



1月21日早上9时许,出了地铁直奔IFC,穿过商场经巨长手扶电梯再违反规则穿越马路直冲british council。到了等候室(509室),里面有两个工作人员,大概30多人在等,几乎坐满。我坐下啃面包,然后上厕所。回来时已经叫了N遍我的名字,按指示放下随身物品前往考场。

有N间房,总算找到了我的房间。考官是一穿菱形图案背心的中年棕发白人。吸取了无数次面试教训,我先发制人微笑问好自报英文名(Good morning! My name's xxx, nice to meet you!),假装没有自闭症。

考官回应(当然他不会自报山门)。然后要我说全名,看ID,说在香港干嘛,为什么要考雅思。(My name is xxx xxx xxx, xxx is my english name. and my id, here you go (双手奉上身份证!). currently i'm studying law at xxx

university. since i'm going to apply for xxx, i need to take ielts as the proof of language proficiency)。又问我为什么要在香港读法律。(actually my current program is my third law degree. previously i obtained my bachelor of law in beijing and then my master degree from Cambridge <--考官肃然起敬。since i want to practice in common law

jurisdiction, i then came to hong kong to read for this degree and since i was also qualified in china, hong kong would be a market in need of people like me) 自觉很罗嗦,没有再往下说了。

接着问我课余都做什么。好像是他自己提了shopping这个题目要我说。(that's my favorite topic!)但实际上我忽然完全想不到相关词汇,就说我喜欢window-shopping。本来我的回答很糟,只有一句话,但考官忽然低头窃笑,说了句"me too"。顿时两人心有戚戚。大家为自己干瘪的钱包against香港这个购物天堂的背景默哀了3秒,考官决定略过这一令人郁闷的发话题。(真幸运!)

于是开始进入漫长的关于vehicle的问题。忘了是在中间还是在一开始给了我卡片,上面有三个关于车的问题,问我会驾驶那种车,会买哪种车等等。受到window shopping的启发,我决定做bold点的尝试,不要一本正经的答问题。所以说“since i'm from china, i'm good at biking" 这句效果奇好,考官又低头窃笑。"i also obtained my driver's license two years ago. but i don't drive in hong kong since public transportation here is convenient enough" 等等。 然后问想买啥车,我说"jeep",因为stable,durable,经撞,够安全(至此考官目瞪口呆,可能觉得我是个危险驾驶者。有见及此,我补充说因为老爸第一部开的车是jeep,所以jeep有我的童年回忆等等。考官于是很理解的样子。)

然后问我觉得名车是否身份象征。考虑到说window shopping时考官的反应,考官估计也是升斗市民,于是我继续走平民路线,说虽然很多celebrities喜欢开名车贵车跑车(benz porche etc)但是车子性能最重要,安全最重要,brand不是最重要。而且香港这么小没车也很方便等等。然后又问到修路的问题,我用了cosmopolitan和remote areas,说traffic jam不能靠多修路解决,要多在偏远山区修路,钱用在刀刃上等等。此处我一度不确定“摩擦阻力”是否用friction,超级友善的考官帮我确认了friction是正确的用语。自觉用到的比较像样的词汇还有luxury, allocation of government fundings等,记不太真了。还问我会去哪里买车,我不知道说车行这个词(car dealer),说的是go to the place where there are cars for sale, and ask the sales person for advice。其实没多久就结束了,考官问我要回问题卡,然后我就跟他道别(thanks for your time, it was nice taling to you, have a good day!)考官说“take care"。然后将桌面东东复原,出门时微笑挥手,把门带上。

比对两次口试,其实我的词汇量并没有改变,但由于一直在上课,课程用英文教授,老师也多是鬼子,所以没有丢生,和鬼子交流也更轻松,不会紧张。此外,这次的考官也超nice,所以我说话也放得开,只要不紧张,流利些,也可以拿到8分。 香港雅思口语8分过程与经验






4、注意基本礼貌,敲门-问好-自我介绍-回答时看对方眼睛-坐姿-微笑-适时地说谢谢-离开时将物品恢复原状(放回椅子)-"have a nice day"-离开时顺手关门


6、语音语调和连读。平时有意识地模仿BBC、CNN的主播或者看看national geographic也好。如果能模仿出英音之类的更好。我自己不太喜欢美音,舌头卷得有时候会打结,或者有的音说出来像北京方言,是很大的distraction。还是干干净净清清爽爽的英音好。


8、不要担心语法错误,可以即时纠正,但不要影响自己表达的流利程度,不要因为语法错误而忘了本来要说什么了。 雅思口语究竟怎么练?

千万不要崇拜疯子英语(即泡沫英语,看着挺大,其实什么都没有)的学习方法,所谓疯子英语就是像神智混乱的人那样毫无逻辑可言地排列些单词,庆幸的是神智清醒的外教总能“听”懂,这样一来疯子的自信心神奇般地大增,从此自认为潇洒地开始了疯话连篇。Crazy English?No!English is not crazy—you are crazy!我个人认为,对一个缺乏广泛英语环境的中国学生来说,提高口语能力的最好办法:首先是最简单的背诵,再找个外教进行实弹演习。因为既然是实弹演习就不打无准备之仗,至少也得像“大专辩论会”那样,选个话题找好资料做好充分准备,只有这样的“交流”才能真正获益。 总的来说,找外教练口语,不能盲目崇拜,而要理性一些,在有准备的情况下才能获得最大的收获。


练口语找不找老外?到英语角?到俱乐部?找什么样的partner?上述几个问题实质上都是围绕如何攻克口语而展开的,那我们不妨来谈一下“口语究竟要怎么学”,解决了口语怎么学的问题,上面的问题也就迎刃而解了。 对于“口语好”的理解,大致可分为以下几个境界:
















He thought his book would change society, but he didn?t bring it off.


She likes to read novels with happy endings.


Your latest book amused me no end.


Some people have compared books to friends.


They?re selling like hot cakes.


As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our

knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.

如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西。它们增加我们的知识,扩大我们的心胸并加强我们的品格。换句话说,它们是我们的良师益友。这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由。Reading is a good thing,



but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.

读书是一好事,但我们必须多加注意书的选择。不错,我们能从好书中获得益处。然而,坏书却对我们有害无益。 Reading books can strongly shape you inclination, mature your thoughts, widen you horizon and enrich your personality. Life is limited, but knowledge is boundless. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get. However, books can also be harmful, particularly the pornographic books. Bad books contain evil thoughts. In them, there might be much description about violence, superstition, and *.

Before we encourage our children to read books, we should teach and help them to identify good and bad books. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business.


To spend too much time in studies, is sloth.读书费时过多,无异于懒惰. (培根)

They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.


1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。

3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。

4. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客随主便。

6. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家书抵万金。

7. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。 8. All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。

17. Courtesy costs nothing. 礼多人不怪。


15. Business is business. 公事公办。

16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。

14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱。(民以食为天。)

13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福。

12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。

11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所见略同。

9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。


18. Custom makes all things easy. 习惯成自然。 19. Desire has no rest. 人的欲望无止境。

36. He would climb the ladder must begin at

20. Difficult the first time, easy the second. 一回生,二回熟。

37. Home is where the heart is. 心在哪里,哪里

21. Do not change horses in mid-stream. 别在河流中间换马。

38. If you are not inside a house, you don not

22. Do not have too many irons in the fire. 贪多嚼不烂。

23. Do not pull all your eggs in one basket. 别把所有的蛋都放在一个篮子里。(不要孤注一掷。) 24. Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。 25. East or west, home is the best. 东奔西跑,还是家里好。

26. Experience is the best teacher. 实践出真知。

27. Fact is stranger than fiction. 事实比虚构更离奇。(大千世界,无奇不有。)

44. Life is a span. 人生如朝露。

28. Faith can move mountains. 信念能移山。(精诚所至,金石为开。)

29. First impressions are half the battle. 先入为主。

30. Give as good as one gets. 一报还一报。(以德报德,以怨还怨。)

48. Mind acts upon mind. 心有灵犀一点通。

31. Give everyone his due. 一视同仁。

49. Never hit a man when he is down. 不要落井

32. Good wine needs no bush. 酒香不怕巷子深。 33. Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。(忙中常出错。)

34. He that promises too much means nothing. 轻诺者寡信。

52. Nurture passes nature. 教养胜过天性。



50. Never judge by appearances. 切莫以貌取人。

51. No fire without smoke. 无风不起浪。 46. Meet plot with plot. 将计就计。 47. Merry meet, merry part. 好聚好散。 45. Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。

42. Just has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 43. Keep something for a rainy day. 未雨绸缪。 41. It six of one and half a dozen of the other. 彼此彼此。

know about its leaking. 不在屋里,不知漏雨。(亲身经历才有体会。)

39. In peace prepare for war. 平时准备战时。(居安思危。)

40. It is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。 就是家。

the bottom. 千里之行始于足下。

35. He who has an art has everywhere a part. 一招鲜,吃遍天。


53. One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

54. One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。(一花独放不是春。)

55. One who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers. 曾经沧海难为水。

70. Use legs and have legs. 经常用腿,健步如飞。

56. Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。

71. Virtue never grows old. 美德常青。

57. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

72. Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。

58. Poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷。

59. Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一日建成的。(伟业非一日之功。)

75. You are only young once. 青春只有一次。

60. Sense comes with age. 老马识途。

76. You cannot burn the candle at both ends.

61. So many men, so many minds. 人心各不同。 62. Some thing is learned every time a book is opened. 开卷有益。

63. Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 64. The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there. 车到山前必有路。

65. The heart is seen in wine. 酒后吐真言。 66. The older the wiser. 人老智多。(姜还是老的辣。)




79. Youth will be served. 青春好作乐。 80. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. 无知的狂热是脱缰的野马。

蜡烛不可两头燃。(鱼和熊掌不可兼得。) 77. You cannot have your cake and eat it. 有得就有失。(事难两全其美。)

78. You never know till you have tried. 事非经过不知难。

73. What is done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。 74. Wine in, truth out. 酒后吐真言。 67. The worse luck now, the better another time. 风水轮流转。

68. Thoughts are free from toll. 思想不用交税。(人人都可以自由思考。)

69. Time tries all things. 时间检验一切。




PS:当然,该准备的东西还是要准备,不过实在弄不完就算了。要是说到后面想不出说什么,那么就把这个话题当作文来思考。无忧雅思的口语机经一定要看一看,对各种话题在心中思考一遍! 常用口语100句

1.I?m an office worker. 我是上班族。 2.I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。

3.I?m happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 4.I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。

5.I?m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。 6.I?ll call you. 我会打电话给你。

20.Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?

7.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。

8.I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。 9.I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。

23.Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯

10.I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。

24.Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十

11.I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。 12.I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。

13.I?m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。

14.I?m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。

27.Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?


26.Tom?s birthday is this week. 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。 点过后再回家吗?

25.The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。 定你九点能来吗?

21.What is your plan? 你的计划是什么? 22.When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?

16.I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。 17.I can?t do this. 我不能这么做。

18.Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。

19.Let?s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。

15.I heard that you?re getting married. Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!


28.Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there? 星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?

29.Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?

30.He is crazy about Crazy English. 他对疯狂英语很着迷。

31.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他买那车花了多少钱吗?

32.Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25? 33.Did you know he was having an

affair/cheating on his wife? 你知道他有外遇了吗?/欺骗他的妻子吗?

49.How do you want your steak? 你的牛排要几

34.Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗?

50.How did the game turn out? 球赛结果如何?

35.Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off? 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗? 36.Are you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?

37.I enjoy working with you very much. 我很喜欢和你一起工作。

38.Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary? 你知道吗?斯通最终和他的秘书结婚了。

55.How much money did you make? 你赚了多

39.Let?s get together for lunch. 让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。

56.How much does it cost to go abroad? 出国要

40.How did you do on your test? 你这次考试的结果如何?

57.How long will it take to get to your house?

41.Do you think you can come? 你认为你能来吗?

58.How long have you been here? 你在这里多久了?


到你家要多久? 多少钱? 少钱?

51.How did Mary make all of her money? 玛丽所有的钱是怎么赚到的?

52.How was your date? 你的约会怎么样? 53.How are you doing with your new boss? 你跟你的新上司处得如何?

54.How should I tell him the bad news? 我该如何告诉他这个坏消息? 分熟?

48.How do you like Hong Kong? 你喜欢香港吗? 43.Here is my card. 这是我的名片。

44.He is used to eating out all the time. 他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。

45.I?m getting a new computer for birthday present. 我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。 46.Have you ever driven a BMW? 你有没有开过“宝马”?

47.How about if we go tomorrow instead? 我们改成明天去怎么样?

42.How was your weekend ? 你周末过得怎么样?




76.It feels like spring/ I?ve been here before.

60.How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何?

77.I wonder if they can make it. 我在想他们是

61.I?m sorry that you didn?t get the job. 很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。

78.It?s not as cold / hot as it was yesterday. 今

62.I?m afraid that it?s not going to work out. 我恐怕这事不会成的。

79.It?s not his work that bothers me; it?s his

63.I guess I could come over. 我想我能来。 64.Is it okay to smoke in the office? 在办公室里抽烟可以吗?

65.It was kind of exciting. 有点剌激。 66.I know what you want. 我知道你想要什么。

82.It looks very nice. 看起来很漂亮。

67.Is that why you don?t want to go home? 这就是你不想回家的原因吗?

68.I?m sure we can get you a great / good deal. 我很肯定我们可以帮你做成一笔好交易。 69.Would you help me with the report? 你愿意帮我写报告吗?

70.I didn?t know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是世界上最有钱的人。 71.I?ll have to ask my boss/wife first.我必须先问一下我的老板/老婆。

72.I take it you don?t agree. 这么说来,我认为你是不同意。

73.I tried losing weight, but nothing worked. 我曾试着减肥,但是毫无效果。

74.It doesn?t make any sense to get up so early.那么早起来没有任何意义。

90.I didn?t realize how much this meant to you. 我不知道这个对你的意义有这么大。


89.That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。

88.It involves a lot of hard work. 那需要很多的辛勤工作。

87.It really depends on who is in charge. 那纯粹要看谁负责了。

86.The show is supposed to be good. 这场表演应当是相当好的。

85.It?s time for us to say “No” to America. 是我们对美国说不的时候了。

84.I thought you could do a better job. 我以为你的表现会更好。

83.Is everything under control? 一切都在掌握之中吗?

attitude. 困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。 80.It sounds like you enjoyed it. 听起来你好象蛮喜欢的。

81.It seems to me that be would like to go back home. 我觉得他好象想要回家。 天不想昨天那么冷/热。 不是能办得到。

感觉好象春天到了/我以前来过这里。 75.It took years of hard work to speak good English. 讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。


91.I didn?t mean to offend you. 我不是故意冒犯


97.Would you tell me your phone number? 你能

92.I was wondering if you were doing anything

this weekend. 我想知道这个周末你有什么要做。

98.Where did you learn to speak English? 你从

93.May I have your attention., please? 请大家


99.There is a TV show about AIDS on right now.

94.This is great golfing / swimming/ picnic

weather. 这是个打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐的好天


95.Thanks for taking me the movie. 谢谢你带我










刘薇:电影是很多老师推荐的提升语言能力的好的方式,我也是其中之一。但想真正通过看电影学习100.What do you think of his new job/ this magazine? 你对他的新工作/这本杂志看法如何? 电视正在播放一个关于爱滋病的节目。 哪里学会说英语的呢? 告诉我你的电话号码吗? 96.I am too tired to speak. 我累得说不出活来。







对于准备来讲,现把part one里面出现过频率比较大的话题全面复习一下。cue card部分就

people,places,objects 和events,每部分准备至少三个话题,要练习的流利和自然。时间是够用的。对于第三部分,掌握一个总原则就是,两三句的回答往往确实最好的







刘薇:我们先看四个评分标准是什么,1 流利与连贯。2 语法精准度和范畴 3 词汇运用 4 发音。6和7在流利方面差异不会很大了。在语法上,如果想达到7就一定要有比6多一些的复杂结构,比如从句套从句,状语结构等。(这是在新航道任职的考官强调过的)。词汇方面,越是高分越需要把小词用的漂亮,比如我们说泡吧,可能说成go to the bar, 放松可能是relax.但你换成hit the bar和chill out 可能就不是一个水平线了。在发音上,7分需要更漂亮一点。也就是,6分要你说得清楚,但7分可能你就要再标准一些了。






刘薇:很有意思。我很想直到你口语不好听到底不好听在什么地方。是单纯的语调?还是发音不标准,带有口语呢?这个首先要明确。雅思口语评分标准并不包含语调,所以你可以理解成,如果你的语言内容很不错,语调却平平,并不会很影响分数。反过来,如果语调很漂亮,考官听起来舒服,可能会一定程度上影响分数。但如果你是发音问题的话,就不是加个声调就能解决的了,要系统的训练。 你可能太在意“像”与“不像”的问题了。其实没有必要。雅思口语考试目前强调的是国际化口语,那么,你到底想更像谁呢?呵呵







网友:老师, 在口语考试的三个部分当中哪部分重要?



刘薇:只选择最近的话题,范围小了一点。建议你把20xx年和今年年初的话题都过一遍,但可以拿最近的话题作为参考,确定总的方向。比如,最近part 2考到一个家庭的两个成员,既然谈到人,就要把可能出现的人汇总一下。










网友: 刘薇老师,我是新疆学生。我想请教您:若听不懂考官问的问题,以及不能组织好语言来回答,就是说找不出词回答时,怎么处理这种情况?谢谢!

