

王 晓 强









1. 初三学生不像初一时那么对英语学习充满激情、自信心和学习动力;在英语课堂上不积极参与,缺少主动发言的热情或根本不愿意发言。

2. 学生对英语课堂知识的掌握不实在、理解不全面,而大部分学生对书本知识不够重视,找不到英语学科复习的有效载体,不能有效的利用课本,适时地回归课本,英语复习缺乏系统性,英语学习缺乏主动性。

3. 部分学生缺少教师明确的指导,在复习时缺乏系统安排和科学计划,或者学习和复习没有个性化特点, 导致学习效果不明显。

4. 基于以上情况,作为初三英语教师首先要有正确地意识到:一节课有没有效益,并不是指教师有没有教完内容或教得认真不认真,而是指学生有没有学到什么或学生学得好不好。如果学生不想学或学了没有收获,即使教师教得很辛苦也是无效教学;或者学生学得很辛苦,却没有得到应有的发展,也是无效或低效教学。


1、教师要有课堂效益意识。有效的教学手段有助于课堂容量、密度和速度的提高。尤其是在复习课堂上使用有效的教学手段,不但可以活跃课堂,更能提高学生的参与面,短、频、快的大容量课堂节奏能有效的吸引并集中学生的学习注意,从而最终提高学习的听课效益;其次,课堂效益意识还体现在教学的设计中要充分为学而教,以学生如何有效获取知识,提高能力的标准来设计教学。课堂设计要有助于学生在课堂上积极参与,有助于他们有效内化知识与信息,复习过程中要重视学习方法的指导,在教学中恰当地渗透中考的信息,拓宽教 1






一是抓住课本,有效复习。教材和教学大纲是考前复习和考试命题的依据。因此,在复习时,教师和学生都应认真学习并充分理解和准确把握教学大纲中对基础知识与能力的要求。 二是系统归纳,分清脉络。在总复习时,要突出一个“总”字。面对上千的单词,成百的短词和词组,几十种句型,通过复习,要使学生对初中三年的英语学习有个总体的、概括的印象。大到语法项目,小到具体的知识点,使学生脑子中有清晰的知识框架。









复习内容:7A Unit 1

编写、校对:张爱红 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


1、年,岁(n.) 2、年级,等级(n.)

3、阅读(n.) 4、兴趣小组,俱乐部(n.)

5、出生,出世 6、在??之后(prep.)

7、长的(adj.) 8、音乐(n.)

9、努力地(adv.) 10、短的(adj.)

11、游泳(n.) 12、眼镜(n.)

13、戴,穿(vt.) 过去式 过去分词

14、喜欢(vt.) 15、排球(n.)

16、足球场 17、游泳(vi.)

18、吃(vt.) 过去式 过去分词

19、鱼,鱼肉(n.) 20、数学(n.)

21、散步(n.) 22、午餐时间(n.)

23、飞,放飞(vi.) 过去式 过去分词

24、每个的(adj.) 25、(一)天,(一)日(n.)

26、绘画(n.) 27、总是(adv.)

28、周末(n.) 29、通常(adv.)

30、跑(vi.) 31、小时(n.)

32、有时(adv.) 33、经常(adv.)

34、正餐(n.) 35、祖父母(n.)

36、餐馆(n.) 37、新闻(n.)

38、运动员(n.) 39、队,组(n.)



1、照看、照料 look after, take care of, care for

2、晚上好 Good evening 3、晚安 Good night

4、12岁 12 years old a twelve-year-old girl

5、喜爱阅读 love reading 在读书兴趣小组 in the Reading Club

6、出生于中国盐城 be born in Yancheng, China

7、放学后 after school 课后 after class

8、长长的黑发 long black hair 短发 have short hair

9、听音乐 listen to music 10、努力学习 study / work hard

11、戴着眼镜 wear glasses wear--wore--worn

12、爱玩电脑游戏 enjoy playing computer games

13、既有礼貌又乐于助人 be polite and helpful

14、我的业余爱好 my hobby / hobbies

15、擅长游泳 be good at swimming = do well in swimming = swim well (swim--swam--swum)

16、在足球场上踢足球 play football on the football filed

在羽毛球场打羽毛球 play badminton on the badminton court 在游泳池里游泳 swim in the swimming pool

17、吃鱼 eat fish (eat---ate---eaten)

18、擅长数学 be good at maths Maths is (be) difficult fo me

19、步行回家 walk (vt) home = go home on foot

乘公共汽车回家 take the bus home = go home on the bus / by bus

(take--took--taken) (go--went---gone)

20、跑步半小时 go running for half an hour

21、带我的狗散步 take my dog for a walk(n.)= walk (vt.) my dog

22、喜爱绘画 like drawing 23、放风筝 fly kites (fly--flew--flown)

24、一条体育新闻 a piece of sports news No news is (be) good news

25、爱读足球方面的书 love reading books about football

26、为黄河足球队踢球 play for Huanghe Football Team

= be a member of Huanghe Football Team

27、在午餐时间 at lunctime

28、每天 every day 日常英语everyday English

29、在周末 at the weekend = at weekends

30、在我祖父母的家at my grandparents' home

31、在餐馆里 in a restaurant 32、擅长得分 be good at scoring goals

33、在下届世界杯踢球 play in the next World Cup

34、赢得比赛 win the match win--won--won

35、在比赛中踢得好 play well (adv.) in the match (match--matches)

身体好的 be well (adj.) = be fine

36、高而强壮 tall and strong

37、借我一只橡皮 borrow me a rubber = borrow a rubber from me

38、对我说对不起 say sorry to me

39、开始跑步 begin / start running begin our lessons begin with a song

40、有许我朋友 have lots of friends = have a lot of friends = have many friends

41、喜爱我所有的功课 love all my lessons

42、擅长体育运动 be good at sport

43、去俱乐部 go to clubs 44、听起来很棒 sound great


1、这是一只电子狗。This is an e-dog.


This is the e-dog that I have told you about.


This book is very interesting. I want to buy one.

4、这台电脑很有用,我喜欢它。This computer is useful. I love it.

5、听,有人在敲门。Listen. Someone is knocking at the door.

6、你正在听他所说的吗?Are you listening to what he is saying?

No. I can't hear anything.

7、让我们去散步,好吗?Let's go for a walk, shall we?

8、让我们努力学,好吗?Let us work hard, will you?

9、这棵树高8米。This tree is eight metres tall./This is an eight-metre-tall tree.

10、这首音乐听起来很优美。This piece of music sounds beautiful.


The man wearing / with glasses is good at playing badminton./ ...does well in playing badminton / ... plays badminton well.

12、她每天打的回家。She takes a taxi home every day.

= She goes home by taxi./in a taxi every day.


His sister practises speaking everyday English every day.

14、我能借你的尺吗?Can I borrow your ruler? = Can I borrow a ruler from you? = Can you lend me your ruler? / your ruler to me?

对不起,我没有。I'm sorry I don't have one.


Can you tell me how to say the word in English? / how I can say the word in English?


What do your friends say? They say that I am (both) tall and slim.

17、吃晚饭时他们吃了许多鱼肉。They ate much /a lot of fish at lunchtime. / when they had supper.

18、你有钢笔吗?Do you have a pen? Yes, I do.


1. quite / very很,非常

quite an easy question = a quite easy question = a very easy question

2. look / look at; listen / listen to...

_________! There is a dog on the desk.

_________ the dog! What's it doing?

_________! Who's singing?

_________ to the teacher, please.

3. week, weekday, weekend

(1)There are seven days in a _________.

(2)I get up early to school on _________.

(3)She goes hiking at the _________.

4. Yao Ming is a player of the Rocket Basket Team.

Yao Ming is _________ the Rocket Basket Team.

Yao Ming _________ for the Rocket Basket Team.

Yao Ming is a _________ of the Rocket Basket Team.

5. Excuse me / I'm sorry

(1)_________, can I borrow your pencil?

(2)_________ that I can't come.

(3)---________. How do you say that in English? ---________, I didn't know.

6. sometimes, some times, sometime, some time

(1) _________ he goes to the cinema on Sunday.

(2)He has been to Beijing for _________.

(3)We'll take our holiday _________ in August.

(4)I spend _________ practising speaking English every day.


复习内容:7A Unit 2

编写、校对:张爱红 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


1、睡觉(vi.& n.) 2、锻炼(vi. & n.)

3、家庭作业(n.) 4、晚餐(n.)

5、最好(的) (adj.&adv.) 6、聊天,闲谈(vi.& n.)

7、彼此,相互 8、首先;第一(的)(adj.& adv.)


10、图书馆(n.) 11、星期二(n.)

12、星期五(n.) 13、游泳者(n.)

14、超过,多于 15、种类(n.)

16、电子邮件(n.) 17、发送;运送(vt.)

18、使用(vt.) 19、两次;两倍(adv.)

20、星期,周(n.) 21、报纸(n.)

22、许多的,大量的(adj.) 非常;更加(adv.)

23、两者;双方(pron.) 两者的,双方的(adj.)

24、一起,共同(adv.) 25、星期四(n.)

26、星期一(n.) 27、星期三(n.)

28、演讲;讲座(n.) 29、忙的,忙碌的(adj.)

30、旅行;旅程(n.) 31、每个的,每一(adj.)

32、价格(n.) 33、想要

34、在外面(adv.) 35、大概;或许(adv.)

36、希望,愿望(n.) 37、世界(n.)

38、难的,困难的(adj.) 39、部分(n.)

40、答案(n.) 41、问题(n.)



1. wake sb up 叫醒某人 wake him up, wake Li Lei up=wake up Li Lei

2. go to sleep 去睡觉 fall asleep 入睡 be sleepy 打盹 be sleeping 在睡觉

3. (1)have fun 获得乐趣 have great / lots of fun doing sth...

(2)It is fun to do sth 做某事是有趣的,句中fun为形容词

4. keep a diary = keep diaries记日记

5. do morning / eye exercises 做早/眼保健操

6. at lunchtime在午餐时

7. sit under the tree in on the playground坐在操场的树下

8. be all nice / friendly to me 都对我很友好

9. chat with each other or play games

10. go to the school library去学校图书馆

11. (1)a member of the Swimming Club 游泳俱乐部的一员

(2)a very good swimmer 一位非常出色的游泳选手

12. e-mail me = send an e-mail to me 发电子邮件给我

13. have a lesson / have lessons 上课 14. play badminton打羽毛球

15. listen to the radio 听收音机 listen to...听??

16. make model planes 制造飞机模型 17. read newspaper 看报纸

18. in the school football team 在学校足球队

19. (1)meet up with sb.约见某人 (2)meet every lunchtime每天午餐时间见面

20. go to her dancing lessons 去上她的舞蹈课

21. teach sb.(实) sth. e.g. teach us English教我们的英语

22. walk it every day 每天溜它 / 带它散步

23. say hello to sb. 向某人问候 say...to sb.

24. have a trip / go on a trip 旅行 have a trip (to Beijing)到北京旅行

25. (1)be open from seven thirty to 5 p.m. (2)be closed on Mondays

26. learn more about the world 更多的了解世界

27. the answer to the question the answer to (介) ??的答案


1. Is it time for breakfast? 该到吃早餐的时间了吗?

It's time for sth / doing sth It's time for running.

It's time for sb to do sth. 该某人干??的时候了

2. Some dogs just don't know how to have fun. 一些狗不知道怎样获得乐趣。

3. Our lessons begin / start at 8.25 a.m.我们的课在上午8:25开始。

4. I spend about two hours a day doing my homework.


5.We always have a good time(have fun)at our school. 我们在学校总是很开心。

6. ---Does Millie watch football matches on TV every day?

---Yes. She does. / No, she doesn't.


7. Peter and I both love football.我和彼得两人都热爱足球。

8. We play together all the time. 我们一直在一起合作

9. She is very busy and does not have much time to talk with her friends.

10. I can't hear his well. hear sb well 听清??

11. (1)Each student can spend 10 yuan. (2)The price fo each student is 5 yuan.

12. Thank you for organizing the class trip.

Thank sb for doing sth...感谢某人干了??

13. We are all looking forward to a great day out!

look forward to sth. / doing sth 盼望??(干??)

14. What do you think of your new school?

= How do you like your new school? 你觉得你新学校怎样?

15. Can I borrow your pen? 我可以借用你的钢笔吗?

四、Grammar (代词)


( )1. ---Mom, I want to ask grandpa a question.

---Oh. _______ is reading a newspaper upstairs.

A. He B. Him C. His D. Himself

( )2. ---Do you know about David? ---Yes, I know _______ very well.

A. he B. himself C. him D. his

( )3. ---Sonia, is this your dictionary?

---Oh, no, it's not _______. Ask Li Lei, he is looking for _______.

A. me; hers B. mine; him C. my; her D. mine; his

( )4. Some of the stickers belong to me, while the rest are _______.

A. him and her B. his and her C. his and hers D. him and hers

( )5. ---Whose notebook is it?

---It belongs to Lily. Didn't you see _______ name on it?

A. she B. her C. hers

( )6. Pass _______ the knife, please. My pencil is broken.

A. I B. my C. me D. mine

( )7. ---_______ school is much larger than _______. ---Really?

A. Our; your B. Our; yours C. Ours; yours D. We; you

( )8. Their English teacher is from America, and _______ is from England.

A. ours B. my C. your D. her

( )9. ---Whose painting is this? It's really wonderful!

---Oh, it's not _______. It's _______.

A. hers; your B. mine; Elsa's C. yours; her D. his; my


1. They should spend _________ (足够的) time on it.

2. Some people in the _________ (西方) find Chinese difficult to learn.

3. You must _________ (练习) more if you want to be a good player.

4. There are sixty _________ (秒) in a minute.

5. I don't know who __________ (发明) the computer.

6. I _________ (驾驶) my car to Beijing last summer.

7. ---Excuse me, may I _________ (借) your eraser?

---Certainly. Here you are.

8. ---Do you know the _________ (重量) of the giraffe?

---It's about 30 kilograms.

9. The dictionary is _________ (help) to me. I want to buy it.

10. Liu Xiang is a super sportman. He is very good at _________ (run).

11. It usually takes me half an hour _________ (read) English in the morning.

12. December is the _________ (twelve) month of a year.


复习内容:7A Unit 3

编写、校对:梁红玉 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


1、有趣的 2、给??穿衣服/服装/长裙

3、圣诞节 4、节日

5、中秋节 6、十月

7、给??命名 8、喊叫

9、糖果 10、脸

11、出色的,极好的 12、牙齿(单/复数)

13、巧克力 14、热的(原级/比较级)

15、饮料 16、食物

17、元旦 18、五一节

19、儿童节 20、国庆节

21、卡片 22、大米、稻、米饭

23、电影、胶卷 24、假期

25、冷的(反义词) 26、春、夏、秋、冬


28、会议;集合 29、铅笔盒

30、通过、兼、用 31、钓鱼,鱼

32、火车 33、钱

34、狮子 35、日期

36、街 37、西方

38、蜡烛 39、先


1、装扮成鬼dress up as a ghost 2、穿上红色打扮起来 dress up in red

3、穿着红色衣服be dressed in red clothes / be in red / be wearing red clothes

4、给某人穿衣 dress sb. 5、穿着长裙 wear / be in a dress

6、在圣诞节 at christmas / on Christmas Day

7、在中秋节 on Mid-Autumn Festival Day

8、感谢某人做某事 thank sb. for doing sth

9、为万圣节做准备 get ready for Halloween

10、在十月三十一日晚上 on the evening of October 31st

11、开个特殊的聚会 have a special party

12、做一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏 play a game called "trick or treat"

13、用糖果招待我们 treat us candies / give us some candy as a treat / give us a treat of some candy

14、捉弄某人 play a trick on sb 15、把某人当作??treat sb. as...

16、穿着有面具的特制戏服 wear special costumes with / and masks.

17、穿着老虎戏服 wear a tiger costume

18、用南瓜制成灯笼make the pumpkin into a lantern

=make a lantern out of a pumpkin.

19、挖出眼睛 cut out the eyes 20、吃粽子eat rice dumplings

21、在吃早饭时 at breakfast 22、在冬天 in winter

23、带某人散步 talk sb for a walk / walk sb.

24、度长假 go on / have a long holiday 度假 go on holiday = have a holiday =go...for a holiday

25、渡两天假 have a two-day holiday

26、看舞狮 watch the lion dance

27、在??的另一边on the other / opposite side of..

28、设法做?? try to do sth

29、收到红包 get / receive some red packets

30、这是某人第一次做某事 It's one's first time to do sth.

31、西方人 people in the west 32、在许多方面 in many ways

33、剪出碎卡片 cut out pieces of cards

34、通过??照射 shine through... 35、一天多次many times a day

36、需要许多能量去跳舞 need lots of energy to dance

37、如此喜欢 / 非常喜欢 like...so much / very much / a lot

38、敲邻居的门 knock on / at the neighbours' doors

39、即将到来的星期天 the coming Sunday


1、万圣节我们做什么?What do we do for Halloween?


Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we are.


? My family always have a party on the evening of October 31st.

4、我们中饭吃什么?What do we have for lunch?

5、你将去哪儿渡假?Where are you going on holiday / for a holiday?

6、圣诞节你想要什么?What do you want for Christmas?

7、我正在纽约渡假。I'm on holiday / having a holiday in New York.


If the children do not get any candy, they can play a trick on the neighbour.


1、介词 at / in / on

A、表时间 at +点时刻 at 7 o'clock, at table

in+段时间 将来时“在??后” 5天后 in five days in+段时间 过去时“在??内 ” 5天内 in five days on+具体某天 on Sunday / Christmas Day on a windy day

B、表地点 at + 某个点上 sit at the table stand at the side of the road.

