色特修身。不过,要想尝试各种风格的打扮,不能光靠衣服,还得身材好。瘦才是王道!

Jessica: So…Are you going on a diet?

FF: Go on a diet? 节食?没错! 虽然我已经不是头一次减肥,但这次不同,我要来个地狱式的节食减肥!

Jessica: 地狱?Hell? Oh, You must be referring to a crash diet, where people stop eating, exercise like crazy and do extreme things to lose weight quickly.

FF: 对! 不吃,狂运动,迅速瘦身! 原来地狱式节食就是a crash diet. c-r-a-s-h, crash. 我拼得对么?

Jessica: Correct. But Fangfang, it's a painful process, isn't it?

FF: 可不是么! 我这几天头晕眼花,就是因为吃太少。Jessica, 待会儿咱们去吃烤鸭吧!

Jessica: 你不减肥啦?

FF: 就一顿嘛,放纵一下!

Jessica: Be careful! This is binge eating! Binge is spelled b-i-n-g-e. Binge eating is when you eat a lot more food in one meal than you usually do.

FF: 我明白了,binge eating就是暴饮暴食。

Jessica: 对! I hope you can get slimmer in a healthy way. But now, let's see what you've learned today!

FF: 第一,修饰身材叫 figure flattering;

第二,节食叫go on a diet,地狱式节食是a crash diet;

第三,暴饮暴食是binge eating。

jessica: 吴琼,我问你,―两面派‖用美语怎么说?

WQ: Ah? jessica, 你从哪儿学到这个词的?

jessica: From one of our listeners! 有个听众问的。

WQ: That's cool! Hmm… 我觉得两面派一定是double face,对吗?

jessica: Close! Actually it's two-faced.

WQ: 哦!two-faced 两张脸,当人一面背人一面,两面派。

jessica: That's right. Sometimes a two-faced person will say nice things about you to your face, then tell others nasty things about you when you're not around. WQ: 哼,我最讨厌这种背后捅刀子的人了。

jessica: I know! We call these people back stabbers.

WQ: Back stabber? S-t-a-b-b-e-r, stabber 是用刀子捅别人的人,所以back stabber 就是在背后给人下刀子的人喽!jessica, 不是吹牛,这种人我一眼就能识破。 jessica: Wow! You must be a really good judge of character.

WQ: judge 是法官,character 是人品,你说我是 a good judge of character, 一定是说我看人看得准,眼光犀利,对吗?

jessica: Exactly. two-faced people can't fool you if you're a good judge of character. WQ: 不过 jessica, 我觉得,two faced people和back stabbers虽然都很讨厌,但他们也有些用处!

jessica: Really?

WQ: Yeah. Their existence will help you see who your real friends are! 没有他们的存在,怎么能显出哪些人才是真朋友呢!

jessica: 有道理!Now let's see what you've learned today.

WQ: 第一:形容某人两面派是two-faced;

第二:背后害人的人是back stabber;

第三:形容看人准,可以说 someone is a good judge of character.


YM: DONNY, 你知道么?我要去参加―价格猜猜猜‖节目啦!

DONNY: ―价格猜猜猜‖?! I know that show! You guess the price of a product, and if you get it right, you take the product home. Right?

YM: 没错!我直觉一向很准,我去一定会赢! 对了,直觉用美语怎么说啊? DONNY: You can say hunch. h-u-n-c-h, hunch.

YM: 那"我直觉一向很准",就是"My hunch is always right." 对吗?

DONNY: That's correct. Or you can use the phrase "gut feeling". It also means hunch. YM: Gut feeling? Gut 肠子,Gut feeling肠子的感觉,就是直觉喽!

DONNY: 没错! For example, I have a gut feeling that I'm gonna fail my mid-term exam.

YM: Haha, but I have a hunch that you're gonna pass!

DONNY: Then I hope your hunch is right! 对了,于苗,Before you go on the show, we should practice. How much do you think my glasses cost?

YM: 啊?你的眼镜啊……你冷不妨叫我猜,我还真有些紧张。

DONNY: Don't worry. Take a wild guess!

