
Lonely genius There is a little black humor and also with a kind of the ironic taste in the film the social network. The lens focuses on the intelligent but lonely genius, Mark.

He creates the Facebook Empire, establishes a super club without any invitation and makes a huge social network to help people in the virtual world get much closer. However, he himself is not a social person: his high IQ is proportional to his low emotional communication ability. He seems to belong to nowhere. Destiny is always disinterested to everyone. Nothing is perfect. When you get something here, you must lose something there soon or later.

Indeed, Mark becomes famous people in campus as expected, respected by everyone, but he loses his friends and his love. He feels at sea with others’ worship. In the court, what Mark tries to defend is not so much of his wealth and power than his only spiritual consolation-his super wisdom. His high IQ is the only thing he can rely on, and he attempts to overwhelm all people by his talents to fill emotional emptiness.

There is no denying that Mark is a crazy genius and has a successful career. Nevertheless he will never cure his social barriers; there is still a computer screen between the computer and him.

The ending is worth considering. Mark is mechanically refreshing

the screen, looking at the girl's smile. Maybe this is just the communication way with which he is familiar.

I can’t help throw my back to an old debate: virtual world, does it make us much closer or more alienated? In short, I really admire Mark's high IQ, but I don’t appreciate his loneliness. Life is like a plane, what we should care is not how far and how highly it can fly but whether it can land smoothly and steadily. I would rather be a happy man than become a lonely winner.




1、 反驳:【刚才对方辩友洋洋洒洒,列举了社交网络的种种好处,我方并不否认网络对中


2、 所以我方一致认为人人网等社交网络对学生弊大于利。