固定搭配 at school / at have / at Christmas

in+范围 in the school / in the street

on +表面上 on the road / on the way

2、some / any


May I ask you some questions?

Would you like some oranges?

I'll go to Beijing some day. (某一天)

any 用于否定句、疑问句,if条件状语从句等。在肯定句中any为“任何”。 Do you have any ink?

You can ask the teacher for help if you have any question(s).

He is better than any other student in his class.


( )1. Thanks for _______ the apple for me.

A. cuts B. cuting C. cutting D. cut

( )2. There _______ lots of nice food on the table.

A. are B. have C. is D. has

( )3. Let's play a game _______ "trick or treat".

A. call B. calls C. called D. calling

( )4. Millie often _______ a very special costume at the party.

A. wears B. dresses C. puts on D. dresses up

( )5. We don't eat mooncakes on Thanksgiving Day _______ we eat turkey.

A. and B. or C. but D. when

( )6. ---____ do you usually do at Christmas? ---We usually sing and dance.

A. Why B. When C. What D. How

( )7. ---_______ do you celebrate Chinese New Year?

---We celebrate by giving presents.

A. Where B. What C. Why D. How

( )8. Chidlren want to _______ a present _______ their teacher because

tomorrow is Teachers' Day.

A. buy; to B. buy; for C. buys; to D. buy; /

( )9. People often give _______ a treat of dinner.

A. he B. I C. them D. they

( )10. Sandy was born _______ April, 2004.

A. in B. at C. on D. for

( )11. The children always like to play a game _______ "find your friend".

A. calls B. called C. calling D. to call

( )12. ---_______ are you going _______ June? ---I'm going to Paris.

A. Who; with B. Who; and C. Where; with D. How; with

( )13. We have hot _______ and eat lots of nice, hot _______.

A. drink; foods B. drinks; foods C. food; drinks D. drinks; food

( )14. Thank you for ______ us about Dragon Boat Festival.

A . to tell B . telling C . told D . telling

( )15. It will be ______ time I see fireworks.

A . one B . the one C . the first D . first


复习内容:7A Unit 4

编写、校对:梁红玉 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


1、讨厌,恨 2、疲劳的

3、改变,变化 4、水果

5、面包 6、糖果,甜的

7、从不,决不 8、蔬菜

9、重要的 10、以前

11、甜的 12、肉

13、饥饿的 14、锻炼

15、跳舞者 16、健康的

17、很少 18、头等的,顶

19、快的 20、果汁

21、水 22、胡萝卜

23、容易的,简单的 24、保持

25、小心的,仔细的 26、计划,打算

27、学习 28、糖


1、一天许多次many times a day

2、需要许多能量去跳舞need lots of energy to dance

3、三餐之间between meals 4、对??有好处be good for...

5、早餐吃一个苹果eat an apple for breakfast

6、我不再吃它们了 I don't eat them any more

7、一名优等生a top student

8、多久(一次)how often 9、一包面a packet of noodles

10、计划吃健康的三餐plan to have healthy meals

11、走到??walk to...= go to... on foot

12、讨厌鸡蛋hate eggs

13、想成为一名舞蹈演员want to be a dancer 想要健康want to be healthy


A healthy diet is very important for a dancer.

15、当我跳舞时,我很容易变累。It's easy for me to get tired when I dance.

16、保持健康 keep / stay fit / healthy

17、很少吃零食 seldom eat sweet snacks

18、它们里面有太多的糖 There is too much sugar in them

19、喜欢学习、喜欢与某人聊天 like studying and chatting with sb.

20、快跑 run fast 21、从来不锻炼 never do any exercise

22、健康 have good health = be in good health=be healthy

23、小心她的日常饮食 be careful with her diet

24、生活在水中 live in water


spend all his free time sitting in front of the computer.

26、去上舞蹈课 go to her dancing lessons 27、滑旱冰 go roller skating

28、晚饭吃这么多东西 have so many things for dinner

29、四公斤肉 four kilos of meat 30、五盒牛奶 five cartons of milk

31、一袋盐 a packet of salt

32、一周不足三次less than three times a week

33、more than 超过=over 34、需要多锻炼need to exercise more

35、少看电视 watch less TV

36、看2个小时的电视 watch 2 hours of TV= watch TV for 2 hours

37、躺在长沙发上 lie on the couch lie--lay--lain


Good luck with your new diet and life style. Good luck with sth / to sb.

39、吸收 take in 40、在不变胖的情况下without getting fat


give me energy for playing volleyball. (=to play volleyball)








radio ______ dish ______ tomato ______ library ______ hero _______

boy ______ shelf ______ stomach ______ wish ______ potato ______

leaf ______ foot ______ tooth ______ child ______ mango ______ woman ______ human ______ mouse ______ sheep ________


如:一件家具____________ 两则新闻____________

二杯牛奶____________ 几公斤肉____________


( )1. Jim ______ plays football, but he ______ plays the piano.

A. often; usually B. seldom; never

C. never; often D. always; sometimes

( )2. ---______ can you finish the work that the teacher told you to do?

---In two days.

A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How much

( )3. These ______ want to have some ______ for lunch, so they decide to catch many.

A. Frenchman; fish B. Frenchmen; fish

C. Frenchman; fishes D. Frenchmen; fishes

( )4. ---Would you like some drinks, boys? ---Yes, ______, please.

A. some oranges B. two boxes of chocolates

C. some cakes D. two bottles of orange

( )5. The man with thick glasses is ______ Chinese teacher.

A. Tom and Carl B. Tom or Carl

C. Tom and Carl's D. Tom's and Carl's

( )6. Many western festivals are very popular in China, but ______ is still the most important for the Chinese.

A. April Fool's Day B. Christmas Day

C. Halloween D. Spring Festival

( )7. Fish can't live _______ water.

A. without B. with C. haven't D. hasn't

( )8. There _______ some milk and bread on the table. You can have them _______ breakfast.

A. is; for B. is; in C. are; for D. are; in

( )9. Fish is _______ food because it is good for your _______.

A. health; health B. healthy; healthy

C. healthy; health D. health; healthy

( )10. Is there _______ sugar in candies?

A. much too B. many too C. too many D. too much

( )11. It is very important fo us _______ every day.

A. exercise B. to exercise C. exercising D. exercises

( )12. He can't run fast because he never does _______ exercise.

A. some B. any C. many D. a

( )13. "_______ we eat and _______ we live" is a title (标题).

A. What; what B. How; how C. What; how D. How; what

( )14. There _______ calories in water.

A. have no B. have some C. are no D. are some

( )15. Can I help you ? I 'd like some ______.

A. orange and orange juice B. oranges and orange juices

C. oranges and orange juice D. orange and orange juices

( )16.--How often do you play basketball?--_________.

A.Twice B.In the afternoon C.Every week D.At school

( )17.Don't eat _______sweets.There is____ sugar in it.

A.too many ;too much B.too many ;too many

C.too much; too much D.too much; too many

( )18.Tom,______the other boys,________the football very much.

A.like ,like B.likes ,like C.like,likes D.is like,likes

( )19.It's time ______class. Let's go!

A.for B.to C.have D.for have

( )20.English is easy ____________.

A.learn B.learning C.to learn D.learns


7A Unit 5

编写、校对:左成鸿 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


1、钱包(n.) 2、已经(adv.)

3、店主(n.) 4、分钟(n.)

5、稍等片刻 6、昂贵的(adj.)

7、值(多少钱),花费(vt.) 8、不要紧

9、漂亮的(adj.) 10、区域

11、高的 形_________ 名_________ 12、与??相配

13、书店(n.) 14、邀请(vt.)

15、拜访,访问(vt. n.) 16、轮次(n.)

17、冰淇淋 18、付钱(vi. vt.)

19、收集 20、募集

21、国家(n.) 22、你的真诚的

23、双,对,副(n.) 24、靴(n.)

25、尺寸,大小(n.) 26、便宜的(adj.)

27、牛仔裤(n.) 28、裙子(n.)

29、(鞋)合脚,衣服(合身) 30、灰色的(adj.)

31、大的(adj.) 32、出租车(n.)

33、中心(n.) 34、然而,但是



1. 去买东西go shopping / do some / the shopping

2. 有空 be free = have time

3. 我的钱包在这儿Here's my wallet 跟我来come with me

4. 为他买只溜溜球 buy him a yo-yo = buy a yo-yo for him

5. 他没有溜溜球 He doesn't have a yo-yo = He has no yo-yo

6. 和她最喜欢的T-恤相配 go well with / match her favourite T-shirt

7. 不用谢You're welcome=That's OK. = That's all right. = Not at all.

= It's a pleasure.

8. 稍等片刻 just a minute / wait a moment / minute

9. 去年的卡片有折扣 there's a discount on last year's cards

10. 等很短的时间 wait for a short time = just a minute

11. 削价 a cut in price=discount

12. 叫她为她的朋友买张CD ask her to buy a CD for her friend

=buy her friend a CD

13. 看一看take / have a look 14. 不要紧 never mind

15. 和Amy买一样的东西buy the same things as Amy

16. 不同种类的书 different kinds of books

17. 服装店 a clothes shop 18. 体育用品商店 a sports shop

19. 鞋店a shoe shop

20. 为他找一些好的东西 find something good for him

21. 四点半 half past four = four thirty

22. 此刻,现在(做某事) at the moment/at present/right now / now

23. 等轮到我 wait for my turn (to do sth)

24. 想做某事 would like to do sth / want to do sth / feel like doing sth.

25. 呆在外面太迟 stay out too late 26. 许愿 make wishes

27. 站在桌边 stand at the table

28. 处于需要的孩子 children in need

29. 中国贫穷地区的一些孩子 some children in poor areas in China

30. 为他们募集一些钱 raise some money for them

31. 一双足球靴 a pair of football boots

32. 你的脚多大?What size are your feet? 8码。I'm a size eight.

33. 我能试穿一下吗?Could I try them on?

34. 你有一双便宜一点的吗?Do you have a cheaper pair?

35. 他们多少钱?

How much are they?=What's the price of...? = How much do they cost?

36. 五个楼面的商店 5 floors of shops 37. 还需要一些 need some more

38. 在顶楼 on the top floor

39. 太多的人 too many people (可数名词复数) too much+不可数名词

40. 一个可去的极有趣的地方 a really fun place to go

一个会朋友的好地方 a good place to meet friends

41. 在隔壁的商店里面 inside the shop next door

42. 打110求助call 110 for help


1. That's right / All right / That's all right填空

(1)---She is good at English. ---________.

(2)---Let's go shopping this evening. ---________.

(3)---That's a good idea. Thank you, mum. ---________. I hope it will work.

2. Can I help you?请问我能帮你忙吗?


(1)Thank you, but I'm just looking.谢谢,我只是看看而已。

(2)I will ask for your help when I need it.需要时我会找你的。

(3)No, thanks.不需要,谢谢。


(1)I want to buy...我想买??

(2)I would like...我想(买)??

(3)I want...我想要??

3. 用spend / cost / buy / pay填空


(1)sb. spend some money on sth. / (in) buying sth.

(2)sth. cost sb. some money

(3)sb. buy sth. for some money.

(4)sb. pay some money for sth.

e.g. ①How much did the book ________ you?

②How much did you ________ on the trainer?

③How much did you ________ for the trousers?

④How much did you ________ the hat for?


1. There be

A、there be的肯定结构


(1)There ______ (be) a clock and some pictures on the wall.

(2)There ______ (be) great changes in the past three years.

(3)There ______ (be) a new building in the street next year.

B、have (has)结构和there be句型的区别

(1)I ______ (有) an English workbook.

______ (有) many students in the school.

(2)The room ______ (有) four windows.

In the room ______ (有) two doors.

2. 现在进行时

a.构成:主+be (am, is, are) + Ving +...

b. V--Ving

(1)一般在动词末尾加—ing,如:eat---eating, drink---drinking, go---going, think---thinking, read---reading, look---looking


(3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,中间只有一个元音字母,词尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加ing,如:sit---sitting, run---running, begin---beginning,cut---cutting,control--controlling



( ) Listen! Some boys ______ about Harry Potter. Let's join them.

A. were talking B. are talking C. have talked D. talk

( ) ---What ____ under your bed, Nick?

---Oh, were is my model plane, Dad?

A. do you do B. are you doing C. have you done D. did you do


1. You have to treat because I have no money in my w__________.

2. The picture m__________ the sitting room well. How well they go!

3. Nowdays houses are w__________ so much money that many people can't

afford them.

4. How much does the watch __________ (花费) you?

5. Are you interesting in __________ (收集) stamps?

6. We __________ money for the disabled last term.(募集)

7. In summer, the temperature in Guangzhou is __________ (热).

8. Beijing is the culture __________ (中心) of China.

9. The player is 2.03 metres in h__________.

10. Birds are losing their living ________ (区域) because of serious pollution.


7A Unit 6

编写、校对:左成鸿 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


1、时装;时尚,风尚 2、懒惰的

3、领带;领结 4、表演;演出;节目

5、粉红色的 6、受欢迎的

7、色彩艳丽的 8、棉;棉布;棉花

9、帅的,聪明的 10、羊毛

11、皮;皮革 12、丝;丝绸

13、也 14、(人或服装)神气的

15、摩登的 16、舒服的

17、与??相配 18、短裤

19、套装,一套衣服 20、重的

21、轻的 22、乏味的,无聊的

23、后来,以后 24、最后

25、选择(动/名) 26、由??制成

27、任何一个 28、海报



1、在床上再呆10分钟 spend 10 more minutes in bed


give a fashion show to raise money for Project Hope

3、一条牛仔裤 / 一双鞋子 / 靴子 / 一件短裤

a pair of jeans / trainers / boots / shorts

4、给某人看某物 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.

5、从二十世纪七十年代到九十年代 from the 1970s to the 1990s

6、在二十世纪七十年in the 1970s

7、看起来很多彩/ 酷/神气/摩登 look very colourful / cool / smart / modern

8、长长的红色的皮靴子 long red leather boots

9、留着二十世纪九十年代的发型 wear her hair in a 1990s style

10、运动服/鞋 sports clothes / shoes

11、年轻人的最爱 young people's favourite

12、设计时髦的衣服 design fashionable clothes

13、棉制的/羊毛的 be cotton / wool = be made of cotton / wool

14、穿白色裤子看起来酷 look cool in white trousers

15、把它 / 它们打开/ 关掉 turn it / them on / off

16、最后finally = at last = in the end

17、首先??First..., Then..., Next..., Afterwards..., Finally

18、进行旅行 go on a trip = have a trip 28、对??合适 be suitable for

19、与??很配 match well with / match...well / go well with

20、使我的设计更好 make my design better (make sth. + adj.)

21、浅/深蓝色 light / dark blue

22、选择穿什么choose what to wear

23、帮助贫困地区的孩子help the children in poor areas

24、一件黄色的棉女衬衫a yellow cotton blouse

25、穿起来舒适 be comfortable to wear

26、谈论为贫困学生筹钱talk about raising money for poor students

27、拍照take photos 28、相当不一样be quite / very different

29、和我的家人吃饭 have dinner with my family

30、太紧 too tight


1、我相信他们在任何人身上会看起来酷。I'm sure they will look cool on anyone. = I'm sure anyone will look cool in then.

2、他们一定软而舒服 They must be light and comfortable

肯定猜测 must be 否定猜测 can't be 可能猜测may be

3、我希望看到你最好的设计。I hope to see your best design.

hope to do sth hope+从句

4、??进展得怎样? What's going on with...?

5、Simon来了。Here comes Simon. = Simon is coming.

6、今天的时装表演到此结束。That's all for today's fashion show.

7、她想要我穿一双红白相间运动鞋因为他认为他们不能使我的脚感到热。She wants me to wear a pair of red and white trainers because she thinks they don't make my feet feel hot.


can与may是口语中常用的两个情态动词,它们都可表示“可能”或“许可”,其后都接动词原形。但can是大众化用词,may比较正式。有时两者可换用,如:May (Can) I come in?同学们用时请注意:

1、如表示可能,can可以用各种句式,而may只用于肯定句。请求可不可以做一件事,常用May I...?句式提问,肯定回答一般可用Yes, you may. 但显得不够客气。更常用的客气表达是Yes, please.或Certainly.等。否定回答一般常用的是Please don't...; No, you can't; No, you mustn't.等。mustn't和can't表示“不可以,不许”(一般不用may not,因为比较生硬)。


3、may的否定形式为mayn't (但较为罕见)。can的否定形式为cannot,缩略形式为can't。如:

A: Can I read the newspapers?

B: Yes, of course. Here you are.

A: May I have some tea?

B: Yes, please. / Certainly. Help yourself.

A: Can (May) I smoke here?

B: No, you can't. / No. you mustn't. Look at the sign.



1. The song which was created by Presely is p__________ with his fans.

2. Yancheng is one of the most important areas that produces _______ (棉花).

3. The shoes made of l__________ are comfortable to wear but they are a little dear.

4. He had no __________ (选择) to call 110 for help at that moment.

5. He was very angry that this pair of new shoes made him feel __________ (不舒服).

6. With the development of __________ (现代) medicine, most sicknesses can be cured.

7. The more carefully you do it, the __________ (少) mistakes you willmake.

8. I didn't go to his birthday party because I wasn't i__________ to.


( )1. Listen! He is talking _______ his school activities.

A. to B. about C. with D. on

( )2. You'll do much better _______ you're more careful with your spelling.

A. if B. before C. although D. unless

( )3. Learn to think _______ you are young, or we may never learn.

A. during B. when C. before D. after

( )4. ---Where's Sally? ---She _____ to Hongkong. She _____ yesterday.