YM: 什么叫 wild guess? 狂野的猜测?

DONNY: A wild guess means you have little evidence to support your guess.

YM: 哦,take a wild guess 就是随便瞎猜! 那可不行,瞎猜赢不了比赛! 我的猜测一定要有根据,靠点谱儿,那又该怎么说呢?

DONNY: That would be an educated guess. ―Educated‖ is spelled e-d-u-c-a-t-e-d. YM: educate 是教育,an educated guess 就是根据经验、常识作出的猜测。 DONNY: That's Right!

YM: Hmm, well, I am guessing your glasses are worth 25 dollars!

DONNY: Wow… Yumiao, you're really good at this! The correct answer is 26 dollars!

YM: Yeah! I won! I won!

DONNY: 别激动了! Tell me what you've learned today!

YM: 第一,直觉叫 hunch 或 gut feeling;

第二,瞎猜叫 take a wild guess;

第三,有根据的推测是 an educated guess!

Jessica: Wuqiong, 给我介绍一部好看的中文电视剧吧!

WQ: 嗯……最近很流行小三剧,Do you like to watch "little three" shows,Jessica? Jessica: Little three? What's that?

WQ: 小三啊!你不知道吗? 就是外遇、情妇、第三者的意思。小三美语怎么说?不是 little three 吗?

Jessica: Haha! 小三 is called a mistress, or "the other woman."

WQ: 哦,我知道了,妻子以外的那个女人, the other woman就是小三。这些小三真可恶!人家夫妻好好的,她非要来插一脚。

Jessica: Calm down, I'm sure your boyfriend doesn't have one.

WQ: 那当然。但我要是有朋友当别人的小三,我一定骂她,叫她不要去破坏别人家庭!这句话美语要怎么说?

Jessica: 你可以告诉她, Don't be a home-wrecker.

WQ: Wreck是动词,有破坏的意思,所以 home-wrecker就是破坏家庭的人。一提起小三我就……

Jessica: Wuqiong, you should really stop watching those TV shows, they're not good for you!

WQ: 可是剧情很吸引人啊!我喜欢看她们勾心斗角。怎么说?

Jessica: In English, we use the verb scheme. To scheme means to make secret and devious plots.

WQ: 我明白了,耍心眼,勾心斗角就是 to scheme. 哎呀,不早了,我得赶快回去看电视了!

Jessica: Hold on, before you leave, tell me what you've learned today!

WQ: 第一,小三叫 mistress 或者 the other woman;

第二,破坏别人家庭的人是 home wrecker;

第三,耍心计是 to scheme!

DN: 杨琳, what are you reading?

YL: 我在看一本畅销小说,讲的是白领们在公司里奋斗的事儿。

DN: But you're still a college student. Why are you interested in the life of office workers?

YL: 先学习啊! 我看了这书才知道,这小小的办公室里有那么多明争暗斗! 对了,Donny, 用美语怎么形容办公室里的勾心斗角啊?

DN: You can use the term "office politics."

YL: 哦! Office 是办公室,politics是政治,office politics办公室政治,就是指同事之间的勾心斗角喽。

DN: Yes. Office politics are very common at the workplace. Some people say the office is like a modern jungle, and only the fittest can survive.

YL: 啊?你说办公室是现代丛林,适者才能生存?可以想像……虽然我还没上过班,可即使在学校,处理同学间的关系也是门学问。

DN: For example?

YL: 比如,我们组长就特爱拍老师马屁,大家都不喜欢她。对了,这拍马屁美语怎么说? DN: You can use the phrase "to suck up to somebody". For example, your team leader sucks up to the teachers, so other students don't like her.

YL: 大家都说,千穿万穿,马屁不穿,一点没错。老师对我们组长可好了,偏心! DN: Hmm, teachers are not supposed to play favorites. That's unfair to other students.

YL: 哎?你说的play favorites就是偏心的意思嘛?

DN: That's right.

YL: 可是,上司,家长,老师都难免play favorites, 有偏心的时候。唉! 看来哪里都有politics啊!

