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Making telephone calls

郑永君 宁波市第十九中学 No.3


Teaching aims: Students learn how to make telephone calls.

Teaching focus: Students learn to use the target language in an integrated way.

Through this lesson, they can make telephone calls in their d

aily life.

Key sentence structures:

Is sb. there? Just a minute. It’s for you. I’ll check.

I’ll call later. Sorry, I have the wrong number. No problem.

Teaching procedures:

1. Warming-up

a. Let’s chant. (Students practice the pronunciations of the English names that appear in the text.)

b. Self-introduction (The teacher and the students interact)

c. Group competition (Group work in the text on P.28)

2. Vocabulary in context. (P.28)

Teach the three conversations on the phone in the textbook one by one through listening and acting .

3. Listening practice. (P.29)

Let students complete the sentences in the book and put them in the corre

ct order.

4. Listening in context (P.29)

Students listen and circle the names of the caller. Then listen again

and write the callers’ names on the line below the correct picture. 5. Interact

Group work: take turns to do the role-play according to the given

materials. (e.g. make a telephone call when you want to go to KF

C with your friend.)

6. Book tickets for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Students make telephone calls to book tickets in the groups.

7. Homework:

a. Try to collect useful numbers in your daily life.

b. If your neighbor is ill, make a telephone call to help him/her.


Before we start our lesson, I will first set a piece of music with lovely rhythm. Ask students to dance with the music. To my surprise, one of them did a good job. It made our lesson a warm atmosphere at the beginning. Step 1. Pre-task

Let’s chant.

T: I’m very happy to meet you here. Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. I’m happy too. Because I can have a lesson for you and I’m sure we can be good friends after class. In fact, I have many friends here. Do you want to know them?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good! Now let me tell you their names. Would you please chant their names with me together?

Then chant the names that appear in the text for three times, from slow rhythm to fast rhythm. Make sure they can read them correctly.

Self introduction

T: Now, you know some of my friends. This time I will show you a photo. Can you guess who the person is? If you are right, I will give you a prize. Ss: Cathy? / Brad? / Jason? /Susan? …

T: Maybe not. / Not exactly. /I’m sorry….

Then show them my photo and give them some information about me. T: I know you want to ask me many questions, right? Now, if I give you this word Claire, what will you ask me?

S1: How old are you?

T: Can I answer I’m Claire?

S2: What’s your name?

T: Quite good. My name is Claire. Claire!

Then I give them my age, hobby, telephone number, mobile phone number and etc. They can foster their questions in a right way.

Guessing competition:

T: I know you are good at guessing. Now let’s have a guessing game. Write two questions and answers on a piece of paper. One group reads the answer; the other groups guess the questions.

I divide them into six groups. Ss prepare for 1 minute and then choose some groups to give us their answers. Let the other five groups guess the question.

If they are right, I will give a star on the paper. At last we will see which group can get the most stars, and then they will be the winner today. S: Tall and strong.

At first, no one sets the question, so I make an action on me, means that I’m tall and strong. So students get the meaning and give the question quickly, “What do you look like?”

I choose three of them and give each group who can foster the right question a red star on the paper. Then I will say: “Oh, group … gets the most stars now, but you have one more chance. I have an answer for you. Listen carefully.

T: They are making telephone calls. Who can give the right question? S: What are they doing? / What do they like doing?

T: Good! You are right. They are making telephone calls. So let’s listen what they are talking about.

Step 2 While-task

1. Make telephone calls

Read the conversations. Notice the useful express

Susan: Hello.

Zack: Hello. This is Zack. Is Andy there?

Susan: please. Andy, It’s Zack. Andy: Hi, Zack. Zack: Fine.

The underlined red sentences are the key points.

I will add the ringing sound and the dialogue sound. When the phone rings, I say: “The phone is ringing. (This is a telephone vocabulary in the text.) Let’s listen.

After that, I explain the meaning of these key points and make sure students get the meaning. Next, ask the whole class read the dialogue loudly. Claire: Hello. Is Karen Sanders there?

Mary: Just a minute, please. Sorry. No, she isn’t.

Claire: Thanks. First make a busy sound of the phone. I will say: “The phone is busy now. (This is a telephone vocabulary in the text.) Let’s try again. Oh, the phone is ringing, it’s through.

After listening, ask boys read as Claire and girls as Mary. Then explain the underlined sentences.

Stacey: Hello.

Tom: Is Debbie there, please? Stacey: There’s no Debbie here. Tom: Is this 570-1794?

Stacey: No, it isn’t.

Tom: Oh,

Good-bye. Tom: Good-bye.