刘薇:听不懂要问,I beg your pardon?(升调)

I'm sorry but I didn't follow you just now.

what do you mean by....please?


找不出词时,先用例如well等感叹词,或Oh, that's a good question,but I never thought that before. Let me see/Let me think about it 等句子缓解一下















我听不懂. 要是到时候真的听不懂怎么办?





1. Listen to yourself.


2. Slow down!

很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。

3. Picture it...


4. Get physical!

发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发?th?,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。感受气流从你的舌间吹过。

5. Watch yourself.

站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。

6. Copy the experts.


7. Practice makes perfect.




8. Find a language buddy.


9. Be poetic.

好的发音不仅是掌握单独的音节。还是对intonation (声音的升降调)和 stress (对单词中一些音节和句子中的一些单词更大声更清晰的发音)的理解。大声念一些诗歌,演讲,歌曲,集中练习单词的重音和音调。

10. Sing a song!




film industry 电影工业, cinema, pictures 电影院 (美作:movie theater),premiere 首映式, film festival 电影节,distributor 发行人,release 准予上映

banned film 禁映影片,A-certificate A级, U-certificate U级,X-certificate X级

genre n. 类型, 流派, type n. 类型

direction 导演,production 制片,adaptation 改编,scenario, screenplay, script 编剧,scene 场景,exterior 外景,lighting 灯光,shooting 摄制,to shoot 拍摄,special effects 特技,slow motion 慢镜头,editing, cutting 剪接,montage 剪辑,recording, sound,recording 录音,dubbing 配音,studio 制片厂,摄影棚,(motion)film studio 电影制片厂,set, stage, floor 场地,properties, props 道具,scenery 布景, script 剧本, movie-land (美国California州南部等的)影业集中地区,movie-goer (常)看电影的人


film, motion picture 影片,电影 (美作:movie),filmdom 电影界,moviedom 电影界

literary film 文艺片,musicals 音乐片,newsreel 新闻片,纪录片

documentary (film) 记录片,文献片,comedy 喜剧片,tragedy 悲剧片,horror film, dracula movie 恐怖片,swordsmen film 武侠片,action 动作片,detective film 侦探片,ethical film 伦理片,



affectional film 爱情片,erotic film 黄色片,western movies 西部片, serial 系列片,dubbed film译制片,trailer 预告片,propaganda film宣传片,animated,cartoon (movie)动画片,science fiction科幻片,costume piece /play古装戏, war movie战争片

footage 影片长度,full-length film, feature film 长片,short(film) 短片,colour film 彩色片 (美作:color film),silent film无声片, silent cinema, silent films 无声电影,sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影


cast 阵容,director 导演,film star, movie star 电影明星,film actor 男电影明星,film actress 女电影明星,star, lead 主角,double, stand-in 替身演员,stunt man 特技替身演员,extra, walker-on 临时演员,support 配角,util 跑龙套,extra 特别客串,costume designer (影剧)服装设计员,makeup girl化妆师,dialogue writer对白作者,script writer剧本作者


Angelina Jolie安吉丽娜·朱莉, Julia Roberts朱莉亚·罗伯茨, Sharon stone莎朗·斯通, Monica Bellucci莫妮卡·贝鲁奇,Jodie Foster, Kristen Dunst, Sandra Bullock, Zhang Ziyi章子怡,Michelle Yeoh杨紫琼,Maggie Cheung张曼玉


Brad Pitt, Nichols Cage, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman,

Will Smith, Bruce Wills, Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Fat Chou(Chou Yun Fat周润发),Jet Lee(李连杰), Samuel L. Jackson, Charlie Chaplin,Liv Tyler ,Tommy Lee Jones.


Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragon卧虎藏龙

Jurassic Park 侏罗纪公园

The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎

(director: Frank Darabont; actors: Tim

Robbins, Morgan Freeman)

Hero 英雄

The lord of the rings 指环王


Harry Potter 哈里·波特(Written by: JK.


Forrest Gump 阿甘正传

经典电影台词 Steven Spielberg,Frank Darabont,Ang Lee 李安, Zhang Yimou张艺谋 Brave Heart 勇敢的心 Roman Holiday 罗马假日 Waterloo Bridge 魂断蓝桥 Lion King 狮子王 Cinderella 灰姑娘



I?m the King of the world.


——TITANIC 《泰坦尼克号》


Show me the money!


——Brave Heart《勇敢的心》

This car, Goeth would have bought this car.Why do I keep the car? Ten people by that, ten people, ten more people. This pin, two people. This is gold, two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. He would have given me one , one more, one more person, person, Stern, for this. I could have got one more person, and I didn?t , and I didn?t ……


——Schindler?s List《辛德勒的名单》

After all, tomorrow, is another day!


——Gone With The Wind《乱世佳人》

To be or not to be, that?s a question.



Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will go to get.


——Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》

I Guess it comes down to a simple choice. Get busy living or get busy dying!


——The Shawshank Redemption《肖申克的救赎》

Mankind, that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can?t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests…..you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution. But from annihilation. We?re fighting for our right to live, to exist……as the day when the world declared in one voice “We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We?re going to live on. We?re going to survive.” 自由! ——Jerry Maguire《甜心先生》 You can take our livers, but you?ll never take our freedom.



Today we celebrate our independence day!

人类这个词,一天赋予了我们全新的意义.大家别在为小的分歧而耗神,应为我们共同的利益团结起来…你们要再次为自由而战,不是抵抗暴君压制和迫害,而是为生存而战,为我们生存的权利而战……而是全世界用同一个声音宣布 “ 我们不会束手无策,静坐代毙.我们将会活下去,我们将会生存.”的日子.今天,我们庆祝独立日!

——Independence Day《 独立日》 语句库:

A movie with an all-star cast

The picture isn?t so good, but it?s enough to get

一部演员表里全是明星的电影 to drop in at a neighborhood movie

This movie is a must-see.


His performance of Mao Zedong is top-notch. 他扮演的毛泽东表演特别出色。

The movie last night was a real tear-jerker.

I can?t recommend the film too strongly. 无论我怎样竭力推荐这部影片也不嫌过分。

We plan to take in a movie.

The best-known movie awards are the Academy Awards.


The movie is going over big everywhere in China. 这部电影在中国大受欢迎。

This film is a big flop at the box office. 这个电影的票房很失败。

His last play bombed on Broadway. 他最近在百老汇演出的那场戏失败了。

Ted has been stage-struck since he was a little boy.

The “crouching tiger and hidden dragon” directed by An Lee, a movie describing Chinese Kung Fu has been the hottest movie in USA.

由李安导演的一部描述中国功夫的“卧虎藏龙”曾经是美国最火爆的影片。 He had a tight clutch on my arm during the scary parts of the movie. 看到电影中的可怕镜头时,他紧紧地抓着我的手臂。

Forrest Gump stars Tom Hanks. / Tom Hanks stars in Forrest Gump. 汤姆·汉克斯演阿甘。

How about going to a movie? 去看场电影怎么样? I'm his fan。 我是他的影迷。 我们计划去看场电影。 昨晚的电影真是催人泪下。 There were some beautiful shots. 有几个很美的镜头。 by.


It is the best film that I have ever seen. 这是我所看过的最好的电影。



My brother often worried when he saw the leading role is in danger. So he was just so devoted. 当我弟弟看到主角遇到危险他总是非常担心。他太投入了。

Special effect makes films exiting. How can the flood reshow in real life? Through effect-making, you can fully see the flood in the movie as if it happened near you.


Some scenes in the films are so destructive that it is impossible for the directors to put them into reality. To provide the audience with equivalent shock, they resort to special effects.

Some people enjoy seeing movies in the cinema because they like the incredible video effect or great audio effect. Professional facilities or equipment make them enjoy high-quality films.

很多人喜欢在电影院里看电影,因为他们喜欢出色的影音效果。专业的设备使他们享受高质量的影片。 Americans films are mainly good at marvelous scene or touching/ impressive background music, while Chinese films prefer to show what the real life looks like in the society.


There is a large investment for American films, and there are a lot of big scenes for American films. However, Chinese films are likely to be instructive, and directors hope that audience can learn something after watching the films.

His looks are always funny.


Many of the first films were slapstick comedy.

This movie was all blood and guts.

This film contains raw language(粗口,脏话).

Harry Potter:

Harry has a distant goal to get to, he has enormous numbers of obstacles placed in front of his and monsters who he has to face, and challenge and overcome and bewitchments which he has to resist, and all the time, pressing onward towards his goal. In some way, Harry Potter is a modern Odysseus. 哈里·波特


Using myths and legends from all over the world, J. K. Rowling has created a world of her own, an enchanting realm magically unites children worldwide.



J. K. 罗琳(《哈里·波特》的作者)运用全世界的神话和传说,创造出了一个自己的世界,一个将世界各地的儿童神气地联系在一起的迷人领域。

"Casablanca" has been a favorite of mine for over 30 years. It has aged well and will continue to age well. It takes time for a movie to be earning the label "timeless."

Forrest Gump

This is a modern day fairy tale demonstrating that love, dignity and perseverance conquer all. “Forrest Gump”runs the viewer through the entire spectrum of emotions as it tells the story of a slow thinking innocent kid traversing through five decades of life.

玩具总动员Toy Story

Disney began making quality family shows again in the 1980s. A quality family show is one where the parents can enjoy it as much as the kids. "Toy Story" took it one step further and added state of the art technology to provide a wonderful Disney story. We all have wondered if our toys came alive, but we never knew that there would be so much team work.

Another genre that had been unsuccessful for years was the slapstick comedy. This story, Home Alone, about a little boy protecting his home from bumbling crooks had all of the right ingredients; good vs. bad, youth vs. age, and brain vs. brawn. The Rube Goldberg like contraptions coupled with the comedic talents of Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci provide an entertainment that had almost become a lost art form.

The film, Dances With Wolves, was able to break the trend and deliver a compelling historical drama about life with the Sioux Indians. The buffalo hunt is spectacular and demonstrates the vastness and beauty of the country.

E. T. was directed by Steven Spielberg.

《E. T. 外星人》是由史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格导演的。

E. T. was first shown in 1982.

Spielberg got to make the story of E. T., one that still over 20 years later is reaching out and touching audiences.

斯皮尔伯格拍成了《E. T. 外星人》,20多年来这部电影仍让影迷们喜爱与感动着。

The film is set in Britain at the end of the nineteenth century.

It is still too early to tell what movies will become classics and what movies will become dated. I?ve been in my movie business almost all my life.




Chinese martial art comes together with Hollywood.


This film is rated G.

That movie had me on the edge of my seat.

That love story was too melodramatic.

A lousy movie cannot fool the audience.

I may feel different about any of these movies two years from now.

There are films revealing more social problems, such as racial or * discriminations, government corruption, the true color of so-called higher class. They make me more mature after watching them.

Those comedies, love stories and adventures are either na?ve or unrealistic.

I usually watch films through TV or VCD, DVD in my home.

Just like romance and comedy movie, a violent film relaxes and entertains millions movie fans. However uniqueness of violent movie is that it may have negative impact on people, particularly young audience.

For certain segment of audience, it may be harmful if being viewed without proper guidance and control.

There have been cases of crime in which offenders, when surveyed, revealed that they got the idea to commit a crime from violent movie.

We need to control access of violent movies to people under certain age and offer guidance to young viewers.

What's the main difference between modern films and those in the past?

Okay, I think that modern films are less serious, um, because there is more comedy in these

films. I would say, uh, hmm, that modern films are more relaxed. To begin, modern films are much more expensive to make and they have famous actors in them. There is also, uh, a lot of slang and violence and other cultural attributes in these pictures. As for the more classical pictures, they are classy and the actors and actresses dress more conservatively and there spoken, uh, English is more classic and proper. Older films teach values that all humans should have whereas, hmm, the newer films are just sometimes more about making money and people famous. In my opinion, I like the newer films better because, uh, overall they are just much more entertaining and the hmm, the older films are maybe, I guess, more about art and teaching.



附:美国名片片名Casablanca·1943 北非谍影;喀桑布兰卡

the Birth of a Nation·1915 国家的诞生

The Godfather·1972 教父第一集

A Streetcar Named Desire·1951 欲望街车;欲

Gone with the Wind·1939 乱世佳人;飘 The wizard of Oz·1939 绿野仙踪 The Graduate·1967 毕业生

The Philadelphia Story·1940 费城故事

Schindler?s List·1993 辛德勒的名单

All Quiet on the Westernfront·1930 西线无战

It?s a wonderful life·1946 风云人物 Star Wars·1977 星际大战;星球大战 All About Eve·1950 彗星美人

The Silence of the Lambs·1991 沉默的羔羊

Chinatown·1974 唐人街; 中国城

One Flew Over the Cuckoo?s Nest·1975飞越疯人院

2001: A Space Odyssey·1968 2001太空漫游 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial·1982 外星人 Bonne and Clyde·1967 我俩没有明天;雌雄大盗 Apocalypse Now·1979 现代启示录 The Godfather Part II·1974 教父第二集 It happened One Night·1934 一夜风流 The Best Years of Our Lives·1946 黄金时代 Doctor Zhivago·1965 日瓦格医生 雅思口语黄金素材:Sport 运动词汇:

aerobics 有氧操,body-building 健美,jogging 慢跑,judo 柔道,wresting 摔跤,ball games 球类运动,football 足球,basketball 篮球,tennis 网球,squash 壁球,rugby 橄榄球,volleyball 排

Forrest Gump·1994 阿甘正传

Wuthering Heights·1939 咆哮山庄;呼啸山庄 The Gold Rush·1925 淘金记 Dances with wolves·1990 与狼共舞 Modern Times·1936 摩登时代 Giant·1956 巨人

Frankenstein·1931 科学怪人 Patton·1970 巴顿将军

The Jazz singer·1927 爵士歌手 My Fair Lady·1964 窈窕淑女 事

The Sound of Music·1965 真善美; 音乐之声; 仙乐飘飘处处闻 望号街车

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs·1937 白雪公主

King Kong·1933 大金刚



球,golf 高尔夫球,table tennis 乒乓球,badminton 羽毛球,baseball 棒球,cricket 板球,hockey 曲棍球,billiard 台球,softball 垒球,ice hockey 冰球,aquatic sports 水上运动,country sports 乡间户外活动(如打猎, 钓鱼, 射击, 赛马等)

a favourite sport 受人喜爱的运动项目,the school sports 学校运动会,sports extra 体育增刊,a sports meet [meeting] 运动会,a sports field 运动场,sportscast n., v.[美](播送)体育节目,sportscaster n. 体育节目广播员,sports-down n. [美]运动界,sports-minded adj. 关心体育的,sportswriting n. 体育新闻的报道或写作,sports-wear n.运动服装,sports-writer 体育运动专栏作家,sportsdom [美]体育界


amateur 业余运动员,爱好者,contestant, competitor, player 运动员,enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者,guide 领队,instructor 教练,技术指导,linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判,manager 经纪人 ,professional 职业运动员,referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判,trainer 助理教练,batsman 板球运动员,batter 击球运动员,men's singles 单打运动员,in the mixed doubles 混合双打

足球运动员 a football player

守门员 the goalkeeper 运动员,田径运动员 an athlete / a sportsman / a sports-woman 职业/ 业余运动员(球类运动员)a professional / amateur player

教练 the coach 他的对手 his opponents / rivals


sports stadium 露天运动场,football stadium 有看台的大型足球场,children's stadium 儿童运动场,ice stadium 冰场,swimming stadium 有看台的游泳场,football pitch足球场,rugby pitch橄榄球场,hockey pitch 曲棍球场,cricket pitch 板球场,swimming pool 游泳池,natatorium(室内游泳池),tennis court网球场,basketball court 篮球场,squash court 壁球场,volleyball court 排球场,

badminton court 羽毛球场,golf course 高尔夫球场,exercise area 运动区,ice [skating] rink 溜冰场,ping pong tables 乒乓球案

奥运会 the Olympic Games 东道国 the host nation

火把点燃仪式 the flame-lighting ceremony

开幕式 / 闭幕式 the opening / closing ceremony

发奖仪式 the prize-awarding ceremony (田径)比赛 a competition / contest

锦标赛 a championship (球类)比赛 a match / game


badminton羽毛球, basketball篮球, baseball棒球, football足球, handball手球, hockey曲棍球, tennis 网球, volleyball排球, canoeing划艇, diving跳水, rowing划船, swimming游



泳, synchronised swimming 同游表演, water polo水球, high jump跳高, hurdles 跳栏赛跑, the high [low] 高[低]栏赛跑, long jump跳远, Marathon马拉松长跑, pole vault撑杆跳, 20 km and 50 km road walk, triathlon三项全能运动, Floor Exercises自由体操, gymnastics体操, balance bars平衡杆, horizontal bar单杠, parallel bars双杠, rings吊环, archery箭术, boxing拳击, cycling骑自行车比赛, discus 掷铁饼, equestrian骑马, fencing剑术, javelin投枪, judo 柔道, Pommel Horse鞍马, shooting射击, shot put推铅球, taekwondo跆拳道(亦作T-K-D), weightlifting举重, wrestling摔跤, track and field athletics田径赛, 田径运动

favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite),outsider 无取胜希望者,championship 冠军赛,锦标赛,champion 冠军,record 纪录,record holder 纪录创造者,ace 网球赛中的一分,Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会,Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会 ,stadium 运动场,track 跑道,ring 圈,ground, field 场地,pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地,court 网球场,team, side 队


skiing 滑雪,ski 滑雪板,滑雪橇,downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降,slalom 障碍滑雪,ski jumping competition 跳高滑雪比赛,ski jump 跳高滑雪,ice skating 滑冰,figure skating 花样滑冰,roller skating 滑旱冰,bobsleigh, bobsled 雪橇


swimming pool 游泳池,changing room 更衣室,shower 淋浴,diving platform 跳台,diving pool 跳水池,non-swimmer's pool 浅水池,swimmer's pool 深水池,swimming lane 泳道,lifesaver, lifeguard 救生员,breaststroke 蛙泳,crawl stroke 爬泳,back stroke 仰泳,side stroke 侧泳,butterfly stroke 蝶泳,surfing 冲浪,surfboard 冲浪板,water ski 滑水橇


cyclist 骑自行车者,bicycle, cycle, bike 自行车,cycle track 自行车赛车道,cycling 自行车赛,to ride a bicycle 骑自行车,hand signals 手势, tandem 双轮双座自行车,racing cycle 公路赛车,cycling stadium 自行车赛车场

health n. 健康

be in good health 健康良好

be in poor health 健康不佳


You are in great shape.你身体素质真好。

Baseball is my favorite sport. What?s your


My nephew is a baseball player. He is a catcher.

