
"Fast and Furious " movie , the perfect interpretation of the speed and passion of these two words . And , it will integrate the speed and passion , to create a collection of humorous , warm, thrilling in a good movie . I am also very lucky in a movie theater watching the film.

Listening to the location of each drift tire friction on the sound , and looking fantastic cool driving skills , looking at the endless sea. I can not help but feel, when the car flew down from the top when the fear can not help spontaneously. When many people have decided to give up that can change the fate of the target, the execution of Dominica has decided , by contrast , I flinch when faced with difficulties , so I am very ashamed .

The hero 's father, said: " When you walk into a door when all the past will become history ." When you are standing at a new starting line , only hard work, will have a harvest . Because dreams faith heroes gathered together , they kinship people . This is what people aspire to it, a genuine own team , a group of friends willing to fight for you , and again in trouble of experience. This reminds me of the saying: "life , my objectives ; justice, but also my objectives ; if they are incompatible, were also sacrifice justice ! "

I understand that they are true friendship , which can stand the test of life and death , it does not diminish as time goes by a single cent .



主人公的父亲说过:“当你走进一扇扇门时,过去的一切将成为历史。”当你站在新的起跑线上时,只有努力的拼搏,才会有收获。主人公们因为梦想信仰聚在了一起,他们亲如一家人。这也正是人们所向往的吧,一个真正,属于自己的团队,一群肯为你拼搏的朋友,一次次患难于共的经历。这让我想起了一句话:“生,我所欲也;义,亦我所欲也;若两者不可兼得,舍生取义者也!” 他们是我明白了真正的友情,是经得起生死考验的,它不会随着时间的流逝而减退一分一毫。



   《速度与激情7》剧情虽精彩刺激。但剧尾兄弟间无言的分别成为整部剧的感点。随着镜头的拉伸,两位主人公驾车飞驰向不知何时再交集的两个方向,在背景音乐《See you again》渲染下,这种伤感被无限放大!“分道扬镳”式的兄弟告别,造就“无情胜有情的”离别效果!而比这更令人伤悲的是现实中却残酷地实现了这一幕——保罗·沃克永远的离开了他的兄弟!影片最后几分钟,特意回顾了前六部中保罗·沃克的珍贵镜头:生活中帅帅的布莱恩、爱情甜蜜的布莱恩、飙车时酷酷的布莱恩、打斗中勇猛的布莱恩……完全是现实中的保罗·沃克!这是他的兄弟们以这种方式向保罗·沃克致敬,更是告慰他的影迷们:保罗·沃克永远活在我们心中!保罗,天堂再见!珍重!