The phone is ringing again. Give the students the listening dialogue, and pay attention to the key points. After that ask two students to role play the dialogue. If they act well, I will give both of them a star in their groups.

2. Self-check

Look at the conversations on page 28 and complete the sentences below. T: OK, we know most of my friends made telephone calls just now. This time can you help Sam finish the talk on the phone?

Finish the task: Look at the conversations on page 28 and complete the sentences below. Make sure students can do it quickly and correctly. Then, ask students to listen to the conversation twice and number the sentences above in the correct order.

In this part students who answer right can get the star for his/her group.

3. Listening part

T: You have done a very good job. I think you are all clever boys and girls. We know people can make telephone calls in order to ask others for help. Now, let’s listen who is calling others for help. There are four dialogues. Check the students’ answers after listening. Give the star to the group in which student answers right. By then, count the numbers of the stars and encourage other groups.

T: Marvelous! From listening we know Brad, Andy, Stacey and Karen are the callers in the conversations. This time let’s listen again, can you find out where they make telephone calls? OK, let’s see who is good at listening. Play the tape first. Next, before they answer, I give them some tips about places: outside the school; hospital; classroom; office. Then, ask students to check the answers. Finally praise the student who is right and add the stars in his group.

T: “Let’s see. Oh group … has the most stars right now. But never mind, you have more chances to get them.

Step 3 Pre-task

1. Make your own telephone calls with the telephone vocabulary.

T: In everyday life, people use telephone calls to ask others for help. Today, if you need help, how do you make telephone calls for help? Now, look at the following pictures:

You want to go to KFC with your friend…

You are still at school. It rains heavily but you don’t have an umbrella... Your father comes back and he wants your mother to pick him up…

You want to buy books after school, but you don’t have enough money… So how can you solve the problems by making telephone calls? OK, discuss with your partners and make your original dialogues after three minutes. Are you clear?

After students give their “Yes” response, start the talking and preparation. Choose some groups to act out the dialogues. Make sure they can use the telephone vocabulary correctly, using the gestures to make it more vivid. After each performance, give the group one star and praise the actors in the group.

2. Tickets for Beijing 2008

T: I’m sure you can make your own telephone calls when you meet with problems. I am very glad you can do it freely now. We know telephone calls are very important and useful in life. We can ask for help, we can communicate with others and we can book rooms through it. What’s more, we can also books tickets by making telephone calls. Boys and girls, do you know what will happen in 2008?

Ss: The Olympic Games.

T: Excellent! It’s a big event in our country. So lots of people will come to Beijing and watch different kinds of games at that time. If you want to watch a basketball match with your friends or parents, how do you book the tickets through telephone?

Now Ticket Booking Center is open. You can call the hotline to book tickets. Please call the hotline and book the tickets you want. I will give you some minutes and let’s check which group’s acting is the best.

Students begin to prepare for the conversation. I set a piece of music about the Olympic Games at the same time, so students can have less pressure in such atmosphere.

Time is up. Act and evaluate their performance and give stars to every group who plays the dialogue.


T: It seems that you are good at making calls now. Well done! You can see group…has the most stars, so they are today’s winner. Congratulations and you can get your prize after class. And who acts best today?

Students point to the boy.

T: Oh, you, the lovely boy, you dance well, so you act best today and this is your prize. And who is today’s best spokesman? Maybe that boy because you talk much and also do a good job! So this is the prize for you. Thank you all!

T: I’m sorry, but time is limited. This is today’s homework for you.” ⑴ Try to collect(收集) useful numbers in your daily life.

⑵ If your neighbor is ill, make a telephone call to help him/her.

T: Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes!

T: I’m so happy. I’m sure we will be good friends after class. Thank you for participation. Goodbye, class.


在本次浙江省初中英语优质课评比中,我以良好的业务素质、亲切活泼的教学风格和精彩的教学设计博得了专家和大众评审的一致好评,荣获一等奖。纵观整一堂课,我能紧扣教材“Making telephone calls”这一话题展开教学,层层递进,让学生从“学”教材逐步过渡到“用”教材,并能让学生在贴近生活的情境中运用所学的知识解决问题。课堂气氛比较活跃,教学亦算到位,也成功完成了本课的教学目标。下面是我对整堂课教学的反思和总结。