When you played football, what position did you

play? We played a game last night. The score was tired six-to-six. I went to a boxing match last night. It was a good fight. When I was on the track team, I used to run the quarter mile. I like fishing and hunting, but I don't like swimming.



My favorite winter sport is skiing. I belong to a ski club.

Would you be interested in going to the horse races this afternoon?

The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser. Be a good sport. Play according to the rules of the game.

Our family went camping last summer. We had to buy a new tent.

This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout. We lifted weights.

My muscles are sore from playing baseball. Jogging early in the morning has improved her health.


He was catching his breath after the 1000 meter race.

1000米赛跑结束以后,他累得气喘吁吁。 I?ve had no exercise for ages;I?m really out of condition.

我已好久没锻炼了,现在健康状况欠佳。 Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳时最佳的健身方法。 He has few peers in pennies. 他打网球少有对手。

I like playing basketball and badminton.


African athletes are good at track and field events.


The annual school sports meet is held in March. 年度校际运动会在三月份举行。 我已经在屋子里闷了整整一个星期了。

I?ve been cooped up in the house for the whole week.

我们到外面呼吸一些新鲜空气吧。 Let?s get out for some fresh air. 我感觉得出去走走了。

I feel I have to get away from it all.

Walking up and down the stairs would beat any exercise machine.上下楼梯可比什么健身器都要好。

狂欢 painting the town red.

I've got to start working out. 我必须开始做健身运动了。

She runs everyday in order to lose weight.她每天都跑步是为了减肥。

Going swimming should be a good way of letting your hair down after a hard day?s work. 游泳是在辛苦了一天后放松自己的好办法。

People not only keep fit or keep a good shape through doing more physical exercises, but also make many friends who have the similar interests. When I attended a basketball club, I knew my current best friends, Tom.


悉尼运动会吸引了大约一百万旅游者到澳大利亚。 He is a big fan of the NBA games. 昨晚你看了曼联队阿森纳的足球比赛了吗? The Sidney Olympics attracted more than one million new travelers into Australia.


Did you watch the football game between Manchester United and Arsenal last night?



Let your hair down 轻松一下,忘记工作和压力

Keeping fit--or maybe getting in shape--is often high on the list of New Year's resolutions for Americans. In the past two decades, fitness has become a fad. Many Americans have joined health clubs to work out with professional equipment. Sports stores sell athletic shoes and clothing for every possible exercise situation. People can even buy weights and equipment and set up their own exercise center at home!


President Bush has always loved the game of baseball. Mister Bush says that when he was a boy he wanted to grow up to be a baseball player. He said the game taught him to develop a strong

resistance against critics. He said it also taught him to rise above minor problems and work instead on long-term goals.

If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull. And at the same time, we are lack of energy to study. Diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong.


Exercise helps us (to) strengthen our bodies and avoid disease. It also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team.


China is called “table tennis kingdom”. Apparently, Ping Pang is the most popular sports.


It depends. It?s lovely for an individual to spend time on what he or she prefers to do, but if he or she is too addicted, it might lead to excessive waste of time.


In 21st century, more people concerns their physical health and when they are free, physical fitness is supposed to be their best choice. So I believe that the corresponding training like aerobics and yoga gets superheated.


Health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess. Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness. However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life.


In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things. They are—nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise.




Physical fitness and exercise are important for good physical and mental health. Exercise helps a person develop and maintain a strong self-image and a sense of emotional balance. As a person gets older, exercise becomes more important because after age 30 the heart?s blood pumping capacity declines at a rate of about 8 percent each decade.

Exercise is also important for children. Vigorous physical activity helps a child?s overall development. Research shows that exercise can reduce the gathering of cholesterol on artery walls of children and adults. Too much cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. There is, however, no evidence that exercise prolongs life. Former athletes do not live longer than nonathletes, nor are they saved from heart disease. The benefits of exercise cannot be kept for more than a few months or years without continued exercise. Even Olympic-level athletes will go back rapidly to pre-training levels once they stop exercise. The amount of activity necessary for fitness varies from person to person. Age, physical structure, health, and gender are important factors. 世界各国的“为足球痴狂”的情况:

Soccer becomes part of European culture.

To meet the fans in the stands at football games across Europe.

They wear face paint, shout at the teams they love or hate and go crazy when talking about the players they think truly stink.

In Europe, soccer has so long a history that it has become part of the culture. But each European country has its own “football culture”.

Britain: British football is not necessarily the best in the world, but its football marketing is no doubt the most successful of all European counties.

The English Premier League draws global television audiences, and Michael Owen and David Beckham have become worldwide superstars.

Part of the reason comes from Briton?s love of the sports.

Many British football fans enjoy gathering in pubs to talk about their favorite teams and players and to watch games together.

The Winchester Hall Tavern in London is one of the most famous football pubs in Britain. The large old Victorian pub is equipped with five TVs and a big screen. It?s so large that it never gets packed. Partly due to the excessive drinking in the pubs, Britain also produces some infamous hooligans, who have become an increasing headache for police offices in Europe.

Germany: According to 1996 report to the European parliament, German fans tend to come from the middle class of society, and can be divided into three broad types.

The “consumer-oriented” fan will sit in the stands or seek a quite spot on the terraces and just wants to see good games.

The “football-oriented” fan dressed in his team?s colours and badges, is a member of the

supporter?s club, stands on the terraces and supports his club through thick and thin.

The “adventure-oriented” fan will change his spot on the terraces from game to game and wants to see something happen, whether it has anything to do with football or not.

Italy: Football culture is an extended form of town .

France: Football in France has never attracted the numbers of live spectators, or inspired such passionate support, as in other European countries. Despite the current popularity of the sport,



even major cities cannot have more than one team, and matches attract on average only a third of the spectators of their equivalents in Italy, England and Spain.

The interest has increased largely due to the successes of French teams in international competition and accompanying large scale investment in the “promotion” of football.

The revival of popular interest in football and the increase in attendance at football matches have led to a diverse group of fans.

The majority of spectators are both from the working class and the middle class.

Some have even described the fans in French as: “with the exception of the upper classes, all of society is found in the stadium”.

Football craze

In recent years more and more people have been drawn to football. Football fan clubs and

associations have been set up across the country. In fact, football is becoming such a focus of interest that even football fans are becoming celebrities.

Football fans, form a special informal social group and their emergence “boils down to people?s desire to belong to something”.

Football satisfies this desire of belonging, as fans can organize themselves into groups to support a team through good times and bad.

The reason that football had become so popular was that anyone could be a supporter. You do not have to take exams to be supporter; you even don?t have to be able to play football.

The competitive nation of the game gives fans a sense that they are part of a special social group. With its fierce rivalry and mass participation, football is unique. It is the world?s No. One sport. The huge size of the field also gives a chance for the players to be creative and for the spectators to look on in awe.

People can express themselves through football. And it?s quite easy to learn and play the sport: you need only a ball.

Whilst in European counties people have always been aware of football?s power to make supporters react in such an intense and passionate way, this was the first time for the Chinese public to see such a response. The May 19 incident ironically had the effect of drawing more fans to the games rather than turning them away.

The response contrasted to May 19, 1985, when after hearing that China had failed to get into the World Cup finals, fans went on a rampage and started burning cars and causing fires on the streets of Beijing.

"One world, One Dream"—Slogan of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

"One World, One Dream," is an embodiment of the wisdom of hundreds of thousands of people. It expresses the firm belief of a great nation, with a long history of 5,000 years and on its way towards modernization, that is committed to peaceful development, a harmonious society and people?s happiness.

The slogan is simple, meaningful, inspiring, and easy to remember, read and spread.

The Olympic Games are unique in their ability to attract the world?s attention, using sport to promote peace and understanding.












网友:你好,想问一下新航道有没有针对口语的提高班? 谢谢!

王渊源:有!其实我们大部分的班型都包括口语,但我们同时有一个考官口语单项班,由现任雅思考官MARK GRIFFITHS亲自授课。






第二种情况比较好解决,就用最简单的词来描述你想说什么。第一种情况比较复杂,因为造成它的原因比较多。可能是因为紧张,可能是因为确实没想过一个话题,或者就是当天的状态不好。无论怎么样,解决这种情况主要有两种方法。第一是放松,相信自己能继续说。第二是继续说。无论你被问的问题什么,你总是可以有话说。就算你根本就不知道该说一个话题,你至少可以谈谈你对该问题的困惑:"I THINK THAT?S A REALLY TOUGH QUESTION, AND TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH I?M NOT REALLY SURE HOW TO ANSWER IT." 当然这句话讲完了最好可以继续说!








网友:我听说您的讲座,您认为模仿和练习很重要,那您能为咱们想学一口地道口语的同学推荐一套好的教材或磁带吗? 非常感谢!

王渊源:我们的口语一百主题很不错,LISTEN2THIS 也挺好的,我写的口语操练手册也有很多不错的材料。另外,推荐大家听中央广播电台经济之声的ENGLISH EVENING英语之夜节目,播出时间每天晚上9-10PM。以前是我主持的,现在有我的两位好朋友MICHAEL和CYNTHIA主持。节目的后半部分STUDIO CLASSROOM尤其适合模仿练习。


王渊源:多说。真的!它对英语要求很高对你的口语水平肯定会有一个很大的促进作用。如果你觉得说的机会少,或者工作场景的压力太大,可以考虑报一个口语班。也可以多听一些类似于ENGLISH EVENING的节目,提高你对英语的熟悉程度。







网友:昨天在网上偶然看到一个广告,叫做什么美国语伴,号称可以不进培训学校,不找外教,“原版引进哈佛国际语言中心听说训练教材 采用语音识别、发音纠正、智能随意对话三大技术开创现有学习机及软件无法达到的人工智能新型学习模式 ”……不知道专家觉得这种东西有用吗?





王渊源:按你所描述的,差别应该不大。我估计差距在于FLUENCY AND COHERENCE。下次尽量放松,说话不要太急。



网友:我应该怎样模仿才能象您说地道汉语一样说地道英文啊,需要很长时间练习吗? 请赐教!






网友:看电影对学口语真的帮助大吗? 行的话能说说看什么电影 怎么样看好啊!


网友:尊敬的王老师,您好!我是在职的并且离校16年。去年参加了一个基础班( 白天上班,抽晚上时间上课),两个月后在11月参加了考试。我的问题是在最后Part3环节最后一个问题没听清楚,我Pardon了一次,但还是没有搞懂(现在想起来可能是听力太差),我就再没有Pardon一次,干脆乱说了一个大概的一些话。考完后感觉非常不好。最后成绩考了口语5分。我觉得可能还是输入不够,所以我最近想先大量练听力以帮助提高口语,同时近期计划开始每天练习口语但方向不是很清晰。王老师,我已经报名今年3月的考试想考6分。以我这种情况,您能给我指导和建议一下吗?

王渊源:在PART3,没必要乱说,可以通过问问题把问题搞清楚。但“PARDON"两次确实有点别扭,第二次不如换一个"I'M SORRY, I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND. WOULD YOU MIND

REPEATING THE QUESTION ONE MORE TIME?"至于您的学习计划,我注意到了您的听力练习已经是实际的行动,而您的口语练习还是属于计划。这种情况最好很快就改变,开始每天说点英文。方向不清晰也无所谓,就是要每天都说。每天!:) 至于具体的方案,建议参考我今天给其他同学的建议,然后给自己制定一个计划。但是,不要等计划完善才开始练习,先行动!今天!:)













一些关于学习、工作、家乡、兴趣爱好等熟悉的话题,时间为4-5分钟;第二阶段为individual long turn,考官随机抽取一张题目卡(topic card),考生准备一分钟,然后就该题目进行1-2分钟的个人陈述;第3阶段为two-way discussion,考官和考生围绕第二阶段的话题进行4-5分钟的交谈,但考官询问的问题在广度和深度上都有所增加。








由于问题有了广度和深度,回答起来也就不是那么容易,有些问题可能考生用中文都没有考虑过,更别说用英文来讨论了。在准备第三阶段时,有必要先了解问题的风格和类型。一般而言,第三阶段的题目通常包含描述变化(中国住房近20年的变化)、做比较(大学生活和中学生活)、做预测(将来交通方式会有何发展)、提出解决方案(如何解决环保问题)以及陈述个人意见(网络对阅读习惯有何冲击)等。但不管类型如何,考生可先给出一个见解(opinion),然后进行证明,论证方法颇似写作。在词汇方面,由于该阶段属于formal discus?鄄sion,因此措辞上尽量正式点,在词汇和句型的选择上可以借鉴写作的做法。就话题而言,由于该阶段涵盖的多为issue,如social change,family,tradition,culture,environmental problems,media等等,考生可在平时多阅读英文报纸或杂志,并不妨观看CCTV9的一些关于中国风土人情、传统历史的节目,这对备考第三阶段大有裨益




1. Fluency 2. Grammary(包括pronouns和tense) 3. Vocabulary 4. Pronunciation 5. Coherency 下面我把这5点分开说



1.可以看出流利程度是最重要的. 这是考官对你口语水平的一个整体感觉. 怎么做到流利自如呢? 基础好,不怯场是一方面.关键的是,我们要打有准备之仗 在考试之前一定!!!要把最近经常考的topic准备一边. 准备方法: 对每个部分的可能出现的问题都要准备.


比如让你描述一个对你有影响的人.可以说很多方面.象热心,有丰富的知识,做人很正值,诚实,很慷慨,在某方面有特长…..什么都可以说. 因为是自己的观点和想法, 所以不需要多么合乎逻辑,合乎正常思维….学会练习发散性的思维,这样在考试的时候不会张口结舌,不知道说什么.

很多同学都喜欢把整个topic写出来,然后经常拿着背. 对这种方法我不提倡,也不反对. 因为各人都有自己适应的方式. 但是这样做,太费时,费力. 而且有些句子写出来感觉不错,但是如果说的话…可能就不一样了.而且有些长句子靠背诵…在考试的时候万一哪里说错了,就犯了grammar的错误,不值得平时可以把自己的作文什么的小文章拿来出声朗读, 锻炼自己的舌头适应英语的发音. 培养自己说英语的感觉

2. grammar 在平时有机会练习的时候就要注意,不要养成坏习惯有些在国外的同学, 因为说英语的时候多一些, 而且有的时候不得不说英语, 所以有很多人养成一种习惯----只要让听的人听懂就可以了. 而且自我感觉还不错. 这样在生活中是没什么的.但是考试的时候是要考查你的grammar的….所以很多时候, 错误的句子脱口而出…

顺便讲个笑话. 有个留学生开车撞车了. 没办法,打电话给警察,说了3句令人惊叹的话: “one car hiting my car, red water on the floor, I call 呜呜呜coming.” 警察是听明白了,但是这样考试中可行不通

口语里面不太涉及很深的语法. 我们经常犯的语法错误也是那种很低级的,可以避免的. 象he, she不分, 单三人称没有把动词加s, 时态前后不一致…..如果让你听别人这么说, 一下子就听出来了.但是放在自己身上怎么就那么难避免啊????

所以我建议,说话之前不要着急,先想2,3秒….大概怎么说. 考试的时候这几秒的空白可以用well, I think, I believe来填补. 本来有些问题就是要想一下才能回答的, 就算他们洋人自己说话也是需要思考的吧…

3. 词汇 很多时候不是我们没话说,而是不知道该怎么表达. 还有就是分不清楚书面用语和口语词汇. 把很正式的书面语用来说口语,给人的感觉会象我们听那个老外说中文时,老是夹杂用一些成语和古诗词什么的….

这个问题只能通过积累来解决. 一个时积累自己没有掌握的词汇和一些表达方式. 二就是尽量区分书面语和口头语. 凡是涉及词汇的时候,我们时没有捷径可以走的

4. 发音 很简单,跟着听力练习,或者其他任何可以正确发音的电视,电影,广播,媒体来学.