A. went; left B. has gone; left

C. has been; has left D. has left; went

( )5. The children ____ to swim last month and they can swim very well now.

A. are taught B. were taught C. have taught D. taught

( )6. ---The ball is small, but I can't throw if far.

---Neither can I. It's too _______.

A. good B. old C. heavy D. dirty

( )7. ---Sorry, I'm late. When _______ the meeting _______?

---Oh, it _______ for ten minutes.

A. did; begin; has begun B. did; begin; has been on

C. has; begun; has begun D. was; began; began

( )8. ---What do you _______ your hometown? ---I love it very much.

A. look at B. talk about C. think of D. like

( )9. In 2003, Song Zuying, a singer from China, ______ a solo concert(独唱 音乐会) successfully in Vienna(维也纳).

A. give B. gives C. given D. gave

( )10. ---_______ are you going to stay in Beijing? ---About five days.

A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How much


复习内容:7B Unit 1

编写、校对:赵晓艳 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


(I) 1、皇宫 2、首都 3、海滩

4、海 5、镇 6、江,河

7、孩子 8、花园 9、公寓

10、街道 11、邻居 12、咖啡

13、粉笔 14、录像 15、米

16、台灯 17、书柜 18、淋浴

19、浴室 20、浴缸 21、便池

22、扶手椅 23、床头柜 24、矮茶几

25、客厅 26、餐厅 27、一楼(英)

(II)28、梦想,做梦(n./v.) 29、雨,下雨(n. / vi.)

30、煮,厨师(vt. / n.) 31、爬,攀登

32、分享 33、种植 34、到达 35、担心

(III)36、安静的 37、友好的 38、大多数的

39、整洁的 40、其他的 41、它的

(IV)42、在??的上方 43、到??里面

44、在??之间 45、在??的上面

46、在??的下面 47、超过

48、至少 49、当??的时候

(V)50、第二 51、第五 52、第七

53、第三 54、第四 55、第九

56、第十一 57、第十二 58、第二十

59、零 60、十六 61、十七

62、十九 63、七十 64、九十

65、千 66、百万


1、住在餐馆旁live next to a restaurant 2、中国首都the capital of China

3、看漫画 read comics -= read comic books

4、朝外看海滩look out at the beach 朝窗外看look out of the window

5、住在木屋里 live in a wooden house

6、在莫斯科的中心in the centre of Moscow

7、在一条繁华的街道上 on a busy street

8、在第七层楼 on the seventh floor 9、与某人分享某物share sth with sb.

10、到达arrive at / in = get to = reach

11、迫不及待做某事 can't wait to do sth / can't wait for sth

12、带你去长城 take you to the Great Wall

13、与??不同be different from 与??相同the same as

14、拥有你自己的卧室 have your own bedroom

15、我可以和??接电话吗? May I speak to...?


This is XX (speaking). Is that XX (speaking)

16、至少五个房间 at least five rooms 至多at most

17、在一楼(英) on the ground floor

18、和我一起呆在家 stay with me at home 19、50米长 50 metres long

20、有12个淋浴的房间a room with twelve showers

21、洗澡(淋浴) have / take a bath / shower 22、同时 at the same time

23、住在我上(下)两层 live two floors above / below me


1、你愿意住在宫殿里吗? Would you like to live in a palace?

2、什么是你最喜爱的? What's your favourite?

3、我爬上梯子进入我的房间。I climb a ladder to get into my house.

=I get into my house with / using a ladder.

4、花园是种花最好的地方。A garden is the best place to grow flowers.


Where else are we going?=What other places are we going?

6、听起来太棒了。That sounds great.

7、我迫不及待的打开电视。I can't wait to turn on the TV.

我们迫切地等即将到来的假期。 We can't wait for the coming holiday.


1. 介词的用法above / on / over


The air conditioner is above the window. The plane is flying above the sea.

The wooden house is over the river. There are some books on the desk.

方位介词between, behind, beside, below, opposite, under, near, next to,

in front of (in the front of), inside, outside, around...


(1)Our football is _______ the desk.

(2)Han Meimei sits _______ Li Lei and Lin Tao.

(3)I ran _______ the hill and found something beautiful.

(4)Hobo is walking _______ the table.

(5)The museum is _______ to the garden.

(6)The broom is _______ the door, so I can not see it.

(7)There is a bridge _______ the river.

(8)I parked the car _______ the shop.

2. 基数词、序数词的用法

(1)6, 425, 200读作six million, four hundred and twenty-five thousand, two hundred


第一first, 第二second, 第三third, 第五fifth, 第八eighth, 第九ninth, 第十二twelfth, 第二十twentieth, 第二十一twenty-first, 第四十fortieth, 第一百one hundredth


1)I'm the _________ (1) to get to school.

2)When is your birthday? It's on July _________ (13).

3)Thursday is the _________ (5) day in a week.

4)The building has ________ (12) floors. My flat is on the ________(12) floor.

5)The shirt is _________ (52) yuan.

3、arrive, get与reach

( )1. With the help of the Internet. news can _____ every corner of the world.

A. arrive B. reach C. go D. get

( )2. When I _______ the farm, the children had finished _______ the apples.

A. reached; picking B. got; picking

C. came; picked D. arrived in; to pick

4、lie躺、卧 lying--lay--lain

我看到有一个包躺在地上。_______________________________________ 他昨晚躺在床上休息。___________________________________________



1. Can you answer the ______ (第三) question and the fourth one in Chinese.

2. The documentary was filmed in India ______(在??之间) 2004 and 2006.

3. "One World, One ______ (梦想)" is the slogan(口号) of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

4. I think the _________ (第二十) lesson is the most difficult of all.

5. Last week, _________ (千) of people took part in the donation activity to help the children in poor areas.

6. ---Could you tell me the c_________ of America? ---Washington.

7. December is the t_________ month of a year.

8. It's good manners to keep q_________ in a library.

9. There is a small g_________ in front of my house. There are many different kinds of flowers in it.

10. He is better than any o__________ student in his class.


1. Linton is interested in Chinese history and this is his _________ (four) visit to Beijing.

2. We will have the meeting on the _________ (twelve) floor.

3. The ____ (shelf) in the library are very old. We need to buy some new ones.

4. Look, there is a dog _________ (lie) on the ground.

5. I live with my family in a _________ (wood) house.

6. A garden is the _________ (good) place to grow flowers.

7. It's _________ (real) different from the flats in Beijing.

8. She lives on the _________ (one) floor of that building.

9. There are many famous _________ (beach) in Hongkong.

10. We had a special party for his _________ (nine) birthday last Sunday. 20xx年春初三英语复习教学案(八)

复习内容:7B Unit 2

编写、校对:赵晓艳 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


1、没有一个(人或的) 2、点(菜)

3、生命,生活 4、地铁

5、较少的 6、空气

7、污染 8、比

9、乡村 10、湖

11、建筑物 12、近的

13、例子 14、远

15、买东西 16、直到??时候

17、试图 18、西方的

19、剧院 20、土地

22、教 过去式_______过去分词_______ 23、状态

24、脏的 25、戏剧

26、离开 27、(男)侍者

28、购物者 29、患病的

30、医院 31、学习

32、数,点数 33、火腿

34、叉子 35、盘子

36、将会(用于第一人称) 37、明信片

38、举行,拿着 过去式_______过去分词_______ 39、钥匙环

40、准备 41、错过

42、金制的 43、在明天

44、离开 过去式_______过去分词_______45、完整的

46、骑 过去式_______过去分词_______47、自行车

48、在??周围 49、家乡

50、暖和的 51、晴朗的


1、许多听狗食 many tins of dog food

2、带他们到体育中心 take them to the sports centre

3、去散步 go walking 4、离我们的朋友近be close to our friends

5、他们的作业需要帮助 need help witht heir homework

6、计划做某事 plan to do sth (planned-planned--planning)

7、不要紧 never mind 8、有许多事要做There are lots of things to do

9、属于我belong to me 10、15条面包fiften loaves of bread

11、4大盒牛奶 four big cartons of milk

12、感到病了 feel sick (felt--felt)

13、举行一次欢送会hold / have a welcome party (hold--held--held)

14、为聚会准备食物和饮料 prepare food and drink for the party

15、和留学生成为好朋友become good friends with the exchange students

16、我所有的同学 all (of) my classmates 17、国画 Chinese paintings

18、错过做某事 miss doing sth

19、带你参观我的家乡 show you around my hometown = take you to visit my hometown (show--showed--shown)

20、种蔬菜和花 grow vegetables and flowers (grow--grew--grown)

21、离开某地去某地 leave sp. for sp (leave--left--left)

去某地 leave for sp

使炉子生着火 leave the stove on 把??忘在家里leave sth at home

把某人单独留下 leave sb. alone /by oneself

只剩下一瓶牛奶 have / there be a bottle of milk left

22、许多西餐饭店lots of Western restaurants

23、艺术品 works of art


1、It's only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground.


注意:句中in the centre of = in the middle of.

2. There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.




3. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see and to do.这儿有许多有


4. I sent an e-mail to Mr Wu to say thank you because he helped us a lot.


5. Outside the garden is a bus stop.倒装句

There's a bus stop outside the garden.

6. How many tins of dog food can we buy with the money? 我们那些钱能买多少狗食?

7. We can talk to the exchange students in English.我们能用英语交流.


1.none一是指代物和人; 二是用于回答“多少”的问题;

no one只指代人,回答“谁”的问题;nothing指代物,回答“什么”的问题。

(1).How much money do you have?和How many children do you have?


(2) Who is not here?

回答用:No one. 或Nobody.

(3)What's on the desk?


2. none一词主要是作为代词来使用,他可指代人、事物或东西的一部分,可以单独使用,也可以与of连用,谓语动词用单复数形式均可,可译为“没人,没有(一点)东西”或“一个没有”。

例如:None (of them) know(s) about it.

“Do you have any money?”“Sorry, I have none.”

--__________ (多少)dog food does Eddie have? --____________(没有).


( )1. ---Mum, may I have some cakes?

---Sorry, there's ___ left in the box. I'll go and buy some for you tonight.

A. nothing B. no one C. no D. none

( )2. ---Tim, how many students did you see in the classroom?

---_______. All the boys and girls were playing outside.

A. Few B. Some C. None D. Not many

3. 冠词:不定冠词a(an),定冠词the,重点掌握the的情况。

(1)特指名词前Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

---Where is the hospital? ---Over there.

(2)名词前I have a bike. The bike is blue.

(3)独一无二的事物及地理名称前the sun / the moon / the earth / the Long River

(4)最高级前the tallest girl / the biggest one

(5)序数词前the first lesson / the ninth floor

(6)一些介词短语中in the world / at the beach / above the shelf

(7)形容词前表示一类人the rich / the poor / the young

(8)姓氏前表示一家人the Greens / the Smiths


1) He went there by _______ plane. He likes taking _______ plane.

2) We live in _______ flat. We are on _______ third floor.

3)_______ Smiths will visit _______ Space Museum. They will have _______ really good time.

4) _______ longest river in _______ China is _______ Changjiang River.

4. 名词所有格;形容词性及名词性物主代词


第一人称:my+n. = mine; our+n.=ours


第三人称:his+n.=his; her+n.=hers; its+n.=its; their+n.=theirs.


1)My uncle is a policeman. What about ________ (you)?

2)Our computer is much faster than ________ (they).

3)Whose mother is busier, ________ (my) or ________ (she)?

4)---What's ________ (it) name? ---Polly.

5)---Is this your bicycle? ---Oh, no, it's ________ (Lily).

6)I'm sorry. These souvenirs are not for you. ________ (your ) are over there.

5. how many和how much的用法

how many与how much都是询问"多少"的意思。

how many修饰可数名词,而how much修饰不可数名词,

练一练:用how much, how many填空

1)________ cartons of milk would you like?

2)________ pork do we need?

3)________ lemon trees can you see around the lake?



1. This question is very easy, but n__________ of us can answer it.

2. I'm very thirsty. Let's __________ (点) a bottle of apple juice, shall we?

3. I didn't go to sleep u__________ ten o'clock last night.

4. Miss Li t__________ us physics last term.

5. My home is c__________ to the supermarket, so I often go there on foot.

6. It's 30 minutes from the centre of Moscow by __________ (地铁).

7. There is less water __________ (污染) in Hainan than in Beijing.

8. There are many __________ (西方的) restaurants in Shanghai.

9. You should speak __________ (little) and listen more.

10. The students of Grade 3 are __________ (prepare) for the coming exam.


( )1. ______ is it from here to the railway station? About ten kilometres.

A. How far B. How fast C. How soon D. How often

( )2. The group of soldiers arrived _____ a small tow _____ a rainy morning.

A. at; on B. at; in C. in; on D. in; in

( )3. ______ youngest leader in China is ______ man called Lu Hao.

A. The; a B. A; the C. A; a D. An; the

( )4. Some girls get sick after they try so hard to lose ______ weight.

A. a B. the C. / D. an

( )5. ---Sharon, remember to lock the door before leaving the house. ---______.

A. OK. I will B. Yes, please

C. It's hard to say D. It doesn't matter

( )6. ______ Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.

A. A B. An C. The D. /

( )7. We won't start the meeting ______ our teacher arrives.

A. though B. until C. while D. or

( )8. Can you sing this English song? Of course, I can. It ______ many times on the radio.

A. taught B. has taught C. is taught D. has been

( )9. ---How many students are there in the classroom?

---______. They are all in the lab.

A. some B. None C. All D. Neither

( )10. He'll send us a message as soon as he ______ in Sichuan.

A. is arriving B. will arrive C. arrived D. arrives

( )11. The old man began to learn to drive a car at the age of ______.

A. sixty B. the sixtieth C. sixty years old D. sixties

( )12. ______ her great joy, her daughter was finally saved by the doctors.

A. In B. To C. At D. For

( )13. The cake ______ good, I can't wait to eat it.

A. feels B. sounds C. becomes D. smells

( )14. It's good to share your happiness ______ your good friends.

A. for B. at C. with D. to

( )15. Sunday is the ______ day of a week.

A. second B. first C. seventh D. third

( )16. ---Have you decide ______ the children in the poor area?

---By sending them books and schoolbags.

A. how you will help B. what you will give

C. when will you call D. how much will you send

( )17. --Do you know ____ the Boao Forum(论坛) for Asia this year lasted?

--Three days from April 11th to 13th.

A. how often B. how about C. how long D. how soon

( )18. This kind of computer ______ too much. I can't afford one.

A. takes B. spends C. pays D. costs









复习内容:7B Unit 3

编写、校对:陈立蓉 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


路;路线 跟随 向下

害怕,担心 北;北方 西北

西南 东;东方 南;南方

东北 东南 驾驶

警察;警方 (钟、铃等)响 抢劫者

迅速地 立刻 推

失败 再,又 开着

起作用 局;所 路线

沿着 向左 路;道路

向右 另一个 停止

灯 红绿灯 跳,蹦

报告 突然 吃惊的

笔记;短信 微笑 意思是

笑 愉快地 移动

向前 一套;一副 十字路口

径直 斑马线 正确的

博物馆 拐角;角落 旅馆

穿过(vt.) 穿过(prep) 围绕

穿过、通过(prep) 水池 楼梯

火车站 (一级)台阶 侧,边

桥 加入,参加 大门

赢得;赢 多云的 带来;拿来

纸,纸张 转弯处 地,田

向,朝 地面 市场

野餐 快餐 每人,人人

班长 出口 银行



1、跟我来 follow me the following sentences

2、害怕警察be afraid of the police

害怕做某事be afraid to do sth / of doing sth

3、穿着警察制服的三个男子the three men in police uniform

4、上(下)公共汽车 get (off) on the bus

上(下)小汽车get into / out of the car 5、逃跑 run away

6、把他们推进绿色货车后部 push them into the back of a green van

7、考试不及格(两种) fail (in) the exam=not pass the exam.

8、走不同的线路 take different routes

9、沿着第六大街走 go along Sixth Street

10、向左拐进入公园路 turn left into Park Road

11、走另外一条线路 take another route

12、在红绿灯处停下 stop at the traffic lights

13、向警察汇报 report to a policeman

14、开着一辆绿色货车走开了 drive away in a green van

15、某人做某事很惊讶sb be surprised to do sth

16、用他的刀打开货车的后门 open the back door of the van with his knife

17、一套衣服 a set of clothes

18、过马路cross the road=walk / go across the road

19、穿过隧道 go through a tunnel 20、游过水池 swim across the pool

21、跳过这张椅子 jump over the chair 22、下楼walk down the stairs

23、某人发生某事 happen to sb

24、在第二个拐弯处向右拐(两种) (1)take the second turning on the right

(2)turn right the second turning

25、路过警察局 walk past the police station= pass the police station

26、朝桥那边走去 walk towards the bridge

27、继续笔直地向前走walk straight on

28、期盼在聚会上看见你 look forward to seeing you at the party


1. 冬去春来。Spring follows winter.

2. 我不敢一个人在河里游泳。I'm afraid to swim alone in the river.

3. 让我们试试,好吗?Let's have a try, shall we?

4. 在那个雨天他的叔叔用车把我们送到学校。

His uncle drove us to school on the rainy day.

5. 在那边穿蓝色裤子的年轻人是我们的英语老师。

They young man over there in blue trousers is our English teacher.

6. 不要忘了通知我。 Don't fail to let me know.

7. 机器运转正常。The machine works well.

8. 然后我将向左拐进入公园路,再向右拐进入通往警察局的第四大街。 at

Then I'll turn left into Park Road and turn right into Fourth Street to the police station.

9. 老师进教室时,学生们停止了讲话。

The students stopped talking when the teacher came in.

10. 我非常吃惊得发现那本丢失的书。I was surprised to find the lost book.