DN: 别感慨了。说说你今天都学了什么吧!

YL: 第一,办公室里的权力斗争是 office politics;

第二,拍某人的马屁是 suck up to someone;

第三:偏心是play favorites.

Donny: Hey 杨琳! 我们晚上要去吃饭,do you want to come along?

Yanglin: 哎,我想去!可就是。。。没钱!

Donny: Hmm? Didn't you just got a new job?

Yanglin: 别提了,我是典型的月光族。每次一发工资,缴缴房租,再跟朋友吃吃饭,再到商场买买东西…钱就不知不觉用完啦! 话说,这月光族用英语怎么说?

Donny: hmm, 月光族可以说 live from paycheck to paycheck。

Yanglin: live from paycheck to paycheck?

Donny: 对,paycheck is spelled p-a-y-c-h-e-c-k。支票。在美国,很多工资是由支票的形式发给你的。所以 live from paycheck to paycheck, 就是形容盼着下一张工资单过日子。

Yanglin: 这么说来,我可真是 live from paycheck to paycheck! 典型的月光族! 不过这个月,我去夏威夷花了好大一笔钱,所以就更没闲钱了。这种开销特别大的旅行啊什么的,用英语怎么说呢?

Donny: You can say: My vacation in Hawaii broke the bank.

YL: 我懂了,Break the bank 就是形容某件东西特别贵。比如上星期,我想买LV的包,男朋友就跟我说,We can't afford this purse, it will break the bank. 我们买不起这个包,实在太贵了。

Donny: 对! 你还可以说,this purse will max out my credit card. 也是特别贵的意思。 YL: 这个说法形象! Max out somebody's credit card, 刷爆信用卡!Did you ever max out your credit card?

Donny: Me? I would never do that! Now let's see what you've learned today! Yanglin: 第一:月光族的生活方式叫 live from paycheck to paycheck; 第二,非常昂贵可以说 break the bank;第三,刷爆信用卡,叫 max out somebody's credit card.

Donny: Hey,吴琼,did you watch the 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?

WQ: Yes, I did. What about you?

Donny:No, but I heard it was awesome. Did you like it?

WQ: 嗯,我挺喜欢的,但是我真替那些跑龙套的觉得累。

Donny: 跑龙套的?you mean the extras or the walk-ons?

WQ: 对, 就是参加表演,但镜头不多的群众演员。还真挺形象的,extra–多余的,walk-on–在台上走来走去的,就是跑龙套的。

Donny: Exactly, but they are very important, as well.

WQ: 赚钱少,工作时间又长,真的很辛苦,而且他们中很多人其实都很多才多艺。 Donny: You're right. As a matter of fact, many famous actors started out as extras.

WQ: 没错,很多大腕儿都是从跑龙套开始。对了,"大腕儿" 美语怎么说?

Donny: 大腕儿是 Big Shot. B-I-G, big, S-H-O-T, shot, big-shot.

WQ: Big shot! 这个好记。唉,我也好想当明星啊!可是以我这样的条件,最多也只能当个替身。那 Donny,替身又该怎么说呢?

Donny: 替身是 "stunt-double." Stunt-doubles are used when special skills are needed for a performance, for example, playing the piano, dancing or car racing. WQ: stunt是特技,所以 stunt-double 就是替身。糟糕,这些特技我一个都不会,看来,我连替身演员 stunt-double 都做不成!

Donny: 别这么说,你可以跟我学好美语,做为你的才艺啊!Now let's see what you've learned today.

WQ: 第一,跑龙套的/群众演员是extra 或者walk-on.

第二,大腕儿是 big shot.

第三,替身是 stunt-double.

Donny: Nice suit, Jimmy! You clean up nicely.

Jimmy: 怎么样?我收拾收拾也挺帅吧!

Donny: You're going to a business dinner?

JIMMY: 对,我和一个朋友想作生意,要和投资人谈谈。可我那朋友特抠门,上次见投资人时去的麦当劳,还AA制! 对了,抠门怎么说?He's cheap?

