
The review of my fair lady

The movie is about a love story between a flower-girl Eliza and a gentleman Higgins. Eliza was a fair but poor girl who had a distinct countryside accent. Higgins was a linguist professor. He bet with his friend Pickering that he could teach Eliza for 6 months and transform her into a lady. Finally they succeed while Eliza left because of the selfishness of Higgins. But at last Higgins realized he could not live without Eliza and they got together

From my standpoint, the most impressive character was Eliza. She attracted me at first because of her noise characteristic which was quite different from the upper class. She was not constrained by the so-called dignity and she could say whatever she wanted though it would be regarded as impolite and rude. Just as Eliza said that she was a good girl. She earned money all by her hands and sometimes she had to give some money to her alcoholic father. She was brave enough to seize the chance to become an elegant lady. She was also a lovely girl that when she heard she could have chocolates to eat everyday if she stayed her eyes stuck to the chocolates straightly. When she was forced to do the monotonous pronouncing exercise everyday, she showed her disgust to the professor by dreaming that his head was cut down by the king, and only to find that the professor was upstairs staring at her and shouting to her "A". When she made a little progress and the professor danced with her for the first time, she was so excited that she could not fall asleep.

In the story, she was a Cinderella who became a charming princess. The only difference was that she did not live happily with her prince that easily, instead they experienced twist and turns.

Though Eliza was a poor girl who made a living by selling flowers, she had the determination and courage which seldom girls owned. She knocked the professor’s door bravely and asked him to teach her English with the full expectation of changing her fate. Most people are satisfied with comfortable condition they have and never think about doing something to make their life better and always laugh at those who attempt to challenge. After seeing the film, I realized that I am that kind of person who is lack of enthusiasm. I am afraid of failure and challenge. That is why I always feel my life boring just like a bottle of boiled water. You may challenge the fate with the result of being knocked down, but it is this unpredictable consequence that is charming. We can use our curiosity and eagerness for knowledge to welcome a new day with both dreams and obstacles. It is neither impulse of ignorant nor greedy of doing all kinds of things, but a gracious spirit though ordinary. It happens on the

flower-girl and happens on everyone who loves life. What is more, they will not give up to the hinder; instead they would rather pay more effort to do better. Just like Eliza, she could bear the tasteless pronouncing exercise and the midnight training. At last, her hard work paid off. She had changed into a excellent and independent lady after her behaviors and thoughts being guided and she was not a noisy girl any more.



Eliza Doolittle(奥黛丽·赫本 饰) ? Professor Henry Higgins(雷克斯·哈里森 饰) ? Freddy Eynsford-Hill(杰里米·布雷特 饰)



《窈窕淑女》是一部不朽的音乐剧,它最成功的地方在于其中的歌曲建立起主角人物鲜明的性格和彼此间的关系,不同于其他音乐剧,注重由对白来推展情节。全剧的前2/3完全集中在希金斯对伊莉莎的训练上,两人之间只有“训练者”和“被训练者”的关系,编导得以在语音训练过程中细腻的刻画英语发音的趣味性,并宣扬高尚文雅英语的阴韵之美。象《西班牙的雨大部分下在平原上》一曲,就充分发挥了语音的音乐性和戏剧性,是全剧中最令人感到愉悦的精华片段。伊丽莎在学习标准英语发音的过程中,突然掌握了发音技巧,她慢慢地说,“The rain? in Spain ? stays mainly in the ?plain”,希金斯教授和皮克瑞上校开始并不相信自己的耳朵,等他们反映过来时,三人兴奋地跳起了令人眩晕的探戈舞,最后气喘吁吁地躺倒在沙发上。这段表演成为了西方剧场中最令观众兴奋、激动的场景之一。而剧中另一处感人的场景是,穿着一套爱德华时代睡袍的伊丽莎已经完全出落成一位优雅的淑女时,感动了许多代多愁善感的人们。赛马场和大使馆舞会两段大场面歌舞,在出色的美术设计烘托下,也让人感到美仑美奂,尤其凸显了伊莉莎的美丽和高贵气质。舞会中安排了匈牙利语言家卡巴西(Karpathy)不断设法刺探伊莉莎身份真相的插曲,使得考验伊莉莎是否过关的高潮更添紧张悬疑的趣味性。

该剧吸收了象征英国贵族社会尊严和地位的音乐、舞蹈元素。同时,勒纳和罗伊维又创作了萧伯纳风格的16首歌曲。其中“我可以整晚地跳舞”(I Could Have Danced All Night)、“在你居住的那条街”(On the Street Where You Live)、以及“我已经习惯了她的脸”(I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face)尤其出色。