11. 她不得不在那儿再待两个星期。

She has to stay there for another two weeks / two more weeks.

12. 车开得这么快,小心很重要。

It is important to be careful while driving so quickly.

13. 因特网上有百万数的页网。There are millions of websites on the Internet.

14. 我们想要每个人带来自己的食品和饮料。

We would like everyone to bring their own food and drinks.

15. 我们期盼着在晚会上见到你们。

We look forward to seeing you at the party.


1、一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或情况,常与表示未来时间的词或短语tomorrow, soon, the day after tomorrow, next week, next month, in the future, in a few days等连用。



③be going to + 动词原形


A、will与shall:表示纯粹的将来,现在倾向于任何人称后都用will; shall 用于第一人称,will用于第二、三人称,还可以征求对方意见,或是询问一种情况,除了表示将来发生的动作或情况,will还有以下用法:




如:I shall / will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow.我明天到上海。

We won't / shan't be busy this evening.今晚我们不忙。

Shall I open the door? 我能开门吗?

Shall we have any classes tomorrow?明天我们有课吗?

Will you come to the evening party?你来参加晚会吗?

This tree will live without water for three months.这棵树没有水能活三个月

B、be going to可表示现在打算或计划将来要做的事,更强调主观意愿;也可表示根据某种迹象认为在最近或将来要发生的事。

如:We are going to have a school sports meeting.我们马上要开校运动会了。

Neil is going to see his uncle next Saturday.尼尔下周六将要去看他的叔叔。

The moon is going to rise in a while.月亮再过一会儿就要升起来了。

C、在英语中,有些动词如:arrive, go, come, leave, reach, start, begin等可用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。

如:I'm coming.我来了。 Are we all going?我们都要去吗?




比较:(1)He can ride a bike now, but he couldn't a few weeks ago.

(2)Please come to see me before six o'clock.

(3)When we finally got there, they had left an hour before.

(4)I've read the book before.

(5)Where did your sister study before she joined the army?


1) You'll do much better _______ you're more careful with your spelling.

A. if B. before C. although D. unless

2) Learn to think _______ you are young, or we may never learn.

A. during B. when C. before D. after


( )1. To walk across the street, you'd better walk on ________.

A. traffic lights B. crossroad C. zebra crossing D. entrance

( )2. It's very hard ________ the busy street.

A. across B. cross C. to across D. to cross

( )3. There are some robbers ________ in the bank. Help! Help!

A. robbed B. robbing C. rob D. to rob

( )4. The two robbers got into the car and ________ in the text.

A. ran away B. drove away C. went away D. got away

( )5. Don't stop ________ until you find the bookstore.

A. walk B. to walk C. walked D. walking


复习内容:7B Unit 4

编写、校对:陈立蓉 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


在昨天 明亮的 旅行

地球 月亮 大象

植物 无,没有 奇怪的

通常的 听见,听到 灌木丛

不寻常的 感到恐惧的 任何人

没有人 仔细地 声音,响声

发生 每件事 搜查

他自己 弱的 后来,以后

照顾 轻柔的 最近刚过去的

着迷的 踢 石头

罐头 喜欢 讨厌

不多,少数 练习,操练 甚至

醒过来;叫醒 早 吠,叫

勤勉的 遗憾,可惜 死,死亡

青蛙 以前 出现

科学家 重 千克,公斤

草 下(蛋) 婴儿;幼崽

蚂蚁 骆驼 长颈鹿

骨头 脖子 记得

单词;话 金鱼 秒

在??期间 重量 决定

三明治 一块(片,张) 命名

发明 明星;星 电视机

历史;历史课 曾,曾经 盘;碟


1、从月球到地球旅行 travel from Earth to the moon


There's no plant life (are no plants) without lightning

3、奇怪的东西 something strange 4、转身 turn around

5、看见不寻常的东西see something unusual

6、发生什么事了? What happened?

他发生什么事了?What happened to him?

7、搜寻某人/某地以寻找某物 search sb / sth for sth

8、发出一种像低语声的声音 make a sound like a whisper

听起来像鬼声 sound (vi.) like a ghost 听起来很棒 sound (vi.) great

9、他自言自语 say to himself (say--said--said)

10、下周日 the next / following Sunday

11、在最近/过去的几年内 in the last / few years

12、对足球着迷(踢足球着迷) be crazy about football (playing football)

13、踢石头或者罐头 kick a stone or a can

14、喜欢音乐(听音乐) be fond of music (listening to music)

15、很少吃他们 eat very few of them

Few of them eat bananas, do they? There are a few bananas, aren't there?

16、练习踢足球 practise (playing) football

17、对任何叫醒他的人叫(吠) bark at anyone who wakes him up


be excited to see to see so many amazing things

19、重约3公斤 weigh about three kilograms

20、六头大象的重量 the weight of about six elephants

21、长颈鹿的脖子有七块骨头 a giraffe has only 7 bones in its long neck

22、蚂蚁的嗅觉和狗一样好 Ants can smell(vt.) things as well as dogs can

smell delicious smell(系动词)+adj.

23、活到150年 live up to 150 years old

24、记得你的关于乌龟的话 remember your words about tortoises

25、在我们一生中 during our lives 26、吃三明治 eat sandwiches

27、继续玩 keep on playing

28、以这个人而命名这种食物 name the food after the man

29、发明电视机 invent TV / TV sets

一些发明some inventions 一个发明家 an inventor

30、历史上最高的人 the tallest man in history



It takes about three days to travel from Earth to the moon by rocket.

2、鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。 Fish sleep with their eyes open.


You cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.

4、没有闪电就没有值物。There is no plant life without lightning.

5、那不是非常有趣吗?Isn't that interesting?

6、她们转过身但看不到不寻常的东西。They turned around but could not

see anything unusual.


They listened very carefully and heard the strange noise again.

8、在路上,她们遇到了安迪。On their way, they saw Andy.

9、米莉把一切都告诉了安迪。Millie told Andy everything.

10、他仔细地搜查。He searched carefully.

11、"哦!在这里,"安迪自言自语道。"Oh! Here it is," Andy said to himself.


People in the centre would take care of it.

13、她们不再害怕了。They were not afraid any more.

---Will you come to his party?你会来参加他的派对吗?

---I'm afraid not.恐怕我来不了。

14、西蒙对足球很痴迷。Simon is crazy about football.

15、蚂蚁的嗅觉像狗一样灵敏。Ants can smell things as well as dogs can.

16、我的朋友们也觉得它很有趣。My friends found it interesting too.



①表过去某一时间或一段时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的状语连用:yesterday, last week, a moment ago, in 1998, just now, in those days等。


注意:表示过去的时间状语常见的有:yesterday, last night (week, year, month, Sunday),

then (那时候),at that time (moment), just now (刚才), during (在??期间), a few days (weeks, months, years) ago,以及由after, before, when, while, whenever等引导的表示过去的时间状语。 中考题直击

( )1. ---Where's Sally? ---She ______ to Hongkong. She _____ yesterday.

A. went; left B. has gone; left C. has been; hasleft D. has left; went

( )2. The children ____ to swim last month and they can swim very well now.

A. are taught B. were taught C. have taught D. taught

2. noise, sound与voice


(2)voice是指"噪音",指人说话或唱歌的声音;(3)sound指人能听到的任何声音。 比较:(1)Noise is another kind of pollution.

(2)Her voice sunds very sweet.

(3)He heart the sound of breaking the bowls.



1. The number of wild animals is getting smaller because of the _________ (丧失) of their living areas.

2. Anny did her homework so ________ that she didn't make any mistake in it.

3. ---How well she sings! ---Yes, she has a very sweet _________ (嗓音).

4. Austria is the center of European classical _________ (音乐).

5. ---Are you a basketball _________ (爱好者)?

---Yes. Yao Ming is my favourite star.

6. P_________ are my favourite animals and they live only in China.

7. He felt very f_________ when the tiger ran towards him.

8. It is said the first dinosaurs a_________ about 230 millions years ago.

9. Goldfish don't remember what h_________ to them three seconds ago.

10. People can't live w_________ water or air.


( )1. There are ______ people in our city.

A. millions of B. seven millions of

C. seven million of D. seven millions

( )2. He needs ______ some milk and bread.

A. having B. have C. has D. to have

( )3. He is too young ______ by himself.

A. to go across the bridge B. go acrossing the bridge

C. going through the bridge D. to go through the bridge

( )4. ---______ did the meeting last? ---About half an hour.

A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How far

( )5. Take the second turning ______ the left.

A. at B. in C. of D. on

( )6. We have ______ classes ______ Sunday morning.

A. not; in B. no; no C. not; on D. no; in


复习内容:7B Unit 5

编写、校对:解德红 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


能力 座位 收集

勇敢的 火 单独

烟 伤害 腿

倒,泼 奔 毯子

救助 烧 胳膊

月 高兴的 危险的

安定的 危险 精心的

自己 你(们)自己 叫

来客 火柴 慈祥的

快的 慢的 粗鲁的

不高兴的 奖,奖金 落下

划船 下雪 忘记

学期 记忆力 写作

地理 钢琴 成绩,等级

结果 问题 主席

女士,夫人 丢失 表演

家务活 整个的


1、有单独居住的能力have the ability to live by oneself / alone / on one's own

2、坐我的座位 take my seat 3、一个空座位an empty seat

4、一个给我的座位a seat for me

5、喜欢收集火柴盒enjoy collecting match boxes

6、为希望工程募集资金 raise money for Project Hope

7、一个勇敢的飞行员 a brave pilot

8、勇敢面对危险 face danger bravely 9、当心火be careful with fire

10、用火安全 the fire safety 11、扑灭火 put out the fire

12、许多烟a lot of smoke 戒烟 give up smoking

13、受伤很严重 hurt badly 14、前腿 the front leg(s)

15、找到一个安全的地方 find a safe place

17、把水倒在毯子上pour water over the blanket

18、冲进房屋 rush into the house 19、求助那个女孩save that girl

20、烧伤了她的胳膊 burn her arm

21、第十二个月 the twlfth month 十二个月twelve months

22、很高兴做某事 be glad to do sth 23、保持孩子们安全 keep the children safe

24、处于危险之中 in danger 脱离危险 out of danger

25、做作业粗心 do one's homework carelessly

26、打119求助 call 119 for help

27、听起来可怕 sound terrible terrible(副词)--terribly 十分抱歉terribly sorry

28、许多国外来客 many foreign visitors

29、快点be qu ick = hurry up 30、对??友好be kind (friendly) to

31、倒塌 fall down 32、获得许多奖 get / win many awards

33、从自行车上摔下来 fall off the bike fall down from the bike


recommend sb to be / as the chairperson of the students' Union

35、下大雪 snow heavily 36、记忆好 have a good memory

37、到上学期末为止by the end of last term

38、学习历史、地理、数学、物理以及其它课程 lear history, geography, maths, physics and other lessons

39、忘记了那次写作比赛 forget the writing competition

40、弹钢琴 play the piano 41、结果 as a result

42、失去很多机会lose many chances 43、迷路 lose one's way

44、有许多著名的电影中表演 act in many famous (well--known) films

45、整个那个下午 the whole afternoon

46、语文成绩好 have good grades in Chinese

47、当心,小心be careful / look out / take care

48、在公共汽车上给某人让座 give a seat to someone on the bus



Suddenly, he heard someone shouting 'Fire! Fire!'

2、他走进去,在厨房里看到了他的邻居——79岁的孙女士。He went in and saw his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen.

3、他住院住了两个月。He was in hospital for two months.

4、小心火很重要。It is important to be careful with fire.

5、我们盼望不久能收到你的来信。We look forward to hearing from you soon.

6、舞蹈课好像在上午。The dancing lesson is likely to be in the morning.

7、他总是先想到别人。He always thinks of others first.

8、使你的长发远离火。Keep your long hair from fire.

9、无风不起浪。There is no smoke without fire.

10、我们应该对老年人/残疾人有礼貌。 We must be polite to the old / elderly disabled.


1. can和could的用法


如:Can I use your pen, Jack? 杰克,我能用下你的笔吗?

Can I have a rest, Dad? 爸爸,我能休息下吗?


—Could I use your mobile phone?我能用下你的手机吗?

—Yes, you can. Here you are.好的,给你。

(3)表示惊异、不相信等态度(主要用于否定句和疑问句),即can't表示“不可能”。如:Mr Wang can't be at home. He is abroad now.王先生不可能在家,他现在在国外。

2. 感叹句


①What+a(an)+单数可数名词(或形容词+名词)+陈述句(主语+谓语)!如:What a clever boy he is!他是一个多么聪明的男孩!

②What+不可数名词(或形容词+不可数名词)+陈述句(主语+谓语)!如:What fine weather it is today!今天天气真好啊!

③What+复数名词(或形容词+复数名词)+陈述句(主语+谓语)!如:What beutiful flowers they are!这些花真美啊!



How fast he runs!他跑得真快!


How time flies!时间过得真快啊!

How clever the boy is!这个男孩真聪明啊!

3、区分few / a few / little / a little


( )1. (2010.镇江) They _______ play football last Friday because Simon

forgot to bring his football here.

A. could B. couldn't C. can't D. can

( )2. (2010.温州)—This desk is too heavy. I _______ move it. Could you help me? —No problem.

A. can B. can't C. should D. shouldn't

( )3. (2010·南京) —_______ beautiful day it is!

—Let's go and have a picnic int he park.

A. How B. How a C. What D. What a

( )4. (2010·东阳) ________ happily the children are flying kites!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

( )5. (2010.荆门) You _______ smoke. You are only 14 and it isn't allowed.

A. mustn't B. don't have to C. needn't D. won't

( )6. The old man lives _____ in a wooden house, but he never feels ______.

A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. lonely; alone D. alone; lonely

( )7. During the earthquake, many buildings ______ down, but the people there didn't give up hope.

A. fall B. fell C. felt D. fallen

( )8. Bob hurt his ________ yesterday. He can't walk now.

A. hand B. leg C. arm

( )9. Don't forget ______ an umbrella ______ you. It's going to rain.

A. to take; to B. taking; to C. to take; with D. taking; with

( )10. Can you hear the children _______ in the room now?

A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sang

( )11. It is five years since we began to enjoy a ___ spring holiday each year.

A. ten-day B. ten day C. ten day's D. ten-days

( )12. It's meaningful _______ the Tree-planting Club.

A. join B. joined C. to join D. joins

( )13. My daughter is looking forward ______ letters from her friends.

A. receive B. to receiving C. to received D. to receive

( )14. Your answer is ______ to be wrong.

A. like B. liked C. likely D. liking

( )15. —What do you ______ the price of the car? —I think it is too high.

A. think of B. think out C. think over D. think back

16. Jack does his homework __________ (care), so he often gets poor grades.

17. We should always be __________ (感激) to our parents for raising us

18. Don't worry. I have put it in a __________ (安全) place.

19. Could you ___________ (推荐) some good places to me?

20. The little girl has a good ___________ (记忆力).

21. I can't dance at all. I have __________ (费力) learning it.

22. Mother covered the boy with a __________ (毯子).


复习内容:7B Unit 6

编写、校对:解德红 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


宠物 兔子 喂养

捉住 张大地 建造

营地 枝条 咬

打仗 最后 麻烦

任何地方 中央,中间 边缘

抽屉 空的 容纳,适合

在乎 门铃 或许,可能

羽毛 尾巴 翅膀

敲 重复 黑白的

她自己 太阳 笼子

拉 刷子 缸,罐

毛 必要的 干净的

底部 讲话 害羞的

篮子 缓慢地


1、应该ought to 2、教它说话teach it to speak

3、观看它四处游动watch it swim around 4、追赶 run after

5、在阳光下in the sun 6、把某物握在手上hold sth in the hand

7、睁大眼睛 with one's eyes open wide

8、和某人打架fight with/ against sb

9、表演精彩的把戏 do wonderful tricks 10、喂得太多 feed too much

11、四处寻找 look around for 12、扯某人的耳朵 pull one's ears

13、打扫鱼缸 clean the fish tank

14、敲鸟笼门 knock on / at the cage door

15、在??底部 at the bottom of

16、整天忙于工作be busy at work all day

17、听一个关于??报告 listen to a report on ...

18、发出很大的噪音 make a lot of noise

19、所有的动物中最聪明 the cleverest of all the animals

20、一周三次 three times a week 21、确保 make sure

22、看起来一样 look the same

23、与??不同 be different from 与??相同 be the same as

24、忙于做某事 be busy doing sth 25、担心 worry about


1、你应该有礼貌。You ought to be more polite.

2、你不应该在桌边喂狗。You oughtn't to feed your dog at your table.

3、我会永远照顾它。I'll look after him until the end.

4、他的羽毛在阳光下如此美丽。His feathers look so beautiful in the sun.

5、我们不必喂它很多。We don't have to (needn't) feed her much.

6、我不能学习因为她制造了太多的噪音。I can't study because she makes too much noise.

7、如果想要它们保持健康的话,你有必要每天带它到公园里散一次步。It's necessary to walk him in the park once a day if you want them to be healthy.

8、确保水不太热也不太冷。Make sure the water is not too cold or too hot.

9、扇尾金鱼与其他金鱼不一样。Fantail goldfish are different from other

goldfish.=Fantail goldfish are not the same as the other goldfish.

10、每天清扫它的兔笼是个好主意。It's a good idea to clean its hutch every day.

11、她重约2公斤。She weighs about 2 kilograms.

12、生活中充满了麻烦。 Life is full of / is filled with trouble.


1. 情态动词must的用法

(1)表示“必须、应该”,在第二、三人称中表示说话人的命令和要求。如:The water in the tank must be clean. 水缸里的水必须是干净的。


You mustn't feed your pet too much food.你不能喂给你的宠物太多食物。

(3)当回答由must引起的问题时,否定回答要用needn't或don't have to,表示“不必,无须”等意义。如:

—Must I finish the work tomorrow?我必须明天做完工作吗?