平时如果要朗读的时候, 最好能在保证发音正确以后在练习. 遇见那些不太清楚怎么发音的单词别犯懒, 拿字典查一查怎么发音,重音在哪个音节. 这样不会一直把单词念错.

不管怎么样,dont be too nervous, 只要你的口音不是滥到让考官听不懂,就没有什么问题的

5. 相关性 这点是放在最后的, 所以可以看出来IELTS考试不是只为了考你能否正确回答问题. 但是切记, 这点是看你能不能正确的理解问题. 不知道问什么,肯定所问非所答了.

在考试的时候, 如果听不懂什么意思,考官也只会复述一边问题,不会给你任何解释



如果听了第二遍还是不清楚问什么, 也别僵着, 想想整个句子听懂的部分是什么, 照着这个说,就算偏一点,但是还可以展示你的口语能力. 什么都不说就等于自己给自己判了死刑啦~~

小贴士: 我的老师给我的一些学习建议: 1, 多看英语的电视,听广播,看报纸. 2. 有空的时候就自己尝试去描述一个人,一个物品….锻炼自己的描述能力. 说的时候可以多比较. 特别是没话说的时候. 比如让你说shopping, 就可以比较男性和女性不同的购物习惯. 这样就大有可说了



张皓:大家下午好,不好意思,刚才在学校开了一个重要的会议,又到博客里转了一圈,所以到这里又晚了一些。不过我刚才跟无忧雅思的负责同志说,今天我会尽量在这里多呆一段时间,多回答大家的问题。 还要说抱歉的是,最近因为学校的事情比较繁忙,很少上博客里去除草,欠了很多同学的问题,我会在寒假班开始前把所有历史遗留问题解决掉。谢谢大家。


张皓:非常开心今天的第一个问题是关于词汇的。因为词汇是英语学习的基础,没有足够的词汇量,英语学习也是寸步难行,更不要提考好雅思考试。不知道这位同学的词汇量有多大,对于雅思考试来说,如果想考到6.5分,你的词汇量应该到7000左右。如果词汇量比较欠缺,当然应该在背单词上多花力气。 当然,还要注意背单词的方法,不要只是拿着一本词汇书死啃。可以结合上下文或相关的故事,掌握词汇的词根词缀,或者把所学的单词运用到每天的日常生活中。


网友:老师您好,作为一名已经工作的在职考生,大三过CET-6 成绩72(百分制),之后考研英语成绩61(考研失败),本科毕业后工作已经一年半多,工作中会经常看些国家地理网站的文章,以及工作上的简单英语对话。现在词汇量可能有所下降,大概5000左右,老师建议我这种情况的学生应如何制定复习














说了那么多,好像是在做广告哈 ^_^ 对于其他的培训学校,我不想做过多的评论,但我发自内心地希望它们都能蓬勃发展,我相信这个市场已经大到没有哪一家或哪几家机构能够垄断的地步,大家的共同发展也必然会推动师资、课程、服务的良性循环,最后受益的,永远是我们的消费者。




张皓:很多同学上课时都给我提过这个问题。这要分为两种情况:1 雅思考试听力部分的难度本身就是每次都有变化的,这一点官方也公开承认了。不知道你现在使用的是什么教材,或者什么题目检查自己。剑桥系列那几本书的难度就不太一样,新航道的《雅思听力理解》的难度是前三套比较难,后几套都相对简单。如果是因为这个原因,就不用担心。

2 自己在听力时的发挥不稳定。这是因为自己的基本功不太扎实,或者不太全面,对于某些场景和语言点能够游刃有余,但对于别的场景和语言点又很生疏。比如同是生活场景,租房场景,你可能能做到全对;但旅游场景你只能对一半;同是学术场景,课程选择的内容你可能非常熟悉,论文写作的词汇你又若即若离。所以要全面地检查自己的基本功,多练习精听,多熟悉解题思路。



外研社的一套教材《Listen To This》刚好分为初中高级,适合不同听力水平的同学。






张皓: 这位同学说的完全正确。听写最大的好处在于可以全方位提高英语能力,但是也要讲究方法。一般来说,在听录音之前不要先看听力原文,哪怕听不懂也不能看,这样才能完整找出自己的缺点。在动笔之前先把听力材料整个听一遍,了解大概内容,再动笔听一句,写一句,如果听不清楚可以倒带重复听刚才那句话,直到完全写下整个句子,但如果连续听了五遍还是听写不完整,也不要去看原文,而是继续下一句练习,直到整个过程结束,这个时候才可以对照原文检查问题的所在。把没有听写下来的单词单独抄写在专门的单词本上,这样有利于以后的复习。

刚开始听的时候在听力材料的选择上也不要太难,这样容易打击自信心,英语学习的成败贵在坚持,听写最起码坚持三个月以上才会有成效,希望这位同学能持之以恒,时间长了,自然而然会觉得很有收获。I will persist until I succeed!与你共勉。


张皓:这个问题又好像是广告问题哈!今天比较奇怪啊,^_^ 云凯这个说法说得很好,但要看多少分是高分了。对于一个入学考试来说,只要达到招生最低标准的分数就够用了。对于雅思来说,6.5,就应该算是一个相当不错的分数。而在现实的考试中,能达到这个分数的雅思考生还是很多的。“如果不把单词背10遍以上,听力听熟10张cassette,强化班帮助不大。”这句话其实很好地提醒大家任何考试都是实力与技巧的结合,没有足够的实力作为地基,强化班所学的应试策略就只是空中楼阁。而且,在我的课上,我要求大家听磁带或CD30遍、50遍都不为过。


网友:我这周四要在悉尼靠雅思 请问有什么要特别注意的吗 还有国内的预测我用得到吗?







张皓:谢谢这位同学的问题。我终于明白为什么今天这么多问题是问课程的,^_^ 我的博客里好像告诉大家我今天要来谈新航道的新课程体系,原来我是始作俑者,呵呵

这个同学的问题还真不好回答。名师授课和非名师授课的差异?我不知道大家怎么理解名师和非名师,我觉得新航道的老师的确都是名师 ^_^(其实我本来想很谦虚地说除了我以外都是名师,但这么说大家肯定会觉得我虚伪^_^...) 如果一个老师能够被广大学生认可,应该是他讲授的学习方法、对学生的激励和对学生问题的分析甚至他的授课风格都更能帮助大家。除了上课过程中,他所讲授的知识更容易被大家消化,更重要的是,课程结束后,他所总结的学习方法能够长远地影响大家的学习。所以每个同学在课堂上,首先当然要注意老师所讲的跟这个考试本身相关的语言知识,更重要的是学到对自己一些错误学习方法的纠正,以及对长期英语学习的指导。


张皓:国栋同学好,呵呵,我还记得当时给你写那几个字的情形,^_^ 你的发音问题和词汇基础都要再下功夫的,但你现在是比较担心在澳洲的生活吗?我建议你随身携带一个可以录音的设备,把日常生活中听到的各种东东都录下来,然后每天反复地听,跟读,这样能够很快地适应生活。不要猫在家里,多出去跟人交流。另外,你成绩出来后一定记得到我博客里告诉我一声,谢谢你哈



网友:我发现国外的写作跟国内很不一样,在国内学的是美言的在悉尼叫不正式,我变得不会写supporting sentence,对于提高写作有什么建议吗?

张皓:写作首先当然要把握好语法的准确和词汇的选择,不是非要用高级词汇,而是要用最适合的词汇。另外要了解书面语言和口头表达的区别。很多习惯用语在口语中使用频率很高,但在书面语言中就很少使用。比如,我们在汉语口语中会说“爸爸妈妈”,正式的书面语中会用“父亲母亲”。 建议你找一些地道的范文,认真研究它们的措辞和结构。








张皓:Certificate of Proficiency in English 这个名字就决定了它所强调的是Proficiency. 你的英语水平应付这个考试应该没有问题,但你要尽快熟悉这个考试和其他考试的异同点,了解它的命题规律。不少学校也认可CPE的成绩,所以考好它对申请学校也有所裨益。

网友:张老师你好哈,我是你8月突破班的学生类~12月3号考了6分,听力是不错拿了7分,可是口语才5分:(3月份10号还有一场,您说我该怎么提高我的口语呢? 有必要再去首都您那进修下波?




网友:老师,我是魏星,呵呵.我想问你的是,第一,阅读里面T/F/NG题的答案要写整个单词不能写缩写吗?第二,我考了两次,都是六分,第二次还是全六的成绩.很郁闷.我平常练习的时候阅读都很稳定的在7-7.5分,2月10号就要考第三次了,您能指点一下吗? 谢谢了,呵呵.









网友:浩哥: 你好!我是 小龙同学, 雅思已经考了, 成绩还没出来,但感觉不是很好,我准备三月份再考一次,我想问的是, 象我这样还得考一回的学生,你有没有特别要提醒的,比如听力,比如阅读,比如写作什么的. (呵呵) ... 还想问问:有一个教材是英语中级听力,这个.... 可以怎么用? 还是听写?还是....? 我觉得新航道因该开设一个专为再度备考的学生的课程!!! 大家说呢? 浩哥: 你好!我是 小龙同学, 雅思已经考了, 成绩还没出来,但感觉不是很好,我准备三月份再考一次,我想问的是, 象我这样还得考一回的学生,你有没有特别要提醒的,比如听力,比如阅读,比如写作什么的. (呵呵) ... 还想问问:有一个教材是英语中级听力,这个.... 可以怎么用? 还是听写?还是....? 我觉得新航道因该开设一个专为再度备考的学生的课程!!! 大家说呢?



1、初学者 在多年的学习和教学实践中,我发现初学口语的最有效方法就是背诵英文句型或段落。在背诵前切记要跟着录音带大声朗读5遍以上。有读者会说,我试过了但记不住。其实,背诵时最好有中文译文,一边看句子,一边背。这样就可以确定背不下来是因为情节的连贯问题,而不是因为英语水平的问题。

2、中级水平 许多通过了四级或六级的同学只是在阅读、听力或写作方面有能力,并不代表口语也有相应的水平。大家不要认为自己学的口语教材简单,可以做个试验:拿一篇你认为很浅显的文章,将其翻译成汉语,让别人将每句汉语读给你听,然后你再翻译成英文。如果没问题,说明你口语很好,否则就需要多做这种练习。

3、特别方法 (1)每晚入睡以前躺在床上,用英文对自己自言自语,将一天发生的事情描述下来。要持之以恒。 (2)同一个英文对白的电影,每星期至少看一次,连续三个月以上,不要看不同的,口语一定大有进步。


最后,给大家一个建议,在雅思口语中要注意举一反三。例如,考试时考官给的卡片上如果是这样写的: Describe the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen.

You should say What it is specific about

Where you see it Who you go with

And explain why you think it is the most beautiful

考生要马上和interesting trip联系到一起,不要认为是新的话题。你可以谈论青岛、大连或深圳的某些景色。考官可能还会问以下问题:



What measures does your government take to protect natural scenery?Do you think it is effective?

What role does tourism play in your country?s economy?What should you pay attention to in travel?




1.首先快速提高单词量。"巧妇难为无米之炊"。口语考试要想拿到5分以上, 至少要准备3000词汇。

2.英语基本听力没有问题。自我评价的标准之一是: <英语听力入门>第一册。每一课中Part 1 和Part 2 在没有老师指导的情况下做下来正确率在80% 以上。很多同学私下里背了100多个答案,但到了考场,发现除了开头的几个简单的问题,越来越听不懂。只好不断要求考官重复问题。口语成绩大打折扣。


正规的口语训练至少要包含100--150 个概括性题目,由此衍生出250 左右至更多的常备题目。


雅思口语实战模拟:TV Programme

I seldom watch TV, because I have a computer and most of my free time is spent in front of the computer browsing the websites and chatting with my friends. Anyhow, I do have a favourite TV program and it?s called “Happy Dictionary”. It?s a quiz show. In this program a wide range of prizes is given to the winners. The host of this program is my favourite her name is “Wang Xiao Ya”. She is an incredible host.

In the beginning of the program they will introduce the 5 participants and then they will be asked a question, the person who answers the question correctly and quickly will be given an opportunity to take the quiz, the quiz is divided in to three or four stages, I can?t remember this exactly right now, anyway in each stage you will get a prize. The prizes are decided by participants, e.g. a computer, laptop, digital video camera, a free package holiday, you know things like that. There are there questions in each stage, and the way the host asks these questions make them more difficult. For example after you have given an answer she will ask you are you sure or not, and the person starts getting confused and changes his right answer to a wrong one, its funny and interesting, I really enjoy this part. The participants can get help from others for answering the questions but its

limited there are only three ways and if you have used one then you cannot use it again these three ways are calling a friend by phone, asking the audience and letting the computer erase one of the wrong answer. The entire questions are multiple choices.



This program is an hour long and is usually broadcasted at 9:00 PM. The other reason why I like this program is that there is no violence and it can enhances my general knowledge.

I dislike watching news, because they always give you depression and tension. So I want to stick to an old English proverb “No news is good news”, so if I don?t watch them or listen to them I have No news about what?s happening in this mean and crazy world. I think that?s it.


生活场景 旅行场景 旅行 travel agency 旅行社 coach 经济仓

make a reservation 预定 book the ticket 预定票 confirm a reservation 确定定位 cancel one?s reservation 取消定位

first come, first reservation 先到先服务原则 timetable 时刻表 fare 票价

saver ticket 优惠票 toll 通行费

airport tax 机场税 open ticket 开放机票 duty-free shop 免税店 one-way ticket 单程票 round-trip ticket 往返票 vacant seat 空座 excess change 超重

direct/ non-stop flight 直达航班 connecting-flight 转机 layover/ stopover 中途停留 check in 办理登记手续 passport 护照 visa 签证

credit card 信用证 driving license 驾照 expire (信用卡,护照)过期 destination 目的地 flight number 航班号 take off 起飞 land 降落 motel 汽车旅馆 hostel 青年旅馆

e.t.d (estimated time of arrival) 预计起飞时间 e.t.a (estimated time of departure) 预计抵达时


i?d like to book _______. i?d like to order _______. i?d like to _____.

what hours are you open _______? what time do you open/ close _______?

生活场景 饮食场景 就餐地点 restaurant 餐馆 dining-hall 餐厅 canteen 食堂 buffet 自助餐

café 小餐馆(无酒水)

cafeteria(self-service) 自助餐厅 pub 酒吧

a la carte (按菜单)逐道点菜 regular dinner 套餐 drive-in 路边餐厅(免下车) bakery 面包店 pizzeria 比萨饼店 snack bar 小吃店 tavern 客栈

picnic (郊游)野餐 banquet 宴会 feast 盛宴 spread 大餐,酒席 酒水饮料 alcohol 酒精饮料 beer 啤酒 beverage 饮料 brandy 白兰地 cider 苹果汁,苹果酒 cock tail 鸡尾酒 coffee 咖啡



liquor (烈)酒 mineral water 矿泉水 lager 淡啤酒 lemonade 柠檬汁 soda/ tonic 苏打水 whisky 威士忌 wine 葡萄酒 aperitif 开胃酒 strong drink 酒的总称 肉类消费 bacon 熏肉 barbecue 烤肉宴 beef 牛肉 crab 螃蟹 fillet 肉片 fowl 禽肉 grease 动物油脂 ham 后腿 jerry 肉冻 lamb 小羊肉 lard 猪油 lobster 龙虾 mince 肉末 mutton 羊肉 pork 猪肉 poultry 家禽 roast 烤肉 sausage 香肠 slice 肉的薄片 squid 鱿鱼 veal 小牛肉 venison 鹿肉 bacon 熏猪肉 tripe 牛肚 trout 鳟鱼 halibut 大比目鱼 salmon 鲑鱼 catfish 鲶鱼 carp 鲤鱼 haddock 黑红鳕鱼 pike 梭子鱼 cod 鳕鱼 eel 鳗鱼 herring 鲱鱼

mackerel 鲭鱼 shark 鲨鱼 蔬菜消费 aubergine 茄子 cabbage 包心菜 cauliflower 花椰菜 celery 芹菜 leek 韭菜

lettuce 莴苣,生菜 marmalade 柑橘 mushroom 蘑菇 onion 洋葱 potato 土豆 spinach 菠菜 tomato 西红柿 turnip 萝卜 cucumber 黄瓜 lentil 扁豆 pea 豌豆 radish 小萝卜 beetroot 甜菜 餐点消费:

appetizer 开胃小吃 refreshments 茶点,小吃 dinner 正餐 salad 沙拉 desert 甜点

tea or coffee 茶或咖啡 yogurt 酸奶 wafer 威化饼 vinegar 醋 spice 香料

pepper 辣椒粉,胡椒的 curry 咖喱

condiment (辛辣)调味料icing 糖衣 toast 烤面包 syrup 糖汁 sweet 甜食 confectionery 甜食 candy 糖果

toffee 脱脂糖(太妃糖) soup 汤 consommé 清汤



broth (骨头)浓汤 leftovers 剩饭,剩菜 skimmed milk 脱脂牛奶 sandwich 三明治 roughage 纤维食品 pudding 布丁 pizza 比萨饼 pie 馅饼

oatmeal 麦片(粥) milk shake 奶昔 bun 小圆面包 loaf (长条)面包 jam 果酱

marmalade 柑橘果酱 ice-lolly 冰棒 hot dog 热狗 honey 蜜 hamburger 汉堡包 foodstuff 粮食,食品 flour 面粉 dumpling 饺子 dough (生)面团 diet 日常饮食 staple 主食 cream 油脂,奶油 butter 黄油

margarine 人造奶油

chip/ french fries (炸)薯条 cookie 曲奇饼 biscuit 饼干 餐具 cutlery 餐具 ladle 长柄勺 knife 刀 fork ** spoon 勺匙 teaspoon 茶匙 常用句型:

are you ready for order? may i take your order?

what would you like to _____? would you like anything _____?

a pizza barber is a hamburger with tomato sauce and cheese.