Donny: Yes, you could say that. You could also say he's a cheapskate.

c-h-e-a-p-s-k-a-t-e, cheapskate.

JIMMY: Cheapskate,抠门的人。My friend was such a cheapskate!

Donny:Yeah! I can't believe that investor's still interested in working with you after your partner was being so tightfisted!

JIMMY: 哎? 你说 tightfisted? tight是“紧”的意思,fist是拳头,所以tightfisted就是手紧,舍不得花钱喽?

Donny: Correct.

JIMMY: 还好,My tightfisted partner changed his mind. 我那吝啬的朋友想通了,今天,我们要请投资人吃顿大餐!

Donny: That's nice. But don't act like spendthrifts. Spendthrift is spelled s-p-e-n-d-t-h-r-i-f-t. It refers to people who spend money like crazy.

JIMMY: 哦! spendthrift 指花钱无度,大手大脚的人。我原来有个室友,He was totally a spendthrift! 他女朋友多得数不过来,每个都向他要特贵的礼物。

Donny: That's a textbook case of a spendthrift attracting gold diggers! JIMMY: Gold digger?

Donny: Yes. It refers to a woman whose primary interest in a relationship is material benefits.

JIMMY: 哦,那就是拜金女呗!

Donny: That's right! Let's see what you've learned today!

JIMMY: 第一,抠门可以说 tightfisted, 小气鬼则是 cheapskate

第二,大手大脚花钱的人是 spendthrift

第三,拜金女是 gold digger.

普通人/不同寻常 怎么说

Jimmy: 哪里! 我也就一普通人,ordinary person!

Jessica: Hmmm…. I wouldn't call a Cambridge graduate an average Joe.

Jimmy: An average Joe? 我知道 average, a-v-e-r-a-g-e, average 是普通,平均的意思,an average Joe 就是指普通人,平头百姓么?

Jessica: That's right. I think it's because the name "Joe" is very common in English, just like 张三李四 in Chinese.

Jimmy: 对,我就和张三李四一样,你把我往人堆里一放,就找不着啦!

Jessica: Haha! that's a very vivid expression. We have a similar phrase in English. You can say you're "just another face in the crowd".

Jimmy: Just another face in the crowd? 人群中的又一张脸?这个说法好,人海茫茫,你不过就是其中一个而已。对了,说了半天普通人,要是形容那些不同寻常的人,该怎么说呢?

Jessica: You can use "stand out from the crowd" to describe someone who is unusual.

Jimmy: stand out from the crowd, 比别人都站得高,他就明显,这就是不寻常! Jessica: That's right. Now let's see what you've learned today!

Jimmy: “普通人”在美语里叫 "an average Joe";还可以说 just another face in the crowd; 不同寻常则叫 stand out from the crowd!

Donny: Jimmy, 瞧瞧你的熊猫眼!

JIMMY: 哼!这都要怪对门宿舍的一个疯子。夜里不睡觉,在楼道里唱歌! 害得我一宿没法睡!

Donny: Dude, that sucks!

Jimmy: Donny, 你今天可别惹我,我这一肚子火恐怕得点火就着! I'm easy to burn! Donny: Easy to burn? Jimmy, I have to say, you've got a talent for making up English phrases.

JIMMY: 好,那你说,“火爆脾气”在美语里怎么说?

Donny: You say I have a short fuse. fuse is spelled f-u-s-e. To say someone has a short fuse is to say he or she has a bad temper.

JIMMY: fuse是导火线的意思,a short fuse,很短的导火线,那还真是“一点就着”, 所以have a short fuse就是形容脾气差。

Donny: That's correct. If I were you, I'd go give that guy who sings in the middle of the night a piece of my mind!

JIMMY: give him a piece of your mind?

Donny: Yes! You can also tell him off, 都是“骂他一顿”的意思。

JIMMY: Actually, I was about to rush out of the door and tell him off, but my dorm mates stopped me.

Donny: Why?

