
The film review of “My Fairy Lady”

Eliza Doolittle, a beautiful young lady. She is a girl with happiness, even the place she live is dirty and crowd, she never let smile slipped out from her face. She has a dream, a warm house with her lover, and a lot of chocolates to eat. “Wouldn’t it be lovely?”

Henry Higgins, an English Linguistic professor, is a typical English wealthy and defiant bachelor. He regards marriage the most boring and troublesome thing in the world. He is also a precise worker in his work as a language professor.

It is often mistakenly said that they collaborate because Higgins decides to improve Eliza's cockney accent. But in fact it is Eliza who takes the initiative, presenting herself at Henry's bachelor quarters to sign up for lessons: "I know what lessons cost as well as you do, and I'm ready to pay."

The lesson followed is a nightmare to not only Eliza but also Higgins. Higgins take this collaborates as an experiment and always a way to show his ability. He pushes Eliza day and night practicing her pronunciation. As Eliza and Higgins train together, they become accustomed to each other even though it is an abusive relationship on Higgins' part.

This film stays true to the original material, and Higgins doesn't cave in during a soppy rewritten "happy ending." Astonished that the ungrateful

Eliza has stalked out of his home, Higgins asks, "Why can't a woman be more like a man?" Why can not? He believe man is much more justice faithfulness and tolerate than woman. With his mother’s remindful words, Higgins realizes he loves Eliza, but even in the play's famous last line he perseveres as a defiant bachelor: "Eliza? Where the devil are my slippers?" It remains an open question for us, at the final curtain, whether Eliza stays to listen to what he says next.

This story has no business with romantic in my mind. What it tells me is about change and attitude. Eliza’s father, used to be a man has nothing left to lose, is now tied by morality and status which he never cares about before. The change of his financial affairs leads to the change of his living attitude. Casting back the reason why it happens is just a joke said by Higgins, and that is really a satire, isn’t it?

Generally speaking, although three hours of the time is actually a little bit long, this film is still worth to watch, I highly recommend it.








《窈窕淑女》是根据萧伯纳小说改编的一部电影,其中,奥黛丽赫本扮演女主人公伊莉莎——一个美丽但口音怪异、行为粗鄙的街头卖花女,她的嗓音引起了语言学家希金斯教授的注意,他和好友打赌,经过他的训练,卖花女也可以成为贵夫人。他从最基本的字母发音开始对伊莉莎密集训练,在6个月后的一次重 大舞会上,伊莉莎谈吐不凡,气质高雅,成为焦点以及所有人都猜测她是公主。 这部片子有很多吸引人的地方,比如有名著的魅力、清新的赫本、动听的旋律、幽默的对白、优雅的华服、漂亮的布景、伦敦的风情等等。它还是一部音乐剧式的影片,剧中人物的一些对话及心理表白大多是在轻松恢谐的音乐伴奏下唱出来的