生活场景 租房场景


home stay 住在当地居民家中 dormitory 大学宿舍 flat 公寓 hostel 青年公寓 landlady 房东太太 landlord 房东 surroundings 环境 single room 单人间 double room 双人间 rent 租金


(un)furnished (不)配备家具的 furniture 家具 fitting 装置,家具 suite (一套)家具 furnish 布置 fit up 装备

decorate 装饰,布置 ornament 装饰,美化 armchair 配齐,装备 bookcase 书架 cupboard 碗橱 bureau 写字台 bench 长椅 settle 长椅 stool 凳子

deckchair 折叠帆布长椅 high chair 高脚椅 couch 长沙发 settee 中小型沙发 divan 木制软垫长椅 bedstead 床架 hammock 吊床

chest of drawers 五斗橱

is made with tomato sauce and cheese. it ?s a little spicy. not too spicy. very spicy.

it?s very good. you?ll like it very much



bureau (卧室内)有抽屉的柜子 sideboard 餐具柜 cabinet 酒柜

室内设施: facilities 设施 bathroom 卫生间 shower 淋浴 kitchen 厨房

air-conditional 有空调的 heater 加热器

central heating 中央暖气系统 refrigerator 电冰箱 microwave oven 微波炉 balcony 阳台 attic room 顶楼,阁楼

家纺布艺: towel 毛巾 mattress 床垫 mat 地席,垫子

cushion靠垫,坐垫,椅垫 blanket 毯子 rug 小地毯 carpet 地毯 quilt 被子 bedspread 床罩 sheet 床单 pillow 枕头 pillowcase 枕头套 bolster 长枕套 bed line 被单和枕套 mat 席子 mattress 床垫 curtain 窗帘,帘子 drape 窗帘

drapery 有褶子的布料。窗帘布料hangings 门帘,帷幕 wallpaper 壁纸,墙纸 canopy 顶棚,天棚 awning (窗/门上的)遮蓬 shutters 百叶窗 日常用品:

utensil 器皿,用具

ashtray 烟灰缸 bedside-lamp 床头灯 bowl 碗 comb 梳子

french windows 落地灯 kettle 水壶 mirror 镜子 radiator 取暖电炉 safety-razor 安全剃刀 scale 磅秤 toothbrush 牙刷

常用句型: what?s the rent? how much is _______? how much does ______ cost? rent costs approximately ______. the average water bill is _______.

two people need at least ______ for ______. is there a _______? are there any ______? dose it have a (any)_______? how many _______ are there? when can i _______? how about monday?

why don?t you come on _____? can i see _______ this week?

生活场景 看病就医 症状: symptoms 病症 have a cold 感冒 flu 流感

have a cough 咳嗽 have a sore throat 嗓子痛 have a stomachache 胃痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a fever 发烧

have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通 pneumonia 肺炎 liver trouble 肝炎 allergy 过敏 feel dizzy 头晕 stiff 僵硬的

twisted/ sprained 扭伤的 第45页(共74页)


twinge 刺痛 sneeze 打喷嚏 hiccup 打嗝 vomit 呕吐 sick 恶心 swelling 肿胀

—itis 。。。。的发炎 bump 肿块 ulcer 溃疡

cancer 癌,恶性肿瘤 birthmark 胎记 infect 传染 cramp 痉挛

paralysis 麻痹,瘫痪,无能力 药品: medication 药物 pills 药丸 tablet 药片 ointment 药膏 power 药粉 drop 滴剂 mixture 合剂 syrup 糖浆 pad 药棉块

penicillin 盘尼西林(青霉素) eye drops 眼药 antibiotic 抗生素 vitamin 维他命(维生素) aspirin 阿司匹林 non-drowsy 不使人困倦的 治疗: first aid 急救 therapy 疗法 diagnosis 诊断

soothe 安慰,缓和,安慰 recover 复原,痊愈 recuperate 康复,恢复 see a doctor 看病 send for a doctor 请医生 feel one?s pulse 量脉搏

take one?s blood pressure 量血压take one?s temperature 量体温

give a prescription/ prescribe a medicine/ write out a prescription 开药 make up a prescription 配药 take medicine/ take pills 吃药

get an injection/ have an injection/ receive an injection 打针 operation 外科手术 transplant 移植手术 have an operation 动手术 be operated on …for… 开刀

have an inoculation against smallpox 大天花疫苗

dose 给。。。服药 dress 包扎 bandage 扎上绷带


have you had any pains in your chest recently? yes, i have.. in fact i had ______ last week. have you had a bad cough recently?

yeah, i had a terrible _______ the other day. have you had the flu recently?

yes, i?ve had many ________ the past few weeks.

have you ever had a broken _______?

yes, i have. i broken my arm once when i was 12. have you ever had broken your ________? yes. when i was 12, i fell down and broken my arm.

how often do you ________? every day. once in a while. almost never.


sars-severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak n.(疾病的)发作

early this year, there is massive outbreak in guangdong province. epidemic n. 疫病流行 china is on top of epidemic. pharmacy n.药房 fatality n.死亡人数 underfunded a.资金不足的



infectious a.有传染性的,易传染的 communicable a.可传染的 segregate v.隔 quarantine n.隔离 thermometer:体温计 facial mask:口罩 sterilize:消毒

sars affected area: sars 疫区 生活场景 爱好和消遣: 爱好篇: hobby 兴趣爱好 taste 嗜好

be interested in/ have a taste for 对。。。有兴趣

refined taste 高雅的品位 suit one?s taste 符合某人的嗜好 man of versatile tastes 兴趣广泛的人 stamp collecting 集邮 music appreciation 音乐欣赏 hunting 打猎 baseball 棒球 tennis 网球 soccer 足球 swimming 游泳 horse-race 赛马 handicraft 手工艺 mahjong 麻将 surfing 冲浪 skiing 滑雪

hitch-hike 免费搭便车旅行 hiking 徒步旅行

bag-packer 背包(自助旅行)者 museum 博物馆 art gallery 画廊 souvenir 纪念品


what kind of ______do you like? what?s your favorite _________? do you like _____?


movie theatre 电影院

g.=general 普及类 r.=restrict 限制级(禁演) p.g.=parental guidance 父母指导级

p.g.-13=parental guidance age 13 13 岁以下需要父母指导级

n.c.=no children 少儿不宜 action movie/ kung fu 功夫片 war movie 战争片 documentary 记录片 biographical movie 传记片 science fiction movie 科幻片 instruction film 教学片

sad movie/ tearjerker 让人哭的电影 psycho movie 心理分析片 thriller 悬念片 adventure film 惊险片 cartoon movie 卡通片 animated movie 动画片 affectional film 言情片 literary film 文艺片 feature film 故事片 silent film 无声电影 tragedy 悲剧 comedy 喜剧


who?s playing at the _______? who?s in it?

what times are the performances? why don?t we watch _______instead? i?d rather watch_______. what film have you seen recently? when did you see it?


shop assistant 售货员 counter 柜台

corner shop 街角小店 general store 综合商店 hypermarket大型超级市场 stall 货摊

booth 有蓬的流动商店 kiosk 报亭,公用电话亭 boutique 时装精品小店



bazaar 市场,集市 arcade拱廊市场 precinct 购物区 shopping mall 购物中心 department stores 百货商店 free parking lot 免费停车场 dime store/ five and ten廉价商店 general store 杂货店 mail-order store 邮购商店 auction 拍卖

bid 喊价,投票,机会,试图


i am looking for ________? do you have anything on sale? i?d like to have a ______.

would you please show me _______over there? do you have ______? how much is ______? how about that ______? 雅思口语第一部分常考400句 You

What is your (full) name? Can I have your name please?

Could you tell me your full name please? What shall I call you? How can I address you?

Does your name have any special meaning? Is your name important to you?

Do Chinese people like changing their name? Why?

Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?

Why do so many people change their name? 4. Do you work or study? Study

What are you studying? What?s your major?

Why did you choose that subject?

What do you find most interesting about your course?

What is your favourite subject?

Your town/Hometown

Can you describe your town or village to me? Tell me something about your hometown. Where are you from? Where is your hometown? Where do you come from?

What is the name of the street you live on? What kind of street do you live on? What do you like about your town? What is the weather like in your town? What building is considered famous in your town?

Is there any emblematic building in your town? What jobs do people in your town do? What things are there to do in your town in your free time?



Can you describe your job to me? What do you do for a living? How long have you been doing it?

Can you describe one of your typical working days?

What?s your daily routine on a working day? Why did you choose to do that job? What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?

What do you think is the attraction of your work?

What is your ideal job?

Is there anything you don?t like about your job? Why not?

Do you want to change your current job? Why or why not?

Are you willing to keep your job permanently? What are your plans for the future? Is there anything you don?t like about your study?

What do you dislike about your study?

What do you hope to do after your graduation? What are your ambitions for the future? Do you hope to gain any qualifications? What are the advantages of studying instead of working?


How has your town changed over the last twenty years?

What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?

Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why? Family life

Do you have brothers or sisters? If yes, do you get on well with them? Can you tell me something about your family? Who is the leader in your family?

Who has influenced you most in your family? Do you live in a large family or a small family? Do you prefer to live in a small family or in a large family?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family compared to a large family? How much time do you manage to spend with your family?

What sorts of things do you like to do together with your family?

Do you get on well with your family? Who are you closest to in your family? Neighbourhood/Your accommodation Do you live in a flat or a house?

Tell me about your current accommodation. Can you describe the house where you live to me?

Which do you prefer, flat or house?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flat and house?

What is there to do in the area where you live? What do you like about the area where you live? How do you think your neighbourhood could be improved? Holidays

What do you do when you have a holiday? Who do you usually spend holiday with? Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why?

Can you describe a typical day in your holidays? Why are holidays important to you?


What is your favourite sport? What sports do you like best? Why is exercise good for you?

What sports are most popular in your country? Are there any new sports recently?


Free time/Leisure activities

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What do you usually do in your spare time? How much time do you have each week for doing these things?

Why do you like doing these activities? How did you start doing this activity at first? Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why?

What is the balance of work/study and free time in your normal day?

How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years?

What leisure activities are popular in your country?

What do people do in your town in their free time?

Where can people go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Housework

Do you do housework? If not, who does housework in your family?

What housework is there to do in your family? How often do you do housework?

What kind of housework do you think is most important? Why?

What are the benefits and problems with housework?

How has housework changed in your family in the past few years?

What are the changes brought by modern technology to housework?

If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?

What do people usually do during holidays in your town?


What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?

Do people take as much exercise as in the past? What role does sports play in people?s life? What are the differences between men and women when choosing their favourite sports? Reading

Do you enjoy reading? Why or why not? What sort of things do you read?

Tell me something about your favourite book. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? Can we learn more from television or from books?

Why do people read books?

Can you consider the difference between the books that men prefer and the women prefer? Eating

What food do you like? Why? What food do you dislike? Why not?

Do you have any taboo food? If yes, what is it? Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home?

Do you eat out a lot? Why or why not? Do you like to have dinner by yourself or with others?

Do people often eat out or do they cook at home in your town?

Which are the best places to eat out?

Do you cook at home? If not, who cooks then? Do you like cooking? If yes, what do you usually cook?

How do you make your favourite dish? What do you think are healthy food? What do you think about the fast food restaurant?

Can you consider why fast food restaurants in your town are popular? Shopping

Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? If not, who does most of the shopping in your family?


What sort of clothes do you like to wear? What is your favourite kind of clothes? Where do you usually buy clothes?

What is the most important thing you consider when buying clothes?

What kind of clothes don?t you like? Why not? What is the difference between clothes that people wear on weekdays and weekends? What role do clothes play in people?s life? How do the old people look at young people?s fashion?

What is the difference between the opinions of old and young people on clothes?



Do you enjoying singing? Why or why not? Do you like music? Why or why not? What sort of music do you like best? Why? Is jazz music popular in your country? Do you prefer to listen to music alone or with other people?

Are there any traditional arts or music you would recommend?

Is it helpful to teach music courses in high school?

What are the benefits of listening to music and playing musical instruments?

Are there any negative effects if children are taught to play a musical instrument? What sorts of music do people play during festivals in your town? How often do you go shopping?

How much time do you spend shopping every week?

What is your favourite shop and why do you like it?

What are the shops like in your town?

What problems are there with shopping in your area?

Have you ever bought second-hand things? Why or why not?

Have you ever done any online shopping? Why or why not?


Why do young people wear clothes and try to look different?

What do you think of the fashion today? Do you like fashionable clothes? Where do you get fashion information? Do you think the colour of people?s clothes tells anything about their personality? Travel

Do you like travel? Why or why not? Where have you been?

What place impressed you most?

Tell me about the kind of foreign visitors or tourists who go to your country.

What would you suggest a visitor should see and do in your country?

In what ways has tourism changed your country?



How did you come here today? Have you been caught in a traffic jam? How you go to school/work every day? What is public transport like in your town? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think people should use public transport more? Why or why not?

Do you think it?s a good idea for people to have their own cars? Why or why not? Movie

Do you enjoy watching movie? Why or why not? Can you name one of your favourite movies? Who is your favourite actor or actress? How often do you go to cinema?

Which one do you prefer, going to cinema or watching movie at home?

In what ways can cinema attract more people? What?s the function of films in our life? Festival

What?s your favourite festival? What do you most enjoy about it?

Tell me about the most important festival in your country.


Do you have many friends?

Are they casual acquaintances or close friends? Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends when you are free?

Who do you prefer to spend more time, with your friends or your family? How do you usually make friends?

What do you usually do with your friends? Do you think friend is important to your life? Why or why not? Colours

What colour do you like?

What is your favourite colour? Why? Do different colours have different meaning to you?

What do different colours stand for? What is the relationship between colours and personality?

Can different colours different people like reflect different personality? If so, in what way?

What colour do Chinese people like?

What is the difference of colour preferences in the past and at the present? Weather

What is the weather like in your town? Which season do you like best? Why? Which season do you dislike? Why not? Do you agree that weather could affect people?s mood or personality? If yes, in what way?

How does the weather affect your lifestyle? What special food and activities are connected with this festival?

Do you think festivals are important for a country?

Do people in you town celebrate any festival from different country?

How do you compare the Chinese festivals with the western festivals?



