















1. Have you heard?你听说了么?

2. You must go and visit him at once.你要马上去拜访人家。

3. You mistake me,my dear.I have the highest respect for them.






9. 你误会我了,亲爱的。我是非常关心他们。 If every man does not end the evening in love with you,then I ‘m no judge of beauty. 如果在今晚结束前,没有男人爱上你的话。 How good of you to come.你能来这是太好了。 You must introduce him to the girls immediately.你要赶快吧他介绍给女孩们。 I ‘m delighted to make your acquaintance.很高兴能认识你们。 It fills me with guilt.I’m not a good reader. I prefer being out of doors. 这真是让我满怀罪恶感,我不善于阅读,我比较喜欢往户外去 。 I wish I read more,but there seem to be so many other things to do.


10. That’s exactly what I mean.我就是这个意思。

11. You will never, ever believe what we’re about to tell you.


12. Jane’s dancing with Mr Bingley.珍妮在和宾利先生跳舞。

13. Not if I can help it.恐怕我没办法。

14. I ‘ve never seen so many pretty girls.我从来没看过这么多美女。

15. She is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld.她是我看过最漂亮的姑娘了。

behold [bi'h?uld] vt. 看到

16. Not handsome enough to tempt me.Return to your partner and enjoy her smiles.


17. You’re wasting your time with me.你这是在跟我浪费你的时间。

18. How well you dance.你跳的太棒了。

19. I ‘ve never enjoyed a dance so much.我从来没有跳的那么高兴过。

20. It’s my Jane who’s considered the beauty of the country.


21. What do you recommend to encourage affection.你觉得用什么来促进爱情比较好。

22. Mr Bingley is just what a young man ought to be.宾利先生真是年轻人的榜样。

23. Marriage should not be driven by thoughts of money.婚姻不应该以金钱的考量为前提。

24. Only deep love will persuade me to marry.只有深爱才会让我想结婚。

25. Do you really believe he liked me?你真的相信他会喜欢我吗?

26. He danced with you most of the night,and stared at you the rest.


27. All the world is good in your eyes.在你看来,整个世界都很美好。

28. I still can’t believe what he said about you.我到现在还很难相信他怎么说你的。

29. But not matter,I doubt we shall ever speak again.


30. Now she’ll have to stay the night,exactly as I predicted.


31. People do not die of colds.人才不会因为感冒而死呢。

32. I feel such a terrible imposition.They’re being so kind to me.


33. I don’t know who is more pleased at your being here,Mum or Mr Bingley.


34. Thank you for tending to my sister so diligently.感谢你们这么尽力照顾我姐姐。

35. She is far better comfort than at home.她现在比在家里还舒服。

36. Let’s take a turn about the room.我们在房间里绕绕吧。

37. I suppose.我想(推理,认为)

38. Will you not join us.要不要一起来。

39. You can only have two motives.你们只有两种动机。

40. How shall we punish him for such a speech?我们要怎么惩罚他说了这种话?

41. Are you too proud?And would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?


42. I couldn’t say. 我不能说。

43. We’re trying to find a fault in you.我们正在试着在你身边上找缺点。

44. I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others.我发现原谅别人的愚蠢和罪恶很难。

45. My good opinion,once lost,is lost forever.我的良心建议,一步错,步步错。

46. I cannot tease you about that.我不能用这嘲笑你。

47. What a shame,for I dearly love to laugh.这是羞耻啊,因为我非常喜欢笑。

48. What an excellent room you have.你的房间真棒。

49. I do hope you intend to stay here.我真心希望你能够呆着这儿。

50. Don’t you agree.是不是会啊。

51. I find it perfectly adequate.我觉得还好而已。

52. I don’t know how to thank you.真不知道怎么谢谢你。

53. I hope,my dear,you’ve ordered a good dinner today.


54. What excellent potatoes.马铃薯太棒了。

55. I’m very pleased the estate can afford such a living.我很高兴这个庄园能提供这样的生活。

56. I presume.我想。

57. I always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible.


58. I thought I might read to you for an hour or two.我想我可以为你们读一两小时的经。

59. I have become aware of the fact.我担心了这件事好一阵了。

60. How perfect you are.你真是太完美了。

61. Did you drop your handkerchief on purpose.你是故意吧你的手帕弄掉的么?

62. I can’t be trusted.I have poor taste in ribbons.


63. Only a truly confident man would admit that.只有真正有自信的男人才会这么说。

64. lend me some money.You already owe me a fortune.借我点钱,你已经欠我一大笔钱了。

65. I was just on my way to your house.我正要去你们家。

66. How do you like my ribbons for your ball?


67. Forgive me, but are you acquainted with him.恕我直问,你是不是认识他?

