

----《海上钢琴师》观后感 《海上钢琴师》是意大利著名导演朱塞佩·托纳托雷的“三部曲”之一。讲述了一个被命名为“1900”的弃婴在一艘远洋客轮上的传奇一生。男主角1900(人名)是一个被人遗弃在蒸汽船上的孤儿,被船上一位好心的烧炉工收养,然而烧炉工在男主角8岁的时候在意外中死亡。过人的天赋使他无师自通成了一名钢琴大师,但宿命也令他天然地对红尘俗世深怀戒意。纵使后来遇上了一位一见钟情的少女,他思量再三后,还是放弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。他永远地留在船上了,即使到了最后,唯一的好朋友马克斯警告他废船将要被炸毁,他也不愿离开,于是从出生开始就没有离开过维吉尼亚号的1900直至与船葬于海底。1900,这个既没有出生纪录,也没有身份证明的人,没有留下一点痕迹就在人间蒸发,就如流逝了的音符一样,渺无踪影了。

“陆地”更多的则应是一个隐喻。陆地上纵横交错的高楼、街道使1900感到“恐惧”、“崩溃”。不可确定的种种是人类的欲望,这没有尽头的欲望,正是使艺术家们迷失自我的真是原因。他不下船是因为他不愿意陷入这种漩涡之中。 “所有那些城市,你就是无法看见尽头。尽头?拜托!拜托你给我看它的尽头在哪?当时,站在舷梯向外看还好。我那时穿着大衣,感觉也很棒,觉得自己前途无量,然后我就要下船去。放心!完全没问题!可是,阻止了我的脚步的,并不是我所看见的东西,而是我所无法看见的那些东西。你明白么?我看不见的那些。在那个无限蔓延的城市里,什么东西都有,可惟独没有尽头。根本就没有尽头。我看不见的是这一切的尽头,世界的尽头。”这是他最后的独白,他离不开自己的世界,也不敢去走进另一个未知世界,带着对未知的恐惧选择了离开,离开也是他的一种选择。那些无法看到的东西对他来说真的有那么恐惧吗?世界的尽头在哪里?这是一个很陌生的问题,对我们来说。但对他来说却是一张驶进另一个世界的船票。在他的世界里不会有迷路,只需记住八十八个琴键就行,就那么简单,没有太过于复杂的方向,纯真而又充满灵性的世界。







Life last scene

Review of ''The Legend of 1900''

The first day of 1900, the man Danny Boodman, who is working in a round-trip cruise in Europe and the United States, responsible for the cruise to add coal, were picking up the things that the rich are left behind in the first class. He unexpectedly found a piano was abandoned newborns, mounted on the TD Lemon empty cartons. Firmly believe that the "TD" represents the abbreviation of Thanks by Danny, so Danny despite the ridicule of other workers, independent tending the baby, and to commemorate this special day, he was named: 1900.

1900, was born at sea in the land never existed, no relatives, no domicile, no nationality, the sea is his cradle, and he as the Virginian and from berthing piers gradually grew up. But nothing lasts forever, once a maritime accident, resulting in Danny’s death in an accident, Fortunately, like a miracle, one day late at night the crowd on board the beautiful sound of the piano awakened, and to follow the sound of the piano is actually self-taught through 1900 ecstasy at the piano and playing, melody touched everyone, Since then, in 1900 embarked on the journey of playing the piano at sea, has also attracted more and more tourists come here especially.

Under the fate, Max came to the Virginian and joined the band accompaniment. Meeting the legendary Pianist – 1900,and they became good friends. 1900 with the invention of jazz legend pianist Jelly same boat competitive piano playing piano, momentum is the sun at high noon. But despite Max repeatedly encouraged 1900 disembark the whereabouts of the world showing off his talent in 1900 but still did not step foot in the land. Touching the girl, until the handsome addition to his record company to record a solo album, accidentally saw the cabin and moved, I created a "1900's Theme" (unknown song titles mentioned by the owner of Max and musical instruments). 1900 heart began to fluctuate along with the girls disembark departure.

1900 death did not leave the ship, the final and Virginian numbers together into fragments.

1900 said that the land is not visible on the end, I'm afraid not I see, but that I cannot see. His life in the ocean, in the face of the piano, all in the land, there are too many uncertainties for him, so he has no land in hesitate. As he said: "I see the end of the sight of land, perhaps in terms of 1900, the sky and sea views to see the horizon, and from much of the cruise berthing port, 88 keys is limited, he can to create unlimited music, and endless land, however large cities, is he not see, cannot grasp. He has also been under determination to leave the ship to land to find that his heart girl, but he eventually return, hat thrown into the edge of who can be seen resolute that moment on, he certainly will not be disembark idea. The world, the 1900 never existed, only on the Virginian No. musical genius (or devil's more appropriate), he has become part of the ship, naturally disappear along with the Virginian.