第一,如何用英文简单界定一个东西的技巧。美国人和美国人交谈80%是想告诉对方这个事物是什么。我们的课本尽管词汇难度不断加深,但思维逻辑结构却只停留在一个水平上。中国人常说Where is the book(这本书在哪儿)?很少有人说What is a book(书是什么)?而美国的小学生就开始问:What is the book?这种Where is the book只是思维的描述阶段。但是我想连大学生也很难回答What is a book?因为中国传统英语教学模式没有教会学生表达思想的技巧。

第二,如果已经学会界定,但理解还有偏差,那就要训练How to explain things in different ways(用不同的方式解释同一事物)。一种表达式对方不懂,美国人会寻找另一种表达式最终让对方明白。因为事物就一个,但表达它的语言符号可能会很多。这就要多做替换练习。传统的教学方法也做替换练习,但这种替换不是真替换,只是语言层面的替换,而不是思维层面的替换。比如,I love you(我爱你)。按我们教学的替换方法就把you换成her,my mother等,这种替换和小学生练描红没有什么区别。这种替换没有对智力构成挑战,没有启动思维。这种替换句子的基本结构没变,我听不懂I love you,肯定也听不懂I love her。如果替换为I want to kiss you,I want to hug you,I will show my heart to you等,或者给对方讲电影《泰坦尼克》,告诉对方那就是爱,这样一来对方可能就明白了。这才叫真正的替换。也就是说用一种不同的方式表达同一个意思,或者一个表达式对方听不清楚,举一个简单易懂的例子来表达,直到对方明白。第三,我们必须学会美国人怎样描述东西。从描述上来讲,由于中美的文化不同会产生很大的差异。我们描述东西无外乎把它放在时间和空间两个坐标上去描述。美国人对空间的描述总是由内及外,由里及表。而中国人正好相反。从时间上来说,中国人是按自然的时间顺序来描述。我们描述一个东西突然停住时,往往最后说的那个地方是最重要的。美国人在时间的描述上先把最重要的东西说出来,然后再说陪衬的东西。只有发生悲剧性的事件,美国人才在前面加上铺垫。这就是中国人和美国人在时间描述上的巨大差别。第四,要学会使用重要的美国习语。不容易学、易造成理解困惑的东西就是“习语”。比如北京人说盖了帽儿了,外国人很难理解,这就是习语。所以和美国人交流时,能适当地运用美国习语,他马上就会觉得很亲切,也很爱和你交流。那么什么是习语?就是每个单词你都认识,但把它们组合在一起,你就不知道是什么意思了。


第六,要有猜测能力。为什么美国人和美国人、中国人和中国人之间交流很少产生歧义?就是因为他们之间能“猜测”。我们的教学不提倡“猜测”。但我觉得猜测对学好美国口语很重要。在交流中,有一个词你没有听懂,你不可能马上去查字典,这时候就需要猜测来架起一座桥梁来弥补这个缺口,否则交流就会中断。 中国人学习口语讲究背诵,背句型、背语调,结果就是很多人讲口语的时候讲着讲着眼就开始向上翻,实际上是在记忆中寻找曾经背过的东西。如果他要是能猜测的话,我想也就不会出现这种现象。





许多鸭友们也许一提到雅思的口语考试,就会觉得头疼。明明自己觉得说得很标准,但是一到考官面前,分数总是高不起来。让人百思不得其解,如何一步一步地提高你的口语水平?以下是我的一些经验。 从开始接触英语,我一直自认为英语水平不错。工作以后,又可以经常和老外交流,所以自认为口语水平也很好。但是我接触到雅思考试后,才发现自己的口语还是存在很多问题的。慢慢改进,慢慢学习,总结了一些规律。


1. 首先要想说,且脸皮要厚,甚至是自言自语,直到梦里说英语的境界。以前觉得有些站在人多的地方读英语,是件很害羞的事情,其实不然,要厚脸皮才能达到练习的目的。

2. 其次是教材选择,多媒体是不错的选择,我选的是美国的连续剧,听说并进。

3. last but the most important, 坚持不懈的反复练习很关键,练习的目的是运用,不会用的话,学再多也是白费,这样一来,又返回到第一点,可以满足自己开口的欲望。所以我一直倡导?学以致用?的法则。 说到这,有些人会问,我们有时候会在msn上和老外聊天,英语水平提高了,但是一说又会觉得不够用。我也试过这样的方法,用这种方式聊天可以学到很多地道的表达方式,而且可以训练你的思维方式,对母语的对话训练也起到了潜移默化的作用。还可以多看看外国的电影,和连续剧,会学到很多母语者对话的方式。



当你做好这些的时候,不要以为万事大吉了,还要注意眼神的交流,也就是我们常说的eye contact,这样有助于与考官进行深入的交流,会有一个好的分数。其实很简单,只要你能把考官当成自己的朋友一样,考试的时候就像与朋友在聊天,气氛轻松,考官会对你的回答很感兴趣,给你一个满意的分数。 口语的语音语调明文规定是不打分的,以能听清楚发音为准





口语水平的高低很微妙。有人认为语音语调好了,语言流利了,或者非常非常非常(老外可不会这么说)流利了,甚至模仿到原声就是好了。这真的不一定。我见过一个学生,今年高三了。他对英语的学习叫做一种痴迷。口语相当的地道,所有跟他交流过的老外都会惊叹。闭上眼睛听以为就是在听Native speaker在讲话。但他高二的时候去烤鸭。考官只给了6分。他不服,考了第二次,还是6分。其实有时候口语还真没必要太好,能深人的交流是最重要的。当然,为了考试之类的话,又另当别论了。

可能交流的时候没有注意eye contact这种得吧~~~





今年3月25在杭州参加了IELTS A类考试,我是2月中旬开始准备的,因为以前考过TOEFL(637)所以还是比较有经验,没有那么紧张,总分7.5 ,但是口语8分确实出乎我意料。(口语8 听力8 阅读7 协作7)下面就我准备口语过程中的经验和感触和大家讲讲。在选择材料和一些金句的准备上,本人不是英文老师所以不做什么建议,大家可以按照一些名师的建议参考一些阅读书目,但我有一点要说就是除去剑1、2、3、4和紫皮书以外,关于口语的书仅选择一本全面,权威的就够了,我选择的是新东方培训时他们发得书(向别人借的),上面关于part1\2\3的都分门别类的归纳了很多种问题,据新东方上过的说,考试范围不会超出那上面的...(不过,可怜的我还是被出了一道从没见过的题目,汗死了,幸亏急中生智,把一些准备过的知识凑到了这道题上)

我想集中说明的一点就是,感觉。我在郑州的一个雅思培训时那里的口语外教曾经说,a successful

international speaker should grab several tones.这点很少有老师提及,但我认为至关重要。在我身边很多英语成绩很不错,词汇量也比较大的朋友,但是口语都突破不了6分。说英语时,很多老师都会叫我们要自信,但是究竟如何自信,我认为不是词汇量大就可以自信,而是说哪种语言要有哪种语言的感觉。根据这点我建议一些准备考试的朋友可以再考前半个月或者一个月看一步美国的电视剧,我以前经常看美国电影,但是发觉没有电视剧的帮助大,很多人选择老友记,我只看过一季,所以不作评论,我选择的是desperate housewives,一部非常棒的片子,看的时候一定要模仿native speaker说话的感觉,注意,不是语言而是感觉。

当然你也可以从中学到不少地道的表达方式,跟老外交谈,不是你的词汇用的深奥他们就觉得你说话地道,反而用一些平时很少留意的简单词汇,会透出你的native,打个比方我们学的赞美一个人是好人,他帮了你很大的忙,你会说you are so kind,但是当你换作you are so sweet的时候老外会觉得你更容易交流,我曾经试着用了一些desperate里面的生活化的语言和一些老外交流,他们觉得很地道,所以大家不妨试试。



1. Hello. Could you show me your identification card please?

Hello. Sure, here you are.

2. Could you tell me your full name please?

My full name is XXX. Friends usually call my English name, XXX.

3. What shall I call you?

You could call me XXX.

4. How are you?

I am fine, thank you, and you?

5. How old are you?

I am 22 years old. In other words, I was born in 1980. March 8, 1980, to be exact.

6. Does your name have any special meaning? ( 5 - 6 )

Yes, my name does have some special meaning. My family name means ?peace?, and my first name has the meaning of ?strong one?. My English name was given by one of my high school teachers, and it does not have any special meaning really.

6. Does your name have any special meaning? ( 7 - 8 )



I presume you are referring to my Chinese name. Yes, the English equivalent of my family name

would be something like ?peace?, and in the case of my first name it would be ?strong one?. My English name was randomly chosen by one of my high school teachers, and it really doesn?t have any special meaning.

7. Is your name important to you? ( 5 - 6 )

No. I don?t think it can do anything for me. I believe a person has to work out his own life. I am planning to do this as well as I can.

7. Is your name important to you? ( 7 - 8 )

Not really. I belong to the new generation who do not attach too much significance to our names. Names were important to the older generation as they are of the opinion that it will determine your destiny to some extent. However, I personally believe that I myself will determine my destiny no matter what my name is. I will do this by acquiring good qualifications and by working hard.


8. Where do you come from?

8. How long have you lived in your hometown? ( 5 - 6 )

I come from Guangzhou. My parents have been living here for the past thirty years or so. I grew up here and attended a well-known high school called Zhixin High School. We live in a nice area with many shops, restaurants, and other businesses.

8. Where do you come from?

8. How long have you lived in your hometown? ( 7 - 8 )

I come from Guangzhou. My parents have been living here for the past thirty years or so. I grew up here and attended a well-known high school called Zhixin High School, a major middle school in the province. We live in a respectable area with many shops, restaurants, and a variety of other

businesses. The people in our building are generally friendly and quiet, which makes it a pleasure to live there.

9. Where do you live? ( 5 - 6 )

Well, that is not so easy to answer. Please allow me to explain. During the week I live in a dormitory at the university, but over weekends I live with my parents in a village about one hour by car from Guangzhou. So I really do not know which of the two to call my home at the moment.

9. Where do you live? ( 7 - 8 )

I live with my parents here in Guangzhou at the moment. To be more exact, we live in an apartment building in one of the northern suburbs of the city. I have my own room and enjoy the privacy that it brings, but I am looking forward to the day that I can have my own apartment. Allow me to explain: my parents are very nice and I love them very much, but I would like to be more independent soon.

10. Can you tell me something about your hometown? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, certainly. Guangzhou is in the southern part of China, and the capital of Guangdong province. It has many heavy industries such as automobile, aircraft, and machine tool manufacturers. In addition, it is rich in history. For example, the Japanese invaded the city and committed many atrocities (that is to say many crimes) during the occupation. This is still remembered by many of the elderly folks to this day.

11. Can you tell me about some famous landscapes in your hometown? ( 5 - 8 )

11. Can you tell me about some famous scenic spots in your hometown? ( 5 - 8 )

11. What are the main places of interest in your hometown? Why? ( 5 - 8 )



11. What places should foreigners visit in your hometown? Why? ( 5 - 8 )

Sure. Firstly, I?d like to mention the Pearl River, which you will find around the city. To the north of the city there are the famous Baiyun Mountains, the zoological park and botanical gardens. In summer the park is a popular place to visit and see tigers, bears, wolves, other animals and even pandas in their natural environment. In winter we often go skiing there. The Yuexiu Park is the second place I?d like to recommend. It consists of a large park, with many gardens and a lake. In addition, the city?s symbol, the Statue of Five Rams, is located in the park. There are many other sites in the city that are worthwhile visiting, such as Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Chen Clan Academy and the CITIC Building, which is the highest architectural attraction in Guangzhou.

12. What places in your hometown do you like best? ( 5 - 8 )

There are many places that I like. If I had to choose one place, I would like to tell you about Tianhe East Railway Square. It is the largest square in Guangzhou. It enjoys a large open space where one can see the sky clearly and feel free. Next, it houses a fabulous man-made waterfall. The waterfall is the largest of its kind in the whole Asia.

13. What are the main crops in your region? ( 7 - 8 )

The main crop in my hometown is, I?m afraid, skyscrapers, rather than wheat or corn, or something like that. You can see people plant bricks everyday, and months later skyscrapers grow up. Of

course it?s just a metaphor, you know. Guangzhou is a metropolis. It almost has no agriculture and no crops.

or ( 5 - 6 ):

In our region many crops are grown. For example, one would find all kinds of vegetables in the fields of this region. In addition, many farmers have orchards. Here they grow many kinds of fruit like apples, pears, and peaches. Lastly, it is important to note that Guangzhou is not known for its agriculture. It is better known as an industrial city. For example, here are many heavy industries manufacturing anything from aircraft and automobiles to machine tools.

14. What is the difference between your hometown and Beijing / Hong Kong? ( 5 - 6 ) The main difference between Guangzhou and Beijing is the climate. Guangzhou enjoys a tropical climate. It is very hot and humid here. On the contrary, Beijing has cold winters and hot summers. Besides, Guangzhou is a regional center whereas Beijing is more a national or even world center.

15. What are the people like in your hometown? ( 5 - 6 )

15. Can you tell me something about the character of the people in your hometown? ( 5 - 6 ) Well, they aren?t any different from the people in any other large city. For example, here we also have good and bad people. Secondly, like everyone else, they are trying to work out a good life for themselves and their children. For example, parents are trying all they can to ensure that their children receive a good education.

15. What are the people like in your hometown? ( 7 - 8 )

15. Can you tell me something about the character of the people in your hometown?

Well, they aren?t any different from the inhabitants in any other large city. For example, here we also have many wholesome families as well as our share of criminal elements in the society. In addition, I believe that my hometown has not been westernized to the same extent as a city like Hong Kong. For example, in Guangzhou the people have not become materialistic to the same extent as the inhabitants of Hong Kong. In other words, in Guangzhou you would still find many good

old-fashioned (traditional) people who have strong principles and values about many aspects of life.




16. Are you a student or do you have a job? ( 5 - 8 )

I am a student at the moment. I am studying English on a full-time basis at a Language School here in Guangzhou. We have classes in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. Wednesday afternoons we are off, and are allowed to go swimming at a nearby hotel. We have a number of foreign teachers who assist us in the correct pronunciation and grammar of the language.

16. Are you a student or do you have a job? ( 5 - 8 )

I have a job. I am working in a workshop of a large manufacturing plant at the moment. I graduated from high school two years ago, and went to work immediately. I am an assistant to one of the automotive electricians in the workshop. I have to assist my artisan in getting his jobs done. For instance, I have the responsibility to see that are the tools are in good order, and that the workshop is always kept clean and tidy.


17. What is your major? ( 5 - 8 )

As I have been studying on a full-time basis at an English Language School, we have only one subject, namely English for Academic Purposes called EAP. We do reading and writing, practical speaking, and listening by means of cassettes. English is the language of the future, especially in the business world. What I mean to say is that when I am able to communicate well in English I will not only be able to go and study abroad and improve my qualifications, but also have mastered a very necessary tool for my future career.

18. What do you like most about your studies? ( 5 - 8 )

Well, I guess the speaking part. Please allow me to explain. Language is all about communication. So when I am able to communicate with someone in English, I feel that I have achieved something. I particularly like our free talk sessions with the foreign teachers. It gives me the opportunity to question them about their countries and cultures.

19. Which is the best university in China? ( 5 - 8 )

That?s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal view by shortly mentioning the following points: I believe that Peking University in Beijing is the best one in the country. For

example, it has the highest percentage of students passing their courses of all the universities in China.

20. Could you sum up your study habits? ( 5 - 8 )

I have well established study habits. I always start my study promptly at eight in the evenings. I study for two hours, have a ten-minute break, and the study for another two hours. I follow this habit from Monday?s to Friday?s, but over the weekends I spend most time in relaxing with my family or friends.

21. Do you think your present subjects are relevant to society? ( 5 - 8 )

Certainly. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: First, we often use case studies in class. What I mean is that the professor gives us examples from real life to examine and report on. Moreover, our lecturers and some advisors from the relevant industries have set up our study materials. What I mean to say is that the people who we are going to work for one day have had the opportunity to tell the university what they think we should be taught.

22. What kind of job would you prefer after graduation? ( 5 - 8 )

I would like to become a medical doctor. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I would like to render a service in the community to which I will eventually belong. For example, I would like to assist the elderly that do not have the financial means to afford private hospitals.



23. What are your job prospects? ( 5 - 8 )

I am planning to become a Hotel Manager. I believe that the hotel industry will be growing greatly in future. People are becoming more affluent, and spend more and more of their money on holidays. In addition, I believe that after graduation I will be able to find a good job anywhere in the world. All hotels and resorts need well-trained professionals no matter where they are situated. The professionals ensure that hotel guests will have a good time and come back later.


24. Do you have a degree? If so, when and where did you graduate? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes. I have a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering. I graduated in 2001 from the Liaoning University in Shenyang. It is the largest university in Liaoning Province and has about twenty thousand students.

24. Do you have a degree? If so, when and where did you graduate? ( 5 - 8 )

No. I have a Diploma in Nursing. I graduated in 2001 from the Medical Training College in Beijing. It is a well-known College giving excellent training to future nurses and other medical staff. For example, ambulance drivers, hospital staff, and so on are all trained there.

25. What impressed you most when you were at university / college? ( 5 - 8 )

I was most impressed by the knowledge and skills of my lecturers. For example, they had experience in the working environment, and could tell us exactly what we would come across there. Secondly, I was impressed by the facilities. For example, we had a large library, well-equipped laboratories, and sporting facilities at our disposal.

26. Do you still remember your school days? ( 5 - 8 )

Of course! Those were some of the best times in my life. They were absolutely carefree days. I had no or very few worries at school. My parents provided in my day-to-day needs, and all I had to do was get good marks. One more thing, I made many good friends there. Some of my best friends today were people that I met in school.

27. What do you do for a living? ( 5 - 8 )

27. Describe your job in detail. ( 5 - 8 )

I am an Engineer working for a large construction company in the city. To be more precise, I specialize in the building of railway bridges. When I am assigned a new bridge-building task, my colleague and I have to travel to the site, have a review of the surroundings, and then decide what type of bridge will be suitable. Lastly, we have to make recommendations to the railway company of all the alternatives, and give them some idea of the costs.

28. Is your job important to you? ( 5 - 6 )

Definitely. I can serve my community and my country through my job. For example, when my

company builds a new road, many people benefit from our work. At the same time, it makes me feel good about myself. I become financially independent with the salary earned through my job

28. Is your job important to you? ( 7 - 8 )

The job means almost everything to me except my family. It provides a chance for me to serve my community and my country. For example, when my company builds a new road, people living along the road benefit from our work. At the same time, I personally get pride and the sense of achievement from the job. After we have completed a road, I am proud to drive on the road with my family and explain to them what was involved during the building of the road.

29. If you could, would you change jobs? ( 5 - 6 )

No, not really. What I mean is that I am very happy in my present job. I get along well with my



colleagues and my salary is satisfactory. Should I change my job, however, I might not find such nice people to work with and could be very unhappy. What?s more important, I believe I will be able to develop my career here. If I keep up working hard and perform well, I could be promoted to head of a department in two years.

29. If you could, would you change jobs? ( 7 - 8 )

Although I am very happy in my present job, I believe one should always be ambitious. That is to say, one should never be complacent, but should be on the lookout for opportunities to advance in your career. Furthermore, I would not hesitate for one moment if I could obtain a promotion by changing jobs. I know one should show some loyalty to his/her present employer, but there has to be a balance between looking after one?s own interests and those of the present employer.