—No, you needn't / don't have to. 不,你不必。

(4)have to的含义与must接近,只是have to着重强调客观需要,must着重强调主观看法;have to有较多的时态变化。

(5)must表示推测,只用于肯定句,意思是“一定,大概”,否定性的猜测应用cannot(不可能), 不可用mustn't。


(1)祈使句中如果有唤语,要加逗号。如:Tom, come here.汤姆,到这儿来。


No parking! 禁止停车! No smoking!禁止吸烟!


Don't talk in class.不要在课堂上讲话。

(4)将含有第二人称的肯定祈使句改为反意疑问句时,附加问句用:will you或won't you;将含有第二人称的否定祈使句改为反意疑问句时,附加问句用will you。如:

Please listen to the teacher carefully, will / won't you?请认真听老师讲,好吗?

Don't talk in class, will you?你别在课上说话,好吗?

(5)Let's包括对方,Let us不包括对方,改为反意问句时要注意:

Let's go to see a film, shall we?我们去看电影吗?

Let us go to see a film, will you?我们去看电影,你去吗?


( )1. —Forget your ______, and smile to your life.

—OK, I will. Thank you for your advice.

A. trouble B. chance C. success D. happiness

( )2. The robber ______ yesterday.

A. catch B. caught C. catches D. was caught

( )3. You have to be patient if you are waiting ______ of a long queue.

A. in the end B. to the end C. by the end D. at the end

( )4. Though she ______ the key in the drawer, we still found it finally.

A. hide B. hid C. hidden D. has hidden

( )5. It is important ______ too much.

A. don't worry B. to worry C. not to worry D. not worry

( )6. Mr Green came into the classroom ______ a smile on his face.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

( )7. Chinese is ______ from English.

A. difficult B. different C. the same D. difference

( )8. Be careful. Make sure ______ the same spelling mistake next time.

A. not to make B. not make C. to make D. to making

( )9. —How do you like songs sung by Liu Huan? —They are wonderful, but I can't hear his words clearly ______.

A. some time B. sometime C. some times D. sometimes

( )10. The fruit salad tastes delicious. Could you tell me ______?

A. where to do it B. when to do it

C. what to do D. how to do it

( )11. (2010·梧州) This is a secret between you and me. You ____ tell it to others.

A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. can D. may



1. All the students opened their mouths __________ (张大的) and laughed.

2. My grandpa keeps a lovely dog. It never barks or __________ (咬) others.

3. The naughty boy often __________ (打架) with others after class, so all the teachers don't like him.

4. Tom watched the children __________ (踢) soccer yesterday.

5. Where do you want to go tomorrow? __________ (任何地方) I don't care.

6. You must b__________ your teeth twice a day.

7. What are you cooking in the k__________? It smells so nice.

8. Lucy can't finish the work a__________. She needs some helpers.

9. Remember to turn off the lights if you are the l__________ person to leave.

10. Did you know tea i__________ by accident?

11. The students are busy p_________ the final tast.



In order to __________________________________________________.


Make sure you will ____________________________________________.


It's easier to __________________________________________________.


They are __________________________________________________.


You mustn't __________________________________________________.


复习内容:8A Unit 1 Welcome ~Vocabulary

编写、校对:浦启新 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


更多的 没有东西 碗

诚实的 秘密 欢乐,高兴

特别的 难过的 相信

杂志 好看的 苗条的

乐意的 歌手 几乎

视力 圆形的 聪明的

观念,意识 无聊的 玩笑

可容纳 离开,脱离 广告

每个人 忠实的;真的 瘦的

正方形的 英俊的


1、吃/喝的东西 something to eat / drink

2、再吃一些食物/蔬菜 have some more food / vegetables

3、没有其它的东西 nothing else=not anything else

4、一个诚实的男孩 an honest boy

5、什么使你的朋友如此特殊? What makes your friend so special? make sb. + adj.(宾补)

6、为??保密 keep secrets (for sb.) = keep a secret

7、有问题 have problems with sth / (in) doing sth

=have difficulty doing sth / with sth.

8、愿意和他分享我的快乐 be willing to / be ready to share my joy with him

9、相信他所说的 believe what he says = believe his words


read an advertisement in Teenagers' magazine

11、她和我一样苗条 She's as slim as I am.

12、任何时候都乐意助人 be ready to help people anytime

13、让座给需要的人 give a seat to someone in need

14、周游世界 travel around the world

15、 想要成为一名歌手 want to be / become a singer

16、彼此见面 get to see each other 17、视力不好 have poor eyesight


because of working on the computer too much at night.

= too much computer work at night.

19、非常幽默 have a good sense of humour=be very humorous

20、使他看上去神气 make him look smart

21、讲滑稽的笑话 tell funny jokes

22、经过课桌旁 walk past (prep.)the desks=pass the desk

23、把我们桌上的书、钢笔弄翻在地knock our books and pens off the desks

24、想起我的好朋友 think of my good friend

25、长着笔直的、齐肩的头发 have straight, shoulder-length hair

26、一个真正的朋友 a true friend 30、为我投票 vote for me

27、把她朋友们的秘密告诉别人 tell others (about) her friends' secrets.

28、(人)感到无聊 feel bored

29、你多高?How tall are you? = What's your height?


1、他是我班上最高的男孩。He's the tallest boy in my class.

=He's taller than any other boy in my class.

=He's taller than the other boys in my class.

=Nobody else in my class is taller than he.

2、他的腿不适合放在课桌上。His legs don't fit under the school desks.

3、她比我矮 She's shorter than I (am). = I'm taller than she is.

4. 当有事使我担忧时,我就去找她。When something worries me, I can go to her.


I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.

6、她从不说任何人的坏话。She never says a bad word about anyone.


1. say, speak, tell, talk

(1)My mother ________ she was going to work at 7:00 in the morning.

(2)Listen! The children are ________ "Goodbye" to their teacher.

(3)We should ________ to old people politely.

(4)The leader is busy now. He will ________ at the meeting tomorrow.

(5)Every teacher ________ highly of James.

(6)I'll vote for Millie. She likes ________ funny jokes.

(7)Our teachers ________ us not to spit in public.

(8)She dislikes ________ others her friends' secrets.

(9)After the meeting. They began to ________ to one another.

2. music音乐,musician音乐家,musical有音乐天赋的

(1)This piece of ________ sounds beautiful.

(2)Mozart was a famous ________.

(3)The girl can sing and dance. I think she is ________.

3. true, real

(1)I'm learning to skate on ________ ice.

(2)Is it ________ or false?

(3)We often see such things in ________ life.

(4)The old woman told me a _________ story.



1. Mike is 6 feet tall. He is the t_________ in our class.

2. The more we get together, the _________ (快乐) we will be.

3. ---Could you give us some a_________ on how to learn English well? ---I'd be glad to.

4. Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei have a good sense of _________ (幽默).

5. The weather report says it will be even _________ (hot) tomorrow.

6. Now many students wear glasses because of their _________ (视力).

7. May is my good friend. I can tell her anything because she can keep s_________.

8. When my friends come to me, I always try my best to help them _________

(解决) problems.

9. Don't play football in the street, it's d_________.

10. To be h_________, or nobody will believe what you say.


( )1. Grammy Zhang often _______ the children stories.

A. speaks B. talks C. says D. tells

( )2. Would you like to _______ the children more about the Great Wall?

A. speak B. tell C. talk D. say

( )3. There is ______ food in the fridge. Let's go and get some.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

( )4. She passed the exam ______ her hard work.

A. because B. so C. because of D. so that

( )5. He is too young. He doesn't know ______ by himself.

A. what to do things B. how to do things

C. how to do D. what to do

( )6. He looks ______ but he can't sleep ______ these days.

A. good; well B. fine; good C. well; well D. nice; fine

( )7. ---Please don't tell anybody about it. ---OK, I ______.

A. don't B. am not C. won't D. will

( )8. Look, the lights are off. He ______ be in the room now.

A. can't B. must C. mustn't D. may

( )9. Lucy is the same ______ Lily. They are twin sisters.

A. old as B. age with C. age as D. young as

( )10. Our teacher ______ funny jokes and always makes us ______.

A. speaks; laugh B. talks; to laugh

C. tells; laughing D. tells; laugh

( )11. Paul is the ______ of the two children in his family.

A. more fatter B. fatter C. fat D. fattest

( )12. Could you give me ________ on how to learn English well?

A. any advise B. any advices C. some advise D. some advice

( )13. Hobo is lazy, but Eddie is even ________.

A. lazy B. lazyer C. lazier D. the laziest

( )14. Chen Yan thinks ________ of others than of herself. That's why

everyone loves to make friends with her.

A. much B. little C. less D. more

( )15. May sings ________ wonderfully ________ her twin sister.

A. more; as B. so; as C. as; than D. as; as


复习内容:8A Unit 1 Gramar ~Checkout

编写、校对:浦启新 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


令人快乐的;快乐的 打印机

(good或well的比较级)更好 高;高度

(bad的比较级)更差的;更糟的 竞赛,比赛

(bad的最高级)最差的;最糟的 测试,考查

野营,露营 户外的,露天的

活动 解答

社会的 将来的,未来的

(vt.)成为 (vi.)变得 著名的

同意,赞同 奔跑的人

读者 紧张不安的

不舒服的,不舒适的 想念

建议;忠告,劝告 微笑的,带着笑容的

深色的 大体的,笼统的

令人愉快的;舒适的 肥胖的

面露,面带 攀登,攀爬

令人兴奋的,使人激动的 正确地


2、变得越来越冷 get colder and colder 越来越漂亮 more and more beautiful

6、在??中受欢迎 be popular with sb

7、和某人交朋友 make friends with sb

8、尽最大能力帮他们 try one's best to help them

9、尽力对人好 try to be kind to people

10、解决他们的问题 solve their problems

12、同意(某人)/做某事 agree with sb. / agree to do sth

13、需要一些帮助 need some help

(1)need实义动词:need sth / to do sth 如:need a book need to keep healthy

(2)need作情态动词:如:(need not = needn't) do sth = don't need to do sth = don't have to do sth.(表不必要做某事)

(3)help people in need(n.) There's no need to do sth.没有必要做某事

(4)sth needs doing sth=sth needs to be done

例如:Chairs need repairing.=Chairs need to be repaired.

14、对某人/某物很了解 know sb / sth very well

15、一个人坐在操场上 sit alone=(by oneself) in the playground

17、在某方面有麻烦 have some problems with sth / doing sth

算出数学难题 work out the (maths) problem(s)

18、给我一些建议 give me some advice / suggestions

= give some advice / suggestions to me


both / not only my best friends and / but also my neighbour

如:Both my father and my mother are teachers.

=My parents are both teachers.

20、喜欢她的明亮带微笑的眼睛 like her bright smiling eyes

21、脸上带着微笑 wear a smile on one's face / with a smile on one's face

22、那是我们也认为的 That's what we think, too

23、正确回答问题 answer questions correctly (v.)

问题的答案 the answer to the questions (n.)

接电话 answer the telephone 应门铃 answer the door bell



A lazy cat is sheeping on the sofa. = The cat (on the sofa) is lazy.


He swims the most slowly of the three.=He is the slowest swimmer.

3、Simon和我一样大。Simon is as old as I. = Simon is the same age as I.

4、Amy不如Peter高。Amy is not so / as tall as Peter.

=Amy is shorter than Peter. = Peter is taller than Amy.


I don't think swimming is as interesting as hiking.

=I think swimming is less interesting than hiking.

=I think hiking is more interesting than swimming.

6、滑雪危险 Skiing is dangerous. = It's dangerous to ski.


I don't think any of these outdoor activities are dangerous if we're careful.


What do you think about / of those activities?

=How do you like those activities?

9、他是班上最快的赛跑者。He's the fastest runner in my class.

=He runs faster than any other student in my class.

=He runs faster than the other students in my class.


The girl on my left is more beautiful than the one on my right.

=The girl on my right is less beautiful than the one on my left.



(1)在as...as结构中,第一个as之后使用形容词原级,第二个as之后通常接被比较对象,而在quite, too, very, so之后常用形容词原级。(但very之后有时可能接形容词的最高级形式)

(2)当对两者进行比较时,常用比较级+than的形式。much, even(表示“更加”),a little, far等词的后面通常使用比较级。

(3)当对三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较时,使用最高级(Don't forget "the"!),并常用of..., in...等来表示最高级的范围。(of all, of the three, in the class, in our school, in my family...)

2、最高级与比较级的转换:any other+n.(单)/the other+n(复)

Max is the tallest boy in his class.

Max is taller than any other boy in his class.

Max is taller than the other boys in his class.


good—better—best bad/ill—worse—worst little—less—least

many / much—more—most far—farther—farthest/—further—furthest

old—older—oldest / —elder—eldest



1. After a day's walk, she felt so tired that she couldn't go _________ (far).

2. We hope the weather will be fine, but it is getting even _________ (bad).

3. These apples will get much _________ (red) in autumn.

4. It is as _________ (cold) today as it was yesterday.

5. Shanghai is one of _________ (large) cities in China.

6. If you want to be _________ (thin), you must eat less.

7. This film is as _________ (interesting) as that one.

8. Which subject is _________ (important), English, Chinese, or Maths?

9. Daniel has _________ (few) CDs than Kitty.

10. Mary has two sisters. Andy is the _________ (old) of the two.


( )1. This kind of TV set looks ______ and sells ______ in this shop.

A. nice; well B. nice; good C. well; well D. good; nice

( )2. The bike is very cheap, but that one is even ______.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheaper D. cheapest

( )3. Han Mei is the second ______ student in our class.

A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest

( )4. Jim is taller than ______ in his class.

A. any other student B. any other students

C. any the other students D. any student

( )5. She was ill yesterday. She's ______ today.

A. worse B. iller C. best D. worst

( )6. ______ you do your exercises, ______ mistakes you'll make.

A. The more careful; the less B. The more carefully; the less

C. The more carefully, the fewer D. The more careful, the fewer

( )7. --What's the weather like this Summer? --It's ______ than last summer.

A. hot B. more hotter C. more hot D. hotter

( )8. ---I don't know which T-shirt was ______, so I took them both.

---Yes, it's really difficult to choose.

A. better B. well C. best D. good

( )9. ---Is chemistry more difficult than physics?

---No, chemistry isn't as ______ as physics.

A. easy B. difficult C. easier D. more difficult

( )10. Everyone knows that China is getting ______.

A. strong and strong B. stronger and stronger

C. more strong and strong D. strongest and strongest


复习内容:8A Unit 2 Welcome ~Vocabulary

编写、校对:刘海萍 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


英国的 (英)电梯 (英)邮件

(美)橡皮 (美)秋天 (美)假日,假期

(美)数学 (美)电影 男女混合的

科目 缝,做针线活 我自己

味道好的 甚至 朋友们;各位

(美)练习,操练 被崇拜的对象;英雄

密切的,亲密的 味道 文章

美术;艺术 地理(课) 语言

体育(课) 科学 有用的;有益的

不重要的 无用的 不受欢迎的


1、美式英语 American English 2、英式英语 British English

3、一所混合学校 a mixed school

4、烧健康可口的饭 cook healthy and tasty meals

5、在本年度的阅读周期间 during this year's Reading Week

6、从家里带进书和杂志 bring in books and magazines from home


tell our English teacher what we are reading

8、上驾驶/舞蹈课 have driving / dancing lessons

9、开车送某人去某地 drive sb to sw = take sb to sw by car

10、一名十二年的毕业生 a senior in 12th grade = a senior in Grade Twelve

11、读来自美国的一个女孩的一篇文章 read an article by a girl from the USA

12、在课堂上讲话 talk in class

13、在16岁时 at (the age of) 16=when someone is 16

14、做某事高兴 have a great time doing sth / have fun doing sth

15、彼此交谈很有趣 have a great time talking to each other

16、英国的学校生活 life in a British School / British School life

17、介意做某事 mind doing sth. 18、晚饭吃蛋糕 have cakes for supper

19、在本年度的阅读周期间 during this year's Reading Week

20、用手/用机器缝 sew by hand / machine

21、最受欢迎的语言之一 one of the most popular

22、play softball / basketball / baseball / table tennis / chess

23、一篇他写的文章 an article (mitten) by him

24、一门有用科目 a useful subjects



What's school like? It's like watching TV.

2、我不喜欢上学迟到。I don't like being late for school.


My favourite subject is H ome Economics = I like Home Economics best.

4、我喜欢学习如何烧饭和缝衣服。 I like learning how to cook and sew.


The food has a good taste. The food is tasty. The food tastes good.

6、我在我的班读书最多 I read the most books in my class.


We can read any book from the school library.


Students in 12th grade are called seniors. ( a girl named / called Kate)

9、“英雄”这个词什么意思? What does the word "hero" mean?

What's the meaning of the word "hero"?

What do you mean by the word "hero"?

10、它意味着你很钦佩的某个人。It means someone you admire very much.

11、它就像看电视,但是广告比较少。 It's like watching TV, but there are

fewer advertisements.


12、我在伦敦附近的伍德兰德学校读八年级。I am in Year 8 at Woodland

School near London.

13、这是一所男女混合的学校。It is a mixed school.

14、我喜欢学习烹饪和做针线活。I like learning how to cook and sew.


读的内容。We can even bring in books and magazines from home but

we have to tell our English teacher what we are reading.


The reading week is always too short because we want to read all our

friends' books as well.

17、我花很多时间练习。I spend a lot of time prcticing.

18、我非常喜欢这个。I enjoy this a lot.