一、 教学设计和教学任务

因为教材的主要内容为“Making telephone calls”,我在教学的每个环节中都注意围绕这一主线,并使任务间的过渡自然流畅。比如在开场的self-introduction中,我有意识地提及了自己的家庭电话和手机号码,并把“打电话”作为兴趣爱好,为课文内容的导入做好铺垫。在自我介绍中,我先给学生关于我的个人信息,再由学生提问,这样的设计是因为紧接着的小组竞赛就是要求学生针对已给信息提出合适的问题,这样起到了较好的示范作用。经过此番warming-up之后,我便直奔主题,导入教材,通过听、读等技能练习呈现打电话时常用的句型和表达方式,这是学生“学”教材的过程。之后,我创设了四个生活情境,要求学生以小组为单位运用已学知识,讨论编对话并予以表演。最后,我结合奥运会这一时下颇为流行的话题让学生通过打电话定票,让学生充分发挥想象力进行对话创作,具有一定的开放性。这是整堂课的高潮部分,此时学生已脱离课本“用”教材了。


二、 教态,评价及师生互动



在整堂课的教学过程中,从教学任务的完成到师生互动都取得了成功,但不足之处仍待改进。首先在一开始的导入部分,我担心学生会跟不上思路,所以在给出信息让学生提问环节放慢了速度,导致整堂课的时间在结束时显得很仓促。其次在引入打电话的时候,虽然设计了录音效果,但是如果能添加录像资料会更加直观,可以让学生加深对教学内容的理解。另外对教材的听力材料处理上,个人觉得可以再生活化一些,把听的内容跟生活场景联系起来效果可能会更好。最后,在需要学生自我发挥的场景对话中,我给出的时间还不够充足。作为教材内容的提升部分,我应该让学生有足够的时间来进行对话表演,把课文所学内容进行巩固和拓展。可是由于开始的时间进度比较慢, 所以在最后的表演展示部分,我只能要求一组同学完成了表演。事实上如果能邀请3—4组参与表演,那整个教学可以更加完美。




2、老师对学生的评价要准确,有效并多样化。我们说及时有效的评价对提高学生上课积极性和表现欲具有至关重要的作用。我们听公开课也会发现老师们两个不足的地方。一个就是评价不及时:学生回答完问题后,老师没有做出适时有效的评价,这会挫伤学生回答下面问题的积极性,有可能导致接下去课堂气氛的淡化甚至冷场。另一个就是评价单一化:老师们在学生回答好以后总是喜欢用good, very good去进行评价,时间一长,自会让学生觉得乏味。这样的评价最终流于形式,失去了它的激励作用和效果了。其实新目标课程标准强调了一个情感目标,有效多样的评价也是实现这一目标的良好途径。如果我们对学生的正确回答给予肯定,并使用多样的评价词汇,如excellent, well-done, gorgeous, marvelous, You are clever, Good boy, Lovely girl等,我们就能够使学生在学的过程实现自我肯定和自我我提升。另外我们也不妨用肢体语言来表现评价方式的多样化。动作,眼神或手势都能传递老师对学生回答后作出的反映。课堂中,学生处于紧张的状态中,老师温柔的手势,优雅的动作,喜爱的眼神都能表达出对学生的情感,学生也能在接收到老师的这一信息后更加努力地去实现下一个回答的目标。这样的课课堂气氛一定是良好的。对于小组等的集体评价也是如此。积极有效的集体评价不仅可以促进个人的发挥,也可以使学生在发挥过程中增加集体观念和群体意识,强调个体之间的合作与帮助,这也是新目标力求实现的一个目标。

3、 师生互动要频繁持久,上课节奏要有慢有快,语音语调要抑扬顿挫。学生的配合在很大程度上决定了上课的质量和效果。如何让学生来配合老师的上课,是一个值得研究的课题了。在第一点中我讲到了上课要符合学生的年龄特征,才能取得成功。所以老师自身一定要充满激情与活力,才能时刻感染学生,让学生保持一种新鲜感。上课的节奏把握上,也要时而跃进,时而缓和,容易的地方一笔带过,困难的地方就要留足空间给学生思考,尽可能少的给他们带来挫败感。


4、 老师要充分发挥自己的教育机智,适时运用幽默感及亲和力。不管哪位老师上课,即使准备的很充分,在真正上课过程中,总会碰到一些突发问题。有时学生的回答或冷场都会让老师有些不知所措。所以善于运用教学机智去处理突发情况,也是我们要学会的。如果老师的指令学生没有明白,那老师不必紧张,只需用举例形式去解释就行。当然这一过程应该放慢速度了。如果学生不肯表演对话,老师可以事先表扬一些同学,学生在尝到甜头后自然就有了表现的欲望。比如学生给出的答案与老师的期望答案风马牛不相及,老师可以很幽默地跟这个同学开个玩笑,先缓和一下气氛,然后再明确地重复问题,让学生在老师的提示下完成回答。其实教学机智的方式很多,运用的手段也是多种多样的。老师自身的幽默感,亲和力和感染力都可以作为教育机智的载体,只要用的上,我们就应该大胆地去尝试。

