


From this film ,we know the leading character --Bryan, first Bryan in the film is a retired agent , he love his daughter deeply but own to the reason of his job so it is difficult to give normal love to daughter , so he tried to make up for lost time with his daughter –kim , Bryan gave up his life just want to be a good father

But his rigorous stubborn and mysterious of occupational diseases so that his ex-wife disgusted with he and he is difficult to get close to his daughter

he afraid that his daughter was hurt by the darkness of the society


从来没有看到过如此这样的父亲,不仅是因为他对女儿的爱,更是他的睿智和强悍。集所有优秀品质于一身,当听到女儿的被人抓走的尖叫声时,父亲眼中流露出极其痛苦的神色,但他沉着冷静,他一遍一遍的重复女儿的声音,作为特工的他,完全将他的力量全部发挥出来。当父亲不顾自身安危,与坏人生死搏斗时,当那些人死在他的手中,却没有一丝同情之感, 父亲营救女儿的过程中 显示了父爱的伟大,他是一个英雄,我们为他一心救女儿的行为感动。KIM



在法国,就成了警察都是不可信任的冷血杀手。电死鸡头,打伤老朋友的妻子,这两处镜头出乎意料的惊人,父爱的力量,法律和理智都靠边站。 父亲所作的一切,历尽艰险终于救出女儿,“我已经得到了我想要的”,对于他来说,他再次得到了他一直深爱的女儿,他尽了一个真正称职的父亲应尽的职责,所以他得到了做父亲的责任和义务,从来没想过要回报。



When his daughter was in dangerous , I surprised that Bryan told his daughter how to do it calmly No matter how hard and stressful the situation was, and how dangerous things he faced Bryan was daring of regardless of personal danger to fight with bad people and never went back and afraid just because of the greatest love of a simple father.

In the movie, we are all moved not only his actions of save daughter, but also his insistence and the greatest of all- a father's love, and the spirit of sacrifice

After he saved out kim ,he never went to get any reward and thought that it’s his duty and responsibility to do these things as a father.

揭露社会黑暗 Exposition Society Darkness 演员: 连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson ....Bryan 玛姬·格蕾斯 Maggie Grace ....Kim 法米克·詹森 Famke Janssen ....Lenore 山德·贝克利 Xander Berkeley ....Stuart 凯蒂·卡西迪 Katie Cassidy ....Amanda Olivier Rabourdin ....Jean Claude

勒兰德·奥瑟 Leland Orser ....Sam

强·格瑞斯 Jon Gries ....Casey

David Warshofsky ....Bernie

霍莉·凡妮丝 Holly Valance ....Diva Nathan Rippy ....Victor



The review of Taken

Last week, I saw a movie named Taken.

Taken was made by Pierre Morel, and played by Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen and so on in 2008, France. The movie is about love, which is from a father.

The plot of Taken is usual in a way. Bryan and Lenore got divorced, and their daughter Kim lived with Lenore. One day she wanted to go abroad for fun with her friend, but her father’s permission and signature were needed. Bryan worried that Kim might fall in danger, so he didn’t agree, but considering his lack of love to Kim and fearing of losing her or making her disappointed, he compromised finally. At the airport, Bryan found that Kim lied to him about her trip, though angry, he still let her go after leaving some strict orders. In pairs, Kim was kidnapped by a crime gang. Bryan flew to France himself to save his beloved daughter.

The characters in the film are distinctive, they presented many parents and children in our society, Bryan just presented many fathers in our daily life, his love to his daughter is not evident but deep. Kim is lively and thinks that father should meet her want if he loves her, just like many children in life. The characters are portrayed by the actors and actress successfully, handsome, beautiful and so lively, easy to approach. .

In order to get the best effect, the digital camera was taken in night

scene and some special efficiency were also used in the film, and the background music was dubbed by Nathaniel Mechaly successfully, especially in the scene of Bryan’s fighting with the crime gangs on the boat. Though Taken is an action movie, it is warm and sweet!

I like the film Taken very much. I was moved by Bryan, especially when he came to Kim and Lenore’s home, he said to Kim’s step father: “I won’t let my daughter live with someone I was not knowing everything about.” The film is not only a film, but also a medium that tell us love from parents is precious, they will love us no matter when and no matter where, which is also the intended meaning of this movie.

The film is really very wonderful, you won’t be regret if you see it, don’t you want to have a try?