30. Are there possible changes that could affect your job in any way? ( 5 - 8 )

There may be some but not many, I believe. The company that I am working for is large and strong. In addition, I have a good relationship with my colleagues and my boss. The only possible change that comes to my mind is I may receive a promotion. That would be a positive development, so I don?t worry about it at all.



31. Could you tell me something about your family? ( 5 - 8 )

Certainly. My family is a typical Chinese one. It consists of my father, my mother and me. I am the only child. My grandparents passed away when I was still very young, so I did not have the privilege of knowing them. My father was one of their four children, and my mother has a brother, so I have a number of uncles and aunts and many cousins.

32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 5 - 6 )

That?s a tough question. I think we have to have the policy in China. Our population had been growing to rapidly and something drastic had to be done. Besides, the policy will give China a chance to move ahead in the world. What I mean to say is that as soon as the population growth has stabilized, China will be able to make progress in the fight against unemployment.

32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 7 - 8 )

That?s a controversial question in China. In my opinion, the policy has both merits and shortcomings. The policy is one of the most effective tools to solve the increasing problem of overpopulation in the country. On the other hand, the One-Child Policy has been extremely harsh on the people. It violates basic human rights. For example, it deprives women of their fertility rights.

33. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son? ( 5 - 8 )

That?s an interesting question. I believe the most important reason lies in fathers. They want their children to carry their name into the future. Only sons can fulfill the task. For example, in many western countries it is customary for a boy to receive his grandfather?s name. A second reason that I could mention is that parents worry about what will happen to them after they retired. They feel that when they have a son he would be able to provide for them in future.

34. Who does most of the shopping in your family? ( 5 - 8 )

As far as this topic is concerned, I would say that my mother does most of the shopping, but my father and I will do some shopping from time to time. My parents allow me to buy my own clothes. The last thing I would like to mention that my mother does not like my father?s smoking habit and therefore refuses to buy cigarettes, so that my father has to do that kind of shopping himself.

35. Who does most of the cooking in your family? ( 5 - 8 )



My mother does most of the cooking, but my father and I will do some cooking from time to time. For example, sometimes when my mother is out the whole day doing voluntary work in our community and then my father and I will do the cooking for her. The second aspect I could tell you regarding this topic is that we often eat out. For example, often on a Friday night none of us feel like cooking, and then we visit one of the local restaurants, and have our favorite dish.

36. How does your family feel about you going abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

They feel very happy about it and give me 100% support. I believe my parents will be very proud if I may achieve a degree at a university abroad. In addition, they themselves never had the opportunity to study in foreign countries. Since I am their only child, they would do anything in their power to allow me to have the opportunity.


37. Are you married, and if so when did you get married? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I am married. I got married about three years ago. I have a good husband / wife, and we are very happy together. To put it in another way you could say that we are best friends. We do not keep any secrets from one another. We had known each other for many years before we got married, so we did not have to adjust too much. For instance, I knew before marriage that he snores loudly when he turns onto his back when sleeping, but I didn?t mind.

38. Do you have any children? ( 5 - 8 )

No, I don?t have any children yet. We are planning to start with a family as soon as we have our own apartment. Until then my husband / wife and I are working as hard as possible to improve our life. We would both like to have a son and a daughter, but because of the one-child policy that will not be possible.

39. What is your child’s name? Does it have any meaning? ( 5 - 8 )

My child?s name is Li Ao Sheng. He was born on the day that Macao became part of China again. That?s why he got the name. His nickname is Bao Bao, as we believe that he is going to become a strong man one day.

40. What does your wife do? ( 5 - 8 )

My wife is a housewife at the moment. We are looking for a job for her, but it is not easy, as she does not have any qualifications or experience. A new supermarket will be opened in our area soon, and we hope that she will be able to find a job there. She has placed her name on a waiting list, and we will be hearing from the employment officer soon.

41. What does your husband do? ( 5 - 8 )

My husband is a civil servant. He works for the Department of Health at a hospital near our home. He is responsible for keeping the patient records in the men?s wards. He loves his work, and is

receiving a good salary, so we don?t have any serious worries. As a matter of fact we both agree that we have a lot to be thankful for.

42. Did you have a honeymoon, and if so where did you go? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, We did have a honeymoon. We went to Dalian for a week, and stayed in a small hotel next to the beach. I will never forget the time we spent there. For example, it was very romantic, as we could sit on the beach in the evenings and watch the moon rising over the sea.

43. Did you and your spouse have to ask permission from your parents before you could get married? ( 5 - 8 )

No, not really. They knew we were going to get married. We only had to confirm the date with them to ensure that it would suit them and our families. In earlier times is was customary for the young



man to get the permission from his girlfriend?s parents before they could get married.

44. Is living together without getting married acceptable in China? ( 5 - 8 )

These days the practice is becoming more and more acceptable to society. What I mean to say is that it all depends on the couple now. Young people feel that they first want to know each other even better by living together. When they are absolutely sure that they are able to adapt to each other?s lifestyles, they would then most probably decide to get married.

45. Do you think couples should live with their parent or on their own? ( 5 - 8 )

Definitely the latter. There are several reasons as for why I think couples should life on their own. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. First, I believe couples should become independent as soon as possible. They should learn how to cope with the money at their disposal. Also, they should be alone as soon as possible. Generation gap can be the trigger for many quarrels between the young and old generations.

46. What responsibilities should a couple take? ( 5 - 8 )

There are several responsibilities that couples should take. In the first place, I believe they should be responsible for their own finances. Young couples usually do not have a lot of money. They should try to find ways to make ends meet. In the second place, they have to look after their child if they have one. They have to feed the kid and ensure that he/she gets a good education.


47. Are there any traditions around the birth of a baby in your region? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, there are quite a few. After the baby is born, the father will give his wife some flowers, and take photographs of the baby and her. When the baby arrives at home, the parents will make prints of its hands and feet. The prints, together with a paintbrush made by using some of the babies hair, will be kept as souvenirs.

48. What kind of parent do you intend to be? ( 5 - 8 )

That?s a good question. I?d like to mention the following points in this regard. First of all, I would love my child unconditionally. What I mean is that I know my child is not perfect, but I will still love him/her even if he/she has made mistakes. Next, I would like to be a strict but fair parent. I will not give my child too many freedoms, but I will also try to understand and satisfy his/her needs.

49. What hopes or fears do you have concerning your children? ( 5 - 8 )

That?s an interesting question. What makes I worry most is that my children will have a very tough life. I wonder if they will have work to do since unemployment rate is so high even now. I hope that they will be happy. They will find a good spouse, have children and live together in peace and love, just like the ending of a fairy tale.

50. What type of culture do you want your child to grow up in? ( 5 - 8 )

That?s a broad question. I?d like to mention the following points: first and foremost, I would like my child to grow up in a culture of love. That is, the circumstances in our home will be full of love and understanding. Furthermore, I hope my child will grow up in a culture where the finer things in life are important. Things like music, art, and studying should be part of his life from the beginning.

51. Are you going to bring your children up differently from the way you were brought up? Why? ( 5 - 8 )

No, not really. I believe my parents raised me well and gave me a good education. If I could do the same for my child I would be happy. Maybe I would be a bit more modern. For example, I believe my parents were unreasonably strict at times. I would try and keep a balance between discipline and freedom.




52. Is there any sex discrimination in China? ( 5 - 8 )

52. Describe the position of woman in China? ( 5 - 8 )

Sex discrimination against women can still be found in China though the country has tried very hard to eliminate it. One obvious example is that women who are doing exactly the same job as men are getting smaller salaries. Moreover, women are not considered for certain high level positions, say, in government. In addition, in many communities in China, women are still regarded as inferior to men. This is particularly true in the rural areas. Last but not the least, parents prefer to have a boy as opposed to a girl. This is against the nature, as it will upset the balance between men and women in China in the years to come.

53. What are the causes of sex discrimination? ( 5 - 8 )

One of the main reasons regarding this topic that I would like to highlight is the fact that men often determine the wages in the companies. Next, women are not seen as able to do certain jobs as well as men. For instance, construction work has always been seen as a man?s job. Lastly, many men still have the traditional idea that a woman should stay at home, raise the kids and serve her husband.

53. What are the causes of sex discrimination? ( 7 - 8 )

That?s an interesting question. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I believe that discrimination against woman have deep roots in societies all over the world. In other words, it is not a present day phenomenon. Throughout history woman have not enjoyed the same status as men. It is only recently that woman have been filling the same positions as men in the work place. Lastly, I believe that it will take much more time to eradicate this practice. For example, as more and more woman become the sole breadwinners in families, they will have to be

compensated as such irrespective of their sex.

54. Should housewives be paid a salary by the government? Why? (5-8)

Yes, I believe housewives should be paid a salary by the government. Firstly, to be a housewife is a job just as any other, and one should be paid for what you are doing. Secondly, the more housewives there are, the better. For example, housewives can spend more time with their babies, and so lay the foundation of healthy relationships.

口语Part1范文:PREFERENCES (1)


55. What do you usually do in your spare time? ( 5 - 6 )

55. What are your spare time interests? ( 5 - 6 )

As a matter of fact, I have very few spare times these days. My studies are so important to me that I have given up all my other activities. I used to love playing tennis, but now I simply do not have the time.

55. What do you usually do in your spare time? ( 7 - 8 )

55. What are your spare time interests? ( 7 - 8 )

Well, these days, surfing on the Internet has been my only interest in leisure time. I have just bought my first computer, and love to look for exciting web sites that I have not known before. Moreover, by means of web cameras I am able to watch what wild animals are doing in many parts of the world. I particularly like to watch the polar bears playing with their cubs. Surfing on the Internet is of course very time consuming, so I don?t really have time for anything else.

56. Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program? ( 5 - 8 )



Yes, I often watch TV. My favorite program is called ?Discovery?. It is not a science fiction but a documentary on real life events and happenings. For example, it had a program on the latest eclipse of the sun that occurred at the end of the year. The program also talks about nature. Last week it explained how some birds have adapted themselves to survive in a desert.

57. Do you think watching TV is a waste of time? ( 5 - 8 )

No, I don?t think so. We can learn a lot from watching TV and it is a good way to relax. Soap operas help me to relax, while the documentaries are informative. Lastly, I believe that TV has become the best source of information these days. For example, it is a fast and convenient way to find out about the latest news from all over the world.


58. What does friendship mean to you? ( 5 - 8 )

Friendship is of great importance to me because I believe that it lays solid foundation for many of our relationships. Husbands and wives, for example, should be friends. In addition, I need friends to help me when I am in trouble. I know this sound selfish, but I feel that it is one of the reasons why I have friends, and they would not mind me saying so. In turn, my friends know that I will always be available if they turn to me.

59. Do you have a lot of friends? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I have a lot of friends. Some of them are only casual friends like my friends at work, but I also have some best friends who I have known for many years. I will do anything to help them when they need me, and I know they would do the same for me.

60. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? ( 5 - 6 )

I prefer to be alone. Please allow me to explain. I like reading, which takes a lot of my time. Reading to me is a way of studying, so I have to do it alone. I often have to check the meaning of unfamiliar words in my dictionary, which is a slow process taking a lot of time.

60. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? ( 5 - 6 )

I prefer to be with my friends. Please allow me to explain. At work I spend most of my time alone in my office. So after work I like the company of other people. I often invite some of my friends over, and we listen to our favorite music, or just chat the whole evening.

60. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? ( 7 - 8 )

It depends. Sometimes I prefer to be alone. For example, after a hard day at work I just want to relax without anybody disturbing me. Those are the times that I might meditate on the meaning of life for example, or just savour some fond memories. On the other hand, sometimes I want to be with my friends. For example, over weekends, I like to go out with them and enjoy their stimulating company.

61. What do you usually do with your friends? ( 5 - 6 )

We do a lot of things together. Visiting net bars is one of them. We go there to play computer games or surf the net to have a chat with young people abroad. We often spend hours there at a time. The other interest we share is to play basketball. We usually challenge another group to play against us.

61. What do you usually do with your friends? ( 7 - 8 )

We usually go to the movies. My friends and I like cartoons very much, so we find out in the

newspaper where a new cartoon is being showed and go and watch it. In addition, we like to watch a good action movie from time to time. We find the spectacular crashes and explosions very exiting. These movies are from Hong Kong or Hollywood, and have famous actors like Arnold



Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise playing in them.


62. What do you usually do on weekdays and on weekends? ( 5 - 6 )

On weekdays I go to school. On weekends I like to go out with my friends. We go and visit new

shopping malls in the city. Then we would browse around all shops in the malls. Sometimes we sit in a restaurant and have something to drink while we watch the crowds of people go by.

62. What do you usually do on weekdays and on weekends? ( 5 - 6 )

On weekdays I go to school. On weekends I like to stay at home. I can easily spend a weekend

watching TV and just relaxing. For example, I like the soap operas like ?Friends? and so on. I know the characters in Friends very well by now, some of whom I love and some I hate. I know that some of the plots are silly and overdramatic, but it is good entertainment for relaxation, as I don?t have to think very hard to follow the stories.


63. What do you usually do when you go out? ( 5 - 6 )

I usually go to the nearest net bar with some of my friends. We spend many hours playing games or surfing the net. In addition, net bars are a great place for social gatherings. There we meet other youngsters and just hang around talking, and generally having a good time.

63. What do you usually do when you go out? ( 5 - 6 )

I usually go shopping with my mother. The reason for this is simple. We ladies usually need a lot of clothes to make us look beautiful, so we love to go shopping. Often we don?t actually buy anything, but just go window-shopping, looking at all the clothes and comparing prices and quality.

63. What do you usually do when you go out? ( 7 - 8 )

I usually go to watch a football game with some of my friends. We go to one of the local stadiums where our favorite team will be playing. I love the excitement and suspense. It seems that I often loose my identity in such a large crowd, and go crazy about the smallest of things.


64. Do you like reading? ( 5 - 6 )

No, I don?t like it. I don?t have the patience. I have never been able to read a book from start to finish. Maybe the books I have tried were not interesting enough.

64. Do you like reading? ( 7 - 8 )

Yes, I like it very much. I believe that all of us should read a lot. When you read, you acquire new knowledge, which in turn will broaden your views on important issues. I prefer magazines like ?Crazy English?. The topics in it are interesting and the essays are short. Besides, it contains translations which ensure that I don?t have to waste time looking up unfamiliar words.

65. What kinds of books do you like best? ( 5 - 6 )

I like cartoons. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I believe cartoons are a special form of art. For example, the Japanese cartoons that are common in China, have excellent illustrations.

65. What kinds of books do you like best? ( 7 - 8 )

I like novels. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I like to read a storyline that is full of intrigue and suspense. For example, many love stories have characters who are involved in all sorts of conflicts amongst them. The most common one known all over the world since ancient times is the so-called ?love triangle?.

66. Describe a book that you have read recently. ( 5 - 6 )

I have read a book about the life of Michael Jordan. I am sorry, but I have forgotten the name of



the book. I also like to read Japanese cartoons.

66. Describe a book that you have read recently. ( 7 - 8 )

I have recently read a book about the history of South Africa. It is called ? The Covenant?, and was written by a famous American author called James Mitchener. It describes the history from the very first days, up to the present. It covers all aspects of the country, but focuses on the people of the country. For example, he looks at the political situation over the past fifty years, which was based on racial discrimination and had become known to the world as ?apartheid?.

67. Do you often read newspapers? ( 5 - 6 )

No, I never read newspaper. I watch TV if I want to know what is happening in China and the world. It takes too much time to read newspapers. For example, the news on TV is short and to the point, and that?s all I want to know.

67. Do you often read the newspapers? ( 7 - 8 )

No. I have used the Internet these days to know what?s happening in China and the world. Websites like CNN contain all the latest news on world events. Besides, I like to read about stories in depth, and this I cannot find in newspapers. One more thing that newspaper are lack of is the history behind a story. By the Internet I can do some research right away, and thus gain a broader perspective on the subject at hand.

口语Part1范文:PREFERENCES (2)


68. Do you have a hobby? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I?m interested in stamp collecting. I have been collecting stamps for two years. I regularly spend time on my collection, about two hours every week. This is mainly over weekends, as I do not have time during the week.

69. Why have you chosen this hobby? ( 5 - 6 )

Stamps provide rich knowledge. For example, the stamps from other countries often tell something about the countries and their people.

69. Why have you chosen this hobby? ( 7 - 8 )

The hobby provides fun as well as knowledge. First of all, when you collect stamps, you are able to learn more about the world, and you will not be bored easily. What I mean to say is that you can get stamps from every country in the world, and the stamps from other countries often tell something about the countries and their people. Another reason is that you are able to meet new friends through your hobby. If you have a common interest with someone else, then you can discuss your collections together for many hours and it?s easy for both of you to become friends. One more thing, the hobby will teach you some self-discipline and how to be very systematic. That is to say, you have to arrange your collections regularly, which cultivates your habit of being systematic.

70. What are good hobbies, and what are bad hobbies? ( 5 - 8 )

In my opinion, good hobbies are those that give you the opportunity to develop a new skill. For example, collecting stamps teaches you how to be systematic. Bad hobbies, on the other hand, may make you lose the opportunity. For example, TV and computer games will waste a lot of your time, so you don?t have time and energy to do develop other skills.


