

Unit 4  Sports

The Olympic games Reading




通过前面“热身”(Warming up)、“听力”(Listening )、“口语”(Speaking)三个部分内容的的学习和训练,帮助同学们在大脑中形成了一个有关“体育运动”的信息包;学习和复习了一些有关描述体育运动的名词;丰富了他们有关描述体育的语言;增加了同学们相关的体育知识,并以此为诱发,培养了同学们对体育的兴趣。这也就为下一步“阅读”做好了思想准备。

、Teaching goals 教学目标


Teaching methods 教学方法

1.Listening to the tape. (individuals)

2.Group discussion and presentation (cooperative learning).

3.Multi-functional teaching equipment (CAI)

、Teaching aids 教具准备

Multi-functional teaching equipment (CAI)

、Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Lead-in (引入)

1、播放第二十四届汉城奥运会会歌“Hand in Hand”。屏幕显示以奥林匹克运动会场作为背景的一些奥林匹克运动比赛项目及著名运动员。之后,提出下列问题:


(1). Do you know the song? And what is the name of the song?

(2) Can you tell some sports in the   Olympic Games?



(1). What do the five colors represent?

(2). What do the rings stand for?

(3). Would  you like to know  more about the Olympic Games?


Step II Pre-reading  读前

1. 让同学们互相交流他们所知道的有关奥运的信息。

2.    通过下列问题进一步讨论举办奥运会的意义和奥运会历史。

(为了培养学生积极参与课堂活动的意识,让同学们进行小组讨论:Work in group of four.)

(1). Which sport events do you like to watch most? Why?

(2). Is it important to win a sports match? Why or why not?

(3). Are the Olympic Games important to our society?

Why or why not?

(4). Why do athletes from so many countries want to take part in the Olympic Games?


Step III Reading  阅读

Task 1. Fast reading (略

Skim the text quickly to get the general idea of the text:

T: Now read the text quickly and try to get the information for the three questions.

(1) .How many kinds of  Olympic Games are mentioned in the text? What are they?

(2). When and where were the first modern Olympic Games held?

(3). When and where were the 27th  Olympic Games held?

And how many countries and competitors took part in them?

(4). What is the Olympic motto?


Task 2. Intensive reading 细读

1).Read the text very carefully and learn about the details of the text.

T: Please read the text again and tell which statements are true and which statements are false by discussing with your group- mates.

2).True or false: 在屏幕上播放6个句子,让同学们一起随机在屏幕上判断正误。

(1). The Winter Olympic Games are held every two   years

(2). The ancient Olympic Games started around the year 776 AD   in Greece.

(3). In Sydney, there were still two countries’ team who got more gold medals than Chinese team.

(4). In the 27th Olympic Games, there were over 10,000 athletes from 13  countries.

(5). In the old times both men and women  were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games.

(6). The 28th Olympics will be held in Beijing.


Task 3.Summary   

T: Ask the students to find out the topic sentences of each paragraph and the key words in  silent reading.

 ( 学生回答完毕,屏幕上播放课文每段的段意及关键词)。

这一部分活动的设计旨在引导学生更全面、更深层次地理解“奥运”在全世界人民生活中所起的重要作用,更好地理解和学习“奥运”精神。 并培养学生利用总结、归纳等逻辑手段分析和解决问题。


Step IV Post reading



Let the students talk about the good effects and bad effects of hosing the Olympic Games .This is a team work and they are demanded to give their report after their discussion. (教师可以进一步发展“读前”部分的话题,用英语组织一次辩论赛。先把班级分成两组,第一组认为举办奥运会利大于弊。他们可以从提高民族声望、弘扬奥运精神、促进经济发展、改善城市建设、增进世界人民友谊等方面来组织论点;第二组认为举办奥运会弊大于利。他们可以从耗资巨大、影响市民生活、牵扯面太大等方面来组织论点。具体活动形式:1、小组讨论,列出要点;2、持相同观点的小组之间交流意见,整理观点;3、辩论采用两大组轮流自由发言的形式,教师主持,控制发言时间;4、辩论结束后,每个学生填写教材中的表格,举办奥运会的正负效果至少各列举三个。)

 Various answers are possible:

1.People all over the world will learn about the city and its people.

2.Many sports fans will visit the city.

3.The preparation will make the city better and more beautiful.

Bad effects

1.It is very expensive to host the Olympics. Maybe the money should be used for other things.

2.Too many visitors may do harm to the environment of the city.

3.The venues and buildings may be wasted after the Olympic Games.


Step V  Homework

 1、Serf the Internet or go to the library to get more information about the Olympic Games.

2、 Write a short passage about what we can do for the Beijing Olympics?


Step Ⅵ 教学思考






高中英语教学设计 课 题: Module 7 Unit 4 Sharing(Reading)

设计教师: 工作单位: 郯城县第三中学



Ⅰ.Teaching Contents 教学内容

Module 7 Unit4 Sharing Reading: A Letter Home

II.Analysis of teaching material 教材分析



Ⅲ.Analysis of students学情分析




Ⅳ.Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标

1.Knowledge objectives 知识目标



2.Ability objective能力目标



3.Affective objectives 情感价值目标



Ⅴ.Teaching Important Points(教学重点)




Ⅵ. Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点)



Ⅶ. Teaching Methods(教学方法)

1. Task-based method to make students interested in what they will learn.(任务型教学法)

2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage.(略读法)

3. Careful reading to get some detailed information.(细读法)

Ⅷ. Teaching Aids:(教学手段)


Ⅸ. Teaching procedures (教学程序)

Step I Warming-up and lead in

1. 幻灯片1

T: Class, firstly let’s enjoy a video and a song.

Ss: Enjoy the song and the video.

T: What can you see from the video?

Ss: I can see many students are planting trees/helping the disabled/cleaning the street…………

T: What can you learn from the video and the video?

Ss: We should devote our youthful power to the world.


T: So we should learn to share.Ok,this is our today’s topic sharing. Our main task is reading.

2. 幻灯片3

T: Now, class, just have a think, what do you mean by “sharing”? Let’s look at it. Ss: Read the meanings together.

3. 幻灯片4

T: The people who are helping others in the video are called volunteers. Volunteers are not paid which means they are not given money, not because they are not worthless but because they are priceless, but because they cannot be measured by money. Are you clear? Ss: Yes.

T: Here is the sign of volunteer. Do you know what the sign stands for? A Hand? Ss: Help.

T:A Heart? Ss: Love. T: A Dove? Ss: Peace. T: A Letter “Y”? Ss: Youth.

T: Do you want to be a volunteer?

Ss: Yes.

T: You are great. So you must know what a volunteer usually does.

4. 幻灯片5-9

T: You can answer the question according to the pictures.

Ss: (give their answers)

T: (Sum up) Yes, there are different kinds of voluntary work volunteers can do. 3

[设计说明] 本环节主要是课文导入和热身环节,利用多媒体播放和本课主题相关的直观、生动的图片和音乐,创设轻松和谐的课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,自然进入本课话题,教师联系生活实际展开教学。

Step II.Pre-reading


T: Now, class look at the title and pictures try to guess “What’s the author’s work?” Ss: She is a teacher..

T: Yes, she is also a volunteer, so she is great.

[设计说明] 通过看幻灯片呈现的题目和图片,让学生猜测本文作者的工作,激发学生探究问题的兴趣,有利于阅读活动的展开。

Step III. While-reading

Task 1 Fast reading

1.幻灯片 11

T: Ok, class. Do you want to know more about her?

Ss: Yes.

T: So you should skim and scan the text quickly. Try to get its main idea.

Ss: (skim and scan the text)

T: Have you finished? Ok, I want one student to come to the blackboard to fill in the blanks. Then check the answers.

2.幻灯片 12

T:How many paragraphs in the text?

Ss: Nine.

T: You can divide it into 4 parts and match each part with its main idea. I’d like one student to do it. Then check the answers.

3.幻灯片 13

T: Here are some information. I’d like you to read them and tell “True or False” then try to find where the information is in the text, if false correct the wrong place.