During lunchtime, I meet my friends and we always have a great time

talking to each other.

have a...time+doing意为“在干某事中过得??”

20、在阅读周期间学生们课上绝不准谈话。Students must not talk in class

during the Reading Week.


1. sometimes / some times / sometime / some time


有时候我们周末也要工作。Sometimes, we work at weekends.


他曾在20xx年的某一天来看过我们。He visited us sometime in 2003.

some time意为“一段时间”,其中some为形容词,time为名词。some time只能和延续性动词搭配使用。

请给我点儿时间找找它。Please give me some time to look for it.

我们会在这儿待一段时间。We will stay here for some time.

some times意为“几次”,其中times不表示时间,而是指次数。

I called you some times yesterday, but there was no reply.

(1)I have been to Beijing _________.

(2)_________ he walks to work.

(3)_________ I will stay at home next year.

2. like / alike


她长得像她姐姐。She is like her sister. = She and her sister are alike.

我们的房子与你的房子很像。Our house is like your house. = Our house and

your house are alike.

(1)He looks _________ his father.

(2)My answer and your answer are _________.

3. uniform / cothes / clothing


校服 a school uniform 警服 a police uniform

clothes指衣服的总称,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,不能与具体数字连用,但可以与many, few, a few, a lot of连用。表示一件衣服时用a piece of clothes。


他穿衣太讲究。He pays too much attention to his clothing.

(1)She bought two articles of _________ yesterday.

(2)He cares more for new _________ than anything else.

(3)Here comes a policeman in _________.



1. _________ (英雄) appeared one after another after the big earthquake.

2. Tom is a little bit h_________. He should eat less and exercise more.

3. The boy is thinking of another way to s_________ this maths problem.

4. Though the boy is very young, he can speak some foreign l_________.

5. Yao Ming is tall and he has a _________ (方形) face.

6. Science is one of my favourite s_________. How about you?

7. Liu Huan was the singer that I _________ (钦佩) before.

8. My brother is good at cooking, he can cook t_________ food.

9. Aunt Mary goes to the h_________ center twice a week because she wants

to keep fit.

10. The school for girls only has turned into a m_________ one.


( )1. Nancy spoke in such a low voice that ______ students in our class could

hear her.

A. all B. many C. few D. most

( )2. The experts think that India's population may be ______ than China's

______ 2020.

A. much. by B. more; in C. larger; by D. larger; on

( )3. The movie Batman and Joker is ______ that I've ever seen.

A. more exciting B. more excited

C. the most exciting D. the most excited


复习内容:8A Unit 2 Grammar ~Checkout

编写、校对:刘海萍 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


分数 最少的 健康

能够??的 今晚 猴子

结束,停止 乒乓球 网球

国际象棋 大厅;会堂 通俗的;流行的


1、比??多 more than 2、比??少 fewer then / less than

3、最多的the most 4、最少的 the fewest /least

5、许多 a (large) number of 6、学生的数目 the number of the students

7、暑假的长度the lengh of the summer holiday

8、穿制服wear uniforms, in uniform

9、休两个星期假 have two weeks off / have a two-week holiday

10、对??了解更多 learn more about 11、与??比较compare...with...

13、只有一些 only a few 许多quite a few (many)

14、在阅读/音乐/俱乐部 in the Reading / Music Club

15、能够做某事 be able to do sth (can / could)

16、最重要的语言之一 one of the most important languages

17、使我们的声音提高/降低 make our voice rise / fall

18、伤了她的腿 hurt her leg 19、伤着自己 hurt oneself

20、许多宠物猴 many pet monkeys 21、搬到加拿大 move to Canada

22、有许多时间做课外活动 have lots of time for after-school activities /(to

do after-school activities)

23、有半小时的作业 have half an hour of homework

24、进行校际旅行 go on a school trip = have a school trip

25、与??同样的尺寸/年龄/高度/长度 the same size / age / height / length as

26、我理想中的学校 my ideal school

27、学习做某事 learn to do sth = learn how to do sth

28、读学校图书馆的任何书 read any books from the school library


1、 她上的电脑课最多。She has the most computer studies lessons.

2、婴儿在室外的几个后将会走路。The baby will be able to walk

in another few weeks.

3、吴先生今晚将会上电视。Mr Wu is going to be on TV tonight.

4、我理想中的学校也一边一个公园另一边有一个购物中心。 My ideal

school has a park on one side and a shopping mall on the other.


We have a big library with lots of useful books.

6、丹尼尔想了解更多有关英国学生所学的课程的情况。Daniel wants to

learn more about the subjects that British students study.


Daniel wants to compare his school life with Nancy's and John's.

8、我的校服和西蒙的校服一样。 My uniform is the same as Simon's uniform.

the same as意为“与??一样”,想像的程度大于similar, like和alike。

9、我的校服与约翰的校服不一样。My uniform is different from John's


be different from是the same as的反义词组,意为“与??不同”,相当于not the same as。

10、中国学生夏天休假的时间比较英国学生少几个星期。Chinese students

have fewer weeks off in the summertime than British students.

11、这儿经常下雪,并且我并不在乎下雨。It doesn't snow very often here,

and I don't mind the rain.


1. a few, few, a little与little

(1)a few意为“少数的,几个的,一些”,作定语,修饰可数名词复数,表示肯定;


(3)a little意为“一点儿,少量的”,用作定语,修饰不可数名词;也可作副词,修饰动词,表程度;


比较:⑴I have a few friends to help me.

⑵Few students come to his class.

⑶I have only a little ink, so I can't give you any.

⑷---Do you like this movie? ---Only a little.

⑸There is little water in the bottle.


(1) The English novel is quite easy for there are _______ new words in it.

A. a little B. little C. a few D. few

(2) ---How long will you stay here? ---I think I will be here for __ more days.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

2. more / fewer / less...than的用法

(1)more / less...than结构用于形容词、副词比较级等构成。如:

第一个问题比第二个更难。The first question is more difficult than the second.

我听讲比你仔细。I listen to the teacher more carefully than you.

这个故事没那个有趣。This story is less interesting than that one.

这辆车比那辆开得慢。This car runs less faster than that one.

(2)more / fewer / less...than结构用于两者之间数量的比较。即:




例:我们班男生比女生多。There are more boys than girls in our class.

她的时间比我多。She has more time than I do.

他出的错比你少。He made fwer mistakes than you (do).

他的朋友比她的少。He has fwer friends than she.

我在食物上用的钱比我妹妹少。I spend less money on food than my sister.

你上午比他做的工作少。You have done less work than he this morning.

3. the most / the fewest / the least的用法

(1)the most / the least结构用于形容词、副词最高级的构成。


That's the most exciting news I've ever heard.

这本书是最没有意思的一本。The book is the least interesting one.

这些运动中我最喜欢足球。I like football most of these sports.


Of all your CDs, I like that one least.

(2)the most / the fewest / the least用于三者或三者以上之间数量的比较,即: “the most+可数名词复数或不可数名词”,表示“三者或三者以上中最多”; “the fewest+可数名词复数”,表示“在??中最少”;

“the least+不可数名词”,表示“在??中最少”。

例:谁摘的苹果最多?Who picked the most apples?


He scored the fewest points in the exam of all.

在我们当中,她钱最少。She has the least money of us.



1. Joan has _________ (many) friends of all us.

2. Simon has _________ (little) orange juice than Sandy.

3. In order to keep healthy, you should eat _________ (little) fast food and take more exercise.

4. ---Do you feel a little _________ (well) now, Tom? ---Yes, thanks.

5. We should use the least money to do _________ (much) work.

6. At the _______ (begin) of this term, we all made up our minds to study hard.

7. The children were _________ (happy) because they didn't get Christmas presents.

8. Please pay no attention to the _________ (important) information. It will save you time.

9. She spends a lot of time practicing _________ (play) football.

10. There are some _________ (monkey) in the zoo. They are very funny.


( )1. What do you think ______ her ______?

A. make; sad B. makes; sadly C. made; sad D. made; sadly

( )2. We'll try our best to do the work with _____ money and ______ people.

A. few; little B. a few; a little C. less; fewer D. fewer; less

( )3. ---Now the air in our hometown is even ______ than it was before.

A. better B. dirty C. more better D. worse


复习内容:8A Unit 3 Welcome ~Vocabulary

编写、校对:王宇 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


我们自己 问候 祝愿语

总统 外国的 市,城市

(美)妈妈 开始,起初 长途汽车

交通;来往车辆 天,天空 模特儿

金属 在里面 整个的

令人感兴趣的事 真的,天然的 歌,歌曲

英特网 主要的 胃,肚子



1、美国总统 the President of the USA2、乘船旅行 take a boat trip

3、保持健康 keep fit (healthy)

4、一个带花园的美丽的大楼台 a beautiful building with a big garden

5、在淮河旁 by the Huai River 6、外国 foreign countries

7、一些名胜 some interesting places (some places of interest)

8、一开始 at the beginning

9、由金属制成 be made of metal (silk, cotton, mutton, wood)

10、不再 not ...any more no more

11、上(下)长途汽车 get on (get off) the coach

12、很多车辆 much traffic a lot of traffic

13、全世界 the whole world / all over the world / around the world

14、参加跳舞 join in the dancing

15、教某人??课程 teach sb sth teach sth to sb.

16、亲自去看 go and see for oneself

17、古老的石头建筑物 old stone buildings

18、超过一百多个名胜 over (more than) one hundred places of interest

19、相信某人自己的眼睛 believe one's own eyes

20、感到恶心 feel sick

21、看一看 have a look at / take a look at / look at


1. We are sitting in a little coffee shop by the River Seine.

2. It's a beautiful building with a big garden.

3. The trip from Kitty's school to the World Park took about hours by coach.

It took about two hours to take the coach from Kitty's school to the World Park.

4. Daniel taught himself how to make a home page.

5. I want to sit at the front of the bus!

该句中短语 at / in the front of...意为“在??的前部”。注意at / in the front of...与in front of...的区别:at / in the front of...指在参照物里面的前部,in front of...指参照物外面的前面。

[小试身手]用in front of, in the front of填空。

(1)The teacher is standing _____________ the blackboard.

(2)There is a small garden _____________ the house.

(3)I like sitting _____________ the classroom.

6. I decided to stay at home and pack my bags instead.

7. They kept their secret to themselves.类似结构还有:keep sb.'s worries to oneself(不把烦恼告诉他人)


1. invite常用句型

invite sb to+地点名词/事物名词 表示邀请某人去??;

邀请某人去干某事 invite sb to do sth

试翻译:(1)他经常邀请我参加宴会。He often ____ ____ ____ the party.

(2)昨天我邀请她喝咖啡。I ____ ____ ____ ____ coffee yesterday.

2. be made of The shirt is made of silk.

be made out of The vase is made out of bamboo.

be made into Glass is made into bottles.

3. another 不与复数形式连用,但后面附加two, three等数词或few就可以与复数连用。 one after another三个以上,一个接一个

如:朋友们一个接一个地拜访他的事务所。 Friends visited his office one after another.



1. I can _________ (遇见) a lot of interesting people in England.

2. ---Can you take care of y_________ when I'm not at home?

---Of course, we can.

3. Tree l_________ turn yellow when autumn comes.

4. L_________, modern medicine can help people with eye problems in less

developed countries.

5. Now we can go from one place to another in Nanjing by u_________.

6. There is a lot of _________ (车辆) on the road every day.

7. ---Can you feel the _________ (美) of West Lake? ---Yes, that's great!

8. You can go _________ (徒步) there to see the beautifu views.

9. The m_________ of the Eiffel TOwer looks exactly like the real one.

10. Sandy, would you like to join us and c_________ for our team?



















(old, exercise, relax, medicine, use, hand, well, happy, alone, pretend, do want)

Do you laugh every day? Most people __1__. Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day. That is a lot of laughter.

In India, there are hundreds of laughter clubs. The people in these clubs get together every morning. First they put up their __2__ above their heads. Then they __3__ to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing __4__. People say they feel good after laughing together.

Secientists believe that laughter is good for you. Why? For one thing, laughter is good __5__. When you laugh, you exercise many muscles(肌肉) in your body. Scientists say that one hundred laughs equals(相当于) ten minutes of running. Laughing helps you __6__. That's good for you,


Why do we laugh? That is a hard question to answer. We know that people laugh more often in a group. They don't laugh very often when they are __7__. Many scientists believe that we __8__ laughter to get on well with other people. Laughter helps us feel part of a group.

In England, people sat that laughter is the best __9__. Some think that laughter helps sick people get __10__. Do you think so, too?

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________

6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________


( )1. To keep fit, we should eat ____ junk food, ___ fresh vegetables and

exercise more.

A. fewer, more B. less, more C. more; fewer D. less, less

( )2. The price of this computer is the _______ of the three.

A. most B. most expensive C. highest D. tallest

( )3. —There will be a railway in Taizhou soon.

—Great! We'll have _______ ways of traveling than before.

A. many B. much C. more D. fewer

( )4. Suzy's jeans are the same _______ Anna's but different _______ Elsa's.

A. as; as B. as; like C. like; as D. as; from

( )5. Bob doesn't know the answer to the question. I don't know _______.

A. too B. either C. also D. as well

( )6. Now telephones are very popular and they are much _____ than before.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest

( )7. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet brings

us _______.

A. near B. farther C. closer D. the closest

( )8. —Hi, Tom. Is your brother as active as you?

—No, he's a quiet boy. He is _______.

A. less outgoing than me B. not so calm as I

C. more active than I D. as outgoing as I

( )9. This kind of fruit _______.

A. smell sweet B. looks well C. sounds beautiful D. tastes nice

( )10. _______ you work, _______ knowledge you'll get.

A. The harder; more B. The harder; the more

C. Harder; the more D. Harder; more


复习内容:8A Unit 3 Grammar ~Checkout

编写、校对:王宇 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


日落;傍晚 可能的 他们自己

它自己 岩石 对??感到疑惑

登山者 幸好,幸运的是 幸运的

决赛;期终考试 欢呼,喝彩 票;入场券

奖牌,奖章 每,每一 获胜者

得到;接到 事实 代替

拙劣地,糟糕地 机场


1、把她的照片给她妈妈看 show her photos to her mother

2、真的金字塔 real pyramids 3、繁忙的交通 the busy traffic

4、去骑马 go horse riding 5、准备出去 prepare to go out

6、决定呆在家里 decide to stay at home

7 、保守他们的秘密 keep their secret to themselves

8、拍照片 take photos 9、进入决赛 go to the final

10、发生,举行 take place

11、一个游玩的好地方 a fun place to visit

12、制一张清单 make a list 13、计算出费用 work out the cost

14、为...喝彩cheer for 15、乘船旅行take a boat trip

16、将自己拉上岩石 pull themselves up the rocks

17、换乘汽车 change to the bus 18、北京的中心 the centre of Beijing

19、计划一天外出 plan a day out



I decided to stay at home and pack my bag instead.

2、感谢你为我保守秘密。Thanks for keeping the secret for me.

3、请让我尽快知道。Please let us know as soon as possible.

as soon as possible尽快 试翻译:我将尽快给你回电话。______________

4、这是世界上最有趣的地方。This is the most interesting place in the world.

5、Why don't we go to Beijing Amusement Park?


Why not go to Beijing Amusement Park?

What about going to Beijing Amusement Park?

Shall I (we) go to Beijing Amusement Park?

Let's go to Beijing Amusement Park.


1、使用and, but和or


Practise: 用and, but与or填空

(1)Would you like coffee ________ tea?

(2)He is young, ________ he dares to stand on his own legs.

(3)I visited London, Paris ________ Rome.

(4)The sky was blue ________ everything was beautiful.

(5)It was a great day ________ we did not enjoy it at the beginning.

(6)We can't go to parks ________ swimming pools.

(7)Is she married ________ single?

2、V.+(not) to do sth. :常见的动词如:want, decide, agree, choose, plan, hope, prepare, learn, would like...


(1)My brother Tom failed ___________ (pass) the exam.

(2)My mother agreed ___________ (not go) shopping.

(3)The mother made the poor girl ___________ (play) the piano for eight

hours a day.

(4)I hope you can choose me ___________ (be) the host.

3、反身代词I—myself, you—yourself, he—himself, she—herself, it—itself, we—ourselves, you—yourselves, they—themselves, 反身代词用于某些特定的动词、介词之后作宾语,还可用作同位语等。

Jenny is old enough to wash and dress herself.

He cares only about himself and he is a selfish boy.


自言自语 say to oneself 过得愉快 enjoy oneself

伤了自己 hurt oneself 自学teach oneself

自学 learn sth by oneslef 亲自做某事 do sth for oneself

使??单独留下 leave one by oneself 独自做某事 do sth by oneself

把烦恼留在心里 keep worries to oneself

为某人自己保守秘密 keep secrets to oneself

随便吃点东西help oneself to sth


(enjoy oneself, hurt oneself, for oneself, by oneself, ask oneself, pull oneself,

help oneself, teach oneself)

(1)Hi, kids, _______________ to some dishes.

(2)Tom, be more careful, or you will _______________.

(3)Kate is a hard-working girl. She ______________ French in her spare time.

(4)Simon ______________ up on the rock. Let's go and join him.

(5)Can you cook food ______________, Kitty and Anna?

(6)Aunt Mary finished the hard work all ______________. She didn't ask

anybody for help.

(7)They ______________ in the China Dinosaur Park last week.

(8)He ______________, "Who did all these things fo rme?"



1. They don't know why you talked to them so _________ (angry).

2. Most of the students aren't _________ (interesting) in the article.

3. ---Do you want to learn how to cook healthy and _________ (taste) food?

---Of course.