JIMMY: 我室友们说,这人平时挺好的,最近失恋了,要靠夜里唱歌来疗伤,让我别往心里去。

Donny: Your dorm mates are so nice not to take it personally.

JIMMY: take it personally? 就是往心里去,计较,对么?

Donny: Exactly. For example, your boss has a short fuse and often yells at people when they make minor mistakes……

JIMMY: 哎,我来猜猜! 你说,老板脾气火爆,人家犯个小错他就大嚷大叫。那…If he gives me a piece of his mind for something minor, 同事们就会说"don't take it personally. " 对不对?

Donny: Bingo! Let's see what you've learned today!

JIMMY: 第一,火爆脾气是have a short fuse;

第二,口头教训别人是 give someone a piece of my mind, 或者tell someone off 第三,别往心里去是Don't take it personally.

Donny: 方方,听说你找到一个特好的实习?

FF: 还不错啦! 现在竞争激烈,多亏我人脉广! 对了,美语里“人脉”怎么说啊? Donny: I think you can use the word "connection". c-o-n-n-e-c-t-i-o-n,


FF: 原来connection 就是“人脉”。那我说自己路子野,人脉广,就是 I have a lot of connections. 对么?

Donny: That's right. 你还可以说:I'm well-connected. c-o-n-n-e-c-t-e-d, connected。

FF: connected? 这词儿我知道,意思是“连在一起”,所以well-connected就是和很多人连在一起,也就是人脉广喽!

Donny: Right! Connections are important. 有人说,找工作时,What really counts is not what you know, but who you know.

FF: "Not what you know but who you know?" 不是看你知道什么,而是看你认识谁? 我觉得,也不能这么绝对! 关系固然重要,但自己还是要有真本事!

Donny: Certainly! So it should be "what you know plus who you know"!

FF: 对,肚子里有学问,人脉又广,二者结合在一起,你就无敌了。不过,像我这种刚出校门的,社交能力还不行,需要磨炼!

Donny: Don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to work on your networking skills. FF: 哦,networking skills 就是社交技巧。

Donny: Right. With strong networking skills, you'll develop more connections. 到时候,我找工作可得靠你帮忙了!

FF: 哈哈,我期待这一天!

Donny: 先别美! Tell me what you've learned today!

FF: 第一,"人脉"在美语里就是 connection;第二,形容"人脉广"用 well-connected;第三,社交技巧, 是 networking skills!

Donny: Hey 吴琼, congratulations! I heard you got a job offer.

吴琼: 没错,我昨天刚接到的通知! 这可是我梦寐以求的工作。

Donny: That's great! You must be very excited.

吴琼: 不过啊,我还真有点犹豫。公司要我去美国待两年,我舍不得离开这的朋友,可又不愿意放弃这个难得的机会, 实在很纠结。Donny, 纠结英文怎么说?

Donny: 你可以说,I am torn, t-o-r-n, torn.

吴琼: Torn? 那不是被撕裂的意思?

Donny: Well, 一边是熟悉的生活,另一边是难得的机会,两个你都不想放弃,it's like your heart is being torn in two different directions, right? 你也可以说 I'm on the fence.

吴琼: Fence? 篱笆?

Donny: 对,中文里说举棋不定,英语里说 on the fence 就好像骑在一堵围墙上,不知道该向哪边倒。

吴琼: 我明白了。那你觉得我该怎么做呢?

Donny: Maybe you should ask yourself which is the lesser of two evils. Is it worse to give up your dream job or be away from your family and friends?

吴琼: The lesser of two evils? 两害相权取其轻?

Donny: That's right. Maybe when you think about it that way the answer will dawn on you.

吴琼: Dawn on me? D-a-w-n,不是“黎明”的意思么?

Donny: dawn on me 好象黎明驱走黑夜,让你把问题看清楚。

吴琼: 啊,所以我可以说 it suddenly dawned on me. 恍然大悟。

Donny: Bingo. Now let's see what you've learned today.

吴琼: 第一:纠结,拿不定主意可以说 I'm torn. 或是 I'm on the fence;

第二, 两害相权取其轻是 the lesser of two evils.