68. I’ve been connected with his family since infancy.我从小就和他们家有来往。

69. If he wishes to avoid seeing me,he must go,not I.


70. He loved me better and Darcy couldn’t stand it.他爸爸比较疼我,达西先生无法忍受。

71. Too lowly even to be noticed.卑微的不值得注意。

72. How could Mr Darcy do such a thing.达西先生怎么会做出这样的事情

73. I will discover the truth from Mr Bingley this evening.我今晚会向宾利先生了解实情。

74. I’m so pleased you’re here.真高兴看到你在这里。

75. Have you seen him.你看到他了么。

76. Dancing is of little consequence to me.跳舞对我来说不怎么重要。

77. Did I agree to dance with Mr Darcy?我有同意与达西先生跳舞么?

78. I dare say you will find him amiable.我敢说你会发现他人很好。

79. I’ve sworn to loathe him for all eternity.我发过誓要永远厌恶他。

80. It’s your turn to say something.该轮到你说点话了。

81. I’m perfectly happy to oblige.What would you like most to hear?


82. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people.那是个认识新朋友的好机会。

83. I must make myself known to him.我必须介绍我自己给他认识。

84. What interesting relatives you have.你的亲戚都那么有趣。

85. I’m awfully sorry.Do forgive me.我真的很抱歉,请原谅我。

86. I’ve never had such a good time.我这辈子从来没这么高兴过。

87. We’ll have a wedding here in less than three months if you ask me,Mr Bennet.


88. I was hoping,if it would not trouble you,that I might solicit a private audience with Miss


89. I desire you will stay where you are.Everyone else to the drawing room.


90. Almost as soon as I entered the house,I singled you out as the companion of my future life.


91. I am convinced it will add greatly to my happiness.我相信这会让我非常幸福。

92. You could not make me happy.你没法让我快乐。

93. Go and say you’ve changed your mind.去告诉他你改变主意了。

94. Think of your family.想想你的家人。

95. You can’t make me.你别逼我。

96. I shall never see her again.我再也不想看到她。

97. I shall never speak t to you again.我再也不想和你说话了。

98. I will never see you again if you do.如果你嫁给他的话,我也再也不想见到你了。

99. I have no pleasure in talking to anybody.我没有心情跟任何人说话。

100. I don’t understand what would take him from Netherfield.


101. Why does he not know when he’ll return?为什么他说他不知道他会什么时候回来。 102. John sees her brother in love with you.John发现他的妹妹爱上了你。

103. Let it be known you are there and I am sure he will come to you.


104. Who would make the most of it.哪个比较重要呢

105. Don’t look at me like that.别那样看我。

106. Not all fo us can afford to be romantic.并不是每个人都给得起浪漫。

107. I’ve been offered a comfortable home and protection.我拥有一个舒服的家和呵护。 108. I’m 27 years old.I’ve no money and no prospects.我已经27岁了,没有钱,没有前途。 109. I’m already a burden to my parents.我已经是我父母的负担了。

110. As for the favour you ask,it is no favour at all.

如果你问我 我只能说没有什么我喜欢的景色。

111. My wife encourages me to spend time in the garden for my health.


112. I think our guest is tired after her journey.我想我们的客人旅途太劳累了。

113. How wonderful.好极了。

114. One of the most extraordinary sights in all of Europe.这里是全欧洲最漂亮的景色之一。 115. It’s kind of you to ask us to dine.非常高兴你能邀请我们来吃饭。

116. I had the pleasure of meeting your nephew in Hertfordshire.


117. Perhaps you saw her there.你可能见过她。

118. For music is my delight.音乐是我的爱好。

119. Though you have no instrument,you’ve welcome to come to Rosings.


120. But I won’t be alarmed,even if your sister does play so well.


121. I know that I cannot alarm you even should I wish it.


122. The first time I saw him,he danced with nobody.


123. Please,to be seated.请坐。

124. Shall I call for some tea?你要喝茶吗?

125. I know nothing else.我知道这些。

126. I came to Rosings only to see you.我来这里只是想见你。

127. I have fought against judgement,my family’s expectation,the inferiority of your birth,my rank.


128. I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.


129. Please do me the honour of accepting my hand.请你接受我吧。

130. I might enquire why you told me you liked me against your better judgement?


131. But you know I have other reasons.但是我有别的原因,你很清楚。

132. Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other.