71. What color do you like? Why? ( 5 - 6 )

I prefer red. In China, red is associated with life and good luck. A traditional Chinese bride wears something red on her wedding day, such as her wedding gown and handkerchief used to cover her



head, in the hope that it will bring her and her bridegroom some luck in future.

71. What color do you like? Why? ( 7 - 8 )

If I had to describe my favorite color, I would choose yellow. Many artists are known to use yellow in their paintings. For example, Vincent van Gogh is famous for the yellow sunflowers in some of his paintings. Many countries have yellow in their national flags. For example, South Africa has a broad yellow band in their newly designed flag. This symbolizes the energy and warmth to be found in the nation.

71. What color do you like? Why? ( 7 - 8 )

Yellow is my favorite color. First of all, to me, yellow symbolizes the sun. What I mean to say is that it reminds me of energy and warmth. Secondly, yellow is a bright color as apposed to dull colors like brown and gray. For instance, brown and gray usually make me feel depressed. Lastly, I would like to mention that yellow is a practical color. That is to say, you can wear yellow with almost any color, and it does not get dirty too easily.

72. Do colors have some symbolic meaning in China? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, colors certainly have a lot of meaning in China. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, it is

significant that the national flag of China has a red background. Red is symbolic, for example, of a vibrant life, which we believe are one of the dominant characteristics of the country and its people. It also signifies good luck, so a bride would wear some red on her wedding day. In addition, I think that yellow has a specific meaning to Chinese people. For example, we believe that it symbolizes the energy radiated by the sun, which in turn is the primary source of life. In addition, however, it also signifies the obscene, as apposed to blue in the most of the western cultures. For example, here a ?blue movie?, would be called a ?yellow movie?. Lastly, I think that white has a special meaning to us. To be more specific, in times of sadness and mourning, we use white to express our feelings, as apposed to black in most of the western cultures.


73. Do you like / enjoy shopping? ( 5 - 6 )

Yes, I love shopping. I like to go to the shops and see what they have to offer. I browse around and compare the prices before a buy something. Secondly, I do the shopping of all our household needs. I love to find out about any new products on the market and how they can possibly make my life easier.

73. Do you like / enjoy shopping? ( 7 - 8 )

No, I hate shopping. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, shopping is the most basic activity in a

capitalistic society. What I mean to say is that somebody has a product which they would like you to buy from them whether you really need it or not. They lure you into their shops and malls by

advertising their goods on TV and in the newspapers. They only tell you about the positive aspects of their product, but would never mention the disadvantages. This you have to find out for yourself, usually after you have bought the product.


74. Do you often go to the cinema? ( 5 - 6 )

Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I usually go with some friends to watch the latest action movies or comedies. We have a great time when our favorite star is playing a lead role in the movie.

74. Do you often go to the cinema? ( 7 - 8 )

Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I believe that films are a wonderful form of art. In



films there are a wide range of genres ranging from comedy and drama, to horror and science

fiction. For example, recently I have seen the movie ?Titanic?, which has been described as the most expensive film ever made. The extent to which the producers attended to the details of the original ship was astounding. Another example would be the thriller ?Silence of the Lambs? with my favorite actor Anthony Hopkins playing the leading role. It had me on the edge of my seat for most of the time.

75. Do you often go to the theater? ( 5 - 8 )

No. I have never been to the theater. It is too expensive for me. I prefer to go to the cinema. Secondly, I believe that the theater is boring. What I mean to say is that the actors are on the same stage the whole time. I cannot see how that can be as exciting as a good movie.

76. What kinds of movies do you like best? ( 5 - 8 )

I like comedies. First of all, comedies are of great fun. What I mean is that I have a good laugh while watching them. Secondly, comedies seldom contain violent scenes. For instance, you would not easily find murders, shooting, fighting, and so on in a comedy. Lastly, comedies often contain

excellent acting by famous stars. For example, Robbie Williams in ?Mrs. Doubtfire? is considered one of the most extraordinary performances ever by an actor.

77. Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her. ( 5 - 8 )

My favorite movie star is Jackie Cheng. He is handsome and very funny. He always has a smile on his face, and never seems to be worried about the situations that he finds himself in.


78. Do you like music? ( 5 - 8 )

78. Do you think music is important? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I like music very much. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without music. Firstly, I believe music plays an important part in people?s lives. We can use it to sooth our minds after a hard day at work, or it can provide us with the rhythm to dance to.

79. What kind of music do you enjoy most? ( 5 - 8 )

I like pop music very much. First of all, pop music is lively, and suits me at my age. What I mean to say is that us youngsters like to listen to music that fits in with the way we feel Secondly, usually has a good rhythm. For instance, it is suitable for us to dance on. Lastly, pop music is simple to

understand. That is to say, I like it because it is not difficult to understand, and it helps me to relax after I have been studying hard for some time.

80. How long do you listen to music everyday? ( 5 - 8 )

Oh, let me think for a while. I guess I listen to music for about half an hour every day. I would, for example, listen when I get home from school, or in the evenings before I go to bed. On weekends, however, I listen to music much more. For example, I would invite my best friend over to my place, and we would listen to our favorite CD?s for a few hours at a time.


81. Do you like traveling? ( 5 - 6 )

Yes, I like traveling. Firstly, I believe that traveling is always educational. What I mean to say is that the people that you meet along the way are usually interesting. Secondly, I wish I were able to travel more. For example, I have not traveled to a foreign country yet.

82. How do you usually travel? ( 5 - 8 )

In China I like to travel by train. Allow me to explain. Firstly, when I travel by train I am able to see more of China. In addition, the trains in China are convenient and comfortable. For example, I can



travel to any city, and I am able to sleep on the train. Lastly, traveling on a train is a social event as well. For example, one can chat with other passengers about where they are going, and why they are traveling.

83. Where have you traveled to lately? ( 5 - 8 )

I traveled to Dalian last month. My parents and I traveled there by train. We went to see my grandmother who has been ill lately. I enjoyed the trip as I have not been to Dalian before. Moreover, the city has left me a deep impression for its fresh air and clean environment.

84. What kind of places do you like to visit? ( 5 - 8 )

I like to visit places where there is a lot of entertainment. For example, I don?t like it when we go and visit my grandparents in the countryside. They live on a farm and don?t even have a computer for me to play on. I hope the places I go to have coffee shops and theaters at least.

l) Time

85. What do you think of time?

To me, time is my competitor. I always have a lot of things to do and a lot of dreams to fulfill, so I have to run against time and do my things as fast as possible. That?s why I consider time my competitor.

86. How do you think of being late?

It is quite rude to be late. Generally, people who don?t show up on time are considered impolite. Moreover, they show disrespect to others because others have to wait for them.

87. How do you feel if you are late? How will others feel?

I will feel quite sorry for those who have to wait for me. I may also have the feeling of being embarrassed and shameful. Whenever I show up late, I must apologize sincerely to others. Of course, I have few chances to do so because generally I am always punctual.


8分比较意外.模考时老师说"If you don't obey the rules, 5 or 6. if you do as the third part, longer answer, show up your vocabulary, 7 or 8" 所以我对自己是没有信心的.

还是英语写吧.typing pingyin is tiring.

I owe this good result to good preparation, the teachers' advice and a bit of luck. I was the last one of the total 3 days' oral test, so I have two days and a half to prepare. I stayed in front of the computer and writing and murmuring answers to the questions that previous candidates posted. so almost all the questions the examinar asked had been prepared by me.

She was tired, after two and a half days' speaking, and spoke very fast and interrupted almost every response i gave. I spoke fast,too, because i have prepared for all the answers. So it seems the whole test only took 10 minutes also. It does seem pretty short after i have recalled all the course of the conversation.

What?s your name?

My full name is Zhen Fang Ling. If you don?t mind, you can also call me Lynn.



(This is a bit like reciting, and I rushed to say the second sentence, because she was going to interrupt me when I just finished the first sentence.)

Are you a student or are you working?

I am working as a teacher.(“as a teacher” was almost stopped by her interruption, but she seemed impressed when hearing it.)

Have you thought of a change?


Why not?

I enjoyed my work. Although I have taught English for 10 years,11 years actually, my work changed from year to year. I first taught 11 year-olds and then 14 year-olds and now 16 or 17 year-olds. I experience different things every year and I am never bored.

Any interesting people you met in your work?

Oh, yes. The students are interesting, young people, energetic and creative. I enjoy interacting with them and learn a lot from them. Also, because my school is expanding, we have new teachers coming every year from all over the country, including foreign teachers(er,foreign teachers are not from the country). I like to meet new people and exchange ideas and know different lives and cultures. Now let?s talk about photographs. Do Chinese people like to take photographs?

Yes, as more and more people are going traveling, they take pictures of places they visit and keep them for memory…(interrupted)

What kind of photographs do you like?

You mean photos taken by professional photographers?


Well, I like photographs of people. I like to read the expression, (er..and)the emotion of the people on the picture and know their lives….(interrupted)

Do you prefer to buy picture postcards or take photos?


Do you like to buy picture postcards or take photos?



Hm?(confused by the picture and photos, think it means the difference between picture and photos)

Do you prefer to buy picture postcards or take photos when you visit places?

Oh, I see, one is to buy and the other is to take by myself?


I do both.(er.forgot to say thank you) When I am traveling, and I see beautiful scenery, I take photos. However, when I see pictures taken by professional photographers on sale in the shops, I find mine are not as good as them, I will buy some and post them to my friends…(interrupted) Let?s talk about food. Who cook in your family?

I am considered to be lucky, because I live with my parents-in-law. And in China, it?s common that older generation, retired people prepare food for the family….(interrupted)

Do you think it?s important for the family to eat together?

Oh, yes, I do. Eating together provide an opportunity for the family members to exchange ideas and share each other?s experience. It helps to strengthen the relationship between family members and keep the family close…(interrupted)

What kind of food is popular in your culture?

Ah... My culture is a diverse one. We have different food in different places, different provinces. For example, I am Cantonese, I like Cantonese food. However, people from Hunan think Cantonese food is tasteless. They prefer Hunan food, spicy food. So it is difficult to choose one particular food that is popular in the whole country.

Now I will give you a topic. You will talk about it for one to two minutes. So don?t worry if I stop you. You will have one minute to prepare for it. You can make notes if you like.

Here is the card.


Recently I saw a movie on line. It?s called Saving face, directed by a Chinese-American director called ….Alex Wu, cast by(er. Casting)a group of Chinese-American actors and actresses, including one of my favorite actresses Joan Chen, who immigrated to the United States in the 1980s. That mean when I was a little kid, I saw movies of hers. This movie is about a Chinese mother and an

American daughter, who has grown up with her grandparents in the United States. It shows how the mother gets along with her daughter, how to cope with her new American life and how she handles her own emotional problems. At the end of the movie, the mother and the daughter finally understand each other. The mother accepted the fact that her daughter is lesbian. And the



daughter also encourages her mother to accept a marriage with(to) a young man—she married a man who is almost 20 years younger than her. This movie shows….(interrupted)

Do you want to see the movie again?

No, I don?t think so, because I saw the movie on line, and I was able to repeat it again and again. I think I have known the movie enough and there is no need to….

Have you told anybody about the film?

No…oh yes, I talked about it to a friend of mine when we were chatting on line…

What is the status of film making in your country?

Oh, it is becoming increasingly important. There is a big market for it in the country and many companies are investing in the film industry…(interrupted)

What is the status of actresses and actors in your country?

Well…opinions vary. Young people admire movie stars, the glamour, trend, fashion..They see them as heroes. However, older people have negative opinions towards them. To them, many movie stars have problems. Some of them have drug problems, divorces….they don?t like them at all….(interrupted) How do movies influence people?

The content, the content of a movie have influences on people. For example, if a movie is about how people persevere to succeed. Young people may be inspired and motivated to seek success after they see it….(interrupted)

How do you see the educational value in films and that in reading?

Well, you think when you read, so . However, when you see a movie, movies are full of plots, some are really exciting. You can?t really think when you watch them. You might think after you watch the movie, but not during watching it. So I think reading has more educational value than seeing films. How does seeing films help with learning languages?

Oh, it helps a lot in learning languages, because learning a language is a process of imitating.. When students are seeing a film, he is imitating the expressions, the pronunciation and the vocaburary. Most important of all, they enjoy it! I use that a lot in my class....

Isn?t it a bit passive?

Oh, yeah,it is a bit. That?s why we don?t do that often in ….ah serious class time. We do that at weekends when students are relaxing…(interrupted)

How do you plan a lesson with films?



I will…First, I will tell them that we are going to show a movie and then ask them to guess what the content is .Then we show the movie, after seeing it, we?ll discuss about it to see who has guessed right. And if we have more time for it, we usually pick one scene for the students to act. Or sometimes we pick several scenes and different groups of students act them. We put them together and we have a movie of our own…

Bascially, if your occupation is a english teacher and on this work have worked for 10years, you totally should attain a score 8 in speaking part, even in all parts.

回头看整个过程(应该比较全的了),我也觉得8分似乎挺容易的.但我也曾用雅思的评分标准来分析自己的表现.我觉得自己的fluency, coherence and pronunciation 都无懈可击. 我也尽量显示了一些词汇,如果不是被打断太多,应该还可以再show一些的.关于grammar, 这些话题都不需要用过去时和she/he,所以大大地减少了犯错的机会.大家也看到了里面有很多fragments,但这在谈话中是难以避免的,所以考官就原谅了我吧.

don't take things for granted. I am sure ielts are all about preparation. I heard many english majors fail this test. And i am sure if your pronuciation is good and have good preparation,you can possibly get an 8. Conversely, even you can speak great english but don't prepare enough and don't obey the rules,there is a good chance you fail.

When i was doing the simulate test with a scottish teacher, he pointed out my weakness mercilessly. I gave him short answers all the time in the first part and spoke incoherently in the second. Interrupted by him in the two parts many times, i started to use long sensentences and bigger words in the last part. ONly until then he was a bit satisfied with my performance. He said, " your English has no problem, your accent is excellent. However( we are not allowed to use but), if you do like the first part and second part, 5 or 6." I believe him. He knew i was an English teacher, still, he didn't think i can naturally get a high score.

Looking back to the whole conversation, i guess the examinar went through the time quite

comfortably. She has been working for almost 3 days, and was too tired to struggle a conversation with a candidate. She read from the paper and spoke extremely fast. I did the same and kept speaking at length. Although i did make her repeat one question 3 times, it didn't affect much. Also, one thing i worried after the exam is that she could clearly tell that i have prepared. And some people say that will be bad. Now, you know there is never too much preparation for ielts. Just prepare, as long as you don't recite looking at the ceiling, it is fine.







2.见到老外的第一眼要主动向他打招呼,最好是能上前和他握手。在考官带你到考室的路上他会让你把包放在门外的小椅子上,同时让你把手机等移动设备关掉,这时你应该主动抢着说 i have switched it off.在门口你要让考官先进入考室,如果你先进去了要等考官进来了再坐下,坐之前先要问:may i sit down?这样会让考官觉得你很懂礼貌,从旁观者角度上说,从一开始你就占据了主动。





7.如果碰到自己很难回答的问题,就不要正面回答,比如你可以说:i don't have many ideas about this but in my mind, there may be... or i guess...但千万不要说 i don't know. 同样你也可以获得更多的时间来考虑一个问题,那时你可以说:let me see...等等。


至于那个录音机,不要怕。他的用处是针对考官的不是你的。当你的雅思成绩中如果其他很高,口语却很低的时候,考官会拿出磁带重新确认你的英语水平,以防因为主观原因而使你的口语分数偏低。 雅思考试口语8分的练习法






2)准备的形式要参考考试形式。我的做法是把手上口语资料里的TOPIC一个一个都分别抄在纸片上,然后放在一个大信封里,每天有空的时候就抽一个出来,准备一分钟,讲一分钟。这是专门针对IELTS 口语第二部分的准备(好象BEC 高级里的第二部分也可以采用类似的方法,但是那里没有提示,却改为三个话题选其一)。一分钟计时,个人认为最好用那种家用的到时可以叫的小计时器,如果没有,用一般的手表或钟也可以,缺点就是要时时关心时间。(不过偶并没有特意去买计时器,看个人的情况了,呵呵)


因为这些考试有口语的部分,所以更加具有挑战性,个人认为对于英语能力的提高也更有帮助。首先要正视它,就象轮到你了,有考官拿着表格来领你,不要害怕,有什么了不起,对他/她微笑,反正已经准备好了,你就问吧。呵呵,偶当时就是这么想的,结果发现无论BEC 高级还是IELTS,偶准备的广度和深度都比实际考试的要大的多,所以充分的准备是前提,准备好了,自然就得心应手(这好象是杨澜接受采访时讲的,呵呵)。这不仅仅是应付考试,对于口语交流能力的提高我想才是我们平时联系的最终目的。


对朋友的称呼,除了最常用的MATEY, 还可以用PAL,英国人一般不说DUDE,但这个词是美国人的最爱喝酒是英国人的最爱,不用说。一般要去酒吧,英国人都会简单的说:GO OUT,DID U GO OUT LAST NITE?意思就是你有没有去CLUBING。喝醉了,可以用:PISSED,(注意PISSED OFF, 是生气的意思,要分开),ALED UP,程度更深可以说:WASTED,自嘲丑态可以说:I WAS FUCKED, CLUB人太多,PACKED,不好,CRAP,第二天头晕可以用:


