
The spectre of Halloween

School: 北京市门头沟区大峪中学

Grade: 初一年级

Captain: 魏丹阳

Members: 崔永跃、陈景昀、韩隽、李豪桀、岳博鸿、孙冠驰

Makeup artist: 陈景昀

Background props + time: remember 岳博鸿、魏丹阳 Narrator: 岳博鸿

岳博鸿:Today, the annual Halloween opera theatre performances will be held. Night falls, the opera house has been full of people, the host also landed on the stage.

崔永跃:"Today is Halloween, everybody hi to last come! Gentlemen, ladies, we first present song

song today is about to begin, applause welcome!" 陈景昀、魏丹阳演唱。

崔永跃:"Very good! Underneath, please our saxophonist today!"



岳博鸿:It is midnight, the sound of the bells of strange opera house. Who also didn't find the clock beside, is fast turning. "


陈景昀:"You are."

李豪桀:"We as actors in the theatre, is to survey the phantom." (推了推眼镜)

孙冠驰:"Eldest brother, look, there is something behind the curtain." 手指幕布


韩隽:"You, you."


韩隽:"You satisfied with this? You know I dress up as a ghost is, also know as far as I'm such a young, don't hurt other people, you can go now?" 侦探(李豪桀)向前走一步,陈景昀向前拦住他。

陈景昀:"No, in fact you are very cute, can you tell us all things?"

韩隽:"You are like my sister. Only the two of you said I was a lovely child. From a young age, I would live together with his sister, our parents both die, and in the previous year Halloween show, she was framed."

李豪桀:"I can be your sister's soul from sheol, in return, but not for a long time, do you want to grasp the good time."

岳博鸿递给李豪桀声波展示、李豪桀与孙冠池进行声波展示,同时魏丹阳开启发生机。(第二次发生机与声波展示) 魏丹阳:"Brother."


魏丹阳:"What do you want when you're good to others, don't because I to hurt innocent people, you must study hard, when a person with positive energy."

岳博鸿:"At this point, his sister back to the grave, only silence and silence."

李豪桀:When you're good to others, sister said to you, do a positive energy. "

韩隽: "I know I was wrong, I'll leave tomorrow, I'm sorry, excuse me."


岳博鸿:"The emergence of the ghost, not a smooth, the next day, detective didn't let the boy go back, but to stay in his side. Today, the Halloween show up."

崔永跃:"Spotlights found, let us first performances, please set today's saxophone ensemble!" 魏丹阳开灯光

岳博鸿:"Today, every one of the positive energy to light the first performances, for us, that is how precious."