4. We are told _________ (not laugh) at the people in trouble.

5. It is my job _________ (introduce) the film stars from Taiwan on the show.

6. Help _________ (you) to some fish, Daniel.

7. Mr. Hu invited me _________ (join) in your school trip yesterday.

8. We enjoyed _________ (we) at Kitty's birthday party last week.

9. He learned English all by _________ (he).

10. I have a lot of homework _________ (do) every day.


( )1. The dress fits me well, ______ I don't want to buy it because it's too


A. so B. and C. or D. but

( )2. ---I hear a new film is on these days. Shall we go to the cinema

together, Lucy and Lily?

---______ Lily ______ I will go with you because one of us must be at

home to help our father in the garden.

A. Either; nor B. Either; or C. Neither; nor D. Both; and

( )3. ---______ are you going to the concert with this weekend?

---My cousin. I'm sure we will enjoy ______.

A. Whom; ourselves B. Who; us

C. Whom; myself D. Who; herself

( )4. ---I'm sorry I ______ my exercisebook at home.

---Don't forget ______ it to school tomorrow, please.

A. left; bringing B. left; to bring

C. forgot; to bring D. left; to take

( )5. ---What should I do, doctor?

---______ healthy, you should take more exercise.

A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Having kept















(warm, opposite, above, toward, change, come, happen, than, come, quick)

When you go to the seaside, maybe you will wind very often __1__ from the sea to the land in the early part o the day, but in the evening the wind blows in the __2__ direction. Why does this __3__? In the morning, when the sun rises, it begins to warm the land and the sea. The land grows warm faster __4__ the sea. So while the air __5__ the sea is cool, the air over the land grows __6__. The air over the land rises and the cool air from the sea moves __7__ the land. When evening __8__, both the sea and the land become cool, but the land cools more __9__ than the sea. The wind now __10__ its direction.

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________

6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________


复习内容:8A Unit 4 Welcome to the unit~Vocabulary

编写、校对:李永清 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


野生的(adj.) 野生状态(n.) 美味的,可口的

熊 大熊猫

在??外面 竹子

竹笋 (树、菜)叶

可惜;令人伤心地 猎人

杀死 农民;农场主

森林 死处,没有地方

以下的,接着的 行动

保护 劝告;鼓励

厚的;密的 继续

作者 狐狸


1.在四个月的时候 at four months old 2.第一次for the first time

3. 在最初的时候 at the very beginning

4.长达14小时一天 for up to 14 hours a day 5.成长为??grow into

6.在野外生存/生活survive/live in the wild

7.为它的皮毛而猎杀它kill / hunt it for its fur

8.砍伐树木和森林cut down trees and forests

9.没有生活的地方 have nowhere to live

10.单独留下某人leave sb. on one's own

11.带走某人/某物take sb. / sth. away 12.处于危险之中 in danger

13.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 14.因为because of

15.由另一条路线跑 run the other way

16.步行穿越雨林walk through the rainforest

17.生活区域的失去loss of living areas

18.用??制药make medicine from...

19.用动物皮毛制成的衣服clothes made of animal fur

20.在某人身上很可爱look lovely on sb.

21.失去某人的生命(生活)lose one's life (lives)


continue to destroy / destroying forests to build roads

23.采取以下行动以做某事take the following actions to do sth.

24.一次 at a time 25.保持夺走土地keep taking the land

26.使森林烃成新的农场make new farmlands from forests


1. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams.

= Xi Wang's weight was just 100 grams at birth.

What's the weight of the giant panda?

= How much does the giant panda weigh?

= How heavy is the giant panda?

2. It's very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild, usualy because of


3. We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas.

following (adj.) the following day = the next day

He said he was going to fly to the UK the following / next day.

take action to do sth.

4. I don't think you should buy clothes made of animal fur.

I don't think you are right. = I think you are wrong.

5. If no one buys furs, then people won't kill wild animals any more.


6. Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mum's milk, up to

fourteen hours a day!

up to...达到??,至多?? A tortoise can live up to 150 years.

7. Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own.

leave sb. on one's own / alone / by oneself

It's not safe to leave the patient on his own.

8. If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.

keep doing sth.一直做某事

keep sb. doing sth. 使某人持续做某事

keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

keep + adj. (clean, healthy, fit...) 保持(某种状态)

keep + (sb. / sth.) adj. 使某人/某物??


(1)This coat will keep you __________ (warm).

(2)Keep __________ (go) till you reach the traffic lights.

(3)The heavy rain kept us from __________ (have) a picnic.

(4)I'm sorry to have kept you __________ (wait) so long.

(5)Mr Wang exercise every day to keep __________ (health).

9. She grew into a healthy young giant panda.

grow into...(成长为)

That little boy has grown into a handsome young man.

10. Their number is getting smaller and smaller because many of their living

areas are becoming farmlands.

通常用and连接的同一个adj.或adv.的比较级,表示“越来越??”,有时也写成:more and more+adj. / adv.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer.

My hometown is becoming more and more modern.

注意这里be动词的用法:The number of the students in this school is about 3,000.



1. —How can the ants find food?

—They can find food by __________ (嗅觉).

2. The number of wild animals is getting smaller because of the __________

(丧失) of their living areas.

3. __________ (猎人) often catch many wild animals for their fur.

4. Xu Li, with his friends, __________ (拾起) waste paper in the park every


5. The movie is very interesting and the story __________ (它自己) is quite


6. If farmers cut down trees and __________ (森林), giant pandas will have

nowhere to live.

7. Many animals can be __________ (训练) to do work for people.

8. Take this m__________ three times a day, and you'll be OK in three days.

9. There won't be any elephants if we don't p__________ them.

10. If the heavy rain c__________ to fall, more people will go hungry.


( )1. Don't get off the bus ________ it has stopped.

A. until B. if C. when D. after

( )2. If you ________ him tomorrow, please ask him if he ________ to work

on the farm with us.

A. see; goes B. will see; goes C. will see; will go D. see; will go

( )3. This kind of medicine is ________ tigers' bones.

A. made by B. made of C. made from D. made in

( )4. Female pandas usually have one or two babies ________.

A. at times B. at a time C. at one time D. at all times

( )5. Kitty looks good ________ red, that is, red looks good ________ her.

A. on; on B. on; in C. in; on D. in; in

( )6. The raw fish smells nice. Would you like to try ________?

A. any B. anything C. some D. something

( )7. The baby kept ________ and the baby-sitter felt ________.

A. crying; worried B. crying; worrying

C. to cry; worried D. to cry; worrying

( )8. Xi Wang has grown ________, and she has grown ________ a healthy

young giant panda.

A. up; up B. up; into C. into; into D. into; up

( )9. Something must be done. The number of the wild tigers ____ becoming


A. is B. are C. was D. are

( )10. Many students wear glasses ________ poor eyesight.

A. because B. since C. as a result D. because of

( )11. I believe most people can live ___ 100 years old with the development

(发展) of medicine.

A. until then B. at first C. up to D. at last

( )12. Look at these _______ wolves. They often hurt people but sometimes

they themselves can be _______.

A. danger; dangerous B. in danger; in danger

C. in danger; dangerous D. dangerous; in danger

( )13. We can get information faster than before _______ the Internet.

A. because B. because of C. maybe D. it was

( )14. _______ a student, Simon always works hard at all subjects.

A. As B. By C. With D. Like

( )15. How surprising! _____ I know that lions hunt together when they are


A. At one time B. At the same time C. For the first time D. By myself 20xx年春初三英语复习教学案(二十)

复习内容:8A Unit 4 Grammar~Checkout

编写、校对:李永清 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______





1、为我的报告收集足够的信息 get enough information for my report

2、去北非 go to North Africa 3、跑向另外的方向 run the other way

4、寻找他们自己的食物 hunt for their own food

5、群居 live as a family 6、独自生活 live alone

7、成群活动 work as a team 8、生活区域的丢失 loss of living areas

9、穿在我身上看起来很可爱 look lovely on me

10、有很好的视力、听力和嗅觉 have very good eyesight, hearing and smell

11、失去生命 lose their lives 12、黑色的斑纹 black stripes

13、制药 make medicine 14、彼此很友好 be friendly towards each other

15、买动物皮毛制的衣服 buy clothes made of animal fur

16、挣很多的钱 make a lot of money 17、卖象牙 sell elephants' tusks

18、继续毁坏森林 continue to destroy forests

19、有合适的家 have suitable homes 20、直立行走 walk upright

21、看海豚表演 see a dolphin show


1、“希望”长得什么样?What did Xi Wang look like?


2、如果走进热带雨林,我会看见一些美丽的鸟。I will see some beautiful

birds if I walk through a rainforest.


3、如果我不买,其他也会买的。If I don't buy them, someone else will buy


这里someone else的意思是“其他人”。else可用作形容词或副词,作形容词时,主要用在who, whose, what等疑问代词或nobody, somebody, something, anybody等不定代词之后作定语;作副词用时,放在where, when等后作状语。

4、大熊猫崽花大量的时间喝母乳——每天大概14小时!Baby giant pandas

spend a lot of time drinking their mum's milk--up to fourteen hours a day!

这里spend意思是“花费”,常用somebody spend time / money on something或somebody spend time / money (in) doing表示“某人在(干)某事上花费??时间/金钱”。


number is getting smaller and smaller because many of their living areas

are becoming farmland.

这里的get smaller and smaller是“变得越来越少”的意思,比较级连用表示“越来越??”。

6、如果农民们不停地索取土地的话,大熊猫就没有地方住了。If farmers

keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.

这里keep doing sth.的意思为“一直做某事”。


1. 用because, because of来说明原因


Because I went to bed late last night, I felt sleepy in class.由于我昨晚睡得很晚,所以在课上昏昏欲睡。

(2)because of是介词短语,用于名词或代词前。如:Because of the heavy rain, we had to put off the sports meeting.由于大雨,我们不得不推迟运动会。


( ) He is coming here right away _______ he has heard the news.

A. so B. as soon as C. because D. because of

2. if引导的条件状语从句


(1)主句用一般将来时,条件状语从句用一般现在时。如:If we grow more bamboos, giant pandas will have more food.如果我们种更多的竹子,大熊猫就会有更多食物。

(2)条件状语从句的位置可在主句前,也可在主句后。如:If he goes, I won't go. = I won't go if he goes.他去我就不去了。

(3)if not在意义上相当于unless。如:You'll fail if you don't study hard. = You'll fail unless you study hard.如果你不努力学习,你将会失败。


We'll visit the Great Wall if it doesn't rain tomorrow.如果明天不下雨我们将去游览长城。 We don't know if it will rain tomorrow.我们不知道明天是否会下雨。

这里第一句中if的意思是“如果”,引导的是条件状语从句;第二句中if的意思是“是否”,引导的是宾语从句,从句中的时态根据主句的时态而定。whether也可用于引导宾语从句,可与if替换;但whether可与or not连用,而if不能。如:

He asked whether / if you received the letter.他问你是否收到了信。

I want to know whether she still lives there or not.我想知道她是不是还住在那儿。


( )(1)—Emma failed her exames. I think she should work harder.

—I agree. _______ she does, she'll get good grades.

A. If B. Because C. Before D. Though

( )(2)What would you do if you _______ a lot of money?

A. had B. have had C. will have D. have



1. If there _________ (not be) a final match on TV, we ________ (play) tennis.

2. If it ________ (rain) tomorrow, they ________ (not do) morning exercises.

3. If Hobo ___________ (not have) any food to eat, he ___________ (die).

4. If he ___________ (study) harder, he ___________ (do) better.

5. If you keep ________ (work) on the problem, you ________ (solve) it soon.

6. If it ___________ (be) sunny tomorrow, I ___________ (walk) to school.

7. If we __________ (not help) the wild animals in danger, they ___________

(disappear) soon.

8. The hunter ___________ (make) a lot of money if he ___________ (sell)

elephants' tusks.

9. We ___________ (not have) our sports meeting if the weather ___________

(not be) fine.


( )1. —Please _______ the tigers. It's dangerous to take photos with them.

—Oh, I see. Thank you.

A. keep off B. take off C. get off D. turn off

( )2. We will have no water to drink _______ we don't protect the earth.

A. until B. before C. though D. if

( )3. —Mum, can I go out and play basketball?

—If your homework _______, you can go.

A. will be done B. has done C. is done D. was done

( )4. The more regularly we eat, the _______ we are.

A. healthy B. healthier C. healthiest

( )5. This blue bike is too expensive. Could you show me a _______ one?

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest

( )6. —Do youknow _______ the Smiths left London? —I'm not sure.

A. if B. when C. how D. why

( )7. —_______? —She is helpful and friendly.

A. What's she like B. What does she like

C. What's she look like D. What does she look like

( )8. _______ out with your friends is better for your health than _______ at

home by yourself.

A. Going; stay B. To go; staying C. Going; staying D. Go; to stay

( )9. I guess Tom and his sister Celia enjoyed _______ at the party.

A. myself B. himself C. herself D. themselves

( )10. What a beautiful coat! Where did you buy _______?

I want to buy _______ just like it.

A. it; one B. one; it C. one; one D. it; it

( )11. We should plant more trees instead of _______.

A. cut them down B. cut down them

C. cutting down them D. cutting them down

( )12. In summer, people like to wear clothes ___ silk. They feel comfortable.

A. made from B. made of C. make from D. make of

( )13. Wow, where did you buy the dress? It ______ so beautiful ____ you!

A. look; in B. were; on C. looks; on D. is; in

( )14. The number of the tigers _______ becoming _______ now.

A. are; small and small B. are; bigger and bigger

C. is; big and big D. is; smaller and smaller

( )15. The magazine is too boring. _______, please!

A. Take it here B. Take it away C. Bring away it D. Bring it here 20xx年春初三英语复习教学案(二十一)

8A Unit 5 Welcome~Vocabulary

编写、校对:张爱红 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______ 复习目标:







1、去观鸟 go bird watching 2、在市场上 at the market

3、烤鸡 roast chicken 4、褐色羽毛 brown feathers

5、夏季飞往北部国家 fly to northern countries in summer

6、一个自然保护区 a nature reserve 7、在中国东北 in north-east China

8、世界上最重要湿地之一 one of the world's most important wetlands

9、为野生生命提供食物和栖息地 provide food and shelter for wildlife

10、舒适地生活 live comfortably 11、全年all year round

12、一个重要的生活领域 an important living area

13、腾出更多空间为农场和建筑楼make more space for farms and buildings

14、越来越少的空间 less and less space 15、越来越少的学生

16、越来越多的鸟 more and more birds fewer and fewer students

16、处于危险 be in danger

17、有足够的生活空间 have enough living space

18、保护濒临灭绝的鸟 protect the endangered birds

19、研究不同种类的鸟 study the different kinds of birds

20、数鸟 do a bird count - count birds

21、理解湿地的重要性 understand the importance of the wetlands

22、使他们积极采取措施去保护野生生命 make them actively take action to protect wildlife

23、大量的 a large number of students / a large amount of money

24、去那儿一个短暂的停留go there for a short stay=stay there for a short time

25、在世界上其它地方 in other parts of the world

26、了解 learn about / know about

27、对别人有礼貌 be polite to others = show good manners to sb.

28、走很长一段路 walk a long way 29、在未来 in the future

30、飞往北方国家fly to northern countries

31、自然区nature reserves 32、捕鱼为食 catch fish for food

33、占更多的空间take more space

34、不同野生动物的理想家the ideal home for different kinds of wild animals

35、赵来越少的生存空间less and less space to live

36、濒临灭绝的动物endangered animals 57、采取措施take actions


1、研究扎龙能帮助我们了解保护野生动物的知识。Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.


(1)去划船__________ (2)去垂钓__________

(3)去爬山__________ (4)去观光__________


3、 all (the) year round / the whole year / at all times of the year一年到头,终年


(2)昆明一年四季如春。________________________________________ 相似的短还有:

(1)整天____________________ (2)整夜____________________


4、那就意味着对野生动物来说它们生存的空间将越来越少。This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.

less and less意为“越来越少,越来越不??”。







5、世界上的野生动物越来越少了。There are fewer and fewer wild animals in the world.






6、迫不及待地要做某事can't wait to do sth.(相当于be anxious to do sth.)




____________________________________________________________ 类似的还有:can't help doing sth.意为“情不自禁地做某事”。

7、thousands of 成千上万的,数以千计的

(1)数百__________ (2)数百万__________ (3)数十亿__________





8、in north-east China = in the northeast of China 意为“在中国的北部”。





9、它是世界上最主要的湿地之一。It is one of the world's most important wetlands.





10、我到市场上去观鸟。I am going bird watching at the market.

11、你最喜欢哪一种鸟?Which bird do you like best?


地方。The area is a great place for wildlife because it provides food and shelter for them.

13、它是世界上最重要的湿地之一。It is one of the world's most important wetlands.

14、越来越多的鸟类正处在危险中是因为它们没有足够的空间。More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough space.

15、一些人想将湿地改变为农场和高楼。Some people want to change the wetlands to make space for farms and buildings.

16、这就意味着野生动物的空间将变得越来越少。This means there will be less and less space for the wildlife.



1. Could you please speak more s_________, Tom? I can't catch what you say.

2. He was lying in bed _________ (安静) looking at the ceiling.

3. The Chinese _________ (政府) cares about the people in the earthquake-- hit areas all the time.

4. Zhalong is an ideal home for cranes and many other _______ (濒危) birds.

5. Zhalong is one of the world's most important w_________.

6. The nature reserve provides food and s_________ for wild animals.

7. Members of our club must help people understand the _________(重要性) of fresh water.

8. Is there any r_________ why you are late?

9. Paris has some fantastic sights, _________(包括) the Eiffel Tower and Notre Cathedral.


( )1. It's a nice house ______ it hasn't got a garden.