第三:恍然大悟是 It suddenly dawned on me.

宰人、价格高/质量低劣怎么说 JESSICA: 方方,Your new cell phone is so cool!

FF: 那是,这可是最新型的智能手机!

JESSICA: 这手机很贵吧?

FF: 商店里卖5000块呢!

JESSICA:啊? That price gives me sticker shock.

FF: sticker shock? sticker, s-t-i-c-k-e-r, sticker, 是商品的价签,shock表示吃惊,sticker shock就是说看到价签上的价格,被吓到了,对不对?

JESSICA: That's correct.

FF: 说起来,那天我去商场里买手机,When I saw the price, I got major sticker shock. 那价格让我大跌眼睛。这么贵,纯属宰人! 对了,―宰人‖在美语里怎么说呢?

JESSICA: We use the word "rip-off". r-i-p-o-f-f. If something gives you sticker shock, you can say "This is a rip-off".

FF: This is a rip-off, 这是宰人价!

JESSICA: You can also say rip someone off.

FF: Rip someone off?我明白,就是―冲某人要高价,宰人一刀‖。那我要是说―我被人宰了‖,就是 I was ripped off,对不对?

JESSICA: Exactly! Fangfang, Don't you think you were kinda ripped off ? This phone is really pricey!

FF: There's no way I got ripped off! 这手机是网上买的,才1000块!

Jessica: Wow! That's a really good deal!

FF: 那是! 哎?怎么回事?手机怎么不动了?Jessica 你看看,what's wrong with my phone?

Jessica: Let me see ….The phone is dead. It's broken.

FF: 啊?坏了?我,我昨天才买的!

Jessica: It seems like you bought a shoddy phone. Shoddy is spelled s-h-o-d-d-y. If something is of poor quality, you say it's shoddy.

FF: Shoddy 就是形容质量低劣。嘿! 气死我了! 买了个劣质品。

Jessica: You know what they say, Fang Fang, you got what you paid for.

FF: You got what you paid for? 便宜没好货! Jessica, 你损我是吧?

Jessica: 哈哈,别生气了。Let's see what you've learned today!

FF: 第一,宰人是rip-off, 当动词是rip someone off;

第二,形容价格高可以说 something gives me sticker shock

第三,形容质量低劣可以用shoddy. 宅男宅女/脑子发霉怎么说?

Jessica: Wuqiong, 听说你表妹从上海来看你了,怎么样, Are you two getting along? wq: 唉,她哪是来看我。整天待在家里,根本不理我,每天就知道上网,看电视,也不出去玩儿。标准的宅女! 像这种特别―宅‖的人,在美语里叫什么?

Jessica: I think you can call them "homebodies". A homebody is a person who prefers to stay at home and seldom goes out.

wq: homebody? home 就是家的意思,body 是身体,两个词连在一起—身体长在家里了,就是homebody! 宅男宅女! My cousin is totally a homebody! 哈哈,我回家要告诉她这句话!

Jessica: Well, you can also call her a "shut-in". s-h-u-t, shut; i-n, in–shut-in.

wq: 哦,shut-in 也是指不愿意出门和别人交往的宅男宅女! 我要告诉我表妹,Don't be a shut-in! Go out and get some fresh air!

Jessica: 对! 让她出去转转,不然,Her brain will rot if she stays home and stares at a screen all the time!

wq: 啊?r-o-t, rot 不是腐烂么?Her brain will rot 就是―她脑子要发霉‖的意思吧? Jessica: That's right! Being a couch potato isn't healthy.

wq: 没错。couch potato, 沙发土豆,就是一天到晚赖在沙发上看电视的人。每天不运动,变得圆滚滚的,跟个potato–大土豆一样!

Jessica: I'm sure your cousin doesn't wan to look like a potato! Now, tell me what you've learned today!

wq: 第一,宅男宅女叫 homebody, 或者 shut-in; 第二,一天到晚坐在沙发上看电视的人叫 couch potato; 第三,说脑子要发霉了,就是Your brain will rot!