Why the director chose 1900? I think it was the beginning of the 20th century. Technological and industrial development of our world become quite unpredictable, and has declined relative to the astonishing pace of change in people's ability to accept. The world becoming more and more people unpredictable, and people more or less unknown world some fear, this fear 1900 is expanded and exaggerated.

Another question, why are those people who saw the United States will be so excited? In fact, the state of the world to look at that era is not difficult to understand. Most of the world are shrouded in the smoke of war among the United States away from these disputes and the rapid development of those who have suffered the pain of war going through the thousands of new hardships to finally see the symbol of peace came to the New World immigrants the freedom of the Statue of Liberty will naturally be carried away shouting "the AMERICA”. In fact, the New World for immigrants is unknown and unfamiliar, but they are still trying to across the ocean to come here. But 1900 didn’t dare to step any closer when he was just step away from the land.

At first I thought that the 1900 does not disembark because he staggered above for 30 years, perhaps he was afraid that he has no party to adapt to life on land, but read the comments of many users, I understand that he is not afraid of the world unfamiliar without setting foot on land, in a death can smile leisurely telling jokes guy does not, what things to be afraid of. I think that 1900 is not only a talented pianist, but also a natural thinker. He pursued the significance of the existence of life. As an

orphan born on board, he clearly understand their own, the sea is his world, the piano is his life, Virginian, is his home. Leave this to any one, he will not be able to breathe properly. 1900 with Myers farewell, he said, my world is on this ship, I can use 88 key shells scrape music infinitely broad, like the ocean, where I can see the end of the horizon. Because of his choice and optimism, so we do not think his death is a tragedy. We will admire him, do not necessarily admire his face calm and composed of 6 Dayton explosives, but because he had such a profound understanding of their understanding of their own will go.

When listening to the "Pianist" My heart is in tears. This is a masterpiece. It is one time movie director designed. Movie retro decoration, smoking cruise and light jazz I returned to the Great Depression era, back to the places of occurrence, witnessed the scene, and content. The movie soundtrack is very exciting, appropriately. Film development to the mid-orgasm sounds from, because the period of encounter! Love sowed the seeds. I believe a lot of people told me that the movie clips without any warning flashed a simple encounter touched, gives a familiar realism. Like his first love, that is what life should look forward to? It can’t be forgotten.

Playing Love "is a song, soundtrack CD, the most profoundly moving story of native portrayal of Neo Moree Morricone his affectionate and elegant genre once again captured the hearts of viewers and fans. In the film, when 1900 playing the piano piece, the story of his life seems to have condensation in the beautiful melodies. Listen carefully, this is the essence of the film, I do not know in the audio world, there is another song that can match this song, do not know, there is no one lens instead of the usually girl in the movie. Flash across the face. It is a soul song enough to Sculpting in Time. Masters of the heart was in the process of playing, what kind of ideas? Within the heart if there is a part of his world, love the presence of complex ideas, dreams scared, be very full and disputes, lingering and heartache. But I believe that even come to an end the moment tempted, also will be no regrets in this life. Good music, do not have to sing it, when rapid relief of rhythm, when the emergency relief of the song, listen carefully, we must hear it. The wind! Rain! Cheers! Whistle! Heartbeat! Eleven can feel!

Max holding phonograph, playing the nameless music gentle enough to look for 1900 is about to blow up Virginia, along with film clips, music max and tenderness appear in some of the old board, then not so much his behavior is to look for, might as well say that the work of mourning, recalling with 1900's As Time Goes By, recalling pictures of light and shadow.

"Why are you seasick?" This is the first sentence of two years later when they met again. It is their friendship at memory. Max eventually did not discourage the 1900’s final decision, understanding face the choice of his road of no return, which is a depth of feelings, changed you, how would you do, it is selfish to pull him disembark or let him reach the sublimation of the soul. When max quietly left in tears about to blow up Virginia, 1900 stopped him and told him a funny, touching joke, which makes I found the talk between man and man, had so sensual, so beautiful, so sad, when I have a sense of grief is a lonely sad. Think of a person watching the movie, a person to finish the diary. Life is a bosom friend is sufficient. And I, 1900 may be luckier.

In fact, watching this movie "Pianist", really easily pulled along by the film. Will also be a lens, an expression, a look, a scene, a passion, a tear, I, Love the movie touched, it is the charm of the movies with sound. Be pulled along the course of time, I watched the movie screen, physical floating, slow heart beat, and another moving impact on my heart! Key wind and dance, your heart will be breathing the gas and traction, all no doubt? Make you feel like this is as if a life story - the legend of love.

That’s all. In fact, every heart all hopes to have your own - Life last scene.