A. and B. or C. but D. so

( )2. Landing on the moon sounds ______. I hope I can go there one day.

A. wonderful B. wonderfully C. terrible D. terribly

( )3. No free plastic bags in the supermarkets helps to _____ white pollution.

A. reduce B. remove C. provide D. produce

( )4. ---Dad, my CD player ______.

---Don't worry. Let's go and have it repaired.

A. is missing B. is broken C. was stolen D. was lost

( )5. Don't forget to put the book back on the shelf, ______?

A. do you B. don't you C. will you D. won't you


8A Unit 5 Grammar~Checkout

编写、校对:张爱红 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______ 复习目标:









(1)S+V (2)S+V+DO (3)S+V+P (4)S+V+IO+DO (5)S+V+DO+OC

2、返回学校 return to school = go back to school

3、跳舞优美 dance beautifully 4、细心开车 drive carefully

5、温柔地讲 speak gently 6、歌唱得好 sing nicely

7、讲得很轻柔 speak very softly 8、兴奋地跳着 jump excitedly

9、明亮地照耀 shine brightly 10、上校车get on the school bus

11、大声交谈 talk loudly 12、礼貌地欢迎我们 great us politely

13、慢慢走 walk slowly 15、吓唬鸟 frighten the birds

16、学会做某事 learn to do sth. 17、靠近地赏鸟 watch the birds closely

18、静悄悄地走 walk quietly 19、确保make sure

20、粗心地乱扔垃圾 drop litter carelessly

21、幸福地在空中飞翔 fly happily in the sky

22、阻止洪水 prevent the flood 23、根本不 not at all

24、听你报告 listen to your talk 25、对??感兴趣 be interested in

26、打电话给某人什么号码 call sb on + 号码

27、下个星期五晚上 next Friday evening

28、乘公交车返回take the bus back

29、兴奋地交流 talk excitedly=talk with excitement

30、happy的反义词 the opposite of happy

31、懂得湿地的重要性understand the importance of the wetlands

32、在世界的其他地方in other areas of the world

33、乱扔垃圾 drop litter carelessly 34、在入口处 at the entrance

35、发出很多噪音,吵闹 make a lot of noise

36、在观鸟期间 during the birdwatching

37、防洪 prevent the flood 38、兴趣和爱好 interests and hobbies

39、赚许多钱 make a lot of money


1. because从句通常用来说明一个直接的原因,引导一个原因状语从句,这时主从句可改成so连接的并列句。

I'm sorry I'm late because the traffic is bad. =The traffic is bad, so I'm sorry

I'm late.对不起我迟到了,因为交通太糟糕了。







2. mistake作名词意为“错误”,是可数名词,其复数形式是mistakes。



3. 我们大声地交谈着直到吴老师让我们安静下来。We talked loudly until

Mr Wu told us to be quiet.








4. prevent...from...=stop...from...,其中from可省略。这两个短语与keep...from...同义,但keep...from...中from不能省略。



5. It+be+adj.+for+sb.+to do sth.意为“做某事对某人来说??的”。









6、他叫我们别发出噪音也别跑。He told us not to make any noise and not

to run.

7、麻雀在夏天的时候飞往北方的国家。Swallow flies to northern countries

in summer.


逗留。Many birds live in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round and

some go there for a short stay.

9、扎龙是这些濒临绝境的鸟类的自然保护区之一。Zhalong is one of nature

reserves for these endangered birds.


它们数量上的变化。This year members of our Bird Watching Club are

studying the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their


11、我们每年一次统计一下鸟儿的数量。We do a bird count once a year.


动物。We hope this information will help them understand and make

them take actions to protect wildlife.




大多数方式副词是在形容词后加“ly”。如:bad--badly; nice--nicely; certain--certainly; happy--happily。

但也有一些形容词构成副词时有不规则的变化,如:good--well; true-truly; terrible-berribly。 有些方式副词既有副词词性,又有形容词词性,如:fast, alone, early。



The old man walked slowly along the river.老人在河边慢慢地走着。

(2)修饰带宾语的及物动词时,方式副词可以放在动词之前或宾语之后。如:They climbed the hill quikcly. = They quickly climbed the hill.他们爬山爬得很快。

(3)及物动词后的宾语较长时,方式副词也可以放在动词和宾语之间。如:She watered the flowers and trees carefully. = She watered carefully the flowers and trees.她小心地给花和树浇水。

(4)表示强调时,方式副词可以放在句首。如:Slowly she opened the door.她慢慢地开了门。

(5)及物性动词短语后跟宾语时,方式副词可放在动词前或宾语后,但不可放在宾语前。如:He carefully looked after the child.= He looked after the child carefully.



1. Tom is very _____(care), but he didn't make many mistakes last exam.

2. The opposite of most is _________ (little).

3. Mr Zhang keeps us _________ (run) for half an hour every day.

4. There's a man _________ (stand) at the starting line.

5. My father looks much older than he _________ (real) is.

6. Has Bob _________ (fly) to New York yet?


( )1. It's raining _____. We have to stay at home instead of going fishing.

A. badly B. hardly C. heavily D. strongly

( )2. Tom sings _____ than Jack, but he doesn't sing _____ Mike.

A. better; as well as B. better; better C. as well; better D. better; as well

( )3. ---We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing _____ these years

than ever before.

A. quickly B. less quickly C. more quickly D. the most quickly

( )4. Can you speak _____ to a person in old clothes?

A. kind B. kindly C. polite D. friendly

( )5. ---What is the main cause of the accident? ---Driving _____.

A. carefully B. careful C. careless D. carelessly


8A Unit 6 Welcome~Vocabulary

编写、校对:梁红玉 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


1、大自然的(adj.) 2、地震(n.)

3、事故(n.) 4、冲掉,冲走(vt.)

5、村庄(n.) 6、闪电(n.)

7、暴(风)雨,风暴(n.) 8、暴雨(n.)

9、雷;雷声(n.) 10、摇动;震动(n.)

11、害怕;恐惧(n.) 12、尖叫,惊呼(vi.)

13、炸弹(n.) 14、摇动;震动(vt.)

15、方向(n.) 16、失去控制地(adv.)

17、砖;砖块(n.) 18、平静下来(vi.)

19、片刻,瞬间(n.) 20、头脑;想法(n.)

21、由于;既然(conj.) 22、某人;有人(pron.)

23、急忙,匆忙(n.) 24、日光;白昼(n.)

25、大声地(adv.) 26、到处(adv.)


1、全湿了be all wet 2、用拖把把所有水拖掉 mop all the water up

3、输了比赛 lose the game 4、杀死数千人 kill thousands of people

5、撞上一个树 crash into a tree 6、冲走掉村子wash the village away

7、使房子着了一场大火 start a big fire in a house

8、伤了他的双腿 hurt his legs 9、购物 do some / the shopping

10、感到身体有点轻微的摇晃 feel a slight shaking through one's body

11、听到一声雷鸣般的巨响 hear a loud noise like thunder

12、恐惧地看着彼此 look at each other in fear

13、四处跑开 run in all directions 14、胡乱地跑开run wildly

15、镇定下来 calm down 16、一定要活着 must stay alive

17、一袋巧克力 a packet of chocolate

18、突然地听到我上方有声音 suddenly hear some noise above me

19、赶忙移走砖块和石头 be in a great hurry to move away bricks and stones

20、听到兴奋的人们的呼喊 hear shouts from excited people

21、大声呼救 shout for help

22、看见了灿烂的阳光 see the bright daylight


1、下雨时我正在睡觉。I was sleeping when it started to rain.

2、校足球队输了。The school football team lost the game. (lose sth.不能说 lose sb.)

3、数千人在台湾地震中死亡。The earthquake in Taiwan killed thousands

of people. / Thousands of people lost their lives in the earthquake in Taiwan.

4、昨晚一辆长途汽车撞到树上了。A coach crashed into a tree last night.

5、洪水把村子冲走了。A flood mashed the village away. (wash..away把?


6、一个小男孩从树上掉下来摔伤了腿。A young boy fell from a tree and

hurt his legs. (fall--fell--fallen) (hurt--hurt--hurt)

7、购物中心的人们都恐惧地看着彼此。People in the shopping centre

looked at each other in fear. (do sth in fear 害怕地做某事)

8、人们一边胡乱地跑着,玻璃碎片和砖块一边往下落。People were

running wildly while piece of of glass and bricks were falling down.

9、他们赶忙移走砖块和石头。They were in a great hurry to move away the

bricks and stones.


1. first / at first / first of all

[试试看]选择first, at first或first of all完成下列句子

(1)_________, I want to say something about the exam.

(2)No one listened to him _________.

(3)This is my _________ time to go to Beijing. I am very excited.

(4)If you wish to get a good score in study, _________, you must work hard.

(5)Do your own work _________.

(6)Liu Xiang got the _________ place this time again.

[解析]first是形容词,表示“第一的”“最初的”;它还可以作副词,表示“首先”“最初”。at first表示“起初”“当初”,指刚刚开始做某事的时候,暗示后来的情况有所改变。first of all表示“第一”“首先”,同first的用法相同,但语气上比first要强。

2. alive / living / live

[试试看]选择alive, living或live完成下列句子

(1)All _________ things need water and air.

(2)He is the only person _________ in the accident.

(3)Tom wants to take some _________ animals.

(4)The enemy was caught _________.

(5)My mum came home with a _________ fish. She would like to cook for us.

(6)Do you know how many _________ languages there are in the world today?




1. During the Spring Festival, a heavy ________ (暴风雪) hit many areas

across southern China.

2. In winter it often ________ (下雪) in the north of China.

3. If it ________ (下雨), We'll not have a sports meet.

4. It is dangerous to drive a car on ________ (雪) days.

5. Miss Li burnt her hand while cooking. Luckily, it was not s________.

6. Sometimes we don't have our PE classes outside because of the bad

________ (天气).

7. At present, my new car is in perfect c________.

8. H________ up, please! It's time for class.

9. The children s________ loudly because they were very frightened.

10. It is reported that lots of traffic a________ are caused by sleepy drivers.


( )1. ---Is English the first _______ in Australia?

---Yes. Most people there speak English.

A. subject B. language C. lesson D. work

( )2. Andy, don't _______ any bad words about your friends.

A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell

( )3. Tom is not good at ______. He even doesn't know where Hong Kong is!

A. Science B. Art C. Georgraphy D. Music

( )4. ---How do you like Mr. Green?

---He is the kindest man I have known. He always thinks of ______ first.

A. other B. another C. others D. the others

( )5. The ____ of the trip will be 400 yuan person. I am afraid it is too much.

A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take

( )6. ---Did he get a _______ result in the test?

---No. He did very _______ this time.

A. well; bad B. well; badly C. good; badly D. good; bad

( )7. Believe in yourself. Anything is _______ if you do your best.

A. interesting B. possible C. difficult D. important

( )8. He always _______ a tie in the office.

A. dresses B. wears C. puts on D. dresses up

( )9. Mount Qomolangma, "the roof(屋脊) of the world", is as _______ as 8844.43 metres.

A. high B. higher C. tall D. old

( )10. The _______ of this river is about 20 kilometres.

A. age B. long C. length D. height

( )11. If you want to sell your old house, why not put an _ in the newspaper?

A. e-mail B. advertisement C. article D. advice

( )12. ---You didn't send me e-mail last night, did you?

---Sorry. My _______ broke down. I couldn't get online.

A. computer B. car C. printer D. camera

( )13. ---Do you like the food I cooked? ---I like it very much. It _____ nice.

A. sounds B. looks C. tastes D. feels

( )14. He was not careful enough. He knocked my book _______ my desk

when he was walking past.

A. away B. down C. from D. off


8A Unit 6 Grammar~Checkout

编写、校对:梁红玉 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______


27、云(n.) 28、风(n.)

29、有风的;多风的(adj.) 30、雾(n.)

31、霜(n.) 32、有霜的(adj.)

33、天气(n.) 34、下降,降低(vi.)

35、低的(adj.) 36、可怕的;糟糕的(adj.)

37、破碎(vi.) 打破(vt.) 38、损坏,出毛病

39、雪球(n.) 40、雪人(n.)

41、击中;打;撞(vt.) 42、覆盖(vt.)

43、打电话的人(n.) 44、到达(n.)

45、女士,夫人(n.) 46、消防队员(n.)

47、几乎,将近(adv.) 48、沙尘暴(n.)


二、重点词组搭配8A Unit 6 Grammar~Checkout

1、在有风的那天 on a windy day

2、在如此多霜的早上 on such a frosty morning

3、如此恶劣的天气 such bad weather

4、在多雾的日子里 on foggy days 5、降到-5℃ drop to -5℃

6、到达的时间 the time of arrival 7、暴风雪警报 snowstorm warning

8、覆盖了整条路 cover the whole road

9、大约半小时 around / about half an hour

10、寻找一些19xx年唐山大地震的一些照片 look for some photos of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake

11、像往常一样开车带你上学校 drive you to school as usual

12、(车等)出毛病了 break down 13、向前摔倒 fall over

14、堆雪人 make a snowman / make snowmen

15、困在车中 be trapped in the car 16、伤了她的左腿 hurt her left leg

17、暴风雨很大且电闪雷鸣 a heavy storm with thunder and lightning

18、引发自然灾难 cause natrual disasters

19、几起意外事故 several accidents 20、持续时间长 last long

21、灭火 put out the fire 22、伞被风吹跑了 lose an umbrella in the wind

23、忙着铲雪 work hard to remove snow


1、闪电引得一间房屋燃起了大火。Lightning started a big fire in a house.

2、纸易着火。Paper catches fire easily.

3、我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉自己要镇定下来,因为我仍然还活 着。A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.

4、然后,我听到了激动的人群的叫喊声。 Then I heard shouts from excited people.

5、人们匆忙地移开砖和石头。They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.

6、她急急忙忙地离开了家。She left home in a hurry.

7、现在我知道恶劣的天气可能会带来危险。 Now, I know that bad weather

can be dangerous.

8、她的学校因为被雷电击中而着火了。Her school caught fire because

lightning hit it. [catch fire烧着,着火(尤指意外地)]



[结构] was / were + 现在分词

句式转换:(1)肯定句变否定句:在was / were的后面直接加not;(2)陈述句变一般疑问句:把was / were 提到句首;(3)陈述句变特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。


昨天下午3点他正在踢足球。They were playing football at three o'clock

yesterday afternoon.


上周整整一周我都在家呆着。I was staying at home all last week.


他不知道她是否会来。He didn't know whether she was coming.


她总是谈论她的儿子。She was always talking about her son.

5.表示一个动作发生时,另一个动作正地进行。此时常用when连接其中的一个动作。例如: 昨天你打电话时,我正在做作业。When you phoned yesterday, I wad doing

my homework.


1. I______ (do) my homework while my parents ______ (watch) TV last night.

2. ---I called you at about half past eight last ngith, but nobody answered.

---Oh. I _________ (work) in my office at the moment.

3. ---What _________ you _________ (do) at this time yesterday?

---I _________ (search) the Internet.

4. ---Would you please show me your radio?

---I am sorry. I _________ (listen) to the music. I did not catch you. Would

you please say it again?

5. They _________ (play) basketball from 8.00 to 11.00 last Saturday.



1. An idea went through his __________ (头脑).

2. Let's walk quietly and __________ (覆盖) her eyes with hands.

3. The storm will __________ (冲掉) away the houses. All the people here

must go to a safe place.

4. Don't __________ (摇晃) the tree. It's too young.

5. They ran into the fire without any __________ (恐惧).

6. His __________ (arrive) made the party more exciting.

7. The radio says it will be __________ (frost) tomorrow.

8. All the people ran __________ (wild) when they heard the strange sound.

9. Eating __________ (nature) food will make you stronger and healthier.

10. Being __________ (live) is a beautiful thing, isn't it?

11. We are in ___________ (害怕) of more snow.

12. I like ___________ (nature) hair. I wash it every day.

13. We felt the house ___________ (shake).

14. He walked in the other ___________ (方向).

15. The train was late because of the ___________ (雾).

16. One-third of this area is ___________ (cover) with forest.

17. On April 14, a ___________ (严重的) earthquake happened in Yushu


18. They tried ____________ (calm) down the angry man.

19. John is in a hurry ___________ (catch) his train.


1. We are looking forward to his _________ (arrive).

2. It is true that _________ (nature) food is good for our health.

3. A young boy _________ (fall) from the tree and hurt his leg.

4. He said to _________ (he), "I must work hard and become a great man."

5. When he left his office, it _________ (rain).

6. We _________ (watch) TV when someone knocked on the door.

7. She _________ (search) the Internet at this time yesterday.

8. People _________ (run) wildly while piece of glass were falling down.

9. Many birds live _________ (comfort) in Dafeng Nature Reserve.

10. The moon shone _________ (bright) in through the window.


( )1. He joined us ______ yesterday.

A. in the discuss B. in the discussion C. discuss D. to discuss

( )2. ______ is said that ______ tourists visit Geyuan Garden every day.

A. That; thousands of B. It; five thousand of

C. It; thousands of D. This; three thousand

( )3. The boy ______ and hurt his leg.

A. fell over B. thought over C. looked over D. jumped over

( )4. This novel ______ two weeks ago.

A. came out B. was come out C. was sold well

( )5. —Would you mind looking after my dog while I'm on holiday?


A. Of course not B. Yes. I'd be happy to

C. Not at all. I've no time D. Yes, please

( )6. —It's too dark and I can't see it clearly. Would you mind ___ the light? —No problem.

A. to turn on B. turning on C. to turn off D. turning off

( )7. Louis ________ computer games when his brother phoned him.

A. plays B. is playing C. has played D. was playing