133. My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me.我姐姐甚至对我都很少说出她真实的感受。 134. Did my sister give that impression?我姐姐让你这么觉得么?

135. Forgive me,madam,for taking up so much of your time.对不起女士,耽误你这么多时间。 136. He came back to see us last summer.去年夏天他回来看我们。

137. As to the other matter.另一件事。

138. Is that really all you care about?这就是你所关心的?

139. I saw Mr Darcy when I was at Rosings.我在Rosings见到达西先生了。

140. Why did you not tell me?你为什么没有告诉我。

141. I dare say he is.我敢说他是

142. I thought you were in lodon.我以为你在伦敦。

143. They said the house was open for visitors, I had no idea.


144. I’m very fond of walking.我很喜欢走路。

145. This way,please.这边请。

146. Are you sure you wouldn’t like to join us?你确定你不和我们在一起么?

147. You don’t mind delaying our journey another day?你不介意推迟我们的旅程一天吗? 148. He particularly wants you to meet his sister.他特别希望你能见见他的妹妹。 149. My brother has told me so much about you.我哥哥告诉了我很多你的事。

150. I feel as if we are friends already.我感觉我们好像已经是朋友了。

151. My brother gave it to me.我哥哥给我的。

152. He once had to put up with my playing.那天晚上他不得不忍受我的琴声。

153. Quite well.还可以 very well 非常好。

154. This is my fault这是我的错。

155. We have not the smallest hope.我们连一点希望都没有。

156. Would I could help you.能让我帮帮你么

157. How could she do such a thing to her poor mama?她怎么能这样对待她可怜的妈妈呢。 158. I want to hear every little detail.我想知道所有的细节。

159. glad to hear it.恭喜你。

160. that is not of the question.那是不可能的。

161. Can I come and stay with you.我能和你们一起去吗

162. Can’t you understand why?你难道不知道为什么么

163. I don’t hear a word because I was thinking of my dear Wichkham.


164. He told me not to tell.他告诉我不要说。

165. Have you seen my ring?你看过我的戒指了么

166. Write to me often.记得经常写信给我。

167. When I married your father,there didn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.


168. I’m sure I never want to see him again.我不想再见到他。

169. Whatever you do,do not appear overbearing.不管你做什么,不要显得太傲满了。 170. I did hear of it.我听说了。

171. I offer my congratulations.我向您表示祝贺。

172. It’s been very pleasant to see you all again.很高兴见到你们所有的人。

173. You can’t think me so weak as to be in danger now.你不要觉得我现在会很脆弱。 174. it’s so good to see you again so soon.这么快再看到你真是高兴。

175. I thought it would never happen.我以为这个不会发生。

176. Maybe he’s changed his mind.可能他改变了他的想法。

177. Could I offer you a cup of tea?你需要茶吗?

178. I need to speak to Miss Elizabeth alone.我想和伊丽莎白小姐单独谈谈。

179. If you believed it impossible,I wonder that you came so far.


180. I have never heard of it.我从来没有听说过。

181. You may ask a question which I may choose not to answer.你问的问题我选择不答。 182. I must ask you to leave immediately.我要你马上离开。

183. leave Me alone.让我一个人静静

184. You must know.Surely you must know it was all for you.你知道的,这些都是为你做得 185. Your feelings have changed.你改变了对我的看法。

186. I would have to tell you.我不得不告诉你。

187. I was entirely wrong about him.我完全错怪他了。

188. You don’t know him,Papa,If I told you what he was really like,what he’s done。

爸爸你不了解他,如果我告诉你他是一个什么样的人,还有他做过什么的话。 189. We must have been wrong.我们都错了。