[设计说明] 快速限时阅读把阅读课文作为整体来处理,掌握主旨大意,这一任务过程中为了降低难度设空完成学生比较容易接受。在对课文表层理解的基础上,要求学生根据每段大意把文章进行划分部分,进一步理解了文章之后。让学生做判断正误题,巩固了学生对课文内容信息的掌握。本环节难度不高,学生都能很好地完成任务,不仅训练和提高了学生略读、查读的阅读技能。而且,提高了学生阅读的积极性。

Task 2 Detailed reading

1,幻灯片 14

T: You’ve done a good job. Since we know the general idea of the text. Let’s come to the customs and lives of people in Tombe’s villiage.Listen to the text and pay attention to the pronunciation, meanwhile, you can read after the listening and underline the detailed information in the text.

Ss;(listen to the text and read)

2.幻灯片 15,16

T: Ok, class let’s look at the blackboard and fill in the blanks. Who can read for us? 4

Ss:(Read the answers)

3. Read aloud

T: Do you have any questions? Now read the text aloud to find out your difficulties. Ss :( read the text aloud)

[设计说明] 本环节充分发挥多媒体优势教学先让学生听录音的同时跟读来完成细节信息填空,这样不仅可以训练学生的听力而且让学生了解了巴布亚新几内亚独立国部落的生活状况和风俗习惯信息,在此基础生让学生通过朗读训练学生朗读能力提高语音语调,鼓励学生发现文章中的疑难点并解决。

StepⅣ. Post-reading

1. 幻灯片17

T: (Solve the important sentences from the text) Here is the sentence, try to read and translate it into Chinese. It is also about the grammar, analyze it .

Ss: (translate and analyze the sentence)

2. 幻灯片18

T: What do you learn from the text?

Ss: We know that Jo worked as a volunteer teacher in a poor area.

T: Yes, What would you do if you were a volunteer? Why? Now class, turn around and you can discuss with your members quickly.

Ss: (discuss with their members)

T: OK,stop please. Let’s share your wonderful discussion, firstly which group? Ss: (show their discussion)

T: Well done!

3. 幻灯片19

T: There are many people around us, in our country or even in the world who need different kinds of help. So voluntary work is an important and great cause. Not only can it make people live better but also it can bring happiness to volunteers. So we should form a sense of helping others and take an active part in any kind of voluntary activities from now on and try to make the world more beautiful and harmonious. Just stand up and show me your voluntary gestures, let’s sing together. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.( sing together)

T: I think you’ve sung very well, but I believe we can do better than sing. Yes? Ss: Yes. T: You are great!

[设计说明] 本环节属于读后活动,首先处理课文中的一个典型的长难句,这也引出了本课的语法项目定语从句。小组讨论“如果你/你们是志愿者你/你们将做什么工作?为什么?”使学生更好的了解了这个单元的主题,帮助他人、分享合作。教师可以进一步了解学生对于志愿者工作和帮助他人的看法,有利于进行德育教育,帮助学生树立正确的价值观。最后大家共同举起志愿者手势,齐唱英文歌曲 Tomorrow Will Be Better, 将课堂活动推向高潮,激发了他们帮助他人、扶贫就困的热情,达到了本课情感价值教育的目标。



T:Now your homework, do it after class, so much for this class. Thank you!

[设计说明] 课后阅读文章找出文章中的定语从句,为下节语法课做准备。 5



我感到多媒体教学用于英语阅读教学有很多好处:首先,课堂的导入是十分重要的,好的导入可以激发学生的学习兴趣,直观、生动的图片、动画使得学生更容易进入学习状态,把学生从枯燥的课堂解放 ,有利于师生的互动, 能更好地实现教师的教学意图。其次,多媒体课的容量大,电子白板的使用,使得教师核对答案更容易。因此,教师可以把原来花在板书的时间用于指导学生,或设计一些多样的题型。再者,我通过听录音,朗读课文,配以在幻灯片呈现问题,让学生有目的性带着问题去听课文,朗读课文,一部分一部分的分析课文,解决问题。在此过程中,不同的任务设置激发了学生的学习兴趣和用英语表达的欲望。



